Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Sep 22, 2023


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2022, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 14 - Predator Prey Part 2

I turned around to see not one but two shirtless upperclassmen chasing me through the woods. Neither was wearing a glow band. Were they even part of this game? If they weren't following the rules by wearing a glow necklace, I wasn't going to follow the rules and find out what they wanted with me.

I pushed ahead and continued to run. They were so close I could feel the earth thump under their feet. I faced forward and ran into the deep brush. I had to jump over fallen tree and cut around bushes just to say ahead.

I heard one of them swear and fall into the brush behind me. I could only hear one set of feet behind me, more and more distant as I continued to duck and run. The moment I was far enough away, I crouched down inside a set of thick bushes, and squatted low to the ground. My two pursuers regrouped and were looking for me. I peeked out from inside the bushes.

"Over here" the blond guy said. I could just make out his fair complexion and very tall thin build. He had muscular arms and small defined abs. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him.

I heard a branch snap and felt a hand reach through the bushes to tag my head. I turned around and saw a white glow band.

I looked up to see who was behind me. It was Erick, my dad's employee. His bearish build towered over me. His dark close cut beard glowed blue from the white light of the glow stick.

He said, "Suck my dick Jake." I got a knot in my stomach as I came to the realization of what was going to happen next. This was going to be really awkward. I saw this guy so many times when I went to dad's work. I don't know how many times in the future I was going to see him again. I couldn't imagine being in the same room as him and my father and thinking about the time he had his dick in my mouth.

He unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped his fly. He fumbled to pull his short thick uncut cock out of his pants.

"Put your mouth on it." He pulled his soft dick out further and shook it in my direction. I got down on my knees on the cold ground and reached for his cock with one hand. It was moist. I slowly opened my mouth and licked the foreskin hanging off the end of his cock head to capture a large drop of precum that oozed out. It tasted of cum. I wasn't his first tonight. I stuck my tongue in further to get a better taste.

Just then Erick grabbed a fistful of my hair on both sides of my head and rammed his cock into my mouth. His foreskin retracted completely and my mouth was immediately filled with the strong taste of his wet cock head. It tasted of cum, sweat and someone else's salvia. His hands had a tight grip of my head on both sides and almost pulled the hair out of my head. The pain was immediate and stinging. A tear rolled down the side of my nose as he pulled his cock back, only to ram it in again.

"Your dad has been fucking me for years, it's only time that I return the favour you little shit" Erick said, as he continued to ram my face into his now hardened cock. Each thrust pushed my nose into his thick bushy pubes and my forehead into his belly fat.

Even though this was humiliating to suck a guy on demand, it was more humiliating that he was using me and this situation to get back at my dad. I often heard of the term "hate fuck" but never heard of a "hate face fuck" before. Each thrust was a bit harder and deeper in my mouth. His cock slowly continued to grow in length and girth. He now hit the top back of my throat with each thrust causing me to gag.

I pulled back a bit but his reaction was immediate. He released my hair, pulled his cock out of my mouth, and slapped me hard across the face.

"You do that again and I'll hurt you for real."

The slap caused my cheek to sting and knocked all resistance out of my head. Even though this was not only humiliating but painful, I was totally aroused. It is as if it triggered my submissive nature to kick in. Alvin used blackmail and consequences to control me. Erick used brute force. Before the slap I was trying to minimize the pain of the situation, but after, I lost all desire to fight back. I was his for this moment and completely surrendered to his desire. I felt my muscle tension release and looked up to him with my mouth open to give him full permission to use my mouth.

"What a good little slut whore." I was so turned on.

He grabbed both hands behind my head this time and stepped forward. This grip was not only more comfortable but more inescapable. I reached my hands behind my back and allowed him to use my mouth and face purely for his pleasure. Once inside my mouth his cock pulsed with delight. I could taste faint hints of cum in my mouth as he got close. His stomach heaved in and out as he breathed heavily. I could feel his arms tighten their grip on my head and shake in anticipation of his climax. My face was at the centre of a hurricane of Erick's orgasm. I looked up to see him and he was looking off into the sky, totally zoned out.

"Fucking whore slut bitch cunt" Erick growled. Every word Erick barked out made my hard cock bounce in my shorts.

