Zacks Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 1, 2022


Zach heard the steady tread of Roger's footsteps, coming down to the basement, just as he was climaxing for the third time. The hitachi had started to lose power about a half hour previously, and Zach thought that with the reduction in intensity, his cock and balls would get some relief. He was wrong. The lower intensity somehow made things worse. Probably, he thought when his thoughts were coherent, his brain was blocking off the higher intensity vibrations, and he only felt the low level ones acutely. There were probably less of them than there were now. And his dick was more sensitive. The third orgasm produced very little jizz, but he had begun to holler when it started, not knowing Roger was coming down the stairs. He heard his captor chortling as he walked down. Now, he stood opposite the bound semi-ginger hunk, grinning.

"Hmmm. You could probably do better Zach. Might have to get some stimulants in your food." Roger looked at the wet spots in front of Zach: one went out about a foot, and was nothing more than a corona of a stain. The second one was much closer, much smaller, and still a little moist. The third one - the one that had just happened, was dripping down his jeans: all four or five drops of it.

Zach pulled at the wrist restraints. "YOU'RE A SICK MOTHER FUCKER. A REAL SICKO." His face got red, and he gritted his teeth. He was frustrated and helpless. Roger just laughed some more. "You know, I could just replace this one with a new one, and we could start all over. Want that?" "FUCK NO. NO. I COULDN'T TAKE IT." "SURE you could, Zach. Big strong guy like you." Roger walked right up to the stud, grabbed his chin to keep his face still, and smiled. "Spit on you, or kiss you? What should it be?" He could hear Zach whining, and then the pleading "please let me go. PLEASE." "I thought I told you Zach. That's not happening. Essentially, this house... probably not this basement, but this house... is gonna be your home. " "FUCK NO. I HAVE A HOME. PLEASE. PLEASE LET ME GO. " He felt Roger run his finger along his belly line. "I already told you: that's not happening. " They stared at each other for a few minutes. Roger growled "DAMN. If I hadn't made up my mind not to fuck you until you submit.... I'd have your legs in the air right now." "YEAH YOU AND WHAT ARMY? " Zach barked, and Roger laughed some more. "You STILL don't believe I can't take you? You still have some belief that you're gonna escape, don't you Zach?" "I DON'T JUST BELIEVE IT. I KNOW IT FUCKER. YOU CAN'T KEEP ME LIKE A PRISONER." "Well, yeah, I can. But eventually, I'll be keeping you as a sub bottom. It won't be long. But it WILL happen. " "PLEASE. I don't bottom. I don't. Just let me go!" "First time for everything Zach. EVERYTHING. " Roger put one hand on Zach's rear end, and ran the other down his hairy chest. "Like being shaved. Or getting pierced. Or learning... you're a cock slave. Which you already are." "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?" "Well.... I'm sure you didn't WANT to shoot three times in less than two hours, but you did. I decided that. And I can decide that you DON'T cum, if I want to." He held out a chastity cage. "Just remember, Zach... this is an option." "FUCKER. YOU WOULDN'T USE THAT ON ME." "Oh, but I would. And I will. So you see, Zach, right now... let's assume I untie you and you can get your hands on your own piece, but I tell you hands off. What do you think is gonna happen if I find out you disobeyed me?" "YOU CAN'T DO THAT IF I ESCAPE." Roger shook his head. "You know, I think probably I'm going to have to prove to you that you won't. " He walked around Zach in a circle. "You wanna try me, stud? Hand to hand or one on one or whatever you like? Anytime you want. You're probably too weak right now. Not even a challenge to me." "Untie me and you'll see what kind of challenge I am." "Oh, I'll untie you, but you'll rethink it." Roger reached up and released the restraints. Zach tried to throw a punch but... the strain of being tied that way... he couldn't do much. "FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK" "Eventually stud, eventually. Like I said, you're in no shape to fight me. How about you get a shower, get some food, get some rest, and if you feel up to it, tomorrow. And if you win, you're gone. No problem at all. "And if I lose?" "We'll get to that stud."

