Zerts Ordeals

By cez

Published on Aug 24, 2005


Disclaimer- This is all complete fiction. NONE of it is true. It has elements of violence ( explicit at times ), language, relations between a man and a man, and sexual themes. If this is illegal for you to read or not to your tastes, DON'T READ!

I retain all copyrights and it is my property, If you want to host it or post it somewhere, just ask. I will most probably give permission. Copyright is by Charlie Z. aka cezmail, my alias on the net. The idea of Whitewater is the creation of Dhvana and is copywrited by here, but is a shared world and used with her permission. You can find all about the town ofWhitewater at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Welcome_to_Whitewater . Feel free to join and look over the other stories there.

If you like the story, or even if you do not, feel free to write to me. My address is cezbox4@gawab.com , Otherwise, please look on down and if you have an opinion, let me know. I am more then willing to listen and reply.

Alaina's Story-Chapter1

I was working an afternoon shift at Cool Beans when the Big Lug came through the doors. He gave me his lovingly, ugly smirk and nodded. His hands were busy keeping his little man on top of his shoulders as the two of them bent down to get the doorway. Xan's high pitched giggle must have been a carry over from some joke between him and his Daddy's friend. Bax soon followed them, giving me a wave as he brought his son down to the ground. Damn, I love the Lug. I was really happy that he had found Bax and Xan. I was called away by some snooty students trying to make a big deal on their coffee. Damn high school freshmen; blowing their parents dough on caffeine that just makes them more hyper then usual. Not that I had been any better at their age. Ashe came from the office to give me a hand with the gang and soon we had them all with their fixes. They wandered off blabbering about what some ditz had done during an assembly. I gave Ash the LOOK, silently asking for my break as I nodded towards the Lug and his two men. Ashe smiled and nodded as he went to help Aunt Bee. She nodded to me as I stepped back. Real cool lady for being well over sixty. Smirking with my win over the boss, I quickly got around the counter and went to join the gang. "Hiya Alaina," Xan's boy soprano greeted me. Cute kid and with what had happened to him three months ago, he was doing pretty well. I knew a lot of that recovery had come from the love from the Galoot. He had that ugly charm about him that either made you afraid of him, or love him. Seeing as I was the first of the latter here in Whitewater, I was on the winning side. Bax and Mister Bad Ass stopped cuddling to smile and greet me too. Smiling back, I bent down to give Buddy Boy his kiss, then next Bax. Xan was leaning back pouting, so I reached over and licked his nose to cheer him up. He let out a bout of boyish laughter, and reached up for a big hug from Aunty Alaina. I would not be giving Daddy any grandkids from me, but it was a real treat to be part of this family. Sitting down, we all started to relax. Xan was filling me in with how the lovable Palooka had taken them up by Benson Reservoir with Blaze, Star, and Xan's pony, Wilbur. (Damn kid had been watching too much Nick at Night) Seemed like they had another of their picnics and riding trips up in Mazdac Woods. If the my Lug kept this up, he would be turning this eight year old into a old time rider and cowboy before he hit nine. Yeap, my boy had it bad for his men. Finishing his high-speed account of the afternoon, Xan finally seemed to catch his breath and gave out the biggest smile I had seen on his face. "Guess what Alaina?" I decided to play along. "No idea kiddo. What's up?" Seemingly never having to breathe, he rushed on. "I'm going to get a new Papa!" Now this blew me away. I jerked my head up to stare at Bax and Wandering Warrior next to him. Bax was blushing but smiling away and damn if the Tall and Ugly wasn't giving me the biggest shit-eating grin. So he had finally popped the question to Bax! I let out a whoop while still giving him a hard backhand to the chest for not telling me anything. "You ass! You gave me no warning when we talked this morning. You've been keeping way to many secrets from me bucko. Well that said, about time you made an honest man out of Bax. You have been taking advantage of his sweet nature way too long." Bax played along and just nodded to his fiance. Gave Mister Giant a glance and frowned. "She makes a good point you know? Why did you wait so long anyway? You knew Xan and I loved you already, and have really appreciated all that you have done for us. Have you been lusting after Alaina here in secret?" Now Buddy Boy looked uncomfortable for a second before he realized we were teasing him. It was too funny. Xan and I were the first to start to giggle and then finally lose it in full laughs. The thought that Bad Ass himself would go a midget like me when he had Teacher Man in bed was just a riot. Not including the fact that I liked the guys and all, but give me my tall, skinny models. Slim waists, long hair, and perky tits were the things that got me hot, not some over muscled dude. Now let me set you straight. (You know what I mean asshole.) The lug had saved my ass from the gangbangers that first night and we had been the best of friends since then. He was my big bro without the blood tie. I knew he was gay and he knew I was a butch biker bitch. Cuddling and