Zacks Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 24, 2022


"Zack Knight. Age: 38. Employed As: Stuntman." Almost every official document requested the same information about Zack. It hardly did him justice. To consider employment, for example, working as a stuntman meant he had a lot of free time. When he did, he worked security: not as one of those guards you see half asleep in front of a building, but as a body guard. If the document requested more information, some relevant items are that he stood at 5'10", had red hair and a beard, weighed in at 185 pounds and was "single." He always laughed at that one because of his "relationship" with Henry. The GRINDR profile that Henry saw before contacting Zack also said that Zack was hairy all over, topped about 90% of the time, had 7.5 cut inches, and charged 300.00/hr for his time, and 1000 for an overnight. So, one could argue that Zack had a third job: escort. Zack, who had a college degree and had begun graduate school before the money ran out, would have argued that since the only guy he saw was Henry, that really didn't count as being an "escort." Still, when he did go out with Henry, either for an event or for an event and an overnight (about once a month), people would talk, afterwards, about the "totally hot" guy who was "escorting" Henry. Zack knew how to present himself: he believed firmly that his body was a temple, and because he relied on it for his livelihood, he kept it up: gym every day, two hours. He ate well. He dressed well too and, since there was no way of knowing when Henry would get tired of him or run out of money, he always presented in a way that got guys to look a second time: two buttons opened, sometimes three, if he weren't wearing a jacket, a shirt that contoured to his muscles (he had modeled for a while for one of the "rugged look" companies, and had accumulated plenty of stylish clothing he might never have afforded, even with Henry, from those gigs), a big smile and "bedroom eyes" to everyone he met.

He never "met" Roger, but Roger saw him. Roger had been a character actor, who at 44 had left acting to do something "steadier." He moved into real estate, and was doing very well at it. He had lived parsimoniously when he was an actor, because he never knew when the bit parts were going to come in. The money he saved, plus what he earned as a top notch broker, allowed him to buy the house of his dreams, which included a "play room" for the bondage and domination games he liked to play with his guys. Like Zack, the training as an actor, and the need to seduce his clients, brought Roger to the gym every day. He stood at 6'2" and a solid 220. Black hair and, try as he might, an almost hairless body. His 9 incher put him in demand for the guys he brought home. Henry had taken Zack to a gala one evening which Roger had attended as well. "I know that guy," Roger was thinking. "That's Zack." They had worked together on one of those huge "sword and sandal" movies. Roger had a role as one of the advisers to the emperor. Zack played a Greek soldier, captured in battle. There was a torture scene. As part of that scene, Zack arms were chained to an overhead beam and then sprayed to look like he was sweating more than he was. He, and twenty other soldiers, were then flogged before being sent off to work the mines. Roger needed a break after that scene: he HAD to jerk himself. He checked out Zack for the rest of the time they were on the film, but never introduced himself. He had heard that Zack was diffident, and DID put out, but it would cost you. Instead, he collected tapes of every single movie Zack had been in, and he would spend his free time looking for the scenes that contained Zack. He never found another one where Zack was tied up or abused the way he was in that "classic," but he imagined what Zack would be like in his basement playroom, and what it would be like to be able to FINALLY parade him as his sub.

"Zack, I think we've had enough gala tonight," Roger was at the bar when he heard Henry say that to Zack, and he heard Zack respond "Yes Henry. Will you be wanting me to stay over tonight?" From the corner of his eye, he saw the look in Henry's face that told him "he can't afford the night" and heard Henry tell Zack he was tired. Maybe a raincheck. "Ok, Henry. I'll drive you home and then head out to my own place." Roger decided that perhaps it was time for him to leave as well, and to do some "scouting." He waited outside until he saw the two of them leave, and then he followed behind. He saw Zack leave Henry at his place with a very chaste kiss, and then he followed Zack's car.

