Hot Fun In The Summertime

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Nov 19, 2009


You know the drill: The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.

HoT FuN iN THe SuMMeRTiMe: turning points WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Not much was accomplished last night, regarding Adam and Devyn climbing into the sack together. Last night, they trekked into what they figured was a guest room and became Pablo's guests!

Each carried their own clothing into the room, though Devyn following Adam, picked up here and there, the articles Adam dropped without noticing.

Even though they had sexually played out by the pool, lying in bed seemed entirely different for Adam. More the seasoned veteran, Devyn took it upon himself to guide Adam through their evening escapade. "And how does that feel?"

"Nice," Adam replied, when Devyn slowly slurped up the side of Adam's teen cock.

"Only nice? I'll have to try harder!"

"Okay, it was nicer then...." Feeling Devyn's tongue do it again, then his mouth over the top, taking Adam over the top, "nice.... oh-h-h-h... now that.... feels.... awesome!"

Soft in his approach to keep Adam hard, Devyn worked nice and slow. However, about twenty minutes into his oral work out, he sensed Adam's vocal `wows' settling, finding Adam, bit by bit, surrender to sleep. And even though Adam slept, Devyn went solo, purposefully rolling Adam on his side, scooting his chest up to Adam's back, placing his hand over Adam's side and then softly massaging his smooth bod. Then Devyn conked out for the night.


As for Jake and Pablo, Pablo complains, "I can't believe they went and helped themselves to `my' bedroom!"

"You have another one right?" Jake inquires.

"No. It's the only damn bedroom I've got!"

"Oh?" Jake gets wise. "Enrique said you would not mind putting me up till I found a place of my own. Now, exactly where did you expect me to sleep, Pablo?"

He stood there in the illuminated hallway, a grin on his face.

Then it wasn't important, Jake placing other matters before it, "Well find someplace for us. You got me so horned up I need someplace to bed you down!"

As Pablo led the way, he smiled, thinking he was allowing this eighteen year old 'kid' boss him around. He recalled going to the junkyard one time, meeting up with the boss' son, a bit older than Jake and how he tamed the youth. However he didn't think the guy had quite the same endowment Jake had.

As with Devyn and Adam, their night was shortened for lack of energy, the two dozing off. They woke up in the hay loft, a saddle blanket over them, snuggled up so the morning chill did not affect them.

"Where you going?" Pablo asked Jake as he was about to escalate down the ladder from the loft of hay.

"I've got to take a leak."

"So, leak up here," Pablo replied.

"You have a jon up here?"

Pablo sits there with his mouth open.

"Ewe, you're fuckin' kiddin'!"

"Yeah, I am," Pablo lied, laughing it up.

So, together they walked alongside the pool.

"Hey. I smell something," Pablo said, his nose twitching.

Jake answers, "I farted!"

"Ewe!" Pablo replies.

It made for good humor. When they hit the back door, the `odor' became stronger.

"I betcha that's Adam," Jake said of the now familiar aromas, eggs, bacon and coffee brewing.

"Adam?" Pablo doubted, thinking it someone older taking on the responsibility of firing up the stove. "No, I betcha it's the reverend."

"Ten bucks!" Jake takes wager.

"Ten fucks and you're on!" Pablo replies.

"Whatever," Jake says as Pablo holds the back door for him.

They were both surprised, Adam at the stove and Devyn, having found some odds and ends of dishes, was setting the kitchen table for four.

"My, aren't we the little hostesses this morning?" Pablo says. Then, thinking of last night when he and Jake were ready to turn in, "Oh by the way reverend, how did you and Adam find my bed? Nice and cushy?"

Devyn replies, "Oh, when I got comfortable, sometime during the evening, I happened to stick my hand under a pillow and found this!"

Devyn tosses the pair of handcuffs to Pablo, Pablo holding them so they dangled.

Jake says, "I think you two were made for each other!"

For Adam's benefit, Devyn reiterates, "Not for me anymore. Like I said, I'm not into the scene anymore."

Then, Jake is shocked out of his gourd when Adam says as he moves the bacon around in the pan, "Maybe you should think about getting into it Jake?"

To keep Pablo from stirring anything up, something Jake thinks could possibly well happen, he asks, "Got a shower around here someplace?" Of course he knew one was upstairs, but used it as a lead question to lead Pablo's mind in a different direction. In fact he didn't even wait for a reply, going off into the other room, to the small hallway leading to the staircase.

