My Travels To Asia

By Peder Pederson (D.V. Zomba)

Published on Dec 12, 2009


My Travels to Asia, A Journal of Sorts


D. V. Zomba

Copyright 2003 Contents

Prologue 3

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Orchid) 4

Cha Am, Thailand (Mangos) 18

Lahore, Pakistan (Teacher) 31

Kollam, Kerala (Kama-Kama) 45

Masqat, Oman (Hope) 59


There are things about life that are more enlightening than others! I have my share of enlightening experiences but none like those I experienced on a trip to Asia.

After my Bachelor's degree and two years in a Master's program, I found a position that met my every expectation. I was lucky in that respect! Statistics show that a person changes positions at least four times before they are thirty. Well I am forty-three, healthy, in good shape and am with the same company!

Not every thing was gone smoothly in the past twenty years. There have been disappointments, including a failed marriage. Luckily there were no children involved. The divorce was two years ago. I plunged into my job with insatiable vigor and six months ago I landed a lucrative contract for the company. My reward was two additional weeks of paid vacation and a round trip air ticket to anywhere in the world I wanted to go.

I went to the president of the company and asked if I could add the two weeks on to my normal four week paid vacation, and take it all at once. He was a bit hesitant, but understood that my personal problems and normal stress of the job could be counterproductive in the long run. He asked that I delay my trip for half a year while they arranged things within the company for my protracted absence. That was only fair, I guess. I agreed.

One of the things that I appreciate about my position is that even though the company was formed to make money, the well being of the employees was important. My upper midlevel position would not be easy to manage with my absence. I appreciated that.

I had decided to go to Asia. I had traveled to Europe several times--once during college and twice after graduation. I wanted to see Asia. Especially, there were names that really fascinated me and conjured up romantic, exotic locales--Kuala Lumpur, Vientiane, Jodhpur, Lahore, and the like.

So I packed my bags, lightly and ventured forth! I.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Daylight)

I really don't know what I expected when I landed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, but the lavish, ultra-modern facility was mind blowing! I gaped like a kid! On the taxi ride into the city, my nose was nearly pressed against the window as I took in the sights of lush jungle, palm oil plantations and outskirts of the city. Kuala Lumpur is decidedly modern--even progressive. The city center is a combination of the ultra modern, lavishly appointed towers with pockets of charming, two storey colonial architectural structures. Even the freeways are beautifully landscaped--and greenery everywhere. The city seemed remarkably clean.

I checked into my hotel--a comfortable four-star facility--and crashed! The flight from L.A. was interminably long, and my ticket was for economy class--but I can't complain. I'm in Kuala Lumpur!

After eight hours of fitful, jet-lagged sleep, I got up, showered and went down for breakfast. That day, with a not so accurate map from the concierge, I walked, and walked, and walked! Kuala Lumpur is an eminently walkable city--at least the city center is. The streets twist and turn in bewildering complexity--they must have followed that old paths of drunken cattle. Few streets are straight for more than a block. But I is a totally engrossing city. And, after getting completely lost, I hailed a taxi and returned to the hotel, tired and a bit disheveled.

After an invigorating shower, I went down to the lobby lounge and ordered a double martini. The concierge came over to where I was sitting and asked if I had enjoyed my day. I said, "I did."

In a friendly manner he asked how long I would be staying in Malaysia and did I have any place I wanted to see. I said, "My itinerary is open, but I really have no definite plans."

"Do you like the out-of-doors?" he asked.

"Yes, but I'm not a trekker!" I admitted.

He smiled, then suggested a three day package to the national park, called Taman Negara.

"That might be interesting!" I said, although I am really not into 'guided tours.' He went to his desk, returned and handed me a brochure about the Taman Negara. "Thanks," I said and began to peruse the folder. After reading through the brochure, I thought, "Why not?"

I booked the package for three days hence, and was informed that a small bus would meet me at the entrance of the hotel along with an escort for the group. The next two days I took in the sites of the surrounding area--booking a taxi for the two days. The cab was remarkably cheap by U.S. standards and the driver was quite accommodating.

-- Thursday --

I got up early, ate breakfast, checked out and was in the lobby at 8:30 for the 8:45 bus. The time of the bus's arrival came and went. I went up to the concierge and inquired about the delay. He quickly made a phone call. Hanging up he informed me, "The bus is coming, it's been a bit delayed!" and then added with a twinkle, "In Malaysia time is flexible!"