Zack knew he was being followed. He never made the first move, though. If the guy were interested, he'd pull up alongside Zack, roll down his window and say something. Zack knew the drill. His time with Henry didn't stop him from "just making an honest buck making other guys happy" as he put it. So he just drove, steadily, observing Roger's black SUV from his window. "Huh. That was odd," he thought as he pulled into his garage, and saw the SUV go off into the distance. "I'm never wrong about these things and I thought..." He shrugged his shoulders and went into his house, flexed a bit to make sure his muscles were loose, and went to bed. While he was doing that, Roger drove to his own place. He was smiling as he thought "just a straight line from his place to mine. That'll make things MUCH easier."

Roger waited for two weeks. He drove past Zack's house every day, and tracked Zack's movements as well as he could. It seemed that Zack wasn't a morning person: he never saw Zack leave before 10:30, and that was always with a gym bag. A plan began to form in Roger's mind. He liked it. Could he carry it out? THAT he didn't know. He called an old trick who worked at the costume department for an agency specializing in commercials. "Mark? How are you? Listen, I've got 9 inches for a workman's costume. Cable, electric, something like that. NO, not phone. " (He wasn't even sure if Zack had a land line). Gotta fit me. Ok, thanks. See you tonight."

"WHAT THE HELL?" Zack rolled over in his bed. Was that the doorbell? He checked the alarm: 9 fucking 15. HUH? GEEZ, can't a man get any sleep. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. CALM THE FUCK DOWN" He reached for some jeans and pulled them on. He grabbed a shirt but when he peaked out the window, it was a guy - a not bad looking one either - from the cable company. He didn't need a shirt. "YEAH?" He opened the door, and a costumed Roger stood there. "Geez. He's STILL hot" he thought, trying not to focus on Zack's chest. "I'm sorry to trouble you Mr. Knight, but the cable in the area is out, and we traced it back to a node from your home. It won't take long to fix, but if you could just give me access...." "CABLE? What the..." Zack turned on the set. "MY SET IS FINE." "It IS sporadic Sir, I'll grant you that, but it's happening. If you wish to call your neighbors, that would be fine and I can wait." Zack thought about his neighbors. Did he even know who they were? "No, no, it'll be ok. Just be quick about it, ok?" "Yes sir. And again, I'm sorry to bother you." Roger dragged in his tool box, and a long roll of cable. The cable concealed rope: lots of it. The toolbox contained a large, bandana gag, a collar, and a small estim box. Zack went back to his bedroom. This guy WAS good looking, and he was horny. Henry blew him, but the guy's technique was piss poor. The last really truly GOOD blow job he had gotten from a truly hot guy was..." He heard the blare of the television. Loud. VERY loud. "HEY. Can you turn that thing down?" He was so focused on the sound that he didn't see that Roger was in the kitchen behind him. Next thing he knew, Roger had him in a bear hug. "WHAT THE FUCK? GET THE HELL OFF OF ME." Zack began to struggle. He felt how strong Roger was, and he saw that he had sealed the bear hug: one of Roger's hands encircled his other wrist, forming a tight circle around Zack. "I SAID LET ME THE FUCK GO. " "Oh, I don't think so, Zackie. I don't think so at all." Roger lowered his voice. "I've got you." "THE HELL YOU DO. WHAT THE...." As he struggled, Zack thought he felt a hard cock up against him and... DAMN, he was getting hard too. This guy was STRONG. So strong that he yanked Zack off the floor by about two inches and when he brought him back down, hard, Zack fell forward. "Hope you didn't hurt your face Zackster. It's too pretty to damage. NOW GIMME THESE." Roger was pulling Zack's wrists behind him, and Zack felt the rope tightening around them. "LET ME GO YOU BASTARD. HELP! HELP! " That's when Zack realized: the television was so loud that no one would have heard him. THIS GUY WAS SMART. Then, when the bandana got wrapped around his mouth, tight, only muffled sounds came out of him. What the? Was this guy gonna rob him? Then he felt the hand caressing his ass. "I KNEW you'd look good tied up Zack. And you do. DAMN. Why the hell did I wait so long?" He felt a metal collar getting fitted around his neck. He fretted and struggled, but without his hands, he couldn't do much. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" He felt the first bolt of power go through the collar, and then he saw Roger crouching in front of him. "Now, Zack, I TRULY don't like using electrical stimulation, but I will... if you give me trouble. I'm gonna help you up, and then... we're gonna go out to my car. You're gonna behave because... if you don't.. zap can become ZAP! Got it?" Zack pushed against the ropes a few more times, and then shook his head in assent. "Good, let's go." Roger hauled Zack to his feet, and started walking him toward his car. "DAMN. Someone besides me is excited." He pointed to the wet spot on Zack's jeans. Zack didn't even realize but... yeah, he had been thinking about this guy blowing him and then... this.." He had been tied up for film work before, so he knew how to walk when bound. "Into the backseat, stud. Not taking ANY risks. " He pushed Zack onto his side on the backseat and smiled. "Have I said yet that you REALLY look hot tied up?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Roger got into the car and started driving to his home.