Pablo excuses himself, "I better make sure Jake doesn't get lost!"

"Thanks," Adam says to Devyn.

With an inquiring look, Devyn asks, "What for?"

"For sticking to what you said last night about quitting all this kinky stuff. I think probably one of the toughest things is to give up doing something which brings you a lot of pleasure, especially when you do it because it's for someone else?."

Adam was minding the bacon and eggs on the stove. Devyn pretty much done with the table furnishings, walks over and stands behind Adam, arms going around him, on the inside of the cook's apron, hands coupling around Adam's rib cage. "You bring me more pleasure."

"I probably could bring you more pleasure if we ever got serious about each other?"

Devyn broke his hold on Adam, turning and walking away. He sat on the ledge of the counter top.

Adam turned off the gas and placed the skillet on a cold burner. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Look Adam..." Devyn was trying to fit his thoughts into words which would not stand to hurt Adam, but felt the best way would be the honest-to-God truth, "I'm twenty-four and you're eighteen..."

Cutting him off, Adam replies, "Yeah. So?"

"You're just starting out in the world. You'll be going to college, digging into your studies, meeting other people. I'm sure you'll find someone your own age to build a relationship with."

Half joking, but actually with a flush feeling, Adam replies, "Whatsamatter? You don't think I'm capable of handling an older man?" As he said it, he gently approached Devyn with baby steps. Upon finishing what he had to say, his hands were brushing the sides of Devyn's arms.

"Oh, I'm sure you are quite capable of handling a man of my age."

"You're six years older than me Devyn. It's not like you are seventy?"

"I know, but..." He stopped and unloaded more true feelings, "I don't think I'm ready to get into a relationship right now, Adam."

"Oh, so it's not that I'm younger and you're the older guy, but you're just not ready to jump the gun and get involved or maybe you don't really want to get involved with a teenager and prefer someone much more older and matured?"

"No, I swear. It's none of those things. I'm thinking only of you Adam. You're going to college, you're going to be surrounded by a whole lot of good looking fratguys and I'm sure there will be some who are interested in you."

But it's not what Adam wanted. From yesterday into today, he has found Devyn to be a very loving, caring guy, not to mention nice and hairy! He was in love with him, but decided to take a different approach to showing him it was so. Preying on Devyn's extra curricular activities, Adam slid his hand up Devyn's thigh and grabbed him underneath the cock.

"Oh-h-h-h... what are you doing Adam?" He took Adam's wrist in his hand, prying him off his balls.

"Making myself the man you want and need."

"Adam, I told you..."

"And just think of it Devyn, every once in awhile when you get to wanting to... um..." Adam couldn't think of the wording.

Devyn suggests, "Get owned?"

"Get? I thought you already were!" Adam says, his pubes up to the cabinet doors where Devyn's legs are hanging over them, forcing himself on Devyn.

With thoughts of the only way out of this predicament, Devyn says, "Adam, Adam, Adam... what am I gonna do about you?"

"Haven't you ever thought about getting your masters Devyn?"

Devyn, seeing where this is leading is not opposed to what he thinks Adam is pertaining to, "Um, do you think there's a chance we could be dorm-mates?"

"Wow!" Adam exclaims.

"What?" Devyn asks.

"I only squeezed your balls a little and I got you to do what I want!"

Standing, Devyn gets into a more romantic mood. "Y'know I was really getting tired of that crappy job I have at the church?"

"Oh really Devyn? I thought you liked 'abuse'?"

"Not the kind you're giving me right now!"

"Oh? Like how would that go?" Adam questions, even though he has an idea of where Devyn is headed with this charade.

Taking Adam in his arms, his lips spoke the truth.


So bent on burying his troubles in a glass or two or three of liquor, TJ walked in the bar, telling the bartender to line up three shots of whiskey for him. After downing the three, he told the bartender to leave the bottle.

Over at the pool table, a trio of leather dudes, all decked out in an assortment of chaps, Doc Martin boots, harnesses, vest, and assorted implements hanging from their waistlines, they took notice of the dude at the bar, downing shots like a thirsty mule drawn to a water trough. One called attention to the other with only a smile and a nod towards the bar. Taking the single lead the other two put their sticks at rest.

"Hey, how's it going?" The leather dude with the 'idea' in his head greeted TJ, placing his arm over TJ's shoulder like they were long, lost friends.

One of the others sat down on the stool to the other side of TJ. Third leather-dude stood behind their intended 'victim'.

