Davey Series

By Trevor Johnson

Published on Sep 7, 2012




Written by Trevor Johnson

Editor Richie

This story is copywrited by the author and cannot be reproduced or copied without the express permission of the author.

This story also contains boy to boy sexual activity and is this is not to your liking read no further.

Special Notice:- When this story first began I did not write the first chapter. I did act as editor but nothing more. After that the original author(s) decided that I could take over writing this story which I have done from then on.

Some of the characters were taken from another author stories in an effort to get this one off the ground. I have now been informed due to copyright reasons I can no longer refer by name to some of the major players in this story. I will work around this as you will see when you read on but must apologize if at first it sounds and reads strange.

Davey and Johnny unaware of what was going on at the hospital were doing their homework in the dining room with some of the other boys when a call came through for Davey.

He took the call and it was a tearful Garrett, "Oh Davey its Edwin he's gone into a coma. I'm sure he's gonna die and I can't live without him." He could hear Keith in the background telling him to calm down, all to no avail.

"Please take it easy Garrett for Edwin's sake. Go and talk to him see if you can bring him out of it. Talk about anything and everything but most importantly tell him that you love him, that we all love him and want him back." Keith came on the line explaining what was happening, that suddenly without any warning he went into a deep coma but he is breathing on his own which is a good sign and Dr Evans was getting some reaction from a light shining into his eyes.

"Is your mother there Davey?" Yes, she's in the kitchen I think. Just a minute. His new mother, having just recently adopted Davey came on the line and Dr. Jameson explained what was happening. Apologizing for the late hour and asking if Davey and Johnny could be allowed to come down to the hospital and help out. "Well it is late and they do have school tomorrow, but if it will help I suppose so."

After thanking her Keith suggested that they be put into a cab and he will meet them at the hospital. At the hospital entrance Keith was waiting for them and they hurried up to the top floor which was in semi-darkness except for the little room were Edwin was laying.

As soon as Garrett saw them he fell into Davey's arms sobbing, "Oh Davey he's going to die I know he is. Please help me, what will I do without him, he's the only one I want to live for." This outburst took Davey by surprise and Keith stepped in separating the two and moving them to Edwin's bedside, "It's important right now that we don't appear to be distressed because we are sure that Edwin can hear everything that's going on around him. Why he has slipped into this coma we are not sure but what you need to do is keep talking to him. Take turns so you don't get tired, tell him you love and you need him. To help keep you all going say anything and everything that comes into your heads. Davey tell him you want him, Garrett and Johnny in the front seats when you win gold at the Olympics, anything that you think that will help bring him round."

The three boys did just that spending the whole night talking non-stop to Edwin. All the time holding and squeezing his hand telling him how much they loved him and as one got tired another took over.

A couple of times they thought they saw the flicker of a smile when someone said something a bit funny and the doctors and nurses were sure his coma wasn't as deep as it had been earlier on. Several of the staff who should have gone off duty hours ago remained hanging around because Edwin had become almost a mascot in the ward.

It was daylight when Davey's new mother called and told Keith that the boys could stay if it was doing some good and Keith assured her that he was sure it was helping. The owner of the Joey Alvarez Shelter also called and said to Dr Evans that when Edwin recovered sufficiently to be discharged there would be a place for him in the home he had established.

That cheered everyone up because it meant they would all be together. Word came down the line from the manufacturer of the wonder drug being given to Edwin with instructions regarding a revised dosage to give him and that they were confident he would come out of the coma.

The boys continued to talk non-stop to him and it was about midmorning when Garrett shouted for Dr Evans, "His eyebrows began flickering and faint smile was on his face." Checking his vital signs the doctor found that his patient was slowly coming out of his coma but it was very slow.

Running out of things to say Johnny Walker began to tell Edwin all about his father who now worked for the governor and how he was injured in the Vietnam war and was confined to a wheelchair. "But Edwin, while today he has a top job he had to fight to make sure that at least some parts of his body worked and it was his guts and determination that brought him to where he is today. It is that kind of determination that is going to bring you through, so whatever you do don't give up, keep fighting. We need you to make us a foursome so we can continue to fight together throughout our lives."

Keith Jamieson marvelled at the great words and then he noticed tears forming in Edwin's eyes that now began rolling down his cheeks. This was the sign they had been waiting for and at last it looked as if Edwin was re-joining them. His tiny hand squeezed Johnny's and he smiled before attempting to open his eyes.

