Zacs Surprise

By Zac Loughty

Published on Jun 19, 2020


Hi Guys,

You're always welcome to email me at if you want.

I hope you like this story. At the end of Part 1, Zac locks Rob into the stocks. Then Zac notices what a tempting target Rob's feet are. Any mention of "boys" in this story are all men at least 18 years old. To me, a man of any age (even age 80) can identify as a "boy" emotionally. If you aren't in chastity, I hope you jerk off to this story. If you're in chastity, I hope reading it causes you to drip!

This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real persons or events is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in this story are aged 18 or older. This story describes consensual sex and bondage between adult men. If it's illegal for you to read this material where you live, if you're a minor, or if this material will offend you, please don't read this story.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved. Please do not copy any portion of this story without permission by the author.

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Zac's Surprise - Part 2

I walk around to his trapped, exposed feet. They're so vulnerable, they're begging for attention. Rob has very sexy feet. He has lots of thick, black hair on his legs. He even has hair on his toes! I notice how dirty they are. Like me, he's been walking around barefoot. Then I think about that bath brush, the one with the incredibly soft bristles. I wonder how those nice, soft bristles would feel when applied to Rob's oh so beautiful feet.

"Rob, your feet are too dirty," I explain, "people won't want to tickle or touch them. I'll get a bucket and some water and wash them."

"You're gonna wash my feet?" Rob asks incredulously.

"Nothing but the best for my bondage buddy," I reply.

I leave to find Tom and obtain his approval for my plan. Then I get a bucket and fill it with hot, sudsy water. Then I get the bath brush with very soft bristles. I head back to the stocks.

"Bro, I can't believe you're gonna wash my feet," Rob says with amazement.

"Your feet are gonna be spotless, bro," I affirm.

I dip the bath brush in the bucket and start scrubbing his feet with a circular motion.

"Hey, that tickles, Zac!" Rob complains as he giggles uncontrollably.

"I'm not tickling you, Rob," I correct him, "I'm merely getting your feet clean."

I do a thorough job of cleaning his feet. I pay particular attention to the spaces between his toes. Rob is trying desperately to withdraw his feet from the foot frame, but, of course, that is impossible. He's shrieking with laughter as I apply those soft bristles to his equally soft soles. A crowd gathers, urging me to continue. Poor Rob looks completely exhausted by the time I have his feet clean to my satisfaction.

"There you go, bro, all clean," I say triumphantly.

"Oh, oh, Zac," Rob gasps, "thank you for cleaning my feet so well."

"Don't mention it, bro," I say. "I'll be back with some rinse water to wash all the soap off."

I empty the bucket of its filthy water and refill it with ice-cold water. I grab a cloth and some rubber gloves and head back to the stocks.

"Let's get all this soap off you," I suggest to Rob. I put on the rubber gloves.

I dip the cloth in the ice water and apply it to Rob's right foot.

"Ahh!" Rob screams as the nerve endings in his foot send the signal to his brain. "Too cold! Too cold! Too cold!" he cries.

"Don't be silly, Rob," I say, "I'm just getting the soap off."

"Ahh!" Rob screams again as I move to his other foot. The crowd laughs and claps to indicate their approval.

"Oh, please, Zac," Rob begs, "please, please, please don't put more cold water on my feet!"

"Honestly, Rob," I reply, "you can be such a baby sometimes!"

The crowd roars its approval.

I dump out the bucket and return it and the gloves to the house. I find Tom and Sir, who both wanted to see my next ministrations to Rob's feet.

Quite the audience has gathered, including Tom and Sir.

"I never noticed how cute your feet are, Rob," I tell him.

"Thank you, Zac," Rob says, "I thought you'd never notice."

I squat down in front of his imprisoned feet.

"What are you doing, Zac?" Rob asks nervously.

I stick out my tongue and start licking his big toe.

"That tickles!" Rob accuses me. "What are you doing?"

I stick my tongue in-between his toes and wiggle it all around. I have to take both hands to keep his foot still.

"Ahh!" Rob shrieks, "that tickles!"

I lick every one of his toes. I'm loving this; he really does have cute feet. I catch several guys readjusting their groins, including Sir and Tom. I love putting on a show.

I go all out on his feet. I stick my tongue into his arch and lick all around in a circular motion. This drives Rob crazy.

