Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Dec 27, 2021


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 5 -- Consequences

We both heard the key turn at the same time. Alvin jumped up and put his foot in front of the door. I rubbed my face against the floor and got the cum soaked underwear off my head. I turned quickly onto my stomach and tried to get myself up. It was difficult with my hands zip tied behind my back. I bent my knees and bent at the waist. I heard Rick's booming voice.

"What in the fuck is going on in here?"

Alvin said, "nothing."

Rick said, "bullshit Alvin. Get your ass down to my office. Jake, put some fucking clothes on for Christ's sake."

I realized in that moment that the second I heard Rick speak I froze. I was on my knees bent at the waist with my shoulders to the ground and my hands behind my back. To Rick, it must have looked like I was bent over for Alvin.

I got up and turned around just as Alvin closed the door behind him. I had to get out of these zip ties. I backed up to my desk drawer and fished out my scissors. I was able to cut the zip ties around my wrists. Once out I rubbed the two red rings left behind from the tight zip ties. I put on basketball shorts and a shirt. My balls were still burning but with a bit less intensity.

Alvin opened the door. He grabbed one of his flip flops.

Alvin said, "I told him I was spanking your ass on a bet. I told him we raced back to Howard Hall from Frat Row, and you lost. I told him I spanked your ass with my flip flop. I'm keeping your secret. You can thank me later."

"Yes Sir," I said.

When Alvin left, I panicked. I just told Rick that there was nothing going on between Alvin and me. Rick already suspected something was going on. Will he tell the other frat brothers? Will he tell other people on our floor? Will he look at me differently when he sees me around campus?

Alvin came back in the room and told me Rick wanted to see me next. His eyes were glassy.

"Stick to the script," Alvin said.

I walked down to Rick's office at the other end of the hall. My ass tingled, worried about what will happen to me behind those doors. My balls tingled, as the hot rub Alvin put on my balls was still working away under my basketball shorts. I knocked on Rick's door. He told me to come in.

"Tell me what's going on Jake. For real this time." Rick said.

I told him the lie that I lost a bet to Alvin, and he was spanking my ass as his reward. I insisted that I wasn't gay.

"No one gives a fuck if you're gay Jake. I do care if you're being bullied. Now tell me, is Alvin bullying you?"

"No," I said.

Rick said, "OK then what did Alvin spank you with?"

"His flip flop," I said.

Rick explained that he would give me a choice. Either we could work this out together or he would go to the housing office to report the noise policy violation.

"I'd like to work this out together," I said.

Rick said, "OK, we're going to recreate what you say Alvin did to you to see if you're full of shit. So, from the moment you started screaming to the point I entered your room to find you ass in the air, how much time passed?"

I said, "a couple of minutes."

Rick said, "OK, and how many times did he hit you?"

I said, "three times, Sir."

Rick said, "Why did you just call me Sir Jake? You're not pledging a frat."

I said, "Sorry."

Rick said, "How hard did he hit you?"

I replied, "very hard."

He said, "OK, drop your shorts and get on the floor."

I did as I was told. I was shaking inside as I kneeled on the ground. Rick got in front of me and sat on the bed which was just under the window at the back of his room. With one movement I leaned forward and bared my ass to the door. Rick got up and looked at my ass.

"Jake, we have a problem."

I said, "what's that."

Rick said, "your ass is pure white. You haven't been spanked."

It was so humiliating to be on my knees in Rick's office and have him staring at my ass and asshole. My cock started to get hard, and Rick walked around and sat on his bed again. He had the flip flop in one hand and leaned back with the other. He spread his legs. I could see his big hairy legs in front of me. It all made my cock rock hard.

Rick said, "No, I'm not going to spank you, if you tell me the truth."

I said, "I am telling the truth."

Rick shook his head. He said, "I really don't want to spank you. How about this, I will make you a deal."

Rick explained he wanted to do a test. He would spank me 3 times, as hard as he could to see if I would yell the same as before and to test what kind of marks the spanking would leave. If I was telling the truth, the spanking wouldn't leave marks that would last more than a couple of minutes. He explained that he saw my ass when he peaked into the room earlier. He explained he saw the zip ties on my wrists and could see the marks now.

Rick said, "none of your story makes sense. Plus, this isn't the first time I've noticed weird things between you two. You're always naked in the room. He's always clothed. There's always a shuffle inside your room when I knock at the door, like something's going on that shouldn't be."

