Zacks Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 12, 2022


zack sat tied to a chair in the middle of Roger's den. His hands were tightly bound behind his back, ropes surrounded both thighs, after which they were secured to the chair legs, and two more long loops of rope were around his middle, above and below his navel. Roger had done that for a reason : you'll see. He was also gagged with a tight white cloth. Not a sound came out of zack: he had been Roger's sub for two months and, while Roger didn't feel zack was broken completely, the regular punishments for failing to live up to Roger's standards were working. "Let me know when you guys are done so we can stand him up for the collar placement." There were two workers in the den, attaching heavyweight shackles to opposite walls. One set was designed to permit a certain amount of movement, while the other set was closer to the wall: not unlike the shackles Roger would have used if he had a St. Andrew's cross. The use of a neck collar was a last minute decision, and he'd have to untie zack in order to line him up against the wall to get the right point of attachment. He wasn't worried about zack being untied: one thing Roger knew zack HAD learned was that not only COULD Roger beat the crap out of him, it made him even hornier.

Roger had a feeling that even though zack had submitted during the assault on his nipples, he was far from ready to submit. He was right. Over the next few days, zack behaved relatively submissively when they were at home. Roger attributed any small errors to zack's lack of experience. When he took zack to "Cuffs and Collars," his favorite BDSM bar, Roger saw he had his work cut out for him. Roger was a regular at that bar, and he had any number of friends who could be counted on to be there, especially on a weekend night. "Guys need to know you're spoken for, zack," Roger had said as he put a chain collar around zack's neck before they left. "Remember your place. You're a sub now." "yes sir," zack grunted. He was thinking "Please don't let Henry be there." Henry LOVED "Cuffs and Collars." He had paid zack, more than once, to lead him shirtless, cuffed, leashed and with clamps on his nipples, into the bar. zack would play with the clamps every now and then and once, even though it wasn't in their "script," he made Henry get on his knees and blow him in front of the crowd. Henry had been in bliss. He came in his chaps, and that gave zack another chance to dominate him once they got back home. Now, zack was going back to the bar... not just as a bottom but as a sub. Roger had dressed zack in a tight fitting blue window pane shirt and tight faded jeans. Three buttons were opened on the shirt. Roger wanted his friends to comment: leave zack's chest hair, or shave it. "You behave tonight, or, I promise, there won't be a vote and there WILL be consequences. GOT IT BOTTOM?" He sneered before they left. "Yes sir," zack muttered, pissed as hell.

"SHIT" zack muttered when they got inside. He saw Henry in the corner, with Oscar's tongue deep down his throat and his fingers firmly on Henry's nipples. Henry's eyes must have been closed when Roger and zack came in, because he didn't notice them. Roger's friend Peter did. As always, in full leather: chaps, a vest, a hat. There was a small flogger attached to his heavy belt, and a red hanky firmly buried in his left pocket. Peter was old school, no question about it. He had clearly pumped that afternoon, and his six pack was evident. If you were into Daddies, you wanted Peter to take you home and fuck the hell out of you. "ROGER! LONG TIME NO SEE. " He smiled when he shook Roger's hand. "Looks like you got someone new, huh?" "Yeah, got myself a new boy. Right here. " "DAMN. He's a hot one. Look at all that FUR. What's your name boy? Burly?" Peter laughed. "That's a great name. Burly Boy." "My name is ZACK. SIR" zack had already broken one rule by contradicting a DOM. He looked Peter in the eye when he answered, breaking another one. Roger saw Peter slowly beginning to take his left glove off: Roger knew a smack to zack's face with the glove would follow. "boi, you show some RESPECT. Apologize to Master Peter, and then thank him for the attention he's showing you." "My name is ZACK. SIR," zack repeated, gritting his teeth and staring at Peter again. Roger firmly put his hands on zack's arms and pulled them behind him. "He was a top before I persuaded him elsewise. I apologize for his behavior." "SMACK." The glove went across zack's face. It stung. His immediate reaction was to try to defend himself, but Roger had him pinned. "It's probably too much to tell him to thank me, but that's alright. For now." Peter looked at zack and sneered as he grabbed his chin. "I think burly boi is a great name for you, zack. That's what you're gonna get called around here." He began walking off and then turned to