Life Sucks Series

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Dec 6, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.


LiFe SuCKs! 05 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


With nothing else to do, Travis wandered Mike's home, on his own guided tour. Not finding anything much out of the usual, except a table in the study, with scattered notes, he decided to take it easy. With easy' on his brain, came suggestion: hot tub'. All he had to do crank up the bubbles and heat, shuck his boxers and take three steps down into the lukewarm, swirling water. It warmed up quickly and sent him right into relax mode.

Next think Travis knows, he's being woke up, by whom he though was Mike, Travis looking alert, saying, "Damn bro! You scared the shit outta me!"

"I know," Trevor says, picking up his set of keys he purposely hurled to the concrete apron.

"What took ya?"

"It was a two hour drive, dammit!" Trevor says, whipping his tee shirt off over head and pinching the backs of his sneakers to remove them with the opposing foot.

"You look nice," Travis jokes, pertaining to Trevor's hairy forefront.

"It's about to get nicer," Trevor replies, opening his beltless jeans.

"No briefs?" his brother questions, spitting a stream of water out of his mouth.

Nonchalantly, Trevor says, "Gave'm to a kid back at the rest stop of 80. Awfully `cute' dude."

"Oh, so you didn't drive on through?"

"You want me to run out of gas?"

Travis smiles, replying, "Or cum? How old was this dude?"

"Your age."

"Damn!" Travis says, "I hope it wasn't any dude from school?"

"Nah. It was fifty miles back," Trevor, nude, steps down the same flight taken by his brother.

Travis offers, "I've heard stories."

"What stories? From where?" Trevor sets his buns down on the underwater bench.

"Mike's book. Stories of shy, gay dudes who want to make sure nobody finds out they are gay. How they get on a bus or get in their car and drive fifty or more miles to have sex."

"Like me?"

Travis laughs.

"What'd I say?"

Thinking about Chapter 2, "`Sex And The Single Dude'?"

"What about it?" Even though Trevor is ready to have the question popped back at him.

Travis questions his bro, "What's the farthest you ever traveled to have sex?"

Knowing he's found out, Trevor says as he moves his hand underwater, onto his brother's thigh, sliding towards home plate, "Remember I wanted to go check out college and insisted on making the trip alone, even though dad wanted to come along?"

"I should've known," and on a different plane, Travis says, "and if you don't get your hand out of my junk..."

"Oh! Was that you?"

"Hint, bro. There's like only two of us in the tub?"

There was about to be three, Mike making noise by closing the sliding glass door, "Yippe-ki-yi-yay! An orgy!"

Travis acts cool, "Mike, get a grip!"

With a different meaning, Trevor addresses him, "Yeah Mike. Come get a grip!"


What luck for Hans, after getting Travis' email, of which the closing remarks got him stroking off to a far-fetched fantasy, put two and two together and at this very moment was on his cell phone to one of his `playroom' mates. Right now, Hans hadn't a care in the world towards payback, calling in his chips for usage of any of Mike's blackbook-mates. Pictured in his mind was the eighteen year old high school football jock and as he waited for the dial tone to end, his tongue ran back and forth along his top lip over thoughts running through his head.


As Saturday mornings went around the Smith household, his father was usually off to the golf club by the time Jerome got to the breakfast table, a long table in the dining hall of the Smith mansion, serving up three meals a day. Affection pretty much ran dry between family members and when his mum had to depart for her garden club, all which was required of Jerome was a baby-kiss to the cheek, more fake or staged.

"So, where are we going this morning, bro?"

Nothing out of the ordinary, Jerome's twenty-five year old brother, Kyven, had chosen this weekend to spend with his sibling, driving an hour from his apartment dwelling, near where he worked.

More into himself and his high school life, Jerome usually didn't make it a habit of fitting Kyven into his life, but treated him like an `accessory', "Usual, hang out with the guys, meet up with our babes for shopping, then play some football in the afternoon, pizza and beers," and as has played out every other time Kyven has come home for a weekend, "the usual."

Kyven watches, after Jeromes has rattled off the mundane schedule, his bro going back to shoveling eggs into his mouth. He does get one pleasurable moment, Jerome paying attention to his china plate, moving his mug to side, banging it on the table, a signal to their butler for a refill.

With caution, making sure Jerome is paying attention to studying his football playbook, Kyven looks up to the family butler, Sebastian and as the coffee pot is lifted up from filling Jerome's cup, a smile courses Kyven's lips.