"Ahh!" Rob cries, "Cut it out, bro!"

I lick up from his heels to his toes.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Rob laughs uncontrollably, trying to keep his feet away from my tongue.

I don't let go of his feet. I hang on with both hands and keep assaulting them with my tongue.

"Oh, jeesh, bro," Rob begs, "please stop, bro."

I don't stop until I believe Rob's feet have received a proper tongue lashing. Now it's time for the last phase.

"Dude, you really went to town on my feet!" Rob remarks.

"Sorry, bro," I say innocently, "your feet are so adorable I couldn't stop my tongue from licking every inch of them. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back."

"Yeah, bro," Rob answers, "I'll definitely be right here." He playfully acts like he's trying to escape the grasp of the stocks.

"These stocks are holding you pretty good, aren't they boy?" Tom asks.

"Yes, sir," Rob answers. "I'm stuck until you let me out."

I go into the house and grab a bottle of baby oil. This will be the last phase of Rob's foot torture.

I kneel down in front of Rob's immobilized feet with the bottle of baby oil.

"What now, bro?" Rob asks with fear in his voice.

I slather my hands with baby oil and start massaging his feet. I do my very best not to tickle him.

"Oh, bro," Rob says, "this feels amazing, thank you so much!"

"Sure thing, bro," I respond.

As long as I massage him with firm, solid strokes, it's not ticklish for him. Between some of these strokes, I throw in some light strokes, where I just use my fingers.

"Ahh!" Rob cries, "you're tickling me again!"

I decide to give him one final round of extreme tickling, and then I'll be done. I work in more and more of the ticklish light strokes.

"Hey!" Rob gasps between fits of laughter, "what are you up to, Zac?"

"I'm just giving my bondage buddy a lovely foot massage," I reply innocently.

Then I use just the tips of my fingers to lightly graze his toes, his arches, his soles, his heels. He dissolves into fits of hysterical laughter. He can barely breathe.

"Oh, God," he pleads, "please... stop. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ahh!"

His feet are dancing around as much as the tiny holes holding his ankles will allow. Sweat is pouring off his forehead and down his back and chest. After a few minutes of torment, I stop.

Rob lays his head on his right arm. He's completely wiped.

"I'll just leave this bottle of baby oil here," I say conspiratorially. "Rob has the most wonderful feet I've seen in a long time. I've ensured his feet are spotlessly clean. If you like to give foot massages, I highly recommend Rob's feet."

"Oh, please, bro," Rob begs, "cut me some slack."

"Rob!" I say defensively. "I'm merely suggesting that someone may want to give you a pleasurable foot massage. You love foot massages."

"I really just want to sit here on this hard, wooden bench," Rob explains, "and enjoy my sentence in the stocks."

"Sorry, Rob," I say with mock sincerity, "your feet are just too precious to leave alone when they're just sticking out for all to see."

I leave Rob in the stocks and mingle for a bit. I feel most comfortable with my fellow boys. We compare punishments we've received and how great it is to have sex with our sirs.

One poor boy isn't in chastity. He's completely mortified as his little stiffy sticks straight out from his body. As he walks, his little nub bobs all over the place uncontrollably. We all feel really bad for him. Most of us boys are in cages that don't allow us to get a stiffy at all. Our cages keep our nubs compressed and under control at all times. We try to console him and offer advice on how he might gently drop hints to his sir. Boys who are demanding are brats, so this is a very fine line to tread.

Some boys have very strict sirs; they receive a punishment paddling quite often. I'm glad Sir hates giving me a punishment paddling. He and I both love the maintenance paddlings I receive every few days. I love how my butt tingles for an hour afterward. I get to stand in the corner for 15 minutes after a maintenance paddling. The corner helps me focus on how much I love Sir. It also helps me focus on how wonderful my tingly butt feels. Sir loves to have me stand in the corner since His recliner is in the perfect position for Him to view my red butt.

The only "punishment" I receive is when I accidentally use a curse word. It's okay for me to say, "Sir fucked me last night," since that's a true statement. But I can't go around saying, "Oh fuck," all the time. It's okay for me to say, "Oh eff," or "Oh frick," though. I can substitute "crap" for "shit." I use "darn" instead of "damn." Sir wants me to have a decent vocabulary.

