Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Dec 19, 2021


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 3 Fraternity Row

I was awoken by a nudge on my shoulder. Alvin was standing fully naked fully erect at my bedside.

Alvin said, "Sit on the floor with your back against the wall bitch."

I asked, "What time is it?"

"Time to lick my ass and suck my cock, bitch," Alvin said.

I got up. I had agreed to this after all. I sat against the painted cinderblock wall on my side of the room. Alvin turned around and bent over right in front of my face. I had never rimmed a guy before imagined it all quite differently. He bent further over and pressed his cheeks towards my face.

"Lick it," Alvin demanded.

I turned my head to the side as he pressed his weight against my head. I could feel his two ass cheeks pressing against the side of my face. Alvin turned around and slapped my face hard. My ears rung again.

"Rule number 5 -- you will do all my laundry every week. Now turn your head and look at me."

I did.

Alvin said, "now stick out your tongue all the way."

I did.

"If you pull your tongue in or you move your head, I'll make you regret it."

Alvin turned around again and approached slowly. I did not dare move an inch. I felt trapped by his oncoming ass cheeks. I had often fantasized about rimming a guy but someone I imagined looking at his ass first. The room was dark. His skin was still damp from the shower. This was all very sudden. My tongue remained out as his two cheeks perfectly centered on my face continued to approach. My tongue touched his ass first and slid right into his ass crack. Alvin's ass crack was hairier than I imagined, and my tongue went right on to his asshole. It tasted great, somewhere between sweaty and manly. He used one hand to hold my head in place and rubbed his ass up and down my face, from his balls to the top of his crack. He pressed harder and continued to rub his ass until I licked every part of the crack. I started to move my tongue around his asshole. He moaned with delight. Licking his ass turned me on so much. He turned around.

"I don't have time for a full blowjob, so this is going to be quick and dirty."

I felt dirty already.

"Keep your tongue out until I'm fucking your face properly," Alvin said.

He held his hard cock with one hand and held the top of my head against the wall with the other. His dick was thinner than mine and shorter than mine, but he was still about 6" long. He was circumcised and had a nice round cockhead. His cock was a lot bigger than I imagined.

He slid his cock onto my waiting tongue and rubbed it in a circular motion. I could taste a bit of precum, a taste I was growing to love. He slapped my tongue with his hard dick 3 times. I knew I was his. I could smell the body wash he had applied in the shower before coming to the room and wanted to eat him all up. I spent yesterday lusting after his cock and was finally going to get a taste. He slid it in my mouth all the way and pressed his pubes right into my nose. I gagged. He pulled out and laughed at me.

He made another approach and slowly, but more gently, slid his cock in and out. Was he testing my gag reflex, or did he just want to make me gag? Maybe a bit of both, I thought. He fucked in a fluid motion back and forth. I loved the feeling of his pulsating hot cock in my mouth. I reached around with both hands to grab his ass. He squeezed his ass when I grabbed the cheeks and he let out a gasp.

"You want this. Don't you fag?"

I did. I pulled him towards me and loved feeling his ass pump. I felt him pump deeper and deeper into my mouth. Whenever he got too close to the back of my throat, I gagged, so he kept to the front part of my mouth. He held my head again with one hand and started fucking faster. I could hear his breathing increase a bit. His dick started to rock back and forth further and further until it was almost out of my mouth, and then almost to the back of my throat each stroke. I could feel his balls bounce off my chin.

Alvin said, "I'm going to cum soon, don't gag".

He pumped harder and harder. He thrusted faster and faster. I took my hands off his ass and paced one on each of his hips. He was pounding the shit out of my face, and I was loving every minute of this. He started to groan a bit. As he got closer and closer, he fucked my mouth harder and harder. I could feel my lips tingle as his hard body banged against my face. I then fully gagged and pushed back on his hips. He grabbed the top of my head with one hand and my chin with his other and continued to pump without missing a beat. He jackhammered my face as I continued to gag. He grunted and pushed his cock all the way in and pumped load after load of his hot cum into the back of my throat. He exhaled and loosened his grip on my head.

He said, "Now shower and get dressed, we need to go sign up for Rush week promptly at 6 a.m."

"Why at 6 a.m., Sir," I asked.

"Because we want a low rush number, I'll explain on the way. Get showered and dressed," Alvin said.

I grabbed a towel and my shave bag and walked to the showers. Rick was walking down the hallway towards me just wearing a towel and shower sandals. The dark brown hair on his chest went from his broad shoulders, over both full pecs, and down his 6 pack abs into the towel. His big biceps and muscular legs were those of a weightlifter. I couldn't help but stare at this incredible specimen of a man. Rick turned into the washroom first and held the door open for me.

Rick went into one of the bathroom stalls. I grabbed a shower stall. I pulled the curtain, hung my towel over the end of the stall and tested the water. I heard a flush and Rick got into the stall next to me. As I showered Rick started to talk.