kisses were cool, and we had even slept next together on a couple of rough nights. It was Bax's black hair and toned body that he dreamt about. In addition, I was almost 3 feet shorter then my galoot. I mean I like them tall, but six feet is about all I like. You get close to eight feet with hard muscles and that is just climbing too much of a tree for me. Xan and I finally calmed down. Bax and Buddy Boy were grinning at us, holding hands out on the table. Janae and Ashe had a firm policy. Either folks tolerated non-het relationships or they drank somewhere else. Considering half the staff of Cool Beans were gay, lesbian, or bi, along with Treena our transsexual tapping barista extraordinaire. Bigots knew better to cause trouble. Not only did we have my 8 feet tall mountain man to keep the peace, but the cops liked to relax here as well. We might get some hard stares and muttered words outside, but we had peace inside. The Lug finally bent down to kiss me on the top of my head. "You are such a bitch Alaina." I shot back. "And that is why you love me. Plus who else besides Bax would put up with your bullshit." He nodded in agreement. "So you still off at 6, right?" I nodded and he continued. "Well then tonight I treat us all to dinner up in Waxfold to celebrate. You can cancel any practice you may have, and I already talked to Banor. You got the night off, Shelly is covering your shift. If Lisa is free, bring her along. She is still hot for you, isn't she?" Hearing the name of my current hot and heavy made me sigh, which just made the Lug grin wider. I am usually a hard-nosed bitch, but that sweet gal just made me soft when we got together. I was starting to think maybe I had something serious. I gathered my wits and soon it was agreed that Lisa and I would ride Baby over to Bax's house, and then we would go in Buddy's big ass truck. He would be our driver so the rest of us could drink. Xan would be right there with us. No matter that tomorrow was school. This was a celebration. Not every day that your big bro gets engaged. Well my break was up now, so I gave the guys a hug and kiss again, and scampered off to work. Ashe gave me a nod as I took over the counter and he went back to working on the schedule for next week. Treena popped in to give me an assist with the crowd. I admit she is a wizard with the machines, so I let her work her magic while I rang up the customers and bussed the tables as the students shuffled in and out. Sunday afternoons can change on you. At the end of my shift, it was taking Treena, Ashe, Janae and I to keep up with the demand for caffeine. Then Maddy, Maxy and Sami came in to for the closing shifts, so all was good. I closed out my drawer and was on my way to my place. Lisa should be back from her Mom's by now, so had to give my Lady a buzz. I quickly filled in Lisa with the plans. She squealed at the news and demanded that I wait to before getting dressed. Now I do have my own sense of fashion, but I admit she had killer taste. Maybe it had to do with her career as a model and growing up. Her Mom owned an agency and she had passed on her talents onto Lisa. I agreed to her demands and went to shower up. I left the door unlocked so Lisa could let herself in. I was just drying off when I heard the door open. "Hey Baby Girl. You ready for me to work my magic on you?" I peeked out to stick my tongue at her. It just makes me gooey to see my Italian Goddess. Long black hair that was just soft to the touch, light mocha eyes I could drown myself in, and a face I just loved to kiss. Just a tad over six feet and those hmm, hmm tits I loved to play with. Damn if I could still figure out why she chose me at Barnacle Billy's that night. Now I am not some ugly thing, but I am an acquired taste. Platinum hair buzzed down, piercings up and down my ears, as well as other parts of my body, and a mouth that can peel paint. I am a strange combo of Goth with punk, biker with drummer, and finally mixed in with military brat. I loved Daddy, but his Marine nature really put me off to authority and conforming to the masses. Shaking my head at the wonder of Lisa still being with me, I shot her my honest smile. "Miss Cardinelli, I am indeed. Make me a star tonight lover." Seeming hardly to take any time, Lisa worked her spell and I gazed back at myself in the mirror. You could hardly tell I had on much makeup. Just enough to enhance my face and highlight my soft brown eyes. She then styled to make my hair not look so butch and a sprinkling of glitter to make my face shine. I gave her a quick kiss and was putting on the dress we had picked out on our second date. I was finishing when I knew I had to cave in. No way would putting on some leathers to ride Baby over to Bax's work. Much as I loved my Hog, Lisa had done too great of work on me. "Hon, you think you could drive? Or should I call up my Big Bro to get us here?" "Well I could, but I want to cuddle with you, Baby. See if Bax's Squeeze can get us, ok?" "Ok sweets." I gave a buzz to the Palooka's cell. Just two rings and I had him. "Hey Alaina. So, what is the emergency now?" "Up yours asshole. You know you love to save me." He snickered at that and I could almost see him nodded into the phone. "So what's up?" I decided not to tease him and get right to the point. "Can you guys pick us up? Lisa did wonders with me, and well, we want to cuddle. Maybe keep Xan busy for you and Bax can hold hands on the drive." The Lug let out an overacted sigh. "If I have to. Damn you are a