When I mess up and accidentally use a curse word, I owe Sir 15 minutes of corner time that very evening. I try very hard not to mess up since Sir usually doesn't give me a maintenance paddling when I need to serve corner time for cursing. I love maintenance paddlings and don't want to miss out. If I receive 15 minutes of corner time for cursing, I try to be extra, extra careful the rest of the day. Fifteen minutes in the corner isn't bad, but 30 or 45 minutes can seem like an eternity. I also feel bad because it's boring for Sir. Sir and I could be having sex, but, instead, He needs to supervise my sorry ass in the corner. He usually sits in His recliner and reads while I'm serving corner time. That way, He can just glance up to ensure I'm not fidgeting too much. When I'm in the corner, I just need to look straight ahead and keep my arms at my sides. Sir refuses to handcuff me or anything like that. Sir takes corner time very seriously, and He expects me to serve my time properly and respectfully. Sir is completely awesome!

I see Sir approach while I'm talking to my friends.

"Yes, Sir," I ask, "may I help you, Sir?"

"Boy, I have an idea," Sir begins, "but this is totally optional for you. It's completely okay for you to say no; I promise I won't be disappointed or think any less of you."

"Okay, Sir," I reply, "what is Your idea?"

"You and I enjoy the maintenance paddlings I give you, don't we boy?" He questions.

"Oh, yes, Sir," I reply, "I love receiving a maintenance paddling followed by corner time."

"I would like to demonstrate a maintenance paddling to our guests," Sir says. "I'd like you to be the model if you're willing. But if you'd feel embarrassed or humiliated to receive a paddling and serve corner time in front of our guests, we'll just forget it. I think your ass is especially beautiful when it's been warmed by a paddle, but it's your decision."

It would be embarrassing to receive a punishment paddling in front of all these people, but if Sir lets everyone know I'm not being punished, then I guess it's okay. After all, I've been parading around completely naked except for my eternity collar and nub cage all evening long.

"As long as everyone understands that I'm not being punished, I'm okay with it, Sir," I reply.

"I will make that crystal clear, boy," Sir assures me.

"When would you like to do the demonstration, Sir?" I ask.

"Let's wait until your friend Rob is out of the stocks," Sir suggests. "I know you want to keep an eye on him while he's so helpless."

"Thank you, Sir," I say gratefully. "I appreciate your recognizing that I feel responsible for Rob while he's in the stocks."

"Speaking of which," Sir says, "you probably should go check on him again."

"Yes, Sir," I reply, "Will do, Sir."

I see Rob is quite worn out as I approach the stocks. I'm sure a few people have been massaging and tickling his feet.

"How's it going, Rob?" I ask.

"I'm okay, Zac," he replies. "Just please, please don't tickle me anymore."

"No problem, Rob," I reply. "I'm just checking up on you."

"I'm exhausted," Rob says.

"Would you like a sip of my beer, Rob?" I ask.

"That would be great, pal," he replies, "thanks."

I bring the bottle up to his lips and carefully tip it into his mouth.

"I can get you a bottle of cold water if you'd like," I say.

"That's okay, Zac," he says, "thanks anyway."

"Is there anything I can do to make you hornier?" I ask. "Sitting in the stocks is way more fun if you're ready to shoot your load."

"I don't know, Zac," he replies, "I'm pretty wiped."

"Would nipple clamps help like they did for me at Redemption?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, Zac," he answers, "I'd be willing to give it a try, though."

"I'll ask your sir for approval, Rob," I say. I quickly find Tom and ask if he has any nipple clamps on him and if I have his permission to use them on Rob. Thankfully, he's okay with my plan and drops a pair of nipple clamps in my hand.

I return to Rob and carefully pinch his nipples and apply a clamp to each one. He hisses with pain. I can't help noticing that he reeks of boy sweat. It's okay, though, so do I! Tickling takes a lot out of you.

I sit down next to him on the bench. There isn't enough room for my entire butt, but my right cheek slides in next to Rob. I put my right arm over his shoulder, and I hug him tightly.

"God, dude," he says, "I don't know how you can get near me; I smell like shit."

"It's okay, bro," I reply, "we're just two stinky boys."

We both laugh.

"I think you're really lucky to be locked in these stocks, bro." I begin.

"They are pretty cool," he admits.

