Maverick Cattle Company

By RedDirt Writer

Published on Nov 1, 2012


All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested.

If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.


Darrin stood beside the corral fence, watching the driver slowly back the trailer to the gate while the newest additions to the ranch squealed in anger and fear from inside. This time the addition to the ranch was definitely Mitch's idea. First, because he was by far the better horseman of the two of them, he was in a better situation to help the boys if they had trouble. Second, because Darrin still wasn't convinced that the two young men who lived with them weren't going to corner off for a knock down, drag out fight. Turning to Mitch, he continued to voice his concerns.

"You sure this is a good idea? These horses aren't just not trained, they're wild. And Trent had never been around animals until he got here," said Darrin.

"Yes, I'm sure. Trent will figure it out. Maybe Josh will grace him with some help too. Who knows, they might even find out they don't hate each other," said Mitch with a smile, "But just look how well Trent's done with the other animals since he's been here. He really seems to have a knack for working with them."

They fell silent as the trailer settled into place at the gate with a slight click. The driver was being extra cautious since these animals would try to go through any perceived hole, and if they escaped at this point, they'd never be seen again. As the trailer stilled, Mitch could hear the two horses in the trailer squealing louder as their anxiety escalated. Once he had checked the gate again, Mitch reached over and opened the trailer door. After a few false runs at the opening, the horses charged through and into the corral.

Both men watched as the two geldings ran hard around the corral, seeking an escape route, but finding none. Darrin was a little surprised that both were Paints, very different coloration, but still Paints. Typically the BLM horses were solid colors, but Mitch had managed to find these two. Darrin knew that the color choice was intentional, but he wasn't sure what Mitch was thinking. Darrin thought it would have been easier to have two very different horses, but this was Mitch's scheme, so it was up to him to make the choices, and live with the consequences. Darrin stood on the bottom rail of the corral fence watching the horses frantically running the enclosure while Mitch talked with the haulers. Soon Darrin felt someone beside him and glanced to his side to see the top of Mitch's cowboy hat as he leaned against the corral and watched the horses.

"They'll calm down," said Mitch after a few minutes had passed.

Darrin started to reply, but then heard rapid footsteps coming toward them and knew it was the boys. He closed his mouth and smiled, wondering how Mitch was going to spring this surprise on them.

"Hey guys, whatda ya think?" said Mitch.

Trent and Josh walked over to the fence and watched the two horses for a few minutes. The addition of two more people increased the horse's distress as they desperately sought an escape route. Surprisingly, Trent was the first to speak.

"They seem really scared," said Trent quietly.

"They were on BLM land until a few weeks ago. They aren't really use to being around people yet," replied Mitch as he watched both young men.

"What's BLM?" asked Trent without ever taking his eyes off the animals before him.

"Bureau of Land Management, they thin the horse herd out west so they don't overgraze the range," answered Mitch.

"Why are they here then?" asked Josh.

"They're for you and Trent," said Mitch with a grin.

"What? Huh?" exploded from the two young men.

"What do you mean it's for me? You mean it's yours and I get to do all the fuck'n work. That's what you really mean, ain't it," shouted Trent.

Mitch turned and grabbed Trent's face between his hands. Both Darrin and Josh tensed, knowing how Trent felt about being touched. But the expected explosion didn't happen, it was very evident from the look on his face that Trent wasn't happy about it, but other than the daggers he looked at Mitch, he didn't react. Mitch paused for a few moments to make sure he had Trent's full attention and then tried again.

"The horse is yours, you can sell it, take it with you if you leave, whatever. But if you don't treat him with respect, I will take him back so fast it will make your head spin. And yes, because he is yours, you will be taking care of him and training him. But it's going to take awhile; they were running the open range just a few weeks ago and are wild as shit. Another thing, Trent, you have to learn how to ride, but all that's doable if you are willing to work," said Mitch.

Trent mumbled around the hands that were still firmly on his cheeks, "I cun take care a fuck'n horse! 'Specially if it's mine. Wish un is ine?"

Mitch chuckled and released Trent's cheeks, "What'd you say?"

"Which one is mine?" Trent repeated.

"Which one do you want?"

"The one with the white face," said Trent, instantly.

Mitch looked over at Josh, who shrugged his indifference. Hoping that he hadn't just given them another point of contention, he turned back to Trent.

"Fine, you can have the white faced one. But everyone needs to leave them alone for the next few days. Just make sure they have water and some good hay in case they get hungry. They've been stressed a lot and need to calm down," said Mitch. Turning to Josh he explained further, "Why don't you two move Lady and Storm into the pens next to them so they can see other horses. That'll probably help 'em relax too."

The two younger men scrambled to settle the latest acquisitions into their new home while Mitch and Darrin moved to the porch to watch. Very quickly the needs of the horses were taken care of and the pair moved far enough from the pens so the horses didn't feel threatened, but the guys were still close enough to watch. Surprisingly, they seemed to be chatting quietly while they watch how the horses settled in.

"You are the luckiest shit in the world," said Darrin quietly.

"Nah, I knew they would settle down and not bite each other," said Mitch as they watched the horses.

"I wasn't talking about the horses," said Darrin.

Mitch turned and kissed Darrin on the cheek, "Neither was I . . ."


Darrin sat quietly in the faculty conference room as he waited for everyone to arrive. He'd been working on his review materials for months, but today was the acid test and would probably determine if he would be rehired for another 3 years. His rational side couldn't see any reason why he would not be reappointed. He had gotten a small grant early after he arrived and he and Dr. Ruck had just gotten notification last week that their major grant had been funded. With several new journal articles in the pipeline and the first one already approved. By any sane measure of progress, he was well above the standards outlined in the reappointment requirements. Unfortunately, academia is not inhabited by sanity . . .

