Zacs Surprise

By Zac Loughty

Published on Jun 11, 2020


Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the great feedback on my last story, Redemption - The Stocks. If you liked that story, you should like this one, too. You're always welcome to email me at if you want.

I hope you like this story. First, there's the surprise. After that, Zac gets paddled and sent to the corner. The sex scene is in Part 2, at the end, if that's all you're into. Any mention of "boys" in this story are all men at least 18 years old. To me, a man of any age (even age 80) can identify as a "boy" emotionally. If you aren't in chastity, I hope you jerk off to this story. If you're in chastity, I hope reading it causes you to drip!

This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real persons or events is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in this story are aged 18 or older. This story describes consensual sex and bondage between adult men. If it's illegal for you to read this material where you live, if you're a minor, or if this material will offend you, please don't read this story.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved. Please do not copy any portion of this story without permission by the author.

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Zac's Surprise - Part 1

It's been about a month since I spent four hours in the stocks at the Redemption facility for my birthday. No, I wasn't being punished, it was my birthday present! You can read all about my experience under "Redemption - The Stocks."

I thanked Sir for the fantastic experience and told Him how much I enjoyed it. I loved having my hands and feet locked in that wooden frame.

I also told Him about the cute boy who sat next to me as my stocks mate. I told Him how we did exercises and even danced in the stocks. The "boy" was definitely over 18 since Redemption doesn't allow any minors to enter the facility.

Sir contacted Redemption and asked them to pass along His contact information to the boy's sir. Sir invited them out to dinner since the boy had kept me entertained and made my time in the stocks much more enjoyable. The boy's sir reached out to Sir, and we went out to dinner with them.

We found out that the boy's name is Rob and he's 19 years old. His sir's name is Tom. I had fun discussing our experience in the stocks with Rob. Sir and Tom talked about what silly boys we are. We all got along very well. We knew we'd get together again soon.

A week ago, Sir told me that we'd be hosting a surprise party.

"Whose birthday is it, Sir?" I asked.

"It's no one's birthday, boy," Sir replied.

"Whose anniversary is it, Sir? I asked.

"It's no one's anniversary, boy," Sir answered.

"What kind of surprise is it, Sir?" I asked.

"It's a surprise kind of surprise, boy," Sir replied.

Oh, wow! So I didn't ask any more questions.

Now, it's the day of the party. First thing this morning, I asked Sir if we all needed to hide and jump out when the person being surprised shows up. He said that won't be necessary.

Our guests have started arriving. This is a BDSM friendly event; boys, slaves, and subs are pretty much naked. Sirs, masters, and doms are dressed in various forms of leather. I realize these six terms don't define the BDSM community, I'm just drastically simplifying things. Sir looks hot in His chaps. I'm fully dressed in my eternity collar and nub cage. I'm very proud and happy to be in chastity. I'm having a great time mingling with our guests. Sir and I have many female friends, but this particular party is only for guys.

The "surprise" is in a huge cardboard box. Sir won't tell me what's in it. The surprise will be revealed during the party.

Our party is a success! Lots of our friends have shown up. Everyone's excited to see what's in that box! Sir certainly knows how to build anticipation. Some of my fellow "boys" are speculating what the contents could possibly be.

Us boys get a tape measure and measure the box. The dimensions are 4' square. As I said, it's a huge box! We wonder if go-go boys are hiding inside. I mention that it might be a cage to lock us boys in. It's fun to speculate.

At precisely 11 PM, Sir calls for everyone's attention.

"You've all been wondering what's in this box," Sir begins. "It's a surprise for my wonderful boy, Zac!"

Wow! A surprise for me? Cool! Thank you, Sir!

Everyone claps and cheers and is excited for me.

"But I don't want the surprise spoiled, so first we need to blindfold Zac," Sir continues. Again, many cheers and encouragement from the crowd.

Two masters stand on each side of me. They put a blindfold over my eyes and grab my arms tightly. This is so cool!

"Now that Zac is blindfolded, I've gathered some volunteers to remove the cardboard box," Sir explains. "Let's see Zac's surprise!"

Everyone is going crazy, cheering and clapping around me. I really want to see what my surprise is!