"Your butt is stuck on this rough, hard, wooden bench, bro," I continue. I move in to whisper in his ear. "You can lift a butt cheek from time to time, but, eventually, you have to let it fall back to that unyielding wood. You can move a little forward, you can move a little backward, but wherever you move, all you find is a very hard wooden seat. That wooden seat is wet, bro. It's wet with your own sweat and boy juice that's leaked out of your cage. You can try removing your hands from their wooden prison, but those holes aren't big enough. The edges of the holes dig into your hands. You're stuck, bro, and there's nothing you can do about it. You can't even push your arms too far into those holes. Those hard, wooden edges around the holes will dig into your arms and stop you. You can clench your fists when someone tickles you, you can open your hands as if you're going to strangle someone, but, in the end, your hands can't go anywhere, dude; they're stuck on the other side of that wooden frame."

"Oh, fuck yeah, Zac," Rob whispers under his breath.

"Your feet are useless to you now, bro," I continue whispering. "Their only use is to torture you. They're stuck out there on the other side of that foot stock. Everyone passing by can see them, touch them, tickle them, lick them. They can do anything they want to your feet, bro, because your feet are locked between two wooden planks. Those planks have holes that are just big enough for your ankles. There's a huge metal latch on the side of those two planks. The latch has been pushed down over a big D-ring. That D-ring has a large, metal padlock locked through it. Your sir has the only key. Even if you had the use of your hands, you wouldn't be able to free your feet from those two planks of wood. When you try to pull out your feet, the edges of those wooden holes dig right in. No, Rob, you're not getting your feet out of those small holes. When you try to get a little relief for your poor butt by attempting to slide a tiny bit forward, your legs are grabbed by those wooden holes, and the edges dig into your legs."

"Oh God, Zac," Rob whispers, his breathing becoming jagged and irregular.

"How are those nipple clamps feeling, bro?" I continue to whisper. I'm so close to his ear, my tongue is practically licking it. I'm holding him tightly close to me. I can smell the stench from his armpits and his own jockstrap covering his face. "Are they digging into your little boy nips? Yeah, they're clamping down so hard on those sensitive mounds of flesh. Your nips need to be clamped and abused, don't they? They stick out so far, the best thing to do with them is clamp them. You must sit here in the stocks with your fricking boy nips clamped. There's nothing you can do about it. Your hands are stuck, you can't take off the clamps on your little boy nips."

"I fucking love being stuck in these stocks, Zac," Rob whispers. "I love these clamps digging into my nips."

"How's your boy nub doing, bro?" I commence whispering again. "Is it trying to push out of its cage? Is the plastic piss slot at the end of your cage digging into the head of your nub? Are your balls tightening up, trying to escape through that gap between your A-ring and cage? Oh, yeah, bro, your nuts are moving around in your sack, trying to find a way to escape so they can shoot their load. They won't be successful, though, bro. The plastic A-ring and cage will keep them trapped. There's simply not enough room between those two rings of plastic for your nuts to slip through. They won't be able to escape. That means your nub won't be able to escape its cage either. It's trying to burst out between the piss slit at the end of the cage, but it won't be able to. The plastic will win. Your nub will have a red imprint on its head where it tried to break out. It'll just keep throbbing against that plastic slit..."

"Fuck, Zac," Rob says suddenly, "I think I'm gonna cum!"

"Throb! Throb! Throb!" I keep whispering. "Your nub is throbbing with every beat of your heart. It's trying to fit between that plastic slot keeping it in prison. But that cage is locked to the A-ring, bro. That cage isn't coming off.

"Oh fuck, Zac," Rob gasps, "I'm cumming!"

I hold him even tighter as I glance down and watch three squirts of boy juice shoot out of his cage.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Rob pants. We lean our heads into each other.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Zac," he puffs gratefully.

"Sure thing, bro," I answer.

I take my finger and scoop up some of his boy juice between the slot at the end of his cage. I lick my finger.

"Very nice, Rob," I compliment him.

"Gross!" he says.

I get some more of his boy juice on my finger and shove it in his mouth under the jockstrap.

"It's good, bro," I say, laughing.

"Ugh," is all he says.

I give him a kiss on the cheek and get up. My chest and shoulder are covered in his sweat, but I don't care. I'm glad I was able to help him get a boygasm. Mission accomplished!

I carefully and gently remove the nipple clamps. Rob hisses in pain. I use some of the baby oil to gently massage them. I think I love Rob.