Zach "issued" his challenge the next day. More to the point, after lunch, and when he thought Roger was off guard, he got a choke hold around his neck. "I'M GETTING THE FUCK OUTTA HERE AND YOU'RE NOT STOPPING ME." Roger had been sitting on the sofa when Zach attacked him. It never crossed his mind that Roger anticipated the attack: why did he let his handsome captive move around, untied, if he didn't? Zach's hold WAS stronger than Roger anticipated, but he was able to slip his hand in between the cushions of the sofa. He had placed a tazer there, in anticipation. It was already set to low. He grabbed it and reached up as if to try to pull Zach's arm off his neck. Then he sent the ZAP through Zach, up through his left arm. It took Zach completely by surprise, and he broke the hold. He clutched his arm. "MOTHER FUCKER!" He yelled, and now, Roger was up off the sofa, facing him. "C'mon BIG MAN! You wanna fight, let's fight. Show me what you got without a surprise attack." "YOU SHOULD TALK! DISGUISING YOURSELF AND JUMPING ME." "Well, now we'll see what happens, with neither one of us sneaking up on the other. LET'S GO TOUGH GUY." Roger was standing between Zach and the front door, and Zach was beginning to get nervous, and scared. Roger was bigger than him. He had more muscles, and it was HIS place. Roger knew where everything was. Zach figured he had one chance and he charged at Roger, hoping to take him down. Roger held his ground and now, he had Zach in a choke hold. He spun Zach around and now, he was pulling Zach into his chest, one arm wrapped tightly around his neck. "THIS is how you do a choke hold stud. You use the GUILLOTINE." Roger had learned it from an ultimate fighter friend. Zach had seen it, and he knew... he felt it.. he'd be going out soon. He tried to remember what he knew from self defense classes: go limp, try to slide out. It wasn't in his nature. Instead he tried to elbow Roger's ribs. That didn't work. He squirmed some more and felt weaker, and weaker. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT...." was the last thing he said before he passed out. Roger held Zach in his arms, and he laughed. "I should put you in a sling, stud. I SHOULD shove something big, and metallic up your ass and make you beg for relief. No... I have something better planned. Think of it as a soft submissions.." He chuckled.

Zach felt the slaps across his face, and the weight on his chest. "WAKE UP SLAVE BOY." Zach shuddered, and tried to move. He couldn't. Roger was sitting on his chest, and he had his wrists pinned down to the floor. "FUCK. WHAT THE...." "You fought. You lost stud. " Zach gritted his teeth and pushed. "YOU AREN'T GONNA DO THIS TO ME!" "Do what, stud? You don't even KNOW what I'm gonna do to you." "YEAH I DO. YOU'RE GONNA FUCK ME." "Eventually. Not right now though. Right now.... I'm gonna do some exploring, and.. heh heh. Oh, this is gonna be fun." Zach's powder blue t shirt was soaked through from his sweat as he felt Roger release his wrists. He tried to get up, and to push Roger off him but... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" Roger had grabbed both of his nipples, and he was squeezing them hard. "OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH. STOP FUCKER!" "Yeah. For a minute. Just for a minute Zach." Roger smiled. "These sensitive tit boy?" "Tit boy." How did he know that nickname? One of Zach's one nighters had called him that, because he wouldn't let him, or ANYONE touch his nipples. They were too sensitive. He lost his edge and he control. "Gonna tell me, or am I gonna find out? AH, what the hell. Lemme find out." Roger squeezed Zach's nips. Not as hard as he did the first time, but enough to make Zach feel what he called "The AC current to my balls." Roger saw Zach's struggles: the faces he made, the way his head jerked back and forth, and he heard the moans. He stopped. "Go ahead. Try to get up." Zach screamed and pushed. He was met by two twists to the nipples, and he wound up on his back, before Roger lightened the tit work . "I BET.... Zach. I bet... if I tortured these enough, I'd get you begging me to take your ass." "NEVER HAPPEN." "Well, we shall see. For now... I have something else in mind. " Roger lightened the twisting, but he kept it up. "We're gonna do this in two ways. You're gonna give up. You're gonna tell me I win. Then, you're gonna offer me something as the winner, and if I like it, I'll stop... for a while." "What if you don't?" "Well, then... maybe I'll just keep it up until you beg for a good solid fucking.." Zach whined, and moaned. Roger was way too heavy to power out of this, and the nipple work was draining him. He could feel that Roger was hard as he sat on Zach's chest. He'd squeeze Zach's nipples hard, then relax them. Then he'd tease. "Go ahead you big Greek stud. Get up. C'MON. Shake off your adversary." Then he'd laugh, and go back to more work on the nipples. "Might be fun to chew them too, but that'll wait. "SHIT" Zach thought. He couldn't imagine what Roger's facial hair and his teeth would feel like but... he had an idea. He moaned some more. He was losing it. Completely. He'd have to give in. He wouldn't submit to being Roger's slave but.... "You win. You win. I GIVE I GIVE." "EXCELLENT STUDBOTTOM. Now what's your offer." "SHIT! He hadn't thought about that. And Roger hadn't let up with the torture. He saw the bulge in his jeans and it was SO close. SO close to his face. "I'll.. I'll blow you if you stop." "I'll stop for a while, and I won't torture you while I fuck your face." A long, sad moan came out of Zach. He remembered the last time he had blown someone: college. The captain of the basketball team. On the set of that movie... someone had told him Roger wanted his cock in Zach's mouth and he laughed, saying "in that faggot's dreams." "If you do a good job, I'll keep you tied up in an easier way, Zach, but I KNOW my blow jobs and this better be good. OPEN UP."

