
By Kirk Landers

Published on Oct 19, 2008


Copyright and Disclaimer: 1. This is a fictional story with fictional characters. 2. No one is to steal this story under any circumstances. 3. This story deals with relationships and not sex, so if you're looking for a story with a lot of sex in it, this isn't the story for you.

Hope everyone is doing well. Glad to be back. At the end of this chapter there is a big shift that will alter the rest of the story. I did this for creative reasons to give more juice to the story and hopefully you all will enjoy. Also, you will notice that I went back to the original format of writing for this story. I did this because I received many comments from readers saying it was confusing for them when I would jump from all the characters perspective. I will still do my best to write in a way so you can understand the emotions of each character and hope you enjoy. Here is part 11 titled, `The Storm'


"Wait Morgan!" Luke shouted, chasing after Morgan who was getting into his car in the parking lot of the Grand Del Mar hotel where the Red Ball was being held.

"No, I obviously interrupted something back there," Morgan said. "I think it would be better if I just go and let you two talk this out."

"Morgan, I didn't even know he liked me. He just told me all of this now," I told him. "Don't leave like this."

"I don't like drama in my life and I'm picking up on something between the two of you," Morgan replied. "I don't want to get caught up in a complicated situation."

"You're not," Luke said.

"Can you honestly tell me that there is nothing between you and Shane?" Morgan asked. Luke found himself with nothing to say, because he honestly doesn't know if there is something between him and Shane. He at one time thought there might be something there, but since he met Morgan he started to not give it much thought, but then Shane dropped a bomb on him moments earlier tonight when he kissed him. Is there something there? Luke honestly didn't know. "How about you call me when you figure out what it is you want." With that last statement Morgan got in the car and left Luke standing alone in the parking lot.

Two weeks passed and nothing has settled down. The only one who seems to be making progress is Benji who sold his place and has begun packing his stuff up for his move to New York. Ford still couldn't get Patrick to talk to him and things between Luke and Shane have become tense with one another at work.

Tuesday morning, it's been pouring rain non-stop for the past couple days. San Diego hasn't had heavy showers like this in years. The usually sunny city has transformed into a dark place, one that is very fitting to where Luke, Shane and Ford were in their lives right now. At work, Luke and Shane were both working and trying their best to ignore the obviously awkward situation they're both in right now. Each one was staring hard at their computer screen doing everything they can to avoid eye contact with one another.

"Luke, I need you now!" Farrah called out at the door of her office.

"Gladly!" Luke said with a rush of relief running through him. Even though he doesn't exactly care for Farrah, he would much rather be in there than sit uncomfortably next to Shane. He quickly rushed into her office.

After Luke went into Farrah's office, Shane grabbed his phone and called Benji.

"We haven't spoken in two weeks," Shane complained.

"I know that honey. You give me the status every single day," Benji replied.

"You were right," Shane sighed.

"I know," Benji said triumphantly. "I told you it would be a mistake to tell him."

"Why didn't I listen to you?" Shane asked. "I wish I could just go back in time and erase that whole stupid night."

"Honey, you're not the only one," Benji said. "I bet Ford wishes the exact same thing."

"This sucks, with how shitty everything has gotten we all haven't hung out since that fucking night," Shane sighed. "When are you leaving?"

"Next week," Benji replied.

"I can't believe it," Shane sighed. "You just told us a couple weeks ago that you are moving, and you're already going next week."

"You know, I can hold off on the move if you guys need me to stay," Benji said.

"Don't be stupid," Shane said. "You have to move. It's going to jump start your career."

"I feel bad for leaving you guys with everything the way it is now," Benji said. "I was so worried, I almost couldn't go out and pick up a guy last night."

"Well I'm glad you were able to soldier through," Shane said sarcastically. "Listen, can you meet me for a drink after work today? I need someone to talk to."

"Sure, let's go somewhere close though. I don't like to drive when it's raining as hard as it's been all day," Benji replied.

"Okay," Shane said. "I'll call you after work."

"Bye sweetie," Benji said before hanging up. After Benji hung up the phone he heard a knock on his door. He called out as he walked to the door, "Who is it?"

"It's me," he heard Ford's voice reply.

"Hey honey," Benji said opening the door for his best friend. He couldn't help but feel even more sorry for him at the sight of Ford standing sadly in the rain. "How are you sweetie?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Ford replied. "He hasn't returned any of my calls, he won't open the door for me when I go to his apartment, I would try to visit him at work, but with the rain the beaches have been closed. "

"Sorry to hear that," Benji said as Ford closed up his umbrella and stood it in the corner of the apartment next to the front door.