lazy wench. That Lady of yours is spoiling you. You get a taste of the good life and you go soft on me." I was laughing as I shot back. "Well fuck you very much asshole. Just get your ass in gear and come get me, ok? Two honks and we will be out." He agreed and I was off to help Lisa with her touch ups. She wears makeup a lot better then me, though still does not over do it. Natural beauty and the best of products kept her shining in the night. I paused at this thought. When in the hell did I start to think in poetry? I was really falling for my girlfriend. Damn, I might even break down. I quickly shook my head, as I did not want to spoil the night with tears just yet. I was indeed a softy for Lisa. Lisa filled in the lunch she had with her mom and sisters and how much she was looking forward to her shoot in New York. I again was touched how different we were. She came from wealth and the fancy life. I came from a past of moving from base to base and playing with the boys in the dirt. She liked the finer things and I was usually happy with riding Baby and playing my drums. Somehow, that did not matter though. We each supported one another's goals and she never looked down on me. Nor did I think her stuck up. She was what she was, and she did not apologize for it, but she was willing to strap on leathers and ride the coast. Well, I was saved from getting too mushy by Gruesome Giant's honks. Lisa and I piled into the back of his black truck. As I settled in and buckled up, I saw my guys had all cleaned up just as nicely. Bax was a Dark navy suit with a silk tie with Marvin the Martian peeking out. Just knew that was a touch from Xan. Xan himself was in a suit I had not seen before. Damn this kid was a looker. No idea what team he might play with when he grew up, but I did know that the girls were putty in his hands. He had inherited his Grandma's slanted eyes and faint Asian features. Combine that with sleek black hair and wondrous gray eyes, and he could be a star with whomever he loves. He looked like a younger version of his Daddy. Finally, I saw the Lug himself. Now he would never be called handsome or a pretty boy. Almost eight feet tall, 300 pounds of muscle and sinew, and bald all over. Some disease had hit him as a kid and it never grew back. He had scars about him from past fights and features that were strong and heavy. However, he had charisma, a heart that would just hold you tight, and most of all, a loyal protectiveness that made you feel safe. He could and had killed to save those he loved. Now he had cleaned up VERY nicely. Black suit specifically tailored for him, matching tie as Bax, and the biggest shit eating grin. So much different from the trench coat, t-shirts and jeans he normally wore. We were all fit to live it up tonight. I decided to prod things along. "Ok Sweet Thing, you look pretty enough. So let's get going. Lisa and I are hungry and want to buy you two some champagne to celebrate your proposal. Where are we off to?" His eyes twinkled as he looked in the rear view mirror. "I finally decided to break down. I called in a favor with Madam Maggie and she put the word to D'Arcy's. We have the upstairs patio, violinist, and personal cooking from Darcy himself. Nothing is too much for my Bax Baby." Bax got red at this endearment. I knew he had talked about trying to go to D'arcy's, but with the waiting list to get in and the cost had put it off. I was not sure what he had done to earn that favor from Madam Maggie Maguire, but I knew he wanted to make his Man happy. Lisa let out a muffled squeal. Not even she had been to this place, so it was going to be a treat for all of us. Darcy had been famous a few years ago. He had his own cooking show, restaurant, and product line. Then he dropped out on some search all over the world. Then six months ago, he popped up in Waxfold, opened his new place, and never seemed to rest. Critics loved all the unique recipes and dishes he created. Between the prices and the long waiting list to get a table, he would not be going broke any time soon. I licked my own lips as I thought of the food to come. Yeap, being around Lisa and Carlotta Cardinelli had turned me into a bit of a snob for fine dining. Well we chatted up and had Xan laughing at some jokes and stories we shared. We pulled up to the valet and I could almost see the sneer from the twerp as he spied Buddy's black monster. He stifled it before it fully showed as my Galoot piled out. He waved off the doorman and personally opened the door for all of us. He first let the back seat folks out, turning over escort duties for Lisa and me to Xan. The little man just split a wide grin at this. I could imagine him preening himself for the glory. Next Buddy Boy carefully opened up the door for Bax. He lifted him out of the seat, brought him to his lips and gave the Professor a keep French kiss. I heard one woman muttering at this "disgusting" display but we ignored the bigots. Bax was smiling even wider then his son when Giant Boy finally put him down. I wondered exactly how great a kisser the Lug was. Guess from Bax's expression, a damn good one. Finally, we gathered ourselves and strolled on in. Time for the celebration of my savior and friend, Zert Greendragon, being engaged to Baxter Adams. About time some happiness came back into their lives. I was crying happy tears as I followed them in. I did not give a fuck. It was just that kind of moment.

Next: Chapter 2

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