That was a fact of which I soon became aware as apparently the only things that are relatively on time in Malaysia are airplane departures and even then there are always the usual delays! At 8:45 a small, rather luxurious bus drove up, and a youngish, swarthy man jumped out, came into the lobby and asked, "Is Mr. Craig Cummins here?"

I stood up, and said, "I'm Craig Cummins."

He came over, shook my hand, grabbed by bag and announced, "I'm Suraj, your tour coordinator." Then, he added, "You are the last tour member. We leave now!" He wheeled around and walked briskly to the bus where he deposited my bag and ceremoniously ushered me into the bus.

I was met by eighteen other tour members ranging in age from mid thirties to mid fifties. All were either European or North American. I wondered whether or not the purposely segregated these tours? There were two vacant seats directly behind the driver. I took the one nearest the window. Suraj sat in the aisle seat across from me.

He stood up after we had maneuvered into the city's traffic and made the obligatory opening remarks of welcome and what would be the time table for that day. He then passed out an itinerary for the next three days. Upon returning to his seat, he turned to me and asked, "Is this your first trip to Malaysia, Mr. Cummins?"

"Yes it is," I answered. We then fell into a conversation of questions and observations.

Suraj, I soon discovered was not 'Indian' as I had asked, but 'Tamil.' I guess the distinction was important to him. From our inquiring conversation--'inquiring' mostly on his behalf--I gleaned that he was thirty years old, married, one child, went to a local two-year college, wanted a better job, decried the ethnic barriers in his country, and wanted to visit America. Suraj was quite handsome, a brilliant flashing smile, dark full mustache, the darkest eyes I had ever seen and thick, jet black, arching eyebrows. He appeared to be close to six feet tall and of medium build. He was impeccably, but casually dressed. Suraj was apparently proud of his English, which he well should be, although there was an obvious Indian lilt to it! I also found out that the reason there were no 'indigenous' tour members was that this wasn't the holiday season for Malaysia, and that most Malaysians couldn't afford this package.

I was a bit surprised at the last bit of information as I found the package very reasonable--but then 'reasonable' by my standards! I leaned back and observed the view as we wound our way out of the city and began to climb upwards. After motoring over a pass, we descended and soon pulled into a parking area attached to a relatively nice looking rest-stop-cum-eatery. This was to be our 'lunch stop.'

At 4:45 we pulled into the entrance of the Taman Negara and stopped. Suraj stepped out and paid the entrance fees and made a short phone call. Shortly we pulled up to a circle of 'chalets' that were to be our homes for the next three nights. He was met by an officious middle aged man, handed some keys and the conversed briefly. Suraj got back on the bus, began to call out the names of the tour members and handed them a key and indicated the appropriate 'chalet.' Apparently, I was the only single in the group--the others were anxious couples! I was the last on the list.

"Mr. Cummins, there's been a bit of a problem," he admitted.

"Oh?" I queried, "I have to sleep with the monkeys?" I quipped?

"Oh, no Sir!" he interjected quickly. "There was some kind of miscommunication. You have a chalet, but they have no place for me to sleep. Do you mind if we share a chalet?" he asked apologetically.

"Not at all," I answered. What could I say? Besides, I have been involved in my share of 'miscommunications' in my life.

"That's very kind of you," he answered. "You have Chalet 10--it's named 'Sungai Besi.' That's river of steel!"

"Really, what a strange name!"

"I will deposit my luggage there as soon as I see to the other tour members."

"Ok," I said, as I walked to the chalet with my bag. I unlocked the door and entered a relatively spacious room with the requisite two-seater sofa, chairs, table and a queen size bed! One bed! Not two! Well, I have slept with guys before in one bed with not too much trouble. Guess a queen size bed will give us a bit more space!

To one side was a door that led to the bathroom. It was small, but adequate. I pulled back the drapes opposite the front door and was met with a wonderful view of lush jungle. The minor inconvenience of the bed paled in comparison to the gorgeous view.

Suraj entered the chalet carrying a small canvas, sport bag.

"I must apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Cummins," he said. Then added after glancing around, "I will have them bring in a pallet for me to sleep on."

Now I know what a pallet is! It's a thin mat, barely two inches thick and wide enough for a single, thin body.

"That's not necessary, Suraj," I said, adding, "We can share the bed. If you don't mind. It's big enough for the both of us!"

"Thank you, Mr. Cummins. That's very generous," came his genuine answer.

"No problem."

"Mr. Cummins, Sir, do you want to take a shower after the journey?" he asked with undue respect.

