G Spot by Carl Dickson

By Carl Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 7, 2006



G Spot by Carl Dickson

The G Spot



Does your mother know you're reading this shit?

Warning: This story is PORNO. I have tried my hand at friction, now I'm trying fiction. This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual activity between men and teen boys.
It contains no truth, partial truth, or half truth. What it does contain is stroking material. If this kind of story turns you off, or offends you, please find something else.
The author does not encourage or condone sex between adults and underage children.

If you are underage, or if this is illegal where you are, then please go away. If you're under 18, Adios come back when it is legal for you to read this smut.
If you lied about your age in order to access this story, remember this is our story. Life doesn't always work out like a story.

This story is copyrighted, ©2005. It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story without my written permission.

      One Sunday morning this ad appeared under jobs wanted. "Older homosexual male seeking to service young men 18 to 25." We laughed about it as we had our proverbial left over pizza and beer for breakfast. It had been a wild night of partying and the house was a disaster. I looked at the ad again and thought that we could hire this old man to clean up after us and let him get off on sucking our young cocks. I thought that. I was in for the shock of my life. A pleasant shock mind you, but shocking.
Let me tell you about us. First of all is me. I'm twenty three, tall, thin, and beautiful. Oh? You have a problem? Like I know. I have a mirror. I'd do me, in a heartbeat. In fact I do almost every night. Let's face it, I give better head than these jerk offs. Except for fourteen year old Mikey. We brought him in two weeks ago and the kid is a cocksucker's cocksucker. I digress. I have known I was gay since I was twelve. I didn't come out until my third year of college and my old man did what I knew he would do, he turned his back on me. I haven't seen or talked to him in two years. My mother sent my next semester's tuition to admissions with a note stating that this was the end of the money and support, forever. That paid for the first semester of my fourth year and that should have carried me through. Problem is, I don't have a major. I tried to get the Dean to let me major in Cocksuxology but he wouldn't go for it. He finally relented to a blow job but only after I had him pinned on the floor under his desk and had his pants fully opened. He liked it and I knew it, he just had to hold the old line, don't you know.
I enjoy campus life. I was an eighteen year old freshman and I met Earl. Earl was a farm boy, "Come to get sum schulin ta make my ole pa proud." The boy had eleven inches of the fattest uncut cock the school had ever seen. He was my roomy in the dorm and I made him the queer he is today. That boy is cock hungry, orally and anally. We met several other gay youth on campus and many off campus. We met a lot of street boys who couldn't afford school but wanted to hang close and pretend.
I like to bike for exercise and I was coming back from a fifty mile ride one afternoon when I saw it. There was a for rent sign in front of the largest house I had ever seen. It was old, wooden, and had a movie quality, haunted house, feel to it. The workmen were there painting and I asked if I could check it out.
The house is four stories tall and a full size basement. The basement has eight rooms but only a toilet and sink on the back wall of the hall way. A curtain can be drawn across there for privacy. The ground floor had a huge living room and an equally large dining room. The kitchen was big enough to play ball in. There were three bedrooms tucked in the remaining space and three bathrooms on this level. The second and third floor each had six large bedrooms with three baths shared for each two bedrooms. The fourth floor had four smaller rooms with sloped walls from the roof and one bathroom.
It struck me that with twenty five bedrooms and eleven baths and a toilet that we could have us a party house. We could easily house forty four guys in here, two to a room with singles on the fourth floor. And if they were all gay...it would be fag heaven. I got with Earl and some of the other regulars that we gathered with and made a proposal. The house had belonged to an old school professor who had gone on. His son was going to see about keeping it together as independent student housing. The house had gone down to disrepair and he had spent a lot of money bringing it up to code. The city and the University had to approve of it for students to live there. He was going to have to raise the rent to two thousand dollars a month with a two year lease. I caught myself. That was a bargain but I didn't let on that I thought so.