Roger. "Don't shave him yet, Roj. Let him continue to show attitude. " He smiled. "Or just take the fuzz none of us can see." Roger whispered into zack's ear: "you can't embarrass me like that around here boi. " "FUCK YOUR FRIENDS" zack gritted. "Who the hell do they think they are?" Roger laughed and whispered again. "They're DOMS. They know it. And you're a sub. You gave up." "FUCK ! That fight wasn't fair." "You want another one stud? I'll take you again. And you know it." zack squirmed in Roger's grip. "If I play with your nipples in this bar, EVERYONE's gonna know how to handle you. Even that little whelp in the corner." He looked in Henry's direction. "He's even less of a top than you are." Now Henry looked up. He and Oscar came over. "ZACK???? I've been calling you. " Before zack could answer, Roger covered his mouth with one hand as he pinned his arms with the other. He answered Henry. "That's because he's my boi now. My burly boi. RIGHT ZACK?" zack tried to go a quick assessment of the situation. He couldn't win. Begrudgingly, he shook his head yes, and Roger took away the hand. "Burly boi? Is that your new handle, Zack? " His old escort handle had been "Attack by ZACK" with a picture of his cock. "Yeah, it is. It's what my..... MASTER wants to call me." "GOD I'd LOVE to know what you did to break this one," Henry smiled at Roger. "HE DIDN'T BREAK ME. He won a couple of fights, that's all." Henry was experienced enough to know that zack had crossed the line. He saw Roger's face before Roger announced "I think burly boi here is not having a good night. I'm taking him home to fix that." "OH, to be a fly on the wall!" Henry sighed. He turned to Oscar. "Can you take me home, big man? I need..." "I KNOW what you need, bitch. Let's go." zack sighed as Roger grabbed the scruff of his neck tightly. Peter smiled as he saw them walk out. "I'll call ya stud. Maybe I can help." When they got in the car, Roger tossed zack a set of handcuffs. "PUT EM ON. Things are gonna get more interesting too." zack was about to give more lip and he saw Roger's face. It scared him and he locked them in front of him. "Eventually, you'll learn how to lock them behind you on your own. This is enough now. " Before they took off, Roger SLAMMED his hand into zack's crotch. "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING EMBARRASS ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, BITCH, OR YOU MAY LOSE ONE OR TWO OF YOUR JEWELS. " "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH. FUCK. Was that necessary?" Another slam came down on his balls. "DAMN RIGHT IT WAS. And forgetting Sir necessitated a second one. " The whacks were so hard that zack saw stars as they headed home. Roger let out an unending stream of profanity and filthy talk. zack remembered "You gotta remember cunt, that's what you are. A CUNT. A MANCUNT. SOMEONE LIKE PETER NOTICED YOU, AND GAVE YOU A HOT NAME? DAMN YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. FUCKING HENRY'S GOT MORE MANHOOD THAN YOU." "How did he know... Henry?" zack wondered in between waves of pain. That means.... OH SHIT. Did he call Henry to let him know..." Half hour later, zack was naked and splayed out on the bed, tied down. Roger had a can of shaving gel and a razor in his hands. "DAMN Peter gave a good suggestion. You can be a burly boi and a manpussy at the same time." zack winced as he felt the cold metal hit his pubes. He kept absolutely still, which Roger was making much more difficult by pinching his nipple as he shaved. "Anytime you want another fight for domination, burly boi, just let me know. I'll kick your ass again. You know that. RIGHT?" "yes sir." zack sighed. He could feel the slight pinch as the blade took his public hair. "Know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna put this on some duct tape so when I gag you... you can taste your own jizz and funk, pussyboy. And speaking of manpussy." He grabbed zack's legs, spread them and shoved his cock into him. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" It was the roughtest Roger had fucked him since that night. He POUNDED zack with a combination of anger and lust. As he was getting fucked, zack felt waves going through his sore dick. "Someone likes this, HO HO." zack WAS getting hard. He kept telling himself it was an autonomic reaction, but... he knew better than to say that to Roger. "yes sir. I do. " "THEN TELL ME HOW YOU LIKE THIS!" One big, hard push and Roger was shooting inside zack. "And we're not done, pussy boi. You gotta be a nipple slave too." Out came the clamps, and Roger attached them. He began pulling. "You a sub?" zack began to cry "yes sir." "Who's your DOM?" "You SIR" "YOU FOLLOW MY RULES YOU FUCKING BITCH . YOU'RE A BURLY SUB, NOT A BURLY TOP." "Yes sir. Yes sir...." zack nearly fainted when Roger pressed his scruff onto his ear. He was pretty beaten up the next morning.

