Adventures of Cliff

By Trevor Johnson

Published on Aug 1, 2012


THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF CLIFF & DEREK Part 43 Written by Trevor Edited by Richie (Life after School)

Please note this story contains boy-to-boy sexual activity and if you don't enjoy this kind of story read no further.

This story is also based on actual events but all the names and locations have been changed to protect those involved.

This story is not to be published, or reprinted, without the express permission of the author.

When we arrived at the doctor who had ordered all the tests for Derek we were shown into a small private waiting room and offered refreshments. We declined, both of us being too worried to eat or drink.

After just a few moments wait the doctor came in armed with X rays, test results and whole lot of other documents. After greeting us both he said that he didn't believe in beating about the bush and would explain everything in detail no holds barred, "Derek has what is a fairly unknown blood disease called Leukaemia." He paused to allow these words to sink in before continuing." I have spoken to some of the most knowledgeable doctors and professors in the world regarding Derek's condition. While we currently have no known cure we have though been able to discover it in its early stages. If we can control its growth, we may be able to do so until a cure is discovered."

He then went on to explain that Leukaemia was a form of cancer of the blood. He spoke in detail but in words that we could understand what was involved and what could be done to help ease the cancer.

An hour of listening to this left the both of us numb and in a daze. It wasn't until we were almost at the theatre that we both fell into each other's arms sobbing uncontrollably. Ian and Roland both looked puzzled and surprised so we took them into my dressing room and explained what was going on.

Naturally both of them were devastated at the news and agreed that for the time being that we don't mention this to the boys leaving it up to Derek when he wanted to tell them.

I think all of us went through the play that night in a daze and while the rest of the cast and crew realized something was wrong no one asked preferring to wait until they were told. If it was possible to act on automatic pilot, well tonight proved that it was possible.

Back at home while the boys sensed something was wrong they didn't push the issue and anyway they were far too busy getting to know there new tutor, Fraser. Because he was drop dead gorgeous all the boys tried it on so during the first week he brought his girlfriend Marcia to meet them, which quickly took the smug looks off their faces.

It was towards the end of the week when Derek was feeling much better that he decided to talk to the boys about his illness. While they all looked worried they accepted the news quite well, promising to do anything possible to help. Jason's grandparents and his mother had headed back to Ireland earlier in the month, but not before they made us promise to go and visit them real soon.

Derek's health continued to improve slowly with an amended diet to help him. In fact our trip to Ireland became a reality a lot sooner than we expected with Sir David Geldof inviting us to take part in a worldwide peace throughout the world concert. We agreed but only if part of the proceedings went to a newly formed Leukaemia Foundation which Derek and I kick-started to the tune of a million pounds.

We decided to cancel the Monday and Tuesday performances of the play so that we could spend some time with Jason's mom and grandparents. Mind you, we would be staying in the grandeur of the local hotel while the two boys Jason and Michael would be enjoying the quaint wee peat bog and paraffin lamp splendour of the family home.

One morning about a week before the Irish Concert and not too long before we went gone down for breakfast that I received a strange phone call. It was pure luck that I answered the phone anyway but the name and voice on the other end soon had my fullest attention. I won't mention any names regarding this incident except to assure it happened.

The voice on the other end was the name of a very serious gentleman who then went on to assure us that because of the nature of the concert and our part in it that the IRA intended to call a truce regarding this concert. I was speechless and dumbfounded having never come across anything regarding the IRA. After hearing that famous voice on the other end of the line I can say that I was at least a bit shaken up. I didn't tell anyone else about that phone call for several years.

Derek's health improved slightly as he changed his diet following the doctor's orders with everyone feeling much happier. The play had settled down into a routine with each night time performance booked solid six months ahead.

Peter found a rapport with his new tutor, Fraser. While he was bitterly disappointed that he wasn't gay it didn't stop my dear son trying every trick in the book to seduce him resulting in a deterioration in his relationship with Steve. As you may recall their relationship began a few years ago when they both started school before Derek and I moved to London. It was a timid and tearful Steve who asked to see Derek and me one day just before the Irish trip.

"What's the matter Steve? Remember you can always come and talk to us if you have a problem." Derek asked.

