Zacks Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 20, 2022


Roger had done a fair amount of thinking about going forward with zack. He wanted to keep him permanently, but for him to feel comfortable doing that, zack needed more training. How much more was something he needed to see. The way zack had acted when Roger had cut off the acting gigs led him to believe that there was MUCH more to do; on the other hand, zack seemed very much to enjoy being his submissive bottom. "Yes sir" came out of his mouth much more quickly, and with no irony or defiance. His blow jobs were perfection: Roger never felt a bit of tooth, and when he didn't give zack specific instructions on how he wanted to be sucked off, zack would remember what Roger liked, and either lick playfully around his slit, or take one or both balls in his mouth, or anything else that Roger had shown a liking for. He begged for more cock when Roger fucked him and, somewhat to Roger's regret, when he wanted zack flipped over onto his back, he didn't resist anymore. He had a chat with Peter because, well, Peter knew just about everything there was to know about breaking in subs. "You didn't figure it out, Rog? SHAME on you! You make me think I was a bad teacher." "No, no, Peter." Roger laughed nervously as they sat for lunch one day at Peter's house, while zack cleaned Roger's. "I think that... I've never wanted to go this far with a sub before and... I just don't know what to make of him." "Ha ha. That's because you chose someone who suits you. He's smart. And willful. And stubborn as a mule. If he had no sex drive, you'd have quite a fight on your hands. But he does. And when you push the buttons on the physical, he gives in. He does that because he knows.... it's great sex with you, or it's no sex." Peter paused and smiled. "And don't let this go to your head, stud, but I think he realizes that sex with you is the best sex he's ever had, whether he topped or bottomed." Roger blushed a little bit. "That's high praise from you, Peter." Peter smiled. "Of course, he hasn't had sex with ME so.... " Then they shared a laugh before Peter spoke. "Seriously. What I mean is that on the one hand: the purely physical, that part that takes control when a man is horny, he's yours. I think if you asked him to take a 13 - no, a FIFTEEN incher up his ass, he'd do it. But on an intellectual level, he STILL wants his freedom." He paused. "You did the right thing in cutting off the acting gigs. No one should be seeing his body unless they have your permission. He's not there yet. You're going to have to establish, firmly and convincingly, that you own him 100% - not just sexually. " "You mean.... I'm gonna have to control his head?" "Not just the one at the tip of his cock . You already do that. " "Hmmm. Food for thought." That conversation happened two weeks before what you're about to read about. Remember those restraints Roger had installed in the walls? Well, he's using the ones with the wrist restraints flush with the wall. zack's wrists are chained in them, and his legs are spread, with ankle restraints holding them against the wall too. zack hasn't been milked in over a week, and his cock is jutting out in front of him, harder because Roger has been stroking it for twenty minutes, and zack can see the key to the cock cage at his left. Roger hasn't said he's going to take it off, but...." "So, zack. " Roger went back to running his finger across the top of zack's cock, from the top down to the tip of the cage, and then underneath it. "You like how that feels?" zack moaned a little as Roger formed a fist around his hard cock. "OH GOD. YES SIR. I love how that feels." Roger smiled. "GOOD. Do you do it to yourself when I'm not around?" "NO SIR. You told me to keep my hands from my cock and... I learned my lesson." Roger looked at him carefully. He had learned to tell when zack was lying: his earlobes got slightly pinker. They stayed perfectly flesh toned. "Well... I think I'm gonna drain you tonight, because... I want you empty when you go back to the gym tomorrow." zack's eyes got wide. "SIR? You're letting me go back?" "Yeah because... while I kinda like you with some more meat on your bones, you can be more fun in bed when you feel energized." "Sir... do you want me to resist in bed? I thought you wanted me totally submissive?" Roger smiled . This was going MUCH better than he thought it was. "Sometimes, being submissive means resisting if that's what your DOM wants and you don't. So yeah, I'd like to see more fight from you." He felt zack's cock get harder. "I can do that Sir." "So, about the gym.. This is what's gonna happen. You're gonna wear the cage." "Yes sir. " "And...." Roger took something out of his jeans pocket. zack hadn't known he was carrying a razor. "Those pits. I've been meaning to clean em up since we cleaned your pubes. And you'll wear a tank top when you work out so everyone will know.. And once they see that, people who know better are gonna see the outline in your shorts and know... this one is taken. Of course, the collar you're gonna be wearing should've told them too, but... I'd bet money you'll be 'forgetting' to wear it at the gym." "No Sir. I wouldn't do that." THIS time, zack's lobes reddened. Roger just smiled. Baby steps. Or bigger ones than that. zack hadn't grunted, or squirmed, or done anything that a sub wouldn't have done when he heard his pits were gonna be shaved, and open to public view. "Now, calm yourself down zack, because if you react to a ticklish feeling... this could hurt." "Yes sir. I understand." Even so, zack giggled just a little as Roger applied shaving gel to each exposed pit. "Keep your head still zack. It'll make this less stressful." "Yes sir. Thank you for reminding me." zack felt the razor sliding down his right pit. He wasn't happy about this, but at least it looked like his chest hair was staying for now. And he was gonna get milked!. As Roger shaved he whispered "you are going to be the fucking sexiest sub anyone has ever seen, zackboi. My burly boi with no pube hair, and no pit hair. " Roger had a handful of the stuff from zack's right pit, and he showed him. "Look at that! My boy's fur. Part of making a sub out of a bottom boy. Let's do the other one." "Yes sir. " zack didn't think his cock could get any harder, but ... he felt it twitch. The cage was REALLY hurting because he couldn't get any harder. Roger was leaning up against him and pressing against his body, which didn't make it any easier . Nor did the feeling of the strokes, taking the fur from under his left pit. That pit was more ticklish, and zack was really, REALLY struggling to keep calm.

