Zane and Alex

By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 21, 2019


Zane and Alex

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Zane and Alex-- Chapter 3

Splashes of warm cum coated my hairy naked torso. When I had discharging my load, I placed my hand over Zane's to stop him stroking my now sensitive cock, but I allowed him to continue to kiss me in the wake of the powerful orgasm.

Zane continued kissing me, making no attempt to stop. His lips were soft felt nice, yet they also felt hungry like a man deprived of food. My mind was reeling from everything that was happening so quickly. Not more than a day or so ago, Zane was the person I despised the most in the world. I had a burning hatred for all he was and all he stood for. Or did I?

I started to think back to when we were friends in school. Zane and I were pretty close, but, then we drifted apart. Then that summer between 10th and 11th grade, Zane matured, he magically seemed to fill out, almost overnight. When the new school year started, he was even less interested in being my friend. He would pass me in the hall as if I didn't exist. Then he started to hang out with a new crowd; the sports jocks, the popular kids and all the girls. I wasn't part of his new circle.

I felt very isolated and alone and it was Zane's fault or so I perceived. I understood why he was popular though. Zane was always a bit taller than me, but by 11th grade he towered over me and most of the class at 6'3, his body was smooth and toned with well-defined pecs and abs from sports and the gym.

I was everything Zane wasn't; where he was tall, I was only 5'9, where he was smooth, I was coated in dark hair on my chest and abs. I did not have the kind of bulk Zane had but I was proud of the body I had developed from running and working out in our home gym. To make things worse, I wore glasses, which only added to my already nerdy appearance.

For the next 2 years I avoided Zane at every chance I got. I could not wait to get out of high school and away from all the Zane hype. Unfortunately, my plan went to shit when he managed to show up at the same school.

As I drifted off in thought, Zane's hand ran up my body snapping me back. "I like your hairy body" he said softly as his fingers caressed my chest and gently smeared the pool of cum around. I could not deny that his hand felt good on my chest. I also could not deny that I felt more relaxed than I had in months.

Zane moved his head to my shoulder and started to place soft kisses on my skin, his mouth moved softly and gently causing the hairs on my body to tingle. I watched as his face moved with a purpose, a dedication. Zane's face hovered over some of the smeared cum and his tongue darted out and licked at the spot. I looked on in amazement as he seductively licked the cum from my hairy chest.

Zane took some of the cum on his tongue and looked up to show me. Without hesitation or thought I brought my hands to his face and pulled him to me. I placed my mouth on his and sucked his cum coated tongue into my mouth. Zane pushed forward driving his tongue deep into my mouth.

Zane pulled away then repeated the process of licking up some cum off my chest and feeding it to me. Each time he did this, I found myself getting more aroused and my cock began to grow again. Zane moved over my body and aligned his hard cock next to mine, then started to gently grind into me. My mind flashed on the story he conveyed when his cousin did this to him and I could not help thinking how good it felt.

I placed my hands-on Zane's chest and just looked up at the intensity on his face as he rubbed his dick against mine. There was something honest and innocent about him in that moment that stripped away whatever dislike I was holding in for the past several years. Zane looked into my eyes and bent forward placing his lips on mine. He breathed a sigh into my mouth and warm cum shot from his cock between us. His body jerked a few times and then he was still.

Zane stopped grinding and rolled to my side laying on his back. His body was coated in cum and sweat and he laid panting. Zane began to laugh. "What's so funny" I asked feeling awkward. "I have wanted to do that with you for so long, you have no idea." He explained. "Huh?" was all I could manage to get out. "I have been into you for a long time Alex. I used to jerk off thinking about us out in the park. Remember when we would go out on our bikes into the park, and explore?" he asked. "Yeah I remember" I replied curious where this was going. "I had this fantasy that we would camp there sometime, just the 2 of us and during the night we could share a sleeping bag and maybe do things to each other. My first jerkoff sessions were thinking about you."

The words swirled in my head. Why in the world would Zane have been fantasizing about me? He could have had any girl or guy he wanted. "Why me?" I asked softly. Zane's face went serious and he turned away. "Why me?" I repeated wanting to know. "Because you are the hottest man I have ever known."

he said with a slight embarrassment. What the fuck? Was this some sick game he was playing with me?

Was it a dream I would wake from?

"How do you figure?" I asked wanting to know. "Alex, you are handsome, you have a great body, you are sweet, you are smart. What's not to like?" he said almost defending himself. I was dumbfounded. I was flattered and embarrassed at the same time. "Thanks" I replied awkwardly. "I do not know what to say. No one has ever said that to me before. I guess I just figured I was a regular nerdy guy and..." "Stop" Zane said cutting me off. "There is nothing regular about you." He said almost defending his previous statement. "Thanks" I said backing down and feeling humbled.

Silence filled the room as we both lay quietly on the bed. I felt bad for judging Zane, I felt bad for judging myself. "Want to get some food" I said breaking the awkward silence. Zane looked over at me and smiled; "yeah that sounds good" he said sliding out of bed. I looked up at him and for the first time really took in his body. He put out a hand to helped pull me up from the bed. I stood up and looked down at my cum coated body and a funny smile came over me. It was a mixture of comedy and pride.

"You look hot" Zane said in a dirty voice. "I think I need a quick shower" was my only reply. Zane led me to the shower and handed me a towel and turned to leave. "Wait I said" as his hand closed on the knob. "Stay" A smile came over Zane's face and he leaned against the sink. "What do you like to eat" I asked as I got under the water to start rinsing off. The question seemed comical as I heard it in my head. "Foodwise that is" Zane laughed causing me to laugh. I think it was the first time in weeks I actually felt relaxed.

After I finished my shower and dried off, Zane got in the shower and started to rinse. I could not help watching as he applied soap to his smooth body, sliding the soap around his blondish pubes and down below his heavy balls. It was like watching a movie. Then he turned his back to me and slid the soap over his firm hairless ass and down the crack. My eyes bulged watching this show he was putting on. My mind flashed on the idea of his cousin and the first time he got fucked.

I was so lost in thought that I had not realized that Zane was staring at me. I finally looked up and a big grin was on his face. "Looks like you like what you see" He said with a chuckle. I looked down to see that the towel I had wrapped around me was tenting out. I flushed red and reached down to adjust.

"Dry off, I need some food" I said trying to change the subject. Zane smiled and started to dry off. We went to the bedroom and got dressed and got ready to go grab some food. On the way-out Zane grabbed the blue and white letterman jacket he had worn through the last couple years of high school. He slipped it on over his body and my pulse raced.

I could not believe how good looking he was and the fact that he was interested me was confusing at best. When we got to the door Zane stopped before opening it. "Can I kiss you?" he asked looking intensely at me. I did not answer, I just stood there, and Zane took that as a yes. He backed me up to the wall gently and wrapped his arms around me bending forward to place his lips on mine.

As his lips softly touched mine, I wrapped my arms around him and allowed him to kiss me. The kiss was gentle and soft and there was something else too. Passion! It was the first kiss I think I had felt till that point that I actually felt any passion. I had dated some girls in the past, and had a good time with them, but I never remember feeling anything like this.

I was confused and hungry and too many thoughts were flooding my brain. I pulled away from his mouth. "I need to eat" I said trying to gently break free. Zane smiled and kissed my cheek. "Let's go." He said and we headed out of the apartment.

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Next: Chapter 4

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