"Well it's Peter." He paused then burst into tears. Both Derek and I went to pacify him sitting one on either side. After he calmed down in a quiet voice I said, "Ok, now remember you can talk to us about anything and I know Peter is my son legally but he can also be an ass hole sometimes and I guess this is one of those times, Right?"

Steve nodded before continuing, "He doesn't love me anymore, and if that is the case then I don't want to be around him or this house." Once more the tears flowed and we waited patiently for Steve to regain control. Once he was ready he continued, "He is obsessed with seducing our new teacher Fraser and totally ignores me. We are still sleeping in the same bed but we haven't had sex for more than three weeks, yet the other day I caught him in our bathroom jacking himself off, something we have never had to do since we got together."

"Maybe he just wanted a quick wank like some of us do sometimes." I suggested in his defence.

"No, when I talked him about it he got nasty and swore at me telling me that it was time for him to have a man for sex not a boy."

Derek and I were silent for a while not sure what to say or do, then it was Derek who took the bull by the horns, "You need to remember Steve that Peter is so above average intelligence that he is years ahead of all of us and we should take that into account. By the same token I have seen this coming for a while and as you say you love him dearly he has grown bored and wants to move on." He paused looking at me for a nod which he got before continuing, "We will talk to Peter about this but don't be upset if he wants to end the relationship. If that happens what will you do, remembering that you are always welcome to stay in our home for as long as you wish."

"If our relationship ended then I would prefer to go home to my parents. I couldn't live under the same roof as the man I love dearly, especially if he finished up with a new boyfriend."

This satisfied both of and we assured him that we would speak to Peter later today when we got back from the theatre.

We discussed the problem travelling in the car to the West End and both agreed that Peter had grown bored with the same guy and it was inevitable that the relationship would draw to a close.

I got to my dressing room to find Sir Alec and Bob my manager waiting for me. After the usual greetings Alec informed me that her majesty had decided to come along to see the play and would next Friday evening be all right?"

Bob continued, "Of course we had to say yes, so she will be in attendance with Charles and few others. Now before you protest bear in mind this is a great honour and always adds at least a further six months to the run of any show she goes to see."

Quite nonchalantly I replied, "No problem she can come and see us perform any time she likes."

The news quickly spread throughout the theatre with some of the cast getting nervous about the whole affair even to suggest a rehearsal before the evening show. I quickly made everyone aware that I had no intensions of doing anything different on that night than any other.

It did mean that Derek had to put a dab of paint or two on to some of the sets which were showing signs of wear so we didn't get to talk to Peter for a few days longer than we expected.

It was just the evening before her majesty was due to grace us with her presence when we managed to get home just that little bit earlier than usual. We called Peter into the dining room after everyone else had gone to either their rooms or to watch TV.

As soon as he came into the room he said, "I know exactly what you want to talk about and I'm sorry but I think Steve and my relationship has run its course. We've had some great times together and I still do have some feelings for him but I yearn for more and don't forget next year we go our separate ways when we go to university."

Once again he left us speechless because that is just what we were going to raise with him anyway. "Don't you think your being just a little bit too harsh and callous with the way you're treating him?" I asked.

"I suppose and I still have feelings for him after all he was my first."

Derek took up the conversation, "Well Peter I think you should both get together real soon and work out what you're going to do and hopefully no one will get too badly hurt."

Peter agreed with this and left us to go talk to Steve and hopefully smooth things over for at least a while but I doubted for very long.

The day of the Queen's visit Ian was acting a little bit nervous and once I'd seen the list of royal party guests I could see why. HRH his lover for some months before `Mummy' put a stop to the relationship would be in the royal box and would also be included in the meet and greet afterwards. While Ian was madly in love now with Roland I know for a fact some old hurts still remained from those royal days.

Once word got out that HM was going to be in attendance every single seat was sold out. Alex Guinness, Bob Potter, the house manager of the theatre and myself had the privilege of meeting the royal party just ten minutes before curtain up. We all bowed and scraped and welcomed as one is supposed to with royalty and she graciously said good evening before moving on towards her seats. HRM shook my hand giving me a wink which was spotted by his father the Duke who frowned at him.

Once they were on the way to the royal box I dashed backstage to get ready for curtain up and then the play was underway once more.

