Company Payload

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on May 10, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.


CoMPany payLoaD 14

WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Even though the hot weather of summer lay around the corner, outside the Harrellsson building, the sidewalk acted as a bottom of an oven, Nolan and his three new hired hands starting to `bake'.

"How about we take this inside?"

Wiping the sweat from foreheads, Trystan smoothing his shirt against his chest, sopping up the hairy sweat underneath, Joseph exclaimed how much better it would be.

Catching on, Simon says, "I guess I'm not the only one who comes up with brilliant ideas!"

Nolan smiled, hiding it from Simon, knowing it was a lead in to `flirt!'.

Stepping into the lobby, Trystan says, "Daymn! It's like freezing cold in here!"

Nolan had to laugh, Joseph picking on Trystan, "Can you control those pecs Tryst?"

Like a comedy act, Nolan laughs at Trystan butting back at his friend, "Hey, ya think I can control my pecs like a faucet?"

Having the three already down pat in his mind, personality wise, Nolan's attention switches off to Simon-the-discipliner, throwing in the clincher, "You two, this is no place for stuff like that. We're on Nolan's turf now and even though you have no respect for yourselves, can you at least have some for him?"

Trystan utters, "Sorry Nolan. I'll try to control myself." Both palms fly up to Trystan's cold-induced, hard pec spots, slowly rubbing in a circular manner as if to warm them up, with mind to reduce his nubs to a soft state.

Tough thing to do. As Nolan led them down a hallway, Joseph pings one of Trystan's nips, hard as a result of the change in temps.

Trystan swats the hand away, in a whisper reprimands Joseph, "No, you fool! You trying to get me into trouble with Simon again?"

In jest, Joseph says, a little louder than a whisper in the busying hallway, "Oh, why? Afraid of getting hard over him putting a few more stripes on your back?" He laughs.

"Shut up you fool, some guy's gonna hear!"

Thinking of Nolan and Simon carrying on conversation, three steps ahead of them, the two figured nothing was being transmitted. Yeah, little did they know of the two ahead of them.

On Nolan's behalf, it was news to him, some he would store for future reference. Reading the three like a crystal ball, he's flagged the trio and as if reading a business chart:

Trystan - bottom - craves punishment - reason could be real or fiction - infraction: little or big - gets hard being punished

Simon - dominant top - Note here, Nolan feeling the blood flowing between his legs at the thought' - Trystan's keeper' - takes pleasure in punishing with corporal punishment

Joseph - undecided - takes pleasure in getting Trystan into trouble with Simon or Simon's watchdog - unsure which way Joseph bends - dominant qualities, but could be dominated?

A side thought, Nolan tossed about the very idea of his new association with the bondage-discipline-sadism-masochism, bdsm lifestyle, since the onset of his experience at The Chasm', he's looked upon a man with a different view. Before, it was head-chest-midsection-below the belt-backside. Now, included in all this was temperament. It changed the way he even looked upon those working for him in his employ, the leaders and the followers. Though, he wasn't sure if could be constituted as a surefire means by which to define dominant' vs. `submissive', surprised by a guy who could appear as meek and mild, changing like Superman into a bold dominant. Whatever, Nolan knew in order to classify, it took more than first impressions.

Though, for whatever reason, mostly the churning of his balls, Nolan knew he made the correct decision upon instantly hiring the three. He would gain more information much later, after introducing the three to the human resources director and various employees. One scenario which lurked in his mind, he couldn't wait to introduce Trystan to Demont!


"What's on the agenda for today, besides an afternoon of lounging at the pool?" Laurent asks James.

"Thinking," James simply replies.

In his briefs and nothing else, Laurent stands and walks towards James, where he has been slowly dressing in front of a dresser mirror. Standing behind, he caresses James in the prison of his arms, hands traversing up and down his chest and stomach. "Did you really mean it when you said you wanted me with you, when you enter the `States'?"

Tearing himself away from the impending trouble befalling him and his brother, James replies, "I think you're a cool guy, Laurent," he relayed soft affection in his own terms.

