Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Jan 3, 2022


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 7 -- Car Wash

I finished up Alvin's laundry. I folded it and placed it in his cupboard as he watched. It was more humiliating when he watched. I knew why I was doing his laundry. I knew he had those videos of me. I knew what he would do with them if I disobeyed him. I knew that this was just the beginning. What would he have me doing for him next? Don't get me wrong, it was a turn on to suck his cock and do what he wanted sexually. Alvin's control let me live my fantasies, but at what cost? With Alvin, the price seemed to be always going up.

Today was the day of the charity car wash events at each frat house. They all began at 12:00 noon. I thought it was weird that the events began at the same time we were allowed to select what Frats we want to rush.

Alvin decided that we should leave at quarter to noon. As Alvin and I walked out of our room, we saw Matteo and Nate exit down the back staircase. Instead of walking with Alvin I caught up with my other two floormates. We all had a good time at the barbeque yesterday and hoped Nate and Matteo would also attend the Zeta carwash. I assumed Alvin would go to the Sigma carwash next door.

Matteo wore boardshorts and his rush shirt. His rush shirt fit tightly over his stocky torso. I loved how it showed off his arms and how his stocky middle stuck out of the bottom a bit. Nate wore his "too short" shorts and his rush shirt. I enjoyed walking behind the two and watching Matteo's full ass jiggle a bit when he walked. I also peeked between Nate's legs hoping to catch a look of his ball sack.

When we got to Zeta House, Alvin kept walking to Sigma House. Both houses had a long driveway leading to the side of the house, and a small 5 spot parking lot by the road. The two parking lots joined at the property line, with cement parking dividers separating them.

Zeta House had the barbeque set up on the lawn with big buckets full of ice. There were some wash buckets, one hose and lots of wash sponges littering the ground. Before things started, I got out my rush App and selected Zeta House as the one frat I wanted to rush. I considered adding Sigma as a backup, in case Zeta didn't choose me, but I didn't. I figured, if Zeta didn't accept me then I would focus on academics and try again next year.

I looked around for Rick, but he was not there. Rohan carried a couple cases of beer out of the front door of Zeta House and called over for some help. Nate, Matteo and I ran up to help. We filled the ice buckets with soda and beer cans and helped setting up. Rohan told us to take off our shirts and to start making car wash signs. Rohan did the same. The hair from his full beard continued down his neck to a full blanket of chest and belly hair. He had nice shoulders and biceps and one of his nipples was pierced. I noticed that his frat members really seemed to like him and wanted to work hard for him.

Rohan introduced us to Brent the Zeta member who was in charge of the sign crew. He said the hot frat guys would attract the customers and we would wash the cars. He laughed that it was a bit of bait and switch. Brent was much taller than me, with a thick curly beard and wavy dark brown hair. He was wearing board shorts that hung at the base of his hip. He has broad shoulders and huge pecs and biceps. His chest was completely hairless. I loved the way his low board shorts showed off his well-defined abdominal muscles in the front and the top of his muscular ass cheeks in the back. I had trouble concentrating on making the car wash signs as I kept looking at Brent's hot body.

Soon the frat members came out of the house and stripped off their shirts. The sun glistened over their strong shoulders and backs. It turned me on to watch them rub sunscreen over their toned bodies. Rohan put on some music. Some of the better built guys went into the house and came out wearing short swimming trunks. Each grabbed a car wash sign and went out in the street to advertise. They held the signs so that you couldn't see their bathing suits underneath. They looked completely naked. I watched as they flexed their biceps and flirted with guys and girls driving by trying to get our first customer. Soon our first car rolled in. It was a gay couple driving an expensive car.

Rohan said, "come on boys, let's give these gentleman a show. This is for charity Sir, any tips would be appreciated."

The Zeta members made sure the guys had a good view of these muscled college guys soaping down the car, bending over to wash the wheels, and hose the whole thing off. By the time we washed our first couple of cars we had a line up down the road. Sex sells.

At the car wash I met another Zeta brother, Douggie. He was shorter than me with ginger hair, glasses and freckles. He had freckled shoulders and a light spattering of orange chest hair on his upper chest. He was average build. He was washing cars with us. We talked a bit as we washed the cars. He was into science fiction and was a chemistry student. Douggie was no male model, but really nice to talk to.

