Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Aug 31, 2023


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2022, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 10 -- The Sorting

After 4 more rounds with Brent my cock was sore. I had never came so hard so many times in a row as I did with Brent over the past day.

After a quick cleanup shower I went back to my room and locked the door. I got out the small tube of desensitizing cream and stroked my cock with my left hand. I put on athletic shorts and a t-shirt with my Rush badge on it. I opened the mason jar Douggie gave me and scooped some of his magic lube into the palm of my right hand. I was set.

The meeting place for the sorting was in the woods right behind Frat Row. I walked out of the back of Zeta house and saw guys standing in the woods. As I walked out the huge back yard of the frat house, I saw all the rushes sanding around a huge camp fire. Surrounding the campfire was a brick fire ring that must have been 6 yards across. Wood was stacked up in the fire pit ready for tonight's festivities. Surrounding the brick fire ring was a small hill of dirt that formed another ring about a yard back from the fire wall.

I soon saw Matteo and Nate approach. Both looked nervous. They had no idea what was in store for them. I made small talk while others approached the fire ring.

Rohan lead the Zeta brothers down the lawn from the house to the fire ring. All were wearing their letter jerseys with the letters ZAP across the chest. Two guys I hadn't seen before were carrying a table, and others carried chairs and totes of some sort. They set the table up outside the second ring and Rohan climbed up on the brick fire ring.

"Hello Rushes, welcome to the Sorting Ceremony where we separate the men from the boys. I am the President of Zeta Alpha Rho and my frat brothers will be running this event. My Frat and others on campus are looking for new brothers that will carry on the legacy of our frats in the future. The events this week look for certain attributes important to Greek Life. We look for your willingness to contribute to Greek Life. We look for Rushes with honour and integrity. We look for endurance, competitiveness, and leadership. Tonight's test is all about endurance. We want Rushes who will go the extra mile. Boys this is a jerk-off contest. We want to weed out the 2 second guys and figure out who amongst you is the longest lasting champion. Here are the rules:

  1. You will line up along the fence in the order of your Rush numbers

found on your Rush pin.

  1. You will lie down like this in pairs and pointed to the ground."

Brett and Andre lied down on the hill in front of Rohan with Brett's head at Andre's feet.

Rohan continued, "3. You will strip off your shorts and when I say go, you will jerk off your partner.

  1. If you get close to ejaculating yell stop. The first one to yell stop will lose, and the winner will move onto the next round.

  2. If you cum in any round you will be given a brown bracelet.

  3. The first round losers are very special. They need to learn how hold back and make it last for their ladies or partners, right Brent?"

Rohan pointed at Brent and everyone laughed. Brent seemed to laugh it off.

Rohan said, "7. If you lose a round, you need to learn humility and respect for all those who moved on to the next round and for all of the frat brothers in all of the houses. For this reason, you will show respect by blowing any one who is your superior. We will identify your standing in the contest by assigning each of you a wrist band that you have to wear for the rest of the Rush week. Each round of losers will get their own special coloured bracelet, Purple for the first round losers, Blue for the second, and I think we have enough guys here to go all the way to red. Each of the existing frat members will have a white bracelet that is superior to any of the Rush's bracelets. Anytime someone flashes a superior bracelet, you will get down on your knees and show respect. Plus, first round losers need to wear a cock cage until the end of Rush week. That means half of you will have your cocks locked within the next 30 minutes."

When he mentioned the cock cage, Rick shook a small wooden box and I could hear metal jingling inside. The group of Rushes grumbled. This shit just got real.

Rohan said, "All of this is voluntary, if you don't want to partake in this tradition just see one of the Zeta members and we can scan your Rush badge and make a note that you wouldn't participate."

Just as he said that about 1/3 of the guys started to head for the exit, and others were talking.

I looked over to Nate and Matteo and they were now talking to Alvin. None of the 3 of them were leaving.

Rohan said, "the rest of you can line up."

I walked over to the mound and checked on the gob of super lube in my palm and it was still there. I stood at the top of the dirt hill and it was tightly packed and hard. I looked to find Alvin, but now I couldn't see him. Other guys were getting into place, looking at each other's buttons and putting themselves in line. I knew who my partner would be, they had no idea.

