Andy Finds Daddy

By Carl Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 1, 2006


Andy Finds Daddy Chapter 7

Andy Finds Daddy
Part 2 Chapter 7



Warning: This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual activity between a man and teen boys.
If this kind of story turns you off, please find something else.
The author does not encourage or condone sex between adults and underage children.

If you are underage, or this is illegal where you are, then please go away. If you're under 18, Adios come back when it is legal for you to read this smut. If you lied about your age in order to access this story, remember this is our story. Life doesn't always work out like a story.

This story is copyrighted, ©2006. It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story without my written permission.

My name is Andy Foss. I'm twenty two and in two months I'll be a college graduate. I'm a multi-millionaire and I have a wonderful new life with my dad. Everything I have and am is because of his love for me and I want to tell you my story. I'm not eloquent with words the way daddy is so I told him my story but the generous person he is, he said he would only publish it if we shared the byline.
We would like to know how you like our story and will welcome any comments, we want to know how sick we are in the eyes of the world. We will try to respond to all e-mails, she-males, and he-males as the case may be, fe-males, leave phone number and picture, daddy says I need a wife so I can have sons of my own.

I'm sorry. I didn't do a good job with chapter six. As most of my loyal readers know, I had some bad shit go down between the writing of chapters five and six. First of all I fell down a flight of stairs and am now permanently disabled. Now since misery loves company the ants moved in. Yes, ants, little tiny black ones. I always had my laptop sitting on the floor by my easy chair. The ants got inside of it and destroyed the hard drive and all of my work. I had no backups of this story and what occurred in New York City. The only part I can remember is the selling of the jewelry. The rest I had to create and did a fucked up job of it. Now that all of these years have gone by I will try to get back into the story and bring it up to speed because this duo is a very integral part of Traveler I beg you to bare er, ah, bear with me and let me know where I fail so that this story will be entertaining to you.

We left off in chapter six with:
There was only one other passenger in first class. A fifteen year old kid moving to Tucson to live with his grandmother. His folks didn't want a fag in their house. We laughed as we told him that we were all gay and moving in together because our families didn't want us. He was glad to know us. Dad had me take him to the john and blow him He did me too. The stewardess smiled and gave us a pair of wings each as she welcomed us to the mile high club. Dad explained as Rob and I blushed because she knew what we did. Jeff and Mark wanted wings so they went in the john together. As they came out she was standing there with wings for them. We all had a long laugh. She told us that her little brother was gay and he wanted to fly so he could get a pair of wings. he is only thirteen, she told us so he still has time.