I was all of that for him right here in the woods. Those words all turned me on. I imagined what my dad would think if he saw me right now getting my face railed like this by his employee. Each time I thought of my dad I was a little more degraded by the whole thing, but in a good way. My hard cock was leaking uncontrollably now.

Erick began to tremble and sweat even more as he pounded my face. I struggled to open the space in my mouth and throat as wide as possible so as to allow him to fuck my face with abandon. I gasped for breath. I was turned on that his body fat and belly made it harder to breathe as he face fucked me. His breathing was heavy and he got louder and louder with his grunting and name calling.

Right before he came, he pulled released my had and grabbed a handful of my hair to pull me off. He came all over my face and held his other hand below his cock to grab the extra cum that dribbled out of his cock. He filled his hand with jizz and rubbed it all over my face and hair. I could smell all of him all over me. I was marked.

He reached down and put his dick back into his shorts and zipped his fly. I reached down to give him my cards.

He said, "Naw. You can repay me later. You keep the cards. I'll let you know when you can do this for me again. If you're a good slut your dad never has to know."

With those words, my heart sunk.

Here was another opportunist taking advantage of the big lie about my sexuality that I told myself and everyone around me. It was a leverage point that I hated. I loathed myself for allowing this to happen.

I looked up at him and he tucked out into the woods.

My ass tingled with the thought of him using my mouth like that and talking about my dad. It was in so many ways worse than Alvin. I won't lie and say that the way he used me didn't turn me on. It did. However, the way he used my dad as leverage fucking pissed me off. I was horny, turned on, angry and scared, and in the middle of these woods with cum all over my face.

I lifted my shirt up to clean my face and hair and try to get all of Erick's cum off. When I heard another twig snap. I felt someone lift the back of my shirt up over my head and someone else grab my legs to pull them out from under me. I violently kicked as several guys pulled off my shoes socks and shorts. I kicked several of them and tried to resist, but there were too many of them now. I over heard someone saying my name. It was the two guys chasing me before.

I kicked and yelled and felt two more guys approach and push me down on the ground. They told me to kneel and I did. They wrapped my shirt over my face and someone behind me held it in place. Two others pulled my arms behind my back. I felt a plastic zip tie tighten around my wrists. I struggled to get away. They wrapped some slippery fabric around my neck and kicked me in my lower back, thrusting me forward. I fell to the ground.

One of them said "Get up on your knees and stick your ass in the air Jake."

I felt another shoe on the fabric around my shoulders.

Another guy behind me said, "Put your ass in the air and shoulders on the ground bitch."

Light shone through the fabric of my shirt and I struggled to see through. With my naked hairy ass in the air, and shoulder pinned to the ground, I was helpless. Who was doing this? Why were they looking for me.

They ripped the shirt off my head and told me to turn my head towards the light. I looked all around me. There had to be over 6 guys standing around me. I could see a purple flag on my shoulder and a bunch of cell phone lights aimed at me. They were taking pictures. I looked away from the lights towards the guys behind me and all of them had their pants down around their knees. I could see all of their cocks, but lighted cell phones by their faces blocked my view.

"I'll go first" one of them said.

Wait, I recognized that voice. It was vaguely familiar.

I felt one guy step behind me and kick my legs apart. The guy standing on my shoulder blade leaned in pinning me to the ground.

I struggled to look behind me but couldn't make anything out. One of the guys with his pants down kneeled in front of me.

I felt the guy behind me line his cock head up to my vulnerable hole. Just as he was getting ready to fuck my ass, I heard a couple of more guys come up. They were instructed to hold my ankles. I really wanted to lose my virginity but not in this way, but not tonight, and not to these assholes. Was it going to hurt? Were they all going to take a turn?

Just then I thought about Alvin's ordeal. This is exactly how he was pinned down on the bed with a flag over his back like a cape.

I thought, this must be the Sigma Gamma Pi guys getting revenge on me. Shit, this isn't good.

I looked back and got a glimpse of the guy behind me. It was Dan, the Sigma guy who I talked to at the Sigma mixer. He had a super thin runners build and toned defined arms. The light cast small shadows over his defined torso and legs.

I wriggled to get away, but as I did, everyone holding me pressed me to the ground. I felt Dan press his red hot cock head against my butt hole.

Dan said, "Start recording."

