Zane and Alex

By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 25, 2019


Zane and Alex

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Zane and Alex-- Chapter 5

We took a seat at an empty table and ordered some food. "Hey" the words finally getting through my thoughts as Zane raised his voice trying to get my attention. "What's going on, you barely touched your food" he asked. I looked down at my plate and realized I had been swirling the food and not really eating it. I looked up and saw some concern on Zane's face. "I guess I'm just not hungry. My head still hurts a bit" I said with a half-smile. The truth is that I realized I would have to go back to my dorm room and face the asshole, something I was dreading.

As I thought about it a wave of panic came over me thinking about going back and getting into it again with the asshole. I guess, I could go to the campus and file charges, but what if they didn't do anything? My life would be even worse. I could try to get a new roommate, but from what I was told earlier in the semester, housing was overbooked.

I let out a deep sigh as the thoughts ran through me. The more I thought about it the more concerned I became. "Alex, what's wrong" Zane asked softly. I looked up to see the seriousness in his face. "I'm sorry, I just have to figure out what I am going to do" I said blankly. "About what?" Zane asked. "I can't go back to my dorm room. I can't live with that asshole, not after this." I said and tried to maintain my voice. My eyes welled with tears and my pulse raced.

"It will be ok" Zane offered. I knew he was trying to help, but I needed to figure this out quick. Zane paid for breakfast and we walked back to his apartment in near silence, potential options racing through my head as we walked; I would either have to go back to my dorm room and just live in fear or leave school. The more I thought about it the more I panicked. Once inside, I started to gather up my stuff and make the trek back across the quad.

"Where are you going?" Zane asked coming over to me. "I have to go back, you've been great. I can't thank you enough for all you did for me" I said trying to force a smile. "Alex stay here" Zane offered. "Thank you, Zane, you have been great, but I am feeling much better" I replied sharply. "No Alex, I mean stay here, live here" Zane offered. I looked up at him in surprise. I could feel my body relax for a moment.

"Zane that is really kind of you but, I am not ready for that sort of thing. A few days ago, the idea of sex with a guy never really crossed my mind. I am not even sure if it is just a phase at this point." I said looking at Zane. "Alex, I am not offering you my bed" Zane said confusing me. I guess I could sleep on his couch till I could figure something out. It would be a temporary thing, but it could work. "Come with me" Zane said more as an order. He led me back towards the bedroom. "Zane, I can't right now" I said thinking I knew what he wanted. "Alex please come with me." Zane said in a stronger tone.

I followed Zane towards the bedroom, and he turned and opened a door and flicked on a light. "You can have this room" Zane said moving past the door to allow me to see. My eyes opened wide as I saw another bedroom that was empty except for one single bed and a couple boxes. The room was small but would be perfect. I was filled with excitement for about 3 full seconds. "This is very generous, but I can't stay here, I have no extra money to pay you" Zane cut me off before I could continue; "If you leave your dorm room, they have to give you some money back" Zane offered.

That could work I thought as I looked around the room. "And I can get a job" I said as the thought occurred to me. A flood of relief came over me as I realized I would not have to go back to the dorm room and live with my tormentor. "Zane this is really great, but I think we have to agree we have to have some rules. Can we talk about it?" Zane's smile diminished a bit but agreed to talk. We went into the living room and sat on the sofa.

"I am really grateful for everything; picking me up from the infirmary, treating me really nicely, and..." I stopped short of saying anything about the sex. "I. I guess, I am not where you are about sex. Sex with a man that is. If I stay here, I feel like you would think I were misleading you." I said trying to be sensitive. "I know this is all new for you. I know this may be just some experimentation. I will not do anything unless you are ready, unless you want it." He said softly. "And if I don't want it?" I asked. "Then we will be friends and respect each other's boundaries" he offered with a quick smile.

I shook my head feeling like we had some understanding, but there was still a part of me that felt like this could be a mistake. "Want to go grab your stuff and get settled?" Zane asked breaking the silence. We left his apartment and went to my dorm room. I was grateful that my roommate wasn't there when we arrived. I started to pack up my stuff, there wasn't much, and Zane helped. Just as we were leaving with the last box, my asshole roommate returned.

