Home Cumming

By matriarch

Published on May 14, 2003


This story contains explicit depictions of a loving and caring relationship. If you find real love offensive, I suggest you try and get your thrills somewhere else.

The Summer Outing By Matriarch

Part 1

In a quiet, sleepy, picturesque corner of Essex, right on the border with even sleepier Suffolk, there is a small village called Dedham. Its is an appealingly beautiful place, and very famous with tourists because it is the centre of the part of England most associated with John Constable, one of England's most famous Victorian painters, and Dedham church the subject of one of his best known paintings.

Dedham has a small river, The Stour, which runs through it, and on that river, one can hire old fashioned rowing boats and just drift up and down in warm sunlight, soft breezes, and on each side on a busy day, sometimes you will see fishermen - and women, I have done it. In the fields there are herds of cows, which roam freely. Dotted all along its length, there are huge ancient oaks, which, if they could talk, could tell such tales of the sights and sounds of things that have gone on around them. The river twists and turns sometimes gently, sometimes sharply, and occasionally there is an overgrown side stream, which beckons the inquisitive.

Today, we are going for a boat ride on that river, in the warm sunshine. We have a picnic basket, with delectable nibbles, a bottle of wine, which I will hang over the side of the boat to chill and a soft blanket. We also have a bag with a few extras.

You are wearing a very thin, almost transparent white summer dress, with a tight fitting bodice, pre-formed bra and no straps, we don't want strap marks on your shoulders as the sun lightly tans your skin. White suspender, and white stockings and high-heeled shoes, not too high. You insisted "....it is never too hot for stockings," and that you wouldn't feel dressed properly without them.

Before we left the house, we had made love, soft and long, several times actually. I cannot resist you when we first awake, or in the shower, or while you were in the kitchen preparing the food, and then you had to go and bend over the sofa 'trying to find something' (well you found something, and how!). While you were still soft and amenable and wet from your cumming, I fitted a pleasure belt to you, not the panties, I thought it would be too warm today. Of course, we had to try out the remote, just to make sure it was working. It worked. It worked on me too, and I'm not wearing them. I am, however, already harnessed up. Although I have not told you this but you have probably guessed it.

I am also wearing white. Thin cotton pants, a t-shirt, not tight, but not loose; comfortable, with the sleeves to my elbows, and my usual beads, black and white this time, and matching band around my wrist. And sandals, sensible, sport sandals. Each time I look down I see my painted toenails, and just shake my head, chuckling at my weakness in allowing you to do it. But at the time, you had left me so limp and weak from your loving I had no strength to argue, just let you do it. At least it was subtle, a sort of pale coffee shade. Thank god it wasn't red.

We had loaded the car and enjoyed a pleasant drive through the Essex and Suffolk countryside, through narrow winding back roads, the sun dappling through the high trees lining much of the route, and then glinting on ripening wheat and barley which was dancing lightly in the breeze, as we emerged from the trees into occasional flat areas. Dipping down the final hill, we emerged into Dedham village, and I slowed so that you could take in the pleasant sight that it presented. The Village green hiding behind the church and nearby cottages, where the sounds of a cricket match could be heard. At the far end of the main street stood the towering church of the famous painting. In the middle of the square, just before the church, the old horse trough and the more modern war memorial, a reminder of more recent follies and their cost in human suffering. The sides of the main street lined with ancient cottages, Georgian and Regency houses, and on the corner a traditional tea shop. And finally, inevitably, the village pub. I had booked a table for later for a romantic dinner for two. If we made it.

I was pleased to see the smile on your face, and knew it pleased you by the soft movements of your hand on my thigh. A distracted movement as you absorbed the atmosphere of old-English calm and slowness.

Finally, being impatient to move on, I turned off the main street and took the short side road down to the river and the boat-house. Parking the car, we gathered the basket, blanket and bag, and made our way down the path along the side of the river, your arm through mine in a way that gave me great pleasure. I noticed a few looks directed at us, from other visitors. I'm sure we made an interesting sight, this middle-aged woman, accompanied by a younger woman with the flaming red hair tumbling over bare shoulders and onto an almost transparent dress. I thought I could see your nipples through the dress, but that may have been wishful thinking - I knew what was and was not underneath that dress.