The staff came running and small cheer went through the rest of the ward as word spread. Slowly Edwin came to looking around for Garrett who was instantly at his side, "Oh baby I thought I had lost you, welcome back to the world."

"I had to come back, all that chatter all night long was getting on my nerves, so do you mind now if I try and get some proper sleep?" Dr Evan's gave him an injection so that he could rest peacefully and the boys except for Garrett reluctantly left him to sleep peacefully.

Davey and Johnny were taken back to the hotel thinking that they would have the rest of the day with no school. But arrangements had already been made for Jonathon Mars to make up some catch up papers for the boys to do.

Back at the hospital in the aids ward a nurse with tears running down her cheeks came rushing up to Dr Evans, "Come quick doctor you must see this." Fearing the worst he rushed into Edwin's room to find Garrett cradling Edwin's head in his hands leaning towards him wiping his sweaty brow and softly singing `Everything's gonna be alright'. This brought even the hardened doctor to tears as he experienced the love one person had for another.

He remarked to Keith Jamieson his own partner later in the day, "If anything happens to Edwin I don't know how you're going to cope with Garrett, it will kill him as well." His partner agreed that if the worst did happen he would have the most difficult task ever.

Luke meanwhile was getting more and more sick and tired of Pru's mother constantly on the phone talking about a wedding day and she was even starting to hint about when she was going to be a grandmother. Pru was very patient with her mom and usually was able to palm her off and pacify her with non-committal answers.

Early one evening as chance would have it Luke answered the phone and as soon as he answered his future mom in law started on about the wedding and babies until Luke had enough and angrily interrupted her, "You're a lovely lady and I dearly love your daughter more than anything else in the world and when we feel the time has come we will get married, not a big fancy thing like you want but a nice quite affair like we would like. Then when we think the time is right we will have start having children and believe me when both of these events occur we will give you plenty of notice. Right now you are straining our relationship and if that keeps up I can see that neither a wedding nor birth will take place.

My advice to you dear lady is to be patient and just piss off leaving us alone." After that he slammed down the phone leaving Pru who was listening open mouthed and amazed,

"I know she can be overbearing darling but don't you think that was over the top?"

"Pru I love you dearly and in time I'm sure I will love your mother as well but she had to be told to butt out of our lives and let us get on with our plans together. If I upset you as well then I'm sorry but it had to be said and it's better now to make it clear to her that we want to live our own lives." He could see that Pru was upset but he decided to stick to his guns taking Pru in his arms telling her that he wanted to marry her, not her mother as well and to have children when they were ready and bring them up as they wanted not her mother, "Luke I love you and I will talk once again to mother and hope that she understands what you meant without the obscenities." She kissed him tenderly leading him towards the bedroom. Cheekily Luke said, "Aren't you going to call your mother to let her know that we are having another practise session?" Playfully Pru hit him as they continued into the bedroom.

Next morning at work in the police headquarters Luke got another surprise when he was summoned into the chief police commissioners office along with his other counterpart uniform branch assistant.. Normally the chief if he had anything to say it was brought up at the weekly executive meeting or he popped into their respective offices to chat with them.

"Come in and sit down guys I have an idea I would like to run past you." They did as they were told and on this occasion Pru was acting as the chief's secretary and she brought in coffee and doughnuts for them.

They made idle chat for a while before the chief got down to business, "I'm worried about the increase in juvenile crime and also the increased violence in our schools. So, what I had in mind was that teams of officers would go into the schools talking to the kids about crime and their own personal future if they get a criminal record." He paused letting that sink in before continuing, "What I have in mind is that one day a week the both of you set aside time to go into our schools and do the talking, take a team of whoever and whatever you need and talk to these kids. Luke show them your leg wound if you think it will help maybe even some graphic pictures of criminals gunned down, whatever it takes."

While both of his assistants thought it was a brilliant idea they were worried about the amount of time this was going to take out of their busy schedule and they pointed this out to the chief.

"Yes I thought about this as well and looked at the budget, did a bit of juggling and I think I can give both of you a personal assistant from out of the ranks who we think has the potential to be a leader in the El Paso police force. Not only will he or she be able to help you with my schools project but you can be mentoring them at the same time for greater things in the future."

"Who will choose these young assistants?" He was asked.