"What's up?" my roommate asked awkwardly. I could feel the tension as he entered the room. "I'm leaving" I said picking up the last box. "Hey man hope there is no misunderstanding?" he asked trying to see if I went to the campus to report the incident. With Zane at my back, I felt more empowered. "There is NO misunderstanding of how you and your friends jumped me and put me in the infirmary. There is no misunderstanding of what an asshole you are. I didn't go to campus police to report you if that is what you want to know, but if you come near me again, I will report you. Do you understand?" The look of shock and fear was all I needed from him in that instance. I grabbed the box and walked out of the room. Zane did not say a word.

Once we got outside Zane patted me on the back. "That was awesome" he said and we both laughed. We dragged my stuff back to Zane's place and into my bedroom. I came back into the living room to find Zane studying. "Hey Zane, I really can't thank you enough, I will pay my share once I straighten out the housing money with the college and I plan to get a part time job." I said smiling. "Alex, it's no problem. I am actually really glad for the company and I have already been paying for the apartment so it's no biggie." He responded with a goofy smile.

I spent much of the day trying to sort out my room and getting settled while Zane went to the gym. I did not have much but it seemed to take forever. At about 4:30 I came back into the living room. Zane had fallen asleep on the sofa still in his gym shorts and tank top. I looked down at him resting quietly. His shoulders were rounded, and his biceps were well defined. At the top of his tank top the shirt revealed a smooth well-defined chest.

My eyes ran down the white form fitting tank top over his strong abs and down to the soft material of the running shorts. My eyes stopped at the bulge in the shorts where his cock was nestled behind his sweaty briefs. As I looked on a feeling of excitement ran through me and I quickly walked back to my room to compose myself. I made a loud noise so that he would wake up.

As I re-entered the room Zane yawned and stretched forcing the tank top to ride up exposing his abs and navel. "Hey, want to grab some food, I offered, I would like to treat you to dinner for all the help you provided" I said with a broad smile trying to avoid the front of his shorts. "Yeah let me jump in the shower" Zane said getting to his feet. As he passed by his musky scent filled my nose. It wasn't the raw stink of sweat, it was nice somehow. Zane stripped his cloths off on the way to the bathroom not hiding anything from view. He walked into the bathroom and flicked on the water. A few minutes later he came out with a towel over his shoulders. He threw on some khakis and a shirt, then some shoes and his jacket and off we went.

Dinner was nice, there did not seem to be awkwardness between us as we ate and talked. It felt as if I were living a new life. After dinner we decided to walk around campus for a while. The whole time we talked easily about high school, family, college. I felt like we really could be friends. Finally, we went back to the apartment.

As the time approached, we got ready for bed. I started to feel awkward again. "Well, it's bedtime, I have an early class in the morning" Zane said standing up. "Feel free to hang out here as long as you want" he said going towards the hall. "Thanks man, I really owe you" I said smiling at him. Once he used the bathroom and went to his room, I decided to do the same.

I got into bed and realized how exhausted I was as I quickly slipped into sleep. "What are you doing?" I demanded seeing Zane's figure standing over me. It seemed like only minutes since I shut my eyes. Anger filled me as I sat up. "I can't do this." "Do what Alex?" Zane shot back standing over me. I did not answer I just sat in bed feeling confused. "Alex, you were having a bad dream, I came in to see if you were ok. I'm not going to attack you in your sleep." Zane said angrily. "I was just making sure you were ok. I will leave you alone." Zane left the room and closed the door behind him.

I lay in bed feeling like shit. What had I done? Zane has been the best friend I have had in a long time, and here I was accusing him of something horrible. I lay still for a while then realized I had to apologize, or I would not be able to sleep. I got out of bed and knocked on his door. "Zane, can we talk?" I asked softly. "I'm fine" Zane shot back. "Please, can we talk?" I did not wait for a response I opened the door and entered. I could make out Zane's figure in the dimly lit room. He was laying on his side facing away from the door. I stood by the bed side feeling like the biggest jerk.

