
By Carl Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 14, 2006


Blues Chapter 3

Chapter 3



Does your mother know you're reading this shit?

Warning: This story is PORNO. I have tried my hand at friction, now I'm trying fiction. This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual activity between men and teen boys.
It contains no truth, partial truth, or half truth. What it does contain is stroking material. If this kind of story turns you off, or offends you, please find something else.
The author does not encourage or condone sex between adults and underage children.

If you are underage, or if this is illegal where you are, then please go away. If you're under 18, Adios come back when it is legal for you to read this smut.
If you lied about your age in order to access this story, remember this is our story. Life doesn't always work out like a story.

This story is copyrighted, ©2006. It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story without my written permission.

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      By mid-morning Monday we were all dragging. We were so fucked out that no one could get it up. Our asses were raw and walking was a pain. The basement had a real stench about it. It was fairly cold outside but it had to be done. All the high basement windows were opened and big box fans were placed outside of two windows blowing cold air in. All of the bedding was stripped and laundered. The floor was scrubbed with lots of bleach. By around eleven we decided that it was a little better. We closed it up and the eight of us headed for the all you can eat buffett.
The manager didn't really like seeing eight teenagers closing in on his meager food supplies but we proved to him that he could keep up with us. I'm sure we ate our money's worth as we nursed massive belly aches out the door. I took Randy and Robby home. We kissed and shared our undying love for each other then Bobby and I made the trek we each dreaded.
We needn't have feared. Uncle Bob and Aunt Sylvia were at the house with mom. Everything seemed peaceful enough. The house was actually clean. I mean mom is not a slob but she is not really a house keeper. She cleans at the house. Today it felt and smelled clean. They had prepared a big dinner for their going away and Bobby and I moaned as we told them how much we had eaten. They laughed at our over indulgence, as they called it.
We all sat and actually talked. I was amazed at how much I learned about my mother and my whole family. I was feeling a lot better about myself. I could see a woman and a man in a suit come up to the door. Bob answered the door as they rang the bell. They were police detectives doing a follow up on something that had occurred at our house on Saturday.
Bob told them that there had been a family argument. He explained that he and his wife had had no contact with my parents in several years and old wounds were opened and things got out of hand. He told them that the police were called to try and calm my father down. My father seemed to be out of control and the two officers had to restrain him. He was finally taken into custody but was fighting so much that he kept falling down. They asked about some sort of sex charge on a minor. We all looked at each other blankly. Bob suggested that they may want to confer with the other two officers. We then learned that they were so badly burned that they did not survive.
The police had no notes or anything to explain why my father was taken into custody. The 911 call had mention of sex on a boy but the tape wasn't clear. Aunt Sylvia apologized for getting frantic when she called. She said that she was concerned because my father was attacking me as she called and she really didn't remember just what she may have said.
The detectives weren't fools. They looked at us then separated us. I was taken to the kitchen by the male. He wanted to know if my father had ever touched me inappropriately. I lied through my teeth and said no. He didn't believe me. I finally told him that my dad and I had the sex talk. He wanted to hear more. I told him that m dad fondled me as he made me masturbate. I told him that when I told Uncle Bob this that he started yelling at my father. I had set myself right near the vent which I knew was like a telephone line into the living room. Mother, Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Bob heard every word I said, especially since I am such a loud mouth.