You stood on the jetty, under the shade of an old gnarled oak, as I made arrangements to hire one of the boats for the rest of the day. Most people were just hiring for an hour, but I had other plans. It was now just before lunch time, I did not intend to have us back here until around 6, when the boathouse closed. With that much time we could get away from the throng of tourists that filled the first part of the river. After that? Hmmmmmmmmm.

I turned to talk to you, and simply stopped in my tracks. What a wonderful sight. I think that is the biggest part of your attraction beauty, the fact that you do not see it. You had moved to the railing and were leaning over watching the ducks on the water, smiling softly at them their antics and noises. For a few minutes I simply watched you, until you must have felt something, and looked round to me, and smiled - that smile which just had me singing inside. I held out my hand to you, and without a word you walked to me and took it, briefly squeezing it. Without caring about who was watching, I lifted your hand to my lips and kissed your fingers, my eyes never leaving yours. How could anyone feel shame at such a gentle love.

I moved myself into the boat, stowed the basket and bag, and placed the folded blanket on the seat opposite me where you would be sitting. I wanted you to be comfortable, you would be there a while. The boat handler held the boat in place, I held out my hands to you to help you in, thinking your heels would impede easy movement, but no, you took my hands and elegantly and easily stepped into the boat, turned to thank the handler for his help, and smiled at him in a way that guaranteed prompt attention if we returned again. I do think the sight of you in that dress, and the brief glimpse of your thighs and stocking tops may have had something to do with his assiduous attention to our needs.

At last, we were off, I hadn't done any rowing for a long while, and it took me a few minutes to get into a rhythm, but then it was easy. There was very little wind, just a breeze, which ruffled the soft skirt of your dress, and your hair. You had settled yourself comfortably on the bench at the other end of the boat, against the back rest. Your eyes were closed, your head tilted slightly back enjoying the movement of the air on your face and the warmth of the sunshine. As we slid gracefully along, I reached into my pocket and switched the remote to its lowest setting, knowing it would be sending a very pleasing, gentle hum into your pussy and your ass. I watched, and saw your sudden intake of breath, and a slow smile spread over your face. Your eyes opened, slowly and focussed directly on my face. "So love, we begin." you breathed to me.

Part 2

For the next few minutes, I watched as you adjusted to the gentle sensation tingling between your legs. You wriggled your bottom on the blanket until you were in a comfortable position, all the time smiling at me, apparently happy with how the day was progressing. I continued to row, a gentle rhythmic action, aware now that the slight movement of my body back and forth on the oars was creating a matching delicious movement against the short squat plug inside of me. I had not realised just how conducive to stimulation rowing would be. I smiled to myself in anticipation of an interesting journey.

You had settled yourself, and occasionally moved as the tingling, despite being on the lowest setting, was beginning to build within you. We passed a few boats, some with noisy excited children, others like us, with couples enjoying each other's company, although I doubt that many of them were enjoying the ride as much as us! After about 10 minutes, I reached into my pocket to the remote, and briefly looked up to see you watching me in anticipation as I flicked the switch round to the second level. Your eyes widened slightly, your teeth took hold of your bottom lip for a brief moment, and you moved your legs closer together. At this movement, I frowned and pouted at you. You smiled in understanding, and looking me right in the eyes, gradually opened your legs, until your feet were pressed firmly against the sides of the boat, your legs wide apart, but with the skirt of your dress falling softly between your legs, so that I could see nothing.

For a while more we continued, and again I flicked the switch on to the next level. This time, I do believe I heard you gasp and moan, low and soft, and your eyes closed, your breathing becoming slightly shallower.

"Child?", I called to you softly. Your eyes flew open, afraid I was annoyed with you. Shaking my head slightly, I nodded to your skirt, "Lift it for me, I want to see."

Your eyes and mouth widened momentarily, and looking around, you realised that we were now alone. We had moved down the river, around many bends, far from the boat house and all the other rowers had long since disappeared.

Your hands reached for your skirt, and tantalisingly drew it up your soft thighs until it was bunched at your waist. What a glorious sight on such a glorious day. The leather straps holding the two vibes were nestled against your tummy, and around your waist, the vertical one holding the two vibes disappearing underneath you, to run backup your bottom and join on the waist strap at the back.

"Spread your knees child, I would see more please." Slowly you did as I asked, your tongue reaching out to lick your lips. I could see how wet you were becoming, it was glinting on your curls in the sunlight, visible behind the strap. From this position it was a most enticing sight.