As the box falls away, I hear a few comments like "That's perfect" and "Wow, that's awesome!" and also, "Lucky, Zac."

"Let's allow Zac to see his surprise," Sir announces.

A master removes my blindfold but keeps a firm hold on my arm.

I open my eyes and see a set of stocks! Oh, heck yeah! There's a bench to sit on and a frame to hold a guy's feet and another frame to hold the guy's hands. It's very similar to the set I was locked in at Redemption.

"Oh wow, Sir," I say. "Thank you so much. A set of stocks. That's so cool!"

"Don't get too excited, boy," Sir warns, "I just rented them, but the set is ours until the morning."

"May I please be locked in them?" I request meekly.

"Absolutely, boy," Sir answers. "What's the point of having a set of stocks sitting around if they don't get used?" Everyone cheers again and is happy for me to be locked in the stocks.

"Thank you so much, Sir," I say gratefully.

The masters on each side of me usher me to the stocks. I step over the bench and set my bare butt down on it. It's a hard, wooden bench.

While one of the masters sets a firm hand on my shoulder, another goes around to the foot frame. There's a latch on the side that comes down over a D-ring. The master flips up the latch and raises the top of the stock that will hold my feet.

"Okay, boy," he says, "stick your ankles in the holes."

"Yes, sir," I reply happily and drop my ankles into the open holes.

The master then lowers the top of the stock onto my ankles. He flips the latch down over the D-ring and secures it with a padlock.

"Your Sir has the key to the padlock, boy," he says.

"Cool!" I say. Everyone cheers again to see my feet locked in the stocks.

Then the master with his hand on my shoulder comes around to the side of the hand frame. It's not like I'm going to go anywhere with my feet trapped in the stocks. He flips up the latch and opens the top of the hand frame. "In you go, boy," he says.

"Yes, sir, thank you, sir," I cheerfully respond and place my wrists in the open holes.

The master lowers the top of the stock onto my wrists. He flips the latch down over the D-ring and secures it with a padlock.

"You're in the stocks, boy," he says. Again, there's more cheering as everyone is happy to have me locked in the stocks.

"Some of you will think that Zac is being punished for something," Sir announces. "He is not. He is actually being rewarded for being a fantastic boy and partner."

There are many "Aw's" and cheering.

"He likes being locked in the stocks!" Sir exclaims.

The crowd erupts into cheers again.

"It's okay for you to have a little fun with him while he's stuck," Sir admits. "But don't go too far. This is the man I love deeply. Anyone who abuses him will find himself in the same predicament after receiving a paddling from me! I don't care if you're a top either."

There are a few "Aw's" and a few "Wow's" from the crowd.

"Master Bob over there isn't there to torment poor Zac," Sir continues. "He's Zac's protection. Don't cross him."

There are a few claps of approval from the crowd.

"Zac will be at your disposal for two hours tonight," Sir continues. "After that, we have others who will be put on display."

Loud cheering and clapping erupts from the crowd.

"Please enjoy your evening, everyone," Sir says as He concludes His speech.

This is so awesome. Sir had asked me if four hours was too long to spend in the stocks. I told Him two hours would have been perfect. Sir has been listening to my every word. Sir is an awesome partner and lover.

I decide to have fun trying to pull my feet and hands out of the stocks. I'm not surprised to find that my efforts are completely futile. My feet and hands jamb into the wooden holes. I truly am at everyone's mercy.

"How is it, Zac?" one of my friends, Scott, who happens to be a boy asks.

"I love it, Scott," I reply. "It's awesome being stuck between these wooden frames."

"You have more guts than me, Zac," Scott says. "It looks too intense for me."

"Are you really stuck in that thing, Zac?" asks Kevin, another friend who identifies as a boy.

"I'm really stuck, Kevin," I answer truthfully. "I'm here until Sir lets me out."

"Wow, dude," Kevin replies. "Well, enjoy, I guess."

"Hi Zac," Master Rick says as he stands in front of my foot frame.

"Hello, Master Rick," I reply respectfully.

"Your bare feet look awfully vulnerable, sticking out from the stocks like this," he correctly states.