"Suraj, we're going to be together for the next two or three days and I really find 'Mr. Cummins' and 'Sir' too formal! Please call me Craig!"

"Thank you, Mr. . . . ah, Craig," he answered, obviously pleased at being on the same level as me. Yet he was slightly shy at the familiarity.

I had gone to college with a number of Asians and I was aware of the often strict social structure of many of the countries. I had read where the Malaysians were quite polite, even deferential to Westerners. Guess it was a hang-up after being occupied by the British! I didn't want to impinge upon their cultural traditions in public, but in private, that was another matter.

"And, no, I won't shower just now. I just want to relax for a bit before I shower. But, if you want one--go ahead."

"Thank you again," Suraj repeated, "I need a shower after that long trip."

"Good, be my guest!"

Suraj unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, then the singlet he wore under it. I have since marveled at the fact that most Asian men wear a singlet, even in the heat! He sat down, removed his sox and stuffed them in his shoes. Then he stood up, unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and stepped out of them. All that was left was a pair of blue, mini briefs. These, too, he slipped off and laid them on his trousers. He stood there, completely nude.

I was taken back! Not because of a man's nudity! In America we are used to that, especially in locker rooms and communal showers, or even in a dorm room you might share with another guy! But, here in Asia, it's another matter. Asians, I had found in college, were extremely modest! Many of them would not use the communal showers and shyly averted their eyes in the locker rooms when a nude body walked past. When they changed from their street clothes to their gym togs, it was rapidly and with an absolute minimum of exposure--quick change artists! I was always amazed and amused as I used to wondered how their population blossomed midst such close packed circumstances! Yet there he was--buck naked!

Suraj's handsome face was a mirror of his sinewy body! Swarthy, nut brown and smooth except for his legs which were dusted with black hair. Dark, purple, quarter-sized aureolas punctuated his firm chest. His stomach was flat and laddered. At its base of his 'V'd' torso was a thick, black thatch of curly hair from which sprang an opulent, foreskin-covered, dangling cock. His swinging cock was cradled by equally opulent balls. He was in more ways than one: 'startling.' I glanced more than once at his bare form.

Apparently, he noticed my interest and surprise, because he flashed a smile, walked over to the bed where he took one of the towels casually in his hand and disappeared into the bathroom. His retreating form displayed his 'V'd' torso springing from the twin orbs of a firm, smooth ass! All was supported by long, lightly muscled legs. A sight to behold! Suraj reminded me of any number of Shiva images I had seen in museums--lean, lightly muscled and imminently flowing as he moved across the floor with an innate grace.

My confusion came from no discomfort with a nude male body. Nor did it come from any homoerotic feelings. Since high school, I have had a number same-sex contacts--not enough to cause me any great concern or the feeling of a need to reevaluate my sexual preference. But my confusion came from the totally relaxed manner in the way he stripped and displayed himself in front of a virtual stranger! Yet, as I mused on his action, I said to myself that I had been nude in locker rooms with perfect strangers before. Perhaps it was the privacy of the room that affected me. Strange!

I left the chalet. I needed a walk to clear my mind. I returned forty-five minutes later. Suraj was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

"It's beautiful here!"

"Yes it is, but you shouldn't go too far. People have gotten lost here," Suraj warned.

"Don't worry, I was careful."

"Better hurry, dinner will be at 7:00," Suraj announced.

"Oh, OK," I said as I began to undress for the shower.

Not to be outdone by this handsome--even desirable man--I stripped my clothes off--all of them. I wasn't going to be the modest one! I surreptitiously noticed that Suraj was watching my every move. That vicariously pleased me and I hid nothing! When I returned to the main room after the shower, I was toweling my hair. Everything else was exposed! My six foot, one-hundred-eighty pound frame was in decent shape, even considering my forty-three years--I worked out twice a week at a local gym. I had a modicum of hair sprinkled across my chest and a thick bush at the base of my belly. My legs were covered with a normal amount of hair. Again his eyes coursed over my body from top to bottom, and continued to do so while I dressed. I put on my clothes slowly, even deliberately turning from side to side so that he would be able to assess all. I now realize that what I was doing was a tease! But his overt nudity, frankly interested me--almost to the point of

arousal. Once or twice I looked over at him and he quickly averted his gaze only to return his eyes to my body when I looked away.

