Zachs Junior Year

By Zach Davis

Published on Oct 27, 1999


Reader: If you're under 18, you are supposed to go away and wait until you can handle this. If you don't approve of male-male sexuality and explicit description of gay sex, you have stumbled into the wrong place; stop reading and close the file. For everyone else, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did putting it together. Feel free to e-mail your thoughts.

Zach's Junior Year - Pt V - The Dance

With Spring quarter, people started looking for apartments and arrangements for the next year. One day, Robert mentioned that a couple of his friends, that I had also gotten to know, were putting together a group of four guys to rent a two bedroom apartment; was I interested in joining them and sharing a room with him next year? Of course, my answer was an immediate yes.

We both have an interest in anthropology, so we had worked out our schedules to take a course on Native American Cultures of the Southwest together. It was our last class of the day. As we arrived back at the dorm, some folks were in the TV room watching an afternoon talk show that was featuring people who wanted to be strippers - both gals and guys. The ladies were just finishing up. Of course they stopped short of being topless for TV, but there were plenty of jiggles and bumps and grinds. Then the guys came out. One just pulled off his shirt and played flex-the-muscles games. The other had worked out a routine, dancing, showing a little at a time. He wasn't all that muscled, but by the time he had gotten rid of that shirt all the gals were paying close attention. I guess the director got nervous, because when the dancer started making a production of lowering his zipper, the cameras went to some weird angles then cut to a commercial. Funny how it's ok for TV to ogle women but they cannot admit to really looking at males.

That evening we were about to call it a night when the DJ on the radio put on La Bamba. It has such a great dance beat, I started moving my feet and dancing to it, then thought of the show that afternoon. "Hey Robert, maybe we should get a job as male strippers." I pulled off a sock twirled it and threw it in the corner, did a couple of dance steps then did the same with the other one. Then I pulled up my shirt and flashed Robert my belly, turned my back to him as I pulled it over my back , then faced him with the shirt still covering my pecs the way the dancer had done on the show.

Robert said, "Yea, we could do that." , got up started swaying to the music then grabbed the bottom of his shirt with both hands and pulled it up so that it was inverted hiding his head but exposing his chest; swaying at the hips he did a dance turn so I could watch his butt and back muscles work, then faced me before pulling the shirt off the rest of the way.

I gave my shirt a twirl and sent it to the corner with my socks. Then, with a lot of hip motion, I undid my belt and rhythmically drew it out of my pants. Robert matched my motion. I lowered my zipper most of the way then pulled it back up. He was wearing button fly style and did a very deliberate one-handed operation with those buttons. I lowered my zipper and flashed one half of my basket then covered and flashed the other half. My dance partner chose to expose his all at once but only for a second then turned his back to me; with a sawing motion gradually showed his cotton covered butt, then, with a sharp spin, turned to face me and let his pants drop to the floor, stepped one foot out of them, with a side step he sent them sliding out of the the way under his bed, then continued a normal rock & roll dance wearing nothing but his white briefs. He was bulging, but the rhythm was moving so quickly nothing was too obvious. I seemed to be into flash and twirl, so I drew one leg out then tried to dance with one leg still on. That didn't work too well, so off they came and I flipped them into the corner. (Note for the future exotic dancers: empty you pockets before going on stage.)

There we were, two guys dancing together in our dorm in just our underwear. Robert's gyrations were making me nuts, I had to keep this moving forward. I put my hands on my hips, swaying, I pushed the waistband down to the base of my cock exposing my pubic hair and the top of my butt and allowing my cock to stick straight out. Robert smiled, turned around and flashed his ass, then faced me again. I turned my back to him, pushed my pants all the way down, stepped back (toward him) then held them in front of me when I faced him, swaying my hips but blocking his view of my equipment for a few beats before sending the jockeys off to the corner too. Consistent with his routine, he swayed with the music side-to-side and casually sent his shorts dropping to the floor then to disappear under his bed. Face it, Robert's just a classier act the I am!