Darrin had no idea what twist Boorman might put on things, and while homophobic ranting might backfire on him, he had always managed to key in on things that fed small-minded people's fears. That was the scenario that worried Darrin the most, Boorman was sneaky and could plant doubts in people's minds where there should not be any. In addition to the Boorman threat, there was the inherent craziness that was built into so many university departments. Darrin was definitely of the opinion that some of the people in his department could never hold down a regular job. And some of these people felt threatened by incoming faculty who were working hard. When you were dealing with the insecurities and the downright craziness of university life, you could never be certain how things were doing to go.

Darrin was jarred out of his introspection when the door banged shut behind the last person to enter the room. Taking his clue from the noise, the department chair began what Darrin hoped would be a typical faculty meeting.

The standard reports were explained in their typical, time eating, excruciating detail until Darrin was starting to feel that the purpose of each committee report was expressly for increasing his stress level. When time finally came for his talk, Darrin went through his careful presentation and gave the highlights of his three years in the department. Darrin slowly relaxed, seeing many nods of agreement as he went through his roster of achievements. Wrapping up the presentation, he opened the floor to questions.

"Why are you claiming the two grants of Emma's as your own?"

Darrin groaned inside, knowing who had asked the question without even looking. Taking a deep breath, he started explaining, in careful detail, why each and every grant needed his contribution. Boorman kept up a steady barrage of questions, all aimed at discrediting his work for the past 3 years. This time Darrin didn't even lose his temper, since it was amazingly evident that most of the questions being directed at him were fabricated in the dark recesses of Kevin Boorman's mind. Some of them were on topics that were not even within his area of expertise, but it didn't seem to matter. Darrin also could sense the growing unrest with many of the other faculty. Unfortunately it seemed not everyone disagreed with Boorman's obvious attempt at academic sabotage. Among the faculty were those two or three who had never liked the idea that Darrin was openly gay and were delighted to have a reason other than their own bigotry.

As the questioning went on and on, the examination of minutia was starting to get to Darrin. But suddenly Boorman sat back in his seat and announced he had no further questions. The two or three follow up questions were largely for the sake of appearance and then the meeting moved to other topics. Darrin numbly sat through the remainder of the agenda items, and could not have told anyone what was discussed. After the meeting adjourned, Darrin moved stoically back to his office, still shocked at the attack, even though he had always known it was a possibility. Several people, including Emma Ruck, came by to tell him things would be fine, but it was difficult to put things in perspective after the hour-long interrogation he had just been through. Finally Darrin realized that he just needed to get away from this soul-destroying situation, and back with people who cared about him personally. Packing up his bag, he cast an eye over his disheveled space, and decided this time he didn't care that it was cluttered, turned off the lights and quietly shut the door. Darrin turned to walk down the hallway, and almost ran into a scurrying Kevin Boorman.

"Kevin," said Darrin in as civil a tone as he could manage.

Boorman nodded without comment and raced ahead of Darrin down the hallway. Darrin sighed and followed, surprised when he turned the corner to find Boorman waiting for the elevator. He realized as he walked up that Boorman was scratching his head, a lot. Darrin had been too concerned with everything else to note it during the meeting, but now he started putting some of the pieces together. Their offices were only on the second floor of the building and Darrin usually used the stairs, but today he decided a few seconds of alone time in the elevator with Kevin might be . . . instructional.

He walked up just as the doors opened and followed Boorman inside. As the elevator shut and they started to descend, he looked over to find Boorman again digging at his hair.

Looking straight ahead at the doors, Darrin started talking, "You know we have a new kid at the ranch, the sheriff brought him to us after he caught him on some deserted back road getting paid by an older guy to have sex. He was scratching his head a lot too, turned out to have a terrible case of head lice. 'Course he also had Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, but the antibiotics cleared that up in a few days . . ."

Darrin finished just as the doors popped open. Darrin walked forward and then turned and met Kevin's eyes and seeing them fill with sheer panic. "He pointed the guy out to Mitch too, and kept Mitch from pounding him to a pulp."

Darrin smiled as the look on Boorman's face transformed into unbelievable horror. As the elevator doors began to close, Darrin smiled and added.

"Hope you enjoy the toys you bought in Lawton too. We have pictures of your shopping spree if you ever want copies."

Darrin thought he heard a choking sound as the doors snapped shut.


Darrin rolled into his parking spot at the house, and looked over to see Trent standing on the bottom board of the fence, talking with his horse. Darrin sat in the pickup for several minutes watching; a little surprised at the dedication that Trent had shown over the past few weeks. The geldings were already settling down, and while they wouldn't let the boys touch them yet, they were much calmer.

"Not doin' to bad, huh?"

Darrin jumped at the unexpected voice, knowing the instant he moved that it was Mitch. Pivoting, he looked at his husband and then turned back to the corral to watch.

"No, he's doing pretty good. Looks like the horse is calming down," said Darrin. With a slight chuckle he continued, "Is he still insisting on calling the horse 'Whitehead'?"

"No! Thank god! He's decided 'Whitey' will work. I don't like it either, but at least he isn't naming the poor gelding after a zit!" said Mitch.

Darrin chuckled and turned back to watch. After a few minutes he felt Mitch's rough hand rubbing his neck.

"What's bothering you?" asked Mitch.

"Why do you think something is wrong?" said Darrin without looking at his husband.