"Do you want anything else to drink, or do you need to take a piss?" I ask. "I think your time's nearly up."

"No, bro, I'm okay. After that boygasm, I might just fall asleep on my arm."

"Later, bro," I say as I prepare to return to my friends.

"Later, bro," he says.

My friends are very excited to learn that they're going to see me get my ass paddled. They'll even get to see me serve corner time.

We continue to talk until I see Rob's sir, Tom, approaching.

"May I help you with something, sir?" I ask politely.

"It's time to let Rob out of the stocks," Tom informs me. "I'd appreciate it if you'd do the honors." Tom hands me the padlock keys.

"I'd be happy to, sir," I reply. "I'll see to it immediately."

Both Rob and I love being locked in the stocks, but, after two hours, I'm sure Rob will be grateful to be let out.

"Time's up, buddy," I say as I approach Rob, who is still very much stuck in the stocks.

"Is sir going to let me out?" Rob asks.

"He handed me the keys and asked me to let you out," I explain to Rob.

I quickly unlock the padlock and remove it from the D-ring. Then I'm able to flip up the latch and open the upper portion of the hand stocks so Rob can remove his hands. I notice Rob has red circles on his hands where the wooden edges of the holes dug into his skin when he tried to extract them. Rob runs his hands over his wrists to soothe them.

I move down to the frame holding Rob's feet. I unlock the padlock and pull it out from the D-ring. I flip up the latch and open the top portion of the foot stocks, which allows Rob to extract his feet.

"Thanks, bro," Rob says.

"Of course, bro," I answer.

I throw my arm around Rob's shoulder as he attempts to stand and steady himself on his feet.

"My butt hurts, bro," he informs me as he rubs his ass cheeks. He removes his jockstrap from his face and puts it on properly.

"Not as much as mine soon will be," I happily inform him.

"Are you getting punished for something?" Rob asks with a worried look on his face.

"No, bro," I answer, "Sir just wants to demonstrate a maintenance paddling, and I'm the obvious model."

"Oh, cool," he says with a sigh of relief.

"Maintenance paddlings are awesome, bro," I tell him. "They hurt like heck while you're getting one, but then your butt is all nice and tingly for about an hour afterward."

"Sweet!" Rob replies, giving me a thumbs up.

"You'll also see me serve corner time for a few minutes," I tell him.

"Isn't corner time sort of boring?" he asks.

"Fifteen minutes isn't bad, bro," I answer. "I stand there and think about how much I love Sir. I also focus on my tingly butt cheeks. Corner time after a maintenance paddling is great."

"Okay," Rob says, "as long as you're on board with it."

I take the two padlocks and keys and head back to Sir. Since he's talking with a few other tops, I respectfully wait to one side until he recognizes me.

"What you got there, boy?" Sir asks me.

"Here are the two padlocks and keys, Sir," I answer, handing them to Him.

"Thank you, boy," Sir replies. "Are you ready for your maintenance paddling?"

"Yes, Sir," I reply, "I'm ready, Sir."

"Okay, everyone, listen up," Sir begins. "You're all in for a real treat today. My boy, Zac, here, has graciously volunteered his ass to receive a maintenance paddling from me as a demonstration for all you fine folk."

Everyone cheers and is excited to see me get my ass whipped.

"Then," Sir continues, "as usual after a maintenance paddling, Zac will demonstrate standing in the corner for 15 minutes."

There are more cheers and hurrahs.

"Zac isn't being punished for anything," Sir states clearly. "Zac and I both enjoy maintenance paddlings, although, admittedly, for different reasons."

There is much laughter and clapping from the crowd.

"Zac is never restrained for any of his paddlings," Sir explains. "I expect him to voluntarily surrender his ass. I encourage him, however, to vocalize any pain he may feel."

There are many cheers in anticipation of hearing me vocalize my pain.

"In the past," Sir continues, "I spanked Zac with my bare hand. But as time went on, I found I was pulling my muscles from beating his butt. We had to switch to a paddle."

There are some "Aw's" from the crowd about Sir's pulled muscles. There are cheers for the paddle.

"Over time," Sir continues, "we've worked together to find the right duration and intensity for his maintenance paddlings. I aim to give him one of these paddlings every few days."

There are more cheers for paddlings.