While we were washing cars, Rohan repeatedly checked his phone. He asked Nate if he was going to select a frat today to rush and Nate admitted he forgot and ran back to where we dropped off our shirts to grab his phone. As I watched Nate bend over trying to see if his balls were hanging out of his short shorts, I noticed Alvin on the Sigma lawn on all 4's looking for something in the grass. I walked over to him to see if I could help.

"I can't find my fucking phone," Alvin said.

I said, "Let me help you look for it, where did you have it last?"

Alvin said, "I took my keys and phone out of my pocket and put it with my rush shirt over here. Someone must have knocked it with their foot."

I got down on all 4's to help him look. It wasn't there. Rohan came over to see what was going on. He went over to one of the Sigma brothers washing cars and came back. Rohan asked all of the Zeta brothers not washing cars to help look for the phone. We couldn't find it.

Rohan said to Alvin, "maybe you dropped it on the way here?"

Alvin said, "I'm sure I put it on my shirt right with my keys."

Rick said, "Maybe someone will turn it in at campus lost and found. I can take you there if you like?"

Rick wasn't there a minute ago. Where did he come from? I thought it was interesting that the Zeta brothers were more interested in helping Alvin than the Sigma brothers who Alvin was volunteering for.

Alvin said, "if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like that."

Alvin and Rick walked away from the car wash, and we all got back to work. We had a long line of cars that needed cleaning. At the end of the car wash Rohan and Brent both came up to each of the rushes that helped and thanked them. Rohan said he liked how Nate and I helped Alvin look for his phone, as sit showed brotherhood. I was pleased that I made a good impression.

After the car wash, I went back to Howard Hall to shower off and change. I made sure I followed all of Alvin's rules. I didn't bring a towel to the shower and wasn't as embarrassed as before, partly because I didn't have any visible marks on my ass. When I got to my room, I entered completely naked and grabbed my towel hanging on the back of the door. Alvin was laying on his bed with his hands behind his head and an erection visible in his pants.

Alvin said, "you better hope I find that phone, it has a whole bunch of your pictures on it."

My heart sunk. I froze. Alvin pointed at the floor and sat on the edge of his bed. I got down on my knees. Alvin pulled his shorts and underwear down to the floor and kicked them off with his foot and held his cock in his hands.

Alvin said, "you know what would make me feel better? Your mouth on the end of my cock."

I wrapped my lips around his cock and slowly sucked it down to the base of his dick. I could taste a bit of the sweat from the car wash and today's heat on his cock. I pulled his medium hard cock out of my mouth and licked his balls and the crease between his legs and his nut sack. I could taste more sweat here, but I loved how Alvin breathed deeply when I licked him like this. I put his cock back in my mouth and he got fully hard. He held my head down on his dick with one hand and then leaned all the way back on the bed and grabbed my head with both hands and fucked my face until he came right down my throat. He lasted less than 2 minutes. I loved how I was learning how to get him off and he was learning to like my mouth.

Alvin said, "now I have to take a piss bitch, kneel on the floor."

I did was I was told. What did he mean by take a piss? Was he going to piss all over me and make a mess? Alvin stood up facing the door and pointed down in front of him. I kneeled down facing Alvin. He put a finger in my mouth, and I sucked it.

Alvin said, "no, open your mouth."

I did. Alvin held his soft cock near my mouth. I licked the last drops of cum off the end of his dickhead. Alvin slapped my face.

Alvin said, "stop it bitch, I'm trying to piss."

I could feel him trying to force himself to piss. I held my mouth open. I heard a knock at the door in the room next to us. It was the housekeeper.

I said, "I think the Housekeeper is coming."

Alvin said, "fuck the Housekeeper, I'll tell her to go away. Now shut the fuck up and open your mouth."

I did. Alvin shot one small shot of piss right into my mouth and pushed his dick in. It tasted strong and I gagged.

Alvin said, "if you spill any piss, I'll make you drink everyone's piss on this floor bitch. Open wide and don't lick my cock you whore."

I opened up again. Alvin started to piss again. This time it was a strong stream. We both heard a knock at the door. I leaped into the bed.

"Recycling," the Housekeeper's voice rang out, as she put her key in our door and opened it.

Alvin yelled, "come back later, we're busy."

The Housekeeper said, "it will only take a minute."

I covered myself in the blanket and watched in horror as Alvin was frozen except for a long stream of piss coming out of his cock and onto the floor. Alvin covered his cock with both hands, but the piss continued to stream out and onto the floor.