Alvin whispered in my ear, "You can run but you can't hide." It startled me and I turned around. He laughed, and said out loud,

"Are you ready to work my big cock again, cocksucker? Looks like we're a pair. Aren't you glad we woke up early to get our numbers first?"

I responded, "I guess the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know." Alvin laughed.

We waited until the line formed in a huge ring. There were too many guys to fit around the ring, and Rohan got up and said we would do 24 guys at a time, and jumped down and counted us off. He looked right in my eyes and said,

"You guys are first, lie down."

Brent yelled, "lie down and strip off boys."

I got down on the ground and lied down just like the demonstration making sure I didn't get any dirt into my lubed hand. The bend of the hill made my dick stick right out. There was no way to pull my cock back and escape if I was getting close.

I had to win this. If I didn't I would have to blow Alvin, or worse if I came, for the rest of Rush week, plus everyone else that came along and saw my bracelet.

I pulled off my shorts and laid next to Alvin who had done the same. I spit into my right palm and worked my spit into the lube with my hand.

Rohan got up no the brick wall and yelled, "start jerking in 3...2...1...and go"

Just as he said go, I felt Alvin's lubed hand hit my cock and heard the roar of the bonfire light. The wave of heat ran across my bare legs and balls, and everyone watching started to cheer. It was a rush of sensations that distracted me from my goal.

Alvin was soft and my cock was hard. He was already winning, and he knew it. He was silently stroking my hard cock and I could feel it even though I had desensitizing cream on my dick. I could feel the slick lube in my hand but it was worthless if Alvin didn't have a hard cock. Alvin said,

"Feels good, right bitch? Bet you can't wait to get my ass in your face again?"

My cock pulsed thinking about Alvin's hot slightly hairy ass in my face pressed against the wall. I had to stop this.

I said, "what did all of that piss you drank earlier make you impotent?"

Alvin responded by jerking my cock faster, but I must have hit a nerve because his cock began to swell. I focused my thoughts to jerking his cock slowly and pulling blood down from the base. I thought at the same time about my late uncle's funeral and the smell of the dead flowers, baseball stats, and scooping up my neighbour's dead cat off the road when I was a kid to kill my mood.

Alvin wouldn't relent. He said, "I'm going to make you pay Jake for everything don't you worry, even if I don't have the pictures on my phone."

The second he mentioned the pictures again I panicked, and felt my cock began to soften. I decided to fight back with more piss talk.

I said, "It felt so good pissing in that urinal knowing that you were going to drink all of it. I'm glad I drank so much so you could drink my piss 4 times you little piss pig."

Just then I heard someone yell "Stop" to my right, and I heard another guy say "Stop stop stop stop...and yell Nooooo."

The game was proceeding.

I said, "That's going to be you next you piss guzzler."

Just then, I heard Alvin yell "Stop". I began to move my hand from Alvin's hard lubed cock, and a stream of hot cum hit my hand and other flew over and sprayed my bare legs.

Someone just behind us yelled, "We have another brown bracelet here."

I got up and quickly grabbed my shorts and put them on to hide my hard cock. My cock stuck out of the shorts, making an obvious tent. Alvin remained on the ground.

Brent came over and kicked Alvin's hip with his shoe and said, "Get up and go to the desk." He told me to walk over to where the toes are to wait for the next round.

I watched Alvin walk over to the desk and sit down on top of the desk while two guys hovered over him.

I'm glad I didn't lose that round. What happened here on in really didn't matter to me. Sure, I wanted to do as best as I could, but what really mattered was that Alvin lost this round.

Rohan lead two more first rounds and lead the winners over to where I was standing. It was kind of hot and funny at the same time watching the winners strut over with hard cocks poking their pants. I didn't see where Alvin went.

Matteo and Nate were in the last group. Nate came almost immediately and didn't even yell stop. It's as if he wanted to lose. Matteo won and I got a really good look of his hard cock as he was being jerked off. He was thick like a beer can, but not too long. He was uncut and had a full bush. When he walked over to me he went to high five me but I made an icky face, as I wanted to keep what little of the lube was left over for the next round.

Nate came bouncing back after visiting the table with a purple and brown bracelet around his right wrist. He was squinting a bit and making a weird face.

Matteo said, "What's wrong Nate?"