"Now, without further ado," Sir says cheerily, "we'll commence with the paddling."

The crowd goes wild with cheers and hurrahs. A cheer is started, "Beat his butt!" "Beat his butt!"

That's a bit embarrassing, but I just grin and look into Sir's eyes.

"We'll just have Zac position himself over this chair here," Sir explains.

I step up to the chair that's facing away from me and bend over its back. I hook my hands under the seat for extra support. My hands must stay there, no matter how much my butt hurts.

The crowd goes wild again after seeing my butt ready for its paddling.

"This is the paddle I use," Sir explains, presumably holding up the paddle for all to see.

The paddle gets more cheers than I do! LOL!

"Even though Zac enjoys these paddlings, I need you to realize they hurt!" Sir informs the crowd.

There are many cheers for hurting my butt.

"When this very solid hunk of wood slaps up against Zac's butt, he will feel a lot of pain," Sir continues. "It takes a lot of pain to get to the point where Zac's butt will tingle for a while after his paddling."

There are more cheers for "lots of pain" for my poor butt.

"Okay, boy," Sir turns to me, paddle in hand. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sir," I reply enthusiastically.

Everyone cheers for me being ready to get my ass beat.

Then I hear a swoosh through the air, and I feel that hard, wooden paddle slam into my boy butt.


"Ugh!" I expel air from my lungs. My ass is pretty tough, so the first few swats won't hurt too much until the blood starts rushing to my abused ass cheeks.


"Oh!" I feel the next one. Sir is being careful to keep the paddle level and ensure both my cheeks receive equal attention.


"Whoa!" There's another one. It feels as if a fire is smoldering just under my skin.


I close my eyes with each whack. It doesn't help with the pain; it's just sort of involuntary. A paddling hurts!


I concentrate on how I want to give my ass up to Sir. I know he enjoys seeing it red, and I must endure the pain to get to that point.


Oh, jeesh, this hurts! A lot!


Remember that smoldering fire? It's broken out into a four-alarm fire.


"Ouch!" I surrender.

I hear a cheer rise from the crowd.


"Ooch!" I yelp.


"Ow!" I yell. If only my ass wasn't so tough, Sir wouldn't need to give me so many whacks.


"Yeow!" I cry. My eyes are filling with tears.


"Ahh!" I yell. If only I could cover this pain with horniness. But it's hard to be horny when you feel as if you've sat in a vat of battery acid!


"Oof!" I moan.


"Ouch!" I yowl. I believe you could fry an egg on my butt right about now.


"Ow!" I howl.


"Ooch!" I cry.


"Ahh!" I yell.


"Ouch!" I cry. Sir likes to concentrate his hits on my upper thighs and lower butt cheeks. That way, I won't forget my paddling when I sit down.


"Yeow!" I howl


"Ouch!" I yell.

"Okay, that's it, boy," Sir says. "Let's give Zac a hand for taking his paddling so well!"

I stand up and immediately fall into Sir's arms. He holds me tightly.

"I'm so proud of you, boy," He says, looking into my tear-stained face. The crowd is cheering wildly. I see Rob in the front row applauding my performance.

"Let's get you into your corner, boy," Sir says lovingly.

He takes me by the arm and leads me over to a corner of the garage.

"There you go, boy," He says, indicating the corner. "I'll let you know when your time is up. I'll stand right here to ensure no one interrupts your corner time."

"Thank you, Sir," I say, taking my position in the corner.

"You're welcome, boy," Sir says.

Of course, I want to rub my butt, who wouldn't? But my job is to make Sir proud and stand here with my nose in the corner and my hands down by my sides. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I hear people comment to Sir as they pass by, "Oh wow, his butt's really red!" Another says, "Doesn't he get bored standing in the corner?" Sir answers that it helps me focus.

At first, my butt hurts like heck. It doesn't feel as if I'll ever be able to sit down again. But, gradually, as I'm standing in the corner, the pain starts to turn to that wonderful tingling I love so much.

I realize that this is the first time I've ever stood in this corner! It's a whole new corner to explore! LOL! Without moving my head, my eyes scan up and down the intersection where the two garage walls meet. It's not a bad corner at all.

