Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Jan 9, 2022


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 8 -- Tug of War

When we got to Zeta House, Rick found Rohan busy cleaning up for the Tug of War event this evening. Rick took Rohan aside and they talked while I helped clean up. I pretended to push a broom around while trying to listen. It looked like Rick was explaining what happened earlier. Rohan looked skeptical. I was worried that he would say I couldn't stay there. Rick seemed to press his point, after which Rohan called me over.

"Jake, right? Rick said you need a place to crash for a couple of days. No problem. You helped us today at the car wash. Zeta Alpha Rho can help you out."

I said, "thanks so much."

Rohan said, "I know you are rushing Zeta, but just have to tell you that no decisions have been made. It would be a good idea to keep making a good impression while you are here."

I said, "I understand, thanks again. Please let me know how I can help out."

Rohan said with a grin, "don't worry, you've already started."

I more earnestly swept up and gathered garbage from around the first floor of the house. Rohan joined me and got a bucket and mop and asked me to mop the floors while he and Rick attended to something in the main floor men's bathroom.

Other frat members came downstairs to help clean. I recognized Brent from the car wash earlier, but there were others, all wearing ZAP letter shirts and shorts. Brent looked just as good clothed as he did with his shirt off. His letter shirt was skin tight against his pecs and upper arms and showed off his ripped physique. As I was checking him out, we made brief eye contact, but I looked away. He smiled. When I finished mopping up, Rohan and Rick exited the men's bathroom together laughing. Rick came over to talk to me.

Rick said, "Alvin should be here soon, so maybe it would be best if you went out back and grabbed a beer. The Zeta brothers can finish cleaning up. I'm going to introduce you to Douggie."

I said, "I met Douggie yesterday."

Rick said, "good, he's going to help you prepare for the sorting tomorrow."

I said, "what is that?"

Rick said, "it's a bit of a game all of the frats use to sort out the men from the boys. I want you to do well. I already talked to him about helping you. Hey, there he is right now. Hey Douggie, come over here for a minute."

Douggie pushed his glasses up as he approached. He shook my hand as Rick introduced me.

Rick said "this is Jake. hopefully you can give Jake here some pointers for tomorrow's sorting."

Douggie said, "I look forward to it."

Douggie looked me up and down. Rick explained that Douggie won the sorting game last year and had a bit of a secret weapon.

Douggie said, "do you have time right now Jake?"

I said, "sure."

We headed into the residence part of the house and up the stairs. Douggie's room was on the second floor. Douggie opened his door and sat on his bed. There was only one bed in the room, so I sat on the chair in front of his desk.

I said, "what is the sorting game?"

Douggie looked me in the eye and said, "now before we start, I want you to keep this conversation between you and me."

I said, "of course."

Douggie said, "it's just that if I get caught telling you about the sorting game ahead of time or helping you in any way it would be against the rules of Rush week. I could get banned from participating in any Frat and Zeta Alpha Rho could be suspended."

I said, "I won't tell anyone I promise."

Douggie said, "if you do, I will tell Rick and the other frat brothers. It's not good to break a promise."

I said, "Douggie, I will not tell anyone."

Douggie said, "not one person, not even your friends or floor mates."

I said, "I agree. I promise."

Douggie said, "good, let's begin."

Douggie explained that the sorting game was an elimination game. He said that we would be paired off according to our Rush numbers (and pointed to my pin).

I said, "that means, I'm going to be paired with Alvin."

Douggie said, "yeah, Rick said your roommate Alvin was a bit of an ass. That's why he wanted me to help you. It's really important that you eliminate him right away."

Douggie explained the rules of the sorting game. He said that each pair of guys will lie down, side by side, around a huge bonfire circle in the middle of the woods. Each pair would lie down with their heads at their partner's feet, pull their pants off and jerk each other off. You're not allowed to cum. The first to get close yells stop, and they are the loser. The winners move on to the next round.

I asked, "what happens to the losers."

Douggie said that the first-round losers are all put in cock cages until the end of the rush period (or longer if they get accepted into a frat and they want them to keep it on during initiation). He said that the Rushees will get color coded bracelets that they have to wear for the rest of rush, depending on where they finish. The first-round losers will wear purple, the next round blue, the next round green, then yellow, then orange then the winner will wear red. He said for the rest of Rush, any Rush who wears a lighter bracelet can make you suck their dick on the spot.

I said, "whoa. So you won this last year?"

Douggie said, "yeah, with some luck, and some tricks I want to show you."

Douggie took out a mason jar full of a jelly like substance. He explained that this was his secret weapon. He grabbed some silicone and other lubricants from the chemistry department and made his own lube before the last event. He said his brother was a Zeta Alpha Rho member and warned him about the contest.