In return, Sebastian makes a gesture of pouring the spout over Jerome's head. Nothing comes out of course, as the butler moves the pot around in a circle.

Hardly able to contain himself, Kyven at least carries a smile on his face, rearranging his napkin on his lap.

"What?" Jerome suddenly looks to his brother.

"Oh nothing, I was about to ask Sebastian for more eggs, more eggs, please, Sebastian," Kyven switches from speaking with his bro, to the butler.

"Of course, sir," Sebastian replies.

Already having `bought' his brother's attempt at frivolous play, Jerome goes back to his play book for all of two seconds, suddenly gets up, wipes his mouth on his napkin, tosses the white fabric right on top of the crusts from his bread and leftover eggs and leaves.

"It always amazes me."

"What does, Sebastian?" Kyven replies, as Sebastian's arm grazes a shoulder to place a tablespoon of eggs onto a plate.

"How affection your brother is, let alone your whole family?"

Breaking out of the Smith mold, Kyven grabs Sebastian's tie, pulling him down towards him, "You mean like this?"

Not fighting Kyven, nor the feeling, Sebastian bends over, his lips meeting Kyven's upturned face.

"Something like that," the thirty-nine year old domestic replies.

"So, what's on your agenda for today?" Kyven follows Sebastian over to the highboy.

"I set out my gear yesterday to do some hiking," and hinting, "`alone', why?"

"What a coincidence! I happen to have my hiking boots in the trunk!"

They were playacting of course, it being every time Kyven came home to visit, which has been increasingly more, since there has been a change up of domestic help, the old butler retiring and Sebastian's hiring.

"I've got the tent with me."

Kyven hints this time, "Only one sleeping bag?"

"You got it!" Sebastian remarks.

"I'm hard thinking about it!" Kyven says.

Turning around, separating his black jacket attire, Sebastian replies, "And you think I'm not!"

Kyven laughs, looking at the protrusion of Sebastian's zipper area. "Mm-mm, maybe I should forget the second helping of eggs and save room for dessert!"

"Oh but remember, you don't get the trail mix until after the hike?"

Liking a little humility mixed in with his cocktail of sex, Kyven loved the little frills Sebastian would couple up with their hiking-camping trip. Kinky stuff, like being stripped down, tied faced up to four stakes in the ground, eagle-spread and then torturing him with twigs, touching him in all the sexy spots, before sitting his ass down on his chest, it all turned Kyven on.

Not the only part of the hot equation, Sebastian knew Kyven would have a raw set or cock and balls, squashed up against the bark of a tree, his bod forced to Kyven's back as he fucked him till he came.

"Why don't you knock it off early? Like I'm so hard," Kyven plays up to Sebastian.

As was already shown, Sebastian was hard up for some kinky camping, also knowing there was a price to pay for leaving, "Oh alright, but it's going to cost you!"

"Bring'm on!" Kyven says, excusing his chair from the table.

Walking over to the double doors to the kitchen, Sebastian pushes one open and yells in, "Hey Eric!"

The twenty-two year old college student, appearing at the door, asks, like he didn't know what for, "What's up?"

"Kyven has a favor to ask of you!"

Smiling, because this hasn't been the first time Sebastian has wanted to skip out early, Eric inquires, "Like, how did you know I was feeling horny?" he laughs.

If the kitchen staff overheard, none of them would give two shits about Kyven being gay, yet they were careful to keep the truth from the three homophobes of the Smith family.

Bumping into the two, another kitchen worker, Jose Trinidad, barges his way into the dining area, boasting, "Hey, you need help? I can give!"

He's never been `done' by Jose, but from rumors, Kyven says, "Uh no offense Jose, but I feel like sitting down sometime this weekend?!"

Where Jose lacked in height, 5'9, he made up the difference in `size', ability to bust a man wide open, not that most men would not mind, Jose getting a good part of the action as well.

With Jose's fat 9c in mind, Kyven never really seeing it, he opted out for, "That's okay. I'll take on Eric."

Eric says to Jose, "But I won't mind at all if you lifted a finger to help?"

Jose lifts a finger alright, cursing Eric out with his middle one, after disappearing back into the kitchen. Didn't matter anyway to Jose. He got his daily dose from any one of a number of Smith family domestic helpers, though his favorite was the pool boy and the pool was cleaned only on Saturday afternoons, late in the day.

"Sure I don't mind helping you out, Sebastian, as long as you don't mind me meeting you up on the trail?"