"Well, for one, you aren't looking at me," said Mitch as he gently took Darrin's jaw and turned his head so they were looking eye to eye. "For another, your jaw muscle's jumping around like a spastic jumping bean. So spill it, what's wrong?"

Darrin let out an explosive sigh. "It probably won't make any difference, but today during my mid-point review presentation, Boorman pounced pretty hard on me. He insinuated that I wasn't really getting those grants on my own. I really think most of the faculty are tired of his crap, but some of them still don't like the fag on faculty and will probably vote against me because of that."

"They would've voted against you regardless. Boorman. . . I wish Trent had let me beat the hell out of that little shit! I might have ended up arrested, but I would've felt better," said Mitch.

Darrin started laughing as he recalled what he'd done in the elevator. Soon he sagged against Mitch laughing hysterically while Mitch started to look at him with concern. Finally he gathered his wits about himself enough to explain to Mitch what he'd done. Soon both of them had collapsed to the porch, laughing at the thought of Boorman frantically driving to another town to get lice treatment, since he wouldn't take the chance of someone seeing him by getting it locally. Mitch also thought the parting shot about the photos was priceless too, it would have their nemesis in knots worrying about it.

After a few minutes of stress relieving laughter, Darrin slowed and eventually just leaned against Mitch. "I really don't like parts of being at a university. The whole judging each other thing, that would be high on my list of things I hate.

Mitch hugged Darrin tight against his chest. "It's gonna to be fine. The worst they can do is kick you out, but we'll still have each other. Everything else is just icing on the cake."

"I know. I'm just being pathetic. But that's what I want to be right now!" said Darrin with a soft chuckle.

Mitch chuckled and suddenly began rocking back and forth. "There's da baby. Just relax, baby."

"Oh shut the fuck up," said Darrin as he started to laugh. After a few minutes he pulled back and Mitch released him. He decided that whatever was going to happen was already set in motion, there wasn't anything else he could do. Regaining their feet, they refocused on Trent and his horse.

Darrin heard an intake of breath from Mitch and saw that his attention was riveted on the scene at the corral. Following his husband's focus, Darrin turned to see Trent stretching his arm into the corral. His horse was extending its nose toward Trent until they were almost touching. Darrin held his breath as Trent patiently waited for the horse to come to him. Just as Darrin thought it wasn't going to happen, the gelding bumped his nose against Trent's hand and inhaled deeply. Unfortunately, at that point Josh drove in and the moment was shattered. The horse tossed his head and bolted across the corral, unwilling to tolerate Trent's presence any longer.

Josh walked onto the porch and turned to see what Darrin and Mitch were fixated on. Seeing it was Trent and his horse, Josh actually gave a small smile.

"He's doing pretty good. That mustang is definitely calming down," said Josh.

"And how is yours doing?" asked Mitch.

"Fine, he's not as calm as Trent's, but we're doing fine," said Josh.

"Good," said Mitch. Again lifting his hand to the back of Darrin's neck, Mitch kneaded the taut muscles that he found there. After a few seconds, Darrin dropped his head and sighed. "Ah yeah, that feels good."

"Come on then, let's start supper. I think it's a good night for steaks!" said Mitch.

The pair turned and left Josh on the porch watching Trent working with the horse.


Mitch motioned the second semi into place at the loading chute. All four of them had been working for the last week to put together the shipment of calves they had sold. The buyer had been so impressed that he'd given them premium market price for the calves.

Mitch was thrilled to see the results of his hard work in putting together the herd as he watched the cherry red cattle stream past him into the trailer. Mitch was certain this year's calf crop was going to make the ranch a nice profit. He was thrilled that it was shaping up to be such a good year for the ranch. With the wet spring they'd had, the cows had weaned exceptionally big calves. The always volatile Oklahoma weather had managed to not go from early spring weather straight to mid summer, which helped keep down the heat stress in the herd. No matter how adapted a breed was to heat and humidity, endless days of 100 degree heat took its toll.

Josh had already sold and shipped his entire crop of youngsters, and had made enough profit to give Mitch and Darrin a sizeable principle payment and was on track to pay off his loan early. He'd found a buyer in south Texas that was looking for meat goats to send to several ethnic markets, which translated into Josh getting premium prices for his animals as well. Josh had also kept back a few of the best females to expand his herd. They were actually working out better for brush control than Mitch had anticipated so Josh hadn't had any problems convincing Mitch and Darrin to let him increase the number of goats.

It also helped that Trent had been willing to help with the goats when Josh needed it. And Josh had appreciated that he'd never had to ask for help, Trent had just appeared each time Josh needed assistance. Mitch wasn't sure why Trent was trying to be nice to Josh, but he wasn't going to question the brief period of quiet they were having between the two of them.

Mitch didn't want to take their good fortune for granted, but the ranch looked like it was becoming a profitable enterprise more quickly than he'd dare hope. As the last meaty butt ran past him and into the trailer, he shoved the door shut and latched it carefully.

Vaulting the fence, Mitch quickly made his way over to the buyer, who was filling out their paperwork. He looked up and smiled as Mitch approached.

"Looks like a great bunch of calves. Be sure and call me next year. I want first shot at buying any calves you have!"

Mitch flashed the buyer a broad smile and nodded. "We'll definitely let you know when they're ready to market. We appreciate you coming out since we're new sellers."

The buyer nodded as he put the last details on the check, tore it from his checkbook and handed it to Mitch. Mitch folded it without looking and stuck it in his pocket. Holding out his hand to the buyer, the two men shook hands and then separated just as the trucks pulled out of the driveway.