"Struggling isn't gonna do you any good, Zack." Roger stood in front of Zack, who was sitting in a high backed chair. His hands were still tied behind him, and he was still gagged. Now, though, Roger had tied his ankles to two of the chair legs, and his crotch was exposed. He flinched and struggled to close his legs as Roger ran a paddle over his crotch, and again, no good. "Now, let's make a deal here Zack. I'll take off the collar, and if you behave yourself, I'll take off the gag, BUT... if you give me trouble, not only do the collar and gag go back on, but.... " Roger smiled and produced a pair of nipple clamps. Zack shifted from side to side. Henry had a set and he would ask Zack to use them on him. Zack always complied because the smallest stimulation to Henry's nipples would set him off, and Zack could go back home, having made his money a little quicker. He had been known to tweak his own nipples in private. They were sensitive. Again, he nodded in assent, and Roger kept his promise. Zack wanted to scream but he recognized that in his current position, that wasn't wise.

"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing this to me?" Zack was normally very gruff, because he was usually in charge with men. Not this time, and his questions were almost pleading. "AH. All very easy questions, Zack. FIrst.. my name is Roger Brown. Easy to remember. What you'll call me is even easier: Mr. Brown, Sir, or Master. " "Yeah, fuck that." Zack muttered, and Roger laughed. "All in good time, Zack, all in good time. So, from the answer to my first question, you can probably answer your others, but.... I want you as my boytoy. Or my sub, or my sex slave, however you want to describe it." "You're fucking SICK." Zack couldn't help himself and he got a SWAT from the paddle to his crotch. "As you'll learn, Zack, talk like that and that tone, are not appropriate. ESPECIALLY not from a manbitch." Zack winced at the word. Henry liked to be called that. Was this guy planning to do to him what he did to Henry? "And why? Well, stud, we worked on a movie together. That thing set in Ancient Rome." "Emperor's Lust? THAT one? That was a while ago. " "It was. But you know, you look even better than you did back then. " Roger put a finger under Zack's chin and pushed his face up. "I have dreamt about being in the position of the guy who did the floggings. Not to everyone else, but to you. And now... I can." "NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMMMMMMMPH." It didn't take long for Roger to get the gag back around Zack's mouth. "I keep my promises handsome. Now the collar." He fixed it back on Zack's neck. "And now.... " he ran the clamps up and down Zack's nipples until Zack was trembling. Then he attached them. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes, more or less."