Dinner was served on two large tables which comfortably seated the nineteen members of the group. Suraj ate at a separate table for two. Again, Asian separation of class. After dinner, Suraj announced the itinerary for the next day and indicated what would be appropriate clothing and shoes. Breakfast at 8:00. Friday was to have a morning 'hike' beginning at 9:00 and one in the afternoon starting at 3:00. I guess they wanted to ease us gently into the rigors of jungle life! Most of us stayed and chatted until about 9:00 when we broke up, going to out separate chalets. When I entered 'Sungai Besi,' Suraj was not there. I undressed and slipped on a pair of light cotton, loose sleeping shorts. Normally in the States I slept nude, but brought these sleeping shorts along in case the circumstances warranted them. This situation seemed to be just such a circumstance.

The day had been warm and slightly humid. I turned on the ceiling fan to low, left a reading lamp on and lay on the bed--flat on my back. Shortly Suraj came in and quietly closed the door and tip-toed to the desk.

"That's OK, I'm not sleeping," I declared.

"Oh? I thought you were. Did you enjoy supper?"

"Yes . . . quite nice. I love spicy food."

Suraj smiled as he undressed. "Many foreigners don't," he declared calmly.

"They don't know what they're missing!"

Suraj nodded and stripped down in the half light. He pulled a short sarong from his bag, stepped into it folded and rolled it into place. He was now covered from his waist to his knees. Quietly he switched off the light and slipped onto the bed. I marveled on how dark it was in that chalet--talk about pitch black!

As I said, I normally lay flat on my back and let my arms lay on the bed as well along my side. It was a way I had learned from a Chinese friend who said that it was a meditative position which pools the blood evenly throughout the body. Has something to do with 'Chi.' Anyway It does help me. In the darkness, it was easy to concentrate and I willfully slowed my breathing.

Several minutes later, I felt a light touch on my left wrist--so light I wasn't sure if I weren't dreaming. Then again, I felt it. I didn't move. Soon I felt Suraj's fingers on my lower arm moving lightly up and down. I didn't move. The fingers moved to my upper arm and traced their way over my biceps. I still did not move. But, I could sense my breathing was increasing to short intakes--almost gasps--and a pleasing sensation began to insinuate itself and was centered in my groin! Those hot electric fingers moved from my biceps to my chest and centered their movement on my left nipple. Softly the nipple was rolled in his fingers--then more insistently. I didn't move, but I let out an audible gasp.

Now, as I have said, I have had a number of same-sex contacts and I knew what was happening! I wasn't even too surprised after the afternoon's revelations. I was beginning to anticipate the joys of an encounter with this mahogany-colored man.

His hand moved over to my right nipple and began there the same ministration. This time I groaned. I felt Suraj move closer in the darkness as his hand slowly, erotically moved down over my stomach! My body tensed in anticipation! My breath quickened. His hand floated over the waistband of my sleeping shorts and came to rest over my lengthening cock! The heat that was transmitted from his hand to my cock was galvanic! My whole body twitched! My cock jerked upwards from the contact.

Suraj whispered, gutturally, "You have a nice cock!"

All I could answer was, "Mmmm." He had me under his spell! This dark Shiva.

He slipped his hand into the fly and grasped my hardening cock.

"Aahhhh," exploded from my lips. I was dumbstruck from the sensation! Why is it when your cock is touched by another person--in this case a man--you react as if it's the first time ever? It must be the anticipation of things to come!

He began to fondle my cock until it achieved full erection. I arched my back, forcing my hips off the bed. I yearned to have this sensation continue and prayed that it would increase! My inaudible prayer was answered.

Suraj moved again. He grasped the waistband of my shorts and drew them off my legs as I arched to facilitate my denuding. Again he grasped my cock. This time iI was jolted from the touch. Suddenly I felt my cock head being licked by his tongue. It was hot. It was stimulating. It was fantastic.

"Aahhhh," again exploded from my lips.

The my whole cock was incased in his mouth in one movement!

"Jeeze!" I gasped, and was able to add, "That's fantastic!

I reached down grasped his head, pulled it off my cock and up to my face. I kissed him on his mouth. He tried to pull away, but I insinuated my tongue into his mouth and continued. Slowly he relaxed and even began to return my deep, tonguing kiss. Our mouths were locked in that probing embrace for a full minute, during which we torqued our bodies together. We both felt the other's rigid cocks against out bellies and we writhed to achieve the maximum sensation. Skin against skin, cocks dueling between our bodies.

Suraj pulled away, gasping! "I have never kissed a man before," he admitted, panting for breath.

"Have you ever BEEN with a man before?"

"Yes, many times, but I've never kissed before!"

