Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Sep 7, 2023


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2022, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 12 - Alvin's Lament and My Delight

I thought about how vulnerable Alvin was after the sorting game. I beat him in the first round and made him cum, which meant that he got the purple bracelet, the lowest bracelet and had to wear the cock cage until the end of Rush week. The purple bracelet meant that any of the 35 guys that beat Alvin, and the hundreds of Frat brothers on campus can walk up to him and demand he suck their cock and he'd have to do it. Plus, since he shot his load he had to wear a brown bracelet, which meant that he also had to fuck them, on demand.

Rick and I were still watching the camera footage on his computer. I was hard and dripping in my shorts.

After the door knock, we watched Alvin get up and pick up his shorts. The shorter guy grabbed him by the wrist and told him to get down on his knees. The taller guy opened the door.

It was Brent and Andre. Both were wearing white wrist bands.

Brent said, "What the fuck? It's a mess already."

The taller guy replied, "He didn't clean his ass, it's not my fault."

Alvin said, "I'm right here. Wait. You know each other?"

The for upper class men looked at each other and laughed.

Brent said "Let's take him to the shower and clean him up."

Rick, still watching on his computer, sprung from his chair and and out his door. I got a quick look at his shorts, and he wasn't aroused at all. I stayed put.

I sat here watching Alvin get used and was leaking precum out of my rock hard cock the whole time. It was mesmerizing being in Rick's room, sitting on his bed, smelling his scent the whole time, and being so turned on.

I turned my gaze back to Rick's computer screen. I watched the taller guy grab Alvin by the hair and out the door, I saw Rick moving the housekeeping pylon in front of Alvin's room and carried another out of view. I peeked down the hallway. I saw the guys drag Alvin by his hair into the bathroom.

I felt bad. Was this too much? Was this all for me? I really had a love hate relationship with Alvin, but he doesn't deserve all this because of what he did to me. Although, he isn't complaining. He was just begging to get fucked. Plus, Alvin took no pity on me.

Rick came back into the room. I had to talk to him.

"Rick," I said, "can we talk?"

Rick said "Sure. What's up?"

I said, "Is this all because Alvin was blackmailing me?"

Rick said, "Yes, and no. Alvin did blackmail you and took things too far, but those are the least of Zeta's concern. What you don't know is that Alvin threatened to make allegations against me and about the whole of Zeta House to the school's administration. You were just the start of it. Plus, if someone like him were to work his way to the top of Sigma House, he would threaten all of the Frats on campus. He needs to learn humility. I'm not saying the Greek life isn't for him. However, if we don't work together to clamp down on manipulative, lying, and controlling behaviours like his when we see them, it will damage the reputation of all of the houses, and Greek life at every school. Alvin is a negative headline waiting to happen. Can you imagine Alvin in charge of pledges? It would be a disaster. Alvin only understands one thing - power. We're going to flex a bit of Zeta muscle tonight and get Alvin back in line so you, me, and the rest of us don't have to worry."

I said, "I feel better in a way. I didn't know the rest."

Rick said, "Nor should you. I'm trusting that this conversation stays between us."

I saw the boys bring Alvin back in the room, this time draped over Brent's broad shoulder like a limp towel. Brent plopped Alvin's body down on his bed and Alvin got on all 4s, and arched his back up so his ass was in the air. I was shocked that Alvin was so versatile. He struck me as a total top when he beat my ass and my balls. Alvin didn't look hurt or upset. He looked like he was very much into all of this.

Brent said to the two guys that previously used Alvin, "Did you scan his badge?" The tall guy said "Oh, shit! Where is it?"

Brent shook his head. Alvin scurried to his clothes on the floor and picked up his badge. Brent took it from him and pinned it to his bed. The two guys that used Alvin scanned it, said their goodbyes and left the room.

Andre kicked his shorts off and started stroking his cock. I caught a good gaze at Andre's dark skinned legs and beefy ass. When we were back at Zeta house I couldn't see much of him because he was sitting at a computer screen. However, tonight, even on the security camera footage, he was a total beefcake. You could tell he had well defined chest and shoulder muscles and strong legs. He had a full ass. His large cock swung back and forth in front of him. It had a slight bend to the right and stuck out for at least a foot. Andre moved his cock in front of Alvin's face so he could get a taste. Alvin devoured Andre's thick cock and took it balls deep right away. Impressive. Andre pushed his pelvis forward and leaned his shoulders back and looked up at the camera. He was a showman.

