Boys Gone Wild

By sissy pants

Published on Jun 8, 2002


The following contains adult material. You must be legal age in your state, province or country of residence to read this material.

If you've ever stayed up late at night, you've probably seen a series of videos called "Girls Gone Wild" advertised. If you're a guy, you've probably spent more than a few minutes watching as professional models (not girls) and profession- wanna-be, legally aged young women dancing seductively, baring tops and bottoms, and sometimes engaging in girl-to- girl kissing and beyond. You may even have purchased one or more of these tapes. This is the inspiration for this story.

Boys Gone Wild (1)

Ted, Frank's neighbor, brought over the beer and the videos, while Ted supplied the beer. Their wives, Tammy (Ted's wife) and Adriana (Frank's wife) declared this Saturday to be shopping day and had informed Ted and Frank they'd be out mall hopping well into the evening.

Steaks consumed and three beers into the afternoon, the two men settled into arms chairs in front of the tv.

"What'cha bring over?" Ted asked.

"'Girls Gone Wild in Florida'," Frank answered.

"No way, buddy! Tammy would kill me if she say we watching something like this!"

"The Tammy and Adriana won't be back for hours. Sit back and relax." Frank started the video. "Never seen these before?"

"Only on the ads on TV. Are they really girls, or professional actresses?"

"I think a little of both," Frank said as the video started with a scene of a stretch limousine pulling up to a nightclub obviously crowded with beer drinking young people in their early 20's. "I think the film crew has a couple of professional actresses, probably porn stars, who get things going, then the local girls join in."

Ted had watched the ads for this series of videos late at night, and was particularly turned on by watching the parts where girls danced provocatively together, kissed each other, and fondled each other. He remembered one scene in the ads where one girl was repeated was either pulling up another girl's blouse or skirt. Girls together was definitely one of Ted's secret turn-ons.

Frank and Ted open another beer and watched a parade of gyrating, young women dancing, laughing pouring water on each other's bared breasts, and carrying out uninhibited, public fantasies in front of the camera. The liquor flowed freely on both sides of the screen. Ted could feel himself becoming aroused despite the beer.

After about 45 minutes, the first video was over, and Frank started a second. This was different. Instead of being filmed in a night club, this video was in a real college dormitory. Girls in various stages of dress ran up and down halls laughing, pulling each other's panties down, and pillow fighting. Ted noticed Frank was discretely massaging his groin through his jeans. Embarrassed, Ted looked away. Suddenly Ted was transfixed by the sight on the screen: one girl had pinned anther's arms to the wall in a hallway and was kissing her passionately. She broke the kiss only to remove the other girl's clothing, first the blouse and bra, then shorts, then panties. She continued to kiss the submissive, totally naked girl for a few seconds before rubbing her leg between the naked girl's legs.

Ted caught a movement out to the corner of his eye. Frank had unzipped his pants and was opening masturbating, his long penis held firmly.

"Come on Ted, loosen up," Frank chided when he saw Ted was staring. "You know you want to do the same."

Yes, he very much wanted to, and within a minute, Ted's pants and underwear were off and discarded, Ted furiously pumping at his erection. And it wasn't long before both men were completely naked and masturbating as they watched and listened as one clothed girl make love to her naked, submissive partner. What they didn't hear or see was Adriana and Tammy driving up into the driving and entering the living room.

The two wives first heard the unusual sounds from the TV and looked at each other with shocked expressions: there was no doubt that there was a pornographic movie on of some kind. They quietly walked into the living room to see their husbands.

"TED!" "FRANK!" they shrieked simultaneously. The men jumped up, sweaty, their hard-ons bobbing out and up toward their wives.

"What are you two doing???" Adriana stepped forward.

"What is this movie????" Tammy chimed in. "Young girls? Lesbians? And you two --- what you doing naked? "

"Oh my god," Adrian gasped. "You are..are you..fags or something?" Adriana collapsed in a chair, put her face in her hands and started crying. Tammy immediately went to her side. Looking fiercely at Ted and Frank, "You two sit over there on the couch and keep your hand off each other's dicks, you fags!"

