Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Dec 13, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the nifty.org terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting Nifty.org to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 1 Howard Hall

I felt lost during my first week on campus. Initially, I was overwhelmed by the organized chaos that was the move in process. My mother and father were assured I would be fine, and all my stuff was hurriedly brought up 2 flights of stairs and unceremoniously dropped off in my dorm room. Once I unpacked my plastic totes and garbage bags into my side of the dorm room, the door flung open and a guy around my height dropped his suitcase on the floor and looked up at me. I quickly shook his hand and got out of the way.

"Welcome to Howard Hall. I'm Jake. I'll let you get settled." I said as I walked out the door.

He said, "Hi, I'm Alvin. Sure man, I'll see you later."

Alvin was about my height, but much leaner than me and seemingly hairless. I always appreciated the lean toned figure of a good-looking Asian guy like Alvin. I hoped that perhaps I could watch him when he is changing or listen as he jerks off at night. Anyway, I had an entire year and needed to cool it if I was going to keep my cover. I did not want anyone from my hometown finding out I was gay.

The first thing to do today was to check out the bathrooms and showers. Howard Hall was an older dormitory, built in the 1950's, and I was worried that I wouldn't have any privacy in the shower. I pushed open the door and walked into one big, tiled room. On my right were two urinals, and several stalls separated by metal dividers. Private enough. On my left were a series of showers each with a curtain, except one, with each shower stall separated by a metal divider. The first metal divider acted as a shield that blocked the view of the showers from the hallway. On the back wall there were two frosted windows and 5 sinks with mirrors above small shaving shelves. This will work.

I walked over to the urinal and took a quick piss. I unzipped my tight jeans and took my thick uncut cock out. I thought that this might be more uncomfortable if this room were full of a bunch of other guys. The thought of the room full of naked men made my dick swell up a bit and it was hard to get the stream of piss going. Once I started pissing, I heard the door swing open behind me. Someone wearing flip flops entered and opened a shower curtain. I shook my dick and stuffed my swelling cock into my jeans. I walked over to the sink to wash up as I heard the water start to run. As I washed my hands, I turned my head back to see a brown towel flung over the front of the shower stall. Below the curtain all I could see were two feet in black soccer flip flops dripping with water. As I walked by, I peeked at the right edge of the shower curtain, wanting to see if I could see through. I saw someone's right hip but not much more. I dried my hands on my jeans and headed out the door.

Now that I checked out the bathroom, I wanted to see what other common areas were in this place. At the end of my floor on the right there was a large common room. The common room had brown carpeting like the rest of the floor, a bunch of old mismatched couches against walls and a TV at the end of the room. There was a small galley kitchen opposite the TV. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV with a small remote. The TV came on and instantly the room was filled with the loud sound of a woman moaning. I quickly turned the TV off, not wanting anyone to walk in and see me sitting alone watching a porno. Apparently, they have cable. I pulled myself out of the old couch and walked back to my room.

Across the hall from the common room was the Don's Room, and the door to the staircase. A Rush Week poster was taped to the staircase door. The poster read, "Discovery What Fraternity Life has to Offer. Join us for Rush Week September 7-14." The poster went on to list dozens of events. I wondered how anyone pledging would have any time for school.

I walked back to my room at the other end of the hall. Right before I passed the bathroom the door swung open an almost naked Alvin turned and walked one step ahead of me. He was wearing the black soccer flip flops I saw earlier, and a brown towel tightly wrapped around this fit body just at the top of his hip. As he walked, I could see his lean but firm ass cheeks push up behind him as he took each step. Alvin turned around and my eyes darted to the wall.

"Josh, right?" Alvin asked.

"Close enough, I'm Jake. You're Alvin, right" I replied.

"Yeah." Alvin affirmed.

