Cozzie Collection

By Iarwain

Published on Nov 11, 2003


Usual Disclaimer: If you are not 18 years old yet do not read. If you are offended by male to male sexual content definitely do not read. If the laws in your state or county forbid this type of material, do not read. Otherwise enjoy the story and genuine comments will be appreciated.

The author retains copyright (2003) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.

The Cozzie Collection is a group of stories which have the Speedo swimming costume featured somewhere in them. The name is derived from 'Aussie Cozzie' which was a description for Speedos because of their frequent use at Australian swimming venues, in particular the surf beaches.

Cozzie Collection. Light Green.

Todd wanted a view along the beach so he climbed up the sand dune and past some scrub till he had a good view. The long strand of beach stretched both ways for over a kilometre, and behind him was the thick coastal vegetation of the National Park. The water looked very inviting, but if he had a swim he'd have to give up on his goal of reaching the rugged cliffs to the west. Oh well! There was always another day, and he tucked this spot away in his memory. The sand sloped out gently and the waves rolled in so evenly that he knew this would be great for body surfing.

As he started down past the scrub something foreign caught his eye. It was a flash of shiny green and when his eyes focused he realised there was some kind of material hanging in the leaves at the end of a low branch. His interest was piqued and he moved to have a closer look. It was a pair of speedos. What were they doing here? They looked to be almost new. Todd untied them and held them displayed in front of him. They looked like a very expensive brand, and had an unusual symbol like an A. inside an O. He had an urge to try them on, and an inspection showed them to be spotlessly clean, so he slipped out of his running shorts and stepped into them. Oh Boy! They felt great! The silky green material was smooth against his skin and he grinned at the contours they outlined. Very sexy! He adjusted himself to one side and looked at the effect. Gosh! They were low-slung and just a tiny bit loose, but they were so much the best speedos he'd ever seen. What would they feel like when they were wet? The journey to the cliffs went by the board as Todd picked up his shorts and headed down the dune. Half an hour in the water decided him that they were now his. After all they must be lost, and didn't the rules say finders keepers losers weepers? He left the water, grabbed his shorts and decided to carry them rather than put them on. He'd need to keep up a good pace to get back in time, and he headed off at a fast easy jog. He looked down at himself and thought once again that the speedos were just a little bit loose at the front. He'd nearly lost them before when he dived through a wave and had to tie the cord firmly, and now he was jiggling with the up-and-down motion of his body. When he got closer to the surf flags he slipped his shorts on and looked for his family. They were waiting, reasonably patiently, for him and had everything packed and ready.

"Come on Todd! We know you think a beach holiday should last for ever, but we'll be back again next summer. The rest of us want to know what's been happening back at home and we have to pick Shane up from the boarding kennel." Next summer! At 17 that was a long time, but if he enjoyed it as much next year it would be worth the wait.

" We're nearly there!"

Excitement was high in the car and Todd and his sister were having the usual competition to see the ocean first as they approached their holiday destination. In another five minutes they were pulled up at the holiday house, and Todd had to endure a ridiculous half an hour of unpacking and getting things sorted. Eventually his mum took pity on him. She stirred him by saying there was another hour of organising before they'd get to the beach, but then said that, well perhaps they could manage without him. Thirty seconds to put his speedos on and grab a towel, and he was out the door. The ten minute walk to the beach took less than half that for Todd, who never walked when he could run, then his clothes and towel were left in a bundle as he raced into the surf.

He swam for about an hour, feeling the skills he'd learnt last year in body surfing coming back to him, then he spread his towel and relaxed in the late afternoon sun.

Since he'd turned 18 he'd been surprised at the change in his parents. They said they trusted him to be sensible and let him do whatever he liked. This holiday was going to be so good! He had to do his share of family stuff, but all the rest of the time was his own. They said all his running and swimming would be like a concentration camp for them. His first swim was great and he didn't care if everyone said they needed rain, the rain could wait. In two weeks time it could pour for ever, but not now. The only other thing to worry about was the waves.

Todd's third day was almost perfect. The waves were a little bigger but a strong breeze was making them uneven, and you had to choose your ride carefully. He yelled in excitement as he caught an extra powerful wave then almost collided with three guys in front of him. When he raced back to wait for the next good wave, one of them seemed to be looking at him. Whoops! Had the Speedo cord loosened off?

