Zane and Alex

By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 22, 2019


Zane and Alex

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Zane and Alex-- Chapter 4

Zane and I walked the short distance to the pub on the corner of the block. The place wasn't crowded, and we found a booth in the back and took a seat. A quick glance at the menu and we placed our order. I found it awkward to some degree to make eye contact with Zane though part of me wanted to see him, the other part felt like this was a joke. That I was somehow being punked.

We both ordered burgers and beers and they came quickly. "I am starving" Zane said when the burger arrived, and I knew what he meant. I had not realized how hungry I was. "Yeah me too" I said with a sigh eyeing up the burger. Zane laughed and I looked at him trying to figure out what was so funny. "What?" I asked looking at him puzzled. "Good sex always makes me hungry" he said with a sheepish look in his face. I could feel myself blush and looked down at my burger.

"Are you embarrassed?" Zane asked softly. "Um yeah I guess so" I replied. "I never talked about sex to anyone before and I never did those things before." I replied in a hushed tone. I picked up my beer an took a long drink. "Easy pal, you don't want a repeat of the other night" Zane warned as I had a mouth full causing me to choke as I laughed at the remark. Somehow the comment broke some of the tension and I was able to laugh along with him.

When the giggles passed, I looked up at Zane and he had an expression on his face that I could not place. It was a mixture of happy, satisfied, relaxed and even a bit goofy. "What?" I asked watching him. "You are pretty amazing" he replied softly, and I blushed hard and looked down at my plate. "Sorry man." Zane said softly and lifted his burger.

"Zane, I am really flattered. I think you are a great guy. I am just not sure what I am doing here." I dragged the words out slowly trying to find the right ones. "Thanks Alex I am flattered as well. I know this is all new for you. I know it must seem weird." "Why because you are so hot?" I asked interrupting him rudely. "Fuck you Alex. You need to get over the idea that I am something you aren't, somehow better than you. You are the only one right now that thinks that. You need to let it go." Zane's expression turned to one of hurt and I felt like shit. Silence fell between us.

"I'm sorry" I said after a few minutes passed. "I guess I just see myself differently than I see you" I said painfully. "And I see you differently than I see myself. I think that is called attraction" Zane said with a tinge of anger still in his voice.

Zane lowered his head and I felt really stupid. I picked up the paper from the straw and balled it up and flung it at his forehead. "Hey" Zane said looking up. "I'm sorry" I said with a smile. "I'm a jerk" I added. Zane laughed and some of the tension eased. "Yeah you are" he replied jokingly.

"Can I ask a question?" Zane started. "Have you been in a serious relationship with anyone?" he asked. Before I could respond I took a deep breath. "Not really. In high school I went out on a couple dates with Jasmine Martinson." "The redhead with the glasses on the student council?" He asked and I was surprised he knew who she was. "Yeah. We only went on a few dates and I took her to the prom. We made out a few times, but it never went any further. The summer after graduation, I dated a girl from the office supply store I was working in. She turned out to be a real mess, a big drinker and lots of problems. I was actually glad to go off to college and get away from her."

"Did you have sex with either of them?" Zane asked as if it was a topic of general conversation. I picked up my beer and took and awkward swig. "Um, no" I said softly. "With any girl? Zane added. I shook my head no. "With a guy?" he continued. After thinking about it, I looked into his face: "Not until you" I sighed hard and lowered my head.

Silence fell between us again. I played with my food feeling foolish admitting I was a virgin. Zane reached across the table and put his hand on mine. My initial reaction was to jerk my hand away. "Alex, it's ok. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. I am glad I was your first." He said compassionately and something in that moment felt very honest. "Thanks" I replied looking around to make sure no one saw him holding my hand.

Finally, we finished eating and the bill came, we paid and walked back out into the cold night. "Thanks Zane, it was fun" I said getting ready to head to my dorm room. "Want to come back and hang out?" He asked. "I better get back, I have some studying to do and..." I stopped short trying not to sound like an excuse. "Can we hang out again?" he asked. "Yeah that'd be cool" I said smiling. This time I felt like I meant it. "Let's exchange numbers." Zane offered and we took turns adding it to our contacts.