"Did I offend you?"

He paused in his answer. "No, but I've never done it."

Gently I cupped his face and drew it to mine. He did not resist. Gently I planted a kiss on his closed lips. Still he did not resist. Again, I kissed his mouth and let the tip of my tongue touch his lips. Again, he did not resist. The third time, I gently kissed his mouth and let my tongue slip in between his lips. They parted and I slid my tongue deep into his mouth and caressed his tongue with mine. This time there was a slight groan and he slid his tongue into my mouth in return. It became a long probing kiss! We both drew pack panting.

"Did you like that?"

"Yes," came the quick, breathless answer.

Then Suraj quickly turned, took my cock and began to ravenously suck it again! His head moved up and down as my cock was stimulated by the combination of the vacuum, flicking tongue and moist lips!

"Oh, god, Suraj . . . . that feels sooo good!"

"You have a nice cock! I love to suck it!" and he went back to my rigid pole. His sucking quickly brought me to the edge. I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" he gasped.

"I'm about to cum and I don't want to just yet!" Saying that I reached under his bent torso and grasped his hard cock. "I want some of this!" I admitted.

Without a word, Suraj lay back while I bent over and tongued the tip of his cock.

"YESSS!" came his response.

Now his cock was as big as mine--a full seven inches and relatively thick. However, where I am cut his big cock was uncut. So I slid my grasping hand upwards so the loose foreskin covered his ample cock-head and slid my tongue under it and swirled it around his flaring cock-head.

"Oh, . . . Craig, . . that is so . . . hot!"

Then, I opened my mouth wide and went down on his whole unyielding pole.

"Aahhhh," exploded from deep in his being.

I could feel his cock twitch deep in my mouth. I began to move up and down his cock--quicker and quicker.

Suraj groaned louder and louder. I could feel his balls tighten, ready to release their load, and I drew off, panting.

"Your mouth is so hot!" he gasped. "Why did you stop?"

"I want to turn on the reading light so I can see you . . . I want to watch your face when I suck your cock!"

"No! I don't like that!" he stated unequivocally.

"Why? You've never made love except in the dark?" I asked.



"No, never!" and then he added, "I don't like it that way."

"OK," I conceded, "But, you don't know what you are missing!"

"Maybe. But, I don't like it that way."

We continued in the dark!

Soon we were in the sixty-nine position. His ardor didn't flag, but continued as each of us lavishly sucked the other's cock. As his cock was deep in my mouth and mine in his, I slipped my finger into his crack and rubbed it against his puckered hole. He groaned. I anointed my finger with my saliva and pressed it against his tight hole until the gate opened and my finger slipped in. This time Suraj groaned harder and began a similar assault on my hole. Cocks in mouths and fingers fucking holes, we simultaneously rose to that plateau of no return.

As rarely happens, we came at the same time, flooding each other's mouth with copious amounts of pearly, viscous cum. Our asses twitched around the inserted fingers as roll after roll of tidal orgasm swept our bodies. Finally, we pulled apart, gasping and luxuriating in the fabulous sensation and warm afterglow.

I was the first to speak. "Suraj, that was awesome!"

"Mmmm," was all he said.

He swung around and before laying his head on the pillow, reached over and planted a light kiss on my lips!

I smiled in the darkness, thankful for that favor. Completely nude, and warm from our sporting, I fell into a deep sleep in the darkness.

-- Friday --

When I awoke, Suraj had already left the chalet. I showered, dressed and walked to the dining room. More than half of the tour members were there, drinking their coffee and quietly chatting amongst themselves. Suraj was at his table.

As I walked past him I said, with a slight wink, "Good morning, Suraj."

Glancing up, acknowledging my wink with a slight smile, he returned, "Good morning, Mr. Cummins." Perfect, public deference!

After breakfast we were led off on our morning 'hike.' This was concentrated on the flora of the area. The guide was competent, even quite informative as we examined this plant and that one. Luckily, we were able to see the fabled rafflesia, the world's biggest flower--and probably the smelliest! I'm glad I saw it, but don't care if I never see one again! It stinks, really! Some of the other flowers were fabulous, especially the delicate wild orchids

All the time, Suraj, deferentially brought up the back of our group as we walked the winding trails. A good shepherd!

We were back to the compound by noon. In time for a quick shower before lunch. I was in the cabin alone as Suraj apparently had 'tour business' to see so. Lunch was consumed and we all gathered in the center of the compound, awaiting the guide.