Nate explained how the cock cage was pinching his ball sack and pulled down his shorts to adjust it. Matteo said,

"That thing's gonna hurt. You're fucked."

Nate said, "Naw, they said I had to put some lube on it and it would help."

The cock cage was very small and half the size of Nate's soft cock. It has a ring around the cock and the balls and a small metal hood around the cock. His balls hung low below the cage. He packed away his locked cock in his pants. I imagined what Alvin's cock looked like in the cage. The thought of him locked away in a cock cage made my cock swell.

Rohan told all of the remaining guys to get in order. I knew I was the lowest number and tried to find the guy that won to my right and form another line.

We lined up and repeated the exercise.

This time I was up against a chubby black guy that I hadn't seen before. He was much taller than me and had thick legs and a nice juicy ass. We stripped off our shorts and awaited the signal, but there were more guys trying to settle in.

This round had 75 winners participating from he first round and we had trouble all fitting around the circle. We had to get up and move over twice.

All this moving around made me take my thoughts off my cock, this contest, and Alvin. Which was good.

My partner was rock hard before we even started. When we were given the signal I started slowly and he went right for a quick dry jerk off. I put more spit in my hand and could feel his thick cock grow and heard him groan. The desensitizing cream stopped working altogether by now and I knew I was on my own. There was very little special lube in my hand and had to use much more spit this time. I rubbed this guy's hard cock up and down, making sure I rubbed right under his thick cut dickhead. I could feel him grind his hips and imagined him putting that big cock in my tight hole and grinding that way.

I always jerked with lube so the feeling of a dry jerk off was interesting but wasn't going to bring me close. I knew I could indulge in a little fantasizing with this big brute of a guy.

He moaned deeply and I felt a certain panic in his now frantic jerking of my cock.

He was the first to yell "Stop."

I knew the drill and stood over by the totes and the big guy got up and walked over to the tables.

This time Rick was waiting for me.

He said, "Did Alvin say anything I should know about?"

I said, "He made vague threats, which isn't like him."

Rick said, "Good. It's because he doesn't have anything left to threaten. Good luck on the next round, you're doing OK tonight", and winked.

Matteo came over to me and had obviously won this round too. His hard cock wagged left and right as he took each step. I wanted to suck his cock so bad.

He was a bit out of breath and said,

"That was close."

I lied and said, "Me too."

Nate, seeing Matteo and I talking again came back around. He kept scratching his crotch in an attempt to adjust the cage. I told him he looked like he had crabs and Matteo and I both laughed.

Nate got all serious and said, "You want to know what they tell you when you lose?"

Matteo and I leaned in.

Nate whispered, "you have to suck anyone's cock with a higher bracelet than yours, and every frat member with a white bracelet."

Matteo look disgusted. I pretended to look surprised.

Nate said, "I'm not gay. I don't know how this is going to go.

Matteo said, it doesn't look like we have much of a choice if we want to get into a frat. Either we play by their rules or we can forget getting an invite. Nate agreed, and said,

"Yeah, well at least we don't have to drink everyone's piss like Alvin did."

We all laughed, and got the signal for the 3rd round.

It was obvious from our numbers that Matteo and I would be paired off. We looked at each other awkwardly and got into position. When we were both on our backs, naked from waist down, Matteo said,

"Good luck."

And I needed it. I was close to Matteo's strong hairy legs. I wanted to suck his dick so badly. I spit into my hand to get ready and I smelled his cock. I breathed the aroma in and thoughts of sucking his huge cock ran through my mind. I heard the countdown started slowly.

Oddly enough so did Matteo.

He stroked my cock at the exact same rate as I jerked his. As I sped up a bit, he followed. He was smart. He was doing to me what I was doing to him, and in so doing, was doing what exactly I thought would please him.

I breathed deeply and tried to resist his smooth persistent stroking of my dick.

Matteo breathlessly said, "Doesn't it feel good though?"

I said, "Yeah" and continued to stroke a bit faster.

He kept right up.

We jerked a bit faster and a bit faster. I could feel the blood rushing into my balls and could feel the skin on my ass tingle. I stroked faster and faster and then I felt it rise up.

We both yelled "Stop" at the same time and pulled our hands away from the other's cock.

Brent rushed over and said "OK who lost?"

