Andy Finds Daddy

By Carl Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 7, 2006


HTML> Andy Finds Daddy Chapter 9

Andy Finds Daddy
Part 2 Chapter 9


as told to [CARL DICKSON]( 9)

Warning: This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual activity between a man and teen boys.
If this kind of story turns you off, please find something else.
The author does not encourage or condone sex between adults and underage children.

If you are underage, or this is illegal where you are, then please go away. If you're under 18, Adios come back when it is legal for you to read this smut. If you lied about your age in order to access this story, remember this is our story. Life doesn't always work out like a story.

This story is copyrighted, ©1999 ©2006. It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story without my written permission.

My name is Andrew Michael Foss. I still like the name Andy. I am called that by those that love me. I'm twenty two and a college graduate. I'm a multi-millionaire and I have a wonderful life with my dad. Everything I have and am is because of his love for me and I want to tell you my story. I'm not eloquent with words the way daddy is so I told him my story but the generous person he is, he said he would only publish it if we shared the byline.
We would like to know how you like our story and will welcome any comments, we want to know how sick we are in the eyes of the world. We will try to respond to all e-mails, she-males, and he-males as the case may be, fe-males, leave phone number and picture, daddy says I need a wife so I can have sons of my own.

We left off in chapter eight with:
Eddy came back in all spiffed up and smelling nice. We all began asking him what he wanted to do. What his dreams were. What excited him. We really were surprised when he told us that most of all he liked English. He thought of himself as a famous writer. It took some prodding but he produced some excellent short stories that he had written in long hand because he is intimidated by the computer. Dad suggested two classes for him. English composition and a basic computer literacy class. He thought that those would be okay classes. He asked him who should go with him. Tom or me. He wanted dad to go. Dad told him that he didn't need to have total control that Tom was his lover and I was closer to his age and a mentor. Eddy got all of us when he told us that dad was the power, the shaker, the mover.
Ed has done very well with the last three semesters. Dad suggested that he may want to consider moving over to the university and get a bachelor's degree.

