Andy Finds Daddy

By Carl Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 9, 2006


Andy Finds Daddy Chapter 6

Andy Finds Daddy
Part 2 Chapter 6



Warning: This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual activity between a man and teen boys.
If this kind of story turns you off, please find something else.
The author does not encourage or condone sex between adults and underage children.

If you are underage, or this is illegal where you are, then please go away. If you're under 18, Adios come back when it is legal for you to read this smut. If you lied about your age in order to access this story, remember this is our story. Life doesn't always work out like a story.

This story is copyrighted, ©2006. It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story without my written permission.

My name is Andy Foss. I'm twenty two and in two months I'll be a college graduate. I'm a multi-millionaire and I have a wonderful new life with my dad. Everything I have and am is because of his love for me and I want to tell you my story. I'm not eloquent with words the way daddy is so I told him my story but the generous person he is, he said he would only publish it if we shared the byline.
We would like to know how you like our story and will welcome any comments, we want to know how sick we are in the eyes of the world. We will try to respond to all e-mails, she-males, and he-males as the case may be, fe-males, leave phone number and picture, daddy says I need a wife so I can have sons of my own.

It has been a long time since this story has been updated. I have to explain for my loyal readers. First of all I fell down a flight of stairs and am now disabled. To add insult to injury, the laptop computer that I used to write my stories on was attacked by tiny black ants. They crashed the hard drive with all of my data on it. I had to go to Nifty and download my posted chapters and try to recreate subsequent chapters from memory. I remember some highlights and have included them.

When we left off in chapter five our three key characters were in a top priced hotel in New York.
They had just spent the night with a horny young bell boy who was working his way through college.
Jeff has left for his shift at work and our boys have rolled over for a little more sleep.....

