Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Dec 26, 2021


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 4 - Sigma Mixer and Zeta Barbeque

Alvin and I walked over to the Sigma Mixer together. I wanted to see what Sigma House was all about. We both wore khaki pants, a button up shirt, good shoes and our Rush buttons. I liked how Alvin looked dressed up. I got a good look of Alvin's tight ass as he walked ahead of me. The fabric hung to his ass and I could make out each round ass cheek. My cock got hard thinking about him pushing his ass into my face this morning. While this wasn't the way I expected how I would rim a guy the first time, the fact that he told me to do it and I did really turn me on.

When I walked into Sigma House, it was like I was in another world. The place was packed. Techno music boomed throughout the house. To be honest, I felt a bit out of place. Since this was a `mixer', Sigma House was packed with guys and girls, all dressed to the 9's, all having a red cup in their hands. You could smell the money in the air. You could also smell the booze. There were lots of guys in designer shoes and shirts. They had big name brand watches. They weren't afraid to show off their wealth.

We both signed in with the Sigma Gamma Pi member at the registration desk, just inside the front door. He scanned each of our Rush buttons and welcomed us by name. He said that all frat members were wearing frat blazer jackets and recommended we take the opportunity to get to meet some of them. As soon as we were registered, Alvin started working the room.

I walked around the huge first floor of the house to check it out. I tried to talk to a few guys but couldn't seem to get a word in edge wise. It was as if I was invisible. Anyone I tried to talk to was talking or flirting with someone else. I ended up on the back deck with 6 other people. Most were smoking. I grabbed a drink from the cooler and sat in a lawn chair. At least it was quiet outside.

After a bit, a tall thin Sigma brother sat in the empty lawn chair beside me. He was 6'4" and had a thin runner's build. He had wavy blond hair and classical good looks. He was the type of guy that every girl wanted to date. He was wearing a blue and white Sigma Gamma Pi letter blazer. He had a pair of sunglasses on his head. He was holding a beer. He made small talk and asked me how I was enjoying the event.

"Too many people inside the house to have a conversation or hear anything," I said.

"Yeah, we had a good turnout today. I'm Dan."

"Nice to meet you Dan, I'm Jake," I said.

He scanned my Rush button and said that he could show me around if I'd like. He asked if I had any questions. I asked him what he enjoyed about the frat and what he got out of it. He told me that he felt like he had a bunch of brothers, and the frat was family. He explained how he lived in Sigma House, and it was really fun to be a "live in" because there was always something going on. He offered a full of the upstairs and residences in the house.

We walked up the back set of stairs off the kitchen. Dan walked up the staircase 2 steps at a time. I struggled to keep up. The staircase led to a long hallway with doors on either side. The hallway was impeccably clean. He opened his room door. He sat on the bed.

Dan asked, "so what do you think?"

"Pretty nice," I replied.

Dan went on to ask why I wanted to Rush and join a frat. I said that I was from a small town and wanted to make some friends. I explained that I was an only child and never had any brothers and would like to experience that. As I explained how I felt a bit lost on campus I noticed that Dan was checking his phone. I couldn't tell if he was messaging other people or writing down what I was saying. I thought it was weird. He asked what extracurriculars I was interested in. I explained I played football and hardball in high school. It felt like a job interview, and he was talking to me because he had to.

"I'm going to go get another drink," I said.

I left and went downstairs. Dan followed behind me. When we got to the kitchen Alvin saw me walking down and we made eye contact. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

I said, "what?"

Alvin whispered in my ear, "one dick wasn't enough for you today, slut?"

I laughed and said, "whatever".

I walked into the living room and waded through the people to make my way to the door. I had to get out of here. I walked back to Howard Hall on my own. I looked behind me to see if Alvin was following. He was not.

When I got into the room I laid down on my bed. It was nice to be alone. Alvin seemed to be shadowing me from the moment he dropped his suitcase on my floor. I checked my phone and saw that I had notifications on my Rush App. It was reminding me of the Rush events this afternoon, including the barbeque at Zeta House.

