My Brother Tony

By Randall Austin

Published on May 29, 2012


My Brother Tony, the Penury Slave

Part Nine

By Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

Randall Austin's Archive Group:

While my brothers and I were waiting with Tony, who was chained to the wall in a stooping position, along with Adam, as the skinny slave was getting processed; we found it awkward to talk with Tony. So we chatted about boring stuff among ourselves: What time is it? How long will we be staying here at the tannery? Are you hungry? I am. Have you tried out that new restaurant on the Ave? Are you still seeing that Caroline chick? Want to join Chad and me tonight at the `787' club? Are you going to Jeff's party this weekend? Have you seen the latest Bond flick?

At one point Richard asked Tony and Adam if they were thirsty. They said "yes", so Richard went down the hall to a drinking fountain to get water.

Gabriel's cell phone rang, and he answered it. It was dad. "Oh, hi Dad... Yes, Tony is getting settled in. Don't you worry, its Mr. Blazer... Yeah, that's right, Mr. Blazer of Blazer tannery. The Blazers are real nice people, Dad. You can rest assured. Mr. Blazer is a real gentleman, and his two sons are just great, totally cool, guys. They're handling Tony with kid gloves." Tony let out a cry, "DAD! DAD!" but Gabriel quickly covered the phone with his hand and walked down the hallway out of earshot. He didn't want dad to be upset in any way.

Gabriel first rejoined us after his cell phone conversation with dad was over. "Tony, dad sends his love." And at the same time as Richard had returned with a pitcher of water and had just watered Tony. As he moved on to Adam and was holding the pitcher for him, the Blazer boys returned leading the skinny slave Steve by a one-foot chain attached to his collar. Seeing Richard watering the slaves Brandon laughed, "Hey, I hope you guys don't think we deprive our slaves of food and water, and treat them the way slaves are treated in the movies. We take very good care of our slaves. Just ask any one of them. Things just get a little off schedule and hectic on days we process new slaves."

Joshua and Luke and his pals joined up with us as Brandon chained the skinny slave next to Adam in the same stooped position as the other two slaves. He stood back next to his brother and surveyed the three naked slave rumps. "Well Elliott, three new slave asses to spank!"

Elliott smiled, "Yeah! I can hardly wait until their brands heal!"

Joshua went up behind the three slaves and went down the line forcing his hand between each one of the slave's legs and hefting their balls. "Yup, I'm going to be fitting these new boys with ball clamps for their first couple of weeks working on the tannery floor."

Elliott was pleased, "Good decision!"

Drake asked what a typical work day was like for the slaves. Joshua answered, "From now on these three boys' work day will begin at 4:30 am, when they are awakened for stretching exercises, mantra recitation, and breakfast. By 6:00 am we'll be chaining them down to the tannery floor where the boys work the hides for 5 hours. Then, after lunch, the boys go back to work for anywhere from 3 to 5 more hours, chiefly rolling up the hides and loading them onto box cars. Hides weight anywhere from 50 to 250 pounds, so these three slaves will be muscling out like all our other slaves."

"All of that hard work the boys do here gives Mr. Blazer an edge in the resell market, what with most of the boys being prime material to begin with. But add those heavy duty muscles to already prime rated stock, and these boys can be resold, and probably will be resold, with Rodeo Drive sticker prices!"

Brandon invited everyone up to wait in the commissary until inspection time, but Gabriel told him we wanted to stay down in the hallway with our brother. Everyone trundled upstairs except Gabriel, Drake and Richard, who were chatting with each other, and me.

When we were alone, Richard asked, "Did you hear that Tony, they're going to be clamping your balls for a couple of weeks. What's that all about?" Tony, in anguish and frustration, shot back, "How in the hell should I know what that is?" Richard was upset, "For cris' sake! All I did was ask if you knew what ball clamping was. I figured they might have told you what's in store for you. Don't fuckin' take it out on me, man, just because you have to finally face the music. Fuck!"

Gabriel tried to calm Tony down. "Look Tony, it's a good thing the Blazer boys didn't hear that outburst. You better watch it, buddy. They've already shown you that they'll beat your ass if you step out of line."

Drake spoke up, "Hell, they beat their slaves for any damn thing they please. I've seen it. They don't take any shit from their slaves. The slaves are all scared shitless of the Blazer boys. Especially the younger one, Elliott. That kid really revels in his power over slaves."

I gave my opinion; "And I bet they don't just beat slaves. Did you see all those things Joshua had in his office? Who in the hell knows what all those things are for? It gives me the creeps. Gabe, let's just get out of here! Let's go home."

"We'll be leaving soon enough. But I would like to watch Tony meet his new friends at the inspection. I think he'll feel better when he meets some of the other slaves. The ones I've seen seem like nice enough guys." I then told of my experience. "When I went to get a breath of fresh air while Tony was getting worked on, I ran into a group of them. They seemed real nice, but also kind of cowed."

