Zipper Studio

Published on Mar 10, 2013


Zipper Studio By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

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My plan was to become a star. Some talent would have been helpful, but I looked good and that should have been good enough. That was a basic misconception on my part. I am Ned Long, and am 34 now; the bloom is off. I had done some work in gay porn, and that had been fun, but it definitely wasn't the path to fame a fortune.

I also need to live. I had been mooching off of older men who like a young wingman, but I wasn't young enough anymore. I had waited tables and done odd jobs, but at my age, you needed a resume and I didn't. I realized I also needed a college degree, but I had no savings, no credit and no family to help. I was up Shit Creek without a paddle.

That was when I discovered Zipper Studio. It billed itself as a boutique studio specializing in gay porn. A friend of mine told me about it. In my checkered history of employment, gay porn had been just about the only job I had liked. My friend gave me a number and a name to call. I had a few beers and called. I had a nice talk with a guy named Joe and arranged an interview. Joe made sure I knew it was a gay porn producer, and that I was comfortable with that. I assured him I was with the program. Jake also gave me the name of a doctor and told me to come with a clean checkup. He said the doctor would do it free.

The Zipper Studio was in a former Mediterranean style motel located in the hills near Los Angeles. Built in the 1920s, it had a hacienda type hotel with additional cabins wrapped around a pool. It was supposed to look like a Mexican village. Unlike modern motels, it sat well back from the street on a heavily wooded site and had so sign. There was an impressive gate with a phone to get access. I called in and it opened for me.

At the office, I met Joe and Moe. Joe looked like a former boxer; Moe looked like Gomer Pyle. I asked them what a boutique studio produced.

"A good part of our work is vanity videos. You know, like publishers who produce vanity books. If a guy has an idea for a gay movie, we can produce it for him," Joe explained. "It is fantasy fulfillment. In most cases, our client wants to star in it. We are good with that. We started out doing professional level videos of a guy fucking his lover, but it developed into bigger projects. Usually, we have one or two video sessions, and we edit the results into a brief movie. Sometimes we do bigger projects. In case you haven't guessed, our services are expensive."

"Do you have openings for a co-star?" I asked.

"We do, indeed we do," Moe answered. "We have one problem. Our actors must be very open minded and accommodating. As you might guess our clients at not conventional movie star material. They are often older men."

"We don't do anything with underage kids, and we don't do sadism," Joe said. "That is both for legal and due to our own personal preferences. That shit just turns me off."

"I assume you could make a lot of money with that shit," I said.

"We make a lot of money as it is," Moe said. "We can be picky. We don't need to play around with mental cases to make money. It's fun for us too. We pay much more than our competition and we're careful about disease. We expect you to be safe, but we test regularly to make sure."

"Does testing include your clients?" I asked.

"It sure as shit does. If they object they don't become clients," Joe said. We talked about that for a while. I confessed that I liked anything that involved a cock and an ass. I didn't mention that I was mostly a top and that while my ass had been used; it wasn't callused by any means. I also told them my real situation. I need to get a degree. Frankness is not my strong suit and this was a rare occurrence.

"We may have a good position for you. The Studio is a mile from a college. We have a group we call the Resident Company. As you can tell, this is a former motel and we have bedrooms galore," Moe said. "We can give you a free room and board if you live here and are on call. Many of our clients are from out of town and are here only for a few days. If you are here when we need a sucker or a fucker you can fill that need."

"How many men are in the Resident Company?'" I asked.

"It has been as big as eight, but it's down to four now. If you are versatile, we can use you," Joe said. "It also helps if you like sex. We like over sexed men."

"If I were to ask you to strip naked right here and now, would you mind?" Moe asked. I began to unbutton my shirt. I passed that part of the test. Joe and Moe stripped too and fondled me. We had some fun. I figured that if I joined the Resident Company I could take some classes and make some cash on the side.

Joe told me they were having a party that night with their crew and a few potential clients. I was welcome to attend and I could see if they liked the place and the people. Of course, I agreed. Joe said it was a pool party and I didn't need to overdress. I went back to the Studio that evening at 7:30. There was a small group of men standing around the pool. I saw Joe.