Sometimes when he caught a powerful wave that happened, and he had to hitch them up. No! They were all right! The cord was tight. Todd caught four or five more waves and felt that the guy was still watching him. As he came back he watched the guy try to catch a wave that was building up too quickly. Oh no! He's had it! The wave crunched down and the guy disappeared in the boiling foam. When he appeared again he looked around then headed towards Todd.

"Boy! I nearly got murdered that time! What was wrong with that wave?"

"It was a dumper! You never catch those!"

The guy flashed him a smile and Todd noticed his pearly white teeth.

"You're pretty good at this and I've been watching how you do it. I tried to copy you but it didn't work!"

Todd thought he was a terrific looking guy. He looked really fit with dark hair and a nice tan.

"Could you give me a few clues?"

Todd did think he was good at body surfing, and it was flattering to hear someone say it.

"Sure! It's not that hard really! Did you see how that wave built-up really quickly in a kind of straight wall?"

"Yes I think so!"

"Well! Never catch them! With the others you've just got to pick the right time! Stay right near me and I'll tell you when to go!"

For the next 20 minutes Todd helped the guy and was impressed with how quickly he learnt. He must be fit too because he kept up with Todd as they raced back out after each ride. At one stage they caught quite a big wave together, and as it flung them forward the other guys body slid down, half on top of Todd's for a distance, till they got churned in the foam. When they stood up he was laughing.

"Hey! That was a great wave, but it threw me on top of you! You looked like a submarine going under!"

Todd was laughing too. He liked the guy! He was so friendly!

"Jeez! I'm getting cold, so I'm going to lie in the sun till I warmup! I'll be back in about 20 minutes if you want me to show you anything else!"

"I'll come out with you! I'm pretty cool too!"

Todd laughed because that sounded funny and the guy looked at him with his big smile.

"All right! Were both pretty cool! Is that better?"

Todd thought it was kind of interesting as they walked up the beach together, because, except for the lifesavers they were the only guys wearing speedos, Todd with his special light green, and Tony with dark red, all the rest were wearing shorts or board shorts.

"Anyhow! I'm Todd Williams!"

"Hi Todd! I'm Tony Owen and you're a terrific teacher! Where's your towel?"

Todd pointed it out.

"I see! I'll be there in a second!"

Todd dried the water off and spread his towel as Tony arrived. They both lay on their stomachs to get some sun on their backs and Todd felt the warmth creep back into him. After about 10 minutes he rolled over and stretched out to warm his front. They talked all the time, mostly Tony, who laughed a lot and Todd was taken by his friendliness.

"You're going to Uni this year? Hey! So am I Todd! What course are you doing?"


"Really! That sounds impressive to me! You must be cluey! I'm doing modern media! Cameras and graphics and TV, that sort of stuff! Are you on holidays for long?"

"No! We've only got two weeks and it's already the third day!"

"Those speedos look really good on you!"

Todd looked at Tony and smiled because he didn't quite know what to make of the statement.

"Where did you get them?"

Todd didn't say anything at all. He wasn't going to say he'd found them. The moment passed because Tony looked across the beach.

"Oh no! I won't get another surf at the moment! It looks like Chris wants to go! Are you going in again Todd?"

"I think I might go for a run instead! I haven't had one today!"

"Running! You go running? Then that's another thing we both like!"

This was another slightly offbeat statement. Was he making a list or something?

"Curses! I've got other stuff organised with Chris! I would like to come with you though! Can we meet up tomorrow?"

They organised for 11 o'clock the next morning at the same spot. That was early enough, because Todd loved to sleep in, especially if he'd been reading late. He watched Tony leave then thought for a while before he got up for his run. He thought about Tony during the evening and was eager to meet him again, and wondered how good he was at running. Tony was already there when Todd arrived and flashed that pearly white smile at him again.

"Great! I wondered if you might have slept in like you said!"

They surfed for a couple of hours, bought some lunch, then came back and surfed again. Todd was impressed because Tony was getting really good at catching the waves now. They started trying to beat each other and ride the furthest, and then race to try and beat each other back out to the wave break. Todd got submarined a few times, then realised Tony was doing it on purpose. Cheeky thing! He'll find out! The next good wave, Todd angled across the water, came down the right on top of Tony, and pressed down on his shoulders so that he went right under and the wave foamed over the top of him. Todd lost the wave too, because of his mucking around, and watched laughing as Tony came up spluttering and gasping for breath. Before he knew what was happening Tony grabbed him in a bear hug, then pushed him under by falling on top of him. Todd struggled to get free but couldn't, and when they finally stood up he was the one gasping and spluttering while Tony laughed. Gosh! He felt strong! They stretched out on their towels to warm up for awhile, then set off for the run.

