Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Sep 4, 2023


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2022, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 11 -- Hideout

I laid down on my temporary bed and turned the light off. I wanted some alone time. Being around all of those hot guys at the sorting made me totally horny. I was around so many hot men for the past couple of days but needed some down time.

That wasn't in store for me.

Three hard knocks at my door jolted my hand out of my pants.

It was Brent at the door. I opened the door and invited him in. Instead of being his normal goofy self, Brent had a stern expression on his face. He held up his wrist and showed off a white wrist band.

Brent commanded, "Suck my cock".

I chuckled and got down on my knees. Brent didn't laugh or look at me. He unzipped his fly and pulled his hard cock out and pressed it against my cheek. I could feel his red hot cock head on my face and I exhaled in ecstasy. This was different because Brent usually undresses completely and is ripping my clothes off before we really start. It is usually hot and passionate and starts with kisses. Not this time.

I said "OK" and put my lips around his hard cock. He tasted musky and precum dripped onto my wanting tongue. He immediately started to jackhammer my face, and held my head firmly with both hands.

Brent said "Don't gag." Fucked my face even harder.

I struggled to take his cock. It swished in and out of my mouth vigorously. His cock banged the back of my throat with each thrust and I angled my head back so he could go a bit farther. He was bigger than Alvin and his cock was much harder. It was difficult to suck without gagging. Each thrust prompted me to reflexively gag but I held it back for as long as I could. I felt the need to gag, so I backed off his dick and stood up to kiss him. Before I got to stand straight up, Brent used his upper body strength to push me down on both knees and rammed his cock in my mouth. It was so hot to feel the difference in strength between us, and to know it was his strong arms pushing me to my knees. I put my mouth back on his dick. His cock rammed right past my mouth and into my throat. He used his arms to push in in all the way then rammed his hips into my face and pulsed his cock. He giggled. I gagged. He held me down as I gagged and he pulsed his cock again and laughed. I looked up at him and he was very very pleased. He started to pump his hips while holding me down against his hard cock. My mouth was an absolute object for his huge hard cock and I loved it. He pumped harder and harder. I continued to gag. Salvia ran down my chin and out of my nose as I gag and he used my mouth like an inanimate sex toy. I did my best to push towards his body and accept my place as his play thing. As he got closer and closer he began to hold me all the way down on it. My lips were scratched by the edge of his zipper.

Brent commanded, "Suck it all the way down. Don't resist."

He followed by pushing my head down all the way down. I tried to relax completely and just let him have his way with my mouth. I gagged completely involuntarily and made a huge gagging sound. I felt my stomach turn. Brent reacted by pumping my face even deeper before I could recover. This made my gagging continue constantly. Thick streams of spit and slobber ran out of my mouth. Snot bubbles were coming out of my mouth. I struggled to breathe. This seemed to turn Brent on even more. He giggled and stared down at me. I was turned on and intrigued by his animalistic face fucking, all while struggling to breathe. Brent silently thrusted his cock all the way down my throat and unloaded 8 hot pumps of cum while I completely gagged.

He pulled out and looked down at me on my knees. My chin and nose were covered in slobber and it had dripped on my shirt and the floor. I was breathing heavily. I felt completely turned on and used at the same time.

Brent smiled and kissed two of his fingers and pressed them against my lips and zipped up his fly. He turned around to leave.

I said, "Aren't you going to stay for a bit."

Brent said, "No. Good job."

I got up. My knees were sore.

There were two knocks at the door. This time it was Rick.

I opened the door. I was wrong. It was Rick and Rohan.

Rohan said to Rick "Are you going to go first?"

Rick said, "I'm picking him up to heading back to Howard hall. I need his help with something."

Rohan looked down at me and said, "Damn. Hey Jake, you owe me one." He held up his white wrist band. I could see his hard cock pointing up to the right almost making its way to his shorts pockets.

Were Rohan and Rick listening to me gag on Brent's cock? Did it turn them on? I was still light headed from Brent's face hammering and the thought of both of these guys listening to me gag and struggle to take his cock.

Rick stepped inside my temporary room and said "Your friend Brent just let everyone in the frat know there was a yellow wrist band in this room. I think you might have a rough night being the only Rush around. Why don't we head to Howard Hall tonight and find a quieter place for you to crash? But first, one thing."