So you're probably wondering what a bad corner for corner time would be. The worst would be a corner with a window nearby. You'd be tempted to glance out the window while standing in the corner. That would be really bad. It's important to keep your nose in the corner so you're not distracted. A window by the corner is a bad idea. An even worse problem would be a door that opens into the corner. It would be terrible to need to stand there when the door might open and smush you at any moment. That would be a terrible distraction. Nope, the best corner for corner time is a corner without any windows or doors around it.

"Okay, boy," Sir says to me, "your corner time is up. Why don't you go show everyone your pretty red butt!"

"Thank you, Sir," I reply. "I will, Sir. Thank you for my paddling, Sir, my butt's tingling like crazy now."

"You're welcome, boy," Sir replies.

As I step into the crowd, all eyes seem to be on my butt. Every once in awhile, someone asks if they can touch it.

"You'd need to get permission from my Sir," I explain. "My ass belongs to Him."

Rob actually asks Sir and Tom if he can touch my red butt to see how warm it is. They both laugh at him and grant him permission.

"I've gotten permission to touch your butt, Zac," Rob informs me. "But, I'll only touch you if you're okay with it."

"Go ahead and touch away, bro," I say, sticking my ass out toward him. He carefully places his hands on my cheeks.

"Oh, wow, man," he says, "these cheeks are generating some heat!"

"They actually feel really good right now, Rob," I tell him. "They're just tingling away."

"That's awesome, bro," Rob says, obviously jealous.

"How was the corner time?" he asks sincerely.

"It was good, Rob," I reply. "Sir watched over me to ensure I wasn't bothered. It was the first time I ever stood in that corner, so it was a new experience in a way."

"How do you keep from falling asleep?" Rob asks.

"I'm there to focus on Sir's love for me, my paddling, and my ass," I reply. "It's important to stay focused. Sir enforces this by not allowing me to fidget. I must stare straight ahead and keep my hands at my sides. I consider corner time to be a project that I must complete correctly for Sir."

"After seeing your demonstration tonight," Rob says, "I might need to start serving corner time."

"Don't sweat it, Rob," I advise, "just stand there and focus on your relationship with your sir and why he's sentenced you to corner time."

"I think I'd do better if I knew you were serving corner time with me," he confesses. "I mean, I know we'd be in separate corners and not be able to communicate or anything, but I'd feel as if you'd be my moral support."

"That's really sweet, Rob," I reply. "Perhaps we can have a paddling and corner time party sometime."

"That'd be a great idea, bro!" Rob replies getting all excited.

I went into the stocks at 11 PM and stayed there for 2 hours. Then Rob spent another 2 hours in the stocks. Then I received my paddling and corner time. It's pushing 4 AM! Various "bottoms" spend about 5 minutes in the stocks as the party winds down. Rob and I do our best to ensure they're not neglected. One poor pup is disappointed when he realizes he'd need to remove his tail to sit in the stocks. I tell him that the pillory would be more compatible with his tail.

Finally, it's time to bid goodnight to Tom and Rob; they're the last to leave. I give Tom a friendly, respectful hug. Rob and I grasp onto each other tightly, our cages click together. We each squeeze the other's butt cheeks. I love this dude.

I start cleaning up the moment everyone's gone. Sir tells me to just leave it. He lets me know that Tom is dropping Rob off tomorrow to help with cleanup. That's music to my ears. I know Rob will be a great help.

I keep looking around and see everything that needs cleaning up.

"It's okay, boy," Sir reassures me. Then He scoops me up into his arms.

"I'm a really smelly boy, Sir," I warn him.

"Then we'll head directly into the shower," He states emphatically. Sir carries me all the way up the stairs and into the bathroom. He quickly strips off His clothes and joins me in the shower. We wash each other's hair and lather up the other's body with soap. Sir loves soaping up my caged nub and nuts as well as my crack and hole. We kiss deeply as we each stick a soapy finger up the other's hole.

After rinsing and toweling each other off, Sir says, "Okay, boy, I want you on the bed on all fours."

"Yes, Sir!" I say enthusiastically, throwing myself on the bed. I purposefully stick my ass out since it belongs to Sir anyway.

Sir comes up behind me, takes a still tender ass cheek in each hand, spreads them to open my hole, and dives in tongue first. He points his tongue and fucks my hole for a bit. Then he sticks it in and wiggles it all around.

"Thank you, Sir," I say, moaning with pleasure. "Your tongue feels amazing inside me."