      Sunday morning in New York City. As if that wasn't enough we were in the presidential suite of the really nice hotel, daddy made me take the name out. He said that we could get into trouble telling our story, they might not want their name used where a bunch of faggots had an orgy and all of that shit. I awakened to something, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I can't remember ever sleeping so soundly. I heard a noise and realized what woke me, the friggin' door bell.
A bell boy was setting up a cart at the foot of our bed. I was on top of the covers, in all of my glory with my main mast standing tall for all to see. To late to be modest now. I grabbed my cock and pushed it down in that feel good morning stretch. The bell boy smiled at me and licked his lips. I climbed over the other two sleepy heads and looked into the smiling eyes of my wonderful dad. I passed by the bell boy and groped his super hard package. He giggled at me.
"Sir, Jeff sends his regards. He says that he has an invitation for you and your family for the evening. He will not be on duty until noon today but he would like to see you then, if possible."
"Tell Jeff that this is the first time my sons have been to New York and so we are going to do some sight seeing. I do want to talk to him and we may be interested in his invitation. We should return about dinner time and we will try to locate him then."
"Very fine, sir. Well there be anything else then sir?" Dad raised up and looked at the boy. He was eighteen and a freshman in college. He had a major bone pushing against the woolen trousers of his tight uniform. Dad indicated the bulge, "You gonna work that off before your next call?" The boy shifted his weight and giggled. I stood at the door way from the bathroom as Troy waved his bone on his way into the bath. "Pass me a cup of coffee, please, with your cream."
The bell boy poured the cup of coffee with a questioning look on his face. He passed it to dad who took the boy's hand and pulled him over. Dad took the coffee with his right hand and groped the kid with his left. "Come on, whip me some cream." The kid was shaking like a leaf. I moved over in front of him and got down on my knees. I pushed the V cut waist coat up so that I could reach the top of the high cut trousers that covered mid way up his stomach. I unfastened them and lowered the long zipper down his long flat belly allowing the trousers to fall away.
The boy wore the skimpiest of red thong underwear. He blushed as I lowered the strap to let a very sweet six and a half inch cut cock stand out. I put his hand on it but he just stood there so I took over and stroked him. His knees sagged. Troy stepped behind him and held him up as he planted a kiss on the soft, blemish free skin of his cheek. Troy massaged the firm globes of a very cute bubble but. Dad fondled the huge hanging nuts as I continued to stroke the boy to his mighty climax.
He was close. Dad grabbed his coffee cup and I pointed the hard cock toward the steaming liquid. Four nice ropes of cum shot into the cup. Dad moved the coffee away as I took the spouting cock into my mouth to finish the job. Dad took his spoon and stirred his coffee. Troy and I continued to hold Mark up. I just noticed his name badge. He grinned as dad took a long drink of the coffee. Dad offered him a taste. He drank deeply and smiled. I took a drink as did Troy. Dad asked Mark if he was ready again because we drank all of his coffee.
Mark was wilted and had to hurry. He had more meals to deliver. Dad told him to be sure to let Jeff know that we wanted Mark to go with us wherever Jeff had in mind. He then gave Mark a fifty dollar bill and a kiss, which Mark returned. The kiss, he returned the kiss, okay?
After breakfast we dressed casual. Slacks and pull over shirts. New York can't handle the blue jean set of Arizonans. We stepped off of the elevator to see our lady from the plane making a big show at the front desk. She was screaming about the hotel losing her broach.
The manager guy looked up as we approached. He excused himself for one minute as he turned to me to apologize. "Sir, I hope that your suite was satisfactory for the night. Your apartment is ready now. I had the painters in there all night finishing it up. The hotel is so sorry for the mix up and of course there is no charge for last night or for your meals."
The woman was slack jawed. Dad spoke up. "Did they clear the view to the park from the balcony?"
"Oh yes sir. I believe everything will be to your liking now."
"Ah, lady, you were talking about your broach," I spoke up. "Is that that gaudy piece of glass thing that you stuck in your jacket pocket as you checked in here yesterday?" Her face went ashen as rage began to set in. Her husband reached toward her left pocket. I nodded at him. He reached in and pulled out a ruby centered diamond clustered pin. It looked like a prize from an old Cracker Jacks box. The manager and her husband glared at her and she at me.
Dad hustled Troy and me to the door and our waiting limo. "Show off." Dad said.
"Me? Since when do I have an apartment at the really nice hotel, (again name changed to protect somebody)."
"Since the manager concocted that story. I don't know what's going on but it was fun wasn't it?"
Dad took us to a park across from Shea stadium. He told us that this was the site of the World's fair in 1964-65. He had been here as a young GI on his way to and his way home from Germany where he had served part of his duty. Troy asked about Vietnam and dad told him that was in 1967-69. I asked about the scars on his back and belly. He simply said, "Vietnam." He didn't want to talk, I wouldn't push it.