Rick held up his wrist with a white wrist band. He closed the door.

I got on my knees and looked up at Rick. The truth is that I really wanted to suck his cock. He was so hairy, masculine, and muscular. This was completely opposite to me. Even though he still had his camo shorts and muscle tank top on, I undressed him with my eyes. I remembered his thick bush, meaty uncut cock, and furry 6 pack abs. I thought about burying my face in his hairy perfect ass and have his purple Zeta tattoo pressed against my cheek when I did. I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in his thick bush. I held my face so close to his cock I could smell it. I was completely erect in my shorts. Rick didn't seem to be hard.

Rick looked down, raised his eyebrows and whispered, "It was just a test. You can ask for it later if you really want it..." I looked up at him and bit my lower lip on the right side as he spoke.

Rick continued, "...if anyone asked, you sucked my cock in this room as soon as I raised my wrist. Now get all your stuff out of here and let's go before anyone comes by."

I walked behind him out of Zeta house and towards the main campus. Once the cold air hit me my erection completely went away. I was left with a low aching feeling in my balls. They were so full from the competition and then Brent's hart face fucking. It had me in heat. I wanted to unload my cock so bad. Walking behind Rick didn't help. I loved watching his firm ass as he walked. I imagined jacking off and cumming all over Rick's hard hairy butt cheeks as I stared at him. As he walked I looked at his hairy muscular legs. I loved the way his dark body hair went from his ankles to his shoulders. His muscular calves were well defined. He kept a quick pace.

Half way to Howard Hall Rick made a left instead of going straight there. Rick explained that he didn't want Alvin to see us returning from his window so we were going to go in the other fire exit. Rick ran up the Howard Hall stairs closest to his bedroom. I struggled to keep up.

When we got to the 3rd floor it was hopping. I could hear loud music down the hall and guys were going in and out of each other's rooms.

Rick said, "I'm going to have to stick around in my room tonight, can you ask one of your friends if you can sleep on their floor?"

I nodded and walked down the hall. Maybe Matteo would let me take him up on his offer. I really hope I didn't see Alvin. He wasn't the type to socialize unless I was with him, however, I didn't think he'd want to hang out with that purple bracelet on his wrist either.

On my way down to Matteo's room, I saw Nate sitting on his bed, playing with his phone. He still had on my favourite short shorts and had his shirt off. I could see the outline of his cock cage in his tight shorts. He didn't seem to mind. When I walked in he smiled.

I said, "What are you up to tonight?"

He said, "Just hanging out here. Want to join me?"

I said, "Sure. I was just heading down to see if Matteo would let me crash in his room."

Nate said, "If he doesn't have room for you, my roommate is away tonight. You can sleep in his bed if you want. He's always with his new girlfriend."

I said "Great thanks!" I felt relieved. I closed the door and sat down on the other bed. Nate looked over to me. I got out my phone and texted Rick that I was going to spend the night in Nates room, and thanked him for getting me out of Zeta house. Rick replied and apologized for not thinking ahead to realize that it wouldn't be wise for me to stay there alone in a room. He didn't anticipate Brent telling everyone you were there.

Rick typed, "Fucking Brent."

As I typed Nate watched me.

I said, "How does that cock cage feel around your cock and balls?"

Nate blushed and said, "It's OK. I actually fantasized about wearing one. That's why I came right away."

I said "Really?"

Nate said, "Yeah, they really make you horny and I love the feeling of being horny all the time."

Nate looked down and said, "Plus I don't mind sucking cock and always wanted to get fucked by a guy. I've only had girlfriends growing up and wanted to see what it was like with a guy."

I said, "There's plenty of other ways to do that on Campus without throwing the sorting game."

Nate said, "I know. It probably wasn't smart. I also know that I normally don't last very long. I didn't bother putting up a fight. How did you last so many rounds."

I thought for a minute and said, "I was just nervous I guess."

Talking about the sorting got me going again, I felt my cock swelling. Even thought I already came many times today with Brent before the jerkoff competition, the competition itself and Brent's thorough face fucking had me totally aroused. I had to get some private time alone with myself to take care of this cock.