"Yes, sir," I reply. "They're stuck there, sir." I wiggle my feet and pretend to try to escape from the foot frame.

"I like your feet, Zac," Master Rick exclaims.

"Thank you, sir," I reply.

He bends down and starts lightly running his fingers over the soles of my feet.

I giggle. "That tickles, Master Rick," I say, laughing.

"I'm just admiring your feet, boy," Master Rick says.

"Thank you, sir," I reply.

He continues to tickle my feet. He pays particular attention to my toes. I'm laughing and try to escape his hands.

Master Bob just stands off to the side laughing, some protector he is!

After a while, Master Rick tires of tickling me and moves on.

Another master approaches me.

"Are you comfortable locked in there, Zac?" he asks.

"I wouldn't say I'm comfortable," I reply, "since this bench is very hard on my butt, sir, but I like being stuck here at everyone's mercy, subject to the protection of my Sir."

"You look great, Zac," the master replies.

"Thank you, Sir," I thank him for his compliment.

"You look great locked up in there naked, Zac," another master comments.

"Thank you, sir," I reply.

"Does your locked boy nub like you being trapped in the stocks?" he asks.

"Yes, sir," I answer, "it's pushing up against the bars of its cage."

"That's good, Zac," he replies. "It's good for a boy to be horny."

"Yes, sir," I reply, "thank you, sir."

People approach and talk to me, but most are afraid to touch me, fearing the wrath of Sir. That's okay with me.

"Hi, Zac!" It's Rob! He's here with his sir. He's wearing a padlocked chain collar and a jockstrap over his plastic chastity cage.

"Hey, Rob," I greet him, genuinely happy to see him again.

"It looks like you're in a bit of a predicament here," he correctly evaluates the situation.

"Yeah, Rob, Sir rented this set of stocks for the evening, and I'm the lucky guy who gets to sit in them for two hours," I inform him. "I'm really happy to be locked in them, actually. It reminds me of our time at Redemption together."

"Yeah," Rob says, "that was such a fun time. I hope we can do it again sometime."

"That would be cool, Rob," I reply, "but I know Redemption is very expensive."

Rob slowly walks around the set of stocks, carefully examining the foot frame that my feet are locked into and the hand frame that traps my hands.

"Are you really stuck, Zac," Rob asks, "or can you get out?"

"I'm really stuck, Rob," I reply. I show him how I can't remove my feet or my hands.

Then Rob gets a mischievous grin on his face.

"So, you're just at everyone's mercy?" Rob asks innocently.

"Yes, Rob," I answer truthfully, "they can do anything they want to me, and I can't stop them."

Rob steps behind me.

"If someone were to step behind you and start running their fingers down your sides," Rob asks, "you couldn't stop them?" He starts gently running his fingers down my sides.

"Ahh!" I squeal and start laughing. "No, Rob," I say, "I couldn't stop them."

"What if I dig around your sweaty pits?" Rob asks as he digs his fingers into my pits.

"Ahh!" I yell, laughing. "Come on, Rob, we're friends!" I say, trying to remind him.

"Your sweat smells good, Zac," Rob says, sniffing his fingers.

"Gross!" I say, laughing at him.

"My sir told me that you might be in a vulnerable state this evening," Rob informs me.

"Your sir knew, but I didn't," I answer, "great!"

"I brought something to take your mind off your sore butt," Rob reassures me.

"What would that be?" I ask.

"Just a sec, I'll go get it," Rob replies and runs over to his sir. His sir hands him something, and Rob runs back to me. He positions himself in front of my bare feet stuck in the foot frame.

"You'll love this," Rob says confidently.

Rob bends down near my feet, but I can't see what he's doing. Then I hear what I think is an electric toothbrush. He places it on the sole of my right foot.

"Ahh!" I shriek with laughter. "Rob, that tickles!"

"I know, isn't it great?" he asks. "I bet you're not thinking about your sore butt now."

He proceeds to place the toothbrush where my sole and big toe meet.

"Ahh!" I yell giggling as I try to desperately extract my foot from the foot frame to no avail.

He keeps applying the toothbrush to each of my toes.

"Oh, please, Rob," I shriek, "please stop tickling me!"