"Ned, it's good to see you. Let me introduce you to some friends," he said. I met Fred, the cameraman, Tony, the scriptwriter and three of the actors, Lance de Stud, Mandingo Smith and Big Bo. We talked. Lance, Mandingo and Big Bo lived at the studio. They said it was nice, and being on call wasn't that bad.

"I'm an actor," Mandingo said. "You get to play a range of roles. I'm the slave stud, the harsh Marine master Sergeant and once and a while I'm the President of the United States. It's fun."

Lance leaned close to me, "Mandingo is also the official asshole widener. Lot's of the clients want to take a big one as part of their debut," he said. "Mandingo tests their sincerity!" I laughed.

"Has he tested yours?" I asked.

"Mandingo is the energizer Bunny of Zipper studios. He eventually tests everyone," Lance said. He was smiling, so the connection with Mandingo had been a success.

Moe came over to us. "Boy's I like you to meet Sal and his buddies, Guido and Rocco," he said. "They are considering sponsoring a movie with us. The trio looked like a Mafia Don and his henchmen. They were from Jersey. I couldn't tell if they were real or if they were already playing a role.

"It's nice to meet you guys," Sal said. "You work for the studio?"

"You could say we are the Zipper studios version of Playboy Bunnies," Mandingo said. Sal and his pals laughed. "With a lot of makeup, I can pass for a sex-crazed black man." They laughed again. Mandingo was a big muscular and very black man,

"I get to play the innocent red neck getting in trouble in the big city," Big Bo said. He had a strong southern accent. "I lose my virginity a lot."

"That's a useful skill," Rocco said.

"It sure is. I learned how to do it from my sister," Big Bo added. "No one at home seemed to notice that her cunt was callused!"

"That sounds like your sister, Rocco!" Guido said.

"At least I wasn't conceived after a Knights of Columbus gang-bang in Bayonne," Rocco replied. "Did your momma ever find out exactly who was your father?" The men were in a good mood. It was getting dark, and the night was hot. Lance and Big Bo stripped and jumped in the pool. There was another group of men on the other side of the pool. A few of them jumped in too.

I joined them, as did the Jersey boys. The only light was Tiki torches. Sal was next to me and he immediately felt out my cock. I went for his cock and discovered he was well on the way to being hard. Sal was fifty-five or so years old, five ten and maybe 250 pounds.

"I've heard you guys in California are friendly," he said.

I whispered, "I'm not overly friendly, but I do like to mess around," I said. I stroked his cock. "You have a nice one. What sort of a video are you interested in?"

"I like to see my boys in action," he whispered. "You know ass pounding, ass stretching action with lots of spurting cream." He paused. "I like things sticky and messy."

"I like things uninhibited. You're a nice furry man. Cum looks great on a bear torso," I said.

"I think it looks best oozing from a puffy hole. That turns me on," Sal said. Sal and I understood each other. Joe came over to us and began talking with Sal. I went to another part of the pool. I bumped into another potential client. By now, it was quite dark.

"Excuse me, I said. "I didn't see you."

"Are you one of the actors?" the man asked.

"I may be. Joe does the casting for videos," I said. "I'm Ned."

"Oscar here," the man replied. His hand was at my cock. "Oh, I think there's a snake in the pool!"

"It doesn't bite, but it spurts once and a while," I said. "Actually, the venom is harmless and quite tasty if you like that sort of thing."

In the flickering light of the torches, I could see he was older than Sal. He was bald with a bushy white beard. He was thin and well tanned. I don't recognize his accent.

"Where are you from? You don't sound like a native," I asked.

"Wisconsin," he said. "I have just retired and decided to travel. My wife died a year and a half ago so there was nothing left for me there."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I think of it as an opportunity. My wife was sickly and not adventurous in any way. Our relationship had become stale. It's exciting to try something new for the first time in sixty years. We lived in my family home. I was born there. I decided I wasn't going to die there," Oscar said.

"I assume the Zipper Studio isn't much like home?" I asked.

"That is a bit of an understatement," he replied. "I've never been naked outside before."

"How do you like it?"

"I could get use to this very easily," he said. "I was afraid that all my years as good Lutheran still controlled my thinking. Somehow, the second I saw men stripping all that vanished like the wicked Witch of the West. It melted away." I reached over and felt his equipment.

