What's new with Nifty?

Nifty is being completely overhauled with a modern architecture, preserving tens of thousands of stories for future generations.

This site is completely volunteer run, supported solely by your donations and contributions.

Are you interested in helping build out the site? We're looking for volunteers who have experience with AWS, Typescript, React, or ElasticSearch. Reach out here!

Can't volunteer? No worries. Any support you could offer through a donation is deeply appreciated. If you have the means, you can donate here. Thank you for your consideration.

Upcoming features

  • Partial restoration of stories from the incest category.
  • Author portal with self-service story publishing and editing.

May 6 2024: A New Search Engine

Finally, Nifty has a new search engine! This one takes advantage of our new modern database technologies and brings with it more accurate and relevant results, as well as offering brand new filters and sorting methods.

Preview the new search engine here

Please note, this search engine is in it's early stages and still needs some tweaking. If you aren't seeing results that you expect, we'd really appreciate some feedback so it can be improved. Click here to provide feedback on search.

If for any reason, you miss the old search, it's still available at any time by clicking here.

April 14 2024: Story Recommendations

Now that users are starting to rate and favorite stories, we can flex our statistical muscles a bit and start recommending stories to you based on what everyone else is reading! The more stories you rate and favorite, the better your recommendations will be. Check out your recommendations in your account. This feature is early-stage, so feel free to provide any feedback on the recommendations by clicking here.

Feb 1 2024: New Logo!

To celebrate the next chapter of Nifty, we have a new logo! This logo aims to embrace the digital age while preserving the queer identity that has driven Nifty over the last three decades.

Nifty Logo

Jan 12 2024: 🎉 Reader and Author Accounts 🎉

This is a big one, folks. At long last, Nifty now has accounts! This has been a long time coming, but building the system in a way to keep the costs reasonable for the size of Nifty has been a challenge. Nevertheless, here are a bunch of new features released today, with more juicy ones coming soon! 💦

Please note, this update includes a BIG overhaul to Nifty's backend. While we did our best weeding out the bugs, please notify us if you spot any more by clicking here). Thanks for your help!

New Features
  • 🎉 Favorite and Rate stories
  • 🎉 Follow your favorite authors
  • 🎉 In-site Notifications
    • Get notified when your favorite story is updated
    • Get notified when authors you follow publish new content
  • 🎉 A new author portal to see who is interacting with your stories
    • See how many people viewed and rated your stories
    • See how many people are following you
  • Improved display of story cards - tightened up the presentation so more is visible on the screen
  • Easier to use chapter dropdown on mobile devices

Please let us know what you think of the new goodies! Also, here are some new features coming soon as we start getting new data in from these new features:

  • Coming soon: Self-service publishing! Reach out here if you'd like to be a beta tester
  • Coming soon: Top rated stories lists
  • Coming soon: Recommended stories based on your ratings

Happy reading!

~ Coyote

Dec 14 2023

  • Sorry for the delay in updates. We've been working on a lot of behind the scenes revamps that will bring some big new features to the new Nifty soon! Stay tuned!
  • Fixed all stories with chapters in the wrong order

May 18 2023

  • Visual updates to the collection pages
  • Improved support for legacy redirects

May 9 2023

  • Viewing a story with many chapters now has a "Jump to latest" that makes it easy to get to the latest chapter in the series.
  • The compact story list view now renders better on mobile devices.
  • Story publish dates now take up less space and have less verbosity when appropriate.

April 26 2023

  • New donation site which matches the modern design of the new Nifty.

April 25 2023

  • New "trending stories" section, highlighting the most popular stories of the last 7 days.

April 22 2023

  • Visual improvements to the reader interface.
  • New clarified content guidelines page, with updated submission guidelines for the new site.

March 20 2023

  • New "compact" story list view, for those that prefer the classic Nifty design.
  • Previously visited links now change color, making it easier to see which stories you've read before.
  • Style improvements for story elements, like line breaks.
  • Authors list is now sorted alphabetically inside each letter breakdown.

Jan 20 2023

  • Accessibility improvements across the site.
  • Added publish dates to chapter overview page.
  • Added new text indent, line height controls.

Jan 7 2023

  • Show total word count on author page.
  • Author tiers are more fairly ranked based on total word count, rather than story count.

Jan 1 2023

  • Lots of under-the-hood improvements to deliver the latest stories to you faster.

Dec 28 2022

  • Add support for certain nested subcategories, like WWF and Boy Bands.
  • Improve loading performance of pages.
  • Fix flashing issue on initial page load.

Dec 25 2022

  • Improved performance of filtering stories on /new.
  • Improved support for older browsers.
  • Include publish date in recent stories list.

Dec 19 2022

  • Improve support for redirects coming from legacy m.nifty.org site.
  • Improved chapter overview layout.

Dec 14 2022

  • Backend stability and performance improvements.
  • Improved coverage for redirections from the legacy m.nifty.org site.

Dec 11 2022

  • Global style consistency improvements.
  • Improved layout of story lists.

Dec 4 2022

  • New author tiers system, designed to celebrate the most prolific authors across Nifty.
  • Improved experience across the site for users who don't have javascript enabled.

...and much, much more. Thanks for taking the time to read. Now go discover some stories!


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