Luke's Big Adventure

By Steve Rose - Laureate Author

Published on May 12, 2024



Please note that none of the characters in the story exist and the events that take place are purely imaginary. This is a detective story with sexual overtones. I hope that you like this as a piece of writing.


Do not read this story if you are in any way offended by acts of a homosexual nature.

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Luke's Big Adventure

Chapter 29

The following day set the pattern for the rest of the week. Luke met Mike for coffee after a vigorous physiotherapy and strength training session. On this occasion, they met in a different shop a bit nearer where the training sessions took place. Mike was keen to share the latest news and he thought it was very positive. He had contacted Ahmad and had outlined the plan for the weekend and the Asian teen had thought it might work. Mike added that he thought Ahmad's parents were softening a bit about allowing him a bit more freedom. The holiday had been good for them to realise that their son had a lot of supportive friends, was now an adult, and had a mind of his own. The pair of old friends decided that there was little more they could do for the time being.

There were no further emergencies as the week went on and, by Friday evening, everything was ready. Sam had taken the weekend off and was driving up to stay with his boyfriend. On the Saturday morning, they would pick up Jake and Luke and meet up with Ahmad at the railway station. Although Molly had offered to drive the teenagers to the town, they refused as it was a nice sunny day, and it was not a long way. When they arrived at the station, Ahmad was already there, and they all bought their tickets and went up onto the platform and wait for the train.

As they lived in the commuter belt trains were quite frequent but the teenagers rarely went to London so there was an air of adventure as they made their way. When they got off the train in London, Mike spoke for all of them,

`You know, there's something about London. I don't come here very often, but when I do it gives me a real thrill. There's just something about the place that just makes it exciting.'

Luke nodded,

`I agree. It's good we've got a bit of time before we catch up with Jamie. I suggest we go and take in some of the sights.'

The group of friends spent several hours roaming around the banks of the Thames and Trafalgar Square before finding a place to eat in Covent Garden. Sam and Mike suggested a pub and they found one overlooking the piazza. They were early enough to get a space on the balcony and ordered their drinks and some sandwiches. Below them there was a small crowd being entertained by street performers. It was a slick routine and, after the performance was over, a collection was made from the audience. What surprised the youngsters watching from the balcony was that they were expected to contribute as well.

As soon as the beers, soft drinks, and sandwiches had been finished, the boys left the pub and had a look around the open market and shops in the area.

`What time are we supposed to be meeting Jamie?', Luke asked as they walked back towards Trafalgar Square.

Mike, who had been in regular contact with the aspiring actor replied that he had suggested they met at six o'clock at the Meeting Point statue near King's Cross Station. He added that he thought they should allow half an hour to get there which left the group a couple of hours to fill. Sam said that it would be nice to walk through onto The Mall and take pictures outside Buckingham Palace, a suggestion that Jake thought was `awesome'.

The little group strolled through Trafalgar Square and admired Nelson's Column before crossing to Admiralty Arch and walking along the straight road that led to the Palace. Rather than walk along a busy road, the group crossed over into St James's Park and took a path along by the Serpentine. The park was busy with the occasional jogger, people sitting down on the grass, others feeding the ducks, or just sunbathing. Being in no hurry, the five friends took their time, stopping frequently to comment on what they had just seen. They finally emerged back onto the road and crossed behind Queen Victoria's memorial and stood in a spot where they could each take selfies with the royal residence in the background. Crossing back from the Palace, the group walked through Green Park to the underground station. The group arrived at King's Cross station with plenty of time to spare. Ahmad said that it was better to be early than late and, in any case, they still had to find the meeting spot. Sam pointed out the statue across the road just outside St Pancras station and Mike nodded to indicate that he agreed that they had found the rendezvous spot. The boys took it in turns to visit the toilets partly to fill in the time but finally they were all back together waiting by the statue just as Jamie appeared. The acting student hugged each member of the group, reserving the longest embrace for Ahmad, who pressed his body hard against his friend.

The new arrival guided his friends through the station and outside onto Euston Road, and then told them that his bed-sit was about ten minutes' walk away. The group happily followed Jamie's lead and it was not long before they were standing outside a tall, imposing building with a flight of steps leading to the front door. Jamie's visitors were impressed by what they saw, but their expressions changed when their host directed them to the stairs going down to a basement entrance. When all six youngsters were inside the bed-sit it was more than overcrowded. There was just enough room for some of them to sit on the bed and the rest on the floor. Jamie offered tea and went off to busy himself in the kitchen. Mike whispered to Sam that it might be politic for them, Luke, and Jake to go back outside and leave Ahmad and Jamie to have a `proper reunion'. Quietly, the quartet left and urged their Asian friend to go with Jamie to help in the kitchen.