"I thought that all three of us could be the interviewing panel but I don't want to advertise the position. Let's all three of us look around the ranks and select people we think might be suitable."

Both Luke and his Uniformed Branch Assistant agreed with this idea and it was decided that a week from today they would interview the candidates they had invited. After a bit more general chit chat they went back to their respective offices to ponder on who they would invite to be interviewed for the job.

Sue and Bethany had both been working hard but with extra staff being supplied they found a little bit more time for themselves. They were even able to have the odd day off together which they usually spent shopping and then loving. Mind you more and more boys were being admitted every week with problems, usually abusive parents who couldn't cope with their children being homosexual.

The other point which Sue made was that they are getting younger boys with some children as young as eight years old being taken into the Joey Alvarez shelter because of abusive parents. Keith Jamieson was a great help but, kids as young as that also needed a mother figure to cuddle them and help them get to sleep at night.

It was one such day off that Bethany out of the blue made a suggestion which Sue thought would never come, "Darling?" Bethany said as the snuggled up in front of the TV, "Yes what's on your mind Beth?" This was the name Sue used when they were alone.

"Why don't we get married?" Sue turned and looked at her to make sure she was serious and saw that she was. "What brought that question on all of a sudden?" Sue asked.

"Oh I don't know, I just had a sudden surge of love for you and thought wouldn't it be nice for our relationship to be more permanent. Not that it isn't now but it would be nice to be Mrs And Mrs, don't you think?"

Sue turned and kissed Bethany before saying anything else, "Am I right in thinking that you just proposed to me?"

"Yes, I suppose I did, didn't I?" Bethany replied with a laugh.

"Can we get married legally in Texas?"

"Probably not but I'm sure we can think of some way round it." Bethany said before bursting out laughing.

"What's so funny this is supposed to be a very romantic time?"

"I was just thinking we could walk down with the aisle with Pru and Luke wouldn't that make her mother upset."

That started a giggling and tickling session which continued in the bedroom and went on for several hours.

Because of their trips to the hospital Davey and Johnny gained permission from his doctor that they could go all the way just as long as they were careful. However, they hadn't had the time or even thought about doing it, plus Jonathon Mars, Davey's coach was beginning to step up his training program which was making both of them tired out by bedtime. Two of his closest friends who actually saved his life when Garrett's gang attacked him also found they had less and less time for romance because of the support and training they were giving Davey.

It was during one training session when several media people walked in asking for Davey. After security checked them out they were escorted to the gymnasium which had been set up for Davey in the old hotel. Jonathon wasn't too happy at the intrusion but allowed their cameras in to watch Davey work out on the parallel bars.

Following the session they all had many questions to ask which Davey answered with ease and some professionalism. A couple of reporters tried to get him to talk about his injuries which had occurred before he came to El Paso and also those carried out by Garrett and his gang, but he immediately clammed up and Jonathon called a halt to the press conference.

"Sorry Davey but there will always be at least one reporter asking those sorts of questions and there's not much we can do about it except say nothing." Davey agreed as they began to pack up for the night.

"Jonathon?' Davey asked, "Yes Davey what is it?"

"Do you really think I have what it takes to make it to the Olympics, after all I've missed a couple of valuable years of training, do you think I have what it takes?"

"Davey believe me, I was pretty good and I started a bit later in life than you because my parents wanted me to have an education first. While I was in line for a medal before my accident you are far more advanced now than I was at your age. No Davey you are championship material but it's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication to make it to the top level."

"And don't forget Davey you will always have me at your side, helping you and supporting you along with your friends." Remarked Johnny Walker Junior as he took Davey in his arms. "I love you so much Davey and I'm so proud of you." He whispered in his lovers ears.

They parted company, Jonathon to go home to his wife while his other two friends were hoping to catch a movie so they could be together and spend some alone time. Their parents had been pretty hard on them as of late after they were caught sleeping together and they had very little time to themselves except during breaks at school, "You know I'm getting a bit sick and tired of our parents watching us like hawks all the time and not trusting us one little bit. I wish we could make them see that we have learnt our lesson and won't do anything underhanded again. Plus look at all the boy couples, we're surrounded by them and they get away with murder just because they can't get pregnant. We are sensible enough to take precautions. Why don't we tackle them head on about this and bring our relationship and where I hope it is going out into the open?"

"I agree darling but my mother scares the hell out of me when she starts her lectures."