"Oh?" And returning the phrase, "I thought you were `very' sweet last night!"

"I was thinking personality-wise, not honey-from-the-hive?"

"I know," Laurent replies. "Don't mind me. My mind is always in the gutter!"

"I noticed!"

Showing interest in James, brought to mind, involvement with him, also he would be in contact with his extended family, saying, "Don't you worry. I am sure things will work out for you and Tom."

"Tom." James' mind is thrown back to a couple of hours ago, upon hearing the grim news, dropping his head, his eyes falling out of contact, the reflection of the two. "Y'know, I have a sneaky feeling his good friend Jaco' is in reality not such a good friend'?" Upon the revelation, he lifts his head and does a u-turn with his bod, facing his new beloved.

"Sorry to say, I have to agree. I'm not sure how your brother got mixed up with this character, but..."

"Jaco and Tom are dorm roommates."

"An unfortunate association matchup," Laurent replies and seeing James still uptight over the pairing, "but I'm sure if Tom had a different roommate, he would have chosen a different route to make some college money?"

"You got that right. As far as I can make of this `Jaco' character, he's not exactly a person Tom would pick as a best buddy."

"You're tense again, James," Laurent gets sweet on him, rubbing hands up and down his bare arms.

"Yeah. I know."

Trying to soothe, Laurent uses tender words, with lips to his ear, "I know you have to go to the meeting, but try to keep what you've heard a secret."

"Oh I will... at least I hope I will... it's just a tough thing not to bring up, once heard, especially where Tom is involved."

"I know, baby."

The cordial greeting of affection made James look up, stare into the twenty-nine year old chef's eyes, but it's not like all of the love was being shone out of Laurent's bod like a flashlight, James putting his two cents in, "You're being so caring about me. I tend to think that's just your personality... Hey, look, I'm not too good with the mushy words, but I appreciate," he returns the touchy feeling, "what you're doing for Tom and me, especially me and if things work out to the good, when the three of us have our feet planted on US soil, I... I'd like you and me to... to stick together. Get what I'm saying Laurent?"

Cracking a wry smile, Laurent says, "Who else am I going to get to tweak up my nips!"


"Whew! Am I glad you were there!"

"Me too," Adam had to admit. "That Cabeza is one shifty character!"

"I know." I have a feeling if you weren't there..."

"I know," Adam counters, reading his boyfriend's mind, "he would have been signing on the dotted line up a hotel room, instead of on the tablecloth!"

Nuzzling up to him, Yalin's arm wrapped around Adam, he says, "I owe you much."

Adam was just contented with the sweet affection and left his thoughts at that!


"Now! Shall we... get... down... to..." Each passing of Glenn Watney's words coincided with his falling eyesight, cast upon stations of the two boys, from head, to chest, to stomach, then what filled the skimpy briefs they wore, "" Clasping both hands, he opened them and holding them out to his sides, "Divine! Just divine!"

"No thanks to you, Glenn!"

Denis and Doug just smiled, but also had thoughts of how brazen Terry was to Glenn.

Too, Terry thought if Denis and Doug could get away on first-name basis, why couldn't he. "What do you mean abandoning these two, darling angels?"

"Terry, can we dispense with the dramatics?"

Sheepishly, Denis says, "I've never been called an `angel' before!"

"Don't get used to it kid."

Somehow Glenn Watney's response rubbed Doug the wrong way, him standing up to Watney, "Don't you talk to Denis like that!"

Turning straight around to face Doug, Watney softens his temperament, "Like what?"

"The way you talked to Denis. That wasn't very nice," Doug said in a gruntled manner.

Flicking his wrist, Terry says, "In other words, Doug is saying, you were fuckin'-rude, Glenn!"

"Whatever." Then to Denis, "Sorry kid, okay?"

Joking, Terry says, "I think you should get on your knees and kiss his dick!"

"Terry, shut the fuck up!"

By now, Doug and Denis had paired up and watched the antics of Terry and Glenn as if a comedy show.