The young men milled about outside the building and were not surprised that the promised tea took quite a long time before it finally materialised. When they went back inside, both Jamie and Ahmad gave their friends a grateful look. The cramped nature of the room meant that drinking the tea was problematic and all the visitors found it easier to stand rather than attempt to sit or perch on the furniture. After he had cleared the cups away, Jamie said,

`Thanks for coming to visit, it's great to see you all here. Just in case you were worried, I am sure you'll be relieved to learn that the party we are going to is not here, although it would be fun to try!'

There was a mixture of laughter and relief at this announcement and then the host continued,

`Another friend, Ricky, who is a fellow student at RADA, is coming round shortly with a minibus and he's going to take us to the venue. It'll take a while to get there but you can relax, enjoy the scenery, or simply have a rest. If you like you can leave most of your belongings here, you're unlikely to be needing them. I'll call my mate now and let him know you've all arrived.'

The news that the party was somewhere in the country outside London had come as a surprise to the visitors, but they took it in their stride. After a few moments, Jamie returned to announce that the minibus would be picking everyone up in less than an hour. He suggested that those who wished to could try to find a spot to rest or sit quietly, or, if they didn't want to do that, there was a nice area to walk around just nearby. Jake was keen to see even more of London and Luke was happy to go with him, so Ahmad said that he would go along as well. Sam and Mike opted to stay behind.

The area of London that Jamie led his friends through was a part that had been re-developed and along with the modern housing, there were also small areas of green space. It was also well-placed for the underground and not far from the university area and other areas of East London and the City. Jamie told his friends that he cycled to RADA as often as he could, news that made Jake happy. The American teen hoped that, if he and Luke came to London the following year, he could cycle around the capital rather than use other more expensive forms of transport. In answer to a question from Jake, Jamie explained that where he lived there was a secure bike shed to the rear of the building, but he hoped to move to a bigger place the following year but only to one that could offer the same standard of security for his bike. As the group turned the corner into the road where Jamie lived, they saw a minibus pulling up outside and their host rushed forward to greet his friend. Rick was slightly older than Jamie, and tall, slim, and good-looking. The driver embraced each of the party in turn while Jamie went inside to fetch Sam and Mike who had been dozing on the bed.

Once everyone had been introduced and the minibus was full of excited youngsters, Rick announced in the tone of an airline pilot that he expected light traffic and estimated the time of arrival at the party venue would be in approximately ninety minutes. He added that for tonight he was the `Desi' -- designated driver - charged with staying sober and bringing his passengers home safely which would most likely be when the party concluded, and everyone was ready to leave. If any of the group wanted or needed to leave before the scheduled departure time, there would likely be others able to take them back or, failing that, they could get an Uber, which might be expensive. None of the passengers seemed to think that they would want to leave early.

The seats in the bus were very comfortable and it was not long before the five youngsters were dozing happily. The passengers were suddenly awakened when the driver turned sharply off the main road and began to drive up a rather uneven lane. Turning to the passengers, Rick announced,

`We will shortly be arriving at our destination for tonight. Please be sure to take anything essential with you when you depart the bus. Thank you.'

There were cheerful `thank yous' from the passengers as the bus came to a halt and Rick came around to open the doors and usher the group towards to large building in front of them. There was a small collection of cars and vans parked just a short distance further on and Rick got back into the bus and drove it to join the other vehicles.

`What the fuck is this place?' Ahmad asked, voicing the thoughts of his other friends.

Jamie grinned and replied,

`It's called "The Barn", probably because that was what it once was, but now it's a party centre not only for those who like the kind of parties we like to go to but also it is used for other community activities. It is quite remote and far from prying neighbours. The owner bought the building a while ago and refurbished it and he is someone who wants to help people to enjoy themselves.'

Once Rick re-joined the group, they made their way inside. The area was spacious but there were secluded corners as well as an area for dancing. A long table down one wall was laden with food and drinks. In one corner there was another door that gave access to a long corridor with toilets and rooms on either side.

Jake pointed at the food table, nudged his boyfriend, and said,

`Almost up to your mom's standard!'

