Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Jan 17, 2022


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 9 -- Knock Knock

I opened the door a crack as I was wearing just my boxer briefs. The light from the hallway was blinding. I could see Brent's tall figure in front of me. He had something in his hands.

Brent said, "I heard you needed some sheets. May I come in?"

I opened the door and sat on the bed. Brent closed the door behind him. It was dark again. He handed me a towel, pillow, a set of sheets and a blanket.

I said, "thanks so much, I was just getting settled in."

Brent said, "well I wanted to make sure you were comfortable."

I grabbed the fitted sheet and bent over to put the corner on the mattress. I felt Brent stand behind me. He brushed his groin against my ass. It felt really good. I froze in position because I didn't want this moment to stop. I had the hots for Brent from the moment I laid eyes on him. His chiseled chest and abs and strong arms turned me on so much. He rubbed my hips on both sides with his hands and started to grind his groin against my ass. I turned around to face him and he took his shirt off. My cock was as hard and pointing straight up in my tight boxer briefs.

Brent said, "I hope you don't mind if I stay for a bit."

I stood on my tippy toes and put my arms around his neck. His shoulders and upper body were so much more developed than mine. He put his arms around me and pulled my head towards his. Our mouths met and we passionately kissed. My breathing increased as we kissed. I felt his cock get harder and it pressed against my stomach. I pressed my cock into his hip. I reached down and pulled down his shorts. He was still wearing his boots from the Tug of War.

I said, "let's take these off."

Brent sat down on the bed and pulled his shorts and underwear down past his knees. I got down on the floor and unlaced his boots one at a time and pulled them off. I pulled off his white athletic socks and looked up at him. My eyes had adjusted to the dark and I looked up at Brent from his knees. His legs were spread, and his cock was straight up. I pulled his shorts and underwear off and rubbed his thighs with my hands. I rubbed his balls and put my mouth over the head of his cock. He was much bigger and thicker than me. His uncut cock had a big round head. His hairless balls hung tight against his body. His pubes were not trimmed but not overly bushy. His cockhead felt perfect inside of my mouth.

After just a taste, Brent pulled me up to his mouth and leaned back on the bed. As we kissed, Brent reached into my underwear. He grabbed my hard cock and began to stroke it gently. I felt him slowly gyrate against my body as we continued to kiss. His tongue explored my mouth. I could feel his curly beard against my chin. This felt so good.

Brent sat up and told me to stand. He pressed his face against my underwear and rubbed my hairy ass cheeks with his hands. I pressed my cock against his mouth and could feel the warmth of his breath through the fabric of my underwear. He put his thumbs under the elastic of my boxer briefs and pulled them down. I was now totally naked standing in front of Brent who sat on my bed. Brent grabbed both of my ass cheeks and drew my hard cock towards his mouth.

Brent sucked my cock all the way down. It felt so amazing for my cock to be exploring his warm wet mouth. I put my hand on the top of his head and pushed all the way in. He did not gag one bit. I pulled out and he took a deep breath in. He pressed my ass cheeks, and I pushed all the way down again. Each thrust made my balls ass and cock tingle as I pumped my hard cock into his throat.

Brent pulled my cock out of his mouth and said, "come lie down with me on the bed."

He rolled to the edge of the bed against the wall. I laid down in his arms and kissed him deeply. I explored his mouth with my tongue and felt his body shutter with ecstasy. He reached behind me and rubbed my ass. I felt him run his finger up and down my ass crack as we continued to kiss. He straightened his body so he could rub his cock against my body. It felt so good to be in his arms.

He held one hand behind his head to expose his trimmed hairy armpit. He held the other hand against the back of my head and directed my face into it. I licked his armpit and kissed his bulging bicep. His muscles were rock hard but the skin on his body was soft and supple.

I slid down the bed and licked his nipple. I gave it a little nibble and felt his cock pulse against my body. I did it again and felt his cock respond. I licked from his nipple down to his cock, but my feet reached the edge of the bed. I got up and turned around and bent over on the bed with my knees near Brent's shoulders so I could suck his cock again.