"Like I said, I don't want to talk about it," Ford sighed. Benji shook his head in amusement. He knew that if Ford really didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't have vented a second ago. "I came to help you pack up. I need a distraction. So instead of being sad over my relationship with Patrick, I'll be sad over my best friend moving."

"Don't be sad about it sweetie," Benji said wrapping his arm around Ford. "I'll be there for you whenever you need me. You can come out and visit me in New York or I can come back here and visit."

"Everything is horrible right now," Ford sighed.

"Honey, stop moping over it," Benji lectured. "You've been down and depressed for two weeks now. Listen, I'm sorry things are bad between you and Patrick, but you have to accept the fact that he might not want to hear from you anymore."

"Don't say that!" Ford exclaimed. "I know it's probably true, but don't say it. I'd rather live in denial."

"That's not healthy," Benji pointed out.

"Well neither is the smog and pollution in New York City, but you're still going," Ford retorted, half-jokingly trying to convince him to stay in San Diego.

"Nice try," Benji smiled. "Come on, help me pack up my clothes."

Back at work, Shane was still sitting nervously when Luke came out of Farrah's office and sat back down at his desk.

"What did Farrah want?" Shane asked, trying to make conversation.

"She just had some notes about the blog. I guess some publishers saw it and want some copies of my past columns to take a look at," Luke shrugged his shoulders. They both tried ignoring the huge elephant in the room. Finally, Shane couldn't take it anymore, "We have to talk eventually."

"We are talking," Luke replied.

"You know what I'm talking about," Shane said. "We kissed."

"Not here. Not now," Luke said.

"Then when?" Shane asked.

"I don't know, but everything is weird right now," Luke replied. "I don't know what to say to Morgan, I don't know what to say to you. I don't know anything right now."

"You mad I said anything to you?" Shane asked.

" don't know," Luke sighed shaking his head. "I just need time to think things through."

"Fine," Shane replied getting up from his desk, "I'm going to get some coffee. Want?"

"No thank you," Luke replied. After Shane left his desk, Luke got on his phone and called Ford. "What are you doing?" he asked when Ford answered his phone.

"Just helping Benji pack, everything okay?" Ford asked.

"Not really. You going to be home tonight?" Luke asked.

"Well, seeing how Patrick still isn't talking I'm thinking yes," Ford replied.

"Good. I need someone to talk to about my situation with Shane," Luke said.

"Are you having feelings for him?" Ford asked. Even though his own love life was crap, he was still rooting for love between Shane and Luke.

"I'm not going to say I never thought about it, but then Morgan came into my life and I started getting feelings for him," Luke said. He looked back behind his desk towards the break room to make sure Shane was still in there and not hearing any of this. "I'm just really confused right now."

"We can talk about it later," Ford said. "I'll see you tonight."

"Thanks Ford," Luke replied hanging up his phone.

After work, Shane met Benji for a drink at a bar close to their homes. It took Shane a while to get there because of the rain. It seems that no one in San Diego knew how to drive in less than perfect whether. When Shane got to the bar, Benji was already there with a drink, waiting for him.

"Bout time you showed up," Benji commented giving Shane a hug.

"Sorry. Traffic was a bitch," Shane replied. "What are you drinking?"

"It's called a San Diego Slammer," Benji replied. "It's a specialty drink here. Figured I should soak up as much of San Diego as I can before I leave."

"God, don't even mention that," Shane sighed. "I hate that you're leaving in a couple days."

"Well then let's just stick to talking about you for tonight," Benji said.

"Okay, well like I was saying earlier, I'm having total anxiety over Luke," Shane said going right into his situation. "I've never been this way over a guy and I hate it. I can't stop thinking of him, I can't stop talking about him. I've become the type of guy I never wanted to be."

"You've become Ford," Benji pointed out. "You've become a complete romantic."

"Oh God," Shane said in disgust realizing it's true. "You're right. I'm a romantic. Gross!"

"Well it's seems to work for Ford," Benji pointed out.

"That's different," Shane said. "Ford likes having these type of feelings. I hate it."

"I don't think you do," Benji pointed out. "If you did you wouldn't be obsessing over Luke so much."

"What?" Shane asked. "That's not true. I hate being a romantic, I always have."

"I think that's just a tough act you like to put on," Benji pointed out. "Now look at me. I could give a shit about romance and it shows. I never talk fondly about a guy, the one time I did, I ended it because it wasn't true to who I am. You on the other hand, constantly go from relationship to relationship because you're searching for something deep and meaningful."