"You're up early," Rick said.

I replied, "Alvin said we should sign up early for Rush week."

"Good idea, when you sign up you get a rush number assigned to you. The lower the number, the earlier you signed up. A low number shows initiative. I like that you're serious about rushing Jake."

To be honest, this was all Alvin's idea. I wasn't even sure yet if I wanted to join a frat. I was curious about Greek life, but I heard so many bad things about drinking and hazing that I was not sure it was for me.

"If you are going to Rush, I'll be by Zeta house at 5 pm for a barbeque. If you are Rushee you're welcome to attend," Rick said.

He shut off his water, and I shut off mine. I grabbed my towel and dried off in my stall. Rick opened his curtain and walked over to the sink. To get a good look, I put on my towel and walked towards the sink. Rick was naked and bent slightly towards the mirror as he lathered up his neck. He had a muscular ass, covered in hair. On his right butt cheek was a single purple letter Z tattoo. His strong legs and calves were so hot. Rick was more of a man in every way. He had a hairier chest, legs, and ass. His muscles were all bigger. He had a lower amount of body fat. He had a nicer ass. I hoped that when I was his age, I would look more like him rather than the smaller 18 year old I am now. I put my shaving bag on the shelf and took out my shaving gear. I used my electric razor and started to shave.

I looked down to glance at Rick's hot body and cock. His thick chest hair extended to a full untrimmed bush. His thick uncut cock hung over two very big balls. His big cock head could be seen through his foreskin. I knew that my cock and balls were probably as big as they would get and would never be the size of Rick's. I put my razor away and finished my morning routine. Rick finished ahead of me, wrapped the towel around him and left the washroom. I packed my things and headed out.

When I opened the door to leave Nate was walking in. He had his towel hanging over his shoulder and his shower bag in his hand. He must have walked down the hallway completely naked. He looked right at me so I couldn't get a look at his balls. I walked back to our room.

Alvin was sitting on his bed reading email.

"Hurry up," he said.

We left the dorm and walked outside. The air was crisp and cold. We had 10 minutes to get to the Student Center to sign up for Rush week. Alvin explained that when you sign up for Rush week you get a pin with your Rushee number on it. The lower the number, the earlier you signed up and the more serious you are about Rush week.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to rush," I admitted to Alvin.

He replied, "It's really up to you, but if you decide to rush, you will want a low number. Why don't you check out some of the mixer events and see if you want to do this?"

This made sense. I could check out the events this week and see if Greek life is for me. Why not? If I decided, it wasn't for me I was out the registration fee and some time.

We arrived at the Student Center and got in line. There were 3 female students ahead of us. Alvin signed in ahead of me. We both paid our fee and signed up for Rush Week. Alvin got number 4 and I got number 5. The guy at the desk gave us each a large white round button with our number and a QR code on it and told us to wear our number at all times. He told us to download the Rush app on our phones, fill out the questionnaire, and play the quiz games. He told us that the 8 male Frats can view any information we enter in the App, including our quiz scores, and each Frat had their own page for us with information their members enter about us using our QR codes. He gave us each a tote bag and went on to the next person.

Alvin and I both looked in our tote bags. In the tote bag was a bunch of paper, a t-shirt, fliers for various bars around town, a thick Rush Week manual, and condoms. This might actually be fun.

We grabbed breakfast and decided to hang outside because it was such a nice warm sunny day. Alvin walked ahead of me and first wanted to show me Frat Row, a long row of stately houses overlooking the college athletic field. Frat Row was at the highest point on campus. The 11 frat houses sat side by side, each painted in wild colors. I'm sure each house was a mansion for some executive in its time. However, the houses showed signs of wear and tear, probably from being occupied by students and excessive partying. Across the street was the college soccer stadium surrounded by bleacher stands.

As walked down the street Alvin told me a bit about each frat house. He had been doing his homework.

The first house on Frat Row was Zeta Alpha Rho House, or Zeta House as Rick called it. It was a 1.5 story house with wood siding painted a ghastly purple and yellow with ZAP in big yellow letters over the front porch. The second story had a porch and balcony, and two guys were having a morning coffee and smoking out on the upper porch. Behind the house there was an ugly vinyl sided addition with a bunch of windows.

The second house was Sigma Gamma Pi House, painted in blue and white. It was a stately 3 story colonial home. The full brick exterior was entirely painted in royal blue and white. Like Zeta House, Sigma house had a second story balcony and front porch. Unlike Zeta House, there was no ugly extension out back. Even with Zeta's extension, Sigma House was larger than Zeta House. Alvin said that he was going to just rush Sigma house as his father was a member and he was a legacy. He said that he would be going to all of their events and that I would be welcome to join him.