It set off alarms in Kyven's head immediately asking, "What happened to you boyfriend, Eric?"

"Split. It's okay," and Eric explains, "if he chooses some other schmuck over me!"

Part of the household trio, most associated with being gay, Sebastian and Kyven each share an arm, in comforting Eric over his loss, Sebastian saying, "Of course you're welcome to meet us on the trail." Then, with surprise reaction, "Damn it's going to be cozy sleeping tonight!"

Kyven adds, "Probably so sweaty we won't be needing a sleeping bag!"

Eric, forgetting about his boyfriend of 12 weeks, "Remember Sebastian, I get first dibs at Kyven's ass!"

However, after Kyven and Sebastian leave, Eric was too horned up to let it go till later. As Sebastian had done, he pushes the door to the kitchen open, calls out the name, `Ivan', telling him when he comes to the door, "I was wondering if you can help me out here?"

On the job two days, he's already heard `rumors' about what goes on in the kitchen, besides cooking up good food. Smiling, he looks down at Eric's hand, outlining something in his pants and on edge for a day and a half, regarding the frivolous play, reaches out and gropes, replying in broken English, "I think I can help."

They wouldn't dare take care of things in `open daylight', but in the private jon, abbreviated with toilet and sink, dropping pants and briefs, Eric had Ivan lean his hands on the toilet seat. Pulling the jacket up over Ivan's back was like unveiling a work of art, white bubble butt with a scathing of blond hair.

Eric always carried a small tube of the clear stuff and with it greasing his palms, he worked his cock with it. "Oh yeah... oh yeah..." he mumbled, hand over hand greasing himself up.

"I could do that for you, no?" Ivan tries telling Eric, over his shoulder.

"Maybe some other time, Ivan. I'm almost ready to unload!"

And it didn't take long, in and out three or four times, Eric braced his hands on Ivan's shoulders, trying to fit more and more of himself inside, shooting his manjuice in deep.

He wasn't the only one on edge, Ivan's hand covered with his own goo, half spent into the toilet bowl.

Eric laughed, turning around to Ivan, licking his own fingers off.

However, it wasn't only his own fingers which grabbed Ivan's attention, looking down at Eric's semi-soft shaft, drips of whiny cum reaching to the floor.

Getting a kick out of the twenty year old cooking school student, Eric barks, "Go ahead slut! What're you waiting for? Get that tongue busy cleaning me off!


"I hope you told Hans I was coming down for the weekend?"

Mike hadn't given much detail in how in the world he was going to go about making Jerome not blab all over the school his being gay, not only ruining his reputation, but most likely turning his football teams members on him, being bullied for the last few weeks of high school, let alone anyone else in school who looked upon gays as scum of the earth.

Replying to Trevor, Mike says, "I didn't know you were coming home, but I'm sure Hans would not object to having your hot bod present?"

Trying to follow the conversation of which Travis is thinking the two so versed on what was about to happen, they didn't need words to communicate, "Somebody want to fill me in on what's about to go down? I have a right to know, you know? Trev?" he looks at his brother, then, "Mike?"

Trevor and Mike exchange glances, Trevor offering, "He does have a right to know, Mike?"

"Or shown?" Mike poses.

"Oh, you're not thinking what I think you're thinking, Mike?"

Sliding his ass over next to Mike's, Travis recalls seeing Mike's screensaver and although he could only guess what it meant to have some dude's hand groping another dude's balls, the other dude apparently responding to the squashing action, his hand sliding down Mike's thigh, must've given Mike a sensation of some sweet, sensual means by which to keep his shaft hard, but oh what a surprise, when Travis mimics the screensaver!

"Oh! Oh! Owch!" Mike turns to Travis and yells, after Travis' hands abandons his balls, "What'd you do that for!"

Meantime, Trevor is laughing his ass off at Mike, standing in the hot tub, his whole wet bod out of the water, feeling up his own balls, barely touching the bubbling waves.

Turning to Trevor, Mike threatens, "Hush! Or I'll be having Hans put your balls in traction!"

A hand shushing away the very notion, Trevor reveals, "Give it up Mike. You know just as much as I do you loved having my bro's hand on you!"

"What?" Travis questions, a look of `what tha?' on his face.

Mike's thought sinking back to Trevor's original question and without a clue to Travis, "I'm going to forget you even mentioned anything remote to having your brother... you know!"

"Maybe you're done, Mike, but I'm not!"