Zack regretted his offer almost immediately. He was certainly out of practice as being passive in oral sex, and Roger, not surprisingly, made it very clear that he had high expectations. Zack closed his eyes and moved his tongue toward Roger's cock head. He immediately received a slap to the side of his face. "EYES OPEN BOTTOM. I WANT YOU SEEING WHAT YOU'RE DOING. I WANT YOU TO SEE HOW... YOU'RE A BOTTOM! A TOP FLIPPED." For a very quick second, Zack thought about using his teeth and hurting Roger. He couldn't do it. He wasn't angry enough and... if he failed... Instead he just answered "I understand," and struggled to keep his eyes open as his tongue licked the head of Roger's cock. "GOOD! GOOD START ZACKBOY. Let's have more of that." Zack felt Roger's hand drift to the back of his head to help to guide it over his cock. His mouth was still moist, and he slid up to take more. Roger smiled. He seemed to be enjoying it and, truth to be told, so was Zack. Roger knew how to use his cock inside a man's mouth, and he began gently sliding it back and forth, banging the inside of Zack's cheeks. He'd push forward and cut off Zack's wind for a few seconds, and then pull back so he could breathe. Halfway through the blowjob, he moved his fingers to Zack's nipples. Zack's moans slipped through the corners of his mouth as he went down on Roger's cock. He felt Roger sliding his body back and forth on his chest. "GOOD BOY. YEAH. Lots to learn but a good start. A REAL good start. MMMMMM!" Roger closed his eyes, and Zack felt a change in the cock he was sucking: it had stopped growing and Roger wasn't shoving as hard as he was. Zack knew from his own experiences: Roger was close to cumming. He hadn't pulled his cock out. Zack moaned, plaintively, and Roger looked at him and laughed. "Oh yeah, boy, you're swallowing. I wasn't sure if you would but... think of this as part of losing the fight." "mmngngnggnmmm" Zack felt the cock get more and more full and then, he heard the yelp from Roger, and felt the salty lashes start flowing into his mouth and down his throat. He didn't like it, but he couldn't do anything: Roger was keeping him pinned down, and he wasn't pulling his cock out of Zack's mouth. "THAT was definitely a B+ blow job, Zack. We'll get you to an A, but THAT was a great start." As Roger pulled his cock out, Zack couldn't help feeling like a schoolboy who's teacher had just praised him. As that feeling passed he wondered: what was happening to him.?" "So, part I done. Now, for part II. You should probably clean out your mouth, Zack. Takes some time to get used to the taste of cum. You will. "Not if I can help it," Zack thought to himself, and then realized he really couldn't. When he came back from the bathroom, he saw that Roger had put a chair out, near his desktop computer. He was carrying a scissor and... were those clamps in his other hand? "Sit down, boy. One thing you're gonna have to get used to is just being tied up every day. At least a few hours. Does my heart, and my cock, REAL good to see my handsome stud under control. " Zack sighed. He thought back to the beating he had just taken and sat. He didn't have to be told to put his hands behind his back. Roger used leather cuffs this time, and he attached them to a collar - not the estim collar, but a collar nonetheless, that he put on Zack's neck. Then, with a smile on his face, he flicked each of Zack's nipples until they "stood at attention. He took his small scissor and cut two holes in Zack's t shirt, one over each nipple. "HEY. THIS IS DESIGNER. IT'S EXPENSIVE." Roger laughed. "Deal with it, Zackster. What's the movie line: 'you're not in Kansas anymore. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. I thought about having you naked for this, but.... this will be more fun." He took over the clamps, and gently attached one to each of Zack's nipples. "See the metal cube in the middle, stud? Well..." Roger picked up his violet wand. "It picks up a charge, and distributes it. All the way up the metal chain, with a slight magnification. I think I have about four hours of work to do, and we're gonna increase that strength, every half hour or so. Those nips are gonna be begging for some relief: and my tongue will provide it. " Roger sent the first zap through and Zack pleaded. "Why are you doing this to me? Please stop." "Just getting you accustomed to your new life." Before he sat down, Roger went behind Zack and whispered into his ear "You're gonna submit . You just wait." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NEVER. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Roger laughed as he increased the strength of the charge.