"Hey, I'm Aldo and this here's my cousin Angelo."

TJ could pretty much hold his own when it came to drinking, but onto his fifth shot, he was feeling much better than when he first came into the gay bar.

"Angelo is a nice guy. He always likes to buy the drinks, ain't that right Angelo?"

"Sure," Angelo says, pulling out a wad of bills.

Aldo then asks, "What're ya drinkin' there?" he pats TJ on the opposite shoulder from where he's sitting.

"Whiskey. What does it look like?" TJ replies, still annoyed at the incident which ticked him off.

Aldo exchanged crafty smiles with the dude standing behind TJ. Angelo glanced behind TJ's back, giving the other two the thumbs up.

"So, what's your name buddy?" Aldo asks, still with buddy-to-buddy arm around TJ's shoulders.

Still, his mind on the disagreement with his father, TJ replies, "Thomas."

Aldo looks across TJ's chest, to Angelo, showing the guy's got an attitude. But shucking it aside, he smiles, asking, "So what drink can Angelo get for you Tommy?"

"It's not Tommy and it's not Thomas... it's TJ, okay?"

Same look as before crossed in front of TJ, between Aldo and Angelo, this time Angelo shrugging his shoulders. But the same evil grin appeared on Aldo's face.

"Whatever you say 'TJ'," Aldo replied. "So what are ya drinkin'?"

"Another 10 shots of whiskey. Maybe twenty... thirty... what the fuck!" TJ replies.

Through the course of the next half hour, the four had toasts, mainly to TJ as he unloaded some of what ailed him. Aldo, coaxing him on, agreed and kept TJ tipping the shots to his lips.

Not strangers to the bar, the bartender says, "I hardly think this boy will be able to make it on his own when he leaves."

"Hey, you think we're gonna up and leave our buddy here?" Aldo says.

First word out of the dude standing behind TJ, says, "Yeah. We're gonna take 'real good' care of him!" He cracked his knuckles.

"You ready to go home TJ?" Aldo says, already helping TJ off his bar stool. Then Aldo says to the standing leather dude, "C'mon, Dominic, let's help our buddy TJ?"

Drinking less than a third of what TJ downed, the three leather dudes had no problem taking 'care' of TJ. Dominic took TJ into his custody, an arm around Dominic's neck, Dominic's arm around TJ's back.

Angelo pays the bill, the bartender being humble, "Nah. That's okay. I'll just stop by Aldo's place on the way home and 'collect'!"

The two left, Angelo catching up with Dominic and Aldo out front.

The buddy system quickly dissolved when they got to the alley. Instead of Dominic helping TJ, he put him into a full nelson. Aldo heaved and punched him in the midsection.

"Ugh-h-h-h!" TJ belched.

At the same time he began to lose what was in his stomach, Aldo stepping aside to allow Dominic to loosen his grip. TJ fell to his knees and proceeded to empty his stomach, his hands clutching the soreness he felt.

"Get him up Dominic. Angelo's here with the van," Aldo ordered.

Picking him up, Dominic once again placed TJ in a full nelson. It took the muscled leather dude a fraction of his strength to force TJ towards the van, parked at the entrance to the dark alley.

Side door open, Dominic had one arm around TJ's midsection, lifting his legs to fit inside the cargo area, when they hear, "Hey! You!"

"Leave him!" Aldo ordered.

Letting TJ fall to the sidewalk, Dominic jumped in the cargo space while Aldo pulled open the front passenger door, got in and they sped away.

Kneeling down next to TJ, a voice asks, "What the fuck did they do to you mister?"


"How is my son doing Dr. Bonjani?"

The doctor detours from the busy hallway, directing Shipman into a private waiting area.

"When I learn of his status I will tell you," the thirty-two year old doctor assures him, as they talk in the private.

"We've been friends for a long time, Nadir, and I 'need' you to personally see Chip through this."

In the hallway things 'had' to be formal, but in the private waiting area, behind closed doors, they could morph into what they have meant to each other for the past twenty years. While Alexander was married, he often spent, what was passed off as time on the clock, off the clock at Bonjani's apartment, having a close, friendly, sexual relationship. In particular, Bonjani had overseen TJ's recovery and now is being put in charge of Chip's welfare.

"Yes, but we haven't been too close for the last couple of years, Alexander," Bonjani, helping himself to Alexander's vulnerability, closing in on him.