"Damn, you are packing some meat," I said.

"I haven't used it much," he said, "at least, not for anything enjoyable."

"It's not just a drain; it's a joystick," I said. We were at the shallow end of the pool. I knelt in the water and sucked him. Oscar was leaking sweet and thick precum.

"Watch out Ned," Oscar warned me. "I have a short fuse."

"Don't worry," I said. "I haven't had dinner yet." I was pretty sure that Oscar and Sal represented opposite extremes of personalities and approaches to life. The Zipper Studios seemed like an adventure for me. As I gobbled up Oscar's man-cream, my inner slut took over. There were perhaps 15 to 20 men in the pool. As far as I knew, all had cocks and balls that needed to be drained. I did what I could.

I ran into Sal again and we got it on. He eventually forced his thick, stubby cock into my rear end. He loved that and was vocal in his appreciation. I was relieved. Sal wasn't my type at all, but I didn't mind him fucking me. It fit well. Oddly, I felt him shooting and that turned me on. I didn't expect that. When I left, three hours later I was embarrassed at my sluttiness.

"You are a sexually generous man," Joe said. "You have the job if you want it. You can move in at any time." It was nice to be in a place where being a slut was viewed as being generous. It was the end of the month and I moved into one of the cabins on Friday. I enrolled in a course at the local college on the next Monday.

The Spanish style cabin was cute. It had a big living room with the bed in an alcove. All of that was 1920 period. The bath was new and fancy. It was all multi colored tile, with Mayan decoration. It had a shower big enough for six. Moe told me they used it as a set for scenes once and a while. It had a hot plate and small refrigerator.

I didn't have much to move, so it was easy. A buffet type breakfast and dinner were served in the main hacienda. Joe and Oscar lived somewhere in that building, but they ate out a lot. I met the final member of the Resident Company, Raoul Ortega. He was a muscular Mexican who was working hard on learning English. He had a Poncho Villa mustache and looked fierce, but he was affable and cheerful.

The Jersey boys had flown back to Atlantic City but would return in a week. Oscar's project was on the front burner. Joe worked with Oscar and the scriptwriter, Daryl, on the new video. Other actors and members of the crew seemed to drop by when they felt like it. The dress code was very informal. Joe didn't like tan lines. They rang a bell if we needed to cover up. That was mostly for meter readers and UPS men.

I met some of the non-resident acting troop. Sandy was a full time UPS driver who made a delivery to the studio and liked want he saw. He had a domineering wife at home and the Studio was a release for him. Rusty was a plumber. He played rednecks since he looked the part. Ellery was an older man who looked like a bank president. He was a retired teacher.

Several women visited the Studios. Having women there was uncomfortable for me. That turned out not to be a problem. Two of them, Roxie and Julie, joined us at the pool. When they stripped, I discovered they were well-endowed men. They say women are bad cocksuckers, but that definitely didn't include Roxy. She or he was a wonder.

I also met a potential client on a tour of the studio. A man named Caspar and his friend Don came to my cabin to look at the shower. It was possibly the set for their video. I had just been in the shower and I answered the door wearing only a towel. They liked the view. I asked them in and showed them the shower as I dried off. They liked that view even better.

I asked they if they would like to try the shower. They jumped at the opportunity. The most ordinary and common come-ons work when you are in the mood. Caspar was a young man about my age. Don was older and I soon figured out he was Caspar's sugar Daddy.

The two men liked the shower. Caspar said it reminded him of the showers at school. "I never played with any one, but I sure liked the scenery."

"When I was younger, the Y was the hot spot. You would make a selection in the showers and then adjourn to the Steam room or the Sauna," Don said. "It was mostly fondling and a little sucking. I loved it then. Shit, I still like it."

I joined them in the shower. They were already half hard. When I joined them, their cocks inflated to full size. "What sort of a video are you thinking about making?" I asked.

"I was thinking about doing a hard hitting expose on locker room sexual shenanigans," Don said.

"A deep, penetrating, action packed drama?" I asked.

"You got it. That is exactly what I am thinking about," he said with a smile. "I'm thinking about a lot of character development and personal growth."