"All I'm saying Glenn, is you shouldn't be treating two such handsome boys in a manner which besuits riff-raff, if you intend on keeping them in your employ!"

"Terry," Glenn huffs out, "would you mind shutting the fuck up." And skipping over hearing a refrain, "Now where were we?"

Daring to follow Terry's lead in joking, Doug says, "You were about to kiss my boyfriend's dick?"

Laughing his ass off, Terry pounces hard on Doug's shoulder, saying, "You're a fuckin' scream, kid!"

Frustrated, Glenn says, "Get them ready. I'll meet you in the studio!" Throwing his hands up in the air, he left.

However, walking down the hallway, the fashion photographer had to readjust things down below. From what he visioned could be behind Denis' briefs, he was salivating, thinking upon Terry's fruitful idea!


Morning passing into afternoon, Nolan knew there wasn't much time in the day for the three newly-hired employees to put in a full day's work. Too, he suddenly thought, `where in the company would they best fit in?'. Thinking, he does the next best thing to figuring it out - passes the buck! "Demont!"

"Just a sec!" Demont replies, not even turning to look at Nolan, but rather the maintenance guy on a ladder, fixing a wire up in the ceiling, with a tile moved aside.

Nolan waits, smiles at the three, then turns his attention to the two.

Standing there at six feet-four, Demont almost reaches the top of the ladder. "Easy there," he says, when the ladder shimmies to the side.

"Yeah, easy there Jeremy," Nolan adds caution to the maintenance dude on the ladder.

The bunch of them were drawn to another figure with his hand on the ladder, Trystan saying, "Yeah. Be careful. Had one of these jackknife on me one time."

Nolan looked about, wondering whether anyone caught the reaction, Jeremy looking down in between his own arms to see who was talking to him.

Of course, Demont realizes it, Jeremy's attention lingering, "Um, we don't have all day Mr. Plunk?"

"Plunk?" Trystan questions the unusual surname.

In whispers, the name, `Jeremy Plunk', circulates!

Eager to adhere to Demont's demands, but not wanting to miss out on an introduction to the hot dude he towered over, Jeremy lets go of the wire with his right hand, wipes it off and reaches down between his crotch and the ladder, "Hey, Jeremy Plunk!"

Demont reacts, "For god-sakes Plunk, what do you think this is? A gay-mating reality show?"

Turning to Demont, Trystan demonstrates his authority, "Hey, who do you think you're calling gay?"

Very softly, as a passing thought, Nolan says, "Uh-oh!" Too, he has a quick flashback, to two minutes ago when he sorted out the trio's personalities, making some additions to Trystan's chart.

Before he can come between the two, Trystan is shooting off his mouth, his head looking up to Demont, "Lucky for you I am, because if I wasn't, your fuckin' biased ass would be in front of the judge and I'd be suing your fuckin' ass off!"

By this time, faster than Nolan could react, Joseph, taking Demont's height and build into consideration, is at the sideline of the confrontation, "He didn't mean it mister, really. Trys tends to get a little hyper."

With both hands holding the ceiling tiles from falling, Demont could not make a move, probably in Trystan's favor! Though, nothing kept his tongue from saying, "Well you tell your friend," he addresses Joseph, "to back off before I give him something to worry about!"

For a moment the scenario froze and only something either Nolan or possibly Simon transmitted from Joseph to Trystan, Joseph staring at Trystan, Joseph cracking a little smile and wiggling his eyebrows, Trystan returning the meaning, his frown transforming to upturned lips. Immediately as it appeared, the two drop the dramatic repose.

Nolan, seeing Demont shifting his weight to one leg, the other moving, knee wobbling, approaches, pats him on the thigh and calms a feeling like he wants to impress his point with a swift knee to the balls, "Easy Demont. I'm sure this is just some little misunderstanding and we can all work it out and work together like some happy family."

At least Jeremy hoped so! He even vouched for his boss, "Yeah, really. Demont's really a great guy to work for!" He placed a hand on Trystan's shoulder, like he was a long lost pal.