It was a mad dash, rush, Trevor leaping across the hot tub, a hand set on groping Mike, direction for his brother, "Grab his arms!"

"What?" Travis questions. However, more in sync with his brother, than Mike, he grabs Mike at the elbows, asking afterwards, "What for?" However, after weaving his arms inside Mike's, pinning the twenty-nine year old's arms behind his back, he does wonder, "Not much of a fighter, Mike?"

Surprising Travis, Trevor takes on an alpha role, "Nah, he ain't gonna give you a problem, are ya Mike?" grasping Mike by the balls.

True to Trevor's words, Mike didn't flinch a muscle, except the one between his legs, as Trevor's gently formed hand over Mike's ballsacs and the other hand working his hard shaft made Mike give in to his two aggressors.

"What're you doing, Trev?" Travis leans his chest against Mike's back and looks over his shoulder, down his bod.

He can' surely see Trevor's hand massaging Mike, the head of Mike's cock out of the water, Trevor's other hand doing something'.

Then, from out of nowhere, Travis is totally surprised out of his gourd, a hand touching his head, Mike's face turning towards him and locking lips.

"What tha?" Travis back off.

In his act of wonderment, paying more attention to Trevor's busy hands and Mike's moaning and groaning, he relaxed his own position. The surprise kiss even more so and the other freed up hand he found in his own crotch.

Nervous about the impending threeway happening, Travis breaks off the kissing, "And I thought you were a slut, bro!"

Trevor levels with his brother, "You kidding, Trav? How do you think Mike got all that research for his book?"

Mike asks, "Uh, can I interrupt long enough to get one of you boys to surrender up something for my hungry mouth?"

Same time, he broke off Trevor's hold on him, Mike shimmying his way out from the two brothers, standing on the seat, his ass up on the side of the tub, swinging his way out and seating seaside on the cement apron.

Trevor jokes, "If you can't beat'em... join'em!"

Hopping out, Trevor kneels over Mike, scooping up his balls in hand, his mouth going over Mike's erection.

"Well?" Mike suggests to Travis, standing on the seat of the hot tub, his drippy balls hanging out, hard cock pointing towards `the shore'.

He wasn't sure, until his brother clues Travis in, "He's a decent cocksucker!"

"Decent, Trev?" Mike picks up on Travis' nick for his bro, "After all the times I..."

"Okay," Travis finally replies, stepping out of the hot tub, "I'll give Mike a try!"

It didn't work out. The cement was too course for Mike's butt and Trevor's knees, so they took the action indoors.


"There's our loophole!" Hans calls out, studying the email Travis sent him.

"Not much to go on," Armand Folleti, also known by the Vampire nickname, `Talon', has been complaining about since they first assembled, with only a face pic and a few stats to go on.

They joked about it though, Bob, town barber making comment, "Things like this need planning, Talon!"

Of course, Talon was only thinking about himself, fondling himself, voicing his main concern, "As long as he satisfies all eleven inches!"

"Always thinking of yourself, Talon?"

Talon turns to Tony, who happens to have been making the best pizza in town for the past twenty years, "At least I can get it up, Tony!"

In his Italian-accented English, Tony threatens, "You want me to prove, Tal? I make you choke on my Italian sausage?"

"No thanks, Tony!" Talon replies, I'll let you take out your frustrations on our new client!" Hidden in the back of Talon's mind was what Tony was packin'. Where he lacked in length, he made up in thickness!

Leader of the clan, Hans brings up, "So, we all in agreement, chancing Jerome taking a leak under the bleachers, when he and his gang are playing some football this afternoon?"

Talon asks, "Do we have to limit ourselves to one punk?" he laughs.

Bob speaks up, "We're doing this for Mike, remember?"

Talon, along with the rest of them knew. Part of why and how they came to be as a small group came about as a result of Mike's book and it reaching celebrity status on the most affluent book list in the world.

Getting his last dibs in, Talon says, "I only hope they choose me as the leading role when they make the movie!"

As of yet, Mike hasn't received any offers to turn his book into a movie, though he has often said it would make a box office blowout!

One last thing, Talon brings up, studying the email, eyes focused up on the concluding lines, "What about this `Master Travis' bit?" Biting his lip, the twenty-eight year old landscaper and sometimes Harley salesman, reacted in more than words of how it would feel to have another top-man annexed to their group!


Copyright 2011 T. Chase McPhee

`LiFe SuCKs!' may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 6: Life Sucks 6

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