"And there we are. Nice and smooth." Roger produced a small mirror so that zack could see his smooth pits. "I look like a girl" he thought. "No, I'm not a girl. I'm a manbitch." "Now, let's give my burly boy a reward." Roger picked up the key and unlocked the cage. "THANK YOU SIR" zack couldn't control his enthusiasm, and he waited for a slap that didn't come. Instead, Roger began the slow, methodical pumping of his cock: something he had done many times before. One hand worked zack's cock, while the other one worked a nipple. After a few minutes, Roger changed hands, and nipples. "And after we get you emptied and locked up again, muffin, you're gonna clean up that jizz and... I'm gonna FUCK you right on the floor as you lick it clean. "OH GOD" zack thought. He felt a drop of pre-cum form. He was at the point of no return. And Roger stopped. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" came out of zack's mouth. He was SO close. SO close. "Who are you zack boy?" "I'm your MANCUNT SIR. Your burly boy BITCH." Roger did nothing more than put a fingertip on zack's cockhead, and the loud yell that came out of zack might have distracted a viewer from the rope after rope of jizz that shot across the floor. "THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU SIR. " zack was near tears. The release felt.... so good. "That was QUITE a load, zackboi. I didn't think you had it in you." Roger began to unlock the ankle restraints. "Thank you Sir. " "I wonder what you were thinking of when you shot. Care to share?"

Roger smiled, and stood up to unlock the wrist shackles. He was watching zack, who didn't know that Roger knew about how his earlobes changed color. "I was thinking about your cock in my ass, Sir." No change in color. Now Roger was getting hard. "So, you think this floor is gonna clean itself? " "No Sir." "GET DOWN THERE. There's always bad news with good news. The good news was your orgasm. The bad news is cleaning it up." "Yes sir. I'll get right to it." And he did. zack had a fat tongue, and Roger saw it in action, methodically getting the cum up, and doing a more than adequate job at it. When zack got to the last drops, he heard Roger's zipper open. "BE STILL AND GET ON ALL FOURS." "Yes sir," zack answered and, without being told, spread his legs so his hole was more exposed. "DAMN I LOVE THIS ASS BURLY BOY. I just love taking this former top man's ass." "Former top man." zack still winced at that. More than he did when Roger put his cock into him and slid in, deep. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR." zack began to moan. If you had asked him, four months ago, if he'd ever like bottoming, he'd laugh at you. Now, he looked forward to feeling the sure, solid thrusts from Roger. His man. The man who found his hot spot and now rubbed his cockhead against it until zack was whinnying like a pony. Then the RAM. The hard, hard RAM that he always got from Roger when he was getting close to cumming. Soon. Very soon. Then... the yell. And the rapid, very rapid thrusts as each rope of Roger's jizz filled his ass. Once, Roger had joked that he could see his sperm cells in zack's eyes. zack believed it. The man had an incredible reservoir of juice in his balls, and zack, never considering that HE was the reason for it, wondered where it all came from. "Go wash off your cock. Time to get relocked." "Yes sir." zack was weary: getting back to the gym, doing more push ups, building up his strength, would make him a better bottom. He knew it.