      Dad has gotten spoiled. He had a limo waiting at the airport to take us up the mountain. The driver was nineteen and sweet as punch. Dad looked the kid in the eye. "You're a cock sucker aren't you?" The kid blanched then went defensive. Dad took hold of the boy's package. The kid tried to pull away but dad has magic hands. "If you can handle twelve inches of man meat we'll treat you." The kid had to return the car but he was back at the house in an hour. Dad is a total lech.greasy kid stuff, as dad calls it. Shit the kid was only two months older than I was.
He was a great cocksucker. He was a sophomore at the college in town. He was studying mechanical engineering. He wants to build dams in third world countries. I was more than happy to build a damn on his cock to stop the huge flow of hot, tasty cum that he ejaculated.
When we got up to the house Troy went straight to his room and shut his door. Dad opened the house up and aired it out. Even in the dead of winter a house can get very stuffy.. Dad put Mark and Jeff in one of the bedrooms then set about unpacking. By the time we had welcomed each other home and made sure our guests had things straight between them the young driver was back.
His name was Harold. He had played football in highschool but didn't make the cut for college ball. He had the body of an athlete. He was one mass of muscles after another. His cock was a nice muscle but as dad would say, "I never met a cock I didn't like." Harold had six and a half inches of moderately thick cut meat but his claim to fame was that he was a bottom from hell. He told us that he had taken the entire highschool football team on as his part of a lost bet. He was sure that he was betting the wrong side but he played it big as he got seventeen cocks up his ass and many, more than once in one night.
He told us that several of the guys continued to do him for the rest of the year. They told him that since he was broke that he was theirs to have and hold. He protested but did so weakly. Silly faggot, some guys will do anything to get into another guys pants. He said that most of the boys that kept coming around would sixty nine with him but that only two of them would let him top them. He didn't mind, he was the one with the itch and I saw that itch as dad rode him and rode him and rode him.
Jeff and Mark didn't stay in Tucson. Let me tell you how it happened.
Sometimes dad just fucking talks too much. He just kept on about MIT and how great it was to go to school there and how the professors are so neat and the school is known world wide for the level of education and... he never shut up. He stressed time and again how important an education was and how a man could name his own price with a good education. Somewhere along there Jeff snapped. He asked if he could use the telephone. I took him to the office so he could have privacy. He was gone for a half an hour. When he came back to the kitchen he had been crying.
"I talked to Jamieson. We still have our jobs. He gave us a week's paid vacation. He has an apartment that we can rent for very little money. I called my school. I only have twelve more hours to finish up then I will have my electrical engineering degree. I would be stupid to walk out on that. I have worked too hard to get where I am. I let my cock rule my head. I have to go back. I'm sorry. I just have to go back."
Dad sat back and smiled. The fucker planned this. Dad took me aside and we had a long talk. I was all for his plan but he wanted me to really get involved. I finally convinced him that I was with him all of the way so we sat down with Jeff and Mark.
"We want to do something and neither one of you have a damn thing to say about it. Where do you bank?" They each had different banks. "We have to be careful how we do this so that you don't end up with a massive tax bill. Andy and I want to help you get through school without having to work too much. Tomorrow morning we are going to put nine thousand dollars into each of your accounts. We are going to give each of you a check for nine thousand dollars to take home with you and deposit later. We will make small deposits along the way so that you always have plenty of money in the bank. The bank has to report any deposit over ten thousand dollars to the IRS. We will keep the deposits small and at irregular times.
"This is a gift from us to you. You are under no obligation for this money. We both want you to finish school and have a good life together. Is that alright with you?"
"Man, we can get a nice apartment and not have to worry about money. Mark you can go to school full time and get your business degree." Both boys were crying into each other's shoulders. Jeff pounced on dad. "I owe you so much, old man."
Dad pushed him to the floor and stood up with a scowl on his face. "First of all, boy, I am not an old man. I can keep up with you, and in you, all night long." Jeff was curled up waiting for the punches that he always got from his dad. "Second, you owe me nothing. Absolutely nothing. Do I make myself clear? Andy and I have determined to give you a gift of our own free will. We don't want to see you go into debt to get your education or have to work so hard that you have to delay it.
"We hope that as soon as you graduate that you may consider coming out to Arizona to see us, maybe live with us. It's your choice. Meanwhile, get some book knowledge in that thick skull of yours and get that thick cock of yours back in my bed, I'm hungry." Jeff jumped dad and I was pretty sure that his tongue would soon appear at dad's ass hole he had it so far down dad's throat.
Mark, of course was no less pleased. He was just not so animated. I love a quiet, reserved boy. They are so much fun to cuddle with and don't go into distraction on a whim. We spent the week showing the two guys around town. There are a lot of sights to see and a lot of history in this part of the country.
We spent the rest of the week showing Jeff and Mark around town. They really freaked out when we took them up to the top of Mr. Lemon, right on the edge of town. Twenty five miles from my house to the 9200 foot peak is a whole different world than the saguaro that covers the desert floor below. Up in the snow covered tall pines the boys felt as if they were still in New York. Dad took us to the ski lodge and coffee. Jeff loved to ski so dad rented skis for both of them and we all took the lift to the top. Now I'm not a skier myself and dad says that he moved to Arizona to get away from the cold. We both stood and froze our balls off as we watched Jeff and Mark line up for their turn down the slopes.