Matteo said, "We both said stop at the same time."

Nate who was watching said, "They did."

Brent called Rohan over and explained what happened.

Rohan looked skeptical. He said, "You still have time, get down and go again."

We lied back down and I spit in my hand. I was going to use Matteo's strategy against him. I immediately jerked his cock super fast. He couldn't keep up with mine. The massive amount of stimulation was something that would not make me cum. I stroked his cock fast and spit in my hand often to keep it lubed. Matteo did the same. My legs shook a bit from the almost tickling sensation that went from my cock all the way down my legs to my feet. I giggled a bit as I started to breathe heavier.

Matteo was breathing heavily also. He made this constant moan and had laboured breathing and then it happened. My hand was full of cum, right before Matteo yelled "Stop."

Brent, Rohan and Nate were all watching when it happened and laughed. Brent put the brown bracelet on Matteo's wrist and told him to go to the table to get his green bracelet.

Each round seemed to go by faster. There was only 8 of us left.

I was soon on my back against a muscular bodybuilder type. Smelled great. He wore some type of aftershave and it turned me on. He is dark hair and dark eyes perfectly framed his good looking face. His olive skin was speckled with a light dusting of trimmed hair all over his legs and arms. His cock was hard and bent up towards him before we started. I worried that his smell and muscles would push me over the edge.

I worried for no reason. My lubed hand was no match for his hard cock. He yelled stop quickly and moved me on to the next round.

There was only 4 of us left. Everyone crowded around us. We paired off and got into position. I was against a short hot guy with curly black hair and a beautiful face. He walked up to me and took his pants down before laying down. I got a good look at his hairy ass.

His cock was cut, and his pubes were trimmed like mine. He was average size. He had a light treasure trail that went up under his shirt.

He put his hand on my cock before we even started and when we were given the signal, he jerked my cock furiously. I started slow with him as I did before and he laughed a bit. He shook my cock in his hand up and down so fast it caused a very odd feeling I never felt before. I started to stroke his cock faster and he started to grunt a bit. Then out of no where I felt an orgasm rise up very quickly inside me. It's as if it came out of no where.

I yelled "Stop" just in time. My cock was throbbing and ready to shoot. I took a minute to grab my breath and Brent told me to go to the table.

Once there another ZAP member I hadn't seen before put an orange bracelet on my wrist.

I met up with Matteo and Nate who congratulated me. Nate commented on how that dude had a wicked fast arm. I asked him how his balls were and gave him a quick smack to the nuts. I could feel the metal cage when I hit him and he fell to the ground. All 3 of us laughed.

I lifted my bracelet and said, "I guess this means I'm getting my cock sucked tonight from one of you." Both Matteo and Nate grimaced.

Matteo said, "yeah, Alvin is purple remember. You can get it right in your own room."

I said, "I'm not sticking it in there, I don't want my cock to smell like a urinal."

The three of us laughed.

We were ready for the final 2. Rohan got back up on the brick wall right in front of the 2 final contestants. He said,

"On behalf of Zeta Alpha Rho, I will make an offer to whoever wins this match. The pressure is on."

Both looked excited. The match didn't last long. The short guy that beat me, beat his next opponent with ease. He had a wicked right arm and that shook the jizz out of you. Damn. When he won he jumped up with his hard cock bouncing around and went to high five Rohan, who just shook his head and moved his hand out of the way.

Rohan got up on the brick wall and made his final remarks.

"You will all meet us here tomorrow evening at the same time for a game of predator prey, with your new sorting colour bracelets. My Zeta Alpha Rho members will be in the woods to play the game as well. Remember, honour your integrity and promise to any other Rushee or frat member with a superior bracelet."

As guys started to wander back, I told Matteo and Nate I wanted to give Alvin some room and was going to sleep somewhere else tonight.

Matteo said, "You can crash in my room."

I said, no, I really want to jerk off and want some time to myself."

Matteo asked, "Then where are you crashing?"

I said, "With a friend."

Just as I said that Rick asked for my help to clean up the boxes from tonight. After we cleaned up I headed back to Zeta house and my temporary room. I hoped that Brent would come by and we could play a bit before I went to sleep.

He did come by, but things didn't unfold as I expected.

Next: Chapter 11

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