I wasn't thrilled to see that Alvin had propped open our door with a soccer cleat as my computer and all my stuff was left unattended, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

I walked in the room and lied back on the bed and Alvin whipped off the towel and gave his head another towel dry. I took the opportunity to look at his naked ass. Alvin wasn't hairless after all. He had some long straggly hair on the sides of his muscular upper legs and more, closer to the bottom of his round but firm butt cheeks. He had two perfect dimples above his round firm ass cheeks. He hung the towel in the closet and grabbed a pair of grey boxer briefs out of his suitcase which was open on the floor. He continued to face away from me as he bent to put them on, one leg at a time. When he did, his ass cheeks separated a bit to reveal a light line of wet ass hair. I think he saw me looking. My cock suddenly responded to the sight of his ass, so I rolled on my stomach to hide my erection. Alvin sat down on his bed facing me. He was wearing his boxer briefs and a black shirt. I could see a bit of a bulge between his legs and looked up at his hairless chest. Our eyes met. If he caught me looking this time he didn't let on.

"Do you want to go check out campus and grab something to eat?" Alvin inquired.

"Sure, but you should get dressed first." We both laughed.

"Aren't you going to unpack," I asked.

Alvin laughed, "No, I just have the one suitcase."

Alvin got up and put on a pair of white mesh basketball shorts. We walked out of the room, and I locked the door. We tumbled down the back stairs which were right next to our room, and out the back door of the dorm. The campus was buzzing with students moving in. I did not mind that Alvin walked ahead of me because I wanted to get a better look at his ass in those basketball shorts. I was trying to see if they were the real mesh shorts and the black behind was the darkness from Alvin's tight boxer briefs, or whether these were the type with a black lining.

Alvin turned around and said, "Take a picture, it will last longer."

I was horrified. I bumbled, "I was just, um, ah."

Alvin cut me off, "It's OK I'm gay too."

"I'm not gay, I was just um," I mumbled.

Alvin laughed and said dismissively, "Whatever."

We were silent for a bit as we continued to walk. I realized I didn't know where we were going. I just let Alvin lead. We soon reached the Student Center and found our way to the burger grill. We got our food, grabbed a table, and sat facing each other.

Alvin opened up, "tell me about you. Where are you from and what are you studying?"

"I'm from a small town just west of here studying business," I replied.

Alvin perked up and said, "I'm from the big city and am studying business too. I hear this program is difficult but gives you good connections in the business community. Are you in thinking of rushing a frat? I hear most of the business students are involved somehow with Greek life."

I replied, "I saw a poster back at Howard Hall. I'm not sure yet. Are you going to rush?"

Alvin affirmed, "Yeah, my dad was Sigma Gamma Pi at his college, and I hope to get an offer from them right away as a legacy."

Alvin seemed pretty confident about his chances and seemed to know what he was doing. I, on the other hand, was a bit lost on this huge campus. It all seemed very big and very impersonal.

When Alvin got up, I caught a glimpse of his arms as he picked up his tray. He had toned biceps which weren't as big as mine. We caught eyes again as he turned. He didn't say anything. I suggested we check out the on-campus pub and he led the way. As we walked, we talked.

Alvin inquired, "Are you bisexual then?"

I said, "No."

Alvin shook his dead dismissively. He was positively annoyed. Alvin said, "Let's go back to the room then to unpack."

I followed Alvin out of the building, careful not to look as his butt as he walked ahead of me. Alvin used his key at the back staircase door and hiked up the stairs. I did my best to keep up. When I entered the room Alvin turned around and pressed the door closed.

He looked me in the eyes and said, "Look, I don't care if you're gay, bi or straight, but if you're going to keep on looking at me like that everyone will know. Chill out."

I didn't know what to say. No one had ever called me out like that. Alvin was waiting for me to say something and I just stood there, shaking on the inside.

Alvin made an offer. "I'll keep your secret if you do whatever I tell you to. You can start by unpacking my suitcase and folding everything neatly like your stuff."

I said "you've got the wrong idea I was just..."

Alvin interrupted, "Cut the crap. We're going to have to learn how to deal with one another. Either you want me to keep your secret, or you don't. Unpack my bag like a good little bitch."

I don't know why but I just started to unpack his things.

Alvin grinned and lied back on his bed and put his hands behind his head. I moved to grab items from his suitcase and pack them onto his shelves and cubbies. I noticed he had several types of underwear and socks, and not a lot of clothes, surely not more than a week's worth at best.

"When you're done, kneel down on the floor in front of me."