Dad and I hopped on the lift and were able to keep the two stud muffins in sight as they wound their way down the steepest run on the mountain top. They were more excited than I had ever seen them as they slid into the rental area to return their gear. I don't know anything at all about skiing and the words that they used to describe what they had done sounded like a foreign language to me. I'm not really sure that dad understood them but he smiled and nodded often.
Harold came up with his limo and took us to the airport to see Jeff and Mark off to return home and finish their school. Troy hugged both of the boys and really seemed sad to see them go. He told them over and over again that they needed to hurry back and take care of dad. I was kind of put out with him but something seem to be bothering him. Troy has been quiet for the last couple of days. Something is wrong. Dad sees it too but he isn't talking to me about it. I have to stay out of it and let the two of them work it out.
I don't know how to handle dad. I think it has to do with Troy. Troy has been in his room and on the phone since we got home. Our driver was now a part of the crowd as he waved his naked body around the house. Dad fixed huge steaks with all the accompaniments for dinner. He was ready to cook but kept looking at Troy's door. Finally he went to Troy's room.
Dad was gone about thirty minutes When he returned I could see his slick, wilted cock and I smelled his penis breath as I held him close. Dad had tears running down his face as he stared over the top of my head. Troy came up behind me and hugged both of us. He was dressed. "I do love both of you, so very much. I won't be far away, I promise. I just have to do this." He walked out to the garage, got in his Jeep and drove away.
Dad put one steak back in the refrigerator and threw the others on the indoor charcoal grill. I stared at him. He held me close. He had Harold join us in a tight embrace. "How do you want your sex, uh excuse me, steak cooked." We giggled at him as he fondled a cock in each hand. Dad was stroking both of us and got to his knees in time to catch, "his appetizers," he said. We ate in silence then took Harold to the bed room and spread the news about dad's big dick in his no longer virgin ass.
Harold became a regular around the house during the next two months. He had a fifteen year old brother who was much more experienced than he was. Todd, the brother had come out to Harold and shaken the older boy to the core. Harold had struggled with his unnatural feeling most of his life. He comes to find out that his little brother is a cock sucker and had been sucking cocks since he was eleven. He had even sucked most of Harold's highschool friends in secret. He wanted to fuck Harold and let Harold fuck him. He had saved his ass for his big brother. Harold brought Todd up for a swim and a deflowering. Todd is a cock slut. He spends everyday at the house, riding dad, while Harold works and I take one test after another. Yeah, tests. I don't know what the old man has planned but something is in the wind.
August first dad and I attended a small civil ceremony for Troy and Stephanie. She was very pregnant, I thought. It seems like she is only five months along but the girl is huge. Dad told me not to expect anything smaller after the baby was born. He told me that double portion ass of hers was for keeps. Troy had messed around and now he felt his obligation to raise his child. I have to honor him for that. He took me aside and told me that he loved me and would always be there for dad or me. He begged me to take care of dad. He told me that dad had an unsatiable cum thirst but he just couldn't go there anymore. We both know that I would take care of him for the rest of my life.
Dad and I sat down, alone at last. This was the first time that it had only been the two of us since the first day we met. My dad is a remarkable person and I thank the powers that be for his entrance into my life. I have so many questions. Would I have stayed on the street, being used and abused? Would I have some sick disease now that would be eating away at my body? Would Carl be in any better shape?
The biggy, would the woman still be alive and bleeding me dry? Would I end up....I'm sorry, when I think of her so much pain comes to the surface. I don't know if I'll ever let go of the hate and animosity. Dad just made me shut up with the what ifs. He has to give me a reality check every so often. I have some deep rooted phobias which dad is aware of. He has let me into his mind as he stares at me and holds me close. I have made him tell me how he plans to help me. I find that I have one hell of a future ahead of me.
Dad told me that Charlie had called. He was having a party this evening and he would like to have us come around. I told dad that I would really like to go. I wanted to see that big old house more than anything. I was but a boy as they built it and it looked huge. We were greeted at the front door by a man in his forties or so. Dad told him, "necrophilia" and the man showed us to a room to undress. I looked at dad, "Isn't necrophilia like having sex with a corpse?"
"It is just the password they used to be sure that we were invited. Yes, in answer to your question but I am sure there is none of that going on here. From what I know of Charlie he will have some very lively young boys here."
"Where is this party. The whole house seems deserted?" Dad didn't know. Naked we walked back to the man at the front door. There was a wide staircase leading down that I swear wasn't there when we came in. I was looking around and that was a blank wall. I know I am not losing my mind. We could hear music and many voices as we headed down the steps. We walked into a huge room full of naked men and boys. It looked like the party that we went to in New York. The far wall of the room was all glass and I could see all over Tucson as I looked out.
Charlie and Chris came up.—see Traveler— Charlie groped me as Chris ran his hard cock up and down the crack of my ass. I giggled like a school boy as I pressed back against him. I wanted that cock of his, badly. I wanted him and daddy at the same time. Chris showed me around the room. I got two blow jobs the first fifteen minutes that we were there. My cock was still hard. I guess all of the visual stimulation had me going. Chris told me that my drink had some chemical in it that would keep me hard for several hours. He told me that if I experienced pain or discoloration to let him know at once and he would give me something to soften me so that I wouldn't be damaged. Fuck that noise, I want to stay hard and fuck every body in the room.