I licked the drop of precum from the tip of Brent's cock before sucking his dick head. His cock head, though larger than mine, wasn't as wide as his shaft. I struggled to suck him down even halfway, as his cock filled my entire mouth. When I was sucking, he didn't push in any way and didn't rock his hips. He just let me explore his dick with my mouth at my speed. I could tell he was enjoying it and moaned each time I got a little bit more of his cock in my mouth.

As I sucked him, Brent rubbed my ass and balls with both hands. I loved how it felt when he rubbed my ass. He slowly began to rub my ass crack with one finger. I felt him remove his hand and heard him spit into his palm. He rubbed two lubed fingers around my asshole. It felt so good, I pushed my hips back.

I said, "I haven't done that before."

He said, "don't worry, we can take it slow."

I cradled his balls in my hand as I sucked his huge cock. He continued to rub my asshole with his fingers gently. He took one hand and moved my hand from his balls to his hard shaft. I grabbed the base of his cock tightly and his cock stiffened. I stroked his cock up and down and he began to breathe more heavily. I could feel his cock pulse and it got even bigger in my mouth and he pulled it out of my hand and mouth.

Brent pulled me into his arms again and we kissed. As we kissed, he grabbed my cock and stroked it gently. I stroked him at the same time.

Brent said, "don't cum right away, I want this to last."

I continued to kiss him but couldn't hold back any further.

I said, "I'm close."

He flipped around on the bed and pushed me down on my back. He put his cock in my mouth and took my cock into his. He grabbed the base of my cock in his hand just in time to feel my cock pump out a load of cum into his mouth. The second I came he moaned and vigorously sucked every drop of cum out of my cock. I pulsed load after load of cum into his mouth and he drank it all.

He rolled us over, so I was on top and moved my hand to the base of his dick. I grabbed it with both hands and stroked with my mouth on the head of his cock. He had to bend his legs and had his feet against the headboard and pumped his hips. The headboard knocked against the wall, and he moaned in delight.

Brent said, "I'm going to cum."

He pumped harder and faster and fucked my face hard and fast. He pushed his pelvis as I felt a huge jolt of cum squirt into my mouth. His body shook each time he dropped another load of hot cum into my mouth and throat. His cum was sweet and warmed and I swallowed every bit. Our bodies were wet with sweat and we both were out of breath.

I turned around and got back into his arms on the bed. He kissed my forehead and hugged me. It felt so nice to be with someone sexually and just enjoy the experience. I fell asleep in his big arms.

I heard a knock at the door. It must have been morning. I opened the door a crack. It was Rick.

"Good morning," he said.

I said, "good morning. What time is it?"

He said, "8:00 a.m. I want you to see something."

Brent got up behind me and poked his head into the door crack.

Rick laughed and said, "good morning, Brent. It's no surprise to see you here, slut."

Brent laughed and said, "shut up."

I closed the door and got dressed and left Brent in the room. Rick and I went to the room of Andre, one of the Zeta Alpha Rho Officers. Andre's door was open. He sat behind his desk, intently looking at his 3 computer monitors when Rick knocked. Rick introduced me and Andre and explained that I was Alvin's roommate.

Rick said, "show Jake the water bottle video."

Andre clicked at his computer and pulled up dark video of my dorm room.

I said, "how did you get this video? Did you put cameras in my room?"

Rick said, "yeah, when you were both at the car wash. You can't let him know though. Only Andre, Rohan, Douggie and I know."

Andre clicked to a video of Alvin sitting on his bed drinking a large 50 oz water bottle. He seemed to be forcing it down. Andre fast forwarded a bit to where Alvin held the bottle against the end of his cock. He pissed into the bottle and filled it 1/3 of the way up. He then pulled his pants all the way down, laid down on his bed, put the bottle to his lips and lied down so the piss would go in his mouth.