As I finished putting away his personal items, toiletries, computer and cables, I was sick to my stomach. What did I get myself into? I kneeled as asked.

Alvin looked me right in the yes and said, "Don't ever look at me in the eyes that is your first rule. If you ever break this rule, I'll add another rule. This will be as difficult as you make it on yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said, and looked up at Alvin and looked him in the eyes. I quickly looked away.

"Rule 2 - you are always to be naked when you are in the room, no matter what. When you walk into the room you have exactly 30 seconds to strip down. Am I clear?"

"Yes." I looked at the ground. Shit, this is going to be weird. I was sick to my stomach, nervous about how this relationship had turned. I was on my knees in front of a guy I hardly knew and had to do whatever he wanted. How did I get myself into this?

"Why are you still clothed," Alvin asked.

I got up and removed all of my clothing and sat down on the bed.

Alvin said, "why are you not kneeling, did I tell you to sit?"

I hurriedly got down onto the floor and kneeled again. I was now naked sitting in front of Alvin, who was sitting on the edge of his bed in those hot basketball shorts. I could feel him look me over, but I didn't want to look up to see his face and earn another rule. This got really serious, really fast.

"You're going to do just fine. Now stand up, put your hands behind your head and let me see your dick." He grabbed my hard cock with his cold hands and said "If you weren't a fag, you wouldn't be hard as a rock."

He was right.

He slapped my hard dick with his hand, and it swung back and forth.

Alvin laughed. He was enjoying this.

"Now what to do with you?"

I felt totally exposed, and totally vulnerable.

Alvin asked "You like this don't you? Be honest with me and with yourself."

I murmured "No."

"Well, you better tell that to your cock, it's now dripping."

Just as he said that I felt my cock twitch again, and more precum drip out of the end. Alvin took his finger and rubbed it over my piss hole and brought it up to my mouth, standing as he did so. He rubbed his finger over my lips, and I exhaled. I was totally burning up. I was so turned on. I went to look down at his finger and our eyes met. Alvin laughed.

"Rule 3, if you lie to me, I hurt your balls." Alvin said with a malicious tone of voice.


Alvin pounced on this and asked "So are you a faggot?"

"Yes." I had no choice but to tell the truth. It was freeing and terrifying all at the same time. There I was standing totally naked, hands behind my head, admitting for the first time to anyone that I was gay. Not only gay but a faggot. I realized that Alvin was really doing me a favor. He knew exactly how to help me move beyond all my self-hatred, shame, and get me to admit more about myself than I had ever before.

"Good Jake. Now kneel down and lick that precum from the carpet."

I complied and licked a gob of my own precum from the gross brown carpet. Alvin's socked feet were right by my head as he stood above me, still totally clothed. At that moment I felt his hand reach down and rub from my lower back to cup my ass. He gave it a good slap.

"Did you like that?"

"No," I replied.

Alvin said stand up, hands behind your head. My cock betrayed me as it bounced from twitching and another ooze of precum left the swollen head of my raging cock.

Alvin laughed and sat down on his bed.

"We're going to test your honesty now, I want you to turn to your left and face the window. I'm going to slap your ass again and if your cock gets harder, I'm going to know you're lying to me."

I complied, I turned to face the open window, with my hands behind my head, fully naked and I felt Alvin get up and walk behind me.

I wasn't expecting what came next. I heard a whoosh sound and felt the sting of Alvin's shower flip flop slap across my naked hairy ass cheeks. I had been spanked as a child but never experienced anything this painful. I yelled out in pain.


Alvin jumped back on his bed and looked at my cock. It throbbed four or five times in a row and let out another long string of precum.

Alvin punched my balls with his right fist, and I fell to the floor. The pain shot from my balls right up to my belly button. He has done this before. I was totally and utterly fucked.

"This is going to be fun." Alvin laughed as he laid back on his bed with his hands behind his head. His flip flop was lying beside him.

"Get up and stand in the same position again Jakey. You're going to need to tell the truth. Did you enjoy me spanking you?"

I paused and finally surrendered. "Yes."

With no more than 30 minutes Alvin has broken me. I was defeated.

Alvin took advantage of my predicament.

