Zane and Alex

By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 18, 2019


Zane and Alex

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Zane -- Chapter 1

I hated him. Hate was not a strong enough word as I thought about it. Zane Thompson was everything I hated in a person. He was all-American 6'3 blond blue-eyed, chiseled body. Every girl in high school cooed over him whenever he walked through in his dark blue varsity jacket with the white leather sleeves. All the guys were or wanted to be his buddy.

Zane floated down the halls of the high school like he owned the place and his perfect grin seemed to enchant everyone he passed. Everyone but me. I made it a point to avoid him at all costs. I refused to buy in to all the hype.

I had known Zane for years, we started elementary school together and we spent years in the same classes. At one time we were friendly but as he started to fill out and grow, he moved on to sports and a new crowd of jock heads. Something I would never be.

Finally, graduation came, and I could go off to university and get away from him or so I thought. Zane managed to get a scholarship to the same damn school. I was disappointed when I saw him on day one in orientation still wearing the varsity jacket. I saw him in the hallway, and he gave me a "hey Alex" as he passed me by. I returned a half fake smile and was confused by the fact that he even still knew my name.

I put the incident behind me and started get comfortable with my new courses. My roommate Dustin turned out to be a real douche always partying and hanging out with other jock friends. My goal was to just study and make the most of college, but he made it hard to study as our room as he was always hanging out with his loud obnoxious friends.

I could not take it much longer. I was working hard, stressing over money, stressing over school work and on top of it dealing with my dumbass roommate. I decided to go out and get away from the noise. I walked across campus to a local pub to listen to some music and maybe get a drink. I walked in and sat at the bar and ordered a beer.

While sitting and drinking the beer and listening to the house band I noticed Zane walking in. He wasn't with anyone and he looked very lonely. I smiled thinking how karma worked; the jock that was constantly surrounded by his flock of admiring fans found himself all alone.

As fate would have it, he took the stool at the bar next to me and also ordered a beer. He did not seem to notice me at first as his attention was to the stage. I decided it was a good time to slip away and as I was getting up, he turned. "Oh, hey Alex" he said cheerfully as if we were good friends. "How's it going man?"

I wanted to sneer at him and walk away, but I could not bring myself to be the same type of douche he was. "Hey Zane" I said with a fake smile. "Doing ok" I replied nonchalantly. Zane started to chat about school. He told me how hard it was compared to high school and how he wasn't sure it was right for him. I sat and listened as we each ordered a couple more beers. A part of me felt sorry for him as it must have been a real problem going from being star athlete, totally popular star to be just another guy on campus.

We continued talking for a while longer and I knew the beers were getting to me. I think I recalled saying something to Zane about being an asshole to which he laughed and almost fell off the stool. I do not remember much more beyond that.

The next thing I remember was lying in bed. I opened my eyes and realized I was not in my own bed. I peeled back the covers to find I was naked except for my underwear. I blinked my eyes and tried to remember what had happened, how I got here. I had no recollection. Then I heard rustling in the corner and I slowly turned to look. Sitting opposite the bed on a big overstuffed chair with his feet up on an ottoman was Zane. He was wearing briefs and a white t-shirt.

"Morning" he said with a grin. I closed my eyes hard thinking this had to be a nightmare. When I opened my eyes, he was still sitting there. "How do you feel" he asked. "Like shit" I replied. "What happened" I asked trying to remember any details. "Well it seems you do not handle alcohol well and drank a bit too much. We were leaving the bar and talking, and you started to puke all over yourself. Since my place is close and I had no idea where your dorm was, I figured I should bring you here.

"How did I get undressed" I asked with total embarrassment. "Well I took your cloths off as you were covered in sick." Zane said. The idea of Zane stripping me caused my face to flush with embarrassment.

"Ugg" I said looking away from him. Zane stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. What the fuck was he doing? I thought to myself. "It's ok Alex nothing happened" he said, and a weird feeling came over me. "What do you mean nothing happened" I asked confused and angry. "Well you kept trying several times to kiss me and even tried to feel me up while I was undressing you.

I sat up with a start. "Get the fuck out of here, I did not" I protested. Zane stood and walked over to his shirt and showed me the puke that was on it from when I leaned in to kiss him. I was speechless as the realization hit me of what had happened. I turned away from Zane in embarrassment.