The housekeeper screamed, "stop it! Stop! Who do you think is going to clean this up?"

Soon there were 6 other guys looking into our room in horror. I saw Rick poke his head behind the guys and force his way in.

Rick yelled, "Alvin, what in the hell did you do now?"

The housekeeper pointed at Alvin and said he was coming in to take out the recycling and Alvin was peeing on the floor. Rick kneeled down, touched the carpet, and smelled his fingers.

Rick said, "I'll handle this. He will clean up his own mess. Now everyone out."

Rick pushed the door closed and said, "not you two. Get some fucking clothes on, both of you."

I put on my basketball shorts and Alvin grabbed his shorts and underwear from floor.

Rick looked Alvin right in the eye and said, "this is your second offence Alvin, do you have some type of pissing problem?"

Alvin said, "no, please I'll clean the room I promise. Please don't tell the housing office."

Rick said, "I don't think I can offer you a deal this time. You have pissed all over this carpet. That's destruction of property. I don't think you're right for student housing. I also don't think you're right for any fraternity or Greek life."

Alvin said, "oh please, please Rick, I'll do whatever you want."

Rick said, "anything?"

Alvin said, "yes anything, please, I can't afford to live off campus as I already paid my housing fees for the year. Please Rick I beg you."

Alvin got down on his knees and begged Rick, looking right at Rick's groin.

Rick grabbed Alvin by the ear and forced his face down to the floor, right in the place where he just pissed. Alvin resisted a bit. Rick sat on my bed and pressed his face into the floor with his foot. The sneaker tread pressed against his face. Rick kept up the pressure until Alvin stopped struggling.

Rick said, "now were going to have some honesty out of the both of you if this is going to work. Am I clear Jake?"

I said, "yes Rick."

Rick said, "Am I clear Alvin?"

He said, "yes Rick."

Rick said, "Alvin, do you know admit that you were blackmailing Jake?"

Alvin said, "it wasn't like that he wanted it."

Rick pressed his foot against Alvin's skull harder.

Rick said, "without honesty, then I'm going to have to take this to the housing office."

Alvin said, "OK I admit it.

Rick said, "all of that stops here and now. No more pissing around. No more blackmail videos on your laptop. No more fucking rules. Am I clear?"

Alvin said, "yes. Please you're hurting me."

Rick eased off. Alvin kept his face down on the floor.

Rick said, "I'm going to give you two options Alvin. One, you will steam clean the carpet and let me zap your dick head with the cattle prod. It will hurt like hell for a second or two. Everyone will hear you scream. Or, two, you steam clean the carpet and you will drink some Zeta piss at the Tug-of-War tonight at Zeta House. I'll promise you that either way, you'll never forget this lesson."

Alvin said, "isn't there something else I can do? Can't I suck your dick or something?"

Rick said, "no, you'd like that too much. The punishment has to fit the crime."

Alvin said, "how much piss do I have to drink?"

Rick said, "anyone who has to piss for 3 hours tonight starting at 7 pm."

Alvin said, "fuck."

Rick pressed his foot against Alvin's face hard again.

Alvin said, "I'll do it, I'll drink the piss. Please just don't hurt my cock."

Rick said, "are you sure? It will only take a minute, we can get it over right now?"

Alvin said, "anything but that."

Rick said, "glad we could work this out. Be at Zeta House at 6:30 pm sharp. Alvin, if you're one minute late, the deal is off. I will go to housing and report all of this to Sigma house and every other frat on campus."

Rick got up, walked towards the door and said, "Jake, we're not through. I'll talk to you later."

Once Rick left, Alvin just stayed there on the floor. I reached my arm down to him to help him up. He pushed me away and got up on his own. He was mad at me again.

I said, "why don't we both take a shower and clean up for tonight?"

Alvin was silent. I got my towel and shower bag and walked over to the shower fully clothed.

As I showered, I thought about what just happened. It would be easier to feel sorry for Alvin if he took some responsibility for his actions. He should have stopped when I told him the housekeeper was coming. He shouldn't have pissed in the room if it could make a mess, especially since Rick already warned him. There isn't any place where you can just go around pissing all over everything and not have any consequences. Did I like the role play with Alvin? Yes. Was it an overall negative experience. Also, yes.

I wrapped the towel around me and went back to the room. Alvin was extremely pissed.