"I know, Nadir. I've been so busy and...."

"And not needing someone special in your life?" Nadir replies, putting his hands on Alexander's shoulders, letting them cascade down to his forearms.

But foreplay wasn't needed, Alexander standing with the only close comfort in his presence as he slides his hands in between Nadir's arms and ribs, taking advantage of a warm bod to hug. "I don't know what I'll do if I lose Chip."

Backing off a bit, Nadir says, "I was under the impression you have two sons, Alexander?"

With a futile response, exhaling, Alexander replies, "I think I've really blown it with Thomas. When I found Chip overdosed on drugs all I could think about is Thomas being the cause of it. I used some mighty powerful words of scorn and... and he ran off."

"Can you call him?" Nadir suggests.

Alexander reaches into his pocket, "I suppose I could."

Nadir stood there as Alexander opened his phone and gazed through his contacts list.


"You just take it easy mister. I'm trying to make you as comfortable as possible until the ambulance gets here, okay?"

Rusty Handleman didn't know whether the guy lying on the sidewalk could hear him or not, but figure if so, some kind words from a stranger may make him feel more comfort. Why did he care so much about a stranger? It was his job, a paramedic just off his shift, making his way to the gay bar. He had taken TJ's vitals, the few he could do and came to the conclusion, from the aroma surrounding TJ, he had more than he could handle to drink. However, the stench of fresh 'barf', told him he couldn't hold it down. Too, by the looks of the thugs, he figured...

"Wallet!" Rusty exclaimed to himself.

It wasn't tough to slip his hand under the victim's ass and as he did, took notice of TJ's face as he did it. He comments to himself, 'I bet cleaned up you look really hot!'

Anyway, he opened the wallet and found all he needed, but mainly, "So your name is Thomas?" And scrutinizing the information, "Thomas Shipman. Now why does that sound familiar?"

He tried recalling and came up with an earlier delivery to the hospital and it all fell into place. His last call brought him to the Shipman building, where a young man in a rest area was found unconscious, white powder scattered about.

However his connection was short-lived when the paramedics arrive. And even though personnel were available to handle TJ, Rusty gave out what information he knew. Too, he happened to know the two paramedics which gave TJ the benefit of the doubt of whether he would be receiving a more caring responsibility than 'ordinary Joe'.

As they sped away, Rusty made 'a deal' with one of the paramedics arriving on the scene, one which all involved would keep secret, Rusty riding with the victim and 'Mark', driving his car to the hospital, then the quick switch when they got there. As they are speeding through the city streets, him and the other paramedic hear a cell phone ringing.

"We're 'not' supposed to answer it," the other paramedic told Rusty.

"I know," Rusty said, going for it, then hesitating.

"But with Mark, driving your car... well we might as well go all the way!"

"Thanks Ryan," Rusty said, going for the phone in TJ's right pocket. He only smiled to himself, his hand brushing against 'something'. But more important, he was targeting the phone call. "Hello?" he called into it.

Turning to the doctor in the room, Alexander places the phone on his chest, saying, "Thomas is in an ambulance headed this way, Nadir. He's been roughed up by some thugs!" Going back to the phone he told the person who picked up, he was already at the hospital and would meet them in the emergency room. At least he figured he could get preferential treatment from his doctor-friend.

Clipping TJ's phone in half, Rusty filled his associate in on the situation at hand.


Pablo exited the jon after Jake and began laughing his ass off.

To his eyes, Jake held two circular objects, looking something like an alien from Pluto.

"Want me to show you what they are for?"

"I know what handcuffs are for, Pablo."

Entertaining thought, Pablo asks, "So Jake, what did you think of Adam's comment before?"

"Which one?" him honestly not remembering.

"About you being the 'evil master' and me the 'lowly slave'?"

"Nah, I don't think so. I think I'm going to stick with Devyn's decision."

"Oh," the twenty-six year old artist replies. With disappointment, "Whatever you think is right for you Jake."

"Sorry," Jake replies, detecting an unhappy reply.

"Don't be. But I do have to level with you Jake. I am really interested in having a relationship with a guy who can get into it."

Not having the same impression, Jake replies, "So this is it, huh?"

"My home is always open to you Jake. Anytime you need sanctuary, you are welcome. If you need a place to bring a guy... or two... feel free to invite them along. You don't even need to call. If I'm in the middle of 'something', you can take your trick up to the loft or if I'm in barn, 'hanging out', you can use the house. You can still even stay here while in college... free!"