Troy told me that he would talk about it sometime. He said that a news story or one of his old buddies would die or something would trigger it and he would tell us more. He told me that Dad goes to the VA hospital and draws a small pension for his wounds. Thirty percent is what Troy said.
We walked through the park as dad pointed out where different exhibits had been but he saw that we were bored. There was nothing here as he walked in his memories. He sent the limo away and we hopped a subway train to the ferry. "We had to go see a lady," he told us. I never knew that the statue of liberty was all copper. I think it would be really pretty all polished up instead of the green grunge look. Dad asked if I wanted to climb up her and polish her everyday.
I think we had the most fun just riding the subways. We went everywhere, underground. We just rode. Dad was having a ball until I told him I had to take a dump. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost four so we headed to the hotel. Dad hates public johns. He said somebody might try to eat my cute booty and he would have to kill them. I kind of think he could.
I learned that the man I was calling manager was in fact what is referred to as a concierge, in hotel language. He saw us walk in and rushed to great us. He thanked us for playing along with his charade. He could not explain but he said that we had just helped to put his two children through college.
Then he carried on and on about me and the broach. The woman was trying to rip the hotel off for a piece of cheap jewelry that she claimed to be worth a half a million dollars. Dad asked what time she would be down the next morning. The concierge told us that they planned to check out at ten. Dad told him to be sure to show our package from the safe so that she could see it. I don't know, I think dad was into a little one upmanship and he was having fun. So I let him. Dad told us that the dumb lady probably had to pay through the nose to prevent charges of fraud being brought against her.
Once in the elevator I had to know so I asked him who she was. "Don't you recognize her? She is one of our towns snobbiest. She tried to cut me down a few years ago when I did a large job for a historic restoration in which she was involved. She wanted only big names involved in the work. I had done work for some of the other people in the project with her and they bade me continue. She just thinks that her shit doesn't stink. I don't like her as a person. I am not sure that she is, a person." I had to laugh at that. When he mentioned her name I knew at once where I had heard of her. She is one prolific realtor, if all of the signs in town are to be believed.
Properly cleaned and feeling much better I dressed and joined dad and Troy. We went to the dinning room for a prime rib special. I had not eaten prime rib since my dad passed. I love the stuff. Okay, so I don't know how to talk things up. You live with a drunk who keeps you in fear of your life and see how much you can learn.
I'm sorry. That got to me and I started to cry. Dad had me in his arms in a quiet corner as Troy sat beside me with his arms around me. I am loved now and I am safe. It is hard to remember that she is gone and my life is good now.
Jeff came up to us and said hi. We greeted him. He had an invitation to a boy party in one of the hotels apartments on the top floor for nine o'clock. He wanted to know if we would come. Dad told him we would if Mark would be there. Jeff wiggled his eyebrows, "I have been trying to figure out how to get into that guys pants forever. I owe you, dude, I owe you."
Dinner was all about elegance. The prime rib I am used to was in some chain restaurant, served on chipped plates with strange vegetables and glaring lights. We sat down to a table covered with fine linen. Beautiful china that dad assured us was imported from only the best places graced the table. The waiter served our drinks from real silver pitchers. He rolled up a cart with a silver tureen, I think dad called it, on it. He used a sliver scoop, oops, ladle, and filled the bowl sitting atop two plates in front of us with a french onion soup that was so good. I don't like french onion soup, it is so salty. This was perfect.
A fresh salad followed. I didn't know a salad could be that good. The prime rib came. Dad ordered the King cut. On my plate was a one and a half inch thick slice of rare prime roast beef with just a touch of fat on one side. It was fork tender and actually melted in my mouth. Dad made me try the horseradish. He put the tiniest of bits of this stuff on a bite of meat. My eyes watered and I thought my sinuses would burst out of my head. That shit is hot. I learned how to eat it. It really made the beef taste great.
A baked potato with the works, cheese, chives, sour cream, butter, bacon, sunflower seeds, and half a garden more, accompanied the meal. We finished with a chocolate mousse, and it didn't have antlers. I was so full of so much good food. I know that I have made a very good change for my life. Daddy can give me so much more than I ever would have had. Yeah, it is my money but I didn't know how to spend it. I would have wasted it. There may be better ways and better things to spend money on but I was learning that the good life doesn't have to be a life of snobs like the lady from the plane. It can be a life of good things and lots of fun.
At nine o'clock the three of us were dressed in loose fitting slacks and pull over shirts. Low shoes with no socks. Nothing in our pockets except our door key card. We waited by the elevator. The door opened to a gleaming Jeff and Mark smiling at us. We stepped in. Dad got a huge kiss from Jeff then Mark kissed him. Troy and I got ours in too. Jeff had to put a key in a lock on the elevator control. The car door opened to a hall way full of naked and near naked boys and old men.