Rick turned around and said to me, "see he gets off on this shit."

I was in disbelief as I saw Alvin hold the bottle to his mouth with one hand and then jerk off with the other.

I asked, "when was this taken?"

Rick said, "last night after he left here. He didn't have enough piss I guess and wanted to jerk off. I think I did him a favour."

I said, "what are you going to do with the video."

Rick said, "you and I are going to have a meeting with Alvin in a couple of days after we get enough footage. After that he won't give you a problem and you can head back to your room."

I said, "he's going to be really angry."

Rick said, "angry at me for doing exactly what he did to you? Given last night's video he has nothing on you. Andre what's going on in the room now?"

Andre said, "he jerked off to some dirty underwear and then showered, do you want to see?"

I said "sure."

Andre clicked forward through some dark video. When the lights came on Alvin was searching through my dirty laundry. He grabbed the pair of my underwear I came in and laid down on his bed. He put the underwear over his face and jerked his cock.

I said, "those are my underwear that I came in yesterday."

Rick said, "he must really like you," and slapped me on the back.

Just as he did, Brent said, "what are we all looking at?"

Rick turned around and said, "oh nothing, just some roommate quibbles."

Brent said, "who's in the video choking his chicken?"

Rick said, "why, do you want to join in?"

Brent said, "maybe," and walked out of the room.

Rick closed the door. He told Andre to make clips from the videos and email them to him and to me. I gave Andre and Rick my email address and thanked them both for their help with Alvin. Rick explained that since it was "first bid day" and Zeta would be making offers, I should not be hanging around the house. He said that since we already had some good video on Alvin, I should head back to my room to pick up my shower stuff and clothes.

I walked back to Howard Hall and went right to my room. Alvin was sleeping even though it was mid-morning. I gently closed the door and quietly gathered some of my things in my backpack. My underwear that Alvin had in his mouth were sitting on the desk right next to Alvin's bed. I picked up my shaving bag making a sound that startled Alvin. He pointed to the ground.

I said, "I'm not doing that anymore."

He said, "The fuck you're not. Where have you been?"

I said, "none of your business," and kept packing my things, now with a more deliberate pace.

Alvin said, "I'm going to post everything I have on you if you don't do what I want. Come here and suck my cock."

I said, "I am staying out tonight, I have to get going. I don't have time now."

Alvin said, "who are you staying with?"

I didn't answer. I finished packing my bag and opened the door to leave.

Alvin said, "answer me fucker."

I closed the door and turned to walk out.

"Hey Jake, where have you been?" said someone behind me.

I turned around and saw Nate wearing his favourite shorts. I said, "I had too much to drink so I crashed at Zeta House last night. Are you going to the Sorting tonight?"

Nate said, "yeah we're both going, but neither of us can figure out what this is all about."

I said, "I'm, um, not sure either." I didn't want to betray Douggie's confidence and couldn't remember exactly what was secret and what was not.

Matteo said, "we should head over together."

I knew I'd already be at Zeta House and didn't want to let them know I was going to be there again tonight.

I said, "I'm heading over to the, um, book store right now, I'll catch up with you later."

I headed back to Zeta House quietly went to my temporary room there. I put a towel on and walked down the hall to the shower.

The washroom was empty, and it was great to grab a shower all by myself. The stalls were smaller here, but still did the job. I turned on the hot water and just stood under the shower head and closed my eyes. I couldn't get the thought of Brent's hot body out of my mind. I pinched my nipple and slowly stroked my cock thinking about Brent standing behind me pressing his groin into my ass. My cock pulsed thinking about Brent fucking my ass in that position. I have never been fucked in the ass but have played around a bit with myself. I really wanted him to be the first to enter me. I wanted to feel his big cock pulse inside of me and wondered if it would hurt more or whether it would feel good. I thought about him fucking me harder and harder as I stroked my cock. I could feel my balls bounce as I vigorously jacked my hard cock. I thought about how good Brent's ass would taste and imagined him bending over on the bed in front of me as I rimmed him. I thought about sucking Brent's cock as he came and imagined him exploding inside my mouth. The thought of Brent's cock and ass pushed me over the edge. I squired seven hot shots of cum all over the shower wall and watched the gobs of cum wash into the shower drain.