Jake liked Pablo. But as time passed, between yesterday and today, he sensed a separation, the two drifting apart in interests. Sure, Jake liked to hold the reins when in bed, but he didn't want it to become one-sided. A guy was entitled to his own opinion. He wasn't into ordering a guy around. Plus, into toys other than a dildo or buttplug, he felt it was too much 'work' being a person he wasn't cut out to be. "Thanks Pablo. I'll think it over. Um, do you happen to know what happened to my clothes?"

"The loft?" Pablo said.

When Jake and Pablo walked downstairs, hit the kitchen, Devyn and Adam were gone.

"It's going to be so lonely with everybody leaving me!" Pablo said, pouting like a little kid.

"I'm sure you'll find a replacement," Jake replied. "After all Pablo you are still young and very good looking."

Right away, seeing no future here, Jake took to leaving the house.

"I'll help you find them," Pablo offers.

Maybe a little disappointed himself, Jake presses his hand to Pablo's hairy chest and says, "No. It's okay. I think I know the way. Thanks for everything and..." after a kiss, "last night. It was fun."

The screen door closed, Pablo's nose pressed into the fine mesh as he watched Jake's ass swivel back and forth as he headed off to the barn. "Damn shame!"


"Nice place you have here, Devyn," Adam comments about the small quarters attached to the church building.

"Sorry about the means by which we came here," Devyn replies, almost in the closet, looking for some suitcases.

Adam jokes, regarding their age difference, "I'm still young. I can hoof it!"

Coming out of the closet, a suitcase under each arm, one in each hand, Devyn says in a sassy manner, "Well are you going to help or just stand there and watch me get old?"

Even though Devyn had his black church attire on, the white collar was missing. Adam approached Devyn. His hands full, Devyn had no recourse but to stand there and 'take it', allow Adam to have his way with him, slowly open the already 'V' of his shirt. "Nope! No gray hairs yet!"

"Is that all?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well Adam, I figured maybe the least you can do is strip and rape me!"

"Isn't once a day enough?"

Devyn reminds him about the early morning hours, "You fell asleep, remember?"

"Oh. Well! I guess I'll have to strip and rape you!"

The two were joking and their fun was curtailed by the sound of someone knocking on the door. The voice revealed it to be the minister from yesterday who banned Adam and Jake from his father's own funeral reception.

"Oh boy!" Devyn says. "Here's where the shit hits the fan!"


"You better thank McDonalds for still being in business!" Rusty said to Alexander after meeting him in the emergency room, the crew whisking him away, leaving the paramedic with TJ's father.

"Why is that?"

"Because if Thomas' head had been two inches off the mark, it would have missed landing on somebody's tossed away garbage and it would have made his medical condition much worse."

"I see. So, what seems to be the problem. Do you know what happened to him?"

"I'm not really sure what preceeded it but, I was on my way to the bar and caught some thugs trying to push him into a van. I kind of had the feeling they were up to no good because it looked like a matter of 'force'. Too, I had seen the big guy, the one holding Thomas in a full nelson, a week or two ago at the same bar. Believe me. He's a big guy and even if Thomas wasn't drunk, he would have a problem getting away from him."

"So you can identify the perpetrators?"

"As I said, the big guy, but I'm not sure about the other two. It was dark. However, I do recall the big dude playing pool with two others. Find one and you'll find the rest. And oh, I did phone the police. I have an 'in' with one of the detectives. He said he will be dropping by the hospital for a statement."

"Thank you very much Mr. Handleman."

"Rusty. That's what my friends call me."

"Rusty then, I am very grateful for what you did for Thomas," Alexander replies, shaking his hand.

"I would have done for anyone in peril. By the way, I'm guessing, but since Thomas was found near the alley of the gay bar, would he happen to be gay?" Rusty asks, giving it a long shot call.

"Yes he is," Alexander replies. He kind of gets the feeling he knows why Rusty is asking. But rather than give opinion, he asks, "Do you think this was a gay bashing?"

The twenty-eight year old smiles, but then changes his 'gay' disposition and replies, "I'm not sure. We'll only know the truth when Thomas can tell us what happened. Until then I don't think we should speculate." However, Rusty was already making his assumptions regarding TJ.


"What are you going to do, Devyn?"

All at once Devyn relaxed his arms, all four suitcases hitting the floor. As he started for the door, he says, "Do me a favor and start packing. I don't think this is going to take long."