I mentioned the rope around zack's middle. Roger had done that to humiliate zack, who was very vain about his appearance but, well, had put on weight. And there was a reason for that, related to zack's intransigence. "I'll use the cage if I have to, but I'd prefer not to. At least not yet. Can you keep your hands off your cock, boi?" Roger had asked that question, rather strongly, after he had fucked zack when they returned from "Cuffs and Collars." When he pulled out, zack dropped his hand to his dick and was preparing to jerk himself off. Roger grabbed the hand, pinned zack's wrist to the bed, then the second one, and with an evil smile on his face, rubbed his knee into zack's balls. "subs get to climax when they have the DOM's permission. YOU DON'T. And you're not gonna have it until you show some more complete understanding of your role." zack pushed against Roger's grip. However strong he was, he couldn't move the stronger man. "I WANT AN ANSWER FUCKTOI OR I'LL GET A DILDO AND FUCK YOU AGAIN!" zack grunted, and then answered "yes sir. I'll ask for permission." "And don't ask this week. You won't get it." "yes sir. I understand." At that point in the relationship, Roger was allowing zack to do things like go to the gym. He didn't have to worry about movie gig offers because zack hadn't gotten any (but that would change), and of course, escorting was out of the question. zack could figure out what Roger had planned for him: it was complete and total sexual subservience. He was sitting tied up more than once when Roger was talking to Peter on the phone about his "burly boi" and his need for more discipline. "Well you know, I've disciplined more than a few." Roger laughed. He knew that VERY well: he had been Peter's sub for five years in his early 20s, before he and Roger realized that Roger was a "T.I.T": a "top in training." Peter, knowing that there were always more subs and bottoms than tops and DOMS, had graciously "broken up" with Roger, and then Roger began developing into the man he was now. "I appreciate that, Peter. I'll keep it in mind. Right now, I have to think of something to keep him busy." "Wellllllllllllll...." Peter drew out the word. "I'm going to start renovating my yard. It's going to be some serious physical labor, and if you wanted to send zack here.... " He laughed. "You know I respect another man's property. I'll keep my hands off him." Roger laughed. "You can put your hands on him, you just can't put your cock IN him. It might be good for him to learn that more than one person could.. shall we say... pacify him." Peter had laughed at that. "Just let me know, ok bud?" Eventually, zack DID go to work for Peter. That was AFTER he got caught jerking off at the gym. He thought he'd get away with it: Roger was interested in his ass, and to a lesser degree, his mouth. As he found hot spots, like zack's nipples, he was interested in those too. He never paid much attention to zack's cock, though, so he didn't wonder why zack was always soft, rather than with a raging hard on, which he expected from the enforced abstinence. Peter worked out at the same gym, though, and one day, as he went into the bathroom, he heard some moaning coming from one of the stalls. The voice sounded familiar: was it Roger's bitch? He thought so, and went about his business. zack came out of the stall in a dash, and didn't pay attention to anything around him. He didn't see Peter at a urinal. Peter smiled. The next time he heard zack at work, he called Roger. "So... you let your burly bitch jerk off, Roger? I didn't teach you that." "I don't. Whaddya talking about?" "I think you may have to consider caging him. I know you don't want to but...." Then he told Roger what he had seen and heard. Roger was outraged. Next day, when zack came back from the gym, spent, he found Roger standing in the middle of the living room, arms folded. "Sir... It looks like something's wrong." "There may be. Drop your shorts. And your jock. Every bit." "yes sir." zack thought he was gonna get gagged with his jock