I said, "did you get all of the other guys to suck your dick?"

Douggie laughed, "no, I'm kind of shy. However, everyone wanted to get into my pants because I'm so long lasting."

I said, "can I get some of that for tomorrow?"

Douggie said, "for sure, but I want to show you some other tips and tricks, you should get on the bed if you're comfortable."

I said, "sure."

Douggie got up and took of his pants and underwear. We was wearing skin tight blue trunk boxers that made his ass look great and his bulge look huge. His cock was 6 inches soft, and his pink cock head looked delicious set against his bright red pubic hair. I pulled my pants down and removed my underwear and covered myself a bit as I got into the bed. Douggie grabbed the jar and laid down on the bed with his head at my feet. He placed the jar between us.

Douggie said, "are you right-handed or left-handed?"

I said, "right."

Douggie said, "ok you will want to make sure Alvin is on your right side.

I said, "OK."

Douggie said, "are you alright to get started?"

I said, "yeah."

Douggie took two fingers and grabbed some lube from the jar. He told me to do the same. I stuck my fingers into the jar and pulled out some lube and massaged it into my palm. My cock was hard just from lying next to Douggie and looking at his cock.

Then I felt it. Douggie's lubed hand grabbed my cock around the base. I did the same to him. My cock pulsed in Douggie's hand. It was cold at first, but Douggie's lubed hand was the best thing I've felt on my cock. My cock instantly pulsed in his hand, and he gently stroked me up and down and I did the same to him.

Douggie said, "now we are going to start stroking. I want you think about something repulsing while I'm stroking so you don't cum. Don't think about how good it feels. We can start."

Douggie's hand started slowly jerking my cock. He explained that I should start slow and speed up as the cock will get desensitized if I start too quickly. It felt so good. As I stroked Douggie's pink dick it got thicker and pointed toward his belly button. I kept pace with Douggie. I moaned a bit and struggled to think about something other than this beautiful cock in my hand.

Douggie said, "it's important to look for queues in your partner and how fast he is going. Try to match his pace if it is not too fast to cause desensitization."

He jerked quicker and quicker and I felt my balls start to tingle. Douggie was starting to react too. I felt his leg muscles against my shoulder and felt him rock his cock in my hand. I loved feeling his cock in my hand get harder and harder. I imagined him rocking in and out of my mouth like that. I thought about lying here next to that hot cock that I wanted to suck so badly, and I was starting to get close. Once he felt me getting close, Douggie squeezed my hard cock a little harder and continued to speed up.

He said, "I think I got you," and laughed. He stopped jerking. He said, "what were you thinking about when you got close?"

I said, "I was thinking about sucking that big cock of yours."

He laughed and said, "see, now let's try it again and avoid any sexual thoughts."

He put his hand back on my cock. I continued to jerk his cock. He matched my jerking speed quickly.

He said, "now when you start to first realize that he is going to make you cum, pull back on your dick and think about school or something that will make your cock soft, like your mother or a funeral."

I started to pull back on my cock a bit. Douggie got more serious about jerking my cock. I thought about my aunt's funeral and the orgasm feeling subsided.

I said, "it's working."

Douggie said, "now you don't want the penalty if you do cum."

We were quickly stroking each other. I could feel his cock get harder as he talked. I could hear both of our breathing. I struggled to speak.

I said, "what happens if you cum?"

Douggie breathily said, "if you cum, you also have to wear a brown bracelet, meaning that not only have to blow anyone in a lighter bracelet, they can also fuck you if they want."

We were both quickly jerking each other's hard cocks. I could hear him struggle to not cum and I could feel the orgasm rising in my body. I thought about Douggie fucking me with that big cock, and it was too much.

I said, "stop, stop, stop," but it was too late. I long stream of cum flew up in the air and splashed down on my chest and face."

I was breathing heavily, and we both lifted our lubed hands off our dicks.

Douggie said, "now you need to learn when you are past the point of no return and say stop sooner."

Douggie got up and bent over to grab a towel. Douggie had a small amount of light hair in his ass crack and had an ample ass. He turned around, making sure that I was checking his ass out and wiped his hand on the towel. The then threw the towel to me.

Douggie said, "here take this."

I sat on the edge of the bed, still breathing heavily. He handed me a small mason jar with the lube and a small tube.

I said, "what's in the tube."

He said, "this is desensitization cream. Put some on your dick before you leave to go to the sorting. Don't mix the two up," and laughed.

I said, "thanks."

Douggie said, "we should wrap it up here, but make sure you cum a few times tonight and tomorrow morning so you go to the sorting with empty balls."