I kneeled there in front of him in silence. Rick knew something was going on. What should I do? Should I disobey Alvin's command to lie to Rick, or to tell Rick everything? I was fucked either way. If I tell Rick everything about Alvin, surely Alvin will post my videos. If I lie to Rick, surely, he will have his eye on me and report me to the Housing Office. Or worse, he will make sure I never get admitted to any frat. All in all, Alvin has be by the balls. I really don't want those videos to get posted anywhere. Anything that Rick can do to me is nothing compared to that.

I said, "it's true, he spanked me 3 times. I don't know why there are no marks."

Rick got up and took out his phone. He got behind me and took a picture of my ass with his phone.

I said, "what are you doing?"

Rick said, "before and after photos. Don't worry I'll let you delete the pictures. Now brace yourself, I'm going to give you 3 good ones."

Rick used his big arms to swing that flip flop as hard as he could across my bare ass cheek. The first hit landed, and searing pain cut across my ass cheeks. I screamed.

"Fuck, that hurt."

Just as I finished, I felt a second hit and I screamed again.

Rick said, "one more."

He hit my ass in the same spot each time and each hit hurt more and more. My ass felt red hot. The sharp pain of the flip flop was much worse in Rick's hand than Alvin's. I reached behind and rubbed my ass. I could feel the red hot spot where he hit me and rubbed my ass.

Rick said, "now get your hands out of the way I need another picture."

I did. Rick snapped another picture and I put my hands in front of me.

Rick moved around and sat in front of me again. He had a semi-erection in his shorts.

He said "Now we wait 3 minutes. Don't move."

I kneeled there in silence. My cock was hard thinking about Rick spanking me. I could feel drip after drip of precum leak out of my cock. Rick looked at his phone while he waited. This gave me the opportunity to look at Rick's strong hairy legs and broad shoulders. I just got spanked by hottest guy I have ever seen naked, and he took a picture. I was so turned on by this all.

Rick said, "OK, three minutes is up. Let me see."

He walked behind me and snapped another picture.

Rick said, "Jake we have a problem."

Rick lowered his phone so I could see. On his phone was a picture of me bent over and there was a bright red mark roughly in the shape of the flip flop in the middle of my ass, right across both ass cheeks. The edge near where the tow of the flip flop hit my ass was purple. The rest was bright red.

Rick said, "Now you walked to my room so we're going to do another test. Pull up your pants and get up. Let's go to your room. I need to return Alvin's sandal."

I walked ahead of Rick and opened the door to my room. Alvin was lying on his stomach. Rick threw the flip flop at Alvin. The flip flop bounced off Alvin's face.

Rick said, "whatever is going on between you two is going to stop right here. I don't care what you do in your room, but if you break the rules around here there will be consequences. Am I clear?"

Be both responded with "Yes."

Rick said, "Jake, show me your ass. I turned around and pulled my pants down. Rick said, you still have bright red marks. You're both lying to me. I'm incredibly disappointed."

With that Rick turned around and walked out the door. Alvin and I looked at each other. I asked Alvin what Rick did to him. Alvin pulled his pants down and showed me his ass. Alvin had the same red marks on his ass that I had on mine.

Alvin pointed at the floor. I took off my basketball shorts and shirt and laid down on my bed, face down. Just as I got relaxed, I thought about the pictures on Rick's phone. I got up and put my shorts and shirt back on and headed down the hallway. I nervously knocked on Rick's door.

"Come in," Rick said.

I asked him if he would erase the pictures. He said he already did but offered to let me check his phone. He opened his photo application and scrolled through pictures folder. There were pictures from the barbeque today and then I saw a picture of me licking Alvin's feet back on the bleachers.

"Please delete that one too," I begged.

"OK Jake. I just took that to ask you about it later. Since you admitted to it, I didn't need it. I'm genuinely worried about you," Rick said.

I said, "I'm OK, please don't worry about me."

Rick shook his head and deleted at least a dozen pictures of me licking Alvin's feet and Alvin using me as a footstool. The next picture was a picture of Rick's hard cock, and he quickly closed his camera app. Rick laughed, that's all the pictures of you.

Rick said, "I don't understand why, not even now, you won't tell me the truth. How about this, I want you to just nod if you admit that you are lying to me."

I didn't know what to do. I thought, what's the harm. He already knows I am lying. I nodded and looked him in the eyes.

Rick said, "do you know that is the first time you have looked me in the eyes?"

I nodded again.

Rick said, "nod again if you want my help. I can help you."

I nodded again. Somehow not having to say the words was easier.

Rick said, "is Alvin threatening to hurt you?"

I tilted my head to the side and thought about it, and then shook my head.

Rick said, "is Alvin blackmailing you?"

I nodded. Rick was silent. I looked him in the eyes.