Adam got busy tearing clothes off hangers and stuffing them into one of the suitcases.

"Hey, what's up?" Devyn asks his superior with casualness.

Right away, the right reverend says, "Isn't that Jake Calder's gay friend?"

"That is correct. He's helping me pack."

"But why would he be helping 'you'?" It hadn't phased the senior minister yet, as to why Adam was in Devyn's presence.

"Why?" Devyn says, wanting to burst with out with an energetic response, but kept control as he said, "He is here because after spending last night with him I've decided I pretty much couldn't go on living the lie around here. You see, last night Adam and I became lovers!"

Silence prevailed as Devyn waited, Adam too stopped filling the suitcases, the two waiting for reaction.

They weren't disappointed, the reverend dude using his finger as a baton to ridicule, "The devil abounds! I want you and this trash out of here Devyn!"

"No problem. As you can see I was already in the process," Devyn replies, taking a box out from under the desk and beginning to put some personal articles in it.

"And I forbid you to set foot on church property or else I will have our attorney..."

Devyn knew this was how he would react, but wanted to make sure of one item, "Except to stop back for my last paycheck?"

"In lieu of the fact of your actions against this church..."

Seeing where this way headed, Adam cuts him off this time, "That's bullshit!"

"You!" the wagging finger of scorn of hate turns on Adam, "You shut your mouth you little devil in sheep's clothing!"

Knowing the senior rev was going to try to finagle his way out of paying him, Devyn too defends himself, "I think between 'my' attorney, plus the Human Rights Commission, not to mention the local Tv news crew, I think we can make this into a nice incident, which the church wishes they could put behind them."

He was livid and didn't want Devyn to get the upper hand, but his hand being forced, what with the publicity and a possible lawsuit, "I will go and have your check ready for you before you leave."

Storming out, Adam says to Devyn, "So we're lovers, are we?"

"You don't miss a word, do you?" Devyn replies as he stands before Adam, his arms touching his shoulders, moving down his biceps as he leans in for a sweet kiss.

The senior pastor moved quickly, contrary to Devyn and Adam, them being interrupted at the most inopportune moment!


'Nice of Pablo to lend me his wheels!' Jake thought as he drove the '88 brushed silver corvette stingray down the road, away from what he thought could have been the find of a lifetime, as far as relationships go. Then outloud, "At least Adam got lucky!" And it made him smile, thinking over the years, their friendship and how would it go as the future fast approached. "Adam?" He looked in the rearview mirror, passing two guys walking up the road, back towards Pablo's place. He put it in reverse and backed across the hardly traveled country road. When he got to where the two trekked, he stopped and called out the window, "Hey, you guys looking for some cheap sex?"

"Jake?" Adam questioned the silver vehicle. "Is that you?"

"Yeah. How do you like my new car?"

It took some doings, stuffing four suitcases, plus a box in the rear compartment, then Devyn sitting in the front seat, Adam scrunched up as he sat on Devyn's lap. As soon as they got moving, of course Jake's inquiring mind wanted to know all the dirt.

Adam chose to skip to the punchline, "And you should have seen the rev-dude's face when he walked in on Devyn and I embracing and us kissing!"

"Shit!" Jake exclaims. "I bet he had a cow!"

"Um, Devyn?"

"Yeah?" he asks Adam, knowing all too well his hands were keeping Adam 'hardly' soft. With the close quarters, his arms around Adam's waist had settled down into his crotch!

"If you keep this up?"

"I know," Devyn replied.

"So?" Jake asks, "what else?"

"Nothing much," Devyn replied, as one hand ran his finger and thumb along the encased tube.

Adam smiled, but answered the question, "He was going to skip Devyn's paycheck coming to him, but Devyn used his influence to change his mind."

Under a different impression, Jake says, "You mean he pulled his pants down and bent him over the bed?"

"Yeah," Adam carried the joke, "then I fucked him hard until my gay, evil seed defiled his sanctified ass chute!"

"No shit?"

"On the contrary," Devyn says, "Adam here is giving you quite the cock and bull story!"

When they arrived at Pablo's place, quite isolated from the entire area, set back into the forest, nothing seemed to stir.

"Pablo must've gone out," Adam thought.

"Not unless he walked. He's only got the one car."

Devyn says, "Then who's car is that?"

"Good question," Jake says.

The three left the luggage be and walked up the same path they took twenty-four hours ago, walking behind the garage and coming out to the pool. A quick search of the house turned up nothing. They figured the barn was next.