I said, "will do."

Douggie said, "that wasn't too weird, was it?"

I said, "no I appreciate the help."

Douggie said, "we should go downstairs to watch the Tug of War."

I said, "I thought this was the Tug of War," and laughed.

Douggie laughed, "no, no, we are having an actual Tug of War. The winning Frat gets to lead Predator Prey on Thursday night."

I said, "What's that?"

He said, "You haven't played Predator Prey?"

I said, "I did in grade school."

Douggie said, "but probably not like this."

Douggie explained that all of the Rushees will play a game of Predator Prey in the woods on Thursday night. Same rules as normal but using the colour coded bracelets as animal groups. If you tag a member of the lower colour they have to suck your dick (or fuck them if the prey is wearing a brown bracelet as well) and give you one of their Rush cards. He said that the frat overseeing the game will also be in the woods trying to catch some tail themselves, as all frat members wear a white wrist band.

I said, "so let me get this straight, it's like a big orgy in the woods."

Douggie said, "yeah but more competitive and really rough. Last year, Sigma Gamma Pi won, and were unnecessarily mean to the Rushees."

I said, "did they do anything to you?"

Douggie laughed, "yeah I sucked a lot of Sigma cock that night. Probably the first time I didn't want to suck a dick. They jackhammered my face for 20 seconds and move on. They banged my face so hard I thought I'd be bruised, but I wasn't. They were just in it for the humiliation."

I said, "so do you have any plans to win this evening?"

Douggie smiled and said, "yeah, but nothing that I'm going to tell you. You already have enough secrets to keep."

He patted me on the back, and we went downstairs. The house was full of people now. I went out to the back yard and grabbed a beer. As soon as I bent over to grab a beer, I could feel Brent checking me out. We made eye contact again and I looked away. Brent kept looking. I look back and smiled. He was on the other side of the yard and started to walk toward me. Out of nowhere Nate popped up behind me.

Nate said, "Oh my God. Where have you been?"

I said, "um, getting a tour of the house."

He looked at me funny and said, "you have to see this."

He put his arm around me and took be back into the house. I turned around to see where Brent was, but I couldn't see him.

Nate said, "chug your beer. He went out to the back and grabbed another and started to chug it on the way back."

I said, "why are we chugging beer?"

He said, "just do it," and kept drinking.

I obliged. I drank the beer as quickly as I could and crumpled the can when I was done.

Nate asked, "do you have to take a piss yet?"

I said, "no."

He burped and ran back, grabbed two more beers from the cooler and ran back. He handed me a beer and walked to the front of the house. There was a line 3 deep heading into the men's washroom on the first floor.

I said, "what's going on?"

He said, "you'll want to see this. Keep drinking."

I drank the beer and the line seemed to move quickly. Two guys came out laughing so hard they couldn't talk. They mimicked a pissing motion in front of them and laughed some more.

We eventually got into the washroom. The stalls in the front of the washroom were taped off with caution tape, forcing everyone to one stall way at the back through the second doorway. Though the second doorway the flooring and walls were a bit different, and everything was painted black except the urinal. The guy in front of us finished and turned around. He shook his head in disbelief. When we got to the front of the line Nate pointed to the ground. It was Alvin.

Alvin's head was poking out of a hole in the wall under the urinal. Duct tape covered his eyes and kept the flexible pipe coming out of the urinal securely in Alvin's mouth. Anyone pissing in the urinal would be pissing right into Alvin's mouth. He had the words "piss pig" written on a piece of duct tape on his forehead.

Nate did not hesitate to put his beer on the top of the urinal and take his hot cock out to try to piss. He grabbed the beer and drank the rest of the beer, and the piss started the flow. Alvin tried to mumble something through the tube, but I couldn't make out what he said. Nate laughed and continued to piss. The piss backed up in the urinal a bit but slowly went down as Alvin swallowed more and more hot piss. Nate put his cock away when he was done and continued to laugh. He pointed at my cock and the urinal.

I took my dick out. It was hard to piss with Nate watching. Because of the two beers however, the piss started to flow. I'm sure there was a bit of cum in the first bit of it and the urinal quickly filled up again. Alvin's head wiggled as he struggled against whatever was holding him down but started to drink. He would stop every little bit and you could hear him struggle to breathe out of his nostrils. I have to admit that it was nice to see Alvin struggle for a change.

I finished pissing, put my cock away and began to laugh quietly. I didn't want Alvin to know who's piss he was drinking. I turned around to squeeze by the other guys waiting for their chance at the urinal. Rick was not kidding about the piss punishment. I bet right now Alvin was regretting not having his cock head zapped with the cattle prod.