Luke responded with a giggle and then he and the others advanced to the table where they helped themselves to some of the drinks and food before going to an area of the room close to the other groups of partygoers. Luke reckoned that there were about twenty people scattered around the room in addition to his own group of friends. Initially, the individual groups stayed together, only occasionally casting glances at the others, but not yet mixing. The partygoers had been standing around eating and drinking for a while when someone suddenly jumped onto a chair, called for silence, and invited the guests to gather around,

Welcome to "The Barn". My name is Tom and I'm the manager of this venue tonight. On behalf of myself and the owner, we hope you have a fabulous time here. For those who have been here before a very warm welcome back, we're pleased you enjoyed yourselves on previous visits. For those visiting for the first time, welcome, we hope the event meets your expectations. For the benefit of all partygoers, a quick reminder of the house rules. First, only first names are to be used, no surnames or other contact details should be shared, unless mutually agreed; second, everything you do must be by mutual consent, no' means `no'; and, finally, whatever happens in "The Barn" stays in "The Barn". Now let the fun begin!'

As the guests had gathered to hear Tom's speech, they had become separated from each other. Luke turned around and found himself facing a young man a year or two older than himself. The stranger was short with thick blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and sensuous lips that formed an inviting smile.

`Hi, I'm Andy. This your first time?'

`Yeah, I'm Luke.'

`Good to meet you, Luke. I'm a bit of a veteran and it's always great to meet new people, especially someone as good looking as you! Do you want to find somewhere where we can get to know more about each other?'

Luke looked around, hoping to catch a sight of Jake but he was nowhere to be seen so he nodded.

`Great. I know just the place we can go. What do you like doing?'

`I'm easy but must of the time I like oral and I'm happy to fuck someone if that is what they like.'

`Hm, yes Luke, you seem right up my street. Let's go. You can bring your remaining food and drink with you if you wish.'

Andy led the younger teen through the door at the back of the room and they entered the long corridor. Halfway along, the older man opened one of the doors and ushered Luke inside closing it after him. The room was small but there was a large bed and, on a small table close by, there was a range of different lubes and packets of condoms.

As soon as he could, Andy pulled the younger teen into a tight hug and began running his hands all over Luke's body and easing him out of his clothing. Andy ran his hands over the firm body and began kissing the teenager's nipples, bringing a groan of pleasure from the youngster. The kissing continued down Luke's torso and Andy eagerly loosened his partner's jeans and yanked them down releasing the rampant cock from its previous confinement. The older man looked at the bobbing dick and murmured his approval.

While Luke took off his shoes and stepped out of his jeans, Andy removed his trainers and t-shirt and waited for the naked teenager to step forward and reciprocate the gentle striptease. When Luke saw the short, circumcised dick with an enormous mushroom head, he gasped, and could not resist reaching out and playing with it using his fingers and lips. The horny teenager used his tongue to bathe the head and shaft with saliva and pre cum. Looking into Andy's blue eyes, Luke slipped his mouth over the engorged head of the older man's cock but was stopped almost immediately and directed towards the bed that was against the wall of the room they were occupying. Andy allowed himself to be pushed onto his back and Luke climbed over him and squeezed their cocks together in a tight hug before breaking away and changing to a more comfortable position which meant that he could suck his eager partner's rock-hard prick. Encouraged by Andy, Luke changed position again and, despite some pain, managed to position himself in such a way that Andy could suck his dick at the same time. The more experienced young man was an expert in cock sucking and soon had the horny teenager's cock throbbing with pleasure at the skilful way the tongue was teasing all its sensitive areas. For his part, Luke was no slouch either and Andy's cock was leaking pre cum by the bucket load. Although unwilling to break the spell, the young teen asked his partner if they could change to a more comfortable position. Andy nodded and moved so that Luke was lying on the bed, and he knelt over him, offering his hole for rimming. Willingly, the younger teen lapped at the lips of Andy's love channel and used some lube as he inserted his fingers inside. The older man was using his tongue and lips on Luke's cock to keep the horny teenager on the very edge of exploding but the experienced man seemed instinctively to know when to stop. After one last lashing with his tongue on Luke's rock-hard shaft, Andy groaned and said,

`Now, I want you inside me.'

Keeping Luke in the position where he was, the randy older man moved round, reached backwards, and guided the pre cum covered dick towards the entrance to his hole. In answer to the questioning look towards the condoms, Luke gave a short shake of the head and received a nod of approval in return as he said,

`I'm clean. I get tested regularly and bareback is better if there is no danger.'