"Hey stranger! Good to see you again." Peter walked by zack when he was on one of the benches, doing chest presses. Peter's smile was bigger than usual, and that was because he recognized the tank top zack was wearing: faded and worn, it was a top that he had made Roger wear during their sex games. "Pity I never ripped holes over the nipples. Maybe Roger'll do that." zack looked up. "Hey Sir Peter. Haven't seen you in a while." "He called me Sir," Peter thought. "That needs to go back to Roger. "Well, I understand you were receiving disciplinary action." He smiled. "I can see some of it." zack blushed. "Yes sir. I wasn't behaving properly." "Are you behaving properly now?" "Trying to Sir. " Peter saw that he wasn't wearing a collar. Roger had told him he was collaring zack. More to report. "Well, all subs need to work on it. Especially when they're used to being independent. " Someone walked by and Peter snapped his towel at the man's ass. "I won't interfere with your workout any longer, zack. First day back is rough. Best of luck to the two of you." "Thank you Sir." "Maybe Sir Roger will let you sit for coffee with me some afternoon." "Yes sir. Do you want me to do that?" Peter smiled. THIS would be a good test of Roger's security or insecurity about zack. "Sure. Do that. I'll check in with you." Peter gave Roger a call while zack was showering. He could hear the exasperation in Roger's voice about the collar. "Now, Roger. Little by little. He DID call me Sir. Every single time." "Well, that's progress. Did he..." "No, I didn't see him check out a single guy. Except maybe me." "Well, who could blame him on that, Peter?" "Aw, Roger, I trained you well. Hey, I wonder. Since I cross paths with zack so often, I wonder if you'd mind if I took him out for coffee some afternoon." "Ha ha. I can trust you?" "I dunno. Maybe you should be asking can you trust zack." "Fair point. Sure. Let me wait to see if he asks for permission and then... you guys drink up all the foam you want." Roger got off the phone. "SON OF A GUN." He had a boy that PETER coveted. Now, he wanted to break zack even more. He tried to think back to what Peter would have done if he had found out that Roger broke a rule like not wearing his collar. He smiled when he remembered what Peter had done to him. "If it worked then, it'll work now," he thought, and prepared materials for when zack got back.

Roger heard the door open and close when zack got home. "Evening Sir. " zack called out and then stood in the hallway, waiting for Roger. While he waited, he kept his hands behind his back and his eyes down. He heard Roger's tread. By now, he knew the sound of each pair of Roger's shoes. These were the boots he wore to the bar . He could see that Roger wasn't in his full leather, just the boots. "Look me in the eye boy. And push out those nipples." "Yes sir." zack did what he was told. Roger looked him over. His stare made zack uncomfortable. He knew he was in trouble but for what, he didn't know. Roger took a slow circle around zack, and then a second one. He stopped in the middle of the second one when he was behind zack, and he pulled his arms behind him. He held them with one strong arm, as his second arm found zack's left nipple through his pink polo, and he began massaging it. His mouth covered zack's ear, and his hot breath was turning zack on. "Have a good day at the gym, studmuffin?" "Yes sir. Hard workout but... good to be back." "You behave yourself?" "Yes sir." "You keep your eyes off the boys?" "Yes sir." "You do everything I told you to?" "Yes sir." zack's earlobes went pink. Roger laughed. "You know, zack, your body reacts a certain way when you're lying, and you can't stop it. I know you just lied. " zack gulped. What did his body do? He knew he didn't dare ask Roger. "What about this?" He pulled on zack's collar and now, zack was red from the neck up. "Sir I... I forgot. " "Subs don't forget zack. And you're lying again. " He squeezed zack's nipple harder. "I TOLD YOU TO WEAR THE FUCKING COLLAR. " "I'm... I'm sorry Sir." "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU WEAR IT? YOU ASHAMED OF BEING A SUB?" "I'm not ashamed Sir, I'm just.... I have a reputation and...." "What you're gonna have.. is a VERY SORE ASS, and a VERY SORE set of nipples. Get the shirt off. And get near the wall. The set with the neck collar. " "Yes sir. I'm sorry Sir." "MOVE!!!!!"

