Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Dec 16, 2021


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

I thank those who took the time to drop me an email. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 2 More Rules

I woke up to the sound of Rick's booming voice and sound of slamming doors. It must be the 8 pm floor meeting. Alvin propped open the door and the light from the hall shone on my naked ass, still on the bed. It turned me on that Alvin never skipped a chance to expose my naked body, but I didn't want everyone to think I was some type of nudist freak.

I got dressed and walked down the hall to the common room. I felt lucky to grab the last space on a couch. Others who filled in behind me sat on the floor or stood against the wall. We were all first-year guys, either 18 or 19 years old. I made small talk with Matteo who sat beside me. He was in general science.

Matteo pointed out a skinny guy who had his balls hanging out of his shorts. He was obviously aware and was trying to draw attention to himself. It was hard not to look. Not helping the matter is that Alvin was sitting right across from me daring me to make eye contact and disobey his "no eye contact" rule. I felt his glaring stare at me during most of the meeting. I focused my attention on Matteo and the growing laughter around the room.

"Dude, your balls are hanging out," one guy said,

"What?", the skinny guy said, laughing.

At first, I thought he was ridiculous. Then I gave him a second look. He was kind of hot. His obvious call for attention gave me the rare opportunity to stare at his balls without anyone thinking I was gay.

He was an inch shorter than me, with a muscular build like a wrestler. He had curly dirty blond hair and was clean shaven. He was wearing short running shorts (probably worn just for this purpose) and a tight t-shirt. His hairless legs showed off tan lines that ended just over his knee, and slowly transitioned to lily white skin closer to his crotch. His balls, on the other hand hung very low. His balls had thin veiny skin and were a darker brownish hue that contrasted with his white thighs. I got lost in the thought of licking his balls, thighs and cock. I imagine how his balls tasted. I imagined him tea bagging me. I imagined licking his balls from behind. Not cumming earlier made me so horny that I wanted to blow him and every guy in this room.

Rick walked in and barked off an attendance list. He started reading from a script about dorm rules and procedures, but laughter and giggles began to rise in the room. I found it hard to hear him over the noise. Rick tried to carry on and looked clearly annoyed. You could see his temper rise as his face got redder.

Rick yelled in a deep baritone voice, "What's so fucking funny?"

Everyone was silent.

"Tell me what's going on," Rick demanded.

Everyone looked at the guy with his nuts out. He froze with his mouth open in a fake `shocked' facial expression. Rick's gaze turned to look at the skinny guy and then down to his hanging ball sack. Rick's face soured even more.

"Nate you fuck, put your yam bag back in your shorts and go stand in the corner" Rick said.

We were silent. Nate got up shook his leg, so his shorts covered his balls, and went and stood in the corner. A few guys dared to laugh, but the room was silent for the first time.

Rick, obviously annoyed, rambled off the dorm rules. He kept looking back at Nate like a nervous pitcher with a fast runner at first base. I tried to focus on Rick and ignore Nate. Rick mentioned that each visitor had to be signed in on a clipboard attached to his door. Visitors had to enter through the main entrance and be escorted whenever in the building. Visitors could stay overnight for up to three nights, but no one could have more than one visitor a night. Don't jerk off in the shower or anywhere except your room. Laughter rang out. Rick continued, explaining that there was loud noise allowed after 11 pm Monday to Thursday, and finally, if you break it, deface it, rip it, tear it, or ruin any fixture, furniture or floor covering, you buy it.

When he stopped reading, he talked about the importance of getting involved on campus. He explained that he was a member of Zeta Alpha Rho and encouraged all of us to get involved in Greek life on campus, sports, or clubs.

He said, turning his head directly at Nate, that college can be hard, but if you fuck around, college is much harder. His main message was if you use common sense and follow the rules you will find success in college.

Rick said, "Nate, go stand outside. I got pizza and beer for the rest of you."

Rick walked to the Don's room across the hall, and back in holding a stack of pizza boxes and four cases of beer. He turned around again and slammed the heavy door on his way out of the common room. We were quiet for a moment and the guys started to make small talk again.

A blood curdling squeal rang out. The heavy pounding of footsteps could be heard like someone running down the main hall. A door slammed. There was an audible gasp in the room. I wondered what could have made that sound? Did Rick punch Nate? Surely, that couldn't be it. What could he have done to Nate to get him to make that sound and run away?

Rick said, "Now that we have dealt with the behavior issue, it's time to party." He lifted a beer can in the air, and everyone cheered.

I talked to some of my new floor mates, but I couldn't get the sound Nate made out of my head. It was so animalistic. So brutal.