I thought about some of the hot Sigma brothers I checked out today and how hot it was to be in Dan's bedroom. I fantasized about being back on his bedroom and getting down on my knees between his legs and feeling his cock. My cock started to get hard, and I rubbed it through my khaki pants. I thought how hot it would be to look up at Dan's perfect face when I sucked his cock. He was so tall and confident he was sure to have a huge cock. I imaged how it tasted at first. I imagined how it felt to wrap my lips around his warm cock. I imagine licking the precum off the end of his cock head one drop at a time. I imagined him moaning. I rubbed my cock a little faster. I could feel my hard cock pulsing against my hand. I thought about sucking Dan's cock and hearing him moan. I rubbed myself harder. I imagined his cock growing and pulsating in my mouth. I rubbed harder. I was getting close just from rubbing. I focused on the red hot cock in my pants and wanted to see if I could cum. I could feel a wet spot in the front of my pants, and I rubbed right at the top of my cock head. I thought about sucking Dan's cock all the way down and gagging on it and rubbed my cock hard and fast. And just like that, I came inside my khaki's, load after load, pent up for almost 2 days. It felt great. I had what felt like a 5 minute nap after, and just chilled out.

I put my boxer briefs and khaki's in my laundry basket, put on fresh boxer briefs and cargo shorts and walked down the hall. I found Nate laying on his bed in his room playing a handheld videogame. He was wearing a t-shirt and jogging shorts and had a Rush button #147 attached to the bottom of his shirt. Nate bent his leg at the knee, and I could see right up his pant leg. I loved looking at his hairless thighs and I could see his uncut cock resting in his pants. He wasn't wearing underwear. Even though I just came, I was still horny. I checked out his muscular pecs and arms as he held the handheld game.

"Hey, there. What's your name again," Nate said.

"I'm Jake."

Nate asked, "So Jake, what are you up to? Rick said there was a barbeque and touch football game soon at Zeta House."

I said, "I didn't know about the touch football game. That sounds like fun."

Nate said, "yeah, I thought the same thing. I would wear some running shoes if you're going to go."

I replied, "Thanks. What time are you heading over?"

"Soon," Nate said. "Why don't you go get changed and we can head over together?


I went back to my room and realized it was closer to 5:30 pm. I must have slept longer than I thought. I pinned my Rush button to my shorts. I got some athletic socks on and my running shoes and met Nate just outside the room. We headed down the back stairs just as Alvin was coming up. I made eye contact with Alvin, and he asked where we were going.

I said, "We're heading to Zeta House for the barbeque, are you coming?"

He said, "No, I've had too much to drink already and am going to lie down. I'll see you when you get back."

He looked me right in the eyes as he past. It was more of a threat than a greeting. I knew I'd have hell to pay when I got back.

When Nate and I got to Zeta House there was a big sign on the front porch welcoming Rushees to the back yard. We followed the smell of the barbeque to the back yard. They had a huge patio, in ground pool, and a cabana house with a bar in it attached to the back of the house. Everyone was dressed casually. I saw Rick in the crowd of guys near the bar.

Rick saw us and called us over to introduce us to everyone around him. He high fived us and made sure we got a drink. Because the Zeta barbeque was just for members and Rushees it was much more chill. Some guys took off their shirts and jumped in the pool. Among them was Matteo from our floor. His dark curly chest hair really turned me on. He seemed straight. So far, he hasn't noticed me checking him out.

There was plenty to eat and drink. Nate was on his fifth drink when I went for my second.

Rick introduced me to the Zeta President Rohan. Rohan was a shorter Indian guy. He had a full beard that went right down his neck. He seemed to smile constantly. He had a muscular chest, dark on his legs and arms and a nice full ass. He seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying. He too scanned my Rush button, as did Rick. He asked how I was enjoying the party and I told him I was having a good time.

Rohan took me, Nate, and Matteo on a full tour of the house. Zeta House was actually 2 buildings. It was an older house in the front attached to a 3 story apartment building at the back. While the house was a bit messier than Sigma House, it was much more comfortable to me.

When he took us by the guest bathroom by the front door, I said I had to go take a leak. In the bathroom there were paper signs on the two stalls that said "members only". On the right of the bathroom was a small doorway with a paper sign over the door that said "guest bathroom.". I went into the guest bathroom and found two stalls and two urinals. The floor and walls were different in the guest bathroom. It seemed almost homemade. The room had black walls, black tiled floor and a black ceiling. There was one bare lightbulb in the ceiling by the door. I took a piss in the urinal and got back to the group.