The female detective had taken Bobby outside to talk. Of course he knew nothing. He didn't even know me or that he even had a cousin until he walked into my house. All he knew was that I was telling my mother something when his dad blew up and yelled at his Uncle whatever his name was.
Next the female cop talked to the two women while the man took Uncle Bob to the kitchen. Bob sat down at the breakfast table in the back corner and talked quietly as he told the cop that he got incensed when I told them that my father had fondled me. He told the cop that he knew my dad in highschool and he had been a faggot then but he guessed that marriage had changed him until he heard what I said. He said my dad started yelling and cursing at everybody and his wife called the police. Uncle Bob told the cop that his wife had always hated my father and that she stayed away from my mother because she married him.
The police had nothing. They had to write their report up that my father was being transported for being disorderly. He would have been taken downtown and released if no charges existed. It was a tragic mistake that he had been killed but the other driver was in jail and would have to face his day in court to answer for the untimely demise of my father. As the two of them walked down the sidewalk to their car we smiled at each other.
"Boy's listen to me," Uncle Bob had a lecture coming on. He was just like my father there. "Providence has smiled down upon us today. We don't really want the knowledge to get out there about what went on in this house. Without the other officer's notes and testimony the police have nothing. If we just play dumb and say nothing there is nothing they can do.
"Syl and I will be gone tomorrow. We have never been here before so we would only have hear say knowledge of anything that may have taken place here. Bobby, you should not learn anymore than you know and try to forget that so that you can't answer their questions. Actually, Ryan is the only one who knows what happened between him and his father and I think he understands what it would mean for him if that knowledge became public. You would be ridiculed and taunted as well as made out to be something you are not. I say that it is over so let it lay."
We all agreed and let the evening pass as a family preparing to part for a season. Bobby was sad and he cried some. He was glad to be with me but he would miss his folks. They offered to go out and buy him a car but he pointed out that it was already past six in the evening and their plane left at nine the next morning. There was no time and besides that I had a car that was less than two months old and we would never be going anywhere one without the other. He could wait for a car until after highschool. However, he would like a new computer.
Pentium had just released a new and faster chip. It was a Pentium and was supposed to be tons faster than my 486DX88. Plus the new computers had CD players in them. We were up until after ten o'clock setting the new system up in my, oops, our bedroom. This was going to be so nice.
Tuesday morning I drove my car to school at six in the morning and parked it in the student parking lot. Bobby and I skipped school so that we could see his folks away at the airport then my mother took us back to the school. She took us to the office and explained our tardiness and the fact that Bobby was my cousin and would be living with us for the next two months. She had the signed papers she needed to be responsible for him. She told the office that my father had been killed in a car wreck the previous week. The secretary wanted the details. My mother told her that we had a little family row over holiday events and that my dad was in a police car being taken downtown to cool off when the car he was in was hit by someone running a red light. We finally made it to our fourth period classes just in time to break for lunch.
Randy had lunch with us as most of the Blues Club stayed with their regular crowds. Trish hung on Bobby and I got his attention and told him to let her. He caught on but he told her that I was his cousin and that he was going to be living with me while his folks were overseas. She looked at me and sneered then brightened up.
"He can go with Cindy. She would be perfect for him." Oh shit. What have I gotten myself into now?