Shane looked at Benji with surprise, he had no idea that Benji was that insightful of a person. He also realized that Benji may be right. "Oh my God...I'm a closeted romantic."

"Yes you are," Benji said. "It's okay. We all have flaws."

"So what do I do now?" Shane asked.

"There's nothing you can do," Benji said. "You've put the ball in Luke's court. It's up to him now."

"Why didn't I listen to you?" Shane groaned. "I shouldn't have told Luke."

"Told you so," Benji said triumphantly. He liked being proven right.

"Well no more," Shane said. "From now on, I am being guarded and cynical again."

"Good luck with that," Benji laughed. He saw how Shane was stressed over this whole situation so he gently rubbed his back, "Don't worry honey. Years from now we will look back at this time and have a good laugh. At least I will."

Shane jokingly flipped Benji the middle finger before the two of them laugh into a laugh.

Meanwhile, at Ford's place, Luke and Ford were talking and drinking some hot tea that Ford made to keep them warm on the stormy night.

"It's really coming down out there," Luke said looking out the window at the heavy rainfall.

"Yeah, the rain seems to be a good metaphor for the way I'm feeling right now," Ford complained.

"You still haven't heard from Patrick, huh?" Luke asked.

"No," Ford sighed. "I really thought me was the one."

"I'm sorry," Luke said giving him a hug.

"I don't get it," Ford complained. "It wasn't even my fault that his mother got fired."

"I know," Luke said. "You told me this whole story a few times already."

"But isn't it wrong that I am being punished for something I didn't even do?" Ford asked.

"I don't think he's blaming you for what happened to his mom," Luke said. "I think that it's just hard for him because when he sees you he's reminded of what Chandler did. I know you don't like it, but you were part of the reason Chandler stole that necklace."

"I've worked so hard to change and be a better person," Ford complained. "Now my past is biting me in the butt."

"Is Chandler still around?" Luke asked curiously.

"No," Ford replied. "After the havoc he caused at the Red Ball, he left and went to England."

"Well, good side of it, at least he's gone," Luke said trying to lift Ford's spirits.

"Yeah, after he ruined things," Ford said. "Typical of him."

"Just give it time," Luke advised.

"I know, it's hard though," Ford sighed. "So how are things going with you and Shane?"

"Weird, uncomfortable, awkward; pick a word," Luke replied. "I don't know how to talk to him right now."

"Are you mad at him?" Ford asked.

"No," Luke replied. "I just don't know what to say to him."

"What about Morgan?" Ford asked.

"I haven't spoken to him since the Red Ball," Luke replied. "He told me to come see him when I made a decision."

"And have you?" Ford asked.

"How can I make a decision? With Shane, he's become one of my best friends. Yes, I've thought of the possibility between him and me, but I never acted on it because I didn't want to risk or friendship. Then Morgan came into the picture and he's a really great guy too. He's kind and warm hearted. How do I decide between two guys like that?"

"Can I give my two cents?" Ford asked.

"Please," Luke begged. He could use all the advice he could get.

"You said you never wanted to risk the friendship between you and Shane. Well, it's at risk right now anyway; why not just go for it and see what happens?" Ford asked.

"I've thought of that," Luke said. "But then I always think about Morgan and how great of a guy he is too. I don't want to hurt either one of them."

"I think that's unavoidable at this point," Ford said. "Whatever choice you make, one of them will be hurt in the end."

"Maybe I should pull a Kelly Taylor from 90210' and choose me.'" Luke joked.

"Yeah, but I think there is one you want more than the other," Ford said. "In the end, you have to let one of them go. Just make sure it's the right one."

"Yeah," Luke nodded. "you know, you're going to eventually have to let go as well."

"I know. It's been two weeks and he won't talk to me. You're probably right," Ford sighed thinking about Patrick.

"I'm not talking about Patrick," Luke said. "I'm talking about Benji. I know how close you two are and you don't want him to go."

"He's my best friend," Ford shrugged.

"Yeah, but you'll still have Shane and me," Luke said.

"It will be weird to have it jut be the three of us," Ford said. "I'm so used to the four of us."

"I know," Luke said. "But he has to do this."

"I know," Ford replied. "It's just hard to see him go."

The next night, Luke and Shane put aside their issues to go to Benji's farewell dinner. The four friends met at Georges California Modern.