As he said that I felt a warm stream of piss rain down on my face. I closed my eyes and mouth. The guy pinning my shoulder to the ground pressed harder, as hot piss ran across my face. I could smell the strong aroma of urine as he aimed his stream all over my face, head, and into my ear.

This was so humiliating. It was so public and so much worse than anything Alvin did to me. With Alvin there was over one video. Here there were at least 5 people recording it. I died inside. I was about to get fucked and was probably wearing a Zeta Alpha Rho flag around me. I was not only going to shame myself, but my family, and my friends in Zeta house.

Suddenly, I heard the sharp cry of Rohan's whistle in a fast series of blasts. Rohan called out for everyone to come back. More whistles rang out from different directions.

Everyone around me shuffled. They were asking Dan what to do. I felt his cock move away from my virgin asshole and felt the two guys holding my legs let go. I took the opportunity to kick out Dan's legs from underneath him and pushed up to get on my feet. He fell hard to the ground and I ran into the darkness towards the sound of the whistle calls and the fire pit.

I felt the cape fly behind me but I was otherwise naked. My hands were still zip tied behind my back. Running barefoot through the brush was absolutely impossible. I had to find one of the dirt paths. I could hear several pursuers behind me once again.

Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could make out several white glow bands and lots of purple glow bands in front of me. I found a path and ran towards the group. I hoped that those white bands would be Zeta brothers that would help me.

I ran harder and heard the footsteps behind me stop running. I continued to push ahead.

I ran right into the fire pit area. I was completely nude in the front having only the cape around my shoulders. My hair and face were wet with cold piss. I was breathing heavily. It must have been a sight.

I was met with a chorus of laughter. Guys were pointing at me from all directions.

I could hear people say "What the fuck?" I could feel my cock shrink and looked around for a familiar face. They couldn't see that my hands were bound. I had to find someone I knew. Then, I saw Rick.

I ran over to him and frantically said "Rick, the Sigma guys were in the woods, tied me up, and were going to fuck me like this."

I reached my hands around my back to my side so he could see my bound wrists.

Rick reached into his pocket, pulled out his keys and ripped at the zip ties to release my hands. Once released, I pulled the flag off my shoulders. It was indeed a Zeta Alpha Rho flag. Rick pulled his shirt off exposing his hairy muscular chest, handed it to me, and told me to wrap it around my waist.

He said, "What did they do to you?"

I said, "Dan, the blond guy was going to fuck me but didn't get the chance. Another guy pissed on my face as they filmed it. You blew the whistle just in time, and I kicked out Dan's legs to get away."

Rick finger whistled and yelled out Rohan's name. He ran over to meet Rohan near the fire pit wall. They called over other Zetas standing around and circled around Rick.

After a few seconds the group split.

Rick ran back to me and said, "You stay here. We need to get everyone out of the woods."

Rick and Rohan got everyone together and someone else continued to blow the whistle. I could see the coloured Rushees wander back in from the woods.

Brent's voice rang out and told everyone to check in with their color group leader. I walked over to the yellow group and checked in. I explained that I lost all my cards in the woods.

I sat down on the brick fire pit wall as I was starting to get cold. The warm fire felt good on my back. I saw more and more Zeta members come in from Zeta house and more and more Rushes return to the fire pit.

The nightmare was over.

When most were back Rohan got up on the hill next to the fire pit and announced that the game was over. He told everyone they were invited to a party at Zeta House which was already started.

Guys put their pants back on. It was as if none of them knew anything was wrong in the woods. Was I the only one they ambushed?

I made eye contact with Brent. He walked over to see me. He looked concerned.

I said, "Do you have any clothes I can borrow?"

Brent said, "I heard what happened to you. Let's go inside and grab a shower and I'll bring you some clothes."

He put his arm around my bare shoulder and he seemed to be back his normal self. On the way back to Zeta House I felt Brent look at my yellow wrist band.

Brent said, "You won't need this anymore. Haven't you looked at your phone?"

I said, "Oh shit, my phone is in my shorts pockets. They ripped them off of me and my wallet is in there too. Wait, why wouldn't I need the wristband any more?"

Brent said, "First things first, let's get you some clothes and cleaned off, then we can look for your wallet and stuff."