I had no time to keep looking up to the royal box and to me the paying customers were more important anyway than a bunch of freeloaders. Finally it was curtain call time and after the allotted number I stepped forward facing the Royal box to lead the cast in singing the national anthem, `God save the Queen' followed by three cheers for her majesty.

We then all had to assemble back stage were a heap of refreshments and drinks had been laid out for after. We all lined up in order of superiority which I always thought was a load of bull shit anyway. So I was first with Sir Alex introducing everyone. I bowed and she said, "Well done Mr Steele I enjoyed your performance, thank you."

I mumbled something back before she moved on, to be followed by the Duke and the rest of the party. I noticed that when her majesty got to Derek she spent some time talking to him and I wondered what all that was about, reminding myself to ask him later. It was then I noticed that HRM had dropped out of the line and was talking to both Ian and Roland with a few smiles and laughter going on between them, something else I would have to check on later.

As soon as I could I got away, had a quick change into street clothes before dashing up to the front bar determined not to miss chatting and signing albums and so on with the paying public. I heard several comments on the fact that I bothered to leave the royal function to join them anyway.

Not long after Derek was at my side which made me feel so much happier and then Sir Alex joined the throng. It was almost two hours later about one am when we finally got into the car and I think all of us were very happy that Gordon was doing the driving

It was then I put my arm around my lover and asked him what the queen was talking to him about, "Well I shouldn't really tell you because your ego is big enough already but she commented on what a talented young actor you were and were we still together."

There was silence in the car to allow what the Monarchy of the land had asked a gay guy about his partner. "I told her we were very happy and would be for the rest of our lives." After those words he kissed me long and deep allowing his tongue to start to get me excited.

It was then I remembered HRM and the chat he had with Ian and Roland, "and what did the prince say to two of his paupers."

Ian answered, "Well the cheeky fucking shit asked if we were still an item and would we be interested in a threesome, because he certainly was."

"And I told him that if we found someone we really liked then we might just do that otherwise fuck off." We all cheered at what Roland had said, although I noticed Ian had a touch of sadness showing in his face.

Of course once we got home the boys all wanted to know what happened and how everything went. They scoffed and laughed when Derek told them what she had said about me telling each other that she must have been drunk before she got there.

After a hot drink we headed off hand in hand up the stairs for a session in bed which lasted most of what was left of the night I seem to recall. Once again we showed to each other that our love was deeper and deeper for each other, if that was at all possible.

Next morning or should I say at about noon we had to rush because we had the usual Saturday matinee and then the evening performance before Derek and I had to dash to the airport for our flight to Belfast in Northern Ireland. I woke with a start remembering that we hadn't done any packing or even thought about music scores and so on.

Between performances we laid down on my day bed with the phone off the hook and the door locked but nothing happened except about two hours sleep cuddling next to my darling man.

After the evening performance I had for the first time to apologize to those waiting for pictures and the like. Explaining that we had to dash to the airport but told them if they left a picture or program with their name and address we would mail them out to them when we got back.

This smoothed things over but nevertheless I stayed as long as possible until a desperate Gordon came in waving at the watch on his wrist. I think he broke several speed limits getting us to the airport and we were rushed on board what was the final Belfast flight that night. While the flight was only two hours I think I slept in Derek's arms for most of the way.

The shock came when we left Belfast airport with an armoured troop carrier in front and one behind for the trip to our hotel right in the heart of Belfast. On the way we passed through areas which had literally been bombed out of recognition, plus we marvelled at the graffiti and artwork proclaiming the suffering of the Irish people.

At the five star hotel we were taken to our suite was on the top floor but we didn't bother looking out at the city sights being far too tired. Next morning we had breakfast served in our rooms before we got a call from Bob Geldof welcoming us to Belfast. I'd better explain, regarding the rest of the family we decided at the last minute not to take them to Belfast. They were all on an early morning flight to Dublin were we would join them tomorrow.

After breakfast we just had time to get ready and prepare my outfit for the concert before John Barry arrived to go through my two songs with me. The concert which included artists from around the world joining in this mighty telecast as their turn came around. Logistically it was going to be a mighty effort and I couldn't help but wonder why Bob Geldof had chosen me to join him on the main stage helping to link the whole show together.