Luke had never really thought about possible danger mainly because his activities were usually confined to his group of close friends. He put the idea to the back of his mind as he felt Andy swallowing his cock deep inside his hole. The older man slid right down until he was completely impaled, and his cheeks were nestling on Luke's groin. The teen reached out and stroked his partner's cock as it bobbed inches from his chest. With a brief nod of approval, Andy began to slide up Luke's rampant dick until only the head was inside him and then waited a moment before sliding right back down again. The randy youth groaned with pleasure as his prick slid in and out of the welcoming hole and his sounds of pleasure were matched by similar ones from Andy. After several minutes he paused looked down at Luke and asked,


Luke nodded and Andy moved to lie on his back with his knees held back allowing the randy teenager full access to plough into him. Although still feeling a bit of discomfort, Luke slid the sensitive head of his cock inside the warm hole and began to thrust in and out. He also took hold of Andy's hard shaft and wanked it as he fucked in and out. Both men were moaning loudly as they enjoyed the feelings they were giving and receiving. Andy urged Luke on,

`Yeah ... fuck me ... hard!! Deeper!! Faster!! Oh ... yes that feels ... sooo good!!'

Luke was groaning and trying desperately to keep control but gradually the battle was lost and, after one final thrust deep inside Andy's hole, he unloaded his ball juice deep inside his partner's bowels. The older man waited for his partner to come down from his orgasmic high and his cock to begin to soften before he moved. Sliding out from under Luke, he pointed his pre cum covered piss slit at the teenager's mouth and without hesitation it was welcomed into the randy youngster's mouth. Andy face fucked his partner gently and Luke eagerly showed off his talents once again and used his tongue to tease the older man to orgasm. With a loud groan, Andy's cock began to throb uncontrollably and, seconds later, Luke's mouth was filled with floods of creamy spunk which he swallowed down his throat as quickly as he could, unwilling to let a single drop escape.

The pair lay back together for a short while as they rested after their climax. Andy looked at Luke and said,

`That was awesome!! How old are you?'

`I'm 18.'

`Wow, I'm 22 and I've had a lot of guys as partners, but you are one of the best I've ever had! You are amazing!!'

`It helps to have such a willing partner!'

Luke smiled as he spoke and looked down at his cock that was beginning to show signs of returning to life. Andy noticed it as well and reached across to fondle the semi erect shaft before shaking his head,

`I don't want to monopolise you. Nights like this are for finding new friends and indulging mutual interests. Let's go back to the main party area and see who else is around.'

Somewhat reluctantly, Luke nodded took a drink from the bottle that he had brought with him, and the pair picked up their clothes and sauntered, naked, back to the party. When they arrived, the main room was almost empty. Luke could see no sign of any of his friends and the teenager hoped that they were enjoying themselves as much as he had. Andy gave the teenager a quick kiss and then wandered away to speak to one of the few people left in the room. Meanwhile, Luke had made eye contact with a dark haired West Indian teenager who was hovering near the food, which was almost gone. The teenager walked slowly towards him, and the West Indian youngster took in the sight of Luke's naked body and smiled broadly. When Luke was within reach, he stretched out to touch the British teen's half-erect cock. Luke looked the youngster in the eye and said,

`Hello, I'm Luke.'

David', came the reply in a surprisingly cultured voice, your cock is beautiful and looks like it's happy to see me.'

And is yours happy to see me?', asked Luke as he reached out and cupped the front of the West Indian teen's jeans, which sported a large bulge, Ah yes, I think he is.'

Out of the corner of his eye, Luke watched Andy disappear off with the someone else and he and David followed him through the door and down the corridor. Most of the rooms appeared to be occupied but they finally found one that was empty. David stood passively as Luke enthusiastically undressed him and exposed the curly black pubic bush from which spung a very large, uncut cock. The horny teen knelt and started to lick the length of the West Indian's prick from the low hanging balls to the foreskin covered tip. Inserting his tongue inside the wrinkled skin, Luke skilfully rolled it back off the dark purple glans with his lips and tongue and proceeded to slurp all over the sensitive head and piss slit. David groaned and placed one hand on the top of the kneeling teen's head and the other at the back, holding Luke firmly in position. In response, the horny teenager edged his lips and tongue further down the West Indian's shaft and then slowly back up again until he was just able to tease the piss slit with his tongue. David thrust his body forward and started to face fuck Luke who swallowed as much of the long cock as he could, lashing the head and shaft with his tongue as it scraped the roof of his mouth.

`Fuck!! You suck good!! It feels amazing!!!' David exclaimed.

Luke gave a slight nod of acknowledgement and went back to sucking the rock-hard shaft with renewed enthusiasm and using one hand to wank himself off as he did so.