"I want you to be comfortable, love. If you can, lift your feet up on to the bench in front of you so you are completely open. Pull down the bodice of your dress, so that your breasts can feel the sunshine and the breeze."

You looked at me for a while, and when you saw me reach for the remote again, knowing there was only one setting left, you did as I asked, propping up your legs, and moving forward slightly on the seat, so that I could see not only the base of the vibe filling your pussy, but also a glimpse of the one in your ass.

As I flicked the switch to the highest setting, your body jerked, you gasped, and concentrating against the sensations now filling you, pulsing through you, pulled down the top of your dress and revealed those wonderful orbs to me and the elements. As the pulses grew, your head dropped back, allowing your beautiful hair to drape behind you, not quite in the water. Your mouth fell open, drawing breath rapidly into you and your hips began to move gradually in rhythm with the vibes pulsing deep inside you.

I continued to row, my own movements raising my arousal along with the visual stimulation before me. Gasping at the extra movement, I turned in my seat and looked around, to make sure we were alone, I would not embarrass you for the world, just wanted you to have an incredible experience on a wonderful summer day. No other boats were in sight, I could hear no sound except the birds, the breeze in the reeds and grasses and the water lapping against the oars. I moved the boat closer to the bank, and whispered to you, "Touch yourself for me, love."

Without hesitation one of your fingers slid inside the strap and began to rub against your clit, the other hand taking a nipple between finger and thumb and began to squeeze and pull. Your gasping became moans, your hips began to move more against the blanket, easier with your feet braced against the bench, and very elegantly, with a long moan, you succumbed to your orgasm with the sun on your face and breasts and pussy. For a few moments more you gasped and moved against the vibrations, and then slowly relaxed into your seat with a long exhalation.

I steered the boat into the bank, under one of the many oaks, and stopped, just watching you, waiting for you to recover. Your chest was heaving, your breasts quivering as you breathed deeply. Your legs finally gave up and your knees dropped sideways in total relaxation, completely opening up your pussy to my admiring gaze. I said nothing, just enjoyed the view, sitting quite still lest I lift my own stimulation too far for what I planned next.

I reached for the bottle of wine hanging over the side of the boat chilling in the water, and reaching (gasp, not a good idea as the sensations rippled through me) for the basket, opened it, took out a cloth and bottle opener. I busied myself with opening the bottle and stood it on the seat bench between us, along with two glasses. The sounds of my activity worked their way into your head, and slowly you lifted your head and smiled at me, such a satisfied smile.

"Did you enjoy that my sweet? We should call that 'Summer is Cumming' and exhibit it in the local gallery." I offered you a glass of the wine, crisp, white, cool and slightly sparkling. Perfect.

With a deep sigh you lowered your legs from the bench, and reached for the glass, held it up to me in a toast, and mouthed at me, with no sound, "Thank you love", then blew me a kiss. Enchanting, that was the only word. My eyes took in the sight of your dress bunched around your waist, breasts free to the elements and the world, suspender belt and white stockings, and the leather harness, which joined you to the two vibes within you. I suddenly remembered the vibes and reaching for the remote turned them off.

As the vibrations ceased, you all but pouted at me, disappointed that I had taken it away. I grinned, "Insatiable girl. Don't worry, I have something much better than that for dessert. Come here, I want to hold you." You put down your glass, and taking the hand I held out to you, stepped over the bench and approached me. You bent towards me, your breasts falling freely begging my hands to touch them, and who was I to resist, cupping their softness in my hands, enjoying your hiss at the slight chill of my skin from the water on the bottle. Your nipples still firm from your cumming, hardened at the feel of the coolness. I squeezed them and caressed their softness as you bent your head and pressed your soft lips gently against mine, urging me to open them to allow your tongue inside.

As the kiss deepened, I released your breasts, smiling inwardly at your groan and moved my hands up under your skirt to your hips, and round to your cheeks, stroking them and pulling you down towards me, until you realised what I wanted and moved to sit astride my legs, the movement pushing the now still and silent vibes into your open wetness. As you made yourself comfortable on my lap, snuggling closer to me, my hands urging your hips tighter and tighter against me, your lips began to work their magic on my mouth, and your tongue probed deeper and deeper into my mouth, searching, delving, and your arms moved around me, pulling my breasts closer to yours, gently rubbing your nipples across my t-shirt and my nipples hiding inside.