He later told Derek, "I admire everything you two guys stand for, your sexuality and your honesty and openness." The other thing that stunned us, was what that when our escorts arrived to take us to this massive stadium just on the outskirts of Belfast they insisted that we wear bullet proof vests under our shirts. By the time we arrived, had a run-through and got ready for the first live cross I was half drunk and petrified. The soldiers with guns and all the protection we were getting was beginning to freak me out.

Anyway the whole three hours went by in a flash and was a resounding success resulting in the largest worldwide audience ever. Some watched it live, some on TV and for some only on radio. It was a concert which will never ever be repeated, of that I'm sure.

The next morning we joined a convoy of armoured vehicles to travel from Northern to Southern Ireland not that I can remember much because I had a god almighty hangover. Again we had the mandatory bullet proof jackets on and at the border we spent a very pleasant few minutes chatting with the border guards from both sides. All very pleasant until it was explained that the IRA were right now watching our every move.

We swapped vehicles continuing through some beautiful country side into Dublin. The kids were delighted to see us being worried sick all the time we were on the road, "Don't worry guys the IRA promised me it would be ok and anyway we had a television film crew with us all the time so they wouldn't dare."

It was at this point in time that I had to explain about the phone call I had gotten at home and who made that call. Jason and Michael headed off to the remote cottage were his mother and her parents lived while we promised to be there the next day. All Derek and I wanted to do was sleep but the boys wanted to go sightseeing. So they dragged us all around the famous Dublin sights including the houses of parliament which showed all the windows bricked up. This dated back to when everyone had to pay a window tax to Britain, so rather than pay the Irish government did away with windows.

All very interesting but by the time we got back to our hotel both Derek and I were totally spent. It had been arranged for us to visit Dooley's music hall that evening, so out we went again to see some of Ireland's best singers and comedians perform. I was discreetly asked if I wanted to sing when we first arrived and I declined with graciousness.

We had a fantastic meal of oysters and Guinness followed by Irish stew and finally suet pudding and syrup, a great meal and some great entertainment but I would rather have been in my bed.

We had the luxury of staying in bed a little bit later and although both of us were dead tired we discovered how great sex in a Jacuzzi could be. We then drove about an hour or so out of Dublin into the wilds of Ireland. Finally we arrived at a tiny hamlet with about a dozen or so crofts (as their tiny homes were called), a catholic church and a pub. What really surprised us was the effort the locals had gone to with people from all over the district waiting outside the pub for our arrival and a large banner was draped across the front of the church welcoming us all.

Jason's mother and grandparents were proudly standing in front of everyone waiting for us and I began to feel guilty about having that second blow job in the Jacuzzi. Anyway after a big welcome speech, tons and tons of food was brought out from the pub and spread out on tables set up in the street.

The local priest said grace and then we as guests were invited to help ourselves. After we had our plates filled with mutton, beef, pork and stew it was everyone else's turn. Apparently everyone had brought something along to the feast and the local brewery had provided all the beer which I recall was a rather strong brew and it required a word from Derek for me to slow down.

A local band began playing and some children in national costume danced for us, it was fantastic and during my thank you speech I asked why? Why had we been honoured with such a feast?

The local priest stood up declaring that we saved Jason and his mother from a death sentence and this was nothing compared to what we had done to save two of their own.

All of us visitors were emotionally overcome at these words including Peter who never allowed his emotions to get the better of him. Just before we left I asked around and discovered that they were struggling to raise money in an effort to save the church roof which was leaking and falling in. I suggested to Derek that he write a check for four thousand pounds, the amount needed and discreetly slip it to the priest before we leave.

Word spread quickly around the crowd at what we had done with several falling onto their knees thanking god.

After some tearful farewells and a promise to return we all made our way back to Dublin for a quiet night before catching our early flight back home. Jason and Michael were both silent after we left the village but opened up when we questioned them, "Dad they live in poverty yet they are so happy and proud of their tiny bit of land. It was like going back in time hundreds of years, but they understood the love we had for each other and allowed us to sleep in front of the bog fire together holding onto each other."

Overcome with the emotion they both burst into tears and I must admit both Derek and I misted up as well, "Any time you two boys want to go back and visit just tell us and we will arrange something, in fact I know speaking for Daddy Derek and myself we would love to go back with you."

"You are the best dads in the whole world and we love you dearly. My mom was upset that she can never repay you for what you are doing to help us."