I finished cleaning up and went back to my room. Zeta House was oddly quiet. I put on some shorts and a shirt and laid down on the bed. There was another knock at my door.

I opened it, and it was Brent. He walked in. He was wearing khakis and a Zeta Alpha Rho golf shirt. I loved how these khakis showed off his full ass and legs. Brent flopped on the bed.

He said, "you don't mind if I hang out here with you?"

I said, "not at all. I was just thinking about yesterday."

Brent said, "I bet you were. I had to step out of the meeting because they're deciding who to give first bids to, and you're being considered. Since I'm fucking you, I figured I better step out."

I said, "really? They're considering me. Wait, we're fucking?"

Laughing, he said, "apparently," and patted the bed with his hand.

I laid down on the bed and he wrapped me in his big arms. It felt good to be right here. I know that I was only allowed to stay for 2 days but thought about what it would be like to live here.

Brent's hard cock tented his khaki pants. He turned on his side and slid me around so we could spoon. His hard cock pressed against my ass, and I pushed my hips back in kind. He breathed deeply and grabbed my right hip with his strong hands. He wrapped his other hand around my chest and pressed his body against mine.

He reached around to feel my hard cock in my shorts. I wasn't wearing underwear. He grabbed my cock shaft with his hand and stroked my cock through my shorts while grinding his cock against my ass. He slipped his hand inside my shorts and rubbed my balls and cock. It felt so good, but I wished his cock was inside of me.

I pulled my shorts down to around my knees and lifted my shirt up behind my head. Brent grabbed my cock and continued to stroke and grind.

I said, "I really want you to fuck me."

He nibbled my ear. He breathily said, "yeah, you want it?"

He lubed his hand with his spit and reached around to my cock. It felt as though he was sucking me. I rocked my hips in and out of his dick.

I said, "I want to suck you."

He wrapped his left arm around my chest and held me and stroked with determination. He was pulling me towards him and griding his cock against my ass.

He said, "this is all about you this time, but we could have some more fun."

He climbed out of the bed over me and stood up. He grabbed both of my ankles and turned me, so I was perpendicular on the bed on my back. He lifted his shirt up over his head like mine. I loved looking at his perfect pecs and abs. He lifted my ankles above his shoulders, and my bent ass pressed right against his crotch. He grabbed my cock again and stroked it with one hand while holding my legs with the other. His cock strained against his khakis as he pumped his cock against my ass crack. I looked up and imagined him inside of me and it got me close. I pinched both of my nipples and looked him in the eyes as he stroked my dick. I erupted quickly, shooting two small streams of cum over my belly. He scooped some up and ate it with his hand, and gently put my legs down. He stood there looking at me with his hard cock standing out in his pants.

I got down on my knees and slowly unzipped his pants. I pulled his underwear down and his big hard cock stood before me. His cock was pink and leaking precum. I licked the tip of his cock and put the cock head in my mouth. I grabbed his cock with both hands to stroke it as I sucked. He grabbed my head gently and quickly pumped my head. It didn't take long for him to start breathing heavily. I looked up at him and he looked into my eyes and bit his lower lip. He gently moaned and we maintained eye contact as he pumped my mouth faster and faster. Soon he pulled his cock out so his cockhead was right on my tongue and unloaded. My mouth filled with his hot cum and he closed his eyes as I swallowed. I left his cock in my mouth and milked out every ounce of him. He slowly removed his cock, and I kissed the tip. He jumped and laughed, and we got back in the bed, and he held me once again.

Brent said, "well that's #2, we have 4 more to go."

Next: Chapter 10

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