Soon Mitch was watching as the buyer's pickup moved onto the county road and then quickly out of sight. Mitch felt a hand on his shoulder, but was surprised to turn and find Trent standing beside him.

"That was fuck'n awesome," said Trent.

"What was awesome?" said Mitch.

"Everything, we didn't have no shit happen. Those were the calves that Josh and I got into this fuck'n world. It was just awesome to see it all work. Shit doesn't usually work right when I'm involved," said Trent.

Mitch chuckled and put his hand on Trent's shoulder and squeezed. "You and Josh did a good job. Some of them wouldn't have made it if it weren't for you two. Once we get all the numbers worked, you'll both be getting a bonus for all your hard work too."

Trent stared at Mitch for a moment. "You're shit'n me! You're really going to give me money?" said Trent in disbelief.

"Of course," said Mitch, "We share the work, but we share the rewards too."

"Well fuck . . . shit like this doesn't happen to me," said Trent as he shook his head in disbelief. Trent looked up to see a questioning look on Mitch's face.

"I'm not shitting you. My dad died a few days before my birthday, after he'd promised me that we'd finally go and see his family. That was the worst, but it's always something. There's always another cock to suck so I can have food and a place to sleep at night, hoping that my latest 'Daddy' doesn't slip into my bed for some late night sex because he needs it. You fight back, you complain, you get moved. Next house could be worse, had one fuck'n hyper religious family that decided they could beat the sin out of me. It's always something, and it's always bad. The only variation is how bad is it going to be."

Mitch shook his head in disbelief and squeezed the young man's shoulder again. Trent looked up into Mitch's face, and was surprised to see a look of sympathy and understanding, with a firm underlying sense of rage at the people who did this to him.

"Trent, you're safe here, and you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like," said Mitch.

He looked up as Darrin and Josh walked up. Deciding their conversation didn't need an audience, he spun Trent and then gave him a gentle push in the direction of the house.

"Come on everybody, I'm hungry. It's been a busy day and it's time for supper."


Darrin and Mitch looked up from the table where they were going over the books for the ranch, catching each other's eyes. The calves had brought a premium when they were sold, and the buyer had sent them a bonus because of it. It wasn't a huge amount of money, just a token from the buyer who wanted their repeat business. But it represented a promise for more good years to come.

About the time they had agreed that they were going to split the money between Josh and Trent as a bonus for their help, the back door shut with a bang and the sound of running boots echoed through the house. Josh rounded the corner and slid to a stop in front of the pair. Breathlessly waving a piece of paper in front of them, Josh was grinning from ear to ear. Finally he managed to gasp out between breaths, "Grades!"

Darrin glanced quickly at Mitch and then reached out and snatched the page from Josh's hand. The two men leaned over and started scanning down the page, digesting the information. After a few minutes of deathly silence, Darrin jump up and grabbed Josh in a massive hug.

"That's great! Straight A's! We're so proud of you, Josh," said Darrin.

Mitch stood and ruffled Josh's hair and then stood beaming as he scanned the page again. A after A was listed for the final grade for every class on the sheet.

"I have no fuck'n idea what some of these are, but a 4 point semester is damn good!" said Mitch.

"It's just the beginning classes, but I'm having so much fun. The professors seem to think I'm pretty good too," said Josh.

"If you're getting an A from them, I'd say that you are doing more than pretty good."

Just as they were headed through the list of grades again, with Josh trying to explain what the classes were, Trent walked into the house, closely followed by Max. He went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Dr. Pepper, then sauntered into the living room to see what was happening. Peering over Darrin's shoulder, Trent saw Josh's grade sheet and listened for a few minutes. Trent tilted his head back and drained the bottle, then reached across and ruffled Josh's hair and actually smiled.

"Nice job, college," said Trent.

Darrin and Mitch's eyes met as a soft chuckle came from both of them. It was just too humorous that Trent was using Mitch's pet name for Darrin, and applying it to Josh.

Leaning back, Mitch looked first from one boy and then to the other. "I'm glad you're both here. We need to talk to you."

The house suddenly took on a tomb-like silence, which Darrin almost immediately broke with his laughter. "Jeez, it's a good thing. Both of you need to relax. Go ahead, Mitch."

Mitch chuckled and shook his head, "Yeah, sorry about that. Like Darrin said, it's a good thing. We got a bonus from the cattle buyer, and we decided to split it between the two of you."

Both young men were stunned into silence, but the look on Trent's face was pure disbelief. Then they both began to talk at once.

"Really! Damn! How much?" said Josh.

"I can do anything I want with it? It's just mine?" asked Trent.

"Couple hundred or so, and yes it's yours to use however you'd like," said Darrin.

Trent turned immediately to Josh. "I wanna buy some of your goats. How much?"

Both Mitch and Darrin barely concealed their looks of surprise. As their eyes flash to each other, they knew each was reeling from the shock. Josh wasn't as successful at hiding his surprise.

"My goats - You wanna buy them for-Holy shit," Josh sputtered. "I thought you hated the goats!" he finally added.

"Twink boy hated the goats. I think they're cool. Now, you fuck'n going to sell me some?"

Josh finally rallied, "Yeah, sure. We can work out the details if you'd like."

The two headed outside to see which ones Trent wanted, and how many he could afford. After they heard the door shut, Darrin turned to Mitch with an incredulous look on his face.

"Holy fucking shit! What just happened here?" sputtered Darrin.

Mitch chuckled softly and traced a few abstract gestures with his hands. "I have no idea what that was, but I think we're getting more fucking goats!" the last delivered with a slight snarl of distain on Mitch's face.

