Zane and Alex

By Greg Stevens

Published on Nov 13, 2019


Zane and Alex

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Zane and Alex-- Chapter 13

There was an empty feeling in the bed in the morning. The light streamed through the thin curtain material over the empty place where Zane had been sleeping. I got out of bed and pulled on my pants and a long sleeve shirt and headed into the living room. I could smell the fresh pot of coffee, but Zane was nowhere to be found.

Finally, I noticed him standing on the porch facing out towards the lake. He had his letterman jacket with the leather sleeves that always seemed to excite me and just his boxers. It was an unusual but somehow sexy look.

I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed out. "Morning" he said still staring out at the water. I noticed that under the jacket he wasn't wearing a shirt which made the look somehow even hotter. "Morning, are you ok? I asked watching him just stare out.

Zane did not respond so we just stood there quietly watching the sun glimmer on the water. "Thank you, Alex" Zane finally said. Questions circled through my imagination. "Thank you for what?" I asked confused. "For everything, for what you said last night" he replied still not looking at me.

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that he was not returning an "I love you". "It's ok" I replied softly trying to give him an out. "I love you too, Alex" he finally said, and I let out a silent sigh. But there was more to it. There was still a missing "but" that I was waiting for.

"But?" I asked not able to stand the silence and suspense. Zane looked at me a slight smile on his face. "It's not fair to you" Zane replied. "What's not fair to me?" I asked with a sense of confusion. Zane took my hand and led me inside to sit on the sofa as my stomach churned from nerves.

"I want to be with you." I said flatly. "I want to be with you too" Zane replied adding to my confused state. "But what?" I asked. "You need to experience other things with other guys before you decide I'm the one. If after you experience others and decide you still want me, I will be here." He said.

"You want me to date and have sex with other guys?" I asked baffled. "Yes Alex, experience things then decide if I am still the one for you. I do not want to get into a relationship with you, while you wonder what you may have missed out on" he said, and he had a satisfied look on his face as if he made a good choice.

We packed up and drove back to the apartment. "I don't know how to do this, Zane" I said once we entered and set our stuff down. Zane helped me download a few apps and set up an account for some dating sites, then made an excuse to go to the library to study and leave me alone. I laid in bed with my phone looking over some of the profiles. Too old, too young too fat, too weird. I had no idea what I wanted. Every guy I saw I compared to Zane.

A ding on my phone indicated a message. I checked the app and there were several messages. Over the next few hours I filtered through all the messages. One guy was old enough to be my grandfather but guaranteed I could just sit back and enjoy as he went to work on me. Another wanted me to join what sounded like an orgy at a hotel. One guy offered to allow me to come to his place and just fuck him, seed him and leave.

I had to admit that some of the photos were interesting. Men of all shapes, sizes and ages. I started to try to categorize them into "yes'" "Maybe's" and "No ways" I started to focus on chatting with the Yes' and the Maybe's. I had no idea what to talk about as this was all new to me.

Most of the conversations started with "Hi" "Hello" "How's it going?" which were easy to answer, but some were more direct; "What are you into?" or "What are you looking for" For these questions I had to really think what I liked; I knew I liked making out with Zane, and I loved fucking and getting fucked by Zane. It was hot when we had sex outside. Was that what I was "Into?"

One guy named Jose caught my eye. Jose was 30 and bisexual. He had 2 photos; one of him on the beach with his arm around a cropped-out woman, and one where he was standing in a wooded area wearing a brown leather bomber jacket. His shirt and pants were open revealing his torso and trailing down over a hairy patch of pubes. The underwear covered enough of his dick to be a bit of a tease.

I decided to take the chance to reply to him. We exchanged pleasantries then the question came up; "What are you into?" I stopped to think. "I don't know" I replied honestly. To my surprise Jose was really nice about it. "Want to get some coffee and talk about it?" he asked. I agreed and we planned a place to meet.

I walked the several blocks to the little coffee shop, and I found Jose sitting in a booth in the back. He wore the same brown bomber jacket from his picture with a button-down flannel shirt and jeans. To my surprise he was even better looking in person then in his profile pics.

We talked quietly in the booth and I relayed much of my story with me and Zane while Jose listened. It was nice having someone to talk to about it. After about an hour my nerves had completely calmed. "Want to go back to my place, it's just a half a block away" Jose asked.

My nerves came crashing back, but I agreed to go with him. Once inside, Jose turned to me and held me. His face came slowly close to mine as he looked into my eyes. "You are very sexy" he said, and I felt immediately awkward. His lips softly touched mine, still cold from the night air. Jose pulled me to him as his kiss intensified my arms wrapped around his body under the leather jacket and the warmth of his body and the jacket felt good.