The men did what they were told, but Ted started to plead, "It's not what you think! We were just watching."

"I know what I see," Adriana sobbed looking up. "My pervert husband and his friend, naked, together with their dicks sticking out. What do you two do - watch girls on TV and then give each other blowjobs!?!?!"

"No wait, Adriana, it's not like that, "Frank spoke up. "We were just watching."

"Shut up Frank," Tammy said. "And Ted, I can't believe you! How long have you been giving Frank blowjobs? And watching lesbian movies? Do you want to be a girl? Is that it????"

"NO!," Ted cried out. "It's not at all like what you are saying."

"You two just get out!" Adriana screamed. "You've betrayed both of us."

Ted and Frank stood up uncertainly, looking at each other. Their once huge penises had shrunk considerably. Tammy whispered something the Adriana, who looked at her in silence for a moment, then whispered something back. The two conversed in low tones for another minute, and looked back at their husbands. Tammy was shaking her head. "I knew it. We come in here and you two fags are at it like stray dogs. Now when some women are here, you have dicks smaller than little boys. You really ARE fags."

Adriana whispered to Tammy again, who nodded and got up. "Stand right there you two.I don't know even what to call you I'm so mad. Tammy and I are going to do a little test."

Tammy returned in a moment and handed Ted and Frank each something. When they help up what Tammy had given them, they saw panties: each had a pair of Tammy's panties. "Put them on," Tammy ordered.

Ted knew what Tammy was up to and wondered if Frank could guess. Ted also knew he was in trouble: he'd always had a fetish for lingerie. Sure enough as Ted slid the pair of white nylon panties up his legs, he experienced an erection. Frank watched Ted, horrified at the response, but when he put on the other pair of white nylon panties, he had the same reaction.

"I told you Adriana! They're fags!!! Look at them. One minute their little dicks are pathetically small. Then put them into panties, and they are horny!"

"I just can't believe it," Adriana said. "Come over here."

Adriana and Tammy sat on the couch. "Come on before we throw you out of the house altogether!!"

Ted and Frank reluctantly walked over in front of them. "Go ahead.rub each other," Tammy said. "And do it before we take picture of you two sissies in panties and send them to your bosses!"

Ted tentatively reached out toward Frank's crotch.."That's pathetic!" yelled Adriana. "Frank, turn sideways. Ted get right behind him and grab his waist. Now press into to his butt with your cock. Go on!"

Ted's penis found Frank's crack and nestled nicely there. They both looked at the women.

"Well, you fag," Tammy said, "start humping him!"

Ted had no doubt what would happen. He was too aroused by wearing panties and had too much sexual energy built up from the videos, to hold back. Within 30 seconds he began to squirt gobs of cum into his panties. After the intense relief he experienced, he looked down at himself and turned red with embarrassment: the front of his panties and the back of Frank's panties was soaked with his cum!

"Your turn Frank," Adriana called out. "It's your turn to hump your fag buddy."

The two turned, and Frank grabbed Ted firmly. He began to hump Ted much more aggressively than Ted had humped him. There was a combination of humiliation and pure sexual desire that took over. Ted worried for a moment that Frank's super-stiff penis might actually rip through the two layers of panties and penetrate him. The thought caused Ted to get another erection, a physical sight not missed by the wives.

"Look at that sissy fag Ted. He's getting off on this!" Tammy exclaimed.

Frank came before Ted could be humiliated further, soaking the backside of Ted's panties completely. He continued to pound into Ted, making a loud, wet smacking noise until he was spent.

The wives, even having seen this lewd display first hand, were speechless. Tammy regained her composure. "Get out into the back yard and clean up, you sissies. I'll throw you some soap and dry panties. I want you to clean each other up. And don't be shy. You want to be fags? Adriana and I won't stand in your way. In fact, we'll help won't we?"

Adriana smiled. "Yes, and tomorrow night, we film you two together. I think a movie called 'Boys Gone Wild' is appropriate!"

Next: Chapter 2

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