The house is two blocks south of the medical center, two blocks north of the Law school and a block and a half beyond that is the main campus. The engineering school is a block west of the Law school. A major bus line ran in front of these two schools. There was a McDonald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's, and 7-11 a block east of the law school with various other shops and restaurants. This place was made for us. I didn't have to talk long or hard to convince nine of the guys to sign the lease at once. The only drawback was no parking. Street parking only and with a permit. Residents got free parking permits. Students paid a fee for street parking. There was a dilapidated old two car garage in back that the landlord didn't want to fix up but he agreed to let us fix it up for secure parking for our bikes. Many of us have three to nine hundred dollar bicycles and they get stolen regularly. He agreed and said he would compensate us somewhere down the line if we fixed it up well.
We cleaned out the tiny back yard and bought siding for the garage. We ended up with off street parking for six cars and the garage was extra secure for bikes. We even drove six foot spikes in the ground with heavy chains on them to lock our bikes to.
We moved in and within a month we had seventeen gay youth, ranging from eighteen to twenty four, living in the house. We named it the 'G' Spot. We had a place for a guy to bring a boy to fuck his brains out and for two hundred a month he could have his own room with breakfast and kitchen privileges. The second floor was for the core group because of the large rooms and semi-private baths.
We did well here. We obeyed all of the laws and never had a single visit from the city or campus police. We partied but kept it inside and made sure that no one under age got out of the house with alcohol or drugs in his system. None of us liked drugs but someone always brought something in. It usually went out with them the next day, we just didn't use. My drug of choice is a cum injection deep into various orifices injected by hot, thick, hard meat. After nearly four years we thought we had everything. We met Marion and we knew we could have better.
Earl, Jerrod, Kyle, and I met with Marion at Denny's. We chose a neutral ground to feel each other out and maybe up. This Denny's is well know in the area as being gay friendly. There are many Denny's in the city and each one seem to cater to a different crowd. This one was our favorite. We even have two house mates that we met when they worked as waiters at this Denny's.
Marion came in. He was impressive. He was fiftyish with a light sprinkling of grey in his thick black locks. He was six feet tall and had a bit of a paunch. He wore a polo shirt over black combed cotton pants to reveal himself to us. His package was huge, I hoped it wasn't a rolled up sock. I'm not really in to older men but this man turned me on.
He sat down in a chair at the end of the booth. His voice was deep but relaxing, almost soothing. He didn't have a feminine trait to him. He exuded all male. He was a divorced family man who decided that he was tired of living a lie. He had been an executive with a company that his wife's family had owned and after the divorce he was no longer comfortable working there. He had a wide experience with classmates during highschool and college but his family expected heirs. He gave them two fine young sons and a beautiful daughter but he wasn't fulfilled. He had been divorced for ten years and had been seeking youngsters but was afraid of the drug scene and kids. He preferred younger boys but had an allergy to prison.
We asked him about his ad. He laughed and told us that we had shocked the shit out of him with our response. He and a friend had sat down with this free press paper and concocted ads to run. They didn't expect replies to either ad. So far his friend had none. We asked about the friends ad. He laughed, hard, as he took the paper and circled an ad then passed the paper back.
"Older male with no socially redeeming values seeks woman of means to keep me in the life style to which I wish to become accustomed." We laughed our heads off. That was so funny. We were surprised that he had not gotten a response. We decided that he put it in a paper mostly read by college kids. He should run that in a senior's paper. He could find some old rich broad who would die soon and leave him her money.
We told him about us and asked him what he could do. He told us that he would like to see the place. He stated that he was no maid or anybody's bitch. He would help us to help ourselves and become self sufficient young men and he would be happy to see to it that our cum levels remained at a level with which we could deal with no ill effects. He didn't like the thought of disease and felt that safe sex should be observed. We told him that any outsiders were required to wear a raincoat, pitching or receiving. Regulars had the option. We have access to a free clinic that gives us regular testing and when a guy is clean two tests in a row we gang rape him. That got the rise I was looking for. Marion had an infectious laugh.