Darrin took one look at Mitch, and lapsed into hysterical laughter.


Josh tossed the frisbee to Max again, enjoying a rare quiet moment. Max had settled into ranch life very well and Josh had been working with him on some new activities. Josh had the feeling that Trent was working with him too, but he was keeping it very well hidden. Josh wasn't certain how he felt about Trent's natural affinity with the animals, but it bothered him less now than when Trent first arrived. Actually it had been several weeks since they had cornered off with each other. Josh would never admit it to anyone else, but he was starting to enjoy talking to the younger boy. Working with the geldings had helped, Trent didn't know anything about horses, but he really wanted to train the horse that Mitch had gotten him. The joint venture with the goats was also working out pretty well, although Trent wasn't too happy when he realized he wasn't going to get as many animals as he thought with his part of the bonus.

Just as Josh threw the disc to Max, there was a sudden loud squealing of tires from the ranch entrance. Josh looked up to see Darrin's pickup fishtailing down the driveway. Josh was still focused on Darrin's arrival as he retrieved the toy from Max and threw it again. Only this time he hadn't concentrated on this throw. A soft yip snapped his attention back to Max and he realized that the disc had hit him on the muzzle. Josh raced over to see if he was injured, and Max ran from him. Josh stood dejected as he watched his brown and white partner disappear into the barn, where Trent was working with his horse.

Josh had started toward the barn to find Max, when a blaring pickup horn and a loud yell of joy announced Darrin's arrival. The rest of the family poured out and were soon congregated around Darrin as he gathered up his bookbag.

"What the hell's going on?" asked Mitch as he dusted the flour from his hands.

Darrin looked at him with a very stoic look on his face, to Mitch's confusion. "Well, I got the results of my reappointment vote . . ."

"And?" Mitch ventured cautiously.

Darrin dropped the stuff from his arms and literally jumped onto Mitch. Hugging and kissing Mitch, he started saying in a singsong voice, "I got reappointed, I got reappointed, I got reappointed."

Mitch started laughing, the worry that he hadn't even realized he was holding back melted from his body. The two of them lost themselves in their own little world of celebration. They both reveled in Darrin's success and the honest fear that if he lost his job, they would have difficulty living off the profit from the ranch. Also, if Darrin wanted another job, they would have to move, and they both loved their current home. But all those worries left their system with Darrin's proclamation. So many things slid past them, in the span of moments their future became much clearer.

Darrin slowly let himself slide off Mitch and then started picking up his gear. Everyone jumped in to help and soon all his paperwork and materials were gathered back up. They walked into the house and Darrin dumped his load on the table. Turning, he grabbed Mitch again and kissed him hard.

"Oh babe. I feel so much better. It's not tenure, but that means I'm doing fine and that most of the faculty are honest enough not to vote on whether they like my sexual orientation. Jeez, it's such a relief," said Darrin.

Mitch grinned and kissed his husband again. "I know. It's fantastic. We have to celebrate tonight." Mitch wrapped his arms around Josh and Trent, pulling them into a group hug while Darrin watched and laughed. Both boys immediately teamed up against Mitch and quickly all three were in the floor scuffling with each other. Soon the laughter from them and Darrin was filling the house. After a few minutes of hard play, Mitch was lying on his back, panting for breath and waving surrender.

"I give, I give!" said Mitch between heaving breaths.

"Pizza, we need lots of pizza to celebrate tonight!" said Josh with enthusiasm.

"Umm, pizza sounds great," seconded Trent.

"It does sound great!" said Mitch, "Here, let me get you some money." Mitch fished out his wallet and started pulling out bills to send with the boys.

"Nope, tonight is my treat," said Josh with a smile.

"Our treat," said Trent, enjoying the feeling of having at least a little cash of his own.

"Fine, fine," said Darrin with a laugh, "Anything but pepperoni and dead fishes."

"Dead fishes?" said Trent with a disdainful look.

"Anchovies, Darrin hates 'em," said Mitch with a smile.

Both boys chuckled and then headed out the door together. Darrin and Mitch watched them leave and then collapsed on the couch to wait for their return.


While they were waiting for the boys to show up with supper, the pair had been cleaning up a little around the house, a never-ending job in a house with three, really four, men living in it.

Suddenly, Mitch turned to Darrin with a smile.

"You know what tomorrow is?"

"Of course I do! It's our anniversary!" replied Darrin.

"We should camp out tonight, on Anniversary Hill."

"You think?"

"Yeah, we'll fill the pickup bed with sleeping bags and quilts and relax under the stars," said Mitch with a grin.

"Relax . . . ah huh," said Darrin with a conspiratorial look.

Mitch ran past Darrin, swatting him on the ass. "Come on lazy butt, let's get the shit in the pickup before Frick and Frack get back with the pizza."

The two spun into action and were soon piling the pickup bed full of blankets sleeping bags. They also grabbed the cooler and filled it with snacks and drinks to take with them. Eventually, they had everything packed and were back on the couch relaxing in each other's arms. Darrin had leaned over and was kissing Mitch passionately when he heard.

"Ewww, get a room!"

Darrin looked over his shoulder and gave Trent his best parental look. "Hush, boy. Someday you'll understand."

"I understand now. It's just gross when old people do it," said Trent with a smile.