"Zane, I'm sorry" I said in my most humble voice. "It's all good" Zane shot back not able to conceal the hurt. I got into the bed and lay next to him. I slid my body behind him in a spooning gesture and wrapped my arm around his body. "Thanks" I said softly as I lay there. The room was silent. "Jerk" Zane shot back. I pulled him closer and we both fell asleep.

Zane's alarm clock went off early and he got out of bed, dressed and out the door to classes. Once he left the apartment I got up and dressed and ready for my classes. The day was long, and I finally was able to make my way back to the apartment at about 5:30. As soon as I got into the apartment, I heard voices. I recognized Zane's, but not the other guys. I opened the door and Zane looked up from the sofa. He was sitting next to a guy I did not know. "Hey Alex, this is Cameron, Cameron this is my roommate Alex. Cameron and I are teaming up on a project." I reached out my hand and shook Cameron's "Nice to meet you" I said trying not to sound awkward.

Cameron was about my height and weight. He had jet black hair that was a bit wild and deep dark eyes. He wore glasses and a branded t-shirt revealing some geeky sci fi show. I excused myself to go into the bedroom but took a mental note at how close they were sitting on the sofa. I started my own studying, but thoughts of Zane and Cameron together kept interrupting my thoughts. I could not immediately describe how I was feeling. Was I jealous? Jealous of Zane having another friend? Or something more?

I forced myself to focus on school work. At about 8, Zane knocked on the door "Hey Alex, Cameron and I are going down to grab a beer. Want to join us" I looked up and smiled. "No man you go, I do not want to interrupt your time." I said trying to sound noble. "Grab your coat, let's go." He said firmly.

We all walked to the bar together. I tried to give Zane and Cameron some space. We found a booth and got comfortable. "Zane tells me that you 2 went to high school together" Cameron started trying to break the ice. "Yeah actually we started in elementary school all the way through high school and now college" I added. "How do you know each other?" I asked realizing that it was a leading question.

"We have some classes together and some other things" Cameron said with a knowing smile. I smiled back but there was something annoying me about his comment. "I'm going to go to the bathroom and then grab us some beers" Zane offered getting up leaving Cameron and me alone. If it were awkward before Zane left it was 10x worse now. There was something smug and annoying about Cameron, but I also had to admit that he was very good looking too.

"Zane is a great guy" Cameron started. "Yep he is" I replied trying not to talk too much. "He is hot too" Cameron said, and I looked up to see him grinning at me. "Yeah he's a good-looking guy" I said trying to be nonchalant about it. Just as I was getting ready to ask what he was getting at Zane came back with beers. From there the conversation went back to normal school topics.

We hung out for a while then decided to go back to the apartment. I excused myself to my room. As I closed the door behind me, I realized I was feeling annoyed, but I was not sure exactly why. I listened as Zane and Cameron talked in the living room. I could not make out what they were saying. I decided not to listen and went to bed.

In the morning I went into the kitchen to make some coffee before school. Zane's bedroom door opened, and Cameron walked out. He was naked and his semi limp dick was swinging loose as he went to the bathroom. I expected he would go back to Zane's room but instead he headed into the kitchen. His nakedness not seeming to bother him. "Morning Alex" he said smiling. I tried not to look over his naked body, but it was hard not to.

"Um want some coffee" I said trying to sound casual. "Yeah thanks" Cameron said with a half sleepy smile. I handed him a cup and grabbed my stuff to head to classes. "Have a good one" I called back. On my way to school I felt frustrated and angry. I felt my dick start to swell as I pictured Cameron naked. Then images of Cameron and Zane together in bed flooded my mind. As my mind played out the scenario my dick continued to grow and snake down into my shorts, causing some discomfort. I stopped in the bathroom before heading to class and went into a stall to adjust.

