Legally Gay

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 21, 2024


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Author's Note. This story is a sequel to Legally Gay, which was posted on this website in June, 2020.

Legally Gay II

-1- The Mix Up

Rick Lombard and Jim Parker entered their office together. Not only are they business partners, but they are natural brothers, and life partners as well. Both men were adopted children, who met as business associates, and fell in love, before they knew that they were closely related. Thanks to DNA testing, they not only found each other, but as a bonus, they found their biological father, James Karen. James is a multi-millionaire. When the three men reunited, James lavished his two newly-found sons with wealth, beyond anything they could ever have dreamed about. To their credit, neither brother ever flaunted his wealth. They stayed true to themselves, and always asked new acquaintances to address them by their first names.

It was a beautiful late spring morning in New York City, and the two men were just off a full weekend of love making at a peaceful retreat in The Catskills Mountains. The small cabin, they hid away in, was owned by their biological father. On their way into the office, they picked up their phone messages at the receptionist's desk. Before starting to attack their legal loads, they began to return their calls.

Whenever a call came from a prospective new client, the receptionist, Theresa, asked the client to describe briefly the reason for the call. If the client did not specify which senior partner, or which associate, they wished to speak to, the receptionist alternated which brother she gave the message to. Then it was up to him to decide if he should call back or turn the client over to an associate with the most experience in that sort of case. For instance, Jerry Phillips, the first associate they ever hired for their growing firm, tended to all their father's legal business. He was an expert in real estate law, and was always assigned clients, who needed legal assistance in his field. Jerry is now a partner in the firm.

That morning the receptionist took a call that floored her. She had never experienced a case like this one. It was Rick's turn to get the message. She wrote a small note on the message slip, Call me before you call the client. After speaking to Theresa, it was Rick's turn to be flabbergasted. He couldn't wait to make the call.

His first shock came when he discovered that the office he called, was the office of Smith and Lindquist, a very respected financial management firm. Brett Smith and Sven Lindquist, the sons of the senior partners, were personal friends of his and Jim's. They were another gay couple, and the four men socialized often. Better yet, they referred business to each other.

Rick told the receptionist at the brokerage firm that he wanted to speak to Martin Hall.

"Mr. Hall's office," a sweet young voice said. "This is Mary Ann. May I ask who's calling?"

Rick realized that he was talking to Mr. Hall's secretary. Nowadays, he wondered if her title was Administrative Assistant rather than secretary.

"I'm returning his call, Rick said. "This is Rick Lombard. He called my office, seeking legal advice on a very interesting matter."

"Oh yes, Mr. Lombard. Thank you for calling back. I'll get hold of him, and have him get right back to you."

Minutes later, Mr. Hall called back.

"Mr. Lombard," he said, "Something has recently come up, and I don't know what, if anything, I should do about it. I badly need your legal advice. I'm a financial advisor at Smith and Lindquist. One of my coworkers, another financial advisor, Ted Simms, is married to a lawyer, Bill Wharton. I spoke to Mr. Wharton first, and he said that he only did entertainment law. Then he referred me to you. He said that you were good friends." *

"Yes, we are good friends. I'm also a good friend of Brett and Sven's. We all belong to the same city club, and we often have lunch together, if it's convenient. Tell me when you can come in," Rick urged.

"I've already cleared a couple of hours with Arn Lindquist for tomorrow morning, if you're available."

"I'm available. Even if I wasn't, I'd clear my calendar for anyone from your firm. Can you be here at 9 AM tomorrow?"

"Definitely. See you then."

"I'm looking forward to it," Rick said.

"The situation is bizarre, and it's difficult for me to explain the circumstances which precipitated it," Marty began." (Rick had already advised him to use first names.)

"Well, it's always good to start at the beginning. Take your time. I'm listening."

"About three months ago, I had a nasty fall off a ladder. I gashed open my left leg, and it was all I could do to stop the bleeding. I'll cut to the chase. The EMT's took me to the emergency room at the nearest hospital. Besides closing the wound, they had to give me a couple of pints of blood, because I had lost so much. By this time, my parents were in the waiting room. One of the ER doctors went out to talk to them. If they were willing to give me their blood, it would be a hell of a lot cheaper for me."

Suddenly, Marty seemed unable to continue. He was trying to catch his breath. Rick offered him a glass of water. He took a sip, and Marty continued.

"It turned out that neither my father nor my mother had the same blood type as mine. I didn't give it a second thought, but after things calmed down, and I finally got home, I began to wonder about that. I had a gnawing, uncomfortable feeling. I begged my parents to tell me the truth if I was adopted. They swore I was their natural child.