He moves over to my left foot and places the rotating toothbrush on my arch.

"Oh, God, Rob," I yell, "please stop." I giggle uncontrollably.

He makes a circular motion on the sole of my foot with the toothbrush.

I'm going crazy trying to get my foot away from him and his toothbrush.

"Ahh, Rob!" I scream, "please stop."

He keeps attacking my foot with the toothbrush. I'm shrieking hysterically with laughter. We're drawing a crowd. I clench and unclench my trapped hands as Rob continues torturing me.

"Please stop, Rob," I scream, "I'll do anything, please stop." I'm laughing continuously.

"I'm just trying to help, Zac," Rob replies innocently. He keeps swapping the toothbrush between feet.

"You're not helping, Rob," I manage to say between shrieks of laughter.

"You seem pretty happy to me, Zac," Rob says argumentatively. He keeps applying the toothbrush to my poor feet.

"Ahh! I'm not Rob," I yell, "I'm really not!"

"Just trying to be helpful, bro," Rob says as he runs the toothbrush back over my toes.

"Oh please, Rob," I beg, "please stop!" Sweat is pouring from my forehead and from my armpits.

The crowd around us is laughing and enjoying the show. My "protector," master Bob, is doubled over with laughter.

Rob keeps up this torture for a good five minutes. I'm practically sobbing by the time he turns off the toothbrush. I'm exhausted. I lean my head onto my right arm.

"Can I get you anything, Zac?" Rob asks innocently as if he hadn't just been torturing me for the past five minutes.

"Would you please ask my sir if you could give me a sip of beer?" I ask in defeat.

"Sure thing, Zac," Rob replies and hurries over to Sir.

I see Sir's nod of approval when Rob questions Him. I'm grateful.

"Here you go, Zac," Rob says as he tips the bottle up to my lips. He places his hand on my sweaty shoulder.

"Thanks, bro," I say gratefully and take in a mouthful of cold beer.

"Anything else you need, Zac?" he asks sincerely.

"No, I'm good, bro," I reply.

"You've got about an hour left, Zac," Rob informs me.

"I've brought you a gift that will make it easier for you this last hour," Rob confides.

"Rob, if it's more of the electric toothbrush, I'm begging you to keep your gift," I plead.

"No, no, Zac," he says, "It's nothing like that."

"In fact," he says, "I've been preparing your gift for a whole week!"

"Wow," I say, "really?"

"Yes, Zac," he says, "Every day I've been working out hard with the weights under my sir's direction. I've also been running every single day."

"Um... that's great, Rob," I say, "but I'm not sure how that really helps me."

"Sure you do, Zac," Rob replies confidently. "Don't you remember how you were really hurting in the stocks by the time hour 3 came around?"

"Yeah, I guess," I reply hesitantly.

"But then, you were saved!" Rob says triumphantly.

"Oh, you brought me some tit clamps?" I question.

"No, silly," Rob replies, shaking his head. "Don't you remember how that hunky African American Minder came over and fastened his stinky used jockstrap over your nose and mouth? You were so excited; you came right in your cage!"

"Oh, yeah," I reply, "that guy was so muscular and intensely masculine; it was an honor to smell the sweat that had dripped off his balls."

"Exactly!" Rob says excitedly. "So, you do remember!"

"I'll never forget the smell of his overwhelmingly powerful man funk," I say honestly. "But what does that have to do with you?"

"Ta-da!" Rob says as he removes his jockstrap and holds it up proudly.

It takes me a minute to connect the dots.

"Rob," I say with exasperation, "no offense, but you're not a muscular, intensely masculine alpha male. You're a boy just like me!"

"But I sweat a lot during workouts, Zac," Rob defends himself. "I assure you my jockstrap reeks nearly every bit as much as that Minder's. My boy sack has been sweating into this jock every day this past week, just waiting to be dropped down over your nose."

"Rob!" I shout. "I'm not interested in sniffing your jockstrap! We're bondage bros! We're both boys! I'm interested in man sweat, not boy sweat."

Rob looks so dejected. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. He walks off with his jockstrap dangling from his fingers.