Zane sat on the bed next to me again and put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey man it's cool." You do not have to be embarrassed." He said gently. The feeling of his hand on my shoulder sent an unexpected charge through my body and directly to my cock. I did not move I just lay there still so that he could not see the reaction he was causing.

"Thanks" I said trying to sound calm. "I guess I was just really wasted. I should get dressed and get back" I said. Jason handed me a fresh shirt and some sweats that I could wear back to my dorm room. They were way to big on me but at least they were clean. I put them on quickly, so he did not notice my hard cock in my shorts. Jason placed my soiled cloths in a bag and handed them to me. "Thanks" I said as I crossed the room to the door. "I will get your cloths back to you" I added, and I left the building.

I rushed back to my room so that I could change out of the oversized borrowed cloths and wash up. When I got back my doofus roommate was blaring music and hanging with his buddies. All I wanted to do was have a quiet day and study. I changed and grabbed some stuff and went to the laundry room to start a load of cloths. Once they were done, I went back to my room and they were still there.

"Hey Dustin, I really need to study man" I said nicely. Dustin gave me a nasty look. "Ok study" he said with a mean look. "Is it possible to take the party somewhere else?" I asked with a bit of frustration. "Fuck no we are hanging out" If you want to study somewhere quiet go somewhere else" he said without any concern.

I was so angry I wanted to punch him in the face, but Dustin had height and weight on me as well as his buddies. I grabbed my books and headed out. On the way out I also grabbed Zane's stuff so I could return it. I was so mad that I didn't walk to Zane's apartment, I stomped.

I knocked on the door expecting he wouldn't be there but as luck would have it, he was. "Hey Alex, feeling any better" he asked cheerily. I just stood there not knowing what to say. The anger I felt for my roommate welled up inside of me and tears started to run down my face. "He man what's wrong" he asked pulling me into the room.

I could not say, I did not want to sound like a sissy, but the tears quickly turned to sobs. Zane walked up to me and held me. "It's ok man, let it out as his strong muscular body wrapped around me. I let go and just cried into him letting all my anger and frustration out. Zane did not say a word he just let me unload and ran a comforting hand down my back. Soon I was able to just settle down, but Zane continued to hold me.

"Feeling better" Zane said breaking the silence his hand still rubbing my back. I shook my head and just stayed where I was. "I am sorry, I am such a mess" I said softly starting to pull away. Zane continued holding me not allowing me to break away. "You are not a mess, man, you are awesome" he said, and his words took me by surprise.

It felt like it was getting weird and again I started to pull away. Zane looked at me and an intensity came over his face. Neither of us moved we just looked at each other. Then Zane moved his face closer to mine as if in slow motion until his lips were on my lips. Instinctively I closed my eyes as his tongue parted mine and entered my mouth. For a moment I was lost in the feeling, then reality hit me. I was making out with my nemesis, with a guy. The guy I had hated for so long in school was kissing me.

I broke off this kiss leaving Zane looking lost and confused. "What's wrong? Was it bad?" he asked. "I'm not gay, I responded looking at him. I don't know what you are doing?" I said my heart beating furiously in my chest. "Alex, I am really sorry man, I thought after you tried to kiss me and all last night that... I am so sorry." He said sounding really panicked. Zane's face flushed red. "Please do not tell anyone" he pleaded. "No one knows that I like..." and he stopped. I looked at him waiting for the words, but they did not come. "You're gay?" I asked confused. "Yes. I knew I was in high school but never acted on it. I had to keep up the jock appearance so that I could stay on the team and get an athletic scholarship." He added.

I could not believe what he was telling me. The guy who seemed to have everything was hiding a major secret. He could have had any girl in school or probably any boy. "Have you ever had sex with a guy" Zane asked. "No. I haven't been with a girl either." I admitted thinking that all the girls wanted jocks like Zane "I assume you have" I asked trying to focus off of me. "Only a couple times during summer breaks with my cousin" he admitted.

"I know this is going to sound weird but, I always had a thing for you" Zane said. The words seemed crazy as they hit me. "Me?" I asked without giving it thought. "Yeah in school you always seemed to have it together and I always thought you were sexy. When you tried to kiss me the other night, I wanted so badly to let you, but I couldn't with a drunk guy. It wouldn't be right. it was so tempting to climb into bed with you while I was taking your clothes off" he said causing a weird kind of pride to come over me.