Alvin got out the Rush Week manual to look up the next six houses, which were two sorority houses, two religious fraternities, one Jewish and one Christian, and two ethnic fraternities, one Latino and one African American, none of which either of us were able to join. The last 3 smaller houses were, Eta Eta Theta painted red white and blue, Pi Epsilon, painted yellow, and Omega Delta painted black and white.

I suggested to Alvin that we should get started on filling out our questionnaire. Alvin agreed and suggested we could grab some sun over on the bleachers over at the soccer stadium. The stadium was about 30 feet below the street level of Frat Row because of the natural slope of the area. There were cement bleachers built into the hill. We walked from the sidewalk onto the top of the bleachers and grabbed a seat in the sun.

We each took out our phones and installed the app. I scanned in my QR code from my button and entered my name. Once I did that a checklist appeared. The first step was to take a photo or upload one. Alvin jumped up and ran over to grab a photo in front of Sigma house. This guy was driven. Once I uploaded my photo the app confirmed by putting a green checkmark next to "upload photo". I next filled in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was a mix between dating app questions and a resume. I had to enter my GPA, my previous sport teams, clubs, favorite bands, and height and weight. It asked if my father was involved in a fraternal organization, and I said `no'. This was thorough. Once I finished the questionnaire the app confirmed with another checkmark. Last was three quizzes on the material in the Rush Week manual.

"Are you going to do the quizzes now," I asked Alvin.

"No, you will want to read the manual first so you can get a good score on the quiz. We can do it later. Let's enjoy some sun while we're out here."

Alvin took off his t shirt and leaned back against the bleacher. He spread his legs and closed his eyes. I lied down on my back, two bleachers below him. He slid down one level and put his feet on me and used me again as a footrest. One of his feet was on my stomach and one on my chest. I got up.

"Please not here," I said.

Alvin snipped back "You know our deal. I'll use you where I want, when I want. There's nothing illegal about 2 dudes sitting out here grabbing some rays."

"But our deal is that you keep my sexuality secret and in exchange I do what you want. If I'm acting like your footrest we will look like boyfriends," I pleaded.

Alvin said, "well you have a bit of a problem then."

"What's that," I said.

"This," Alvin got out his phone.

He fidgeted with his phone and turned it to me. He showed me a video of me eating my ass this morning. His computer must have been video recording the whole thing. Holy shit. My heart sunk. I felt a tingling in my ass. I was a total ball of nerves.

"What the fuck," I said.

Alvin said, "Exactly. Now Jake, you're going to do what I say or else this video will find its way off my phone. I'm serious. Now just for swearing at me and refusing my command, I want you to kneel down right here, take off my socks and shoes and kiss my feet."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Can't we please do this in the room?"

Alvin said, "No, right here, or I'm going to add to your humiliation."

I had a choice. Do I continue to do as he says or risk the fallout of pissing him off? This started with me wanting to avoid word getting back to my hometown about me being gay. I wanted to go back there and take over our family business, all of which wouldn't be possible if I was gay. If someone I knew saw me kissing some guy's feet in public, I would be known as a total freak. On the other hand, having a video out there of me getting brutally face fucked and eating ass was far worse. It might affect my employment anywhere. It might get out on the internet and follow me wherever I go.

I slowly got up and kneeled. Alvin laughed again and stared down at me. I didn't dare look up at him. I pulled his running shoe off on his right foot and took off his sock.

"Sniff it, bitch," Alvin said.

I complied. I breathed in deeply. His sock was the same socks he had on yesterday. They smelled like stinky feet from walking in those runners. The smell entered my nostrils and at once made my cock hard. My cock pressed against the fabric of my cargo shorts.

"Now lick my foot from heel to toe and put your big toe in your mouth while I take a pic," Alvin said.

I grabbed his foot in my hand and put my tongue on his heel. Sweatier than yesterday, his foot tasted like his socks smelled. I put his toe in my mouth and he held his camera up and took a picture. I was totally his now. Not only do his photos evidence my sexuality, but my complete submission to him.

He said, "Now put my socks and shoes back on bitch and lie down. I need a foot rest."

I lied back on the bench and bent one leg at the knee to hide my raging hardon. My cock pressed against my shorts. I knew it was clearly visible to anyone looking.

Alvin said, "put your leg down," and dropped his right heel on my cock and left it there.

"That fucking hurts," I said.

"Watch your language," Alvin replied.

He put his other shoe on my chest, and I laid there totally pissed off. Alvin pressed down on me with his feet as he adjusted to get more comfortable. I was totally humiliated. I felt totally used. I was totally vulnerable to Alvin's whims. I laid there pinned down by Alvin's heavy feet and shoes. My erection went away, and I heard someone approach. I got up. It was Rick.

Rick said, "Hey guys, I thought that was you. What are you up to?"

Alvin replied, "just finished signing up for Rush Week and showed off the pin still attached to his shirt."

