Zane and Alex

By Greg Stevens

Published on Apr 3, 2019


Zane and Alex

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Zane and Alex-- Chapter 7

We left the bathroom and Zane led me back to his room to sleep. I felt strange climbing into bed with him. All of this was very new for me. "Get in Alex" Zane said with a yawn. It felt awkward as I climbed into bed and lay on my back. "Are you ok" Zane said turning to me. I could just make the outline of his features in the dimly lit room. "Yeah, just tired" I lied.

Zane placed his hand on my chest. "I know this is all new for you. We can go as slowly as you want or need to." Zane offered. Go as slowly as what? I thought to myself. What was "this" My life was turned upside down over the past few days. I wasn't ready for a "this" to happen.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Somehow during the night Cameron came into the bedroom. He was naked and hard as he climbed into bed. Cameron pulled back the covers from Zane exposing his naked body. Zane looked up at him and smiled. Then without a word Cameron lifted up his body and lowered himself on Zane's hard cock.

A strange feeling came over me as I watched them go at it in front of me. Why would Zane bring Cameron over now? When did he contact him? I watched their sex like it was playing out in a movie. As I watched my hand slipped below the covers into my shorts. My dick was rock hard, and I mindlessly started to stroke it as I watched Zane roughly fuck Cameron.

As I watched it seemed odd to me that they weren't really saying anything. Were they concerned they would wake me? I looked up to see Cameron's dick bobbing above Zane's body as they fucked. My eyes trailed up from his cock over his hairy abs and chest.

As I got up to his face a strange sensation came over me. Cameron looked like me. How was this possible. What was happening? Images started to swirl as I watched completely confused. Cameron and I had similar builds, but we looked nothing alike.

"Alex. Alex." I heard Zane calling me as I watched Zane fucking me. "Alex!" the sound was sharper. The room went dark and the images faded into nothingness. "What" I said groggy. "I think you were dreaming" I heard Zane say. The images started to fade quickly, but I held on to the last few moments of me straddling Zane. "Are you ok?" Zane asked in a sleepy voice. "yeah" I said feeling confused and strangely aroused. I closed my eyes and slipped back into a deep sleep.

The next thing I remember I was hearing Zane getting dressed. By the time I opened my eyes he was in his jeans, his torso still bare. "Morning" Zane said with a cheery smile. "Morning" I said scratching my head. "What time is it?" I asked still feeling very drowsy. "7:45. I have a class to get ready for" Zane said taking a shirt and pulling it over his body. "You had a wild dream" he said wandering around the room getting ready.

The images flashed hazily back to me. I recalled getting fucked by Zane. Why was I thinking about this? Why was Cameron in the dream? When I thought about Cameron an angry feeling came over me that I could not describe. I think I did not like him, but was that fair? I only saw him a couple times. Was it the idea of him getting fucked by Zane? Was I feeling jealous? Was it something more?

"Well I gotta run to class" Zane said from the doorway. "Want to hang out tonight and grab a pizza?" he asked without really giving me time to respond and with a wave he was gone. I lay in bed thinking about everything that was happening. So much in such a short time. A sick feeling came over me when I realized I still had to talk to the campus housing folks and then find a job. Ugg what was I going to do.

I dragged myself out of bed and jumped into the shower to help wake up. In the shower I made a mental list of things I had to do; go to campus housing, go to classes, start looking on the school job boards for a job. Oh, and find some food, I added when my stomach started to rumble.

I dried off and got dressed then headed out of the apartment. My first stop was the housing department. 90 minutes later I left not feeling great. It seems that they do not like to give you money back if you voluntarily abandon your room. I was lucky though as they said that there were more students then available rooms and as soon as they could find a replacement, they would send me a check. That means getting a job would be even more pressing if I were going to stay at school.

I went to my first class which was a lecture. I cracked open my laptop and logged into he universities electronic bulletin board to find a part time job. None of the jobs were the right fit for me either from a skill standpoint or one that was right for my schedule. Then I saw one that seemed ok working in the welcome center as philanthropic donor escort. I had no clue what this meant but I figured I would give it a shot. The hours and pay seemed to be what I needed.

As luck would have it, I was one of only 3 people that applied for the job and I was hired on the spot. I would be meeting some of the wealthy donors during events and escorting them to parts of the university. I would assist them with other tasks such as ensuring that invitations went out etc. It was mostly evenings and weekends so it would work great for my schedule. The only draw back was that I needed to wear a suit. I did not have one on campus, but my folks agreed to send it to me.

That night when I got back to the apartment I was in a much better mood. I opened to door to find Zane laying on the sofa watching some TV. I could not wait to tell him the good news. "Hey Alex, that is great. We need to celebrate. Let's go out to dinner. My treat" Zane said sitting up on the sofa. "No" I said flatly, and his expression faded. "Dinner is on me" I said with a grin. "Even better" Zane got to his feet and gave me a big hug.

We changed cloths and headed out to find some food. Over dinner I explained the job. "Yeah so some old lady is going to want you to put out" He joked. I looked at his face as he laughed. "Yeah maybe it will be some hot wealthy guy" I shot back not really thinking. Zane's face went serious "You better not" he said and strange feeling came over both of us.