He moved in that afternoon. He took the large bedroom behind the kitchen with a shared bath with the other two bedrooms on that level. The other baths on the first floor had been deemed communal for the boys in the basement. Marion's first order of business was a home cooked meal. Simple but bountiful. Cubed steaks in a mushroom sauce with potatoes, salad, vegetables and hot cherry cobbler. Then he started in on being mom. He assigned each of us duties. We had to clean the house. Well it did need it. He had everyone draw a number and each number had a task to perform. As each task was completed the number was placed in a fish bowl. We each had to remember our number. At nine thirty most of the work was done and he called bed time. That got the moans but we gathered to hear him out.
He lectured like an old professor about our chosen life as students. He admonished us that grades were the only pay a student made and if our grades were not all 'A's then we were cheating our employer and ourselves. We agreed, albeit reluctantly. He told us that nine thirty was time to get ourselves together and prepare for a good nights rest. He wanted showers and teeth brushed. Books were to be gathered and ready to go without hunting in the morning. Clothes were to be chosen and made ready for the following day. Lights out by eleven pm. Fuck, we had hired Mom. It was all good though. It would make us better people and students.
He then asked if anyone had any sexual designs on him. Everybody raised their hands. He smiled and a tear appeared in the corner of his eye. He thanked us. He told us that he looked forward to having each of us sexually and often. He reached into the fish bowl and pulled out a number. It was for an eighteen year old freshman who had just joined us this semester. He was told to get his clothes and books and be back in thirty minutes that he was going to get a bath like he had never had. We broke up and headed for our rooms amid catcalls and atta boys. We all had wished we were the lucky one tonight.
He let us call him Mary as he took over running the house. Within a week the place was clean and comfortable. He served us good meals but made us clean up. There were numbers for kitchen duty, numbers for bathroom cleaning, and numbers for common areas. The cleaning was made easy and only took about thirty minutes, tops. Kitchen being the worst but that had the most boys working and it was knocked out quickly.
Phil was the freshman and all of us wanted to know the particulars. We threatened him with castration if he didn't spill the beans. We wanted kiss and blow by blow tell. Phil had never done more than a cursory blow job on some kid as he was growing up. He had never had anal sex until he moved in here and then that had only happened once and he was to drunk to remember. He told us that Mary treated him like a man. He made him feel good about being gay and taught him how to make love. He said that they started off with slow kisses as he was slowly undressed. Mary proceeded to kiss all the way down his body stopping to pay homage to each major feature, such as the neck, ears, nipples, navel. Then he skipped the rest to start at the feet and work up. His description had every one hard so we took a moment to pull down our pants and pull out the meat. As he continued we slow stroked. Mary took his feet to his stubble covered face and rubbed them around. He took each toe and nursed it slowly, and lovingly then kissed and licked his way back up the legs taking time with the inner thighs.
He started telling of the first rimming he had ever received. The moaning and tension in the room was rising. Mary walked in with nothing on but a lacy maids apron. He got down on his knees and started sucking each cock in the room one after the other. Phil took his time describing his evening in bed as Mary made the whole house a place of happy boyhood. At this time there were twenty five of us, including Mary. We ranged in age from fourteen to twenty three plus Mary's fifty one. He managed to take twenty three loads of cum in his throat in the forty five minutes that Phil took to describe his pleasure then he and Mary put on a sixty nine for us that had us all jacking and shooting over them as they lay in the middle of the living room floor.
Mary has been with the house two years now. He has brought each boy's grades up to a three point seven or better. He has helped three of the street boys get into college and took the four highschoolers up to college level courses. He is no nonsense when it comes to our education and he is astronomical in bed.
Me? Oh yeah, I graduated. I decided that I really like building and I am now working my way up as an architect. I still live in the house. Mary says I founded it and until things change in my life I might as well stay here and help the underclassmen rise to greater heights. Seven or eight inches is okay with me.

**So there you have it. Is your friction enhanced by my fiction? Tell me about it at fisherman@iname.com.

Hangin' hard, dude.

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