Jeff showed us inside. He introduced us to our host. A man named Charlie from Tucson. He showed us around the room and had to introduce dad to his boyfriend. We met the hottest twenty five year old guy I have ever seen. He stood about five ten or eleven and was buff. He had the body of a Greek god. He was naked and swinging a mighty semi soft cock of about seven or eight inches. I wanted to wrap my mouth around him right there. Charlie pulled dad up close and said, "Carl Dickson, I want you to meet Chris Dickson. All three of us are from Tucson, AZ. And these two hunks with Carl are Andy and Troy, Carl's sons."
Dad and Chris moved off together and began to talk. Troy and I were shown around. Charlie really liked me and asked me if he could feed on my body for awhile. I told him that daddy was my man but if he didn't mind I wouldn't mind a romp with a stout rain coat. He agreed and kissed my cheek as he copped a feel. A half hour later I was in a bed room with Charlie and another older man named JB. The two men knew how to make a boy feel like a king. Neither of them compared to daddy and they could hardly believe my story so we got Chris and dad to join us.
Chris was nice. He had a sweet, almost ten inch, extra thick cock. Daddy got me set up in the saddle as Chris and I sucked each other and dad plowed me. Chris promised me that if I could take that cock he would. Daddy fucked the shit out of the guy and found out that he lives with Charlie a half a mile from my house on the side of a mountain in Tucson. Charlie has a ridge view while I am up on a bit of a plain. I can see the city but not near as well as you can from Charlie's house. We agreed to stay in touch when we got back home.
Monday morning dad had big plans. At nine he began to rush us to shave close and shower well. Hey, I can shave with a table knife once a year and be clean shaven but dad wanted us to look sharp. He had three piece black pin stripe double breasted suits for the three of us. If we had white shoes we would have looked like gangsters. He herded us to the elevators and down to the lobby. Two big dudes, obviously gangsters were waiting for us. They showed dad their guns. Dad was watching the front desk. The lady from the plane stormed up with her husband in tow.
We moved to the front desk. The concierge turned from Ms. Snob to us and bowed. She turned to look up into the six foot five or six face of gangster number one. The concierge lay a steel drawer on the counter and spread a piece of black felt out. Dad nodded at the guards who drew their guns and held them just under their coats as they watched the room behind us. The concierge opened the drawer and pulled out my mother's jewelry. First out was her emerald and diamond necklace then a ruby choker. Then three more diamond necklaces and a Tierra. Dad lay each item in a felt bag in his brief case. Ms. Snob had her eyes glued to each piece as it went into the bag. Next the concierge opened a small bag of loose diamonds and poured them out. He proceeded to count them out until he reached one hundred and fifty stones, each of about one and a half to two carats. Dad too had been counting as he put the stones back into their small bag and into the brief case. Fifty, five carat emeralds and fifty, five carat rubies along with two hundred pearls which dad declined to count, stating that he could trust the hotel implicitly and the case was locked. Dad hand cuffed the case to the first gangster, whom I now recognized as our body guard. "A bunch of old garbage the boy's mother had around the house. We're going to take it to a pawn shop." Dad told Ms. Snob as we walked away. "Oh, by the way, Millie, " dad stopped to look at her. We will cancel our contracts with you for those twelve properties. I don't think from what I saw yesterday that I want to do business with your firm. You can tell Paul that I'll drop by next week." I had dropped to tie my shoe so I could watch her face. Body guard two stayed with me as the others paused. I had to hustle but she was funny.
The limo whisked us off to Queens. We pulled up to a small shop in the middle of the block. Men were walking along in long black coats with black hats on. They all wore beards and long side burns in curls. Somehow I knew that they were Jewish. The door of the shop opened and an older man greeted dad with a heavy accent. We stepped inside and the old man hugged dad and dad hugged him back. They spoke in what I guess was Jewish and all of the men bowed at dad as he bowed at them. Dad took the case from the guard and they walked over and stood by the car.
Two other younger men came up and shook dad's hand as the older man shook Troy's hand and welcomed him to New York. The younger men welcomed Troy and asked him if it was his first visit. Troy told them it was. Everyone looked around and a door to the side of the room opened. All of us went through the door into another larger room where we sat down. Dad sat between two men with those little magnifying glasses that they stuck in their eyes. Dad had me come and stand beside him as he opened the case.
He laid out the necklaces first. The two men examined each piece, very carefully and talked to each other. Then they turned and showed the pieces to the other men in the room. Every body was talking in another language which I didn't understand. I looked at Troy. He was very somber faced and sat at attention. Dad patted my back and I relaxed a little.