You're probably wondering why I have such a preference for the African American Minder's sweaty jockstrap over Rob's sweaty jockstrap. I think it's all in my mind. When the hunk at Redemption fastened his jockstrap over my face, I pictured rubbing my nose between the folds of his warm, hairy, sweaty ball sack. Smelling his man musk just took me there. But with Rob, I would only be able to picture myself sniffing his hairless sweaty boy sack. It would be like sticking my face into my own scrotum if that were possible.

I decide to test how much movement I have in this set of stocks. I try pushing in my arms as far as they'll go. Then I try pushing the legs in as far as they'll go. My testing is interrupted by Sir.

"Rob, here," Sir starts, "tells me that you rejected his gift." Rob is standing next to Sir, looking very sad. His jockstrap is still dangling from his fingers.

"Sir," I explain, "boys don't sniff other boys jocks, it's just not proper."

"Well," Sir explains, "it seems that when a boy puts a week's worth of effort into creating a highly customized gift just for you, and for you alone, perhaps an exception should be made."

"Oh, gee, Sir," I say, disgustedly.

"Perhaps I'm not making myself clear, boy," Sir says intently. "You will politely thank Rob for his very special gift, and you will be very happy to accept it because if you don't, I'll have you removed from those stocks, I'll provide you with a punishment paddling on that bare ass of yours in front of all our guests and promptly set you back in the stocks so your very sore ass can sit on that hard wooden bench for a minimum of another hour. Is that clear, boy?"

I know that Sir isn't really angry with me. He thinks Rob's gift is funny and wants me to wear Rob's jockstrap on my face. But I also know He will definitely paddle my ass in front of all these people if I don't obey him.

"Yes, Sir!" I reply quickly.

"Rob," I begin, "I'm very sorry I was so rude to you earlier. I sincerely appreciate all the time and effort you put into wearing that same jockstrap every day for a week while you worked out and ran. It would be an honor to have you fasten your jockstrap pouch over my nose and mouth so I can smell the sweat that dripped from your boy sack over the past week!"

"That's better, boy," Sir smiles and walks away.

"I'm really glad you changed your mind, Zac," Rob says smiling. He comes up behind me and drapes the pouch of the jockstrap so it drops perfectly over my nose and mouth. Oh, Gosh, it reeks of boy funk! He hooks the leg straps around my ears so the smelly pouch is directly over my nose and mouth. Then he pulls the elastic waist and ties it around my neck so it won't come off. The stinky jockstrap pouch will be stuck over my nose until I'm removed from the stocks.

"Thank you, Rob," I say. "You really worked out and ran hard since I can smell how much sweat poured out of your ball sack and into this pouch. You really outdid yourself!"

"You're welcome, Zac," Rob says proudly. "That's not all, Zac. While I was working out, I watched some really hot bodybuilders pump weights. They got me all excited, and I felt some of my boy juice leak out of my nub cage. So you get to smell dried boy juice too!"

"I'm not worthy of such a generous gift, Rob," I say sarcastically.

"Only the best for my best bondage buddy," Rob says, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey, Zac," Rob says, "would you please let me know if my smelly jockstrap is going to give you a boygasm like you had at the Redemption facility? I couldn't see you squirt your boy juice out of your cage cause I was stuck in the stocks. It's really hot to watch a boygasm."

"Sure thing, Rob," I answer, "I promise you'll be the first to know if I'm about to squirt."

"Thanks, pal," Rob replies. "Well, I'm off to lust over all these hot sirs, masters, and doms."

"Have fun, bro," I say.

"I'll check back with you in a bit, bro," Rob says as he leaves me in the stocks.

"How are you doing, boy?" Sir asks, making an appearance.

"I'm doing great, Sir," I reply truthfully. "Thank you for reminding me to be polite to my boy buddy, Rob. He's a great guy, and I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"That's right, boy," Sir says. "A boy must always be polite, not just to sirs, masters, and doms, but also to other boys, slaves, and subs."

"Yes, Sir," I affirm.

"How's your back and shoulders doing, boy?" Sir asks sincerely.

"They're okay, Sir," I reply.

Sir steps up behind me and starts massaging my shoulders.

"Thank you, Sir," I say gratefully, "that feels great."