I said, "they're going to piss into a cup and make you drink from it, it will be no big deal, Alvin."

Alvin said, "if you had just kept drinking, I wouldn't have made a mess. It would have looked like you were just sucking my cock and she would have left the room. That fucking housekeeper just can't barge in like that."

I said, "would you have done the same? Would you have kept drinking the piss with the housekeeper in the room?"

Alvin said, "I would have done whatever I needed to protect the both of us."

I said, "now that's not fair. If that were true, you would have stopped when I told you the housekeeper was coming. You wouldn't listen. The sooner you accept your role in this, the better for the both of us."

Alvin said, "what do you mean by `for the both of us'?"

I said, "I mean that what we had is over, no more calling you Sir or any of your rules. I'm done with this shit. You heard Rick. Look, I can't afford to get kicked out of housing and I don't want anyone to think I'm a weirdo."

Alvin said, "well you're just going to have to pay the consequences then bitch. I'm not through with you. You're going to pay for today and for showing me disrespect. I'm going to do what I have to tonight, but when I get home, you're going to have hell to pay. If you don't do what I want, I'll post everything I have on that computer. Be smart and don't force me to do that. It was your choice to start serving me and it will be your choice to end it. Make the right choice Jake. In the meantime, I need some space. Now get the fuck out of my room."

I grabbed my rush pin and got dressed. I stormed out the door. I honestly didn't know where to go. It was too early to go to Zeta House for the party. I walked down the hall to see if any of my floor mates were in their rooms. They were not. I ended up finding a spot on the couch in the common room.

My mind raced between panic and anger. Alvin was going to post those videos of me online and humiliate me to the entire world. I really don't know how Rick thinks he can protect me. What if Rick's punishment of Alvin pisses him off even more? I didn't know any way to stop it. I got out my phone and reached out to Rick by text. He got back to me right away and told me to come to his room.

Rick sat on the edge of his bed and told me to pull up a chair.

Rick said, "now how in the hell did Alvin end up pissing in front of the Housekeeper? She's really upset."

I said, "Alvin wanted to piss in my mouth. I was kneeling in front of her and as soon as he started to piss, she entered. We could hear her knocking on the other doors, but Alvin wouldn't stop. When I heard her open the door lock, I jumped in the bed."

Rick said, "why were you doing this in the first place?"

I said, "Alvin threatened to post pictures and videos of me on the internet."

Rick looked angry.

I said, "Alvin said that he thinks it is my fault he pissed on the floor and is going to punish me tonight. He told me that he would post videos and pictures of him using me everywhere on the internet if I don't do what he wants. He has some really compromising stuff. I don't know what to do."

Rick asked, "why does he think it's your fault? I don't get it."

I said, "Alvin thinks I should have just let him piss in my mouth and when she came in the room she would have left because she would have thought we were having sex. He always looks to blame me for everything."

Rick stood up and put his hand on my shoulder.

Rick said, "I got this Jake. My plan is already under way, but it is going to take another couple days. You need to trust me."

I asked, "what's the plan?"

Rick said, "My plan has 2 parts. The first part is to take away any blackmail material that Alvin has on you."

I said, "did you take his phone today?"

Rick said, "you don't need to know the specifics."

I said, "Alvin said there were lots of pictures of me on that phone."

Rick said, "there aren't anymore. I already took care of that and the pictures on his computer."

I said, "what if he uploaded stuff already to the internet?"

Rick said, "that's where the second part of the plan comes in. I need to have enough blackmail material on Alvin so that he would never post the shit he has on you. I need some time to get enough stuff on him. I don't want you to spend the night in your room. I don't want any more opportunities for him to get anything else on you, so I'm working on finding you a place to crash for a couple days."

I said, "you mean with you?" I looked around, and Rick's one bedroom Don's room was much smaller than mine.

Rick said, "no, I'm hoping you can stay in one of the empty rooms at Zeta House. I was just about to head out the door when you messaged me. Do you want to head over there together?"

I said, "sure."

We walked down the hallway to the back stairs. As I walked closer to my room, I could feel Alvin's anger bleed out into the hallway. I had a palpable fear of Alvin now, especially in this mood. As we walked out of the building, I looked back at our room in Howard Hall, and noticed Alvin in the window staring at me.

Rick said, "don't look back Jake."

Next: Chapter 8

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