I looked over at Nate's cock. His cock cage bump in his shorts was moving a bit. I loved the way the light looked on his defined chest and outie belly button. His muscular build and smooth tanned skin looked delicious. This made my cock fully hard again. My cock tented my basketball shorts and I started to breathe heavily. Nate glared at my cock and I looked over at him.

I said, "I better go to the shower to take care of this thing. I hope I don't get caught."

Nate said, "You don't have to leave the room, you can do it here, I'll shut the light off." Nate got up and turned off the light switch. He turned to me on the way back and held up his purple wrist band.

Nate said, "Or, you can let me take care of that for you."

My hard cock pulsed.

I said, "Are you sure? I didn't want to ask, you're being so kind by letting me hide here for the night."

Nate said, "I've wanted to suck your dick from the moment we met. I mean, you have a hot body."

I never thought myself as hot.

Nate said, "If you let me suck your cock, may I explore and feel your body a bit?" He walked over to the bed and got in from the end of the bed.

I said, "I guess. Are you sure that you want to volunteer to suck cock with that cock cage on, won't it make you horny?"

Nate said, "I've always fantasized about sucking a cock with a cock cage on. This thing makes my cock so small and insignificant. I can feel it dig into my cock as I am so turned on right now. This thing is really making me horny. I don't know if I would be so forward with you if I wasn't wearing it. All I know is that I want your cock in my mouth right now."

Nate climbed up over me and took off my top. He was very good looking. I grabbed his head and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. I played with his dirty blond curly hair. He pressed the cock cage against me and I grabbed his tiny little ass cheek. As I squeezed he moaned. I my hands explored his body and I squeezed his bicep muscles. He had the build of a wrestler and was almost totally naturally smooth all over.

I was relieved and turned on all at the same time. My hard cock pressed against his legs. Nate kissed my neck and started to move down my body. He pinched both of my nipples and stopped on the way down to my cock to lick each one. I held his head in place as he did. He licked and nibbled the right nipple causing me to breathe in each time I felt his teeth. He was very good with his mouth and my cock bounced with each move he made on my nipples. He kissed his way down my abs towards my basket ball shorts. He pulled them down and off, and threw them on the floor. I was now naked on his room mate's bed. Nate slinked to the end of the bed and put his mouth on my cock. He reached up and squeezed one nipple with each of his hands.

His mouth felt so soft and so warm. Nate's clean shaven chin rubbed my balls and tickled a bit. Every part of this man was smooth. He went up and down my cock very slowly and very deliberately. I laid still.

He moved his hands and reached under to grab both of my butt cheeks. He squeezed. It felt so good, and I was so relaxed. I put my hands behind my head and just enjoyed. He moaned as he sucked and I began to breathe heavier. I move my arms down and rubbed his hair as he sucked me. My cock pulsed in his mouth and I began to moan a bit. It felt so good and so natural. I felt a tingling in my balls that moved to my balls and ass. Nate reached my hand and pushed his head down on my cock. He grabbed my ass again and pulled my pelvis towards his face. I could feel the orgasm grow. I pumped a bit. Then harder. He didn't gag. I pressed his face all the way down on my cock. He pushed his face in harder and I pumped a bit. He reached around and grabbed my hands to tell me to fuck his face. I did. I grabbed his head with both hands. My breathing was very heavy now and I pumped his head very hard. My cock growing in expectation of this huge load. I was very close. I pulled back a bit and put my cock head right on his tongue just as I unloaded stream after stream of hot cum right into his soft warm mouth. We were both breathing heavily. Nate swallowed the first mouthful of cum and the swishing feeling of his mouth made my dick tingle. He pulled off and cum continued to stream out of my pulsating cock. Nate looked up at me and gobbled it all up and put his mouth on the end of my cock and nursed the rest of the cum out.

Nate climbed up on the bed and passionately kissed me. I could taste that hot load of cum in his mouth and kissed him back deeply.

Nate pulled back and said, "Thank you" and laughed.

I was absolutely spent and we laid down together, naked, in each other's arms. This was an amazing day. I drifted to sleep.

We were awoken by a knock at the door.

Rick said, "Jake."

I got on my shorts and threw Nate his shorts. He was groggy and I motioned for him to get in his own bed. I had morning wood, even though it wasn't even 3 a.m.