In fifteen minutes, Roger had locked zack's wrists, ankles and neck. These restraints had some movement in them, so zack could squirm. The bit gag had a set of clamps attached to it, and they were not quite long enough to allow zack to look in front of himself without yanking on his nipples. We forget that each nipple has two sides, and Roger attached the gag clamps to one side of each nipple, before he attached a second set, which clamped the other side of zack's nipples. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH" zack screamed when the second set went on his nipples. "You won't forget the collar next time, will you zack?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMNMSR" zack tried to say "No Sir and to shake his head. Roger laughed when he saw the waves of pain go through his sub. "You had a chat with Sir Peter too, didn't you?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." zack shook his head very lightly this time. "I assume you didn't get a chance to tell me about it because I knew about your indiscretions." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph" "You know what Sir Peter would do to a bitch who broke the rules and then lied about them? He'd pull out his flogger and administer a good twenty to the bitch's back and ten to his cock. You want what I GOT?" THAT was a slip. Roger didn't want zack to know about his past but... zack didn't know what it would do for him anyway. As far as he had thought it through, at some point Roger was going to let Sir Peter use him, either in tag team or by himself. "But instead, this is what's gonna happen. You're gonna stand there like that, with Mr Whizzer" Roger pulled out the medium sized dildo and put it firmly up zack's ass. "This'll be good practice for you because... after the hour you'll stand there, you'll be ripe for my dick and then... plan on being plugged until tomorrow." Roger turned on the vibrating dildo, and sneered at zack. "You are GOING to get used to being a total sub, zack. " He walked out. zack closed his eyes. Yes, the clamps hurt, but only for the first few minutes. And the vibrator.... he was ENJOYING it. He wished Sir Roger had used the bigger one. This one stopped just short of his hot spot, which Roger knew. But trying to slide down to get it to cover "the spot" caused more the pain to start in the clamps again. He'd have to wait. He thought about how good Sir Roger's cock was going to feel. He lost track of time. Sir Roger didn't use a hood on him, ever (he hated them), but Henry had LOVED "losing track of time" as he had told zack. "My how an hour flies by." Roger was in the room, shirtless. zack wanted to run his tongue all over his Master's body and then roll over and take his cock. "Learn your lesson?" "mmmmmmmmmmmph" came out of zack as a whimper. "Gonna wear the collar from now one?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Roger smiled as he took off the gag and clamps. "You gonna follow my rules? 100%?" "Yes sir. Absolutely . What happened today won't happen again." "You're right, it won't. Because as of tomorrow, you'll be wearing a LOCKED collar. A tight one. I'll have the key." "Yes sir." "Hmmmm." Roger smiled. "Look at how hard your cock is. When did I say I was gonna let you drain again?" "You didn't Sir." "You're right. I was going to let you drain tonight, but no more. Maybe in three days." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. " The restraints were all removed. "Get in the bedroom. Don't let the dildo fall and get on your back." Roger had to struggle not to laugh as zack sort of shuffled to the bedroom holding the dildo between his legs. When he got to the bedroom though, zack was in position, holding his legs up with the dildo projecting from his hole. Roger pulled it out. "OH, that sweet, sweet, burly boy hole." He slid in and stopped, right before the sweet spot. "You think you deserve prostate stimulation tonight boy?" "No Sir. I didn't follow your rules." "You're right. But you're gonna find out. I can show SOME mercy." Roger slid his cock in just enough to get the spot. zack trembled and began to moan. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU SIR. I DON'T DESERVE TO BE TREATED SO WELL. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" The moan did it for Roger. He was so stuck on this boy that he began shooting immediately. "I did NOT intend that" he thought. " He pulled out and grabbed a butt plug. "The rest of the night, and until noon tomorrow . If you need to void, you talk to me first. If you can't find me." Roger smiled. "Then you wait." "yes sir. Thank you sir."

That night, as he wrapped his arm around zack, he felt zack push into him more than usual. "Thank you for tonight Sir. Sleep well." It wasn't like him, but Roger kissed zack's ear. "mmmmmm. Thank you Sir. " zack wanted another one, but he didn't dare ask. And Roger wanted to give him one, but he didn't dare risk spoiling the bitch. "It has to happen. I'm gonna band him. He's gonna be mine. " There was just one thing. When Peter had given Roger his freedom, it was conditioned on Roger offering Peter a chance with any man Roger dominated. He'd have to make a call tomorrow. Peter knew it would happen. He was just waiting.

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