"Ok then, what if we talk to my folks first and if we can get them on our side they might help us persuade your mother." He leaned in to kiss him saying, "I do love you and yes let's try your parents first. If that doesn't work well it's pointless upsetting my mother anyway."

Very soon the hostel will have a lot more room because Davey's extended family will be moving out on the weekend to their new modern state of the art complex which is just receiving the final touches by the builders. You may recall the rich son of the family and his grandfather were the original owners of the hotel and they gave it over to the present owner, to use as an hostel for gay abused youths and also the department of corrections were using part of it as a centre for young offenders which is how Garrett and Jake happened to be in there.

With Davey's family out of the way a whole new floor would be available for more people to be taken in who need help. The fact that Davey was a member of that family having been adopted by them meant that Davey would be moving as well as Johnny Walker Junior. Johnny's mother along with his sister were also moving into the new complex to work for the family.

Neither of the boys wanted to move preferring to stay in the hostel close to Davey's Karate school and also his gymnasium and instructor. Several family arguments and discussions had already taken place regarding the boys staying and it was finally decided that they would stay during the week and go home on weekends. This appeared to be a satisfactory arrangement and pleased both the boys and to a lesser extent their parents.

The owner of the Joey Alvarez Shelter's boyfriend's, parents had also moved out leaving the two boys to run the hostel as they wanted, another satisfactory arrangement. Of course extra staff was in the process of being appointed with new kitchen staff to help out those already working, along with more social workers under Sue's jurisdiction.

All the boys were still responsible for keeping their own rooms clean and tidy and for using the laundry room situated on each floor. This way cleaning staff employed at the hostel was kept at the minimum.

A grand opening or launching of the project was also being planned which the two young owners really wanted to keep fairly low key, but to attract funding especially from big business they had to make a bit of a noise.

The Governor was considered for the opening but it was decided they didn't want to go as high. So the Mayor of El Paso gratefully accepted the invitation to do the job which would involve a speech in the car park followed by ribbon cutting and then a function in the ballroom.

All the catering would be done in house using the boys as waiters and attendants. This way it could be demonstrated that the hostel is and will be fully self-contained. This of course meant a lot of organising and hard work by Sally and her team, along with the kitchen staff and the family of the first owners along with Johnny Walker's mom, Peggy who also came back in to help.

Back at the hospital, Edwin slept for most of the day which is what the doctors wanted and it was early evening when he opened his eyes. As always the first person he noticed was Garrett looking into his eyes. They kissed before Garrett said, "How are you lover boy, feeling better?"

"A bit better, I feel a bit sick but my stomach is empty. I wonder if I could have something to eat?" Garrett wandered off looking for Dr Evans to pass on the message and soon Edwin had a small cup of clear soup to try first on his stomach.

"I love you so much Garrett." He blurted out all of a sudden when he had finished eating, "Without you by my side I'm sure I would be dead by now."

"Don't say things like that." Garrett replied with more anger in his voice than he intended, "Sorry I didn't mean to shout at you. I love you too and want to be with you all my life and don't forget that." They began to kiss and those kisses became more intense until their tongues were playing hockey. Suddenly Edwin broke it off and Garrett thought he might have gone just a bit too far this time with their romance.

"Guess what?" He exclaimed, "I got a stiffy, I've not had one of those since I got sick." Just as he said that Keith Jameson walked in and smiling he said, "Well Edwin that's a good sign I wonder what brought that on?" He winked at Garrett as he said that. Both boys blushed just as Edwin began to bring the soup back up. Garret was used to that and had the bowl at the ready so no mess went onto the bedding.

Keith called his partner Dr Evans in who decided that the patient would have to be fed through a tube in his stomach until they could figure out what was wrong. With a sigh Edwin remarked, "Oh well what's another tube compared to what I've already got."

Once the doctors had gone he whispered to Garrett, "Thanks for the stiffy maybe one day we can do something about it."

With a worried look Garrett replied, "Do you really think we are gay?"

"I don't know and really I don't care right now because all I want is to be with you. If when I am well enough so be it, but I don't want to do it with anyone else, only you."

They kissed and cuddled some more before they both fell asleep.

At about the same time Davey and Johnny were also going to bed and Davey had made his mind up that tonight was going to be the night when they would go all the way. He hadn't told Johnny, he just wanted nature to take its course or should I say true love. Their lovemaking began in the shower with Davey inviting Johnny to join him although nine times out of ten they did shower together anyway.