"Fact of the matter," Nolan says, dividing up Demont and Trystan with his bod, and trying to salvage his original intentions, "I thought it might be a good idea if you two worked together!"

Looking over Nolan's shoulder, Trystan says, "You're kidding? Work with this punk?"

The ceiling tiles crashed to the floor.

Jeremy jumped from the second rung of steps of the ladder, both feet landing on the floor.

Nolan was forced nicely out of the way by Demont's guiding hands.

"Now you hold on a minute there. Who you calling `punk', punk?"

Little did anyone know Demont wasn't showing only anger, but only a portion of it welling up inside him, his real feeling, his balls churning as a result of the defying attitude shown by Trystan. With allowing the tiles to separated from the grasps of his hands, he burst forwards, his chest bopping Trystan in a match fitting for two fighters in the ring. Too, stretched out arms down at his sides show he wasn't much taller than Trystan's six foot-two height. Surprise at first was on Demont's face, the force of his frontal assault not much moving Trystan's build, something which even added a pleasing touch to his already pending boiling in his pants!

Not the only one noticing, Trystan tears his eyes away from the Mideastern man's face, glances towards his hard chest, then back up, saying, "Man, you're built!" More than the remarks he found insulting, Demont's gym-bod struck a curve in Trystan's thinking.

As he's done dozens of times at the `Bear Lair', Demont thinks nothing of treating Trystan like one of his bear-buds, reaching out and grabbing up Trystan's shirted pecs, "I like!"

"Me too," Trystan says, a cocky smile on his face as he's feeling up Demont's hard cock!

"Oh brother!" Nolan rolls his eyes. "Come along lads," he says to Joseph and Simon. Passing by Demont, he says, "I'm leaving Trystan here for your guidance Demont?"

Demont replies, "I shall do my utmost in training him."

"Likewise," Trystan replies.

In Nolan's mind, Trystan's `chart' was rapidly changing again!

Leading Simon and Joseph away, Jeremy catches up.

Tagging Joseph on the shoulder, he says, "Hey, I'm Jeremy Plunk." He kind of got the feeling Joseph wanted to introduce himself, but got torn away from the scenario by the boss and figured a second introduction was good lead-in, hinting.

"Don't you have a wire to fix Jeremy?" Nolan asks.

"Wire? I had no idea what I was doing. Demont was instructing me as I did it." Glancing to Joseph, "I wish I had some other department to work?"

Nolan smiled, not because Jeremy was being so damn cute. Turning back to look, he spots Demont, standing on the ladder, braced by Trystan and in Jeremy's place, being instructed on how to connect two wires!


On a fluke, before readying Doug and Denis for their portfolio shoot with Glenn Watney, Terry goes for broke, mostly serious, half wishful thinking, "Hey, you think since Glenn passed you up, I could give it a try?"

"Give it a try?" Doug questioned Terry's motives.

Glancing down at Denis' covered pubes, Terry raises his eyebrows and smiles.

After roughly two hours of finding suitable hairstyles for the two lads, Terry and the boys had, without reluctance, dove into the land of no return regarding roles, without naming them.

Doug's thinking, he wasn't sure if Terry ever fucked a guy, a portrait of the haircutter and jack-of-all-trades, included cocksucking, as one of Terry's accolades.

In Denis' mind, he thought of Terry a fun guy, not sure which way he took it, standing up, another dude's lips sucking him up, or around back, fucking to beat the band.

In reality, the twenty-one year old cub chose his destiny by `the man'. Here, confronted by two eighteen year olds, he figured he made his intentions known. With Doug in mind, he carved his role out in a flash, wanting to be on his knees, taking Doug's briefs down to his ankles, getting his mouth on the teen's cock without hesitation. Before, he almost made a cutting mistake, his mind on if he could fit one or two of Doug's ballsacs in his mouth at once, based on the bulge of his briefs. It did occur in his mind, because Doug's front was hairier then Denis' chest and stomach, did Doug have a hairy ass? To match his thoughts, Denis being blond, did Denis have a slight covering of blond ass hair? It was all thought provoking, both of mind and pubes!