We walked upstairs to see the bedrooms in the main house, and it was very similar to the upstairs of Sigma House. There was a single hallway with some bedrooms. Rohan explained how the Zeta Executive Officers, including himself lived upstairs in the main house and other members lived in the 3 story apartment in the back. He said the College limited Zeta Alpha Rho to a maximum of 30 members per year, so they had to choose carefully. He showed us the residence at the back of the house and the single student rooms there. He said that there was room saved for 4 of the incoming pledge class if they choose to live there.

When the tour was done, we met the others on the back patio. Nate kicked off his shoes, took off his shirt, and jumped in the pool. Nate had perfect pecs and 6 pack abs. He wasn't wearing swim trunks and was still in his jogging shorts. I grabbed a seat on the edge of the pool deck and dangled my feet into the cold pool water. Rick sat next to me.

Rick said, "is everything OK between you and Alvin?"

I said, "yeah, why do you ask?"

Rick explained how he saw me licking Alvin's feet this morning. He said he saw Alvin using me as a foot stool. He said that he saw the look on my face, and I looked very uncomfortable. He said that he saw Alvin recording the whole thing on his phone.

I said, "we were just goofing around. It was a big joke."

Rick said, "so he wasn't forcing you to do that? It looked that way to me."

I said, "no, like I said it was just a joke."

Rick put his arm on my shoulder and said, "if you ever want to talk to me, you can. I'm right at the end of the hall."

My stomach turned. My head was spinning. Rick was watching us the whole time. He was probably one of the Zeta brothers sitting outside when we walked by the house this morning. Now he knows I will lick someone's feet. My poor of excuse of it being a joke was a shitty cover story. Now he will be watching us. Too much time has passed.

"Thanks Rick," I said. "I appreciate that."

Just as I said that we were both splashed with water. Nate flicked water with both hands and got us totally wet.

"Stop it yam bag," Rick yelled.

Everyone laughed.

Rick handed me his phone. He took off his shoes and jumped into the pool and held Nate under the water for a second. Nate wiggled away and Rick chased.

"Get him," Rick laughed.

We all splashed Nate and he splashed back. I haven't laughed so hard in years. Rick continued to push waves of water at Nate, and he continued to splash back. We were all wet. When Nate climbed out of the pool, I watched the jogging fabric cling to his perfect ass. Rick snuck up behind Nate and grabbed the bottom of his jogging shorts and yanked them down to his ankles. Nate and Rick both scrambled to grab his shorts, but Rick won. Rick balled up the wet jogging shorts and threw them onto the roof of the bar cabana and everyone laughed. Nate grabbed his balls and was laughing. Rohan gave Rick a dirty look and grabbed the pool skimmer to fish down Nate's shorts. When he handed them to Nate, Nate held the shorts up over his head and let his cock and balls go and everyone laughed.

Everyone dried off a bit before the flag football game. Most of the guys at the party walked over to the soccer stadium across the street. When I walked down the bleachers I looked down at the spot where I licked Alvin's feet earlier this morning. My stomach turned thinking that Rick and others watched me submit to Alvin in public. Rohan threw a box of purple and yellow flags down on the edge of the field. He explained the rules of flag football. He and Rick picked teams. I was on Rick's team with Nate and some others. We were the yellow team. I grabbed a yellow flag out of the box. It was made of yellow rubber, with a long rubber tube attached. The rubber tube was connected to the flag through a grommet in the bottom corner of the square shaped flag. The rubber tube had small rubber balls tied on each end of it, so the tube didn't slip out of the grommet.

Rick huddled together with his team. Rick said put the flag in your shorts so that both balls were below your belt, so it was harder to pull out. He asked what positions we wanted to play. I played running back. Nate was half back and Rick, with his big arms was quarterback. Our team wasn't that bad. I noted that Matteo was on the purple team, and they had their shirts off.

We got off to a good start. Rick started to realize that I was good at rushing plays and tried to get the ball in my hands. Soon, the purple side started to figure this out and targeted me. I found my yellow flag ripped from the back of my pants more than once. At the end of the game the purple team won. The Zeta guys all got together in a circle and chanted Zeta Zeta Zeta so loud I could hear it echo off the front of the houses on Frat Row. It was a good night.