"Jason, we love you dearly and want you both to be happy, get a good education and remain true to each other." Was my tearful reply.

It was good to be back home and have a night off. The newspapers and television were still raving about the big Belfast concert and how it all went off without a hitch. Our parents called to say how much they enjoyed it. Unknown to us the video of our trip over the border was run most of that day through the news broadcasts.

Mind both of our parents were worried when we told them about the troop carrier escorts and the bullet proof vests. Derek thought it might be a good time to mention again the big home up for sale close by with enough space for my mom and Derek's folks to have separate apartments or living quarters, "mom there's even room for my grandma if she wants to come with you." I yelled down the phone.

They agreed to our request with mom saying she would talk to my gran as well. Once we had finished chatting Derek contacted the local real Estate agent and before long we were checking out this great property which was partly furnished and a solid sound building. It was ideal for what we wanted so we made him an offer and next day the house was ours subject to contract exchanges.

Still I'm getting ahead of myself here. Having a full day off once we got home from Dublin we spent a fair amount of time in bed after some sarcastic comments from the boys, only to find out later that they did the same thing. No matter how tired we are, making love to each other takes away all the strain and tiredness, replacing it with love and care for each other.

In fact we never even made it down to dinner and got caught sitting in the kitchen snacking in the nude at midnight by the boys who heard noises downstairs and came to look. Our two live in guys David and his partner heard us, guessed what was going on and ignored it. However, the boys, well they will be boys and it must have looked funny seeing us sitting there at the table trying to drape the tablecloth around us to hide our manhood.

The boys got off on that joke for quite a few weeks.

Being a Wednesday meant into the theatre early for the matinee and true to form the bookings had gone through the roof since the Queen's visit and of course our Belfast trip. We had established a Leukaemia Foundation with a million pound donation and our accountant called to say that donations from companies and private individuals had already taken the total amount to ten million and it was climbing every day.

A couple of nights later while I was taking my second encore for the night an extra loud cheer went up and I sensed someone approaching me from behind. Looking around I saw the beautiful Shirley Bassey along with John Barry. Once the audience had sat down and after I noticed TV news cameras all over the place, Shirley presented me with a platinum disc for over two million album sales, which in those days of vinyl LP's was almost unheard off.

A kiss and hug from Shirley and a handshake from John Barry and I thought that would be that but the audience wanted more and began yelling sing, sing, sing. Derek didn't help because he moved the grand piano we use in the play to the front of the stage inviting John to sit down. We sang a duet, one we did in the Albert Hall show, but I was so on cloud nine that I haven't a clue right now what it was.

Shirley joined me along with John in the foyer afterwards and we must have sold close to another million copies, the number we had to sign. At Shirley's request we joined her at the top of the town nightclub where she was doing the late night show and of course we had to perform the duet all over again much to the delight of the audience and more so the management who kept the champagne flowing until I started to get a bit out of hand and Derek called it a night.

The TV producers of Sunday Night at the London Palladium one of Britain's top rating shows had been trying to negotiate for me to appear for some time now. Bob my cunning manager knew just how desperate they needed me so he was asking for money which he knew was way over their budget. Finally he did drop my fee a bit but they paid the same rate as they did for Bob Hope and Frank Sinatra including airfares and accommodation.

All I had to do was sing two songs and the orchestra they used was one of the best. The longstanding host of the show was Bruce Forsyth a very talented comedian and performer in his own right. Unknown to the producers we worked out a little comedy routine of our own when he interviewed me and this brought the house down.

Next day Bob called me, "Well done on the Palladium last night, son."

Before I could reply he continued, "They want you as permanent co-host with Forsyth, interested."

"What's the money?" I asked

"I told them they can't afford you but they want to sit down and talk."

"No Bob I don't need the money or the work on my only day off, so if they can't match what they paid last night forget it."

"Ok." He said and hung up. I never did hear from them again because they just didn't have the money. Which isn't quite true because they did have me back as special guest on two other occasions during its long run on TV. I remember the last time Bob Monkhouse comedian and game show host was the compere.

We gave our parents a blank check to furnish their new home but of course they didn't like spending too much of our money so we had to give them a hand by buying some beautiful Ming and Dresden pottery along with some quality paintings and drapes. We also hired a housekeeper and a maid along with staff to look after the gardens. By the time the project was finished it was a real show piece, yet comfortable to live in. They had decided to have a communal dining area and also TV room.