"Do you still like being locked in the stocks?" Sir asks.

"Oh yes, Sir," I answer. "This is a great experience. I love being at everyone's mercy, subject to Master Bob's protection, of course. Thank you for renting this set of stocks."

"This set is from a BDSM club," Sir informs me. "I looked at the ones from the medieval fairs, but they're not real, they don't actually trap a guy's hands and feet."

"This set of stocks is awesome, Sir," I explain. "My hands and feet are really stuck."

"Okay, boy," Sir says, "well, you enjoy the rest of your time."

"I will, Sir," I reply, "thank you, Sir."

More people come by, but it's generally just to say "Hi." Some slaves are genuinely interested in the workings of the stocks; I can see that they're jealous of my position. They check out the holes keeping my feet and hands imprisoned. They also finger and hold the hefty padlocks through the D- rings in the latches keeping me from being released. I warn them that two hours locked in the stocks is probably enough, though.

I begin to realize that I need to pee. I don't want to have to wait until my second hour is up. I wish I had an external catheter attached to the end of my nub cage like I had at Redemption. I don't want to pee on the bench that Rob will be sitting on next.

Luckily, Rob comes by to check up on me.

"How's it going, bro?" Rob asks.

"Would you please tell Sir that I need to pee?" I ask Rob.

"Sure thing, Zac," Rob answers, "I'll be right back."

You're probably wondering why I'd trust Rob after he tickled me and stuck his stinky jockstrap down over my face. I know that for practical issues in this situation, I can trust him completely.

I see him talking to Sir. Sir and Rob disappear into the house.

Rob returns with a large, wide-mouthed jar.

"Okay, dude," Rob says, "move forward on the bench as far as the stocks will allow. Hopefully, you can get your cage to drop over the edge of the bench."

"Well, this is embarrassing," I say as he watches me move forward on the bench.

"Don't worry about it, Zac," Robs says, "we're bondage bros. I know you'd do the same for me."

He's right about that. I'm sort of able to get my cage over the edge.

Rob steps around the stocks to stand in front of the foot frame. He steps over the frame and stands between my legs. Next, he squats down and ducks under the frame trapping my hands. He puts the mouth of the jar over my entire nub cage. A crowd starts to gather.

"Nothing to see here, folks," I say, "just a boy taking a piss." Guys laugh and giggle at how Rob is helping me take a piss.

"Thank you, Rob," I say, "I really appreciate this."

"No worries, man," he says. "Let her rip!"

I need to relax to pee. This is hard with everyone watching. Finally, my stream starts to flow out of my cage, and I know I'm home free. I can't believe Rob has to squat between my legs holding my piss jar. This is so humiliating. Rob really is my bondage buddy.

Finally, after what seems like many minutes, my stream stops.

"You done, bro?" Rob asks.

"Yeah, that's it, Rob," I answer. "Thank you!"

Rob screws the lid on my piss jar so he doesn't spill it as he backs carefully out of my crotch between my legs. Once clear of my hand frame, he's able to stand up, turn around, so I get to see his perky butt, and steps over the foot frame to exit the stocks. He takes the jar, presumably to dump it into a toilet.

Rob returns in a bit.

"You need anything else, bro?" he asks.

"No, I'm good, bro," I answer. When another man helps you take a piss like that, you're brothers for life. "We'll need something to wipe down this bench before you sit here," I warn.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because I've been sweating and I've leaked some boy juice from my cage," I inform him.

"I don't care about your sweat or boy juice," he answers. "It all adds to the experience!"

I just shake my head. I think he's crazy. Even I'm not happy sitting in my own puddle of sweat.

I continue to sit on this hard bench, inhaling Rob's ball sweat with every breath. To be honest, there are many worse things I could be smelling right now. Several people have asked whose jockstrap is strapped to my face; I'm honest and tell them it's Rob's. I'm getting a lot of pats on the back for sitting here in the stocks. I guess this isn't everyone's cup of tea. It looks like Sir is headed my way.

"Okay, boy," Sir says, "it's time to give Rob the pleasure of getting locked in the stocks."

"Okay, Sir," I reply. "This has been an awesome experience. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your renting this set of stocks for me."