After two hours, Zack's moaning began to annoy Roger so he gagged him. "I COULD use duct tape, stud, but ya know, pulling that off a guy who's got all that stubble... Even I'M not that mean. Open up." "FUCK YOU" Zack yelled, and regretted it immediately as Roger tripled the charge. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH" He felt a big wad of cloth go into his mouth. "I LOVE stuffed gags, Zack. Shove something like this in, and then... tie it off." When he was done, he looked very sternly at Zack. "You know, you're losing all the brownie points you got from that blowjob." He stared into Zack's eyes. Zack wouldn't look away , so he didn't see the knee push into his crotch, hard, but he felt Roger keep it positioned there, rotating slightly back and forth. Zack needed to cum. The blowjob had pushed him closer to climax than he had been. Roger knew it too. "Not happening, big guy. My subs have to learn to control themselves. But in another two hours... I got another surprise for you." He went back to work, as little grunts came out of Zack's mouth. After an hour or so, his phone rang. "'Ello? HEY, DUKE! What's up?" Zack heard part of the exchange. Something about a big happening at the local BDSM bar. Zack knew about it but he had never gone in: Henry had been too apprehensive about that. Then he heard Roger answer "Well... I have a guy in training. I think he'll be ready to present and if he is, we'll show up. My new sub. He's gorgeous. Hot, studly, and looks like a top. " He began to laugh. "Yeah, just my type, right? Well, I'll call ya on Friday to let you know if we're going. It'll be fun if we can." He got off the phone and swiveled his seat to face Zack. He tweaked the clamps. "So, you heard enough about that didn't you stud? BDSM party. Masters and subs, so.... I think we're gonna have to push up your training. Make it a little more intense." "mmmmmmngngnalsnsslsla" was all Zack could master, as Roger laughed. "So, I know I said four hours, but... you probably should get introduced to your new friend, Mr. Purple." He pulled off the clamps. "Time to move to the bedroom." Zack knew enough not to fight as Roger tied down his wrists, pulled off his sneakers and his jock and revealed the hard dick that popped out. "You really wanna cum don't you Zack?" Still gagged, Zack shook his head yes. "Well, I got some good news and some bad news, stud. First, you're gonna have an orgasm, that's the good news, but you're not gonna cum." "mmmmmmmmmph?" "In fact, you're not gonna cum until you submit, and then... heh heh. We'll get to that. But for now.... Mr. Purple.." Roger showed Zack a toy he had never seen: it looked like a cross between a teaspoon and a finger. There was a base at the end of it, where Roger had his hand. "Meet your prostate massager, Zack. " Roger put it up to his mouth and licked it slick. "Great little toy. When I find your prostate, if I rub this back and forth, it'll bring off your prostate real good. Prostate milk is pretty gross, but... " He grinned. "You won't get any cock relief and... OH WELL." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" The massager felt especially good as Roger slid it in, but... when he found Zack's prostate and Zack responded with a "HLJLJLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYSHT!!!!," Roger rubbing it back and forth nearly made him faint. "Now, I have another one of these, stud. It attaches to your cock, and it has a small vibration that goes through it. " Zack groaned as Roger laughed. "Yeah, even worse than what I've done before. " He paused and then said "think about that, together with the clamps and... maybe even the collar. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." "Now, I didn't say anything about submission, because I WILL be using all of them, Zack. Nothing you can do about it. Nothing." He was right. All Zack could do was moan, and moan loud and constantly, as Roger teased him with the prostate stimulator. He tried to hold back. He really did. He couldn't. His hips were bucking, he was moaning and... his cock stayed hard. "Now you have to admit something, Zack... You have never felt anything like that." Breathing hard, Zack shook his head yes.

"So, zacko, here's what's gonna happen for the rest of the day. I think you can probably use a REAL workout so we're gonna take a gym visit - to your new gym. Then, when we get back, after dinner, you're gonna have to start getting used to being in bed with me. I'll cuff your wrists, cuff your ankles, and you're gonna get used to the feel of a man controlling you overnight. Ain't nothing you can do about it. "

It was true. That night, with his wrists cuffed securely in front of him and a short but functional chain linking his ankles, Zack felt Roger's arm around him , his hand resting securely on Zack's peck. He whispered "Your submission is gonna be SO sweet, stud. And it's coming." He chuckled as he poked Zack with his hard cock.

Next: Chapter 3

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