There was something so humiliating about these somewhat clothed guys using Alvin who was on all 4s and completely naked. Alvin seemed so diminutive and vulnerable compared to these broad shouldered hunks. I thought that if this wasn't being videotaped I wouldn't mind at all if that was me in the bed. I imagined what Andre's thick bent cock tasted like, and imagined taking it balls deep in my throat. I thought about bending over like that on the bed and having my mouth used while my bare ass was there for the taking by Brent, who Alvin really doesn't know. My cock got hard thinking about this and stroked the now visible outline of my boner through my shorts, making sure that Rick was looking at the computer screen.

Looking at the screen, I watched Brent root through Alvin's cupboards and throw his clothes on the floor. He then went through my cupboard.

I said to Rick, "Hey! That's my stuff!"

Rick waved me down with his hand.

We watched Brent grab a pair of my tall athletic socks and go over and watched Alvin slurp all of Andre's hard dick. Brent unzipped his fly and took out his rock hard dick.

Brent walked behind Alvin, and kneeled on the back of the bed behind Alvin.

Brent said, "May I blindfold you?"

Alvin pulled Andre's cock out of his mouth and said, "Would that turn you on?"

Brent said "Yeah" and wrapped one of my socks around Alvin's head to make a blindfold. As he leaned forward, Brent's cock rode up Alvin's naked ass crack. There was such a contrast between Brent's strong muscular hairy legs and Alvin's smaller hairless legs. Brent tied the blindfold very tight and grabbed both of Alvin's hips to centre his hole in front of Brent's hard thick cock.

Alvin was now completely naked and blindfolded with hard cocks aimed at both of his holes. Andre was kneeling and put one foot up on the bed to the left of Alvin's head to give him more leverage. Andre pushed his hard cock back into Alvin's wet mouth, right to the base. Andre began to slowly rock his cock in and out of Alvin's wanting mouth. Alvin made sure to go all the way up and all the way down his cock. He made slurping sounds that really was turning Andre on. Without moving off of the bed, Brent grabbed the blue and white Sigma Gamma Pi flag off the wall and folded it in half. He reached forward and tied 2 ends of the folded flag around Alvin's neck like a cape. As he did that, his cock once again slid up Alvin's naked ass crack.

Alvin pulled Andre's cock out of his mouth and moaned, "Please fuck me. I want it so bad."

Brent obliged. He draped the flag over Alvin's back and looked up at the camera. Brent put his right foot up on the bed and kneeled on his left, grabbed both hips to position his cock just right. He placed his cock head right at Alvin's wet hole, and drove forward, without applying any other lube. Was Brent ever not ready to fuck? Alvin grunted and lunged forward only to be met by Andre's hard cock in his mouth. Andre saw Brent's motion so he timed his lunge forward just right. The result was that Alvin gagged for the first time on Andre's bent thick dick.

Andre started picking up the pace and started to increase the pace of his fucking motion. He held Alvin's head down on his cock all the way with one hand and reached his other over to Brent. They were going to Eiffel Tower Alvin in his own bed blindfolded wearing a Sigma Gamma Pi flag. This really painted a picture.

I noticed how there was nothing nice about the way Brent was fucking Alvin. Alvin didn't seem to mind, but I don't think I'd like him fucking me like that. Brent was so much more sensual with me before the sorting game. He fucked my mouth after the sorting game with the same hard thrusts he was pounding into Alvin now. I wonder what is up with him?

Andre and Brent were absolutely playing to the cameras. No wonder, since I think Andre was behind setting them up. Rick and I just sat there and watched. I was completely hard. I kept stroking my cock. I looked over to Rick's crotch and couldn't see a boner.

I said to Rick, "How long is this going to go on?"

Rick looked back at me and I quickly moved my hand away from my crotch. He looked down at it, and then up at me. He blushed and looked away.

Rick said, "I don't know, there's a bunch of guys waiting outside. You don't have to watch anymore if you don't want to."

He looked down at my cock again, now purposely, and grinned.

Rick continued, "You have a big day ahead with Predator Prey tomorrow night. Wait, I mean tonight. You better, um, get some rest."

The sound of skin slapping and Alvin's moaning continued throughout this conversation.

I said, "Was there anything I can do to thank you for all this?" I looked down and bit my lower lip.

Rick said, "Nope. Just don't be late tomorrow."