David was clearly excited and showed no signs of wanting the encounter to last very long as he increased the speed of his thrusts into Luke's eager mouth and made no secret of the fact that he was getting close to climaxing. The rough face fucking he was receiving was not as enjoyable as the experience Luke had engaged in with Andy, but he was still willing to continue. Rather surprisingly, the moment David's cock began to shoot ropes of cum onto his tongue and down his throat, Luke's cock expelled a volley of spunk against the West Indian's legs. David collapsed next to his partner and held the other teenager in a tight embrace. After a few more minutes, however, he picked up his scattered clothes, and left without a word.

Luke was both disappointed and puzzled by what had happened and lay back on the bed wondering what to do next. He was concerned about his friends and hoped that they had had a better time than he had just experienced. After a short while, he decided to check the time. His internal clock suggested that he had only been at the party for a couple of hours, so he was extremely surprised when he checked his phone and discovered that it was nearly 3 a.m. He was sitting on the side of the bed when the door to the room opened just a crack and Luke saw Jake peeking around it. Once he established that Luke was not `otherwise engaged', the American came in and sat down next to his boyfriend,

`Have you had a great time? You look a bit lonely.'

`Yeah, it's been great. My first meeting was brilliant, the one just now was rather strange, one-sided, and a bit disappointing. How about you?'

Jake gave his boyfriend a quick hug and then replied,

`After we got separated, I hooked up with a couple of guys called Harry and Paul and they were a manic pair. We had some food and drink and then moved into a room down the hall. They asked me what I liked and seemed happy to go along with everything I told them. To cut a long story short, I got fucked at both ends by each of them. They had amazing stamina, they made me cum several times before I got my first load from them. It was awesome. We decided to stay where we were and have a second round with Harry and Paul changing places. We've only just finished, and I have nothing left, my balls are empty and energy level is at zero.'

Luke gave his boyfriend a hug and said,

`That sounds amazing. Any news of the others?'

Jake waited a moment and then said,

`I think I saw Mike and Sam going down this corridor with two other guys, but they weren't in the main room just now when I went looking for you. I think Ahmad, Jamie and Rick also came down here together but also haven't any news about them.'

The two teenagers sat together for a few minutes before there was a tap on the door and Rick appeared,

`Hi, have you had a good time?'

The teenagers nodded and Rick continued,

`I've had a word with the manager, and he's agreed that we can stay until later this morning. If you need a sleep, use the beds, but we must leave by 8 a.m. at the latest. There's some event on later in the day and they need to get the place cleaned and ready.'

Luke smiled and said,

`Thanks, I'm knackered and need a rest so staying here would be great.'

Jake nodded in agreement.

Rick closed the door, after he left the boyfriends lay down on the bed, holding each other in a close embrace and drifted off to sleep.

To be continued.

I hope you liked this part of the story. If you would like to hear about the continuing adventures of Luke, Mike, and Jake and their partners, let me know.

Feedback, good and bad, is always welcome and helpful to authors.

I have received a couple of requests to explain the British school system, so here goes.

In England, most children go to school by age 5. Primary Schools educate children from Year 1 to Year 6. In some areas pupils take an exam called the 11+ which, if passed, allows a small number of pupils to attend a Grammar School. However, most pupils in the England go to State Comprehensive Schools. When pupils are 16 (Year 11) they sit an examination called the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) which are graded currently from 9 to U, previously A* to U. Depending on results, pupils can stay on to do A-level (Advanced levels) exams in Year 13 (Aged 18), the results of which are used to qualify for a university place. A-Levels may be studied in schools or in separate Colleges.

Some parents choose to send their children to establishments outside of the State system. These fee-paying schools, ironically called Public Schools, operate within the same national system. Many of the pupils at these schools are boarders either on a termly or weekly basis. Students can attend Prep Schools and enter secondary education at age 11 or 13.

In this story, Mike goes to a minor Public School and boards there on a termly basis but sometimes returns home for weekends; Luke attends a local Comprehensive School and is in the 6th form (Years 12 and 13) and at the time of the story has just entered YR 13; Ahmad attends a different Comprehensive School at the other end of the town and is also in Year 13. Jake has arrived from the United states and his family have enrolled him in the same Comprehensive School as Luke. In terms of age, he is a Year 13 student, but has missed the first year of the A-level syllabus taught in Year 12. He is given extra help to catch up.

Once A-level exams are finished, pupils normally leave school, returning in mid-August on the day the results are published.

I hope this helps. If not, please feel free to ask.

If you liked this story, search for my other stories on Nifty under Steve

Rose but only use the current email address

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