The bathroom was empty. I put my bag on the hook behind the door and opened my pants. My dick was rock hard and precum oozed at the tip. I tried to focus on other things, but I could not get the image out of my head. I had time and decided to jerk off and relieve myself.

I sat on the toilet and took my cock in my hand. I started sliding it up and down the shaft as I had a hundred times since I could recall. My hand felt good on my hard cock and I closed my eyes to enjoy it. I tried to focus my mind on some of my normally visually stimulus; hot redhead at the mall, cover of some trashy mag, etc. Every image brought me back to Zane. Back to that first blow job in his apartment. Back to making out with him in bed. I tried to force my mind away from those thoughts. I pictured his ass in the shower and the words he said the last time we were in bed: "I want you to fuck me"

Flash! In that moment my mind exploded and so did my dick. Cum shot out and hit my backpack that was hanging on the door. Some of hitting my shoe. I sat there panting trying to clear my head. Trying to get Zane out of my head. I cleaned up the mess and went to class. I had a hard time focusing and my thoughts kept coming back to Zane.

When classes were over, I walked quickly back to the apartment to talk to Zane. "Zane" I called through the apartment trying to find him. "Can we talk?" I called out. Zane's bedroom door opened, and he came out. "What's up? Is everything ok?" he asked a concerned look on his face. I smiled when I saw him but only for a second as I saw Cameron coming out of the bedroom.

"What's up?" Zane asked again. "It's ok. It can wait" I replied smiling. "Cameron and I are going to hang out and grab some food. Want to join us? Zane asked and I noticed that Cameron shot me a look. "No, thanks, I have some studying to do, I lied. It's nothing that can't wait" I said forcing a smile. Zane looked at me puzzled. "Ok talk later" he said, and they headed out the door.

I went to my room feeling like a total idiot. Even if I knew what I wanted, wanted to try, Zane and Cameron seem to be together. The thoughts kept rolling around in my head and I was getting more and more frustrated by the minute. At about 11 I heard to the door open. "Hey Alex" Zane said stepping in the door way of my room. "How was your night" he asked. "Good, yours? Is Cameron here?" I asked trying to sound nice. "No, he left" Zane said smiling at me. The smile irritated me.

"Did you still want to talk?" he asked standing in the door way. I stood up and walked up to him. I locked eyes with him and placed my lips on his. "Alex" Zane started, but I pushed passed what he was going to say and pulled him to me. Zane wrapped his arms around me, and we kissed. Neither of us moved for what felt like a long time. We just embraced in the doorway and kissed taking turns exploring each other's mouths with our tongues.

Zane broke off the kiss still holding me close. "Want to go to my bedroom" he asked in a husky sexy voice. He turned before I could respond and took my hand and led me to the other room. "Wait" I said thinking about Cameron. "What about Cameron?" I asked stopping Zane. "Cameron. What about him?" Zane looked at me confused. "Well if you are dating, I don't want to get in the way of..." I did not know the words to use and just stopped. "There is nothing between Cameron and me" Zane said walking over to me.

He kissed me again and while he did, he started unbuttoning my shirt and then pulling it off my body. I reached for his shirt and pulled it up over his head exposing his hard-smooth torso. Zane pulled my body to his and the warmth of his body felt good on mine. His lips moved to my neck and trailed down and over my shoulder causing the hairs on my neck to stand on end.

I reached for Zane's belt buckle and awkwardly attempted to loosen it and open it. Then I reached for the button and zipper on his pants. Once opened his pants fell off fairly easily. Zane reached for my pants and helped me remove them. Now we were both standing in just our briefs. "You are so fuckin hot Alex" Zane said taking me in with his eyes. "Thanks" I said feeling very shy. Zane stepped out of his briefs standing completely naked, his dick hard and standing at attention. He stepped back and just waited. "Take them off" he ordered with a smile. I took my briefs off and tossed them on the floor.

Zane pulled back the covers and got into bed, pulling me in with him. We got under the blankets and he moved his lips once again to mine. We intertwined ourselves as made out grinding our cocks into each other. Finally, Zane maneuvered his body on top of mine and started to grind his cock into mine as he had done before. I liked the feeling of his body on mine, his cock rubbing against mine.