Zane shook my hand and held it. "I am glad I am getting to know you again Alex" he said with a smile so sincere that I could feel it. "Me too man." I left and walked back to my dorm room. When I got back my dumbass roommate and his friends were still hanging out. I entered the room quietly not really wanting to talk to them. Once inside the room I noticed that there was crap all over my bed.

"What the fuck." I said out loud but more to myself. I started to pull the stuff off the bed and toss it onto his bed. "Can you keep your shit off my bed?" I asked with an angry tone. My roommate stood up and a mean menacing look came over his face as his friends sniggered in the background. I did not back down, I continued to toss his stuff back onto his bed. "Fuck you faggot" he yelled, and the words rang in my ears. I turned and looked right into his eyes. "No fuck you! you're the one hanging out with all the guys in our room." I said insinuating he was gay. An angry look came over him and that was the last thing I really remember.

"Who should we call?" I heard the woman say. I looked up confused and saw the woman in front of me. As I looked around and, realized I was in the infirmary, my head hurt like a building had fallen on me. "What" I asked as the fog started to clear. "You have a concussion, you were brought here by your roommate. He said you fell in your dorm room" Tears started to fill my eyes as glints of images started to flood my memory. "It's ok hun" the nice nurse said. "You are going to be alright, but you will need someone to go home with and they should stay with you for a couple days. Who should we call? Your roommate did not leave his number.

Zane was the only other person I knew on campus. He was the only person, but then confusion hit me again. Did I imagine or dream about what happened with him? Was this all part of the same nightmare. "Here is your phone" the nurse said handing me my cell. I looked and sure enough Zane's number was listed in my contact. I pushed the button and the phone began to ring. "Hey Alex, I did not expect to hear from you soon" a groggy voice said into the phone. I took a deep breath to avoid crying.

"Can you pick me up at the infirmary?" I asked trying to hold back tears and hoping he would say yes. "OMG what happened?" he asked sounding much more alert. "I will tell you when you get here." It did not take more than 20 minutes and the nurse was leading Zane into the room. Once she left, he came around and stood next to the bed. He looked at me and panic showed on his face. "What happened?" he asked, and I could not hold it back any longer. Tears welled in my eyes and pain split my head. Zane did not say a word he just bent down and held me and there was silence.

"Come on let me take you home" Zane said softly, and I swallowed hard to avoid crying. "I can't go back to my place" I said and panic came over me knowing I had no place to go. "You are coming with me to my place" he said without hesitation. "I will take care of you" A feeling of deep appreciation came over me knowing I did not have to go back to my dorm room.

Zane got the instructions from the nurse and then helped me get dressed and walked me back to his place. I walked in feeling lost and alone just standing in the entry. "Come on buddy, let me get you comfortable." He said leading me to the big recliner, then went to grab some sweat pants. "change into these" Zane had to help me as I was still feeling quite dizzy from the trauma. Once I had changed, I sat in the chair and Zane went to get me something to drink. I sat quietly and Zane watched me with great concern.

"What happened Alex" he asked. I relayed what I recalled about the incident with my roommate and Zane flashed red with anger. "Fuckin asshole" he said sharply then went silent, trying not to excite me. "You are safe here" Zane said placing his hand on my leg as a gesture of friendship. I did not jump when he touched me, I welcomed his comforting touch. I placed my hand on his and smiled.

Zane did not attempt to remove his hand, nor did he attempt to try anything. A part of me hoped he would. I was feeling very comforted with Zane as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and much of the anger, I had held for so long seemed a thing of the past.

We spent most of the day just hanging out. He managed to get my books from my dorm room and we each spent time just studying. Zane grabbed us food for lunch and dinner and we sat and talked about stuff in general. "Come on Alex, it's bedtime" Zane said in a friendly tone. "I'm good sleeping here, you take the bed" I offered. "No, you are my guest and you really need the sleep, you take the bed" Zane replied and led me to the bedroom.