Jose's hands slid down my back and grabbed my ass pulling me to him even harder. Our hard dicks meshed against each other. I reached up and felt his chest, then my fingers went to his shirt and unbuttoned it.

Jose's body was lean and smooth, nice but different from Zane's. As I thought about Zane a rush of guilt came over me. I knew I had to do this, and I knew Zane wanted me to do this.

I pulled my lips from Jose's and started to trail down his neck to his chest. I placed soft kisses as I went, pealing the shirt back to expose more of his smooth chest. I moved my lips over a nipple and gently started to suck. The smell of his body and the leather from the jacket filled my nose. I liked the smell and the deeper I breathed in the more excited I seemed to get.

"Harder man" I heard Jose saying in a husky voice. Then I felt his hand come behind my head and pull me harder into his nipple. I bared down and used my lips and teeth to apply greater pressure. "Fuck yeah" Jose hissed. I reached up with my free hand and found the other nipple and applied pressure. "Yeah fuck yeah" Jose moaned as I worked both nipples simultaneously.

Jose reached between us and freed his cock from his jeans then placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed to my knees. His hard-uncut cock was inches from my face. I held the base with one hand then slowly slid back the sheath to reveal the purple head. Precum formed and dripped in a slow single line.

"Suck it, man" Jose ordered, and I bent forward and placed the head in my mouth. I started to move my mouth back and forth slowly on the hard cock. As I did, my mind flashed back to Dr. Carlson's office; this was much less intimidating. "Oh yeah man suck it, that feels great" Jose encouraged as he rested his hands on my shoulders. I could feel the big cock swell in my mouth.

In a flash Jose reached under me and pulled me to my feet. His lips were on mine and his tongue hungrily probed my mouth again. His hands moved down my body to my pants causing them to slide down my body. Then in another swift movement Jose turned me to the wall.

"I need to fuck your sweet ass" he said and before I could respond I could feel the wet head of his cock sliding up and down my crack. I could feel my dick jump as the head brushed my hole. I reached down and grasped my cock. Jose bent forward and placed his lips near my ear and kissed my neck. "I want your ass boy" he hissed as he guided his cock into the hole.

A stabbing pain hit my guts and I inhaled deeply under the invasion of his dick into my ass. "Breath Boy" he ordered, and I forced myself to let the air out. Jose slid in deeper and kept going. I felt as if I were being ripped open.

Jose held me tight, his dick balls deep inside me, then slowly started to pull out before pushing back in. The pain started to subside, and I was able to relax. Jose moved his hands to my hips, grasping them as he drove his cock in and out of my hole. Jose panted like a dog in heat as he used my hole.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" Jose muttered almost incoherently as his motion became more erratic. I braced myself with one hand and reached between my legs to grasp my cock. "Oh, fuck boy I am going to cum" he moaned. "I need to bust a nut" he added. With a big "plop" Jose pulled his cock from my ass, then moaned loudly and I could see his cum stream past me on to the tile floor in the entry hall.

Without missing a beat, he turned me around to face him then dropped to his knees in front of my hard cock. I looked down at Jose, his leather bomber jacket with the shirt open revealing his smooth skin. Something about this was raw and exciting. "Cum on me" he said looking up.

I grasped my cock and started to jerk myself off with my right hand. I placed my left hand on his shoulder to brace myself, but I also had a desire to feel the smooth leather. Soon I was close, and my cock was ready to blow a load. "I'm close" I moaned, and I dug my hand into the leather even deeper. Jose did not move he just stayed below my cock waiting for my discharge.

My leg muscles tensed and my breathing became coarse and then my dick started to explode. The first blast hit Jose right in the chest, then the second and finally a third before my orgasm started to subside. Jose looked down at my cum all over him and smiled at me. "Fuck that was hot" he said getting to his feet.

Cum slowly rolled down his hairless chest towards his navel. I noticed some on the smooth leather and without thinking I bent down to lick it off. The smell of the leather filled my senses and I wanted to taste it too.

Jose hooked his fingers under my chin and placed his mouth on mine sucking my cum off my tongue. "Fuck you are a hot boy" he said softly with a smile then went to get some towels to clean up.

After some pleasantries, I left his place and headed back to the apartment. On my way back I brought my left hand to my face. The smell from his leather jacket was still fresh and I realized I liked it. As I walked though, I started to think about Zane.

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Next: Chapter 14

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