"Well, it will be sad to see you go, but we're sure happy for you," Shane said lifting his glass of wine up for the four friends to toast.

"It won't be the same with out you," Luke smiled.

"I'm really going to miss you," Ford said trying his best to put on a brave face to his dearest friend.

"Thank you guys," Benji smiled. "I promise that I won't be gone forever. I'll probably come back in a couple years." They all clinked their glasses together and Benji took a sip of his Blackberry Cosmo. "This drink is fabulous!"

"It will be weird to not hear the word `fabulous' all the time," Luke joked.

After dinner, the four friends gathered outside of the restaurant to say their goodbyes to Benji.

"I know you'll be living an amazing and exciting life in New York, but call us once in a while, okay?" Shane asked giving Benji a hug.

"I will," Benji smiled giving Shane a squeeze. He then whispered in his ear, "And don't worry, everything will turn out all right in the end for you." Benji then went to Luke.

"I can't thank you enough for being such a great friend to me," Luke said. "You really helped me feel accepted when I moved here. I'll always remember that and love you for that." He wrapped his arms tightly around Benji.

"Shane really cares about you. Even if you don't choose him, know that he wants you to be happy," Benji whispered to Luke. Luke smiled when he heard Benji say those words. After their hug, Benji turned to Ford. The two of them shared a smile with one another, both wanting to say so much to one another, but they were close enough to where they didn't need to exchange words to express how much they will miss each other. Benji leaned in and rested his forehead against Ford's, "I think I'll miss you most of all Scarecrow."

"How am I supposed to function with out you?" Ford asked. "I need your common sense and quick judgments to keep me in check."

"Ford, there's something I need to tell you," Benji said.

"What is it?" Ford asked. Benji took a deep breath, there was something he needed to tell Ford, something that he knew Ford would hate him for. He did something that was a betrayal of their friendship and he felt really guilty about it. He wanted to tell him, but he didn't want to lose the friendship he had with Ford. After a few beats, he changed his mind. He figured that it was better to keep it a secret.

"You can call me anytime," Benji said wrapping his arms tightly around Ford. It always seemed strange to both of them that they can be so different from one another, yet be the best of friends. In many ways, they need one another to be whole and Benji knew that. It's why he decided to not tell Ford the truth. Luke and Shane have always thought that if you put the two of them together you would get the perfect man who has the romantic qualities of Ford and the rationalization of Benji.

The four of friends stood there together and took in the moment. Even though there were some issues among Luke and Shane, when it came down to it, the four friends became family and loved each other unconditionally. They knew that no matter what, they would always be there for one another.

As Benji and Ford continued to say goodbye to one another, Luke and Shane both looked at one another. Shane wanted to so much to kiss Luke again. Luke looked at Shane and in that moment, he knew his decision.

"I have to go see Morgan," Luke said. He gave Benji one last hug and left them.

"He's seeing Morgan?" Ford asked confused.

"I guess he made his decision," Shane said sadly. He had hoped that Luke would pick him.

When Luke got to Morgan's place, he hesitated for a couple moments before getting the courage to knock on the door. When Morgan opened the door he was surprised to see Luke, but happy at the same time.

"Hey," Morgan smiled.

"Hi," Luke replied.

"It's really great to see you," Morgan said. "I've been thinking about you a lot."

"I've been thinking a lot about you too," Luke replied.

"You want to come in? I can pour us some wine," Morgan said opening his door wider to let Luke in.

"No, that's okay," Luke said staying firmly in place outside in the hallway of the apartment complex.

"Oh," Morgan's smile slowly faded. He knew that if Luke didn't want to come in, it wasn't good. "So why did you come over?"

"Well, you wanted me to get in touch with you when I made up my mind between you and Shane," Luke said.

"And you made your decision," Morgan sighed, knowing in his heart that Luke didn't choose him.

"you're such a great guy, Morgan," Luke began to say, but Morgan held up his hands for him to stop talking.

"It's okay," Morgan said. "You don't have to explain."

"I feel like I do," Luke said.

"You really don't," Morgan replied. "I get it. You want to be with Shane."

"Morgan, I'm sorry," Luke said feeling horribly. "I just have to see where things can go with Shane. There are feelings there. Feelings that I'm not sure are right or not. And it may not even work out in the end, but I have to try. I'm always going to wonder otherwise."

"I understand," Morgan replied kindly. "You're a great guy Luke and you deserve to be happy."

"Thank you Morgan," Luke smiled giving Morgan a hug goodbye. "Take care of yourself."