"I bet most of the growth will be in asshole diameter," I remarked. Both men laughed.

"We are old friends, but my cock is pretty average. Caspar wants to try something bigger," Don said.

"Your aren't worried about him moving on?" I asked.

"Sex isn't the same as love," Don replied. "He's not going to have my babies!" He was right about that. We were all hard by then and we connected. I was thinking this was going to be a little suck session, but they were in the mood. I ended up rear-ending Caspar in front of Don. Caspar liked it; Don loved watching. As I climaxed in Caspar's ass, Don sprayed us with a sperm shower.

When we were done, Mandingo dropped in. He said his shower was broken. He stripped and joined us. We were still semi-hard and still drooling. When they saw Mandingo's cock, I could tell the deep and penetrating drama was going to be a few inches deeper.

The next day Joe and Daryl had the outlines of Oscar's epic ready and Joe started casting. Oscar wanted a story about kindly old gentleman who rescued handsome young men from a life of depravity. Oscar seemed to believe you could achieve salvation through some sort of genital communion.

Gay porn isn't much on plot. Oscar wasn't going to make it as a playwright on Broadway. That didn't bother anyone. Joe had a few actors who looked younger than their actual age. There was one Mexican, Juan, and a Cambodian, Tan, who could play the youth.

Lance and I were to be the bad influences. I think Oscar would have liked to be the hero, but he didn't have the nerve. A man named Charlie Wallop would play the kindly gentleman. He looked like Santa but was well hung and permanently in heat. Charlie was not my type at all. You shouldn't think of Santa as a troll, but he was close.

We had a read through of the script. No one had many lines. Talking parts weren't anyone's strong suit. Joe and Moe also had a few warm up sessions. He liked to watch and see who hit it off with whom. Since no one could actually act, it was best if the men hit it off a little bit. It was easier to have wild and crazy sex with someone you liked.

The warm up sessions were around the pool. The objective was to play with everyone. The Cambodian was great. He did it all and liked it all. The Mexican was a good sucker, but anal wasn't good for him. Luckily, we had a 22-year-old kid, Larry, from the suburbs that filled the gap. His ass swallowed my cock without effort. He also did well with Mandingo's horse cock. He loved it.

I had a few surprises too. I was unoccupied and standing next to Oscar and Charlie. Oscar left and Charlie looked lonely. I went over to him.

"I'm fully loaded," he said. "Can you help me out?" There was no way I could say no. I dropped to my knees and took his semi soft cock into my mouth. He wasn't semi soft for long. Charlie was very uncut and this thick skin had trapped all of his cock drool in the gap between his cock head and the skin. It was almost intoxicating.

I like sex, but I am not driven. I know men who are continually on the prowl. I wait for it to come to me. That has rarely been a long wait. While I like sex, I don't fall in love. Sex is recreation for me, not a part of a great quest for Mr. Right. While I get emotional during sex, I don't become emotionally attached to my playmate. I know some men who move from crisis to crisis as relationships bloom, thrive and then whither. I don't have that problem.

I also moved with friends who were mostly young, slim, clean cut and preppy. My older friends were no more than forty-five, all were cut and most were shaved. Charlie was well over sixty, beefy, hairy and horny. His cock was oversized and his big balls were in a fur covered ball sack. Nothing about him was attractive until my tongue explored his foreskin.

Thinking about it later, I realized that while Charlie was nothing like the beach bunny studs I had liked, he was all man without the frills. He would never have co-starred in a Frankie and Annette movie, but if you needed a Viking Chieftain or a barbarian invader, Charlie was the man for you. When he smiled, he was Santa. When he snarled, he was scary.

It was getting cool and we went to my cabin. Joe, Oscar, Larry and Tan joined us. Charlie was energetic and he fucked everyone who wanted it. Larry did a spectacular job of pretending to be frightened of Charlie's huge cock and then taking it and shooting off. Tan did a little oriental dance on his cock. He also went to Oscar and got the older man to fuck him. Oscar was in heaven.

It was late and everyone left except for Charlie. "Enough preliminaries, let's get down to some real sex!" he said. "My balls are still full." A minute later, I wasn't on my back and his cock had vanished into my ass.

Next: Chapter 2

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