Mitch jumped off the couch to chase Trent while Darrin and Josh smiled at their antics. But the whole response made Darrin feel good about the future, because it meant Trent was relaxing enough to tease him and Mitch. Darrin laughed when Mitch caught Trent and started tickling him unmercifully. Eventually they separated and everyone gathered around the table, descending on the pizza. The next hour or so was spent enjoying really good pizza and comfortable conversation. Eventually the two young men drifted away to finish their chores, while the older couple cleaned up the boxes and crumbs. Finishing the cleanup, they walked hand in hand to the barn to check on everything before they left.

They met Josh coming back from checking the goats, and Mitch patted him gently on the back as they passed each other. Josh looked up with a shy smile of triumph. Mitch looked down and saw that Max was again a shadow, right at Josh's heels. Mitch had heard the yip from Max earlier and was glad to see that whatever had happened, was settled between the two of them.

Having found Josh and his dog, the pair made their way to the barns to check on the horses. Mitch knew that Trent had progressed far enough with his gelding to move him into a box stall. He had been a little concerned that the move was too soon, but he'd let Trent make the choice. But he definitely wanted to check on the horse before they left.

They walked quietly through the stalls until they reached Whitey. Creeping up, they peered into the stall and were both stunned. The gelding was lying quietly in his stall, with Trent lying on his front quarters. Mitch started to scold Trent for putting himself in such a dangerous situation, but Darrin tugged at his arm to silence him. He looked over and saw Darrin shaking his head.

Moving out of the barn, and Trent's earshot, Darrin turned to Mitch. "Let him be. The horse seems fine with him. He just seems to have that knack with animals."

"I know," replied Mitch, "But if that horse spooks-"

Darrin kissed Mitch softly to stop him. "I think this time we have to trust Trent's intuition."

Mitch let out a soft sigh and then shrugged his shoulders. With that settled, they made their way back to the pickup. They'd left a note on the kitchen table telling the boys that they would be out all night. So they slipped into the pickup and quietly made their way back to the location where they had proposed to each other. They were frequent visitors to the outlook, but this one day each year was very special. They slowed and parked the truck so the bed was overlooking the small valley.

They both climbed out of the pickup and Mitch let down the tailgate for them sit upon. He reached back, pulled out two longnecks from the ice and popped them open. Handing one to Darrin, he leaned back on one elbow as they looked across the rolling pastures.

"Pretty amazing isn't it," said Darrin softly.

"It is amazing, the scenery is outstanding," said Mitch with a smile.

"No, it's amazing that we have all this and how good things are. Josh and Trent are doing ok, just normal teen drama. I got an almost unanimous vote for reappointment, and we know who the abstaining vote was. The ranch turned a profit this year too. But the most amazing thing is that we're still together and love each other. Everything else can go to shit and so long as I have you, it'll all be fine."

Mitch leaned over and kissed Darrin gently on the cheek and then settled back with a huge smile on his face. "You're right, the most important thing is us. We've had crap that would tear a lot of couples apart. With me falling down the bank, or the two boys being dropped on us, not to mentions some of the assholes you have to work with and some of my past coming back to haunt me. I know I love you more now than ever before."

Darrin started rubbing his hand over Mitch's back, loving the feel of the muscles under his soft touch. Turning, he looked at his husband and thought he was more handsome than when they first met, and he was amazing then. A few strands of grey had started threading their way through his sideburns giving him a very distinguished look, and his face today was a little scruffy, which Darrin loved. But he guessed it was also that he was a great guy. He'd had some bad things in his life, and the two of them had clashed on occasion too. But they realized that a disagreement wasn't the end of the world. They had gotten better about talking through any problems too.

Darrin surveyed the area and had to chuckle at what he saw around the pickup. Mitch caught his soft amusement and looked down.

"What?" said Mitch.

"The Indian Blanket is spreading. . ." said Darrin with a smile. "You know that it's all because of our lovemaking up here on the hill."

Mitch chuckled at his husband and his superstition. "You know, you better be careful or someone will think you're a silly queen!"

Darrin laughed at his disbeliever and threw open his arms to the scenery. "I'm the queen of all I survey!"

Mitch chuckled and pulled Darrin into the nest they had created in the back of the pickup. They lay quietly in each others arms, watching the sun slowly set, coloring the western sky a vibrant crimson. They quietly snacked on the things Mitch had packed for them while slowly drinking their ice-cold beer. Against the background of a darkening sky, Darrin leaned in and kissed Mitch tenderly.

"I love you, Mitch McRichards. More and more each day."

Mitch cupped Darrin's face in his hands, returning his kiss with loving passion. "I love you too, Darrin Anderson. In spite of your silly superstitions."

Darrin laughed as he ran his hand under Mitch's shirt, enjoying the texture of the fur that coated Mitch's stomach. Leaning in, he started nibbling on Mitch's neck as his hand explored under the tight t-shirt. Darrin pushed the shirt up until he found the hard nubs of flesh that were Mitch's nipples. Rubbing them lovingly with his fingers, he started sucking on the side of Mitch's neck.

"Hmm, you know how that gets to me. Damn, you're making me hard as a rock," said Mitch through a groan.

"That was kind of my plan," said Darrin with a throaty chuckle. Diving back in, he bit down on Mitch's neck until he heard a soft sigh of pleasure from his man. Pushing his hands higher, Darrin quickly stripped Mitch of his shirt and tossed it to the side of the pickup. Darrin pushed back on Mitch, pinning him and letting their bodies slide over each other. As Darrin pressed his lips against Mitch's, their tongues warred for supremacy as their lovemaking escalated. Soon their world had shrunk to the back of the pickup and their sensations were limited to their shared touches. Darrin suddenly ripped off his own shirt and tossed it aside, desperately needing to feel the touch of Mitch's body against him. Their passion began to reach a fever pitch and Darrin pushed back, rising to his knees and gasping for air as he looked at the hot cowboy lying between his legs. Mitch's perfect fan of dark chest hair flowed down his body to his midsection and moving around his navel to form a dark rich treasure trail that disappeared into Mitch's Wranglers. Even in the dim light, he could see the substantial bulge in Mitch's jeans from his rigid cock.