"You too," Morgan replied. Luke then walked away and let go of Morgan and held on to a hopeful future with Shane.

After Ford said his goodbyes to Benji, he went one last time to Patrick's place. He decided to make one last attempt to apologize before letting go. When he got there he knocked gently on Patrick's door. He didn't expect Patrick to answer, he didn't answer any of the other times he tried to come over to apologize, but to his surprise, Patrick opened the door.

"Hi," Ford said. He was happy just to see Patrick again.

"Hi," Patrick replied, he looked down at his feet, not knowing what to say to Ford.

"How have you been?" Ford asked.

"I've been better," Patrick replied.

"Of course," Ford said. "That was a stupid question."

"Listen, Ford-" Patrick began but Ford quickly began talking first.

"I'm sorry Patrick," Ford said. "I can't tell you how sorry I am for all of it. I never knew that Chandler set your mother up like that. I swear."

"I know," Patrick replied. "And honestly, I'm not really mad at you."

"You're not?" Ford asked hopeful that maybe Patrick has forgiven him.

"No," Patrick sighed.

"Can I come in?" Ford asked. "We can talk this out more."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Patrick replied.

"Oh," Ford sighed looking down at the ground.

"Listen, I know it wasn't your fault," Patrick said. "You didn't know what Chandler had done and I get that."

"I have a feeling there's a `but' coming on," Ford said.

"But, it's too hard for me to see you," Patrick said. "Whenever I look or think of you, I think of what happened and think about what it cost my mom and me. I wish I could move on from it, but I can't. I just don't belong in your world."

"You're ending it," Ford realized.

"I'm sorry Ford," Patrick sighed. "I wish that I never knew about any of this."

"Believe me, I wish the same thing too," Ford said tearing up. "So this is it."

"I think so," Patrick replied. "It sucks because I think I was falling in-"

"Don't say it," Ford stopped Patrick from finishing his sentence. "Just don't even say it. It will be too hard otherwise." With that, Ford slowly turned around and walked away, and even though he didn't want to, he let go of his relationship with Patrick.

Later that night, Shane was sitting in the living room of his apartment listening to the rain come down outside. All he could think of was Luke and how Luke left to go see Morgan. He wished he could go back and take back what he said to Luke. He'd rather have Luke as a friend then not have him at all. As he was thinking of this, there was a light knock on his door. Shane looked at his watch and saw that it was nearly midnight. He went to his front door and looked through the peek hole and say Luke standing and waiting. He was completely soaked from head to toe.

"Hey," Shane said opening the door for Luke. "What are you doing here?"

Luke didn't say anything, he just stepped up to Shane and kissed him. Shane melted into it and wrapped his arms around Luke. He'd never been more happy in his entire life. After a few more minutes of kissing they pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.

"Hey," Shane said smiling. He didn't know what else to say in that moment.

"Hi," Luke replied nervously. He didn't know where things would go, but he was excited at the prospect of a promising future with Shane.

The rain stopped that night, and it seemed that the storm in the lives of Luke, Shane and Ford stopped as well, for better or worse.


Luke and Shane were both lying in bed together in their condo. Shane was busying himself reading a book while Luke was on his laptop doing some editing on a collection of his columns that are being made into a book. The two have barely spoke to one another as they went about doing their own thing. The two both laid as far apart in the bed as possible.

"I can't believe you forgot it was our anniversary today," Luke shook his head finally speaking.

"I told you. I'm sorry," Shane replied. "I was really busy today. What more do you want?"

"I would like you to try and acknowledge this relationship that you wanted so badly seven years ago," Luke snapped.

"All right. I get it. I'm a shitty boyfriend. You can bitch about it in therapy tomorrow," Shane shot back. He slammed his book closed and turned off the reading light on his side of the bed. "I'm going to sleep."

"Fine," Luke barked closing his computer and turning off his light. "Happy anniversary."

The two laid in bed with their backs turned towards each other, both starting to regret the decision they made seven years ago.

To Be Continued...

Hope you all enjoyed this installment! I wanted to move the show ahead for creative reasons and also to include the characters from Phases' every now and then. Due to the Phases' story and to keep to the continuity from it, I had to move the story ahead since in `Phases,' the character haven't seen Luke in over seven years since he left that story. The biggest motivation for me moving the story ahead is to see where the character are seven years later and figure out how they got to the places they got to in their lives. Seven years changed each of the characters a lot and I think it will be interesting to see that. Hope you enjoy! With any comments, questions or feedback please e-mail me at All my best!

Next: Chapter 14

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