I really wanted to suck Rick's cock. Was I being too obvious? I mean I'm giving him every opportunity. Maybe guys throw themselves at him all the time, or maybe he's not into guys or not into all of these sexual shenanigans. I turned around so as to not let Rick see my erection again as I left and closed his door. I looked down the hallway and it was quiet. I went back and crashed in Nate's room.

I slept soundly.

I was awaken by Nate in the morning.

Nate said, "What happened in Rick's room last night? Did you suck his dick?"

I lied and said, "I sucked it earlier. He is very hairy."

Nate said, "Wow, hot!"

He grabbed my morning wood and said, "Do you want me to suck you again? Last night was fun."

I said, "No, it's just hard because I need to piss."

I headed down the hall towards my room and the bathroom. I hoped Alvin was sound asleep from his long evening. But when I entered the bathroom I saw the soccer sandals that he spanked me on his feet under the shower stall. Fuck! I tip toed over to the toilet stall, closed and locked the door, and took out my cock. I had to piss so bad it made a huge sound. As I was pissing I heard Alvin's shower shut off and the shower curtain open.

Two other floor mates entered and were talking. They started to laugh.

One said, "What in the fuck do you have on your cock?"

Alvin said, "Um, it's some Frat shit. I'm going to get accepted into Sigma Gamma Pi today dip shit. You won't be laughing at me then asshole."

The other guy said, "Fuck your cock must be so tiny to fit into that." They were both howling laughing.

Alvin said, "Hey Jake I can see your sandals in the toilet. Where have you been?"

I froze.

I said, "I've, um, been out. What are you, my mom?"

Alvin said, "Do I need to remind you?" He moved closer to my stall.

The two other guys started their showers. I turned around and could see Alvin's sandalled feet right in front of my stall door.

Alvin whispered, "Don't forget you're mine fag" and turned around to leave.

After a few seconds, I said, "Don't forget your place, purple bracelet."

Alvin chirped back, "That changes nothing Jakey" and walked out the door. I finished pissing and returned to Nate's room.

I didn't knock and opened the door. I was surprised to see Matteo lying on the bed I crashed on last night, and Nate sucking his thick hairy cock. I stepped backwards and closed the door. Nate mumbled something, but his mouth was full of cock so I couldn't understand a thing he was saying.

I decided to head down to the cafeteria to grab a bite.

The walk over to the cafeteria, and my dry campus hamburger was unremarkable, but what happened next was delightful.

As I carried my tray back to the kitchen, a tall chubby black guy who was cleaning tables walked up to me. He was over 400lbs, had very broad shoulders and was way over 6 feet tall. He had a really big belly and a bigger smile.

He said, "Let me take that for you."

When I passed him my tray I saw the white bracelet around his wrist. Our eyes locked and he nodded knowingly.

He said, "Go to the bathrooms and wait in one of the stalls. I'll be there in 5."

To be honest, I always fantasized about picking up a guy in a public place and having public sex. I was from a small town so I would never try it near home as I knew everyone. However, here, with the Sorting Game rules that required me to blow everyone with a higher bracelet, I had the permission (if not requirement) to be the total pervert I fantasized about.

My heart raced. I sat alone in the bathroom in the end stall.

Would this guy be sweaty from work? What if he didn't shower and I gag? I never sucked a big guy like him before, and I never sucked a black guy. Would he be nice to me or be rough? What if I couldn't suck him all the way down? What if he leaves me a negative review? All of these thoughts raced through my head until I heard the bathroom door open.

He stepped in front of my stall door. Twice in about an hour, I was behind a stall door: once with a (I hope) former sexual partner on the other side, and once with a (I'm guessing) future sexual partner on the other side.

He slowly pushed open my stall door, and the door hit my knees. He tried to press himself inside, but there was not enough room for the door to open enough for him to get in.

He said, "Get up on the toilet."

I jumped up, and stood on the toilet seat. No wonder people put down the paper rings. He got the stall door closed and I got back down to sit on the seat. He unzipped his fly and took out his cock. He wasn't big, but he was uncut and smelled great. I put my mouth on the end of his soft cock and and played with the long foreskin in my mouth.