After his tongue explores my chute, Sir flattens it and licks all around my puckered opening. I love feeling Sir's mustache prickling my sensitive button.

Next, Sir grabs some lube, pours some on His fingers, and He starts finger- fucking me to ensure I'm prepared for His cock.

"Oh, please fuck me, Sir," I moan.

"Don't you worry, boy," Sir promises me, "you're going to get a nice, deep fucking tonight."

After prepping me with one, two, then three fingers, I feel His cock at my backdoor. He rubs His tip all around my entrance. He adds more lube. Then He starts pushing slowly through my gate.

"Oh, welcome home, Sir!" I moan with pleasure as I feel Him enter me.

"Home is right, boy," Sir says as He puts one hand on each of my butt cheeks and thrusts into me. "Your ass belongs to me!"

"Oh, heck yeah," I gasp in pain and pleasure.

Sir pushes all the way into me, I feel His balls slap up against my ass. Then He almost pulls out before slamming home again.

"Thank you, Sir," I say breathlessly.

"You're very welcome, boy," He replies as He massages my prostate again. He keeps a nice, regular rhythm; He's actually making love to me.

Then, with His cock in me balls deep, He pitches forward and lays His chest on my back. Next, He wraps His big, strong arms around me and tips both of us onto our left sides. He uses His right leg to prop my right leg up so He has full access to my hole.

"This is nice, Sir," I say as I fold my arms over His.

Sir starts kissing my neck. It tickles! He licks and bites at my ear lobes.

"Sir, you're tickling me," I giggle.

"I love you, boy," Sir whispers in my ear. "Do you know that?"

"I know You love me, Sir," I whisper back. "I love you too."

"Do you want my seed, boy?" Sir asks.

"Oh, please cum inside me, Sir," I plead.

"Okay, boy," Sir assures me, "that's exactly what's going to happen."

Sir picks up the pace of His thrusts. I feel precum flow out of my caged nub. I'm able to catch it with my hand. Sir keeps plunging in and out of me. I feel His sweat on my back and His hot breath on my neck.

"Please empty Your balls in me, Sir," I moan, collecting more precum in my hand.

"Here it comes, boy," Sir announces, "a special delivery from my balls to your chute."

I feel His cock expand as He stops thrusting. I know His amazing cum is being deposited deep inside me.

"Please plug me, Sir," I beg. "I want to keep you inside me."

Sir reaches up and grabs a butt plug from our headboard shelf. As He gently withdraws His cock, He slips in the butt plug.

"There, boy," Sir affirms, "you're all plugged, and my seed won't slip out."

"Thank you, Sir," I answer, "I sleep better when a part of you is inside me."

"What do you have in your hand, boy?" Sir asks.

"Oh, nothing, Sir," I reply, "just some boy juice that leaked out of my nub."

"Oh? Let's see it," Sir requests.

I raise my cupped hand a bit.

"It's really nothing, Sir," I inform Him, "just some sticky boy juice."

Suddenly, Sir grabs my arm, plants His face in my hand, and laps up the contents.

"Eww! Sir, that's just boy juice!" I say with disgust, wrinkling my nose.

"I happen to like your boy juice, boy," He declares, licking His lips. He grabs a tissue to wipe the rest from my hand. Then He rolls me over on my back and puts the end of my nub cage in His mouth. I feel His tongue caressing my nub through the bars of the cage.

"Oh, Sir," I beg, "it doesn't feel too good when my nub tries to become erect in its cage." I can feel my nub pressing forcefully against the bars of my cage.

"I'm just collecting any stray boy juice, boy," Sir says innocently. He continues to lap at the head of my caged nub.

"Ow!" I moan.

"It appears your nub is trying to break out of its cage, boy," Sir says teasingly.

"Nah, Sir," I reply through gritted teeth, "it's just trying to get closer to You."

Then Sir stops licking my cage, looks straight at me, and moves in for a kiss.

Our tongues do a dance in each other's mouth.

Sir rolls me back onto my left side and wraps His arms around me in a tight bearhug, pulling me close into His chest. I feel His cock resting in my crack. He rests His chin on my shoulder.

"You're an amazing boy, Zac," He whispers in my ear.

"That's just because I have such an amazing Sir," I whisper in reply.

"Goodnight, Zac," He says quietly.

"Goodnight, Sir," I say with a contented sigh.

      • The End - - -

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