Todd thought it was great to have someone to run with, because the guys at school had never been interested at all, and he kept glancing at Tony as he jogged beside him. He seemed to be finding it very easy, and Todd noticed how his muscles stood out. He looked at Tony's deep tan, his dark hair, and his solid build and wished he looked more like that, instead of his own brown hair and ordinary slim build. They'd jogged about 400 metres and Todd was settling into his rhythm when Tony said.

"See that big seaweed clump? I'll race you to it! Are you ready? Go!"

They shot off and Todd had a real shock. Tony was ahead of him! He was faster? Todd really powered his muscles and after about 50 metres he started to catch up and then overtake, and as they raced past the seaweed he was just ahead by about a metre. They stopped and heaved in great breaths of the air for a moment, Todd with his hands on his knees, and Tony with his hands on his hips and his head held back a little.

"Boy! You're good everything Todd! I thought I'd beat you over that distance!

Todd felt good again at these words from Tony, though it was a bit funny really, because he'd picked on surfing and running, and Todd didn't think he was really good at anything else much. The set off again and decided to go to the cliffs and back. That would be about four kilometres, and after the hours in the surf, would be a good distance. The next day was a repeat of the surfing and running and at the end of it Todd asked Tony to come and have some tea.

"It's my night to cook for the family! We take it in turns, except for my sister, who gets off free! It's good though because I can cook whatever I like!"

"You can cook too?"

"Not really! But mum's showed me how to make stuff I like!"

"What are you cooking tonight?"

"It's just spaghetti and meatballs, but I love it!"

Tony did too. The rest of the family liked him and he could see how much they were smiling at some of his funny comments. After tea they walked to the shops and hacked around, then went to the beach. They sat talking in the sand for a while and Todd thought how neat it was, listening to the sea and looking at the stars.

"It looks so good doesn't it? Let's sleep here one night!"

Todd had a funny jolt. It was like Tony was reading his mind. They arranged it for the next night. At about 10 p.m. they carried their stuff with them and walked about 200 metres along the beach to a spot they'd picked during the day. Todd had really looked forward to this and wondered what to take. He decided on his sleeping bag, which should be enough, and a blanket to sit on, plus drinks and munchies which they'd bought in the afternoon. It was a warm clear night and they sat on the rug, talking and gazing at the ocean glinting in the dark. Todd felt great. Tony was his friend now and he hoped they would spend the rest of the holiday doing stuff together. He stirred Tony about something and got pushed over on his side.

"You'd better take that back Todd, or I'll make you!"

"Oh yeah! You and what army?"

"This one!"

Tony held his right arm up and Todd groaned.

"Oh my God! I feel sick! Weak puns!"

Todd grunted as Tony sat on top of him, then pinned him on his back. He tried to escape, and their bodies strained and struggled to get the upper hand, but he didn't have a hope, and ended up helpless in a hold with Tony on top of him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I've found something where I'm better than you!"

"No! You haven't! It was a fluke! You had me at a disadvantage right from the start!"

Todd knew very well it wasn't a fluke, but that wasn't what you said.

"All right! I'll lie down and you can have the advantage!"

After more struggling Todd was pinned again, but much quicker this time. This was fun but he knew he was going to lose every time.

"There! Admit that I can wrestle best!"

"What? After two flukes in a row!"

"Ha! Some people are slow learners! Three times in a row means I'm the best wrestler! Okay?"

Todd put in a much bigger effort this time, but eventually he ended in the same position, pinned and helpless.

"Three times in a row! That proves it! Now you have to agree to something or I'll torture you!"


"What do you mean? No you won't agree, or no I won't torture you?"


Tony thought for a moment.

"Smarty! Are you ticklish?"

Todd hesitated just a bit too long.


He could dimly see the flash of that smile and in seconds he was wriggling and twisting in a fruitless effort to escape.

"Tony! Stop! Stop!"

"So you are ticklish?"

"No! I just wasn't ready!"