"You never had sex even with a girl" he asked brining the subject back to me. "No, I guess I figured they wouldn't be interested so I never really tried." I replied humbly. "You should give yourself more credit" Zane said looking at me. "I could show you some things, if you wanted it" it was more of a question then a comment. "Like what" I asked curious. "Well what it feels like to get a blowjob" he said.

I chucked imaging Zane sucking my dick. "Nah man, that would be" before I could finish Zane jumped in "it would be between us. Know one would ever know." I could not help but think what it would feel like to get sucked off. "I wouldn't have to do anything" I asked exploring the idea. "No just sit back and relax. "I'm not sure, maybe I will think about it" I said heading for the door. "Let me do it now" he said with excitement. He moved into the room and pointed at the chair for me to sit down on.

I figured I would give it a shot. My dick probably wouldn't even get hard and it would be all over. "Take off your shirt" Zane said and reached for it pulling it over my head before I could respond. Zane looked at me and smiled. Zane pulled off his shirt exposing the nearly hairless, perfectly toned torso. He looked like a model for the men's shop in the mall. He then pulled off his pants and was down to his white briefs.

Zane got down on his knees between my legs and reached for the button on my jeans. He pulled down the zipper and then reached under me to pull them down. I lifted my ass to allow him to remove them. Zane slipped off my shoes then pulled the pants off and tossed them on the bed. I sat in the chair in just my underwear thinking this was some weird dream.

Zane moved close to me and ran his hands over my hairy torso an unconscious smile forming on his face, then moved his face to my crotch and buried his nose in the cotton material below my balls. He started to push his face in and rubbed it around on the soft material. I watched as he started working it. As I expected nothing happened, my dick did not stir. This however did not deter Zane, he slipped his fingers into the waistband and pulled the material over my cock. Zane ran his tongue on the underside of my cock. The warmth of his tongue sent a spike of chills through me. Zane repeated this and soon my cock was filling with blood, betraying me.

"You have a nice cock" Zane said smiling. He took his fingers and wrapped them around the shaft of my cock as I watched. He slowly brought his mouth to the head and started to slide my dick into his mouth. Inch by inch my hardening cock disappeared into the warm recesses of his mouth.

My eyes rolled back in my head as the sensation shocked my body. Zane knew what he was doing, and it felt amazing. Zane started to move his head up and down on my cock holding it with his hand as he bobbed his head. The feeling was beyond incredible and I moaned uncontrollably as he went to work on me.

I reached up and placed my hands on his head and ran them through his soft blond hair. Zane continued to suck my dick. I could not compare it to anything, but I could not imagine it could ever feel any better than this. I moaned and writhed on chair as he went down on me. I did not want the feeling to end but at the same time I wasn't sure how long I could hold off.

Without warning Zane pulled off my dick leaving it hard, wet and exposed to the cool air. "Fuck my mouth" he said and went back down on my cock. I started to lift my hips up and trusted into Zane's mouth with my cock. Zane moaned and held on. I started to fuck his mouth even harder. I placed my hands on his head and held it while I used his mouth without any care. My fucking became more intense as I thought back to the years of watching Zane and hating everything he was. Everything I wasn't.

The harder I fucked his mouth the more Zane moaned and took it. I was getting close, but I wanted this to last, I could feel my dick swelling as I rammed it into Zane. "I am going to cum" I said not slowing down my fucking motion. Zane continued to suck as my first shot blasted him in the mouth.

Zane sucked my dick like a hungry man. I watched as cum slipped out of the corner of his mouth. Then my dick finally stopped orgasming. I heaved as my breath started to come back to normal. Zane pulled off and wiped the cum from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

He leaned back on his heels and reached into his briefs and grasped his cock and started to pump it in front of me. I watched not able to look away as he stroked his cock hard, pounding it with a great intensity. His muscular body flexing as he pumped. Zane let out a yelp like a wounded dog and a big ribbon of cum shot out, arched over his body and landed on his chin. Zane continued to pump his cock until he had completed his orgasm splashing cum over his torso.

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