While Terry thought upon his own words, Denis and Doug locked eyes, smiling, as if relaying a secretly coded message back and forth.

"What do you think?" Doug asks Denis.

Terry interjects, "I was just kidding, guys!" Although wishful thinking kept eating away at his mind!

Having been through this, a small discussion touching lightly on them being young, wanting to explore gay sex as a couple, Doug offers, "Would be kind of a turn on for me watching Terry give you a blowjob?"

Without hesitation, with trust, Denis places his thumbs in the rim of his briefs.

Licking his lips, Terry glances between Doug's face, to tell him, "I was really only joking," to watching Denis slowly lower his briefs, centimeter by centimeter.

Giggling, Denis takes on a slightly dominant character, "Ya can't fool us Terry! We know you want it!" Denis casts a smile to Doug.

It was a provocation without thinking on Denis' part, but picked up on by Doug, him going at it with more aggression, his hand slipping into his own briefs, fondling him meat with unseen vision. "Hungry, Terry?" He laughs.

Stopping suddenly, Terry says with accusation, "You two! You both are such teases!"

Then it becomes a game, Denis saying as he unveils the blonde pubes, parking his green paisley Nouguet briefs under his balls, "Hey, I thought I was first and you were going to watch, Doug?"

"Oh I'm so sorry," Doug says, his best acting qualities engaged - not, "but I've seemed to have gotten harder than you suddenly?" Apparently, Doug's bulging briefs, his hand encasing his hard hardon taking up a quarter of the space.

With abandon, Terry falls to his knees, grabs hold of both cocks and getting a handle on things, says, "Would you two stop jerking me around. Damn! I'll take both of ya's on, if you're gonna fight about it!"

Then it became `who-was-leading-who' here, Terry taking control of the situation. First, since Denis had made his privates public, he gobbled him up right away. As for Doug, Terry had his hand more on fabric than flesh, pulling Doug towards him.

Of course Doug complained, "Hey, would you watch it Terry!" He complied, being dragged towards Terry's mouth like a magnet, but also, being clothed in his briefs, Terry was grabbing at `anything'. Doug's hand was on his hard cock, Terry's hand had nothing to grab at but churning balls. Hence, if Doug hadn't adhered to Terry pulling him closer, the skin covering his ballsacs would have been stretched to the max!

Taking liberties, Terry tears Doug's briefs down, swatting Doug's hand away and replacing it with his own digits, holds both cocks, Denis' wet one with Doug's dry shaft, deciding, "Hmm, two hot teen barrels. Decisions, decisions!"

Denis and Doug glance up at each other, in minds trying to think, `What's he gonna do?'

New to them, but not to a cub like Terry, whom, at the `Bear Lair' has taken on two bears at once, pulls both teen cocks together to make one stalk and stuffs his face!


After their shower and with James' impending meeting, regarding the downfall of the Harrellsson empire in America, Laurent couldn't possibly leave James with a soiled bod. Bringing him to orgasm, after a quickie, ten minute blowjob, taking his load down into his stomach, Laurent's tongue and lips made sure any goo which seeped out of the corners of his mouth was sucked up like a vacuum cleaner.

"Thanks. It helped," James says, doing a crunch-up from the foot of the bed, where he lay with his knees separated.

"I'm so glad," Laurent, totally in the buff, says. As James reached for his pants around his ankles, Laurent claims the garment, "No, allow me."

Another tender moment ensues, Laurent's bear-bod up against James, fastening the belt buckle.

"Like I said," James asserts, "I'm not really fancy with words, but I hope everything works out."

Serious, but also frivolous, Laurent replies, "Me too, because I really need my protein drink morning, noon and night!"

Even though matters weigh heavy on his mind, James cracks a smile, saying, "Either end?"

About to answer James with a wisecracker of a reply, Laurent is left with his jaw hanging open, by a knock at the door and a voice, "Hey James. It's me. Tom. Are you ready to go to the meeting?"