Reaching between Mitch legs, Darrin started stroking Mitch's cock through the denim. The first touch of that massive piece of manhood drove Darrin crazy with desire, and he knew that he wanted fucked tonight. He wanted Mitch to claim him as his own. Darrin was pulled from his lust fed daze with the growl of passion that erupted from Mitch's lips.

"You like that piece of meat, baby? You think you can deal with some tube steak breeding you like a mare in heat tonight?" said Mitch with a soft growl.

"God yes. That sounds amazing. I want you to fuck my ass and mark me as yours."

With that, Darrin slowly pulled down Mitch's zipper. It's sound filling the silent void around them as more and more of Mitch's low, tight underwear was revealed. As it descended, Darrin smiled as the translucence wet spot in his briefs showed the extent of Mitch's stimulation. Mitch lifted his hips, helping Darrin pull his jeans lower until they were past his tight ass. With a smile, Darrin practically folded Mitch in half so he could pull the jeans off his legs, tossing them aside.

Darrin descended on Mitch's crotch like a starving man, chewing and devouring his husband's steel hard cock. As his saliva mixed with Mitch's precum, the front of his briefs revealed even more of the thick piece of meat trapped inside. With a last nip of his teeth on the head of Mitch's cock, Darrin grabbed Mitch's underwear and tugged down the front, tucking them under his low hanging nuts. Darren swooped in and sucked Mitch's cock into his mouth and started nursing it like a starving calf. Soon the moans and muttering from Mitch were gaining in volume and intensity. Within a few minutes, Darrin had Mitch bucking into his mouth and his breath coming in gasps. Recognizing the signs, Darrin knew it was time to get that cock into his ass where he wanted it.

Darrin quickly stood, stripping his clothes and letting them lay where they fell. He smiled at Mitch's seeming fascination with Darrin's hard cock as it swung free while he moved to get his foot out of the jeans. Dropping to all fours, Darrin presented his ass to his husband, panting in his need. Meeting his lust filled eyes with equal passion, Darrin whispered. "Fuck me."

Mitch moved like a predator attacking its prey. His sinew and muscle pulled him sensually into a stance that was all Mitch. Reaching into their supplies, he lifted a tube of gel, and coated his finger. Reaching deftly toward Darrin's butt, Mitch started rubbing his wet digit over the pulsing hole in front of him.

"Oh fuck. Damn it, Mitch! Shove it in! Fuck me!" squealed Darrin.

Mitch smiled but didn't increase his speed. He continued his slow tantalizing preparation for the fucking he was going to give Darrin. He caressed Darrin's lightly haired ass with his free hand while he explored its depths with his fingers. Bumping his finger against Darrin prostate, he enjoyed the low moan it elicited from Darrin. Working slowly, wanting to make this night a memory they would both remember forever, Mitch explored every crevice of Darrin's ass while his husband became more and more lost in the feeling Mitch was creating.

Eventually, tantalizingly, Mitch added first one finger, and then a second as the couple became lost in the sensations Mitch was creating. Darrin had long ago lost all sense of self and was crotched in the bedding with his ass presented to Mitch as if he truly were the mare in heat that Mitch had promised to make him. His prostate was hard and swollen from the randy stimulation, and each thrust of fingers across it sent jolts of electricity through Darrin. Slowly Mitch withdrew his fingers until, with a slight pop, they emerged.

"Oh shit, holy shit. Please babe, fuck me. I need you inside me so bad!" begged Darrin.

Mitch ran his hand down his cock, coating it with lube as he leered at Darrin. He was in rut from all the foreplay, and he planned to breed Darrin like he seldom had in the past. His husband's body was hot, and its response to Mitch's touch was driving him to unbelievable levels of desire. Putting his hand in the small of Darrin's back, Mitch signaled his partner that the main event was about to begin.

Mitch leaned forward, his dark red cock head swollen and leaking as he homed in on Darrin's dilated hole. Both men let out a gasp as Mitch's cock kissed the lips of Darrin's ass. Mitch pushed forward with agonizing slowness, feeling Darrin's outer sphincter stretch around his cock, encasing it in delightful sensations of partial constraint. Mitch pushed forward, basking in the feelings that were flowing through him. Just as the pleasure was about to build past the point of no return, Mitch felt Darrin's ass surrender and he slipped inside.

Pausing in his conquest, both men gasped for air and waited for the electric emotions to subside, even if only slightly. As the ardor receded, Mitch pushed forward again. Tenaciously, his cock worked to breech Darrin's inner gateway, again experiencing that delightful tightness around his raging hard dick. He could feel his cockhead stretching Darrin's hole, pushing it's way inside, insistent on gaining entrance. Darrin let out a sigh and a shudder, relaxing his muscles and Mitch slid in with no further resistance. Mitch pressed forward until his pubic hair was grounding against Darrin's ass cheeks.

"Oh fuck yes. Damn, that feels so fuck'n good. Fuck me, babe," said Darrin through a low moan.