Alvin stood beside me so close I felt the heat of his body. I looked down at his bare feet and it turned me on. When he noticed me looking at his feet he audibly laughed and patted me on the ass. Fuck.

Rick worked his way around the room and got over to me.

He said, "Jake, it looks like you and Alvin are getting along well."

I replied, "Yeah we're both settled in. Thanks for checking in earlier." I thought to myself, `if he only knew'.

Alvin said "Yeah man, stop by anytime."

Rick said, "Glad you're getting along. You two are at the back room by the staircase. If you hear any shit going on in the stairs at night, let me know."

Alvin said "will do."

Rick walked away.

Alvin turned to me and said "Looks like our floor is alright. I was worried we would have a bunch of bookworms."

I took the opportunity to quietly Ask Alvin, under my breath, if our rules applied everywhere or just in our room.

Alvin said, "well you haven't looked me in the eye, not even when you were sitting right across from me. So, you tell me." He laughed. My stomach turned.

I moved around the room and wanted to think about something other than Alvin's control over me. After the pizza was gone, most guys moved back to their rooms. They propped open their doors and turned music on. Not me. I knew as soon as I returned to my room, I'd have to strip.

As I walked down the hallway I saw Nate in one of the rooms chugging vodka right out of a full bottle. Seems like he recovered quickly.

I wonder what made him squeal and run down the hall? It had to be something so painful he lost control, but not so bad that he was really injured.

I checked out Matteo's room and went in to sit on his bed. Each room had identical furnishings but a different vibe. Matteo had a big Italian flag and two Euro football jerseys hanging on the wall. Matteo was a bigger guy with a bit of a gut and a nice wide ass. Dark hair covered his arms, legs, and the tops of his feet. I was jealous of his thick beard. He had a warm smile and seemed genuinely interested in talking.

Matteo said, "What do you think Rick did to Nate?"

Alvin appeared out of nowhere and said "I'll bet shocked his nuts with his cattle prod. Rick is part of the Zeta Alpha Rho Fraternity, and they are known for carrying around small cattle prods during hell week."

Matteo asked "How do you know all this?"

Alvin said, "if you walk by Rick's room, he has a "ZAP" paddle hanging on his wall. Everyone knows that ZAP has a double meaning."

Matteo nervously asked "I thought hazing was banned?"

Alvin explained that it is, and it isn't. He said that hazing is banned if it is involuntary, but if everyone agrees, they are all adults and can do what they want. It's not hazing if you like it. It's the loophole frats are using to get around the hazing ban.

Matteo and I looked at each other and nodded. Our discussion moved to what our schedules were like and what clubs we planned on joining. I asked Matteo if he would join the soccer team. He said that he was more into watching.

Nate bounded in the room.

"Hey boys," Nate said.

Alvin asked, "what was that fucking sound after you left the meeting? Did Rick smack your ass with that paddle?"

"No, he zapped my balls with a cattle prod. He gave me a choice of being reported to the Housing Office or settling it between us. I wanted to get it over with, so I opted for the prod. He told me to hold my balls in my hand like this."

Nate held his fingers in front of his balls in an "OK" sign with his thumb making a ring with his pointer finger.

Nate continued, "Rick took out a small black box, sort of like a remote control with 2 metal posts on the end. He pressed the posts against my nuts and told me to say go' when I wanted him to start. I froze. I didn't say anything. Rick told me that if I didn't want to do it, I didn't have to, but he would have to go to the Housing Office. The moment I started to say go' I felt the pain run through my balls like a bolt of lightning. It buzzed and hurt like a mother fucker and made me jump and scream like a goat. The pain only lasted for a second. It was kind of funny actually. I ran away so he wouldn't do it again."

Alvin chuckled, "well at least you got a nickname out of it."

Nate asked, "what's that?"

"Yam Bag." Alvin laughed and massaged Nate's back.

Nate started to chant "Yam Bag, Yam Bag, Yam Bag", and we all joined in. Nate seemed to be a good sport, but I couldn't imagine someone using a cattle prod on my balls.

Rick must have heard the chanting and yelled "hey Yam Bag, shut the fuck up" down the hallway. Rick's deep voice seemed to pass through every room on our floor.

Alvin said, "Jake has an early day tomorrow so we're going to turn in."

I was confused. This was orientation week and I had nothing to do tomorrow. Alvin put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to walk out.

I said, "Later." and walked back to our room.

Alvin rushed ahead of me and opened the door. Alvin pointed down to the floor and I kneeled.

"Good start, but I meant to strip," Alvin said.