Joshua, whip in hand, came down the stairs and told us to come up, as the slaves were arriving for inspection. Richard asked Joshua about ball clamping. "For their first couple of weeks on the tannery floor I'll be cinching their balls. It provides a little queasy feeling. We like to keep our new boys on edge. It keeps them alert, and helps them absorb all the things the slaves will be teaching them. It's a binding that goes around the boys' balls, gives a little pressure down there and keeps them wiggling around and wanting to move, expend energy, and keep busy. It's a good reality check for the new slaves. When Tony is down on the tannery floor chained up along with all the other slaves, with a ball clamp scrunching his nads to keep him moving, you can be pretty sure he'll be missing his days as a janitor."

Joshua unchained the slaves. He brought Tony over to me pulling him by one of his hair clumps, and indicated for me to take hold of him by the hair. When I balked he quickly snapped a leash onto Tony's collar and gave me the leash instead. As he handed me the leash he said, "Here you go. Now don't let him get away." Then handing me a martinet from his belt he said, "Use this on him if he tries toying with your emotions."

He leashed the two other slaves, pulled them along, and signaled for us to start going up the stairs. I was ahead of Joshua leading Tony down the hallway and up the stairs, and felt apprehensive. I was worried that I could get whipped by Joshua as easily as Tony could, even though I knew he wouldn't whip me because I was not a slave. But I knew how Tony must have felt. I sure in the hell didn't want to get whipped, and was afraid that I would be.

We exited the building at the head of the stairs and had to walk around in front of the cinder block building to get to the entrance at the street level. As we came to the front of the building I saw, in the courtyard, a group of about thirty teenage boys of varying ages boarding a school bus. Richard asked Brandon what they were doing here. "We support the state Civics Training Program by allowing high school students the use our slaves in getting field training in the handling, maintenance, and discipline of slaves. We are a popular destination for local high school students because our strict behavior codes usually ensure that we have a steady supply of slaves in need of discipline for the young boys to practice on." I felt a pang of envy. I wished that my high school had offered such hands on training.

I had Tony's leash in one hand, and a martinet in the other. I felt suddenly in a very different relationship with my brother Tony. I was determined not to allow him to misbehave while he was put under my watch.

Slaves were arriving and entering the slave building from various parts of the compound, dressed in white smocks. We were told that they put the smocks on after bathing for their inspections. We entered the slave building from the same entrance the slaves were using. As we entered Luke and his pals were arriving and joined our group.

The first room was basically a snack room. It had a refrigerator, coffee maker, a few chairs and some tables. The second room was a large rectangular room with about 15 cots on each side of the room. At the head of about fifteen of the cots slaves were standing quietly at attention, dressed in their white bath smocks, buttoned up the entire length of the front. They were light material, and looked like hospital gowns. The slaves were all barefoot.

We stood together, along with the three new slaves, to the side watching the rest of the slaves arrive and take their positions at the head of their cots. When all 23 of the slaves had arrived, Joshua took the three naked new slaves and guided each of them to stand at the head of one of the vacant cots. When the 26 nose-ringed slaves were finally standing at attention, Joshua spoke. "First of all, Brandon will be doing the inspection today, so that means you have to unbutton your smocks. You know he likes to see your cock and balls at inspection time." All the slaves started to unbuttoned their smocks, and in no time all 26 ringed slave cocks came into view. There were 26 slaves standing in two rows, each sporting giant nose and cock rings. With their haircuts, and shaved and ringed bodies, they had a definite non-human aspect about them, appearing almost as beasts of burden. Big dumb oxen, standing in a line, ringed and waiting to obey. Waiting for some word of approval from their owner's sons.

Joshua started the introductions. "I want you to look over here at your three new roomies. This is Adam Schultz." Adam looked at the rows of slaves, and the slaves all looked at him. "Adam is 27. Adam played guitar in a band called the `Hay Grazers', from your smiles I see some of you know the group. He has a penury term of four years."

"Next to Adam is Steve Morten. Steve is 22. He was a dishwasher at the Hyatt in Lawton until it went out of business. Then he couldn't find a job. So he too is penury, with a term of two and a half years."

"And lastly, this is Tony DeStasio. Tony is 26. Tony was janitor who was embarrassed at having to wear a janitor uniform with his name on it. So that didn't work out for him. Tony will be serving a three year penury term, though the latest word is that it looks like his term is going to be extended a bit as the courts await full discovery of the extent of his debts."

"These are three real nice guys, so take good care of them. Adam is supposed to be a hell of a poker player, so watch out. Steve sings real nice, and was a tenor soloist in his church choir. And Tony, his brothers tell me, is a terrific dancer." Joshua told them that Brandon would be arriving shortly, and walked over to us.