Mitch pulled back, the feeling of his cockhead scraped along the inside of Darrin's gut driving him insane. He pulled back, feeling his cock trapped by the last of Darrin's gut and then pressing in again. Slowly, deliciously, Mitch fucked his husband. The combination would have been impossible even a few months ago, but as the couple melded, each had learned what the other needed, what the other wanted, and what they needed. The combination of lovemaking and rough sex was exactly what both of them wanted tonight.

Both men were lost in the feelings. Mitch's rough hands were holding Darrin's hips in a vice like grip as his rhythm began building in tempo. Feeling his balls churning, he buried himself inside Darrin, and paused. His body trembled as he tried to calm his desire and bring it back from the edge of orgasm.

Darrin looked back with a lusty smile, and saw Mitch's clenched jaw and fluttering eyes as he tried to not succumb. But Darrin wanted him to unload, to fill his gut with hot seed. Darrin clenched his body, trying to milk cum from his man. The rhythmic tightening and release flexed his body in unique ways, and soon he forgot his goal was to tease Mitch as his system raced toward overload too. As he neared his peak, Mitch pulled out and his stimulation was suddenly gone.

"Ah shit! Put it back, fucker! Goddamn! Fuck me!" Darrin almost screamed.

Mitch slapped Darrin across the ass, leaving a red handprint, getting a low moan for his effort. "You're about to make me nut. Roll over, I want to see your face as I come in your ass."

Darrin flipped over with the ease of a gymnast and pulled his legs wide, opening himself to Mitch. Mitch grinned as he looked down, enjoying the distended and red lips of Darrin's ass that was the result of his work. Reaching down, he rubbed his finger around the deep red hole, loving the slick, hot feel of his man's butt.

Moving close, Mitch positioned his cockhead against Darrin's hole, holding it there to tease Darrin before he entered his hot canal again. As he rubbed his swollen cock across Darrin's entrance, his man began to moan and thrash in ecstasy beneath him. Darrin was writhing, gasping for breath; his entire body embroiled in wonderful sexual flush, when Mitch pressed forward and slid himself completely inside his husband. He lay on top of Darrin, his cock buried deep inside as he fastened his teeth to Darrin's bottom lip. The combination only served to heighten Darrin's elation as they moved together.

Mitch suddenly snapped his hips forward, driving himself deeper inside Darrin. The burning desire that raced through Mitch from that movement triggered his climax. The semen sped through his system as he pounded Darrin's ass over and over again. Nailing Darrin's hole, Mitch fucked him like a raging bull. The two joined each other as their sensual pleasure rocketed through the stratosphere. Mitch's nuts tucked against his shaft as the first jet of cum shot deep inside Darrin. Mitch's ragged breath and body convulsions marked the timing of each new jet of jizz as he filled his husband, marking him. Time stilled as his body divested itself of his sexual need. But eventually his body relaxed and he braced himself above Darrin, panting for breath. Mitch reached down and gently caressed Darrin's face.

"God, I am so lucky to be with you. You're incredible!" said Mitch softly.

Darrin smiled and wordlessly touched his husband, letting his fingers trail across his face. Darrin had never ceased to wonder how he had gotten so lucky as to find Mitch and be with him. Suddenly he realized that Mitch was looking at him with a familiar grin.

"I think it's your turn now, lover," said Mitch.

Pushing back slightly, he let his softening cock slide out of Darrin. Wiggling down Darrin's body, he soon had his face nested in Darrin's crotch. Inhaling deeply his system was filled with the delightful scent of masculinity and precum, plus the light smell of his own cum as it leaked from Darrin's ass.

Darrin cock was throbbing with each heartbeat, a drop of precum gathering with each flex of his cock. Mitch wrapped his hand around his stone hard cock and squeezed tight, then slowly stroked up, pressing a blob of clear love elixir from his cock. Mitch ran his tongue up the length of Darrin's cock, popping the head into his mouth and licking it clean of every taste and texture.

"Oh babe. That feels so good. Damn, I'm close. I'm about to pop!" said Darrin through a moan.

Mitch sank his head down Darrin's cock, swallowing until his wiry pubes were rubbing against Mitch's lips. Mitch let his hand slip lower, and then drove three fingers deep in Darrin's gut, ramming against his prostate.

"Oh fuck!" screamed Darrin as his orgasm started.

Mitch rotated his head around Darrin's cock and a second later he felt the first spray of cum hit his throat. The delicious flavor flooded his mouth as he fought to swallow the cream jetting from his man's dick. Mitch loved the taste of Darrin's juice and was sucking it down as fast as he could. Eventually the squirts of cum slowed and Mitch fastened his lips around the softening cock, and nursed it until it was dry. As the last drops swirled around his mouth, he felt Darrin's hands on his head and realized he was begging Mitch to stop.

"Oh god! Stop! It's sensitive and you're kill'n me!" squealed Darrin.

Mitch chuckled to himself and let Darrin's cock slip from his lips. Lying across him, Mitch kissed Darrin softly, sharing the last bit of cum between them. Eventually their lips slowly separated and they looked deeply into each other's eyes. There was no need for spoken word, they knew, and they had shared with the deities their love for each other.

Mitch simply pulled blankets over their bare bodies and then snuggled against Darrin as they both fell into a contented sleep.

Around the pickup, several new Indian Blanket clumps slowly pushed their way out of the rocky soil, their trademark vibrant blooms bursting from the blood red soil.

<><><><><> Any comments or suggestions are welcome and can be sent to If you are interested in other stories by me, or to stay updated on new postings to existing stories please take a look at For some of you these stories have taken on a life of their own. But if you are in need of real help, or know someone who needs help, you can find links to a variety of GLBTQ organizations on my tumblr site (

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