      Working security has proved to be fun. No, we are not some sort of rent-a-cop. We do the high tech security. Such as making sure that companies computers are secure. With all of the virus demons in the world today we have all of the work that we can handle. I guess dad's indignity has infected all of us. We would like to strangle, castrate and shove the perpetrators cocks up their own ass. Anybody who sits around and dreams up a program to infect someone else's computer is not worthy to draw breath. Even these companies that put out their adware so that they can track where a person has been on their computer. These are just plain sick individuals. Dad is working with some very impressive people to track spyware and adware back to their source. He has a very nasty bug that will render their computer into total junk. He can even destroy the mother board, not only the hard drive. The entire unit will never be able to be used again and all of the data they have collected will be gone forever. The only reason he hasn't used it is that he says it makes him no better than the sick little teenage boy sitting in his bedroom with his cock in hand as he develops his own worm or virus.
Another thing with such a destructive program as dad has is that he is not sure that it would stop with the targeted hardware. He sure doesn't want his work on some server somewhere infecting innocent computers. I have seen what his program can do on many test units around his shop. It is not pretty. Routers, modems, motherboards, hard drives, even monitors are toast when this bug hits. He even accidently fried our laser printer, a very expensive mistake.
Aside from our encryption chip...., okay, alright already. Dad's jumping up and down and yelling at me again.
Dad gets under my skin sometimes. What I have is his. Granted, I developed the encryption chip. But dang it all anyway, dad inspired me and he did improve on it, tremendously. He encased it in a totally secure case that can never be opened, even if someone knew how. When the gas inside is released, blooey the whole thing is nothing but extra tiny burned circuits. I have to think of it as ours. We have all worked together on it, even Jeff. That boy knows his stuff. He has that inquisitive mind that won't let him stop until he has the solution. I was trained by the masters but I work with someone who doesn't believe that it can't be done. How can we fail? I can't wait until Mark finishes school so that the two of them can move out here to live with us and I can work beside the genius of Jeff everyday. I think it is just a few more months.
As I was saying, aside from our encryption chip our big income is from providing body guards and surveillance to VIPs. The world has many more boy loving faggots in it then I would ever have imagined. I am talking big, powerful, people. Politicians, world leaders, even royalty. I have seen big movie stars and leaders of finance and industry in the company of young, naked boys, doing all kinds of unnatural things to these lads. I mean, it's not unnatural when daddy and I do it but it is when an elected leader with great power in congress is doing it to a tiny thirteen year old boy that has only learned to cum days earlier... I know, I'm judging. It's okay for me but not them.
Wednesday night, the sixth of July, 2005 was our biggest job ever. We had been hired to supply security for big people. There were Kings and a few queens there. Movie stars, captains of industry, elected officials, even judges of high court systems were in attendance. The only thing that they wanted was boys for sex. One request made it a little easier, they didn't want any boys under fourteen. The pricks figured that sex with a boy of fourteen or fifteen was worth a maximum of two years in prison and they believe that with their power and position that they could beat those charges or at least get them reduced to a lesser charge. Fucking faggots.
Dad hired special men from all over the country to help us. They were all young and gay, hung and ripped. They all had bodies that an old queen would crawl on burning, broken glass for. All of the men dad hired had military police training and all of them could deep throat dad and take him up their ass at full speed then ask for more. Silly faggots, their name's not Oliver.
Of course Tom and Eddy were there. We worked for over a month mounting cameras and listening devices all over a large hotel in New York City. According to our contract there were to be no cameras or other surveillance equipment in the area. Dad assured them that we had done a very thorough inspection and no unexpected surveillance gear was encountered.
The grand ballroom was rented for the party; The only access to the floor was by the special elevator that was activated by a key card. Two floors of rooms had been reserved by dignitaries months in advance. All told the parties planner, an extremely rich far eastern boy lover, expected over two hundred men to be present. I know for a fact what this man's parties were like. I have a very good friend by the name of Chris Dickson that took me to one when I was eighteen.-- See Traveler --I got my dick sucked by so many different guys that I was sure it was going to be worn down to a stub. I fucked about eight old men. I didn't need the money. I only did it out of curiosity. It was much more than I ever wanted to be part of before and here I am helping to put an even bigger party together.
Everything was on schedule when our old friend Jeff, the concierge, came up to dad and me. He told dad that his cousin, Chris, had just arrived at his apartment on the top floor and that he had nearly twenty of the cutest boys he had ever seen with him. Dad and I looked at each other, DUH!!, boys. We hadn't looked for any boys. The host was sure to have boys but we could make serious points if we had some real cute ones for him to fondle. Eddy was busy crawling through the attic trying to find an open line on one of the cameras. Tom, Dad and I headed for the elevator.
Let me take a minute to describe the uniform that we had chosen for the security staff. It was a three inch wide belt of Lycra with a strap that ran across the body to the opposite shoulder. On this strap, or sash, we wore a badge identifying us as security officers licenced by the state of New York. On the belt was a can of pepper spray, a cell phone, a radio receiver leading to an ear plug in our left air, and a pocket containing a pair of hand cuffs. Other than that we were all totally naked so that the party goers would not be intimidated. Dad, Tom, and I wore a dark blue belt indicating our rank. I had four stars, like a general on top of my shoulder. Tom wore two stars on his shoulder. Dad wore none, he was not officially here, you know. The bottom line men wore red belts. We had a few bright orange for our Sergeants.
I was first off of the elevator as dad and Tom were deep in discussion about Eddy, again. I rang the door bell to Chris's penthouse apartment. This man has more money than most small contries and he spends it on his friends. He has even helped me by investing what I already had and multiplying it exponentially. He is good at making money, for himself and every one else. It doesn't hurt that he is one good looking guy and he loves cock. The guy is the most insatiable cock sucker I ever met, next to dad. I know that these two have to be related. Especially now that dad has lost so much weight. When you see dad and Tom with Chris the resemblance in unmistakable.
One delicious looking boy of about ten or twelve opened the door. I did a double take, the little boy had a huge uncut cock. I was ready to drop and suck the kid right then if I had not been blown away by the room full of naked boi flesh. I have been to boi parties where the room was filled with boys being groped and fondled by a herd of old men but never have I been in room of just naked boys. I sprung instant wood as the little boy from the door swallowed me, whole. I was pushed to a couch and mobbed by boys sucking and licking on my whole body. I grabbed at the kid with my cock in his mouth to turn him around. I was surprised but very pleased to see a very large nine inch cock sticking out of the lads tiny little crotch. I am not lying when I say that his cock was as long as his forearm and thicker.
I wanted that cock in me. He was glad to oblige. I found out that he was a fifteen year old tops, top. The kid was one sweet ass fucker. I knew that I had been loved when that boy spread my legs and crawled up between them. He bent over and sucked my cock as he slow fucked me the same way that Chris does. This boy has been well trained. I looked around to be sure that everyone else was okay. Dad had a group of boys working his giant meat. It looked as if one boy, named Brad, was being taught how to take a cock deep in his throat.
I finally spotted Tom. He and Chris were in a deep kiss as they fondled each other's cocks. I didn't know it then but they were the same age and had many friends in common but their paths had never crossed until the night that dad and I found him at one of Charlie's parties about four years ago.