I opened the door and the light flooded in from the hallway.

Rick asked, "Do you want to see why Alvin will never bother you again?"

I was intrigued and said "For sure!"

Rick turned around and I followed and closed Nate's door. The floor was quiet. Everyone had gone to bed for the night. Rick opened the door to his room and pointed for me to sit on his bed. Rick's laptop was on and open to a night view camera of my dorm room. Through the green light I could hear Alvin's tell tail snoring.

Rick said, "Things are about to get started. Do you want to guess what is going to happen next?"

I laughed and said, "Is Alvin about to get some of his own medicine?"

Rick nodded. He typed on a group chat log.

Soon there was a loud knock at Alvin's door. I could hear the knock all the way down the hallway as well.

Alvin got up and cracked the door open. Light from the hallway lit up the room. The camera changed from night vision to full colour and Rick clicked on the screen and opened 4 different camera views of the room.

Two big guys that I never seen before walked in and flicked on the lights.

When the lights went on I was stunned to see that Alvin hung a huge blue and white Sigma Gamma Pi flag on his wall over his bed. It was oversized and took up almost the whole wall.

When Rick saw the flag he said, "Holy shit. How did I not see the flag before. It is against the rules for any Rush to wear or decorate with frat flags during Rush week before they accept a position. I wonder if Sigma Gamma Pi knows that Alvin has hung their flag?"

Rick opened a new window and started typing to someone else.

I enjoyed all of this. I looked back to the screen.

The bigger guy held up a white wrist band and said, "Wake up bitch and get naked on the bed."

Alvin sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "who is first?"

Rick zoomed in on one of the cameras to Alvin's face. He looked overwhelmed.

The smaller guy said "We're both first" and proceeded to lift Alvin's shirt off. The other pulled off his shorts. They positioned him on the bed on all 4s. Alvin was about to get split roasted. Alvin arched his back to stick out his ass as the shorter guy positioned himself in front of Alvin's mouth. The taller guy got behind him.

Rick clicked the screen and moved one camera to get a better camera angle. He clicked another screen to zoom in on Alvin's face. As he did Alvin's face grimaced and he said "Fuck" as the taller guy aimed his cock at Alvin's hole.

Alvin said, "Use some lube."

The taller guy spit on his hand and stroked his dick and rammed it back in.

Neither one of Alvin's visitors took their clothes off. They just unzipped their pants to take out their cocks. The shorter guy wasn't hard but rubbed his cock all over Alvin's face. He moved his lips to try to get the cock in his mouth, but was no use. The shorter guy teased Alvin with his soft cock and lifted his cock to reveal his hairy balls. The taller guy was steadily pumping Alvin's ass with his almost dry cock. Alvin moaned. It was a sound in between pleasure and pain.

The shorter guy turned himself around and pulled down his shorts to reveal his olive skinned hairy ass. This was the most hair I've seen on a guy's ass in my life. It had big tufts of thick black curls that extended from his lower back to his legs. There was a deep forest of dark hair down his crack. Alvin turned his head. The taller guy reached up and pulled Alvin's hair back and forcefully rammed it into the shorter gorilla's hairy ass.

Alvin mumbled "Thank you Sir."

Rick laughed and said, "What a little submissive bitch!"

The shorter guy bent over and spread his hairy ass cheeks.

The taller guy asked "Is he licking you?"

The shorter guy said "Nope."

The taller guy pulled out of Alvin's ass and slapped it hard. He used his superior strength to grab Alvin's mid section and flip him on his back.

The taller guy said "Take your shorts off and come over here and smother his face with your ass."

The shorter guy got off the bed and kicked his shorts off he stood over Alvin with one foot on the bed on either side of Alvin's chest and kneeled on either side of Alvin's body.

Alvin said, "Sirs, I didn't think I have to rim you. I thought I just had to fuck and suck your cocks."

The shorter guy said, "You don't have to. I thought you wanted to."

The taller guy said, "Are you being uncooperative Rush?"

Alvin said no.

The taller guy said, "Now pin his arms down as you sit down on his face and tell me when he starts licking."

The shorter guy got right down on his face.

Rick zoomed in. I could see Alvin's forehead against a thick tuft of ass hair.

The shorter guy said "He's licking."