I said, "I really can't say anything more."

Rick said, "I understand, but I want to give you my number. You can call or text me anytime. I'm always here to talk. If something is wrong and you can't talk freely, let's pick a safe word. Do you know what a safe word is?"

"No," I admitted.

Rick said, "a safe word is a word that isn't commonly used but is a code word that will tell me you need help. How about we use the word "zip"?"

"Why zip," I asked.

Rick said, "because you just had zip ties around your wrists."

I nodded.

Rick said, "but I don't want you to do anything that is against the rules of the Housing Office. Am I clear?"


Rick said, "I also want you to follow all Rush week rules. Why aren't you wearing your Rush badge?"

I felt my shirt where my badge was normally attached and realized Rick was right.

Rick said, "we're supposed to record all interactions with Rushees. I scanned Alvin's badge but not yours. Let me find you and make a note."

I asked, "what are you going to write?"

Rick said, "same thing as Alvin, the noise violation. Now get out of here."

I walked back to my room. Alvin was still there lying on his bed. He asked what I was doing. I explained that Rick took pictures of my ass and promised to delete them. I told him I wanted to make sure they were deleted.

Alvin asked, "did you make sure the pictures were deleted from the deleted photo folder?"

I said "no."

Alvin said, "go back down and make sure they're deleted from the deleted photo folder."

I walked back down the hall and knocked on Rick's door. There was no answer. Shit. I walked back to our room and took off my clothes. I laid down my bed face down and got under the covers.

Alvin said, "did he delete them?"

I said, "yes Sir."

I got out my phone and checked the Rush week app. Tomorrow Zeta Alpha Rho had a charity car wash from Noon to 4 pm. They were looking for volunteers. Then there was a tug of war at Zeta House, at 7 pm, with all welcome. I thought I would check both of these events out. Sigma House, and every other frat and sorority on Frat Row was hosting a car wash at the same time.

Alvin said, "what are you doing?"

I said, "nothing, just checking out the Rush app. Did you complete the quizzes?"

Alvin said, "the quizzes only matter to the academic clubs, not the social clubs like Sigma Gamma Pi." He paused. "You didn't apologize for earlier."

I said, "for what Sir?"

Alvin said, "for making so much noise that I got spanked by Rick."

Oh shit, he was right. "I'm sorry, Sir," I said.

He said, "it's going to take more than that. Get down on your knees and apologize with your mouth on my cock."

I got out of bed and kneeled on the floor. Alvin got up and pulled his pants down. He took out his soft cock and put it in front of my face. I looked over to my left to find Alvin's computer. I didn't want to be recorded again.

I licked Alvin's balls. It made him moan like the first time I licked his balls. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed his balls and cock against my face. I continued to lick slowly, lapping up his balls and trying to reach the space below his balls with my tongue. It tasted so good. I felt his cock get harder as Alvin held me in place. His cock had nowhere to go. Alvin pulled back and I opened my mouth and sucked Alvin's cock. I loved the feeling of his cock getting hard and harder in my mouth. I reached up and rubbed Alvin's belly and along the sides of his legs making sure I didn't reach behind and grab his sore ass. Alvin started to rock his hips a bit as I sucked. I followed his rhythm by rocking my face towards his cock. This gentle rocking grew in intensity to a hard face fucking. Alvin grabbed my head with both hands, and I opened my mouth as wide as I could to avoid hitting his cock with my teeth. I was getting to know Alvin better and was learning how to get him off. I was starting to learn what he liked. Soon he drove his cock to the back of my throat and unloaded in my willing mouth.

Even though I really didn't like how Alvin was humiliating me in front of other people, I really enjoyed doing what he wanted, and I enjoyed sucking his cock.

I said, "I wish I could suck your cock ten times a day."

He said, "Be careful what you wish for," and laughed.

I felt my ass tingle and cock pulse. I really liked this side of Alvin but hated his blackmailing.

I said, "could we do this without the videos and pictures?"

Alvin said, "that's the only thing getting you to get over your inhibitions Jakey. Without the videos, you won't do what I want. Rick's a pussy for letting you delete his pics of your ass. I'm not going to make the same mistake."

He was right. There isn't anything that didn't turn me on or that I wouldn't do again. He gave me fair punishments that I agreed to when I disobeyed him.

The question is however, did I fuck this up by telling Rick? Rick knows something is going on, but he doesn't know what.

I asked Alvin, "Can you be more careful then around Rick?"

Alvin agreed. He said that we need to be more discrete. He also said I had to be quiet when he was punishing me.

Alvin said, "I have an idea, get dressed."

