Zane and Alex

By Greg Stevens

Published on Nov 20, 2019


Zane and Alex

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Zane and Alex-- Chapter 16

I returned home late, and Zane was already asleep. I took a quick shower and got into bed. Since the trip to the lake house I had been sleeping in the spare bedroom. I planned to talk to Zane first thing in the morning.

At about 8am I walked into the living room and found Zane getting ready to go out. Zane's back was to me, but I noticed immediately that he was wearing the letterman jacket with the leather sleeves that I liked so much. "Hey" I called out and he turned to face me. Zane looked as if he hadn't shaved in a few days and the blondish stubble on his face added to his rugged good looks. "Hey Alex" he said, and a forced smile crossed his face.

"How was your night?" He asked diverting his gaze. "Sit down Zane, we need to talk" I replied my voice strong but gentle at the same time. Zane dropped his books and sat down on the opposite end of the sofa. "My night was good. My last few weeks were ok. I did as you said, and I met some guys. One guy I met with twice. I also had a 3-way with a couple of guys. One was older and the other about my age." I gave just enough information but did not provide every detail.

Zane sat quietly listening to what I had to say. A look came over him: "It sounds like you had fun" Zane said and there was a slight bitterness to his comment. "Shut up Zane" I said sharply. "I did those things because you told me to. I did not want to. I told you I love you and I mean it" anger and passion building in me as I spoke.

"I know Alex but, how can I be sure this is right for you. I don't want to lose you if you start to think about what could have been" Zane said softly. "Zane, there are no guarantees for anything. Just because I don't have that much experience doesn't mean I do not know what I want. I have no clue what will happen between us. I know that I want you now, not some random hook ups with guys that only make me think of you." I said and the room went silent.

"I think the problem is with you not me." I said as I sat quietly thinking about the situation. Zane turned to me a hurt look on his face. "You're worried about getting hurt." I said the realization finally hitting me. "Yeah, I am" Zane replied quietly. I slid over next to him on the sofa and put my arm around him. It was the closest I've been to him since the weekend at the lake house.

"Zane, I have no idea what will happen tomorrow, I know how I feel today. We can either do this together and see what happens or pass up what could be a great relationship. A few months ago, I couldn't imagine even being friends with you, but now I am in love with you. I want to take this journey with you together." Zane listened then sighed.

I did not wait for an answer, instead I stood up and took Zane by the hand; "Follow me" I said and pulled him up off the sofa and led him into the bedroom. Zane reached for me and I smacked his hand away. "Don't touch. I'm in charge" I said. A smile formed on Zane's face and he stood at ease in front of me. I reached up and unbuttoned his shirt then pealed it back exposing his muscular torso. Then I reached for his pants and opened them, then put my hands inside the briefs and pushed both to the ground. Zane stepped out of them.

Zane went to remove the jacket, but I stopped him. "Leave it on" I said adamantly. Zane looked at me and smiled. "Lay down" I instructed, and Zane got on the bed. The jacket falling open exposing his body. I quickly stripped off my clothes and tossed my jeans on the bed then I climbed up on the bed kissing and touching his muscular, hairy legs as I moved closer and closer to his hardening cock. Zane moaned and watched as I went to work.

I brought my face slowly closer and closer to his heavy hanging balls, but I stopped before touching him. I passed my lips over his hip barely touching his pubes with my chin. His dick throbbed with anticipation as I moved higher. My lips moved to his muscular abs. I gently kissed and licked the washboard muscles as I moved higher on his body. Zane's breath became ragged.

My face was now just below his chin. I moved up so that I was looking deep into his eyes. I brought my lips close but stopped. Zane jerked his head upward trying to press his lips to mine, but I backed away before he could make contact. A frustrated look on his face and a grin on mine. Again, I brought my face close to his. This time he did not move. I moved closer and placed my lips on his. I desperately missed kissing him.

Zane's lips parted softly and allowed me to enter his mouth with my tongue. My dick engorged and started to leak precum. Zane reached up with his hand to touch me and as much as I wanted to feel it, I still wanted him to know I was in charge. I moved away from him and lowered myself down his body. I stopped on his right nipple with my lips and played with the left one with my hand, then I trailed my face back down and over his abs.