I asked Joshua why the slaves are allowed to keep the names they had as free men, since most slaves are given slave names. "The reason we let our slaves keep their real names is because we manage our slaves following Anton Meisner's herd control techniques. If we gave Tony, for example, a name like Jibbles he would simply think, Jibbles is just a name the court gave me in order to demean me. I am not really Jibbles, I am Tony DeStasio. So I am not really a slave since my real name is Tony, not Jibbles. But by being allowed to keep his real name Tony more readily realizes that he really is the guy who is ringed, branded and dressed in slave clothes. He is really a slave."

"Add to that the fact that under Meisner's system slaves have to do everything at the same time. They soon realize that if they want to eat, they have to eat at the same time everyone else is eating. If they want to bathe, they have to do it with everyone else. If they want to brush their teeth, they have to do it when everyone else does it. If they want to masturbate, they have to do it when they are given the ok. It's because of such herd control techniques that you can see our slaves doing their work without overseers watching their every step."

Brandon and Elliott arrived, each eating an apple. Each looked as though they had just washed their faces and recombed their hair. Along with them was a very beautiful, and quite young, girl dressed in a simple print dress, holding a camera. The slaves stood tall. Brandon walked down between the two rows of slaves, looking them casually over as he ate his apple, occasionally reaching his hand to touch a slave's inner thigh, or to heft a slave's balls. "Looking good." When he reached Bill Christopher, he stopped and addressed the room. "Just one little bit of business to tend to here, with Bill. Noland told me he was looking out of the window of his medic room and saw Bill, here, peeing into the plants outside his window." Some of the slaves were obviously trying to hold back smiles. "You guys can laugh if you want. But I don't think Bill will be joining you. Bill, you know what to do."

Bill stepped forward, spread his legs, and clasped his hands behind his back. Brandon gave his apple core to one of the slaves, grabbed Bill's balls tightly with his left hand, and with his right hand gave a mighty slap to Bill's face. He yelped. Brandon backhanded the other side of his face. Then again, and again, and again. Bill was bawling and snot was running. After 10 slaps Brandon stopped, let go of Bill's balls, and looked at him. "Are you going to use the toilet from now on, Bill?" When Bill answered, "Yes, I promise, sir," Brandon gave him an affectionate smile and playfully tweaked his nose.

Brandon walked back down the line, smiling at the slaves. When he got to Tony, he took the Polaroid camera from the slave girl and took a picture of my naked, ringed, brother. When the photo came out, he handed it to Gabriel. "A little souvenir for you boys." We thanked him.

The three new slaves were noticeably less buff than the other slaves, and my comment about that fact to Richard was heard by Brandon, who answered me. "Don't you worry about that. A couple of months working in the tannery and Tony will soon be as buff as the rest of these guys." He then addressed the slaves. "I want you to remove your smocks so our visitors can see your muscles." All the slaves then removed their white smocks, and it was indeed an impressive sight. All those muscled boys, nose ringed, cock ringed, and standing in a row. Sarah's eyes were bugging out of her head. Drake put an arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

After we had all ogled the muscled slaves and commented on them, Brandon again addressed the slaves. "You did a good job in the tannery today. You all look scrubbed and clean. And you did a nice job of shaving your pussies. I didn't feel any stubble down there. So you not only have the next 15 minutes to jack off, but I brought Kathy along to entertain you." The slaves all hooted and clapped. Kathy, who I found out was Mr. Blazer's domestic slave, was a favorite of the straight slaves. She stepped forward, lifted off her floral print one-piece dress, handed it to Gabriel, and stood completely naked in front of the slaves. The slaves took to their cots, some reclining, some sitting, while watching Kathy. Elliott turned on a radio, and Kathy started slowly moving to the music, putting her hands to her shaved pussy and spreading her cunt lips in an incredibly teasing way. Kathy walked up and down the aisle between the cots showing off herself to both sides of the room. All of the slaves were by this time jacking their dicks, most watching her, some watching the other slaves.

Casper said to his pals, "I can't fuckin believe this. They're a bunch of animals!"

Brandon and Elliott heard the comment and ignored it, and smiled as happily as the slaves as they watched Kathy dance. Animals the slaves may be, but my mouth was dry watching Kathy, a gorgeous gal of about 20 years, doing an obscene dance, scrunching her tits, jiggling her ass, parting her lips.

Adam, Steve, and Tony erected. Elliott told them, "Go ahead, hop on your cots and join them if you'd like. It's the way we do things around here. Together. From now on, you all do things together." The world the three new slaves saw was as new to them as it was to my brothers and me.

Casper repeated his comment to his pals, "They're just a bunch of goddamn animals. They don't have a speck of pride." Brandon walked over to them and explained, "Slaves managed by the Meisner method soon get over pretending they're respectable guys who have to hide from everybody the fact that they piss, shit, and jerk. In a way, such slaves live a totally honest life since it so totally exposed."