I got my shorts, shirt and pledge button out and followed Alvin out the door. Alvin moved quickly and we walked off campus to the local corner store. Alvin walked to the small housewares section and didn't find what he was looking for. He walked to the cash.

Alvin asked, "do you sell duct tape?"

The older guy behind the counter shook his head.

He said, "I have half a roll around here somewhere." He looked in drawers under the cash register and pulled out a used roll of duct tape.

"Perfect," Alvin said. "How much for that?"

The guy said, "is three dollars fair?"

Alvin said, "I'll give you five." Alvin elbowed me.

I got out my wallet and handed a 5 dollar bill to the guy behind the counter. Alvin grabbed the roll of duct tape and we walked back to Howard Hall.

When we got in the room Alvin pointed to the floor. I took off my clothes. Alvin said, first, you're going to clean your pubes up off the floor. He handed me the duct tape and told me to wrap it around my hand and clean up the clumps of my public hair and ball hair that was still on the floor.

When I was done, Alvin said, "Next, we're going to do a sound test."

Alvin told me to get my cum soaked underwear and shove them in my mouth.

When I did, I could taste my cum shot from earlier. No one had ever gagged me. I didn't realize what a turn on this would be. My cock got hard quickly, thinking about how helpless I was if I was gagged. I wonder if anyone would hear me even if I screamed. I heard Alvin rip open the duct tape and felt him apply it to my left cheek. He pulled the duct tape roll across my face and across my right cheek and ripped the piece off. He repeated this 3 times and then looked me in the eyes. I looked away. "Now we need to test it, Jakey. Do you want me to hurt your ass or hurt your balls?"

I couldn't decide. My ass still hurt from Rick's spanking earlier. My balls had recovered, mostly. I tried to talk but couldn't make out an intelligible word. Alvin laughed, "I can't hear you. I'll decide then. Stand up and put your hands behind your head."

Alvin sat on the bed raised his foot to my balls. His running shoes were rough against my ball sack. He told me to close my eyes, and I did. Alvin kicked me really fucking hard. I screamed into the gag, and it was completely muffled. I dropped to the floor and Alvin picked me up by my legs, spread my legs and stomped on my balls again. I reached in front of my balls to guard against another stomp and Alvin stomped my fingers and told me to get my hands out of the way. I curled up into the fetal position. I was defeated. No one could hear me scream, I was helpless. This was right where I wanted to be.

Alvin let me recover a bit and sat down on the edge his bed. He told me to kneel again in front of him between his legs. I did. He grabbed his camera and took a picture of me with the duct tape across my mouth. He grabbed the edge of the duct tape and pulled the duct tape off quickly. It hurt. He told me to spit out the underwear and go wash the glue off my face. He told me to use aftershave if I couldn't get it all off in the shower. I got my shower bag and wrapped my towel around me.

Alvin said, "No towel, remember Jake?"

I said, "but everyone will see the marks on my ass."

"Then I better join you," Alvin said. He got undressed and wrapped a towel around his athletic body. "No one will be there it's late."

I took off my towel and hung it over my shoulder. I walked down the hall to the shower completely naked. There were plenty of guys around, hanging out in their rooms. Two guys passed in front of me, I don't think they saw the red mark on my ass. Rick was down the hall, talking to a couple of other residents. I walked into the washroom first, and Alvin followed.

I got in the shower and scrubbed my face. I heard the shower door open and shut. I took my towel and got the edge wet. I could feel the glue on my face stick against the towel. I took the aftershave bottle out of my bag and soaked a corner of the towel in aftershave. I could feel the glue melt away when I scrubbed now. Alvin was in the shower stall next to me.

Alvin whispered, "is it coming off Jake?"

I said, "yes."

I heard the door open and close again. Whoever was in the room left.

Alvin said, "now that we're alone, turn your shower off and stand near my stall."

I did. I got near the stall wall not wanting to touch the side with my body.

Alvin said, "move closer. Press your cock right against the wall."

I did.

Alvin said, "now I'm going to piss on your feet. When I'm done, you're going to lick it all up."

My cock got hard thinking about Alvin pissing on me."

I felt his hot piss hit my feet. My cock was fully erect.

Suddenly, I heard Rick's booming voice.

Rick yelled, "Jake go to your room."

I grabbed my towel and shave bag and opened the shower curtain. He was there after all. I grabbed the door handle.

Rick said, "Jake, put a fucking towel on."

I covered up and went back to the room. I got dressed in case Rick came back in, and waited for Alvin to return.

Alvin didn't return.

Next: Chapter 6

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