"Do you need anything?" Zane asked as he headed towards the door. It felt weird being in his bed and it felt weird being alone. I did not have words, I just pulled back the covers an indicated he should join me. "Are you sure?" he asked looking down at me trying to hide a smile. I nodded and moved over to allow him room.

Zane took off his pants and shirt and slipped in to bed in just his briefs and turned out the light. He lay next to me not touching me. Just like 2 friends sharing a bed. For a moment I lay perfectly still, then I moved my hand to his chest "Thank you Zane" I said softly. Zane took my hand in his and he just held it. Not in a sexual way, just in a comforting way.

I woke up several hours later and the room was bright. Somehow during the night, I had moved closer to Zane and my head was resting on his chest, his arm was around me and he was just holding me, comforting me. "Sorry" I said realizing I was laying on him. Zane bent forward and kissed my forehead. "How are you feeling?" Zane asked not making any attempt to move away from me. I just sighed still hurting from what had happened. "I know it's hard" Zane said, and the words echoed in my head. I knew what he meant but, in that moment, in my mind it meant something else.

My hand slipped down Zane's chest and over his smooth abs and kept going. My hand found the spot where his cock rested limp behind the cotton material. A soft sigh escaped Zane's lips and his dick gave a jump. "You don't have to" Zane said softly. "I want to" I responded, not 100% sure what I was doing. I massaged the mound through the material and soon Zane's cock started to stir. It felt like it was unrolling like a snake uncoiling and soon it was rock hard and pushing against the briefs.

I moved my hand off the mound and worked it into the top of the elastic band and pulled the shorts away from his cock freeing it. My fingers wrapped around the base and I started to stroke it. Zane ran his hands over my back and moaned softly as my novice fingers stroked another man's cock for the first time. The feeling was a mixture of weird and exciting at the same time. There was something powerful and exciting about holding another man's cock and knowing I was pleasuring him.

I slowly ran my hand up and down his shaft, not really knowing what I was doing but going on pure instinct. Whatever I was doing Zane seemed to be enjoying. He held me tight and buried his face in my hair and kissed my head softly. "Oh, Alex that feels so good, man" he cooed as I continued to stroke him. His words softly encouraged me to continue.

Whatever I was doing had the right effect on Zane because his moaning got more intense and his body tightened and squirmed. Zane put his hand under my chin and pulled my face up so that I was looking at him. Our eyes met and he bent forward and placed his lips on mine. I moved closer and pressed my lips to his. The warmth of his lips making my own cock hard in my shorts.

Zane did not close his eyes, he just stared into mine and our lips meshed. My tongue parted his lips this time as he had done to me, and Zane accepted my tongue into his mouth. As we kissed my hand continued stroking his cock. Zane started to buck his hips as if he were fucking my hand with his hard dick. I held it tight and allowed him to use my hand.

Zane moaned deeply into my mouth as he continued to fuck my hand with greater intensity. In a flash Zane pulled the covers back exposing both of us and not a second later his dick shot a stream of cum straight up his body landing right below his chin. He continued fucking my hand as another large shot flung from his piss slit and then a third. Zane lay still now, but I continued to stroke his cock, milking out the last remnants of cum.

"Fuck that was amazing" Zane said with a big dopey grin then pulled me back into his arms for a kiss. In a strange way, I felt a great surge of pride for being able to bring him sexual pleasure. As we continued to make out, Zane's breathing returned to normal.

I pulled my lips from his and propped myself up on my elbow and ran the fingers of my free hand through the cum on his belly while he watched. "Did you like that" I asked watching the cum slide over his perfect body. "That was hot Alex" he replied "But I want to feel you in me" he added. At first, I was not sure I understood what he was asking, then it became clear, he wanted me to fuck him. I must have looked confused or lost: "When you are ready" he said when I did not answer. "Thanks" was all I could say.

"I'm hungry" I said trying to change the subject. "Breakfast is on me" I said, and Zane and I got out of bed, cleaned up and headed out for breakfast.

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