Once Nate and I were out the doors I laughed so hard I cried. Nate snorted when he laughed really hard and was grabbing his stomach. I had to find Rick. I felt bad for Alvin it must be so disgusting to drink that much piss and to be stuck in that washroom all night.

I went out to the back yard and found Rick by the pool. I pulled him aside.

I said, "I just saw Alvin."

Rick smiled and said, "I don't know what you mean."

I said, "he's going to be so angry with me."

Rick said, "don't worry, we're not going to let him exact any revenge. This is going to leave a bad taste in his mouth to say the least."

I said, "well I don't want to be around when you let him out."

Rick said, "trust me, he will know everyone will have seen him in there and will want to leave."

I said, "I feel bad that's all."

Rick said, "don't. He chose this. I even gave him the same choice to get a zap to the cock head after he saw the whole rig, and he chose to do this."

I said, "I appreciate all the help."

Rick said, "to finish the plan you need to do well tomorrow, did you have a good meeting with Douggie?"

I said, "yeah, I learned a lot."

Rick said, "good. Now make sure you do your homework tonight," and winked.

I said, "will do."

I got back to the party. Out in the back yard the frats were being called over to compete in the Tug of War. Zeta beat the Latino frat in the first round. Sigma lost to Lambda Lambda Upsilon, the Christian frat in the first round. Psi Omega Pi the African American frat beat the Jewish frat. Since Zeta Alpha Rho won the quickest, the Psi Omega Pi battled the Lambda Lambda Upsilon next. Psi Omega Pi won.

I knew that whoever won the next round would run the Predator Prey game Thursday night. Because of that an because I knew some of the Zeta guys, I really hoped they would win.

Brent was the Zeta House anchor at the back and Rick was at the front of rope. Rohan and 5 other Zeta members filled in the middle. All the Zeta Alpha Rho guys were wearing work boots. The Psi Omega Pi guys all looked bigger and stronger, but they were wearing running shoes. Both teams picked up the rope and began.

I watched as each team leaned back and rocked the rope. You could see Brent's veins in his neck bulge out as he leaned and pulled the rope. The crowd cheered both sides and screamed. I loved watching all of the guys strong legs push, as the flag in the middle didn't seem to move much at first.

Each side dug their feet into the ground and the flag in the middle of the rope began to sway first to the Psi Omega Pi side and then to the Zeta side.

Rick yelled, "pull, pull, pull."

The Zeta team leaned hard, and the flag moved towards them. They pulled back rhythmically over and over and soon it was done. Zeta Alpha Rho won. The crowd of people surrounding cheered and everyone competing shook hands. Zeta Alpha Rho would oversee the Predator Prey game.

After the match, I walked over to congratulate Rick on the win. Rick told me he was going to release Alvin and said I should stay outside. Brent came over to me and I gave him a high five. He put his muscular arm around my shoulder.

Brent said, "how are you enjoying the party?"

I said, "pretty good, congratulations on the win."

Brent said, "it was a team effort, these guys worked hard tonight."

I said, "you did."

Brent moved his arm to high five another team member and went over to talk to another team member. I could still feel the warmth of his arm on my shoulder. Rohan came over to me.

Rohan said, "would you like to see where you're crashing?"

I said, "sure."

Rohan led me back to the second floor of the residence part of the house, right next to Douggie's room. He pulled out a key on a plastic key chain out of his pocket and handed it to me.

Rohan said, "don't lose the key, and give it back to me Friday morning. Make sure the room is how you found it when you leave. Until then, the room is yours."

I opened the door. The room was identical to Douggie's. It had a single bed, a desk and chair and a window overlooking Sigma House. There were no sheets or pillow. I turned around to Rohan who was walking away.

I said, "Rohan, do you have any sheets or pillow?"

Rohan said, "I don't have any extra, but I'll ask around."

I locked the room and headed back downstairs. Rick walked through the house.

I said, "Rick, I'm wondering if you could grab my sheets, pillow, towel and shaving bag out of my room?"

Rick said, "I guess you didn't bring anything. I can do that in the morning. I don't want to go into your room right this minute. Alvin was pretty grumpy when I let him out."

I said, "I can't imagine how he felt drinking all that piss."

Rick said, "He was more upset about how tight the zip ties were around his wrists. I told him paybacks are a bitch and laughed."

After a bit I went back to my room and laid down on the bed. I took my shirt and shorts off and rolled them into a ball to make a pillow. It wasn't that bad. Right before I fell asleep, I heard a knock at the door.

I heard a voice say, "it's Brent."

Next: Chapter 9

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