The afternoon's trek was a bit more strenuous--about a five mile hike! It took us to one of the most beautiful water falls I have ever seen. Taman Negara is one of the oldest rain forests in the world. Interestingly, the Malaysians don't use the term 'jungle,' but employ the word 'forest.' The forest consists of a 'high canopy,' 'middle canopy' and 'low canopy'--150', 75' and 15' respectively. We simply did not encounter the 'impenetrable jungle' of the type extolled in various Hollywood films fame! Surprise!

We returned just in time for supper which was consumed, ravenously. Suraj announced the next day's schedule--a morning hike to another part of the forest where tapirs were known to inhabit, and an afternoon at the local herpetarium. Most of us returned to our chalets for a much needed shower, then returned for evening coffee. By 9:00 I was getting a bit drowsy, so I returned to the chalet.

Suraj had not taken coffee and was busily filling out a report when I entered the chalet.

"Hi, Craig," he cheerily greeted me.

"Hi Suraj."

I noted the shift in name, and smiled. He returned to his papers. Slowly I peeled my clothes off, put on my sleeping shorts and flopped on the bed. I noted that Suraj glanced towards me, away from his work four or five times. As before, I undressed at a languid pace, knowing that the sight of my body aroused him.

"I hope that the desk light doesn't bother you too much," he stated, then added, "I'll be but a minute more."

"No problem! You can leave it on," I added with irony in my voice.

Suraj glanced over to me, but didn't smile.

All day I had wondered if this night would be a repeat of Thursday night. I didn't obsess about it, but Suraj had certainly piqued my interest the night before.

When he finished his work, he got up, stripped his clothes off and stood there for several seconds. The desk light bathed his body, luxuriously illuminating the important parts (at least as far as I was concerned). Smiling he switched off the light and climbed on to the bed without donning his sarong!

Suraj rolled towards me, encircled my chest with his arms, reached over and kissed me on the lips. I smiled to my self, thankful for little victories. We were in the velvet darkness of the night. Our sporting was certainly a repeat of the night before! We spent a hot hour of uninhibited, steamy sex. My orgasm was galvanic, and, from Suraj's reaction, his was the same!

We lay next to each other luxuriating in the golden afterglow of good sex.

"That was nice," Suraj murmured.

"Yeah, very nice," I returned.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Craig?"


"Do you do this often?"

"You mean, sex with a guy?"


"Not too often, and you?"

"Not too often, either."

"Well from your reactions, I assume that you enjoy it!"

"Yes. I love being with a guy," he admitted matter-of-factly, without emotion.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Suraj?"


"You're married, with a child. Do you feel this type of association creates a problem?"

"No! I had no choice."

"What do you mean?"

Suraj hesitated for a moment. "I'm Tamil. As a man I must marry. My mother had said that when she died she would not rest in peace if I wasn't married."

"Wow. That's a pretty compelling reason."

"Yeah, it is. So I was married. I guess my mom is happy!"

"Did you know your wife long before you married?"

"No, we met the day we were married."

I was flabbergasted. I had heard that in the past arranged marriages proceeded in this manner. I was oblivious of the fact that in some cases they still do!

"Can I ask you another personal question?"


"Do you enjoy sex with your wife?"

"It's OK. We don't do it too often."

From this opening and the brief conversation that followed, I came to understand the dilemma Suraj found himself in. He was probably more gay than bisexual. His cultural heritage demanded that a man marry and father children. He did his duty without emotion or passion. He mated with his wife. I wondered what her feelings must have been? It was so unfair to all parties! No wonder Suraj insisted upon total darkness to make love. Love? No! To have sex!

-- Saturday --

At lunch, after the morning walk, I announced to Suraj, "I'm not going on the afternoon tour. I hate snakes and am not the least interested."

"Oh? What will you do?"

"Just take it easy. Walk to the green house and look at the plants. Maybe read a little. Don't worry . . . no reflection on the 'tour package.'"

"OK," was all he said. He looked a bit concerned, and added, "Are you all right?"

"Sure. I just am not interested in snakes!" Actually, I find snakes one of the most repulsive creatures under the sun. Theu simply didn't interest me!

After wandering through the compound, looking at the orchid specimens and other plants, I returned to the chalet, took a shower, slipped into some loose shorts, grabbed a book and started to read. About 3:30 I heard someone mounting the steps of the chalet and looked up as Suraj came in.

"You're back early," I said.

"Ms. Tillotson wasn't feeling good, brought her with her husband to the nurse. Encik Amir will return the others after the tour."