"Three point four,." one said.
Dad looked at them. He sat back and looked at the old man. He clasped his hands in front of him. He looked at the jewelry then straight ahead. The room was very silent. I could hear everyone sweating. I couldn't see his face but I knew that dad never blinked. I would not like to play poker with this man. He reached into the case and pulled out the rubies. He spread them on the black felt before him. The men in the room gasped lightly. Eagerly each stone was appraised and notes were being taken by a young man to the side as the two with the glasses talked. The rubies were placed into three piles.
Before anyone could speak again dad dumped the Emeralds. The old man and the two younger that had greeted dad snickered quietly. They had some sort of private joke. Again the appraisal but his time everybody turned to dad and watched him. I could see the edges of his mouth as he smiled. He lay out the pearls. Men were on their feet as they tried to get closer. The old man spoke a single word. Everyone sat down on the edge of his seat as they leaned forward. Dad opened the bag of lose diamonds.
The whole room went silent as the lust grew. Every mind was an open book easy to look into. "I cannot do this for today. I haf to haf some time, my friend."
"That was the right word, Mr. B. We are friends. I trust you, completely. How long do I need to keep these boys in New York?"
"Maybe three days. I vill call to you?"
"I'm going to Massachusetts for a day or two. I will call when I return."
"You want some money?"
"You'll do what is right, my old friend."
"Some wine." He looked at me.
"Mr. B. I love you. I would not bring any unclean thing into your home." The old man smiled. A crystal decanter and silver cups was brought in by an older woman. "Shalom, Eva." She smiled and nodded at him and hurried out. All but the three men murmured amongst themselves. "Hey, I'm goy," he shrugged his shoulders and hoisted his wine cup. They all laughed and drank to his toast.
The old man walked out with us as he and dad talked. They were old friends. "Maybe ten?"
"Now Mr. B. Hey there's a penny on the sidewalk."
The old man bent over and picked it up. He held it up and looked at it then at dad. "Why for you not pick up the penny."
"Mr. B. I have worked for you for twenty one years. Even if I did pick it up you would jew me down until you had it any way." The old man laughed as did the younger two. "Of course you know how copper wire was discovered don't you?" They looked at him, "Two Jews fighting over a penny." All of us moaned.
They asked him how things were at the apartments. Dad told them that the family had moved in the week before and he thought that they would be okay there. Their boy was attending the classes with Rabbi Schmall and the parents seemed happy to be in town in the off season.
In the limo I asked dad what he said, "goy, or something."
"It is Yiddish. Yiddish is a mix of German or Slavic languages and Hebrew. These folks are mostly of Slavic decent. Many of them survived the Nazi death camps. Mr. B's wife was at Auschwitz. She had the tattoo on her arm and scars where they experimented on her. She was one of the lucky ones, she had nine sons and six daughters. Many of the women could not have children after those people were through with them. She has shared stories with me as we drink tea and pray for her children together.
"I talked to a woman during a man's meeting. That is a no no in their society. Eva is the wife of one of those two men that were with Mr. B. She is a sweet lady and is always nice to Troy and me. The men were insulted that I spoke to her so I simply explained that I don't know any better by saying that I am a Goy, which simply means a non-Jew, a gentile. They laughed and drank a toast to the ignorant Goy.
"I am so ignorant that I brought jewelry that your insurance company appraised at one and a half million dollars to them. They offered to buy it outright for three million four hundred thousand. Mr. B was fishing as we left. He asked if I would take ten million for the lot. The uncut diamonds will bring twenty plus their mountings. All together there is about thirty million there. I think that we will sell for about twenty plus a percentage."
"What's that?"
"Maybe five or ten percent of what ever profit they get. If they buy for twenty and sell for fifty you will get, at ten percent, an additional three million dollars."
"That's yours. I gave you all of that stuff. I don't want it." Daddy hugged me and pulled me up to sit in his lap. I love being small. He treats me like his baby boy. He just whispered in my ear, "We'll see, we'll see." He kissed me and held me tight. I love him. The body guards were staring at us or I would have planted a deep tongue wrestle on daddy.
One of the body guards asked dad how it was that he could pray with a Jewess. He told us that he was married to a beautiful Jewish girl but that he is not allowed to pray with them. Dad told him that it took years and years of built up trust. He told them that there are many older Rabbis that go to Tucson to live at Mr. Bs place each winter. They come when it is cold in New York. Dad said that he sits with these learned men and discusses the Bible with them. They have learned to trust him and they let him into their homes. The guard said that was a good thing because they do not let Goy into their homes Dad took his hand and prayed with him. I was so moved that I began to have tears roll down my face.