There were some fine looking guys in there and I was making my rounds. I found this one really cool looking dude. He was extra nice. He was hung with about eight inches and pretty thick. I walked up to him and dropped to my knees to offer my praise. He was probably in his late twenties but he had a kids body on a man's frame. He was buff as hell but smooth and almost hairless. I asked him if he wanted to ride me. He did. I bent over an easy chair as he pushed in me and began to fuck me like crazy. I saw dad and called him over. I wanted his cock down my throat. Dad was fucking me deep past my tonsils when suddenly both dicks in my body stopped their movement and went almost soft.
I heard a faint cry as the dick dropped from my ass. I stood up to see dad and my fucker staring at each other. Not a word was said. They walked to each other and hugged each other for the longest time. Dad pulled me to him and forced me to hug both of them. I had no idea what the fuck had happened. Dad was crying big tears as he kissed and kissed on the other man. The man returned the kisses with so much passion. I got mine too. Both of them shared me by some unspoken agreement. A boy of about fourteen came up to us as the man broke away. He took dad's hand and the boy's hand and led us to the stair way. Dad had my hand and was pulling me along with them.
Charlie came up. Dad and the man talked to him where I couldn't hear what they said. Charlie was beaming with a huge smile as Chris broke out in laughter. He slapped both men on the butt and I heard him say, "Good night." Dad led us up the stairs to get our clothes on. Outside dad took the little boy and led him to our car. He told me to ride with Tom and show him where we lived. I got in the car with the man that I guessed was named Tom. Not a word was spoken except my directions up the half mile trip to my house on a hill top north of Charlie's place.
At the house dad and Tom undressed at once. Dad undressed the kid as Tom undressed me. Dad led all of us to Troy's old room and got us into a circle suck. He sucked the boy, I sucked Tom, who sucked dad, while the boy sucked me. I have to admit that that little kid was one hell of a cock sucker. With our mouths full of creamy nectar Tom rolled to his back. Dad got between his knees and laid his cock at the upturned ass. I took a position on top of Tom to suck his cock. The kid got behind me and shoved a surprisingly long and thick cock into my ass as Tom pulled me over so that he could suck me. Tom and I got well fucked then turned to lay together and sleep.
I awakened with a raging hard on that hurt it was so hard. The kid's dick was dark it was so hard. I awakened dad. He took one look and ran to the phone. Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. Chris ran in with a small medical kit. He pulled out a needle and filled it up from a bottle of medicine. He took the boy first and gave him a shot in each side of his prick. Chris wiped the needle with an alcohol wipe and grabbed my dick. He stuck that needle in and I almost screamed. I looked at the kid. His dick was soft and the color was coming back to normal. Chris was shooting Tom. I looked at my dick and it was soft now and didn't hurt. Dad was already soft, I guess from fear. This was in the days before Viagra. Our drinks had been laced with a chemical called sindenafil that causes super erections. I liked the erection, for awhile. I was so hard and I couldn't go soft, even after I had been sucked by four guys and fucked two at the party. But after a few hours it was painful.
The four of us went to the kitchen where dad scrambled up a dozen eggs and cooked two pounds of sausage links. The kid's name was Eddy, he and I made toast and I started a pot of coffee. I poured everybody some orange and pineapple juice then we sat down to eat. Tom and dad sat on one side of the table as Eddy and I sat on the other. I looked carefully at the two of them sitting side by side and it dawned on me. "Tom? Your Tom?"
"Andy, meet my son and heir, my blood, my life, Thomas Allen. Tom meet my lover, my best friend, my life partner, my soul mate, Andrew Michael Foss." The two of them had not spoken since dad got out of prison. Dad thought it was because he was a pervert that his son wanted nothing to do with him. It was because Tom couldn't face his dad and tell him that he was a pervert too.
Tom had met Charlie through a friend of his and had been attending Charlie's parties for several years. He had been a boy himself when he first had the old man's sexual advances. Tom had a friend in school that he started messing with when he was fourteen .Shawn lived with his cousin, Mike Long.— see Blues— Shawn told Tom that his cousin had a boyfriend that came over all of the time. Isaac Koch and his two young sons came over every few days so that the boys could swim with Mike's two kids, Stevie and Marcy in the Long's back yard pool. The two men would stay in the house while the little ones swam. Shawn and Tom watched the men until they caught them doing the nasty. Shawn threatened to tell if his cousin didn't suck him.
Shawn grew up and got married and is a very successful businessman. Tom tried marriage and has two kids, eight year old Sean and four year old Heather. Tom's need for cock finished his marriage and his fatherhood. His wife got an uncontested divorce on the understanding that Tom goes nowhere near his kids without supervision. As I talked to Tom I heard dad over and over again. They both suffered the same. Dad needlessly. Dad suffered because he couldn't or didn't communicate.
The next few weeks dad was a new man. I insisted that Tom and Eddy move in with us. Dad was unsure. He confided in me that he couldn't handle another split. I made him and Tom sit down together and I made, no, I forced them to tell each other what they had told me in private. They both had identical fears and phobias. Dad was apprehensive about fourteen year old Eddy. Because of his past we could understand that. Eddy's mother was sick and unaware half of the time. She had moved to town in the middle of the summer hoping that the warm climate would be good for her. No one even knew that Eddy existed. I called Charlie and talked to him. He seemed to know people maybe he could help Eddy.
He more than helped. He got Eddy's mother the medical help that she needed and she began to recover. He had Tom marry her and adopt Eddy. Only Charlie knew how sick she was. She died six months later, leaving a pile of debts and a husband and a son. Tom found the money to pay her medical bills and he and Eddy had to move into our house to cut their expenses. I don't mind taking Eddy over to Charlie's a couple of times a week. The old man loves to suck boy cock and he likes a boy up his ass. Sometimes I get a little close to Chris. That schlong of his makes me sing, soprano.