We rolled around on the bed. I was closer to him in that moment that I had been with any other person. "Alex, I want you inside me" Zane said with the most intense expression I had ever seen. My pulse raced and my cock jumped at the thought. "I've never done that" I started thinking that I never even had a change to fuck a woman. I had no idea what I was doing.

Zane straddled my mid-section and positioned his ass over my cock. He slid along the length of my cock as I watched. Then he reached behind himself and lifted his ass up. He took my cock shaft and pulled it straight up, then with a bit of a wriggling movement he aimed my cock at the opening of his hole and slowly moved down on it. Zane's eyes widened as he continued to feed his ass onto my cock, very slowly. I watched in awe as my hard-thick cock easily seemed to slide inside him.

Zane stopped and looked down at me. "You feel so good Alex" he said with a smile. "Do you like it" he asked. I looked up into his face and I could not speak. I had never felt anything like this in my life. My dick was wrapped in the warmest most exciting thing I had ever felt. I nodded like a kid not having any words to say. Zane bent forward and kissed my ear softly. "Fuck me Alex" he said softly.

I had no idea what I was doing, but nature took over and I started to slide my hips up forcing my dick deeper into Zane. I moved slowly at first trying to get the feel for it. My mind was going crazy thinking that my dick was deep inside this man's ass, but the animal part of me was just wanting to fuck. I placed my hands on Zane's muscular thighs and started to slide out of his ass just as slowly as I slid in. Then I slid back in then out again. Each gyration becoming more and more intense and moving faster and faster.

Soon I had built up a rhythm to my fucking motion and if it felt even better than just being inside him. I was being tortured in the best possible way and I did not want it to stop. I watched the expressions on Zane's face, a look of pure pleasure as sweat started to bead on his chest. I reached out and took his cock in my hand as I fucked him. It was rock hard and pulsed each time I pumped into him. Zane covered my hand and stopped me. "Careful, I am not ready to cum yet" he said smiling. I could not believe he was that close from just a few strokes. Zane let go of my hand and I took the opportunity to jerk his dick a few times before he stopped me again. Zane squeezed his eyes tightly allowing the feeling to subside.

I enjoyed the feeling of getting him close. I felt a certain power in fucking him and jerking him at the same time. Once again Zane released my hand and I started to stroke his cock. My dick driving into his ass like a piston. Zane reached for my hand again to stop me but this time he was about a split second too slow. "Oh Fuck" he let out a loud howl. He moved his hand from mine and allowed me to continue to stroke him. His ass clamped down on my cock, tightening muscles in his ass. His dick recoiled and I watched as the piss slit opened and a creamy milky string of cum arched out into the air and right at my mouth.

Some of the cum hit my open mouth and the sweet slightly salty body fluid ran over my tongue. Zane arched his back driving his ass even further down on my cock as another couple strings of cum shot forward coating my hair chest. The masculine smell of cum filled the air and drove my passion.

I continued feeding Zane's ass with my hard cock and I could feel my own balls building up with a forthcoming orgasm. "Oh man I am close" I warned panting as I continued to thrust into him. "I am going to shoot my load" I moaned more as a warning. Zane did not move, he did not pull off my cock. "Give it to me Alex" Zane called back. "Fill my ass" he added. That was all the motivation I needed, and my dick started to fill Zane's insides with my seed. I could not believe the feeling of cumming inside Zane. I felt like it would never stop as I continued to unload. Slowly my body began to relax, and a chill ran through me as Zane slowly pulled off my still hard cock. Cum clinging to the head of my cock.

Zane looked down with a big smile on his face. It was a look of total fulfillment. "That was amazing" he said. He reached forward and brushed my hair aside. Then bent down and kissed me. "Did you like" he asked. I could not find words to tell him how incredible it was. I just pulled him to me and wrapped myself around him.

Zane lay next to me on the bed and we just quietly existed. Our bodies as close as they could be.

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