A finger poked in his bellybutton and twisted.

"Yes! Yes!"

"That's better! Now you have to agree with me!"


Tony didn't say anything this time but Todd got a shock as the finger moved underneath his T-shirt, centred in his bellybutton and again started twisting. He wriggled but there was a different feeling there as well.

"Are you going to agree, or will I keep tickling you?"

This was too good to resist.


Tony laughed but that deadly finger started again.

"It's not stopping now, till I hear the answer I want!"

"I agree! I agree!"

It had suddenly become an imperative for Todd to finish this, because the strange feeling in his bellybutton was making him feel tight in his jocks.

"Good! Will you agree to be my friend?"

"I thought we already were?"

The finger kept moving, and because of their positions Tony would soon know that something was happening.

"I mean after our holiday? Could we hang out at Uni, and go to movies and stuff?"

"Yes! Of course I agree! Tony! I'd love to!"

The finger disappeared but it was actually too late now.

"Um! Can I sit up? I'm feeling a bit squashed!"

Tony shifted and Todd felt extra pressure against himself. He felt really flustered. Surely Tony could feel him. It must be obvious. Tony sat up and looked towards Todd.

"I'm serious Todd! I don't want our holiday to end and never see each other again! Is that all right?"

Todd relaxed. He mustn't have noticed.

"I meant it too Tony! You didn't have to torture me for that!"

"Great! But it was fun wasn't it?"

Once again Tony had said something that made Todd wonder just what he meant. They climbed into their sleeping bags and kept talking. The evening had started to cool and Tony's sleeping bag wasn't as good as Todd's, so before long they decided to move the rug from underneath and wrap it over the top. This worked well and they went to sleep nestled close beside each other.

The next day the waves weren't quite as good, and after lunch they decided to try further down the beach. Tony said there was a good spot for swimming and maybe it would be better there. They took their towels and Tony told his brother Chris that they were heading down the beach. He laughed and said.

"The two of you? Don't get sprung then!"

Todd noticed a funny look on Tony's face and wondered what was going on.

"What was that all about Tony?"

Tony hesitated as if he wasn't going to answer then he grinned.

"He's caught me swimming without any bathers a couple of times, and now he reckons that's what I do whenever I go away from the flags! Because you're with me he probably thinks you're doing the same!"

Todd had a funny feeling when they reached Tony's spot, because he recognised it as the place where he'd found his speedos. They had a surf, then warmed up in the sun, feeling very pleased that they'd come here. The waves were no bigger, but they were more even, and gave a better ride. When they got up to go for another surf Tony looked at Todd with his big grin.

"Well! Are you game?"


"Chris was right! So am I going by myself?"

Todd watched, stunned, as Tony pulled his speedos off and put them under his towel.

"It feels great Todd!"

Hell! This was something new for Todd. It was pretty daring, and he looked up and down the beach for any people. Well! They'd done everything else together so far, so he slipped his speedos off, and with a funny feeling of excitement, raced for the water. He couldn't help checking out what Tony looked like. Boy! He was big! You could tell from his speedos anyhow, but this made it so obvious. He saw Tony looking at him too, and then they both grinned.

"You look great without the speedos too Todd!"

Todd felt strange. Did Tony think he looked great? They reached the water and Todd loved it. It was a completely different feeling. He was surprised at how different taking off that small piece of clothing felt, and surfing a wave was another surprise. They stayed in for almost 45 minutes. A couple of groups of people walked past on the beach, and that was sort of exciting too. They laughed together and kept to down in the water so that only their heads were showing. When they got out Tony dried himself off and stretched on his towel without putting his speedos on. Todd did the same and nervously kept popping his head up to check whether anyone was approaching. Once again Todd loved this feeling. The sun was so nice on his cool skin, and when he got game enough to roll onto his back, it felt extra warm on the parts that weren't used to it. It made him feel so sexy that he had to roll back on his stomach till he softened off again. Jeez! Tony did things that no one else would. When they got back, Chris wanted to know if their speedos got wet. The next day didn't start off too well because there were no waves but Tony saved them with a great idea.

"We'll go to the cliffs Todd! Have you got any goggles? We can snorkel at the reefs there, since there aren't any waves. I'll take my camera too and it will be a photo day!"