Roger went back upstairs. He didn't have a camera or anything that would let him observe his captive, but he was fairly confident that Zack wasn't going to get loose. He was right. Instead, Zack fought against the pain and the stimulation the clamps were giving him. He always sweated heavily and this situation was making him sweat more than usual. "What that guy said? Did that mean he intends to... FUCK ME?" he thought to himself. "MY ASS? " (For all of his looks and charm, Zack had the reputation of not being the brightest light in the chandelier). He had looked over Roger more than once: there was no way he could take him: he knew that. He tried to remember him from the film and couldn't. He DID remember that he had had a short little affair with a cute Polish guy who was also playing a captured soldier and he basically went from bed to the set and back to bed again. He found that pulling against the ropes, and shifting position, made the clamps shift and new pain went through his nipples. He tried to stay as still as possible. He heard Roger's footsteps coming down the stairs. He had changed out of the uniform, and was wearing tight jeans and a t shirt. He grabbed a chair and sat opposite Zack. "Had enough popsicle, ha ha ha?" Roger flicked at the clamps. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "No? I was gonna take them off, but hey, if you ..." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Zack shook his head even though the movement sent more pain through his nipples. "Ok, I'll take it off. Maybe you learned your lesson. I'll take the gag off too, but the collar? " Roger pulled the estim box from the table. "It stays on. And I warn you: the first few minutes are gonna be tough." They were. Zack YOWLED when they came off. Still, when the gag came off he gasped out a "thank you. Please don't use them again. PLEASE." Roger stroked the inside of Zack's right thigh. "Well, what I do depends on how well you comply with instructions Zack. And how long I do them depends.... "He grinned. "On how long it takes before you give up. Before you submit. Because I'm not fucking you until you do, and until I do, well... I think we'll have plenty of fun. Or at least I will." "WHY ME? There are so many hot guys who like getting fucked. I can give you their names.." Roger laughed. "Because the one I want... is YOU. And I have you. And you know as well as I do... you're not getting away." Zack DID know that. He couldn't see a way out. "Of course, you could surrender right now, give up your ass, and then... we can move forward." "Not happening." "Oh we'll see. I have something kinda HOT in mind for you right now. I'm gonna untie you but.... I'm gonna keep a steady buzz on that collar to remind you that it could be a LOT worse." Zack thought about making a grab for the estim box, but when he saw Roger take it in one hand, and felt the knife cutting his bonds with the other, he knew that wasn't possible. "Get your jeans off. Let's see you in ALL of your splendor, Zack." He gulped. Getting undressed for Henry was one thing, but THIS guy... Roger kicked up the charge when Zack took too long. "OK OK. I GET IT. " He shucked his jeans. Roger smiled. He thought about handling Zack's cock, but ... he had other ideas. He kept the estim box in his hand as he went to a table top, and came back with a medium sized hitachi and a roll of tape. "See that wall over there, Zack? See the shackles?" "Yeah, I see them. I guess you're gonna use them on me." "Well, you're smarter than I thought. Against the wall. Lock one of your wrists with your free hand." Zack hesitated again, and this time, Roger kicked up the charge more than he did last time. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG" Zack reached for the collar before he buckled to his knees. Roger lowered the charge. "Up against the wall." "FUCK..." Zack moved and locked his left wrist with his right hand. "Put your other wrist level with the other shackle, stud." Zack did, and Roger locked it. "Now, just so you know, the basement is sound proofed, so if I gag you, it's because I like seeing you gagged. Scream all you want. I just add it to the punishment." He pressed the hitachi against Zack's balls, and then ran a long, STRONG strip of tape from one side of Zack to the other, holding the hitachi in place. "I COULD plug it in, and then it won't ever stop vibrating, but the battery will work for two hours. Let's see how much cum we can get outta you in those two hours." He smiled. "And if it's not enough, we'll do another two." "Please. Please. I'll do what you want." Roger looked at him. "No you won't. You're not gonna surrender are you?" Zack looked at him and muttered "No." "Ok. Then I'll be back in two hours. It'll only be midafternoon. Let's see what I can come up with between now and then." He flipped the on switch for the hitachi, and as Zack began to moan, he went back upstairs. "A week maybe? Let's see." Then he got in his car to head to Zack's house. He should have plenty of time to clean up the signs of struggle and to get some of Zack's stuff. And if he didn't, well... let Zack worry about being abandoned. He chuckled. "Less than a week. He's ripe for the picking and I'm gonna be the one that harvests that cherry."

Next: Chapter 2

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