"Glad you enjoyed them, boy," Sir says. He steps around to the latch on my hand stocks, takes a key from His pocket and unlocks and removes the padlock from the D-ring. He flips up the latch, and raises the top portion of the hands stocks. I withdraw my hands. He lets the top portion slam back down. I finger the smooth edges of the holes.

Sir then moves to the latch on the frame holding my feet. He unlocks and removes the padlock, flips up the latch and raises the top portion of the foot stocks. I pull my feet out. He lets the top portion close again.

I stand up and stretch. I quickly take my hand and try to wipe my ass sweat and boy juice off the bench, how embarrassing. I step over the bench. Rob's sir, Tom, and another master are on each side of Rob, leading him to the stocks. I guess he's under "arrest." LOL! He's so eager to be locked in the stocks, I'm surprised he isn't dancing.

"Okay, boy," Tom says to Rob, "take a seat."

"Yes, sir!" Rob says enthusiastically. He gives me a huge smile as he steps over the bench and sits down.

"Tom, would you mind if my boy Zac here does the honors of securing Rob in the stocks?" Sir asks. "I believe he's earned it."

"Not at all, Girard," Tom answers. "Zac, please proceed."

"Thank you, sirs," I say gratefully. This is so awesome that I get to lock Rob in the stocks.

I bend down next to the latch on the foot frame, flip it up, and raise the top portion of the frame. Without being told, Rob quickly sticks his ankles in the half-holes in the bottom portion of the frame. I carefully lower the top portion, ensuring that Rob's ankles don't get pinched. I flip the latch down onto the D-ring. Sir hands me a padlock, which I quickly lock through the D-ring. Rob's feet are locked in the stocks. My nub is fighting like heck to escape its cage. This is so cool!

I stand up and smile at Rob. He's smiling right back at me.

I flip up the latch on the hand frame and raise the top portion. Rob lays his wrists in the semicircles cut into the bottom portion. I carefully lower the top portion to meet the bottom portion and trap Rob's hands in the stocks. I flip the latch down onto the D-ring. Sir hands me the other padlock, which I lock through the D-ring. Rob's hands are now stuck too! Heck yeah!

Sir hands the padlock keys to Tom.

"Rob's stuck until you let him out," Sir informs Tom.

"Thanks, Girard," Tom replies. "I'll let him out in a couple hours."

"Sir?" I ask, "although I really appreciate Rob lending me his jockstrap to wear while I was in the stocks, now that he's in the stocks, I believe it would be more appropriate for him to wear it."

"That's very kind of you, boy," Sir says. "This way, Rob can think about all the weightlifting and running he did when his limbs were free. Do you have any objection, Tom?"

"No, no objection from me," Tom replies. "Let Rob wear his own jockstrap on his face."

I happily remove Rob's jockstrap from my face. Yes! Fresh air! I drape it over Rob's face, loop the leg straps around Rob's ears, and loosely tie the waistband around Rob's neck.

"Thank you so much for letting me wear your jockstrap, Rob," I offer. "But now, I believe it's much more beneficial for you to wear it."

"Thank you, Zac," Rob says sheepishly. Since his sir already said he should wear it, there really wasn't anything else Rob could say.

Sir, Tom and the other master leave the area. I stay with Rob.

"How does it feel?" I ask Rob.

"It feels so great, Zac," Rob replies. He tries to pull his feet out of the foot frame and feels them catch on the frame. He tries to pull his hands out through the holes trapping them, and finds that they're stuck too.

"How do you like your jockstrap?" I question.

"My boy sack sweat a lot in this thing, didn't it?" Rob comments.

"It really went the extra mile," I agree.

I walk around to his trapped, exposed feet. They're so vulnerable, they're begging for attention. Rob has very sexy feet. He has lots of thick, black hair on his legs. He even has hair on his toes! I notice how dirty they are. Like me, he's been walking around barefoot. Then I think about that bath brush, the one with the incredibly soft bristles. I wonder how those nice, soft bristles would feel when applied to Rob's oh so beautiful feet.

      • End of Part 1, to be continued in Part 2 - - -

Next: Chapter 2

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