"Now put your hands down and come over to the bed and rub my feet."

Alvin's sport socked feet were near the end of his single dorm bed.

I squatted at the end of his bed and began to rub his socked feet.

I didn't dare look up at Alvin's face, but I could feel him staring at me. He moaned a bit as I rubbed.

Then I heard three bangs on the door.

Alvin jumped up and whispered "Look natural. Get up. Do something."

I got up and went over to my closet and opened it. Despite me being totally naked, and totally erect, Alvin swung the door wide open.

"Hi, I'm Rick your Don. You must be Alvin and Jake."

Alvin shook his hand and I reached out behind the closet door and awkwardly reached my right hand to shake his, using the door to block view of my naked body and half erection.

"If you need anything let me know. We're having a floor meeting at 8 pm tonight. Attendance is mandatory."

Rick looked older, maybe 22 or 23 years old. He was wearing a tank top that showed his muscular upper body and wide shoulders. He had chest hair and hairy arms. His short cut dark beard was trimmed to accent his square features. He was definitely hot.

"Thanks" I said, and he walked away.

Alvin closed the door, locked it, and got back on the bed.

"Now where were we?"

I squatted at the edge of the bed and resumed rubbing Alvin's feet.

I asked, "do I have to be naked all of the time when I'm in the room?"

Alvin replied, "No, I mean if you want me to go run my mouth how you love to get spanked and were licking your precum up off the floor then go right ahead."

I was totally boxed in, and Alvin knew it. Alvin used his big toe to take off his left sock and then the right.

"Lick my feet, Jake."

I complied. I often jerked off thinking about licking feet but had the chance. I was repulsed and aroused all at the same time. Alvin's feet stood in front of me, and I slowly licked Alvin's soft sole from his heels to the toes in one full lick. Alvin's foot moved quickly.

"You're tickling me. Use more of your tongue. Press harder."

I did. I licked the same foot from the heels to the top. When I got close to the toes Alvin told me to suck his big toe. I put the whole thing in my mouth and could taste his foot sweat for the first time. The thought of foot sweat made me gag a bit and Alvin laughed.

"Keep going."

I kept his big toe in my mouth and sucked it like the tip of a cock. I ran my tongue over the bottom of his toe and swished it all around my mouth.

"Fuck this is hot" Alvin gasped. He retraced both feet and lifted his ass off the bed to take off his shorts and underwear. He threw them on the floor. I dare not look up at his face, but I could hear his breathing get heavier. He extended his feet to the end of the bed.

"I have two feet."

I started by licking his other foot from bottom to top and quickly moved to sucking his big toe. I could feel the bed shake a bit as Alvin began to stroke his cock. I rubbed and massaged Alvin's other foot as I sucked each of his toes. He pressed his wet foot against my face, and I could feel his leg muscles start to tense. I got down onto my knees and pressed my face into his foot and he covered my face with both of his wet soles, and I licked feverishly. I heard a loud gasp and Alvin's leg muscles relaxed. I got someone off for the first time.

"You can do what you want, I'm done with you for now." Alvin said.

I got up and laid down my bed and grabbed my hard cock. Just as I retracted my foreskin Alvin interrupted.

"What are you doing?"

I replied, "I need to get off that was so hot." Alvin stood up over my bed. I looked up to gauge Alvin's reaction and he looked me right in the eyes. Shit!

"Rule 4, never jerk off if I'm in the room". He laughed.

Fuck, not only am I going to be naked all the time in this dorm room, now I can't jerk off? This guy was a control freak.

"I know you don't like this, but I want you to focus all your energy on me. Got it?"

"Yes." I replied.

I rolled over on my stomach and put my face into the pillow.

"I'm going to enjoy this" Alvin said.

I felt him looking at my ass. He was doing exactly what I was doing to him earlier. Fitting I suppose.

I was left with a question. Was Alvin taking advantage of my insecurity, or helping me come out of my shell? Maybe a bit of both? Either way, I was totally turned on. This is exactly what I probably needed, but just didn't realize. Tough love? Either way I was a bit tired.

"I'm going to have a nap."

"Sure, just don't be late for the floor meeting at 8 pm."

Next: Chapter 2

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