strap- something Roger seemed to enjoy doing. Instead, Roger came over, picked up zack's limp cock, and stared him in the eye. "Your cock feels like there's jizz on it. Why's that?" "I don't know Sir" was zack's response, but the color began to drain out of his face. It went back when Roger squeezed his balls. HARD. "Really? Could it be because, oh, I don't know..... my burly bitch is jerking off at the gym?" He didn't increase the pressure: he could tell it was hard enough by the way zack was grimacing. And by his not answering. "I think... I truly think... you're going to have to be caged, boy. You violated my instructions, DIDN'T YOU." NOW he squeezed harder. "OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. YES SIR. I did. It's too hard not to ." "Well.. now we're gonna make it easier. " He let go of zack's dick and reached into his pocket to pull out the cage. When zack saw it, he yelled. "FUCK NO" and made the mistake of throwing a fists at Roger. Roger caught it in mid air, and twisted zack's arm behind his back. "You ARE going to learn, zack. It may take a while, but you ARE going to learn. " He pushed zack's arm up higher. "PUT YOUR OTHER ARM BEHIND YOUR BACK." "NNNNNNNNNNGGGG YES SIR. YES SIR." Once Roger had both wrists, he bound them. Then, he went to a position in front of zack. "Let's start with a week of this. Maybe you'll learn." He locked the cage and smiled. "Now for your first fuck as a CAGED burly boi. " He dragged zack into the bedroom and shoved him face down. "You're gonna learn, bitch. One way or the other." He covered zack's mouth with his hand as he pushed his cock into the handsome sub. He was - no other word for it - brutal. This was not love making, it was out and out FUCKING. Every time zack moaned, Roger pushed harder. He pulled back on zack's head and started chewing on an ear. "UNDERSTAND SOMETHING FUCKTOI. YOU BREAK MY RULES. YOU PAY CUMDUMP." One push, and Roger's cum was dumped into zack's ass. The cage wasn't bothering zack that night, but by the morning, when his hard on ran up into the walls, he began to regret what he had done. Roger was NOT a big fan of the cage: he felt slaves needed to learn self control. He left it on zack for a week to hopefully teach him a lesson. Instead.. it seemed to encourage him to violate more rules. For example, zack had been told to refer to Peter as SIR. Instead, he called him Pete. Of course, that went back to Roger. The result? Now, when Roger tied up zack, and he took off his shirt, he would use clamps with weights added. "You're not gonna insult my friend in public anymore, zack. The gym is off limits." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I'll mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." zack never got it out. A jock he had worn earlier in the week went into his mouth. "You're gonna get your exercise working for Sir Peter. Good old fashioned manual labor. It'll do you good. Just like some good old hard core fucking. " Roger had taken the cage off a couple of days before and now, zack was absolutely rigid . "I think... this is going to go back on. Sooooooooo... we'll have to bring down that cock." Out came a small paddle, and Roger began beating zack's cock until a few drops of pre-cum came out, and the cock began to shrink. "CLINK" zack heard the sound of the lock going back on his cock. "I'll take it off when I'm ready to shave you again, and not before. Now ROLL OVER. You're gonna get fucked like the dog you are." "Why. am. I. getting. hard?" zack thought as he got rolled over and he felt Roger's cock going back inside of him. He winced, getting ready for a hard fucking, but Roger was uncharacteristically gentle. He whispered "you're just a big old wild bear who needs taming, don't you, stud?" Roger's soft baritone got to zack. He whispered, almost tearfully. "OH GOD yes sir." "I've tamed the wildest. I'll tame you too," he said, as he sunk his cock into zack, whispering "when we get those pubes cleaned, it may be time to make you a smooth bitch rather than a burly boi."