I whipped off my shorts and shirt off and got back down on my knees and stared at Alvin's feet.

Alvin said, "I saw that you got a good look of Nate's ball sack. Did you enjoy looking at him?"

"Yes," I said.

Do you like to suck cock Jakey?"

"Yes," I said.

Alvin said, "you agreed to doing whatever I want, however, does that include sucking my cock and doing whatever I want sexually? Think carefully Jake."

I thought for a second and nodded.

I said, "I was hoping that's what you meant by me doing whatever you wanted me to."

"Of course you did Jake," Alvin said.

"Before we get into much more, I want to know more about you."

I was still staring at his feet. He told me to get on all fours at the side of his bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, leaned back onto his elbows, and put his feet on my back. He used me as a footrest. I felt used.

"Tell me about all of your sexual experiences with other people," Alvin said. "I want all the details."

I said, "there's not a lot to tell you."

I told Alvin everything. I grew up in a small town of just 1,500 people. Everyone knew everybody. No one in my high school was out, and no one I knew was out of the closet. I only had two sexual experiences.

The first was with my best friend when we were both seniors in high school. We used to hang out late at night in his room and play video games. One night he said he wanted to show me a particular porn star in a video he downloaded. We sat by his computer and as we watched the video, I noticed he got hard. His hard cock tented his shorts. I grew erect looking at his growing bulge. He looked at my cock when I looked at his. He asked if I wanted to jerk off while we watched the video.

We sat in our own chairs side by side and both jerked off to the movie. I was thinking the whole time about how hot it was to hear his breathing and the sound of his stroking, growing faster and faster. I imagined he was stroking my cock and I was stroking his. He blew his load first, shooting hot streams of cum all over his belly and chest. I looked over at him when he was shooting which put me over the edge. I had the most violent powerful orgasm in my life. I shot cum all over myself and some even shot over my head. We both laughed and never talked about it again.

The second one was just last summer. I downloaded a gay dating app on my phone and put up a blank profile. I chatted with a guy in his 30's.

He said he was married and had 2 small kids. We exchanged pictures online, but I refused to send a face picture. He invited me back to his garage one night after dark to suck his dick. He told me to walk in, suck his dick, and leave all without saying a word. He said he would be sitting in an armchair in his "man cave" found in the back of his detached garage.

He looked nothing like his picture. In his picture he was tall, blond, clean shaven, lean, and muscular. When I walked in, I recognized him. He was a guy from my church. He had black curly hair, full beard, and a bit of a dad bod. I got down on my knees and he pulled his shorts down to his ankles and spread his legs. I was not ready for the mass of pubes and leg hair surrounding his thick uncut cock. I had dreamed so long about actually sucking a cock, how it would taste, what it would smell like, and what it would feel like, I couldn't believe that it was finally happening. As I approached, he started to stroke his dick to make sure it was hard for me.

I put my mouth on the end of his dick and he told me to slow down right away. He pulled out of my mouth, but it was too late. He came all over my face. Streams of hot cum hit my forehead and dripped down my face. Shots flew into my hair and the cum started to burn my eyes. As I lifted my shirt up to wipe off my face he told me to get out.

Alvin asked, "how did you like the taste of his dick?"

"I loved it. His cock tasted musky and was red hot in my mouth," I said.

Alvin said "what turns you on about sucking cock?"

I said, "everything."

I explained that what turns me on the most is that I am in the center of his orgasm. I am right in the middle of his arousal. My face is pushed into his pubes, to the center of his manliness. I wanted to be the one to cause him to feel pleasure, and I wanted to taste a full mouthful of cum. I loved the smell of my own cock and loved the smell of the guy's cock in the garage that night. I liked how my cock felt when I stroked off but wanted to feel someone else's cock pulse in my mouth.

My cock was dripping precum onto our dorm carpet. Talking about this really turned me on.

I asked, "could I please suck your cock?"

I felt Alvin move his legs from my back and sit up on the end of the bed.

Alvin said, "I'll let you look at me tonight. Why don't you kneel in front of me?"

I got up and stretched my sore elbows and turned around and kneeled to face Alvin. I looked right into his eyes. He was very attractive. His chiseled face and strong features turned me on more and more. So did not being allowed to look at him directly.

"I'll let you suck me, but I don't want you think we're boyfriends. I might hook up with other guys. If you suck my cock, you will do so just as my submissive. Is that clear?"

"Yes," I said, "but what does it mean to be your submissive? What is involved with that? What else do I have to do?"

Alvin answered, "it means that you do what I want when I want it. You already agreed to that, so I could make you suck my cock at any time."