"So you're taking a free afternoon off," I teased.

Suraj smiled, "I really don't think anyone will miss me!"He smiled, then he added, "Enjoy your afternoon?"

"Yeah! The orchids were fantastic. . . . so fragile . . .so beautiful, yet strangely erotic!"

"Erotic? Never thought flower could be erotic." he snorted.

"Well, look at them. You'll see."

He shrugged his shoulders, undressed, grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom. I heard the shower running. A few minutes he returned, towel around his neck, cock and balls hanging. He put on a pair of loose shorts and sat at the desk.

"Time to finish my reports," he commented.

"Yeah," I said, glancing over towards the desk. He was riffling through some papers. His bare torso still damp from the shower, shorts low slung and legs invitingly apart as he sat there. I knew that this was not an open invitation, just his relaxed manner. Still I was slightly aroused. The last two nights had eroticized me, especially towards this eminently sexy guy. I went back to my reading. But, my peripheral vision caught every move and I found myself glancing over at Suraj again. There was a stirring in my loins.

I got up went to the side table and poured myself a glass of water and drank it. "Care for a glass of water?" I asked.

"Yes, thanks, I could use some water."

I filled a second glass and set it beside him and allowed my hand to lightly trace a path over his shoulder and across his back. Suraj looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back, interpreting his smile as acquiescence. I moved my hand over his shoulder and rolled one of his dark nipples between my thumb and forefinger.

"Mmmm," was the only reply.

I reached over the other shoulder and begin to run my hand lightly over his belly, breathing in his ear at the same time.

"Better stop that. You'll make me horny!" his uttered in a low voice.

"I was hoping so," I whispered in his ear and dropped my hand to his crotch. I detected that there was a swelling beneath the light fabric. I lightly fondled the encased and swelling love muscle.

A hiss escaped from his lips.

"Craig, lets do this later," he pleaded.

He had aroused me so much the past two days that just his presence made me pant with lascivious passion. I tongued his ear. From the past two nights I had learned that this was a particularly erogenous area. Suraj groaned. I slipped my hand beneath the loose waist band and fondled his burgeoning cock--pulling the foreskin over the glistening purple head and unsheathing it again. Again he groaned.

"Please, Craig, tonight . . . there will be time for this!"

His voice did not carry the full conviction of a command or of a plea. My tongue circled his ear as my hand pushed back the foreskin of his near hard cock again and I ran my fingers over the exposed, sensitive, glistening, purple cock-head.

"Ahhh!" escaped from his mouth. Then, "Craig . . . ."

Quickly, I reached over and covered his mouth with mine, inserted my tongue and kissed him deeply, cutting off any words of objection. Simultaneously, I slowly moved my hand up and down the length of his turgid cock!

Without loosening my hold on his throbbing pole or his mouth, I moved to his side, maneuvered his cock from under the waistband.

Deep in his throat a groan resounded. I stopped kissing him, immediately dropped to my knees and rapidly encased his beautiful cock in my mouth! I could tell by his breathing and quaking body that Suraj, too, was aroused to the point of no real objection. I sucked that hot tool deep into my mouth!

"Jeeze!" he uttered.

I grabbed the front legs of the chair, turned it so that I could comfortably kneel between his legs. Still there was no objection. I looked up into his face and it was thrown back, eyes closed, mouth agape with growing passion. I grabbed his shorts and quickly drew them off. Vainly he attempted to stop me. I gulped his cock again, pistoning my head up and down.


I quickened my pace.

Again, "Ahhh!" But now, I felt his hands clasping my head and his hips thrusting in rhythm with my mouth.

"Oh, god, Craig,"escaped from his lips with a guttural sound.

I flicked my tongue over his saliva glistening cock-head. I sucked the velvet foreskin back over that bulbous knob and slipped my tongue inside it. This action, I knew from the past two nights, was particulatly arousing for him! He was moaning and torqueing his body in uncontrolled spasms of delight. Quickly, I stood up, took his hands and led him to the bed. Gently I forced him down onto the bed, peeled of my clothes and crawled between his legs and fondled his cock again.

"You are so beautiful," I whispered.

"Mmmmm, " was the only answer.

I sucked his mahogany pole again. This time running my tongue under the foreskin and swirling it around the swollen, saliva glistening head. Then I gulped the whole length into my mouth. Suraj's head whipped back and forth in passion.

"What a beautiful cock!"

Again, "Mmmmm, " was the only answer.

"Suraj," I called quietly. No response.