Rick said, "As I told Jake earlier, we're having a barbeque at 5 pm, you're both welcome to attend. There are a bunch of other events all week at the different frat houses. Make sure you check all of the frats out and see where you would like to land. I'm heading to the store to get some groceries for the barbeque, I'll see you later."

Shit. Rick totally saw me lying there under Alvin's feet. He must think I'm a total loser or Alvin's plaything. This is not how I wanted to start orientation week. However, what choice did I have? Alvin had me right where he wanted me.

"Let's head back to Howard Hall. I want to nap for a bit," Alvin said.

I got up and started to walk back to the dorm. I walked behind Alvin as he preferred. Yesterday I lusted for him. That lust was turning into resentment. The more and more I got to know Alvin, the less I liked him. This morning's face fucking was not how I thought it would be. I felt used and abused and utterly trapped.

Once we were in the room Alvin pointed to the ground, my queue to strip naked. He pulled the curtain shut and told me to put my hands over my head and spread my legs.

"Did you enjoy licking my feet today, bitch?"

"No, Sir," I replied.

Alvin hit me in the balls. Not as hard as last time, but hard enough to send a message.

"Don't lie. Your cock was rock hard," Alvin said.

"Sir, I didn't enjoy it today. I was hard because it humiliated me so much."

"So, the humiliation turns you on, not the feet. Hmmm," Alvin said.

"Yes Sir, being forced to do something I didn't like turned me on Sir."

Alvin rubbed my balls. He stroked my cock.

"Well, I owe you one then."

Alvin stripped own totally naked. He told me to stay still and keep my hands over my head. He grabbed my hips and turned me towards him. He told me to not cum but wanted to make up for hitting me in the balls before.

Alvin said, "If you get close to cumming, pull out."

He put my rock hard cock head in his mouth. My erect cock was bigger and thicker than his. He sucked me about half way down as he rubbed my legs and ass. He continued to suck and rubbed my hairy balls. I groaned in delight. I couldn't believe that Alvin was sucking my cock after what an asshole he was today. I rocked my hips back and forth and felt the orgasm rise up inside of me. I pulled out. He wiped his mouth with his hand and laughed a bit.

"You have a really nice cock. I want to see you cum one day, but not today," Alvin said.

I was still on the edge as he was talking. The feeling of ecstasy was replaced by a dull pain in my balls. They felt heavy. When I lived at home, I jerked off every morning before I showered. Almost 2 days have passed, and I haven't gotten off once. I grew increasingly frustrated. I think that frustration was started to make me cranky and more aggressive. I need to cum.

"May I please cum Sir."

"Not while I'm here. You know the rules" Alvin said.

He was laying it out for me. I had to find somewhere to jerk off.

"I'm going to go jerk off in the shower," I said.

I got up and put a towel on. I walked down the hall to the shower. More guys had woken up and all of the showers were full. One guy was waiting for a shower. I looked over at the bathroom stalls and saw an opportunity. I went into a stall and hung my towel over the door. I stood in front of the toilet and stroked my hard cock. I closed my eyes and relived licking Alvin's ass this morning and tasting his asshole. I got closer and closer thinking about sticking my tongue right in his hole.

Just then I heard the washroom door swing open.

"Hey Jake, your mom is calling your cell phone," Alvin shouted out.

"I'll be there in a minute," I said.

"She says it's important," Alvin said.

Fuck. I was interrupted again. I put my towel back on. I was pissed and frustrated. I didn't even care that my cock was totally visible under my towel. I walked back to the room. When I got in the hallway, Alvin had just closed our door. I followed him in the room.

"Where's my phone?"

Alvin said, "I don't know. Your mom didn't phone. I was just trying to save you from breaking one of the residence rules by jerking off in the shower." He laughed.

I was totally pissed.

"Well, where am I supposed to jerk off then," I asked him.

Alvin said, "I've been thinking about it. I think it's best if you don't cum. At least not this week."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so. And because, you're getting cranky with me. I don't like your tone with me Jake. You're supposed to call me Sir when we're alone and you're supposed to do whatever I say," Alvin said.

He was right.

"I'm sorry Sir," I said and looked to the floor.

Alvin laid back on his bed and told me to have a nap. He said the first event we were going today was a mixer at Sigma House at 2 pm. He set the alarm for 1:30 pm.

I was tired as well but still very horny. I lied face down on my bed and tried to get a short nap in before this afternoon's barbeque, but my hard cock wouldn't let me. I reached over and grabbed the Rush manual and read it. The manual had a history of Greek life, and a history of each house. I realized now that Zeta and Sigma were the only 2 social fraternities on campus open to all men. I guessed those were my choices then. I completed the 2 history quizzes on the app and think I did well.

I closed my eyes for a bit and tried to get a bit of sleep before the events this afternoon.

Next: Chapter 4

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