He whispered "stick your tongue inside". I did. I explored his loose foreskin with my tongue and I could feel his cock get harder. Each movement of my tongue inside his foreskin around his cock head made him react. His cock head tasted stronger than the other guys I sucked. It was a mix of normal cock taste and a bit of piss taste. It was exciting that he was so sensitive. He reacted to my every move. He moaned and held my head in place gently. I continued to suck and lick, and he pushed my head lower. I put both of his balls in my mouth and tasted their salty skin. His balls were butter soft and I moved my hand to rub his big thighs and legs. His skin felt so soft. This guy was a feast for the senses.

Just as I put his much more erect cock back in my mouth I heard the door open again. He pulled his cock back and pulled his pants up. I lifted both of my legs up on to the toilet to make it appear as though only one person was in the stall.

A guy's voice said "Chet, are you wanking off again? I'm not cleaning your side any more."

The chubby guy said, "No asshole. I caught us a yellow bracelet eating dinner."

I thought to myself "US?" Wait, we couldn't possibly fit anyone else in this stall.

The new guy said "Shit, and I thought you were slacking off."

Chet, the chubby guy said, "Come back in 5 minutes."

The other guys said, "I'll be back in 2."

He wasn't wrong.

Chet pulled his pants down and his cock was soft. I put his soft cock in my mouth with my hand and pushed down all the way into the fat pad above his cock. He held me there gently with one hand as he ground his hips into my face. My air supply was completely cut off. As I started to gasp for air he pulled back and let me breathe then eased me back down. This time his cock was harder. He leaned in again and gasped and unloaded his cock right in my mouth. He wasn't huge so it was all over my tongue, and the bathroom door swung open.

The other guy got into the stall next to me. Chet pulled up his pants and smiled down at me. He grabbed the large round toilet paper roll on the left wall of the stall and lifted it off to reveal a large hole that went to the other stall and the other toilet paper holder. The guy in the next stall lifted his toilet paper holder off and I looked through. The other guy was thinner and taller than me. He put the toilet paper holder down and so did Chet. I heard of glory holes before but never thought I'd actually find one and suck a cock through it! The skinny guy unzipped and passed this thin black cock through the stalls. Chet held my head with both hands and this stranger's cock was in my mouth.

I tried to suck it all the way down but I gagged on the first attempt.

The skinny guy said, "Damn, do better. That's not even all of it. I want you to suck all of my cock."

His cock tasted great. He pulled back and then lifted his balls through the hole and pressed his skinny pelvis against the stall wall so that his cock was fully on my side. I tried again. This time I approached slowly, but his cock hit the back of my throat in the same spot. I tried to pull back but felt Chet's big hand gently hold my head in place. This gag made my stomach turn. I gagged again and my eyes watered.

Chet said, "Just relax the back of your throat and open up the space to make room."

I said "Thank you for helping me."

I took a moment to look at this beautiful cut cock in front of me. It was fully hard now and the cock head was so much bigger than the shaft. The cock head glistened with my spit and seemed to continue to pulse. I thought that I may never know the person behind this cock. As I spent 4 years at this campus any skinny black guy could be the one that owned me in this bathroom. I was humiliated and turned on all at the same time by this thought.

I opened my mouth and relaxed as Chet said to. I slowly, but deliberately took this hard cock all the way down. My chin pressed against my balls.

The skinny guy whispered, "Easy, my balls are sensitive."

I pulled back and slowly and methodically moved back and forth on this beautiful dick. He responded each time with a low moan. I started to pick up the speed and he went a bit soft.

He said, "Go slow, you were doing fine."

I put it back in my mouth and went slowly up and down his shaft and listened to him growl and start to breathe heavily. It was like music to my ears. I loved pleasing this stranger. Something about getting used in a public bathroom really turned me on. I had to perform for these guys, and the location was not my choice, but it was exciting that someone could walk in at any time and discover us.

I kept the same speed and the skinny guy silently unloaded cum right to the back of my throat. Once I felt his cock pulse and start to unload, I just held it there. When he was finished depositing his cum in my throat he slowly withdrew from the glory hole. He and Chet replaced the toilet paper holders. Chet smiled at me and reached down to kiss me on the lips. He kissed me deeply and seemed to relish the taste of his friend. He stood up and asked for my badge. I let him scan it, and reached my badge under the stall so the other guy could scan it. Chet motioned for me to lift my legs again so he could get out of the stall, and we were done. This was so fucking hot.

I realized at this point that I was a sitting duck if I remained out in public. I had a couple of hours before the game of Predator Prey, and I had to get back to Howard Hall without getting "caught" again.

Next: Chapter 13

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