While I was showering on the 3rd floor, Brent hung a towel, some warm clean shorts and a shirt over the shower stall door. The warm water felt great. I watched as the dirt ran down my body and into the shower drain. I didn't have any shampoo but used my hands to rub all over my body to get all of the dirt and piss off of me. Once I dried off I realized that he didn't leave any underwear. I got dressed. Brent was waiting for me outside.

I asked him for some shoes and socks.

Brent said, "You wouldn't fit in mine. Describe your clothes and shoes. I'll find someone to look for them in the woods. Also, whereabouts were you when you lost them?"

I explained where I was and he texted the description to a group chat in his phone. He asked whether I wanted to go downstairs to the party or hang out in his room.

"I would love to hang out in your room Brent" I said and looked in his eyes."

Brent ignored my obvious advance, and walked me up to his room in the main section of the house. Once inside he was all business again and closed the door. I sat down on his bed and closed my eyes.

I was immediately tired. I don't know whether it was all of the adrenalin or just a really busy couple of days, but I easily drifted to sleep. It was so comfortable lying on Brent's bed, with my head on his pillow. I could smell him on everything.

I awoke to Brent carrying my shorts, shirt, and shoes. It was all kind of wet. He handed me my stuff and I immediately looked for my phone and wallet. It was all there. So were all of my cards from the game of Predator Prey.

Brent smiled and said, "Looks like you did OK tonight."

I said, "Not if you count getting owned by Sigma Gamma Pi and some old sweaty Zeta Alumni."

Brent asked "Did they hurt you?"

Brent climbed onto the bed and spooned me while I explained what happened. He was so warm and comforting at times. As I told the story about getting stripped and bent over by the Sigma guys I could feel his cock get hard in his pants.

I said, "Are you getting turned on by this?"

Brent said, "A little to be honest, sorry."

I said, "I was so afraid I couldn't get turned on at the time."

Brent said, "Yeah it sounds like payback for what we did to Alvin. I feel guilty because I played a part in that."

I said, "Don't blame yourself. Alvin made his own bed."

Brent said, "Yeah but does it make me a bad person for wanting to recreate that scene one day? I want to fuck your hot hairy asshole so bad."

As he said this he pressed his hard cock against my ass.

I said, "I was scared because I wanted my first to be you."

Once I said this, he pressed again.

He said, "Oh, how I want to", his voice became stern again, "But I can't."

I said, "Why? We're both consenting adults."

He said, "Because I'm not allowed to fuck around with Zeta Alpha Rho pledges."

I said, "But I'm not a pledge."

He said, "Check your phone."

I fumbled to open my phone and Rush app. There was a notification. I clicked the notification and saw that I received an offer to Zeta Alpha Rho.

Brent said, "Now before you accept, I want to tell you a few things. First, I'm pledge master this year, meaning that I need to treat you like all the other pledges. You had an, um, taste of this when I fucked your mouth. I won't treat you any differently than anyone else. In fact, I may be harder on you. Second, your relationship with others will change as well. Third, once you accept, you cannot get an offer from any other house."

I said, "I was wondering why you were being different earlier. Why didn't you just tell me, I thought you were mad at me."

Brent said, "I thought you would have realized when I showed you my bracelet."

I said, "I knew what was going on but you were just so different."

Brent said, "You haven't seen anything yet. If you accept Zeta's offer I will be your pledge master. I will be your worst nightmare. Do you think you can handle that?"

I said, "That depends on what your intentions are with me. Do you like me Brent?"

I turned my head to look back at him. He looked surprised and looked away.

Brent said, "I mean I enjoy our time together and we have had some fun. I have never dated a guy. I like to fuck around. I really like talking to you and really want to fuck you. I would love a fuck buddy. However, I don't think it is a good idea to even think about any more than that if you are considering pledging Zeta."

I was disappointed, but he was right. Was I pushing this too soon? I thought about the way others joke with Brent about what a slut he is. Maybe he just liked our sex?

I said, "I enjoyed fooling around too. I've never wanted to date anyone. This week has been a bit of a rush. Wait, no pun intended."

Brent laughed, "Sure. We don't want to rush anything right?"

We both laughed. He hugged me and kissed the back of my neck. We didn't fool around that night, and didn't go to the party. It was nice just spooning on his bed and talking the night away.

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