"Suraj." I called again, but this time more forcefully.

"What?" he uttered as his eyes open and focused upon mine, "What?"

"You have a most beautiful cock!" I declared with conviction and a smile.

He merely smiled. His eyes never leaving mine.

"Look at this beautiful cock."

"It's just a cock," he muttered, confused.

"Look at it," I commanded.

His eyes flitted from my eyes to his cock, remained there a few seconds and then darted back to my eyes.

"Now watch me, Watch me!"

Never taking my eyes from his, I lowered my mouth to his cock. His eyes started to close.

"Watch me!" I breathed in a guttural tone, and he did. He opened his eyes just as my mouth encased his cock-head. He watched as my tongue extended and circled that flared knot. He watched as I began to move my head up and down his cock. After a few strokes I lifted off his cock. "Did that feel good?"

"Oh, yes," came his simple but frank reply.

"Did you like watching me suck your cock, Suraj?"

He opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out.

"Did you like how it felt when your watched your cock in my mouth?"

"Yesss," came a quick reply.

I smiled. "See, my sweet man, my beautiful man, there is something sensuous in watching . . . in the light."

I smiled and he smiled in return. I moved up beside him and kissed him deeply on the mouth. Suraj returned the kiss with equal measure. I began to move my hands, sensuously over his body. Tentatively, Suraj began to do the same. We began a litany of the delights of touch and sight as I lead him over his body and mine. He took in each new sight and the attendant sensation with delight.

"See my cock, Suraj. See what you do to me."

He looked down at my rigid cock, smiled and said, quietly, "Seems like you have the same effect on me, Craig!" He smiled as he glanced first at my cock and then at his.

Slowly, ever so slowly he moved towards my cock--never taking his eyes from it! He bent down and sensually licked the bulging head of my tumid prick. He opened his mouth and slipped his lips over that swollen knob--closing his eyes! I smiled at his involuntary action.

I groaned with the delight of feeling his warm moist mouth encasing me. Then Suraj rotated his head slightly towards my face, opened his eyes deliberately and looked directly into mine! I groaned again, returning his passionate gaze.

With my cock-head in his mouth, his lips curled into a mile! "I have won!" his smile seemed to say! Then with out breaking our gaze, he slid his lips down the length of my shaft, enveloping my cock in his mouth!

"Your fantastic," I whispered.

He tried to smile, but his mouth was full. However, his eyes smiled brilliantly!

Slowly, purposefully he moved his head up and down my hard, muscled rod. Our eyes locked as if by an erotic, magnetic force.

I reached for his delicious dick. The ample foreskin had slid over, encasing that glistening, purple head. I tugged at it gently, rolling the overhang between my thumb an forefinger. Deep in his throat a primal sound emerged and his vocal cords vibrated my cock-head! The feeling was electric. I maneuvered until I could suck his hooded cock into my mouth. Our eyes still locked in that sensuous gaze.

Both of us were groaning with delight when I detected a swelling of Suraj's opulent cock. I knew he was close and that too brought me to the verge of that delicious release for which we all long.

Simultaneously we came! Our eyes shut, breaking that luxurious eye contact that had fed our passion. Our individual cocks seemed to explode creating a shower of brilliant light across our minds' eye and a flooding of opalescent fluid from our spasming dicks! We were shaken to our very core with the tremendous, elemental force of the orgasm. Its primal power left us totally spent, utterly sapped of energy. We loosed each other's cocks and quietly slid into that glow of delight which infused or being. We lay entwined.

After a few minutes, Suraj whispered, "That was beautiful!"

"Wonderful!" I added.

That night we again moved an a passionate dance of unbridled lust. No Shiva image ever danced it better. It was equally atomic in its effect upon us.

-- Sunday --

The group returned to Kuala Lumpur by mid afternoon. I asked Suraj if he would like to come to my hotel for a while. His eyes misted over as he said that he longed to, but he had to go home. I understood. What could I say?

-- Monday --

Suraj met me at the departure area of K.L.I.A. and we had lunch. We didn't talk much, but our eyes communicated torrents. He handed me a small package as I passed into the immigration area. I thanked him--longed to kiss him--but couldn't.

I felt strangely empty as I boarded the plane holding a beautiful white orchid in my hand!

Few encounters stay with us with the vividness of the initial experience. The tour to Taman Negara and the sensual, passionate Suraj will always be remembered as I play that exquisite experience over and over again in my mind. He was a truly fantastic man.

Next: Chapter 2

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