"Without their knowledge, I did three DNA tests, one for me, and one for each of them. It turned out that I was not their son. They are totally Slavic, and I am totally Scotch-Irish."

"I don't understand," Rick interrupted. "What can I do for you?"

"I came to believe that I may have been switched at birth with another baby. If so, I don't want to upset my parents, or the other parents, either, but I would want to sue the pants off the hospital. I reached out to them, trying to get the names of any other baby boys born about the time I was, but they refused to give me any information. If there was a boy or two born within an hour of me, I'd like to reach out to the parents to allow me to test their DNAs. If the results prove we were mixed, I'd give you one hell of a law suit."

"Wow," Rick said, "this is like a detective movie. Let's start with obtaining birth records. This is not an adoption situation, so the records aren't sealed. Where were you born, what day, and the approximate hour?"

"You can help me, then," Marty smiled for the first time since he met Rick.

"Well, I'm sure I can get the birth records, but I can't force anyone to submit to DNA testing."

"That's a good start." Marty said.

"I'll call you as soon as I have something to report. By the way, Marty, my brother and I were adopted. We know how wonderful it was for us to find our birth parents. I promise to work hard on this for you. This is a mystery you have every right to resolve."

-2- Time for Decisions

Two weeks later, Rick called Marty. "I have some information for you," Rick said. "I'd rather discuss this in private, and not on the phone. Can you come in at the end of the day today? My brother and I will take you to dinner."

"Does your brother need to become involved?"

"Yes, it turns out that all three of us are involved in this matter, with only one degree of separation."

"How come you two are involved? You can't leave me hanging."

"That's why I want a face-to-face meeting. You'll just have to be patient."

Rick hung up before Marty could say anything more.

When Marty showed up at about 5:15 PM, Rick and Jim were waiting for him. Rick introduced him to Jim, and they both agreed that it was a pleasure to meet each other.

"Where are we going?" Marty asked.

"They have some private rooms for small dining parties at our city club. I booked one."

"Then I'm glad I came from work," Marty said. "I'm dressed appropriately, aren't I?"

"You're just fine, "Jim said. "Maybe you'll meet a beautiful, rich girl there tonight."

"Sorry guys," Marty said. "I'd be more interested in meeting a rich, handsome young man. I'm gay."

"Hey, we may be able to help you there too," Rick said. "Jim and I are a couple."

"I thought so," Marty said. "I have very reliable gaydar. By the way, thanks for telling me. I feel more comfortable now."

The dining room table at the club sat six people, but it was set for three. As soon as they were seated, they ordered wine. When the wine arrived, Jim asked the waiter not to disturb them until they called him.

"Please start talking," Marty said. "I'm going berserk."

"Well," Rick began, "the hospital you were born in is for obstetrics only. It's a small hospital, and you are young enough, that your birth is recorded on their computer system. I came armed with a search warrant, but they brought you up on their commuter as soon as I requested the information. I didn't need the warrant, after all. I guess they got scared because I'm a lawyer. Luckily, there were only two babies born that day. They were both boys and were born seven minutes apart."

"Are you telling me that you have identified my biological parents?"

"We've identified the other family," Jim said, "but they must be willing to have their DNA tested It can't be forced. I must warn you that most parents would resist receiving this kind of knowledge."

"I'm aware of that," Marty sighed. "I myself haven't had the heart to tell my parents the results of the DNA testing. They think I did it just for fun."

"So," Jim said, "that begs the question. How would you like us to proceed?"

"Would one of you go with me to meet my probable birth parents? I'm willing to sign any kind of document attesting to the fact that I want nothing from them other to join me in suing the hospital. My parents are, and always will be, my parents, and I'm sure the other guy feels the same way."

"Yes, we agree," Jim said "We were overjoyed to find our biological father, but our adopted parents will always be mom and pop."

"Great," Marty sighed in relief. "Now will you tell me who they are?"

"Brace yourself," Rick said. "Your biological father is a member of this club. I made sure he wouldn't be here when I made the reservation today."

"Why are you so reticent to tell me who he is?" Marty asked.

"Here's where the one degree of separation comes in," Rick said. "He's one of our dad's golf buddies. In the summer, they play three or four times a week at our country club. If you would have asked us to be adversarial, we would have had to resign the case Technically, since all you want to do is go after the hospital, the other family is on the same side."

"That's not the point," Jim added. "Are you sure you want to make waves? Wouldn't it be better to let sleeping dogs lie? Why upset both sets of parents and the other guy?"

"Because I'm not rich like you guys. I'm trying to save enough money to get my MBA. It's really tough on me and my parents. If I can get a settlement from the hospital, it could change my life."