Next day, Roger took zack to Peter's property. Peter was out in the backyard, smiling. He had already been working, and his upper body had a sheen of sweat on it. He had on ratty jeans that fit him like paint, and zack wondered how hard he would've gotten if he weren't wearing the cage. "I'd tell you to be easy on him Peter, but I know better than that. " "Damn right. zack, you better get that tank top off " (zack had on cut off shorts and a tight fitting tank). "Too damn tight for work out here." "Yes sir," zack muttered, and Peter and Roger looked at each other. MAYBE SOMETHING WAS WORKING. "You going to the bar on Friday?" Peter asked Roger. "Wouldn't miss it. I'm gonna have my boy shaved smooth for that." Peter looked at him. "Maybe not yet. I don't think everyone has seen how hot he is with hair. " He looked at zack. "Compliments on his body will make him regret disobeying even more." "Excellent analysis my friend. " He looked at zack. "You're gonna be exhausted. But you better not fall asleep when you get home. I'm gonna be ready for ya. " The gardening project took about 3 weeks. Roger would go over occasionally while Peter and zack were working, and he'd admire zack's ass as he bent to work, or his chest when he turned, sweaty and hairy. His own cock would get even harder, and he'd think: "is he the one? Do I want to collar him permanently?" When the gardening job ended, Roger decided that it wasn't time for zack to go back to the gym yet. He LOVED the idea of the other guys seeing zack locked up , and of zack trying to avoid being seen, but "baby steps" he was telling himself. "Got to do this slowly. For now, he's breaking. Too much, he may backslide." And indeed, Roger became aware of how far he had to go with zack one night, after the gardening project was over. He was planning to take zack out to eat, and he had him dress in a black shirt and white jeans tight enough to show the outline of his cage. zack looked so hot, Roger called the restaurant and cancelled the reservation. Instead, he indicated the chair. "SIT. Hands behind you." "yes sir," zack answered, relieved that there wasn't going to be a possibility of someone seeing him in Roger's control. After Roger had tied him up, spreading his legs far apart, zack's phone rang. "Hmmm. I think I recognize that number. Hollywood. " "WHAT? A GIG. SHIT..." "Shit is right, zack." Roger grabbed a sock: the only thing he could find to gag zack and tied it over his mouth. He picked up zack's phone. "Hello? Yes, this is his agent, how can I help you?" He saw zack struggling to get loose or to at least force the tight gag out of his mouth so he could scream. "Oh, I'm sorry, but zack is going to be tied up during that period. Yeah, he's got another opportunity so, he's going to have to decline." Roger was very proud of "he's going to be tied up" but he saw the pure hatred in zack's eyes as he put down the phone. He came over and sat opposite zack. "Why are you so angry, stud? I told them the truth." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." zack tried to move out of the way of the nipple torture he began to get. "Now you stop that, huh? Don't make me scramble eggs." "Scramble eggs" That was "Roger speak" for ball torture. "You are NOT going to be working movies anymore stud. Even IF they ask you to play a slave. If you're going to get a role, it's gonna be in a scene with me." He opened up zack's shirt, and looked at him. "Understand, boi?" Then his teeth closed on zack's nipple. zack began to moan, louder and louder. Pre-cum leaked out of the cage and stained the white pants. Then Roger stopped. "Know what I haven't investigated zack? Are you ticklish?" zack's eyes got wide, and he shook his head no. Roger knew he was lying. "You sure? Cause if you're lying... and I find out you are, which I will.. It's gonna be another week in the cage." Wimpering through his gag, zack tried to say "I'm ticklish Sir." And he found out what an excellent tickle top Roger was , before he got the dildo to open him up "nice and wide," and then fucked him mercilessly. As his fourth wave of jizz filled zack, Roger was thinking "He really is the one. Preliminary collar next."

Next: Chapter 5

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