My breathing began to come in gasps at this onslaught of my senses, and reluctantly I pulled my mouth away, briefly kissing your lips and nose, smiling lovingly into your sparkling happy eyes. "Did you enjoy that child?"

"It was wonderful, so free. The feel of the sunshine and breeze on my pussy as I came was incredible."

"Would you like more?"

You moved your head back slightly from me, looking into my smiling face, trying to read what I was asking. You knew I would only give you pleasure. You had no hesitation in replying, "Oh yes please love, whatever you want to give me."

"Then stand for me, so I can remove the belt. " You slowly unwound yourself from me, and stood in front of me, and licked your lips as I moved my hands under your skirt and reaching for the back of the harness undid its clasp - it was not padlocked, I knew I did not need to - and slowly released the straps, allowing the vibes to slip out of you as you bent your knees to allow them. The harness slid down your legs, and you stepped out of it, holding my shoulders for balance. I reached for the bag and placed the harness in it, taking out in its place a longer and thicker vibe. When you saw it, your eyes widened and you smiled widely in anticipation. Insatiable, absolutely insatiable. As you watched, I reached for the front of my pants and unzipped them, revealing to you that I was harnessed. You smiled at me whispering, "mmmmmmmmmm. Are we going to fuck now?"

At this ingenuous question I laughed out loud delightedly. "Yes my love, we are going to fuck, for as long as you wish. But, if you want it to last, then you must be restrained." You thought about it for a while, then shyly lowered your head and whispered, "I'll try, but you fuck me so well, I just can't hold it back."

Unbelievably taken aback at this remark, I blushed. Holding out the vibe to you, I asked you to clip it on. You sat on the bench in front of me, and very carefully reached out, placing one of your hands between the leather of the harness and my skin, making me close my eyes at the feel of you, and then you firmly pressed the vibe into place on its plug, pushing it gently against me to test it. Immediately I felt the answering movements inside me, and the studs on the inside brushing against my clit. I knew this would not take long, and tried to think of some way to prolong it for you.

After checking the coast was clear, I took hold of the oars and carefully moved us away from the bank. In the middle of the river I stopped the boat and then looked up at you, watching me intently. "Come love, climb on to me, astride me, while I row."

You laughed delightedly, and moving carefully, moved your legs behind the bench I was sitting on, and holding yourself tightly to me, began to lower yourself onto the vibe. Oh god, the sensations as you moved slowly down my body, with no gap between us, and lowered yourself on to that intruder were incredible enough to me, I have no doubt they were pleasurable to you. And then, with a sigh of contentment as I felt you settle yourself on it with a last wiggle which drove me mad, you reached in the tiny gap between us and flicked the switch.

Almost as one voice, we both moaned at the sudden arrival of extra sensation, and quite gently you began to move yourself up and down on the vibe, small movements, but each one sending tortuous sensations deep into me through my own plug. Oh god, I was not going to last long, the continuous movements and the sight, smell and feel of you against me was driving me mad.

I felt your arms go tightly around me, to hold on to me for balance I thought, and then I felt your hands begin to pull the t-shirt up my back until my bra was revealed and while kissing and nibbling my ear and neck, deftly undid the clasp and then dropped the t-shirt back down. Now you settled yourself deeply on to the vibe, spreading your legs as wide as you could and moving them to clasp around my hips, pulling me into you as deeply as you could, my legs spread slightly wider to give you greater balance, and at the same time allowing my own plug to penetrate me even deeper, its extra width stretching my sensitised walls. You moaned ecstatically as you settled low and I felt your feet clasp together around me. It wasn't you who was impaled on me, it was me who was impaled on you!! Once again you had effectively turned the tables.

All this time I was grasping the handles of the oars, desperate not to let them go lest we be stranded. You took advantage of this, and slowly and teasingly took hold of the bottom of my t-shirt, lifted it, then when you had uncovered the released bra, lifted that also, above my breasts, and after sucking each nipple into your mouth and sending incredible sensations directly to my groin to join the plug, you wound your arms around my neck, and arranged your own breasts so that they pressed and rubbed against mine, nipple to nipple. Once settled in this position you moved your head to mine, and began kissing me, deeply, softly, your tongue reaching and delving deeper than ever before.