      We discussed the party with the boys and they were all anxious to attend. Chris told us something that really rocked our world. I had spent two years in Europe. All the buzz there was, "Where is Crown Prince Cullen?" There was a million £ Sterling in gold, is that an oxymoron?, offered to the person or persons who could provide the boy's location to the King. I nearly fainted away when Chris presented this most beautiful boy of about fourteen to us and told us that he was in reality his own nephew, the son of his sister, a Duchess herself.
Dad told us that he gets flyers by mail and on the fax machine almost daily offering unworldly amounts of money for information on the whereabouts of this young boy. Our work was cut out for us and I was overwhelmed at the opportunity to help to protect this exceptionally cute youngster. We arranged signals and codes for all of the boys to use to let us know what was going on with them. Some of them were quite anxious about going to the party but curiosity is a strong motivator to teenage boys. I did feel sorry for one boy named Cory. I heard his story as a boy whore to feed himself and his mother. I just held the boy and cried softly as he told of all of his anxieties. He would go in support of his brothers but I could feel his body tremble, deep inside. What a life to have to live. I wondered at the stories of the rest of these boys.
As the evening progressed I did learn about more of the boys. We had a scare as Cullen was recognized and an attempt was made to kidnap him. I was never more than ten feet away from Cullen all night and I had one of our younger looking employees, Sammy, remove his belt and hang on the boy like a blood sucking leech.
An Ambassador, of all people, was sucking Cullen when he saw an opening and made a run for it with the struggling boy fighting for his freedom. Sammy cold cocked the faggot and I put a strong sedative deep into his neck where it would do the most good. When he awakens, in maybe two or three days, he will have a lot of trouble remembering anything let alone the Crown Prince. The icing on the cake was when Chris provided a ten year old rent boy from the Grand Central Park to sleep in the old fart's bed. We made sure that the boy was well filled, fore and aft, with the old man's cum.
When it was certain that the Ambassador was awakening the house detective and a city police officer, acting on a tip of an under aged boy being used in sexual bondage entered the room. At that very time the boy had the old man's cock up his ass and he had a lip lock on the victim. Diplomatic immunity precluded any charges, but that didn't help the blood pressure of those that knew the circumstances of the arrest. The Ambassador was on a plane home within the hour. The boy has a very nice trust fund set up for him to see him through life.
He has now been sent upstate to the Bradford Academy for Gay Boys, commonly known by the boys as BAG boys. He will do quite well there as he knows structure for the first time in his life. A warm, soft bed and good food also seem to appeal to the lad. He was younger than the other boys at the school but his experience on the street spanned five years. I would like to get hold of the ass wipe that allowed a five or six year old kid to roam the streets, selling his tiny ass hole and sucking cock for his next morsel of food.

      The next two days were spent showing Chris's sons around New York. Yeah, this remarkable man has adopted or had himself appointed by the courts as legal guardian to each of his boys. I learned that the boy that named BAG Boys and his boy friend were visiting with Chris but none the less he still had thirteen of his own boys with him. I was allowed to see him in action when a boy was found at Coney Island that was begging for money for food. Chris took him in at once and made him a part of the family.
Everybody was in awe when it was discovered that this thin as a rail boy had the body of a Greek god under his loose fitting clothes and a twelve inch, fat cock to boot. His name was Tony and by the time Chris loaded his boys up to go back home Tony's balls were the size of raisins. Everybody had sucked that telephone pole of his and had it buried up deep in his ass, yours truly included.


**Hey fellows help me out here. I have been putting these links in for a couple of months now but appearently I am taking traffic away from some Nifty sights by directiing you only to this one. As I understand what they are telling me they don't want you to be able to click on a story title and be directed anywhere. They want me to go back to just listing my stories and let you go to the prolific authors section and search for them yourselves.
I don't know if they will forbid future posting if I use these links or not. Do you want these links or does it detract from you getting to your regular site? I guess I never thought of it but there are different Nifty sites around the world for different cultures or something like that. It makes sense to me and I sure don't want to pull traffic from those sites as well as the revenue that your going to that site brings to them.

On that subject, I would like to encourage each of you, as you can, please send a donation to Nifty. They post these stories for free and use valuable equipment to store it and make it available to you to read. If you are finding good reading material here you might ought to consider sending them a little something to help with expenses. I know they would appreciate it and as an author I appreciate having the space to post my work. I am not one who has his own web-site touting only my own work.
I don't blow my own horn, I blow teenage boys.


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So tell me your thoughts at []( 9)

Next: Chapter 10

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