The taller guy laughed and lifted Alvin's legs in the air, and tilted his ass up, putting his legs over his broad shoulders. He dropped his cock right into Alvin's hole without any more lube and Alvin moaned again. Alvin reached around and rubbed the side of the shorter guy's ass with his hands. You could see Alvin move his head around as the shorter guy moved his hips. They were both happy.

There was such a contrast between the olive skinned hairy shorter guy, Alvin's hairless body, and the taller guy's hairy blond body. It was if Alvin was the creamy middle to these two hairy brutes.

The taller guy picked up the pace of his fucking and slapped Alvin's balls, that were bound in place with the tight cock cage. Alvin's balls were not as loose and low as Nates and looked like two small eggs against the metal cock cage. Alvin groaned with the slap.

Alvin gasped for air and said, "Thank you Sirs, please hit my balls again."

The taller guy quickly punched Alvin's balls and Alvin groaned.

Alvin yelled "Again."

The taller guy laughed and gave him a second quick punch and a third. Alvin wanted more and this time the shorter guy obliged and slapped his balls hard with an open hand and leaned forward and lifted his ass from Alvin's mouth.

The shorter guy said "Open up."

He moved his knees back above Alvin's head and dropped his cock deep into Alvin's throat. Alvin gagged but the shorter guy was pumping him hard, ignoring the gurgling and gagging sounds below.

The taller guy was pumping hard and said, "Let's switch."

The taller guy pulled his cock out and stared at his cock.

He said, "Shit, the little bitch didn't clean out. Hey bitch, do you want to clean this off my cock?"

The shorter guy got off the bed and Alvin sat up.

Alvin said, "I'm very sorry Sir, but please don't make me suck you."

The taller guy said, "that's the risk you run, isn't it little purple and brown wrist band? If you have that brown wrist band on keep your ass clean at all times until the end of the week unless you want to clean up someone with your mouth."

Alvin said, "I'm sorry Sir I will do better."

The taller guy moved to the end of the bed, pulled Alvin's legs up over his head again and thrusted into him. The shorter guy face fucked him at the same time. Alvin's cock cage was filled with his hard cock and was pulsating on his own. The two guys pounding Alvin had slightly different rhythms and timing. They were both banging Alvin very hard. This made Alvin's body move with each bang. He was getting tossed around on that bed like a load of laundry. He was getting used hard. Alvin reached around and grabbed the shorter guy's ass. It was super hot to watch, especially because Alvin was having so much fun.

The taller guy fucking Alvin started to cum first. He pulled Alvin by the hips so hard it pulled the shorter guy's cock out of Alvin's mouth. He pounded really fast and Alvin moaned the whole time. She shorter guy kneeled and watched. As the taller guy got close he breathed hard and fucked so hard his hips were a blur on the screen. He lunged forward and stopped and pumped Alvin's ass full of semen. He pulled out and looked down at his dick.

The shorter guy said, "My turn."

He got to the end of the bend and put Alvin's legs up on his shoulders. His chest hair stuck out of the neck of his shirt and continued down his arms. He started to fuck Alvin slowly and more gently, but steadily. He didn't lube his dick, but Alvin's ass must have been well lubed up by now. Each hit of his body against Alvin's seemed to move Alvin more than the taller guy. He was slower to fuck but was transferring more force. It was hot to see Alvin bounce with each pulse. The shorter guy closed his eyes and started to breathe heavily. He leaned forward and put both hands above Alvin's head which pulled Alvin's ass higher into the air. The shorter guy then put one hand on Alvin's throat.

Alvin gasped, and whined, "Please fuck me daddy."

This was fucking golden.

The shorter guy obliged. He moved his other hand to Alvin's neck and he fucked harder and faster. He was a monster. Alvin was an insignificant fuck thing. The shorter guy used Alvin's throat as a grip to totally hammer away at his ass. He got closer and closer and Alvin moaned deeper and deeper. As he came he gently rocked his hips as he unloaded deep inside of Alvin. Both of them were gasping for air, but for different reasons.

Alvin's cock made the cock cage stick way out from his body.

The shorter guy released Alvin's neck and got up from the bed. The two guy said nothing, and as they got dressed, there was another knock at the door.

Next: Chapter 12

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