"May I please suck it now?" I asked.

"No Jakey," Alvin said.

"Why not?"

"Because you want it," Alvin said. "Look at you, kneeling, naked, hard cock out, dripping wet, begging to suck my cock. Submission is being willing to suck my cock when I want my cock sucked. Submission is not being able to suck my cock when you want to suck it."

All of this made my dick even harder. It was killing me that he was looking at me, commenting on my hard cock, and telling me no.

"I'll make you a deal Jake. If you suck my cock every morning and any other time I ask, I'll let you keep your clothes on if our door is open. Is that a deal?"

I thought about it for a minute. I really didn't like that I was avoiding the room because I didn't want to have to strip off in front of others. I also really wanted to suck Alvin as often as possible.

"What if I don't want to suck your cock because I'm busy... or have a cold?" I asked.

"Then we will figure something out. The idea is that you will suck it when I want it. If you refuse to suck it when I want, then I will make a new rule. Of course, I'll use common sense. There are going to be times I don't want head. So, do you agree?"

"Yes," I said.

"Good. Before you suck my dick though you need to learn how to please me. You started earlier today with my feet, now you are going to start at my feet and work your way up my legs to my balls. You're not going to suck my cock until you learn how to please me."

He sat down on the bed leaned back on his elbows. He raised one foot and put it right in my face. There was dirt on his feet from walking barefoot around the floor. I hesitated a bit, and he removed his foot, sat up, and slapped me across the face. I was stunned. My ear rung because of the loud sound of the slap.

He said "Don't hesitate. Lick my feet bitch."

I did. He leaned back again. I licked as he rubbed his feet all over my face. I could taste a bit of dirt and a bit of sweat on his foot. My face was wet with a mixture of his sweat and my own saliva. He made me repeat this with his other foot and sat up. He told me to move up his calves and kiss every part of his legs. I gently kissed the top of his feet and held his foot in my hand to kiss it all over. I kissed his ankles and licked my way up his calf. My tongue danced across his leg hair and bare skin. I could taste a bit of salt from a day's worth of sweat. He tasted sweet and salty. He tasted like a man. I licked past his knee and made straight towards his neatly trimmed balls.

"Not so fast. Focus on my thighs. Rub my legs slut", he said.

Alvin spread his legs wide and looked down at me. He breathed heavily and was totally turned on. I rubbed one leg while I licked and kissed the other. I wanted to suck his cock so bad. My raging hardon pulsed and I felt another drip of precum leave the tip of my cock. Alvin slowly stroked his cock as he watched me. It turned me on so much to be allowed to look at him.

"Now lick the crease between my legs and my crotch and under my balls. Don't dare touch my cock and balls."

He lifted his cock and balls so I could get my tongue in there. I licked him just below his balls and he shook a bit all over. I licked again and got the same reaction. I could tell he was jerking a bit quicker, and he told me to open my mouth. He bent his cock down and stroked out a huge drop of precum on the edge of his cock. He watched as the precum left his cock and dropped slowly on to my tongue. I tasted the salty treat of his precum.

Alvin growled, "good boy," and continued to stroke.

I licked every inch on either side of his cock and balls and from just under his ball sack to the edge of his ass crack. He moaned. He told me to start licking his balls. Alvin's balls were the first balls I tasted. I licked each one individually and loved how each ball reacted to the tonguing. I sucked each ball in my mouth, one at a time, and his jerking got quicker and quicker.

"Open your mouth again," Alvin struggled to talk as his jerking increased in intensity and speed.

Alvin pointed his cockhead directly at my open and willing mouth. He told me to close my eyes and stick my tongue out all the way. I stretched my tongue out as far as I could, and I could feel Alvin forcefully hold my head down in place. His vigorous stroking was just a faction of an inch from my wanting lips. I could feel his fist brush my lips and get quicker and quicker. My hands continued to rub his legs and balls as he got closer and closer, and he gasped. He shot 7 strong spurts right into my mouth. I wanted to close my lips to get a good taste, but I did want to disobey Alvin and close my mouth while he was in the middle of an orgasm. He shot loads of hot cum all over the inside of my mouth. His cum was thick and red hot in my mouth. He stroked the last bit of cum out of his cock and told me to swallow. I gladly swallowed his entire load.

"Thank you, Alvin," I said.

Alvin said "how about when we're alone, you call me `Sir'?".

I gladly agreed.

Alvin said, "now get to sleep you have an early morning. Tomorrow is the first day of Rush, and I'm going to take you by Sigma Gamma Pi house.

I crawled into my bed and tried to ignore my erection and go to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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