Todd had to hire a set of snorkelling gear but that didn't cost too much, and they set off carrying a daypack each. When they reached the cliffs they scrambled over the rocks and explored for a while then stopped when they discovered a secluded little beach.

"This is neat Todd! We can leave our stuff in the shelter of the rocks while we're snorkelling!"

The snorkelling was the big excitement of the moment and conditions were perfect. >From wanting the waves to be bigger, they were now delighted they weren't. When Tony put his goggles on and first tried them, he came up laughing.

"Hey! Check this out! It looks like you've got an elephant's trunk in your speedos!"

Todd made his own check and Tony was right. The goggles magnified everything, and his hand looked twice as big when he was under the water. For a couple of hours, with several stops and moves to a new location, they explored the pools, reef edges, and deeper holes with waving seaweed. There were starfish, crabs, and stacks of fish of various kinds, and Todd thought it was like a new world. When they'd had enough snorkelling, Tony carefully unpacked his digital camera. His folks had got it for him to help with his media course, and he was very proud of it.

"It takes great photos and doesn't cost anything to run! You're my model for the day and I want to get stacks of photos!"

He had Todd standing on rocks, lying on rocks, and sitting on rocks in all sorts of poses. Then it was the same thing in the water and on the sand.

"Hey! Swap speedos with me so they don't all look the same!"

When Todd stripped he caught Tony taking a photo of him.

"Watch it! No rude stuff!"

Tony lifted the camera up for another shot, so Todd made a rude gesture with his finger and held himself, but Tony just took it anyway. Todd had a turn with the camera after Tony showed him what to do but he didn't want to take too many. Tony kept coming up with funny ideas for pictures. Todd became a merman with clumps of seaweed wrapped around his middle and hiding his legs. Then he was buried in the sand and the seaweed became his new hair. They had a snack and headed back along the base of the cliffs. Then on the two kilometre stretch, they decided to stop at the halfway spot and have another swim. They grinned at each other when they planned this, and Todd was now looking forward to another swim without speedos. It was the best spot because you could see so far in both directions. The sun was hot and by the time they travelled the kilometre's distance, a swim was high priority. Without the waves for surfing, they didn't stay in as long and after half an hour they relaxed on their towels, speedos forgotten. Todd turned on his back and closed his eyes. This was so nice. The warmth and pleasure lulled him so much that he dozed off. He woke to the realisation that he had a full boner and something was tickling it. God! How embarrassing! He opened his eyes to see Tony holding the long tube of his snorkel, lightly rubbing his boner with the end of it. He blushed and flipped onto his stomach, then looked at the laughing Tony.

"Sprung bad Todd! That was my photo of the day!"

"You didn't?"

"Yep! Five photos! I had to keep tickling you though, to make it stand up!"

Todd listened in disbelief! Would he really do that? He must have. There was the camera resting on the pack, out of its case. What would this Tony do next? At least it didn't seem to be any big deal to him.

"Come on Todd! We'll have another swim!"

He grinned.

"I think you need cooling down!"

Todd wasn't ready to get up just yet, but after he packed his camera away Tony grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

"You don't have to be shy! I've seen everything now anyhow!"

In the water everything quickly returned to normal and they swam and mucked around. When they got out this time, Todd dried off and sat on his towel. No way was he going to fall asleep again with Tony around. Tony sat next to him and started talking.

"I've been thinking about tomorrow Todd! How would you like to hire one of those canoes and paddle up the river? It goes for three or four kilometres before you have to stop and we could hike to the waterfall from there. I reckon it would be a great adventure but if the waves are good we could do it another day!"

" No! Let's do it anyway! We can still have a surf after we get back! You come up with the best ideas!"

Tony stared at him.

"You're the nicest person I've ever known Todd! It's a pity you're so weak though!"


"Yep! You couldn't fight fly!"

Todd had about two seconds to think that Tony couldn't possibly be going to wrestle him when they were nude, before he felt strong arms pushing him down.

"Come on Todd! Show me your strength or I'll tickle you to death!"

Todd tried. He had no choice. Tony almost let him get away a couple of times but Todd knew he was pretending to be weaker than he really was. Pinned again! Helpless again! And the devil with flashing white teeth grinning down at him!

"Okay Todd! What's it going to be? The one minute torture or the two-minute torture?"

Todd's sense of humour sealed his doom.


" You fell right into my trap! That was the five-minute answer!"