"Oh shit! I didn't think of something," James exclaims. "What should I tell Tom?"

For a short moment, it put Laurent in the decision making position, saying, "Um... uh, nothing right now, how's that?"

"James, you in there?" Another one of Tom's knocks came at the door.

"Good thinking," James replies to Laurent. To Tom, "I'll be right there."

Laurent was left in the room wondering something, what it meant, when James opened the door, arms in his shirt, but open buttons, Laurent's curiosity piqued by Tom's comment.

Tom eyed his brother from head to bellyhole, remarking, "You look real good, bro!"

From Laurent's perspective, it looked like James was embarrassed, surrendering comment, "Tom, he's a real jokester!"

Outside the door, with only Tom and James in the hallway, Tom is a jokester, placing both hands inside his brother's shirt, saying, "Want to get down and do something dirty, bro?"

"Will you knock it off, Tom!" James scolds, slapping both of Tom's arms away from touching the sides of his abs.

"Touchy this morning are we?"

Buttoning up his shirt, James switches off, "And how did you occupy your time last night?"

As they walked from the bedroom suites of Sep's villa, Tom informs his bro, "Had a nice night with the pool boy. `Very' hot guy," he makes a sexual impression.

"You didn't happen to have `fun' with him like you like to have with me?"

Growing up and sharing the same bedroom, the two kind of melded, first discovering their gay tendencies. Whereas to James giving off the `scent' of being the more dominant of the two brothers, behind the closed doors of their bedroom at home, or on occasion in the basement, it's Tom who took the upper hand. It's the only place where they could act out their sexual fantasies.

Drawing off their adolescent-into-adulthood display of fantasy, Tom replies, to his brother, "Oh, much more!" With glee in his voice, Tom relays, "Tony was really hot!"

Accepting it now, as it was then, when they were in the latter teens, Tom taking his twenty-six year old brother on when he journeyed home from college, but then, at his age, it made James both horny and curious to find out the hot details, "Was he now? Hot as me?"

On the same wavelength, Tom tells, "It was different."

"Oh? How does that go?" James provoked, eager to find out the details.

"You had limits. Tony had none!"

James had to rub it in, ever since the time it happened, "Oh, so this Tony didn't mind if he was `marked for life'?"

Smirking, Tom, who had noticed a man in his brother's room, when James stepped outside, "Your friend didn't notice?"

"It was dark in the room," James made excuse. "Besides, Laurent was too busy with his face in my pubes to take notice of my `pink nips'?"

Age old squabble, Tom tries to coverup, "Lots of guys have pink nips."

Because he's forgiven Tom for the hot wax treatment, dripping the hot wax on each nip when he was home from college and the two in heat for a hot s&m session, James remarks, "They got pink nips naturally, not intentionally burned!"

As if kids, Tom tries excusing himself, "I didn't know wax could be that hot and neither did you James!"

"Oh and boy oh boy did I find out!"

Now a joke, Tom reverbs, "It's not like your shaft went soft?"

Thinking back to the time when he easily let Tom tie him down eagle-spread to their dad's workbench in the basement, it now made James horny. As if the day it was done, their parents out to work and the two, in their twenties, grown young men, resorting to adult child's play, James watching with fear and wanting for Tom to take things into his own hands. Strapped down to the wooden table, James had relinquished a say in the matter, allowing Tom to strike a match to a candle, then hold it a foot in the air, right above his hairy pecs.

"Hurt like hell, you know?"

Tom laughs.


As they fought when younger, "Masochist!"

It became a stalemate in each of their favor.

Tom wins out, "You love it and you know it James. At least my hand on your cock and watching you shoot the biggest load of your life when the hot wax scathed your nip?"

Giving in to reality, James, hand on hip, casually asks, "I forget. Was it my right or left nip that put me over the edge?"

"Do you think your dick cared?" Tom says, swatting what he knew was truth now, as it was then, his fingertips slapping James' bulge!

James took off after him, chasing his brother like a game of tag.


Copyright 2011 T. Chase McPhee

`CoMPany payLoaD' may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 15

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