My system was going into overload. This woman was ravishing me here, where we sat, without saying a word. And I loved every moment of it. You slowed your kissing, and whispered against my lips. "I thought you were going to fuck me love. Lost interest?" and resumed your lengthy and deep kissing.

At your words and the teasing humour, I mentally shook myself, and remembering what I had planned, took a grip on the oar handles and began to row. If I had thought the movements of rowing were pleasant before, what I felt now was almost overpowering. Each time I reached with the oars for a stroke, the plug moved inside me, adding to the vibrations which were growing from the vibe. At the same time, as I leaned forward slightly, your body dipped with me, and your weight dragged on the vibe which again sent extra sensations into me, your legs tightened around me which pulled you down on the vibe and pushed it against and in me. Your breasts moved and dragged your nipples over mine. Added to this the extra stimulation from your mouth as it moved over my mouth, around my jaw, into and around my ears and neck, and my mind was ready to explode, not knowing what to concentrate on. Effectively, every time I moved for an oar stroke, I was fucking you and me at the same time. Long, slow, deep strokes.

The boat was moving slowly, but I was unable to steer or do anything except the automatic movement on the oars. I was fast approaching my orgasm, and your movements were increasing, each pull with your legs getting stronger and deeper. You were moaning in my ear now, against my neck, and there was another sound, which I suddenly realised was my own moaning.

When my hands began to tremble on the oars, I managed to pull them into the boat before I lost grip on them, and as they fell against the boards, my hands took hold of your hips, and I began to enhance your own movements against me, pressed my lips to your mouth, both opening wide, sliding our wet trembling lips against each other, desperately trying to take each other into our mouths, wanting to touch as much of each other as we could. Your arms tightened around me, and your movements on the vibe became almost frantic as you moaned into my mouth. It was an incredible feeling, the boat drifting along under its own momentum, who knew where, the breeze drifting over our fevered bodies, the sun warm on our backs and heads and legs, and we were fucking, beautiful, exciting, wonderful fucking..................... and I knew I was going to cummmmmmmmmmm. I could hold back no longer and forced you down on the vibe hard, against me, pushing my plug, sending the sensations into my clit that pushed me over the edge. I pulled my mouth away from you, head back and moaned "Goddddddddd, oh goddddd, oh godddddddddddd". A few seconds later, I heard your panting in my ear turn into a matching moan as your legs tightened around my hips, and you pulled yourself even deeper onto and into me, your hips moving urgently against the vibe, your head dropping to my shoulder and your teeth biting me in your intense pleasure. For a few moments more I held you tightly to me, squeezing you involuntarily in time with my spasms, and gradually I stilled, breath coming in short gasps. You were still moving against me but slower now, as if you were simply trying to extract as much ecstasy as you could from the moment.

The boat was slowing perceptibly, and suddenly there was a soft 'bump' as we hit the bank and bobbled along it before coming to a stop against a clump of reeds. This acted as a sort of signal to us both. My arms loosened slightly, and I simply held you against me, loving the feel of your body in my arms, your breasts against mine, your legs round me, a sexy, sensual connection I never wanted to end. My hands slowly caressed your warm back, making their way up into your mane, and taking a handful, pulled your head away from my neck. Your eyes were closed, your lips still apart as if still gripping my flesh, and I leaned forward and replaced my neck with my lips. At the feel, you moaned softly, and moved your lips against mine, nuzzling and teasing along the join with your tongue. Slowly your eyes opened and I almost gasped at the joy I saw sparkling out of them. So beautiful. You smiled into my face so close to yours, "That was beautiful my love, absolutely wonderful."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it love, it was rather special wasn't it?" I reached between us to turn off the vibe that was still buzzing away, sending little after ripples, and taking your ear lobe in my teeth, bit gently making you gasp, but at the same time hold me closer to you. "Now, my love, wonderful as that was, I have this overwhelming urge to fuck you properly, and I can't do that here in the boat. Time to moor up and find a nice soft spot under a tree. We can eat, drink, fuck - and then do it all over again if we wish; we have all afternoon. How does that sound?"

You looked at me for a while, my face in your hands, before taking possession of my mouth and almost took the breath out of my body, then pulling away and whispering, "That sounds perfect, absolutely perfect."

And that's what we did. All afternoon. In the summer sun, under an ageing oak that had probably never seen anything like it in all its years.

But that, as they say, is a story for another day.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2: The Return

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