Richard, more talking to himself than to anyone else, said, "Tony would never do that in public." Brandon smiled, "Tony will be jacking with the others in no time once his dick heals. Believe me. What happens in the Meisner method is that a slave wants to do what all the other slaves are doing in order to bond with and support them. The Meisner method is such a powerful tool of slave control precisely because it brings out behavior that one would never have expected or even thought possible."

A number of slaves had started moaning and yelling to Kathy as they got near to shooting their loads. Kathy increased her movement tempo to keep her tits jiggling for the ogling slaves.

Maybe the Meisner method had gotten to me, because I wanted to jack off too. Richard and Gabriel, and Luke and his pals, all were watching the dance. We were no different than the slaves, except we would simply hold off our jacking a bit. The two new slaves seemed to be, at last, a lot less tense, and even sported faint looks of hope. Two new slaves? There were supposed to be three. But I couldn't think, my eyes went back to Kathy, and her young girl pussy and tits.

The slaves all started shooting about the same time, and they moaned and yelled as they shot their loads; something I had always wanted to do, but was too inhibited to do.

When the jacking was finished, and as some were wiping themselves off with towels and tissues, and some were beginning to get dressed in their slave fatigues, I noticed there were indeed only two new slaves still standing naked by their cots. Tony was missing. "Where's Tony?" I asked my brothers. Everyone looked.

Brandon moaned, "Jezzus, where is that little fuck?" Elliott grabbed a whip and ran into the next room, then outside the building. Brandon and Luke ran outside also, calling for Tony. But Kathy had just rejoined Brandon when he realized Tony was missing, and now standing in our midst was beautiful Kathy, seemingly unbothered that she was standing totally nude in front of us, looking so firm, ripe, lush, healthy, touchable, feelable, and squeezable. She smiled as she reached for her dress which Gabriel held, and only as she grabbed it did Gabriel realize that he held it. We watched transfixed as she lifted it over her head and pulled it on.

With her dress on my brothers and I returned to reality as the three overseers came running back into the room calling for Tony. By this time the slaves were all dressed and watching with amusement the Blazer boys and Luke scramble about looking for a slave who obviously had made an escape attempt.

Kathy walked over to a group of the slaves and started chatting with them, laughing at the overseers. Luke looked into closets. Brandon peered into bulkheads. And Elliott got on his hands and knees and was looking under the cots. Elliott shouted, "Ah ha!" and scrambled on his knees to the cot Tony was standing in front of. He reached under the cot and pulled. Soon he could reach both legs and pulled Tony out from under the cot. The entire room erupted into loud laughter. Elliott pulled Tony out onto the open floor on his back, then up into a standing position by his hair clumps. Elliott joined in the laughter, as terrified Tony ran over to Brandon and hugged him and screamed, "Please don't hurt me!" The laughter was almost deafening, and my brothers and me had joined in the laughter.

Brandon put his arms around the cringing, pleading, Tony and was hugging him, and laughing. The slaves and overseers shared in their laughter. Elliott slapped a slave on the back as they shared in uncontrollable laughter.

When it all died down, Brandon just stood there hugging Tony, shaking his head, with a huge smile. "You need to know Tony that escape attempts are one of the most serious crimes a slave can commit. But I think whatever it is you just did, it didn't qualify as an escape attempt." Everyone laughed again, and Brandon laughed at his own comment. He called a slave named Randy over, introduced him to Tony, and told Tony that Randy would be taking him over to get his clothes, help him settle in, show him the ropes, and then accompany him to the evening meal. He told Luke it was time for his pals to leave, and that my brothers and I should bid our farewells to Tony.

We told Tony that the slaves were his new family for now, so he should try to fit in. I hugged him and noticed a plaque hanging over the doorway exit, "Obedience leads to happiness." I was going to repeat that bit of wisdom to him but decided instead on just telling him to "take care" and that I loved him. Brandon came over as Gabriel and Richard hugged Tony good-bye. Seeing Brandon, Richard somewhat mindlessly told Tony to do what Brandon told him, and told Brandon to do whatever it takes to get some common sense into Tony. Brandon took the comment in the somewhat informal way it was intended, but Tony felt like a little kid, having his youngest brother tell his new owner to do whatever it takes.

Tony was crying as Randy led him away. Brandon walked us three free brothers out to our car. He told us it seemed like it was going to be a lot of fun to have Tony around the place, since he would probably be providing everyone with a lot of laughs. He reassured Gabriel that signing the `Direct Discipline' consent form was the right thing to do. He told us to have a good time in Mexico, and that he was looking forward to our return visit in two months. And finally, Brandon told us that when we did return, he was quite certain we would be very pleased with Tony's progress.

To Be Continued...

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Next: Chapter 10

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