Sadly just three weeks after they moved in my Grandmother passed away. She was well into her nineties and had a good life. We took her back to Yorkshire so that she could be buried next to her husband a miner who died from the `Black Death' coal dust in his lungs.

The play and our work in the West End of London looked like continuing for a few more years yet as the auditorium continued to fill every night and matinee. While Derek continued to have bouts of tiredness his life remained pretty stable.

Soon it was time for Peter to leave for Oxford being the youngest person ever to be accepted two years before his time and it was obvious that Steve wasn't very happy about the whole thing as they slowly drifted apart.

It all came to a head one evening just as we had got back from the theatre and we heard screaming and shouting from their room on the first floor. Fearing a possible intruder Gordon dashed up stairs first with us following close behind. All we kept hearing over and over again was "How could you, how could you."

Apparently Steve was playing cards downstairs with the others while Peter said he couldn't be bothered. Everyone thought he was watching television but when Steve went upstairs for something he found Peter in bed with the twenty five year old gardener from our parent's house.

Steve was very upset not by Peter being unfaithful but because he was doing so in their own bed. Looking terrified the gardener told us that Peter first came on to him about four weeks ago and they had been together whenever and wherever they could.

Steve was very upset and fearing that he might do something stupid Derek and I spent the night with him on the sofa downstairs. Early next morning he called his parents to come and collect him and by midday he had gone never even seeing Peter again.

In fact two years later he graduated from high school and attended Southampton University were he came away with an honours degree in marine engineering and a boyfriend who promised to look after him. Indeed he did because twenty years later they were still happily living together and making tons of money.

Peter meanwhile had several other sordid affairs with a variety of older men, a couple of which I had to pay off to avert law suits and so on. Peter shrugged all this off saying it was just part of growing up and maturing. As always he was right and I will tell you all about his Oxford life in due course.

By our mid-twenties Derek and I were what are now referred to as billionaires and we could have retired at any given time. Derek's theatrical set design company also flourished as did my stage career and at any one time he had twenty to thirty people on the payroll depending on the work he had.

Finally after three and half years continuously in the West End, what I like to refer to as my play closed. But it didn't finish there because Bob and Alex decided to send a sort of reduced version of the play out into the counties and then a short tour of Europe. I didn't perform in all these tours leaving the lead part mainly to Roland with Ian working as set and stage manager.

My lover and I spent some time taking it easy and even travelled to Barbados to spend a couple of great weeks with Michael and Robert and their three Spanish boys they had adopted to get them out of a mafia run brothel (See Michael & Robert one of my other stories on Nifty).

The boys still very much in love had grown and matured into fine muscular drop dead gorgeous hunks and I remarked to Derek, "Thank goodness Peter's not here". We swam laid on the beach drank cocktails and generally relaxed with our two millionaire friends.

I had a few west end parts in several plays and musicals nothing demanding. Then at age twenty seven we received a visit from the British Secret Service which completely changed our lives.

To Be Continued.

Writers Corner:- A fairly short chapter this one and chronologically not quite in order but I wanted to bring to a close that part of our lives because for a few years nothing excited happened and we just laid back and enjoyed life.

Before you ask is this the end of the story? Hell no the next part is just as exciting and in some ways sad. I won't go into great detail except to say for over fourteen months Derek and I were parted for the longest time ever and it nearly killed us.

I never did get around to making a second album and the only copy I had was lost in a flood we had a few years back. If anyone by chance has a copy I would love to hear from you.

Everything that took place in this chapter is more or less self-explanatory and doesn't need a lot of extra detail from me so until my next chapter is posted stay tuned for another Living in a Lie which hopefully will be published soon.

Editors Corner:-

Trevor, wow you certainly brought us a lot of joy and tears. I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to hear that the one person you love more than life itself is sick with cancer. Anyway, it was great to edit this story again. It is one I truly love as I am a lover of love stories.

I will let others comment on the various aspects of the story and where it might go from here. Thanks again for another great chapter and it is awesome to have you back writing again. Richie.

Next: Chapter 83: Adventures of Cliff and Derek 44

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