Todd shrieked and wriggled at the deadly finger in his bellybutton, and his body started to react as he feared it would.

"Stop Tony! Stop!"

"Four minutes left!"

"Help! Murder! Bully!"

"Three minutes left!"

Tony shifted and Todd felt himself poking right into him.

"Hey! You're cheating Todd!"


"Trying to frighten me with a secret weapon! Well it's not secret now!"

Tony's hand moved from its tickling centre and took hold of Todd's boner. An electric current, or something like it, went through Todd and his body jumped under Tony as he felt himself squeezed.

"It doesn't feel like a weapon!" Tony's hand moved away and the finger started up again.

"Two and a half minutes Todd!"

Tickle! Tickle!

"Two minutes!"

Tickle! Tickle!

"One minute left Todd! Will you wrestle me again if I let you go?"

"Yes! But I'll only lose again, and then you'll keep tickling me!"

"Okay! If I lose will you promise to tickle me? "

Todd couldn't help laughing.

"You're crazy!"

"Quick! Your times nearly up!"

"Yes! Yes! I promise!"

"For five minutes?"


Tony sat up and watched Todd do the same. He still had a grin on his face.

"Come on Todd! Now is your chance! I'm feeling worn out from tickling you so much!"

Todd wished he could have cooled down for a few minutes but he wasn't given the choice because Tony grabbed him and started to wrestle him down. Todd wrestled back and, what a surprise, Tony was soon on his back.

" I give in Todd! You're just too strong!"

" Well! Put your hands behind your head and don't move then!"

Todd watched with a peculiar feeling as Tony stretched his arms up.

"You won't tickle my bellybutton will you Todd? It's unbearable!"

"I don't remember having any choice, so neither have you!"

As soon as he said this Todd understood that that was where Tony wanted him to start. He drew his fingers down Tony's sides, watching him jump, then into the centre of his stomach. His pointer finger made a little poke and he watched Tony catch his breath. Round and round it went for about a minute, while Tony wriggled and tensed. Todd was enjoying this and decided he was going to make the most of the time he had left. He started to tickle Tony's side with his free hand when he saw that Tony was reacting the same way he had. Todd stopped, uncertainly wondering what to do and saw Tony's dark brown eyes staring at him.

"Todd! You promised me five minutes!"

Staring in fascination, Todd watched as Tony's boner lengthened. He started tickling again as thoughts rushed through his mind. He wants me to do this! Todd wondered if he was game enough! Yes! He was! He moved his hand down a little and gave the same kind of squeeze Tony had given him.

"Who's got a secret weapon this time Tony?"

Todd moved his hand to resume tickling and Tony stared up at him.

"Three minutes Tony!"

"Can you tickle me somewhere else Todd?"


"On my legs!"

"Two minutes Tony!"

"On the front of my hips!"

"One more minute left!"

"Can you guess where I want you to tickle me Todd?"

"I think so!"

"Go on then!"

At the end of the minute Todd wondered what would happen now.

"Todd! If you lie down I'll show you how I'd like you to tickle me! Okay?"

For a long moment Todd stared at Tony and felt nervousness and excitement fighting each other in his mind. The next 15 minutes was the biggest experience of Todd's life. For a while after, they lay hugging each other and laughing softly at some personal little tricks they'd developed in that short time. Todd watched as Tony picked up his light green speedos and put them in one of the pockets of his day pack.

"What are you doing?"

"I've decided to keep them!"

"What do you mean? I have to wear them! I haven't got any shorts with me!"

" You'll just have to get some of your own!"

"But they are mine!"

"I don't think so! I reckon they're mine! I can even prove it!"

Todd stared at him. It must be some strange game.

"They've got my initials on then Todd!"

"O. A? But that's not your initials!"

"How about A. O! Anthony Owen? I had an embarrassing day last year Todd! I was swimming here and when I got out Chris and William had hidden my special speedos. They said they'd buried them in the sand and I had to go all the way back with nothing on, till they let me have my towel. I came back the next day when they told me they were really hanging on a bush, but I couldn't find them!"

Tony had his devil grin showing as he came over. Todd felt a finger poking in his bellybutton and listened while Tony whispered in his ear.

"I'm pleased I caught my speedo thief though!"

The End.

Thanks for reading the story and if you enjoyed it I'd love to hear from you.


Next: Chapter 5: Bright Blue

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