Opening the barn door, Jake is the first to see and react, "Well that didn't take long!"

"Hi guys. This is Trent." He then cried out, "Yeo-o-o-ow!"

"That's 'sir' to you 'boy'!"

Jake walks up to Pablo's bod, looking up at the rope cinching his two wrists together, hanging there. He takes the liberty of tweaking Pablo's pink nip. "Now that's gotta hurt," he says of the nip Trent just whacked with a crop.

In a comical fashion, Trent says, "Stand back and I'll show you what really will get this boy's cock dripping!"

While Trent went to work on Pablo's other nip, alternating back and forth with the yelps of response, Adam says, "Having fun playing with yourself Devyn?"

Devyn's hand froze, him saying, "Wow! I didn't even know I was doing it!"

"Yeah, sure Devyn," Jake says, feeling up Devyn's erection crammed into his pants.

Trent, with his superman-hearing, yells out, "I got another rope, if you're interested in stringin' up your boy?"

"No thanks!" Devyn calls back, rearranging his package.

"Faker!" Adam tells him.

"What do you mean, faker?" Devyn asks.

Jake saves Adam the drama, "You know you want it, Devyn, so why hide it?" He directs to his friend, "Why don't you just let Trent string him up and give him what he wants, Adam and get it out of his system?"

"No," Devyn says. "I gave that stuff up and that's that." But even though he thought it, his cock seemed to have an opinion of its own. And then when they hear a loud yelp, louder than all previous ones, they turn their attention the master and slaveboy, Devyn replying, "Oh shit is that hot!"

Adam replies, "You think getting your cock beaten with that thing in his hand is hot, Devyn?"

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said it."

But Jake disagrees, "Why not?"

And because Jake said it, Adam goes along, "Yeah, why not?"

"You're encouraging him?" Devyn says to Adam, pointing his thumb towards Jake.

"Devyn?" Adam says, putting his hand on Devyn's shoulder.


Instead of saying anything to Devyn, Adam yells, "Hey Trent, master, sir?"

"Can't you see I'm busy?" Trent said, having lowered Pablo's arms till his head was waist height and had his mouth tantalizing his cock.

"I've got it," Jake says, putting his hand up as a stop sign, to signal he would handle it.

They couldn't hear Jake talking, but using the language of his hands as well as voice, they saw him pointing over to where Devyn and Adam stood.

"What's he doing?" Devyn asks Adam.

"Beats me!"

Then they see Jake coming back, Trent with him.

Trent orders, "Assume the position boy!"

"Wait, I told you," he meant Adam, "I wasn't... ugh!"

"When I want your opinion I'll ask for it boy."

Trying to get wind after the sucker-punch in the gut, Devyn talks and breathes the same time, "Sorry sire!"

Adam, in defense, says, "Next time you do that and I'm going to punch your lights out!"

"Oh really? And who might you be?" Trent addresses Adam, taking a step to his side.

And to send a message to which side of the fence he played on, Devyn replies for Adam, "This is my master."

Adam saw Trent make a fist, but stopped his arm, "Like he said, he's my boy," Adam replied.

But to show Adam he wasn't hurt or anything, "I'm all right, okay?"

"I know what you want Devyn, so don't try to lie to me."

"What?" Devyn says to Adam as Jake walks with Trent back to where Pablo is hanging like a side of beef.

"I'm not lying, I... I don't know what to say Adam."

"And you don't have to say anything Devyn, if this stuff makes you happy and you deny it, like a guy denies he's gay and he is, then you're going to be miserable."

Devyn smiles, saying, "Are they making high schoolers smarter these days or what?"

"We get smart as we experience life," Adam replies. "Now, get over there, 'boy', strip down and have some fun!"

"You don't mind?" Devyn gives in.

"Would I be telling you to go ahead if I didn't really want you doing this? I can try to influence your life but I can't tell you how to run it."

So, as Devyn walks towards Trent, Jake comes in the opposite direction, saying, "Have fun Devyn. I know you will!"

Outside the barn Jake and Adam walk along the pool edge.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Jake yells out as Adam takes a leap, cannonballing into the pool.

"Cooling off?"

Jake joins him.


Copyright 2009 T. Chase McPhee

`HoT FuN iN THe SuMMeRTiMe' may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

The more you stretch, the more you can fit in... 'spread' happiness! TCMcP.....

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