They kissed cuddled and fooled around in the shower but Davey didn't want to go too far because he wanted this night to last and be very special. After washing each other and then drying one another off Davey took Johnny by the hand leading him back into the bedroom.

"Am I thinking what's on your mind right now Davey?" Asked Johnny. Davey just winked and kissed his lover laying him gently on the bed before kissing and licking him all over until he reached his dick. He took him in his mouth gently sucking and moving his lips up and down the shaft.

Johnny began to moan and move around wanting desperately to cum but Davey didn't want any of his lover's juice in his mouth, not tonight. Once he had brought Johnny almost to the point of no return twice he laid back on the bed legs apart and whispered gently, "make love to me please, I'm all yours."

Slowly Johnny moved on top of his lover moving his hand down towards Davey's pink Promised Land and slowly inserted one finger probing very gently and with ease. A couple of times Davey winced with just the hint of pain and Johnny straight away stopped but with his boyfriends urging he slowly continued.

Once one finger had entered successfully he tried two and then at Davey's prompting slowly he began to move his rigid solid cock into his boyfriends willing hole. Davey marvelled at Johnny's self-control as he took his time not wanting to hurt him and at the same time the sensation of his lover at least taking his rosebud was the ultimate joy for our young athlete.

Slowly, a bit at a time his seven inches of solid cock went into his lover. Time didn't matter all they wanted was to have the utmost pleasure together for the first time. Once he was fully inside his lover, Johnny slowly began to move in and out watching Davey's face for any sign of pain, but all he saw was pleasure.

Gradually he increased the pace at his boyfriends urging only slowing down now and again to kiss before continuing with his loving. Finally he could hold back no longer and his cock burst forth a massive wave after wave of juice into Davey's body while he too shot all over his stomach and chest.

Totally satisfied they clung to each other so totally in love with each other and that is how they slept. All too soon the alarm clock began buzzing and after resetting it a couple of times they finally made a big effort to get out of bed.

Johnny was first and as he turned to pull the sheets off Davey he let out a mighty scream because all he could see was blood all over the sheets.

To Be Continued.

Writers Corner:- Firstly I must apologize for the delay in getting this chapter out to you. I had what is commonly known as WRITERS BLOCK and spent several days staring at a blank page. I knew what I wanted to say but just couldn't quite get the words out.

The other point I must make is the paragraph at the start of this chapter regarding some of the main characters. This is partly my fault because I thought the author who owned these people had stopped writing so I took liberties for which I apologize. I am sure that you will still be able to follow my story without too much trouble.

Now for the cliff hanger, Oh dear did the boys go all the way too soon? Well you'll have to wait till the next chapter comes out to find that out. I hope the news is not too bad.

Davey's career as an athlete is also progressing well and beginning to attract media attention. Plus the couple who have been helping him are also looking at taking their relationship maybe just a step further although they too are busy helping Davey with his training and are just about running his Karate school for him.

Luke and Pru? Well do you think Luke went just a bit too far when he told his future mom in law to piss off? I don't think so, she had it coming with the way she was carrying on and Luke and his counterpart going on a crime prevention spree in the schools can only do well.

Are Edwin and Garrett Gay? Well the jury's still out on that one and I for one am not too sure. What do you think?

Of course the most important question is will Edwin survive? Once again it is in the hands of the man above.

A lot of questions and few answers so please let me know what you think. Your e mails are the only way I have of knowing what you think of my story.



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Editors Corner:-

Well first of all I am thrilled Trevor got through his writers block.

Now, what an ending. I hope Davey is OK. When he finally is able to make love something like this comes along to spoil it. Seems like he never gets a fair shake.

I am scared for Edwin. I know we do not know whether or not Trevor will allow him to die. I for one (and readers, know that I do not have any say in this) pray he lives and becomes Garrett's life partner. I am also glad that Garrett reached out for Davey and Johnny when Edwin went into the coma. It shows how far he has come from being a hateful bully. I like the new Garrett much much better.

Just a reminder to our fans, write Trevor, tell him your thoughts. It is the only reward he gets. I know I definitely appreciate him and all three of his stories.

So hang in there, hopefully we will get chapter 18 not too long from now.


Next: Chapter 18: Davey 18

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