"Okay," Rick said. "You win. I'll try to set up a meeting with him in my office, without his son, but if he refuses, I can't get an injunction to force him to give us his DNA."

"Before you make a final decision," Jim added, "there's one more thing you have to know. The other boy is gay also, and he's a good friend of ours, Sven, Brett, Bill and Ted. It's going to devastate him to know that his parents are not his biological parents. It's bad enough to see you so upset."

"I don't care," Marty said. "I've just learned that the other guy grew up wealthy, while I had to struggle for everything. My dad is a laborer, without an education. He barely makes a living. If my biological father realizes that I don't want anything from him, except DNA, why wouldn't he want to help his son? If it were I, there's no question I would help."

-3- The Meeting

Jim called his father's friend the next day. Timothy Ryan could not understand why Jim wanted to see him alone in his office. Jim finally had to give him a hint.

"Something very disturbing has come to my attention. It doesn't directly concern you, unless you want it to. It does greatly affect your son Colin, but when you hear what it is, that's also your decision, whether to involve him or not."

"Why can't you tell me what this is all about?" Tim asked. He sounded more conciliatory.

"Please trust me, Tim. It's not something that should be discussed on the phone," Jim said.

"Okay, you've convinced me. When shall I be at your office?"

"How about tomorrow at 10 AM? I have to invite one more person, my client, but I'll ask him to come fifteen minutes later, so I can fill you in before you meet him."

Tim came in the next day, looking very worried. Jim offered him something to drink. He opted for a glass of water. After he took a sip, he settled down.

The glass Tim set down on the conference table belonged to Parker and Lombard. If Tim denied a DNA test, Rick would not hesitate to send the glass for analysis. The saliva would reveal all.

"Talk, Tim said kindly, "before I murder you."

Jim told him how and why Marty came to his office, but deftly avoided telling him, the results of Rick's search at the hospital.

"The poor boy thinks he was switched at birth," Tim sympathized. "That's terrible, but what's that got to do with me?"

Finally, Jim revealed the results of Rick's visit to the hospital, and what they discovered.

Jim could see the blood rising in Tim's neck and face.

"It's a lie," he screamed out. "The boy's a scam artist."

"I can assure you, he's not," Jim countered. He showed Tim an affidavit. "Look," he said, "he signed this affidavit swearing that he doesn't want anything from you, except a DNA sample. You don't even have to tell Colin. Marty loves his parents, and he doesn't even want his folks to know."

"Then why does he want my DNA?"

"He just wants to prove in court that the hospital made a grievous error. He won't even reveal the source of the DNA. He just started to work at his new job, and has not yet built up a nest egg. He's terribly poor, and he needs the settlement money to further his education. He wants to get an MBA. For God's sake, Tim. If he is your natural son, don't you want to help him, even if he doesn't want your help?'

Now, Tim was crying. "This is terrible. Of course, I'll help the boy. If he is my son, I want you to represent Colin and me in a joint suit against the hospital. I'll have Colin give a sample also. I want to nail those negligent bastards as much as Marty does."

"He'll be here any minute," Jim said. "Please stay and meet him. You'll see he's just as broken up as you are."

"Of course, I will," Tim conceded.

When Marty was brought into the conference room, Tim didn't need DNA testing. Marty was his clone, as he would have looked twenty years ago or so. Now Marty started to weep. Tim grabbed Marty and embraced him. The two men wept silently on each other's shoulders.

Finally, Tim let go. "I want all of us and Colin to have dinner at our club tonight, Jim. I want to sue the hospital for everything they've got. I'll make you rich, Marty." He wanted to call him son, but he wasn't ready yet.

"What about your wife?" Marty asked. "I want to meet her."

"Sorry," Tim said, "she died when Colin was three years old."

"Shit," Marty said and then apologized. "Could I invite my parents? They don't know anything about this. The dinner will be a good way to tell them."

"Absolutely," Tim said, and then he asked Marty how he hoped to get his MBA.

"I'm attending CCNY at night," Marty answered.

"You can apply to the Wharton School next semester."

"No. I just got a great new job with Smith and Lindquist. It has great potential. I don't want to give it up. Jim told me that he and Rick, Sven and Brett and your son Colin are all friends. I don't want to leave those friendships behind either. I appreciate the offer, Sir, but I'll do it my way."

"It may be hard for you to call me, Dad," Tim said, "but please don't sir me. At least call me Tim."

"It's not hard for me to call you Dad. Why can't Colin and I have two families? Is there any rule against it in your law books, Jim?"

"Not at all. I think that's a wonderful idea. Rick and I consider ourselves lucky to have three families," Jim said with a little sob. He was getting teary also.