Dad gave each of the body guards five hundred dollars. They told him that the hotel paid them but he said it was a tip then. We picked up our bags and prepared to leave. JB and Charlie, from the party came to the door. They spoke with dad then he turned and told us we needed to get a move on. The limo took us to Penn. station where we caught a train to Boston.
A limo driver awaited us at the station to take us to our hotel. We had a quiet dinner and turned in early. On the train ride up Troy clued me in. The old man and the two younger ones were father and sons. They owned the apartments that dad managed for them in Tucson. They were very close friends and shared some very close time together. Dad had never shared a meal with them because their beliefs don't allow that. They only shared the wine because of the amount of money they stood to make but Troy pointed out that the silver cups showed what was in their hearts. I was almost excited until he told me that if I had been able to poison the wine before they could drink it then the silver cup would have turned black to warn them. My heart darkened at this news. Dad held me.
"Andy, this race of people have been persecuted and chased out of every place they have ever lived. They find it very hard to trust anyone. Don't blame them. What I am going to tell you may shock you. The Hebrew children, of which the Jews are only one tribe of twelve, were called by God to save the world, God revealed himself to them and told them to go and tell the world that their sins could be forgiven and they could see God. Instead these people, as a race, hid this truth and thought it was for them and them alone. Some of them did try to tell the world but most of them did not.
"God sent Jesus to try to wake them up and they would not even accept the Son of God's word and turned him over to the Roman's to be murdered. Not all of the Hebrew children did this. Only those who did not read their Bible but listened to other men tell them what to believe.
"This is the same way it is in the world today. Jesus tells us that he loves us and is going to come and take us home but some men say that this is not so and so most people listen to these men instead of reading their Bibles for themselves. Andy, you and you alone are responsible for accepting the gift of Jesus Christ, which is eternal life in Heaven. Nobody can tell you what the Bible says. You have to read it for yourself if you want to know God.
"My friends back there are good men. They read their Bible every day but they have been told that Jesus is not the Messiah that they are waiting for. I have worked with and prayed with those three men and Mr. B's other six sons for twenty years. Two of his sons now belong to a Christian/Jewish Church. The two men there today tell me that they believe and they are making headway in their personal walk. I believe that the old man believes also. He will never tell me. He is stubborn and I love him like a father. Ask Troy, that old man is good, very good."
The next morning a limo took us out to the Mass. Institute of Technology at Cambridge. Dad had studied here one summer as he worked on his master's degree in electrical engineering. He said he wanted to see a professor but he kept showing me around.
I am not accustomed to academia but I loved this campus. We had lunch with the dean of men and with the dean of the Engineering college. A senior was snagged to show me around the campus, especially the student life. I met back with dad and Troy about four and we headed back to our hotel.
Our driver pointed out many historic sites as we drove along. Dad asked if we wanted to see the American Revolution battle sights while we were here. Of course. Troy could care less but he acted excited when he saw that I was. The next morning we joined a tour bus which took us everywhere and showed us everything. Dad asked if we could get a cup of saltwater tea at the harbor. The guide glared at him but the geese, they called us, laughed.
We caught a commuter train back to New York the next morning and got back to our hotel room and rest. Hah! Mark saw us come in as he was getting off work. He went up with us and stayed all day. That boy loved to get fucked. He tried his best to wear us out. He fed daddy so much boi milk and dad loved every drop of it. Troy and I took turns fucking Mark as he and dad just locked together for over three hours.
Dad shoved his long cock up in Mark after Troy and I had shoved four or five loads each in him. Dad pushed all of that jizz in so far that he said Mark's eyes turned milky colored instead of his usual brown. Dad told him that his eyes lost their brown color because he was no longer full of shit. We had fucked the shit out of him. Even so Mark loved dad's cock up him and he fucked back like a sex fiend begging for more and more.
Dad ordered us soup and sandwiches. We sat in the living area eating while still naked. Mark asked if he could go to Arizona with us. He and Jeff were going to be a couple but his dad would kill Jeff. He said he himself wouldn't be in too great a shape. Mark had an older brother that was gay and his dad had beat the brother so bad that he is still in a coma three years later. His dad said that the brother fell down the stairs. There was nobody home to witness it.
Dad said it was my house and my money, I had to decide. We argued again. He just won't take my gift. I finally had it. I stood up and said, "Fine!. It's mine, then get the fuck out of my hotel room and walk your ass home. If you won't take a gift from me then fuck you. Fuck you very much." I stormed from the room and hid behind the bedroom door. I could see dad as he shook. He was really torn up. He got up from his chair and started toward me then stopped. I stepped out and grabbed him. "Don't you know I love you? I have more then I need. I want to give you something. You love to give, why can't I? How is it that you can give and share but not accept? Don't you accept the gift of Jesus? Why is my gift not acceptable?"