      Everybody was anxious for Friday night.

      It was all around school that Jeremy Combs had stolen a car and crashed into a police car killing two cops and their prisoner in a fiery crash.. The word quickly circulated that my dad was in the police car. I know Jeremy Combs. My heart broke when I learned that he had killed my dad. I had to be taken to the nurses office as I totally lost it in front of everybody. Bobby came and sat with me until the nurse got hold of my mother who told her that Bobby and I could go on home. She told the nurse to make sure that Bobby drove my car. She didn't want another accident to happen from a crying boy.
We got home and found Uncle Bob and Aunt Sylvia there. Their plane had been snowed in back east so their flight was canceled. I told them about Jeremy Combs and that he was a good kid. I didn't want to see him go to jail. Uncle Bob took my car and went to the county jail. Mom was on the phone and I wanted to call Chris Dickson, he and Jeremy were close friends. I saw dad's cell phone laying there. I picked the monster up. You have to remember that this was ten years ago. Dad was still using an old Motorola 5000, the big gray brick.
I called Chris and told him that the man in the police car was my dad and that I didn't want Jeremy going to jail. About four that afternoon the front door opened and Uncle Bob came in with Jeremy, Chris, and Charlie. Charlie has a lot of clout in this town too. He and Uncle Bob had gotten Jeremy released to them from juvenile detention.
Mom had dinner almost ready but she served up a hot peach cobbler she had baked for desert. We put vanilla ice cream on it and had a glass of milk as Jeremy told us his story. His dad had found out that Jeremy was gay. Jeremy had been with a co-worker of his dad and he bragged about the kid's tight ass. His father killed the co-worker then went home to kill his son. He had beaten Jeremy severely and Jeremy fled for his life in his dad's car. He was a close friend of Chris and was going to go to Charlie's new house in the foothills to hide from his dad. He was hurt, badly and bleeding. Tears and blood clouded his eyes but he knew he had to get away. He was driving erratically and didn't even see the traffic light.
The police went to his house after the wreck and his dad confronted them with a gun. They shot and killed Jeremy's dad. All charges had been dropped against Jeremy as he was fleeing for his life and not in his right mind when the accident occurred. Charlie was sending him to live with a relative here in town. We found out that he was going to live with Randy Koch and his family. Jeremy said that when he grew up he was going to work with battered and abused kids and listen to them so that they didn't have to go to jail like he did. His word were prophetic as he grew up to be one of the counties best Child Case workers with the Child Protective Services.--See Traveler
The next morning Uncle Bob and Aunt Sylvia took off for the South Seas. We stayed and watched their plane leave this time then we went to Randy's house. Randy was home and the place was in turmoil. Randy took Bobby and me to his parents bedroom. The room was a shambles. Clothes hangers everywhere. Boxes thrown about. Drawers standing open. One closet was standing open and was virtually empty.
Randy took us into a small room across the back of the house. It was set up like a sewing room with a machine and all kinds of sewing stuff. He shut the door to show us a cabinet with ten small screen tvs, each showing areas of the basement. There was one 19" TV showing a full color picture of Chris fucking me while I sucked Robby's dick. It was in a loop and just played over and over.
Randy took us to the kitchen where Robby and Jeremy were eating Chinese take out with Randy's dad. Randy gave us plates and forks and told us to dig in. As we ate the story came out. Randy's dad had been one of Charlie's boys when he was young. He still had a boyfriend who would be moving in with him and the boys now that they knew that their dad was bi-sexual. He said that he really wasn't bi. He only married to have kids to carry on his name. He always had a boyfriend, his old highschool lover. Bobby and I looked at each other and smiled.
Randy's mom had suspected that there was something with Charlie when he stayed with them. She said that she could smell queer on the man. She hired a company to come in and wire the basement playroom with TV cameras so she could see what went on down there. She wanted to catch her husband in the act with perverted men. When she played the tapes they were all of an empty room. That was until she found the one where she forgot to turn off the machine during the New Year's week end. She never thought about her sons in any of this and it blew her mind to see them and all of their friends that were here all of the time doing these unnatural acts.
She confronted her husband who denied knowledge of any of it then she confronted the boys. They both told her that they were gay and that's the way it was. She couldn't handle it and packed her bags to move out.
In nineteen seventy five thirty two year old Charlie invited sixteen year old Isaac Koch and a bunch of other teenage boys to come over. Isaac loved the sucking and the fucking and he met his life partner at that party. The two boys decided to be careful and not be discovered. They both dated and married their highschool sweethearts and had families. The boyfriend is well known to Randy and Robby as their Uncle Mike. Mike Long has a daughter, Marcy, that is a knock out and a son that is Robby's boy friend, Stevie Long. Their mother was taken from them by a stroke when she was only twenty eight.
Both of the long children had been raped a few weeks ago by a senior, Wilbur Franklin. That is not common knowledge. I only know it because Robby and Stevie told us about it last weekend. We were trying to figure out what we need to do to him. Charlie told Chris to handle it and Chris told us to lay off that he would take care of it when the time is right. With everything else this weekend I don't want to wait. I want to kill.

**So there you have it. Is your friction enhanced by my fiction? Tell me about it at []( 3)

Hangin' hard, dude.**

Next: Chapter 4

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