-4- The Dinner

Dinner at the club that evening was hardly a dinner. It was a huge celebration, a noisy one at that. Tim was glad that he had booked one of the club's private rooms. Colin and Marty took the opportunity to assure their parents that nothing had changed. They vowed to consider all three of them as parents.

Something wonderful happened when Colin and Marty met and shook hands. They nearly fell into each other's arms. Their gaydar indicated instant chemistry. They were in a separate huddle all evening. It is doubtful if they knew what they were eating.

"I can't get over how much you look like my dad," Colin said. "I want to tell you a secret. I've had the hots for him since I figured out that I was gay. Now I can seduce him without shame."

"I'd rather you seduced me," Marty said. "You're so hot and so single."

"I can see that happening," Colin smiled. "Listen," he told Marty. "every Saturday, the crowd goes to a club in The Village. The food there is great, and it's followed by a drag show. I really look forward to it. The camaraderie gives me a sense of well-being. I'd like you to go with me this week."

"You're too late," Marty laughed. "Jim and Rick have already invited me. Wait until I tell Brett and Sven."

"When he's available, Ted's business partner, Joey Carson, joins us with the famous Ricky Albert, who just so happens to be Joey's husband."

"You're kidding me," Marty said.

"I kid you not."

"Colin, after the show Saturday night, will you come home with me. My little efficiency apartment is Greenwich Village adjacent."

"I would have done that even if you hadn't asked."

Marty gave Colin a tentative peck on the cheek. There were too many people around to go further.

After dinner and the show that Saturday night, they went further, much further. They made love with such passion, they had to fall back several times to keep from hurting each other. Colin refused to release Marty's cock from his mouth until Marty begged for mercy. And when Marty was fucking Colin, Colin kept telling Marty to thrust deeper and harder. Finally, Marty came, but his cock was sore. After that, all they could manage to do was give each other long trips around the world. They couldn't get enough of one another.

There was no question in either of their minds that this was the beginning of a long and happy relationship.

-5- The Trial

The first witness Rick called to the stand was Colin Ryan.

After the swearing in and all the preliminary questions, he asked, "Where did you go to school, Mr. Ryan?"

"I went to Buckhart."

"I was referring to elementary school," Rick clarified.

"Yes, I went there all the way through to high school graduation. Buckhart is a private prep school."

"After graduation, what college did you attend?"


"What did you major in?"


What do you do for a living?

"I work for my father. He's an architect also."

"What is your yearly salary?"

"My dad started me at $150,000 a year."

"When you were a kid, how often did your dad buy you new clothes?"

"Several times a month."

"How old were you when your mother died?"


"Are you aware that Marty Hall's mother is alive and well?"

"Yes, I am."

The second witness he called was Martin Hall. He asked the same questions.

"Where did you go to elementary school?"

"In Brooklyn. I went through elementary school, middle school, and high school in my native borough."

"Then what?"

"I went to Brooklyn College."

"Did you complete your education in standard time?"


"Why not?"

"I had to quit a few times. I needed to work to make ends meet for my family."

What did you major in?"


"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm an investment advisor."

"What is your salary?'

"I just started the job, and it's more like an apprenticeship. I'm earning $40,000 a year.

"When you were a kid, how often did your parents buy you new clothes?"

"Hardly ever. I depended on hand-me-downs from my cousins."

Colin sat in the court room and cried.

The lawyer for the hospital argued that the statute of limitations had expired, and he asked that the case be dismissed. Rick argued that the statute did not become effective until the Hall family became aware of the mix-up, just a few short weeks ago. Rick won the argument.

In his summary, Rick stressed that all through childhood Marty had to struggle to stay alive, because of the mix-up, and he was still struggling. Although Ryan was well off, he was denied the pleasure of having a mother because of the hospital's heinous mistake. He demanded a verdict of five million dollars for each of his clients.

The jury deliberated for less than forty minutes. They awarded Marty $2,000,000, and they awarded Ryan $1,500,000 Rick and Jim reduced their usual 25% fee to 10%, so it was a good day for them also.

There were a few happy endings. First, both families merged into one. Marty bought his parents a condo in Florida, and they were able to retire on their social security and a little help from their sons.

Marty came up through the ranks, earned his MBA, and became a high earning investment advisor. He and Colin bought a luxury apartment in a building Colin had designed.

Colin and Marty keep close to the new friends they made as a result of the law suit. None of them ever gives up dinner and the drag show, if they can help it It represents their close friendship.

  • Brett, Sven, Ted, Bill, Joey, and Ricky are principal characters in former stories I have written; Summer Romances, Another Ordinary Guy, and The Red and The Black. Jim and Rick are principal characters in Legally Gay. All the stories are posted on this web site. HWB

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