That did it. He almost fell as his face went white. Troy and I were ready. Mark rushed up and helped us get him to a chair. He pulled me down to him. "Am I that bad?"
"I don't deserve you."
"Troy and I don't deserve you. Look what you have done for him. You are helping me in the same way. You better wake up pops, we love you. Everything I have is yours as you are mine."
"I have nothing but you."
"I said you are mine. Not what you have. You only have lots and lots of love and I accept that. I need it and I feed on it. I think that Mark feels it in you too and I am sure that he is in love with you right now.
"Mark, what will you not do for dad, right now."
"I can't think of anything. I will die for him, I know that."
"See. See what you are old man. Didn't you share the verse, "No greater love hath any man than this, that he lay down his life for another." Let us love you." The three of us sat naked in his lap until Jeff joined us at four.
"Fuck my old man and fuck Jamieson. My old man came in cussing because I didn't give him my pay check last night. I told him that I was keeping my money that I was going to move out on my own. We argued and I told him that I had a friend to room mate with and share expenses. Jamieson jumps in with, "Are you and Mark going to be lovers. He is cute." I just ducked as my dad swung at me and called me a faggot.. I grabbed everything out of my locker and left."
The telephone rang. Dad dumped us all on the floor as he made it across the room to answer it. The three of us hugged Jeff and stripped him naked so that he would be dressed properly to be in our presence. Dad was talking so we listened.
"Fifteen? Twenty and ten. Twenty and fifteen? Oh, twenty and five. What would you have. I should bring to you the boys shoes? He is young. He has a long life. He deserves to start right. Good, I will tell him. In the brief case is a card for the Bank of America. You will have to go over the river to Jersey and put the money in that account. A wire will do fine. I will see you in November. Shalom."
He grabbed Jeff and sucked his tonsils out. He grabbed Mark, "You want to go say goodbye to anybody?"
"I'll call my mom at work. She won't listen but I'll call." His face was to the ground. These two guys had a bad life too. Why can't everybody have a loving and supportive family?
Mark made his call. He sat in the corner crying as he told of his reasons for not going home. Finally he yelled out that he was queer and he had a boy friend. He held the phone out and stared at it, "She hung up on me." Group hug.
Dad picked up the phone and made a call. He hung up and called Jamieson, the concierge. Twenty minutes a bell man brought up two suits for Jeff and Mark. Troy, dad, and I dressed in nondescript suits and the five of us headed down the elevators.
Jamieson apologized to Jeff. Jeff accepted his hand. Jamieson gave dad an envelope as we headed to the limo. We went to a really fancy Chinese restaurant where we had the most wonderful meal. I have never even heard of the food we had on the table. I tried a little of everything and I found nothing that I didn't love. We sat and ate for over an hour. Dad made the driver join us as he hired the bus boy to watch the car. The driver ate quickly but thanked dad over and over then ran back to the car which he was responsible for.
Overly stuffed we made it from the table to the stretch limo and on to Broadway. The only thing that tickets were available for on such short notice was My Fair Lady. Dad said there were some minor plays but he knew that this one had some humor in it that would keep our interest. None of us had ever seen a Broadway Musical but we enjoyed it very much. We sang "Get me to the church on time" to the tops of our lungs all the way back to the hotel. Dad placed a six am wake up call and off to bed we headed.
Six am, shit, that's three back home. It was no matter anyway. None of us slept. He helped Mark and Jeff fuck each other in every way we could think of. We even fucked them while they fucked each other. Jeff was on his back with dad's cock up his ass as and Mark sucked each other. Troy fucked Mark and I fucked his mouth.
Jeff and I both fucked Mark with a double dick while I had dad's cock up my ass and Troy fucked Jeff. We had just passed out when the fucking phone rang. Dad hustled us around and got us showered, dressed, and packed in time to catch the limo to the airport and a plane home. We were glad for first class with the wide seats.
There was only one other passenger in first class. A fifteen year old kid moving to Tucson to live with his grandmother. His folks didn't want a fag in their house. We laughed as we told him that we were all gay and moving in together because our families didn't want us. He was glad to know us. Dad had me take him to the john and blow him He did me too. The stewardess smiled and gave us a pair of wings each as she welcomed us to the mile high club. Dad explained as Rob and I blushed because she knew what we did. Jeff and Mark wanted wings so they went in the john together. As they came out she was standing there with wings for them. We all had a long laugh. She told us that her little brother was gay and he wanted to fly so he could get a pair of wings. he is only thirteen, she told us so he still has time.

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So tell me your thoughts at []( 29)

Next: Chapter 7

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