      Dad convinced me to go to school. I started out in community college and got my feet wet. I learned that I loved electronics. I wanted more than design. I got into logic and coding. Tom had learned some computer programming from dad and had gone on with it. He was pretty good. Dad likes to program in assembly language and binary. He can write programs in the machine code that can't be broken or hacked as easily as the higher languages. That got me to thinking. I designed a circuit in school that would forever change encryption.
I kept my new circuit to myself. My professor had seen me working on it and I had gotten excellent marks on it, but no one knew what it did. I took it home and dad and I bread boarded it into an old 8086 computer that was in the garage. The circuit was amazing. It was the first 128 bit encryption module ever built. At least I like to think so. We kept it to ourselves for a few years. I told my professor that I played around with it at home and burned it up and then destroyed all of my notes in frustration. He was disappointed because I think he saw the potential.
I went on to the University the next semester but I kept thinking of our trip to Cambridge. I finally sat down with dad and asked him about it. His smile was a mile wide. He was waiting for the light to dawn. In June the four of us took an apartment in Boston. I worked with two of the most intelligent men I ever met. Dad and I sealed my circuit in a box with a built in destruct device. We made a double socket for the CPU to piggy back on my chip. We were working with socket seven plus, slot I, slot II, and slot A machines, and getting fantastic encryption algorithms. By the start of the fall term I had left dad behind as I built new and better coding chips.
Dad wasn't idle. He took a post graduate spot and developed my design into a chip. The school was amazing to me. At that time capabilities to manufacture micro circuits were very limited but they had it all. Tom worked as dad's assistant while poor little Eddy trudged through high school in a strange state. Dad made sure to pay for every minute of school time and equipment usage. He did not anyone claiming ownership of my design. Dad took our chip to a meeting with some of Charlie's connections in Virginia. He sold our sealed chip with the understanding that any attempt to reverse engineer it would cause its immediate and total destruction.
We keep several of the world's top security agencies supplied with our chip that dad makes, by himself. I went on to Europe to study for eighteen months. Dad couldn't get a visa because he was a convicted felon. He didn't even try. He did not want to draw attention to himself and what we were doing. Dad, Tom and Eddy went home. Dad built a series of clean rooms in a large building so that he could manufacture our chip there. He kept Tom and Eddy satisfied and in peak of personal happiness as I trudged through my personal grind.
I did four semesters at MIT then dad sent me to Europe. I spent nine grueling months in England then I headed to Bonn, Germany for another eleven months. All the time I was immersed in study. I learned things about electronics that I had never imagined. I had ideas of my own but I was very careful about how I discussed those ideas with others. I improved on our cipher chip and I am sure that we can take it to levels of encryption. Two hundred and fifty six bit, five hundred and twelve bit. I think that the imagination is the only limitation.
I sent the university at Bonn into chaos one morning. I put my chip into their server. No one could break the codes and they have some of the best code breakers in the world studying there. The faculty knew what I was going to do and they had spent several weeks drilling their top students on how to break encryption. I only used one hundred and twenty eight bit coding but no one came close to finding the key. The speed at which my new design worked surprised even me.
I called dad during the chaos at the school. He was fascinated with my report but worried that my stunt would draw attention to my work and all that we had accomplished. No one ever keyed in on me. The faculty only knew that I had a design that I had developed in undergraduate school and that I had made some improvements that I needed to test. That seemed to satisfy them but as I look back at it I wonder if somewhere down the line I may have to pay for my plan.

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Next: Chapter 8

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