I walked back to Howard Hall with Nate and Matteo. We were all tired after the football game. When I got back in the room, I flopped on the bed. Alvin was not in the room. I checked out my phone and noted that I got a notification on the Rush app. The App said that tomorrow at noon Rushees were allowed to select houses they wished to Rush. The following day, on Wednesday at noon, Frats and Sororities were allowed to select Rushes they would like to give an offer of admission to. If both were a match, then the Rushee could apply to the Frat.

Alvin returned with a drug store bag in his hands. He threw the bag on his bed and pointed to the floor. Shit, I forgot to take off my clothes. I took off my shirt and shorts and sat on the edge of the bed.

Alvin said, "put your arms behind your back, bitch."

I asked, "Why? What did I do?"

Alvin said, "are you saying you didn't break any rules?"

I said, "I'm sorry I was clothed, it was only this one time Sir."

Alvin said, "that's one lie, now get your hands behind your back."

I did. Alvin reached into his bag and pulled something out behind me. He attached zip ties to my writs so hard the ties cut into my skin. He then zip tied my two wrists together behind my back. I stood there naked, and he walked behind me. He put my dirty underwear over my head. They were still wet with cum. He moved the cum spot right over my nose and mashed the still wet cum into my face.

Alvin said, "Anything you want to confess bitch?"

I said, "sorry Sir, I was clothed earlier too and rubbed my dick. I didn't jerk off."

Alvin said, "I told you not to ejaculate. Weren't you listening?"

I said, "I'm sorry Sir."

Alvin said, "OK so that's 2 new rules and 3 lies that you need to be punished for. Anything else you want to admit?"

I tried to think. I couldn't think of anything.

"No sir," I said.

Alvin said, "you looked me in the eye on the way down the stairs earlier fucker."

Shit he was right.

Alvin said, "so that's 3 new rules and 4 lies. So, your new rules are:

  1. I will shave your cock and balls today and you will shave them each and every day.

  2. You will walk to the showers naked and will never cover your naked body with a towel or anything else on the way to or the way back from the shower."

Fuck, this was humiliating. Just as he finished, he told me to lie down on the floor and spread my legs. I struggled to squat and lie on my back as my bound hands made it impossible to find a comfortable position. He rooted around in his shaving bag and grabbed his electric razor. Alvin straddled my chest and roughly hacked away at my pubes with the trimmer edge of his electric razor. He trimmed the base of my cock and my balls until I was completely hairless. I looked up at Alvin's back and realized there was nothing I could do to stop this. The razor's edge was sharp on my balls, and I did not dare move until he was done.

When he was done, he got up and went into the drug store bag and pinned me down on the floor again. This is for ejaculating without permission. I felt him rub some sort of cream on my cock and balls. I could smell the menthol right way. It really didn't feel like anything at first. Alvin got up and sat walked out of the room. When he left I felt a small tingle on my balls first and then the heat sunk in. When I say heat, it felt like my balls were hot like coals. Alvin walked back in.

"It fucking burns," I said.

"Good," Alvin said. "Remember this feeling the next time you think about jerking off without permission."

The burning sensation in my balls got worse. It went from just hot to burning flaming heat like the skin on my balls were fire. I could feel Alvin staring at me as I squirmed on the floor. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

"Please make it stop," I begged.

Alvin moved his face closer to my burning ball sack and blew air on them. It made it burn worse. Waves of pain moved throughout my body. I spread my legs and closed my eyes trying to stay as still as possible. Every movement caused the pain to crest in my balls. Just as I closed my eyes Alvin kicked my balls with his running shoe. I crawled up into a ball, causing the burning sensation to rise again. Alvin said, spread your legs again, you have two more coming. I complied. I spread my legs and Alvin stomped on my balls and I let out a scream.

"No, stop it."

Alvin grabbed both of my legs in his hand and pulled them up in the air towards his hips. As he pulled my legs up he spread them a bit and stomped on my balls even harder. I was totally helpless bound like this.

I screamed again at the top of my lungs. I heard a key slip into the door lock and turn.

Next: Chapter 5

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