My face was planted in his thick bushy patch. I breathed in his masculine smell and allowed my hand to come up the underside of his shaft. His dick was warm and hard to my touch. I raised my eyes up at him then slowly lowered my mouth on to his cock. I remembered the first time I tried this how I gagged and choked. "Oh, fuck Alex" Zane moaned as I sucked his dick. I placed my hand under his balls and gently caressed them as I sucked causing Zane to moan even loader.

I liked sucking Zane's dick. I liked hearing him moan and knowing I was bringing him pleasure but I wanted more. I placed my hands under his legs and pushed them up to reveal his firm ass. I looked at Zane in his letterman jacket with the fresh scruff on his face and I could not believe how hot he looked at that moment. How incredibly lucky I was to be with an amazing guy. I smiled at him then lowered my head.

I slid down on the bed so that I could bring my face close to his ass. I started off by darting my tongue into the puckered red hole. Zane jumped as my tongue touched him. I continued licking up his crack and probing deeper into his hole. Zane continued to moan and pant.

"I want to fuck you Zane" I said bringing my head up and looking into his eyes. He did not say a word he just nodded a lustful sexy look on his face. I reached for my jeans and pulled the bottle of clear liquid from my pants that Jose had give me. I slathered some of the goo onto my hard cock then positioned the head of my cock at the wet opening of Zane's ass.

I looked down at him and started to slowly slide forward my eyes locked on to his as I proceeded. Soon my cock was deep inside him and it felt amazing. Fucking Jose felt good I had to admit, but there was something far beyond that with Zane. Maybe it was because I truly loved him.

Zane reached forward and placed his hands on my hips. "Fuck me please" he begged. I slowly pulled out then started pressing back in, building up speed as I went. Zane thrashed on the bed as I drove my dick deeper and deeper and faster and faster.

With my hand I reached for Zane's cock. There was still lots of goo on it and I immediately started to slide it up and down his shaft. "Holy Fuck Alex" Zane blurted out as my hand caressed him. I looked down to see the muscles on his chest and abs tighten and convulse.

I looked down at Zane in that letterman jacket and realized just how much I had fantasized about seeing him in it. As I simultaneously fucked and stroked Zane I could feel my orgasm getting close. "I want to cum with you" I said trying to hold off until Zane was close. I wanted to time our orgasms so that we could cum at the same time.

"I'm close" Zane said looking up at me. I started to fuck him harder, my movements becoming more erratic. My dick started to swell, and I could feel that tingle that started in my balls before I was ready to let loose. Quickly I pulled my cock from Zane's ass and aligned my dick to his, then I took my slick hand and wrapped it around both our cocks and started to stroke. Zane brought his hand up around the other side so that we were stroking both dicks together.

Zane let out a loud moan and his dick swelled before my eyes then a flash of white creamy cum erupted from the head splashing up on my body then down on both our cocks. My dick followed only seconds later spewing cum causing cascading jets to intertwine in midair then splashed down on us. More spurts of cum erupted from both of our hard cocks.

Our intense orgasms left both of us panting and heaving. I looked down and cum was covering my chest and pubes, both of our dicks and Zane's abs and chest. I moved slightly and collapsed on the bed next to Zane completely exhausted.

Zane turned to me and smiled. "That was incredible" He said moving closer. "I do love you" I said softly. "I love you too Alex" Zane replied and for the first time I felt it. "I know you are scared. I am too, but I want to see where this goes with you and only you" I added. "I do too, but what is it with me being in my letterman jacket though?" Zane asked. "I will explain it to you later" I said with a teasing smile. Zane pulled me into his arms and pressed his lips to mine, and we laid together until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

NOTE to my readers: Thanks for reading and enjoying this story with me. When I began writing Zane and Alex, I had no idea which way the story would go. Over time I started to think of Alex and Zane as real people as some of you echoed in your comments. I enjoyed imagining how they would possibly fall in love and how hot the sex could be between them. I explored ideas that you helped me see as well as some of my own fantasies sprinkled in. Thank you for all the great feedback.

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