Neither of us said anything we just sort of returned to our food an awkward silence. When dinner was over, we still hadn't talked much and we decided to go for a walk. "Listen Zane, this has been great" I said not sure what I was going to say. "But" I started "I understand" Zane said cutting me off and his normal exuberance seemed to be gone. "Zane, I was going to say this is has been great, I just don't know what I am doing. It's all confusing." I said stopping as we were walking. "No rush. We can take whatever time you need." He said cheerily.

"What if its not what I want? I asked sharply. Again, Zane's face lost some of the excitement. "Then we can be friends and go from there" he said trying to sound positive. I appreciated that he wasn't pushing me, that he was willing to see what happened next.

We walked a bit more then headed to the apartment. "I think I am going to go study and turn in" I said heading towards my room. "Night Alex" Zane said from the sofa. I looked at him and there was something in his face. Something that felt very lonely, very alone. I closed the door and lay on the bed trying to figure how my life changed so much in just a few days.

I must have been exhausted because I fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until the alarm went off. I had a busy day with school and orientation for the new job to get through. I did not see Zane on my way out the door. His bedroom door was closed as I rushed past. I got to my first class with time to spare and took a seat at the back.

Classes went slower than normal but I managed to make it through them. At 5pm I showed up for my orientation. The coordinator walked me and 2 other guides through the process. They gave us literature packages to read up on and then walked us into some of the reception halls we would be tending to for work. They tested our table manners and our ability to escort donors properly.

After 3 hours of training, I was exhausted. I headed back to the apartment to get some food, study and sleep. When I opened the door, I saw Zane sitting on the sofa and to my surprise Cameron was sitting next to him. Cameron's fly was open, and his dick was out and Zane's fist was wrapped around the hard shaft. Zane tried to cover it really quickly, but I had already seen everything.

It took a moment for the image to register. "Oh shit" I blurted out feeling embarrassed for seeing what they were doing. "Sorry" I said feeling the blood rush to my face. I headed quickly towards my room and closed the door.

Something came over me that I could not explain. I was angry! Why was I angry? Was I jealous? What was there for me to be jealous of? I kept asking questions and trying to answer them. Then my mind shifted back to what I had seen. Were they still doing it? What were they going to do? What if I were 5 minutes later?

I sat on the bed and put my face in my hands trying to make sense of what I was feeling. A vile feeling of dislike came over me towards Cameron. Something in me wanted to just toss his ass out of the apartment. I knew I couldn't do that, it wasn't my place. I had never felt these feelings and they were messing with my head.

I was too annoyed to try to do any school work. I turned the light out and I stripped down to my t-shirt and underwear and got into bed. I could not hear any sounds in the living room which was good, as I did not want to hear or think about what was happening. The more I tried not to think of it the more it was driving me crazy.

In the morning I felt washed out. I was tired and sore and angry. I went into the kitchen hoping not to see Cameron again. Hoping he didn't spend the night. I went quietly; no sigh of Cameron. As I was making coffee Zane came out looking sleepy, his hair tousled.

"Morning" he said with a yawn. "Morning" I replied feeling distant. "How was your night?" he asked reaching for some coffee. "Is Cameron here?" I blurting out and not really responding to his question. Zane looked at me strangely. "No, he left last night" he said. A feeling of calm came over me briefly. "Why?" he asked cocking his head and looking at me. "Just asking" I shot back trying to avoid a conversation.

Zane stopped what he was doing and looked at me for a moment. "Are you upset that he was here?" he asked softly. I didn't really know the answer. "No" I said trying not to make eye contact a pit forming in my stomach. In my mind I said no, but I knew I meant yes.

Zane walked over to me and my chin in his hand and pulled my face forward. "Did it bother you that he was here last night?" he asked again looking into my eyes and trying to read my expression. I could not answer. I just looked back at him feeling a bit helpless.

A few awkward moments passed, and I finally pulled away. "I don't like him, that's all" I said trying to make coffee. "You're jealous?" Zane asked. "Of what?" I shot back a bit stronger than I intended. "Of my being with Cameron on to sofa? Of what we were doing?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said softly. "Yeah it bothered me. Cameron is an ass" I said sounding a bit petty. I felt like a total ass once the words came out. "You are jealous" Zane said flatly after a brief period of silence. I could not say the words. Something held me back.

Zane came closer and I instinctively backed up. "You told me you need time. You needed to figure this out" he said softly. I heard the words I said to him a couple days before playing in my head. I shook my head not saying anything. "We can try it if you want? We can see where it goes if you think you are ready. I don't want to rush you, but I can't wait around forever either" Zane offered.

I had no idea what to try, what to do. It did bother me that Cameron was there. It bothered me that he was getting Zane's attention. "I don't know what to do" I said feeling lost. Zane came over to me slowly, cautiously and wrapped his arms around me. "I know this is all new for you Alex, but I like being with you and I think you like being with me. Let's see where it goes."

I sank into his arms and a feeling of calm and relief came over me as I let go. "Ok" I said plainly. Zane kissed my head softly and we just stood there quietly.

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Next: Chapter 8

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