We were both now, buck-naked, rock-hard and dancing to very hot Latin music. Swaying with the music, I locked eyes with him and started stroking my cock. Robert looked down at my hand action for a second then looked me in the eye as he started stroking his own. As the music neared its finish, I kept my eyes on his face and danced closer, he moved toward me until we were swaying inches apart. Without moving my eyes, I reached forward and took Robert's cock in my hand and started stroking him, without missing a beat, I felt his had wrap around my tool and gently stroke the shaft.

The dancing stopped before the music. For a few seconds, we stood there stroking each other, I put my free hand on his hip and he did the same. I moved my hand to feel the smooth soft flesh and my thumb rubbed the hair at the edge of his pubes. His motions again matched mine. I reached out, turned off the radio and motioned with my head for us to move to my bed. We lay down together side by side. I felt his skin touching my side and leg as keenly as his hand which was wrapped back around my dick. I stroked him a bit, just to confirm what we were there for, before I started exploring his body. That hard smooth body that had been the subject of so many fantasies this year was now here and real.

My fingers combed through his soft pubic hair, then up his abs. My index finger probed into his navel then followed the crease in the midline of his chest. I traced the outline of his pecs then circled the nipple which was also hard and erect. Robert kept a slow steady beat on my member as he watched my finger games. I reached down and let my finger start where his cock and sac met. I traced up the the ridge on the underside of the shaft to the tip, which was now flowing precum. I spread that clear juice around and around his cockhead. Now he stopped his attentions to me and focused on his own sensations. My finger retraced its route down and continued to follow the seam of his tight balls and found the clear, naked skin of his perineum. There, I pressed two fingers firmly deep into the soft flesh until I could feel I was massaging the deepest root of his cock. It waved and bounced with this attention. Going back to where I knew he wanted attention most, I wrapped my hand high on his cock and used my two fingers to spread the fluid there. I brought those fingers to my mouth for my first taste of Robert. He watched intently as my tongue licked his precum from my fingers then applied my own saliva back. I've always found the combination of precum and saliva a most effective lube, which is the mix I now created on his throbbing cockhead. I resumed stroking, this time letting those two fingers be divided by his head. One caressing his soft, satiny crown, the other pressing against the sensitive underside. Just that couple of inches of movement were creating a wonderful tension in Roberts face. I wasn't nearly ready to bring him off, so my hand drifted down and rested on his inner thigh.

Understanding that I was giving him some recovery time, he resumed his steady strokes on my pole. After a bit, he paused and looked at me, sort of asking permission as he put his hand in the center of my chest. I was guessing this was his very first time in bed with another guy. I smiled and whispered, "Do whatever you want." He gently rubbed my chest the rose on one elbow, leaned over and licked my hard nip. I lay back and enjoyed his attention as he reached down and cupped my balls, fondling them softly as his tongue flick my nip then his mouth sucked on it. Soon, he laid his head on my shoulder and rubbed my abs with his hand. Keeping his head on my chest he went back to my cock, this time running his finger up and down the underside of my shaft, across the top, then with separate and deliberate strokes, spread my precum down each side of my pulsing cock. Wrapping his hand just below the crown, he pulled up, allowing the skin to come over the crown, then down until his hand was buried in my hair. A bit of this and I needed to stop him.

I ran my fingers through his hair, outlined his ear with my thumb and putting my hand on his shoulder gently pushed him back flat on the bed. I turned on my side and scooted down the bed until my face was even with is chest. My cock dragged through the hair on his legs leaving its own snail trail. I rolled over straddling his legs and holding my self off of him with my arms. His stiff cock poked me in the belly as I bent down and kissed both pecs. My tongue started on the silky smooth skin at the center of his chest and worked down his midline. I skipped over his belly-button, went to the base of his abs and licked up the fine line of hair back to his navel. On all fours, I crawled down until I was centered over his waiving, streaming cock. I looked up to his face and raised my eyebrows to ask "OK?"; his eyes almost screamed, "Yes, please do it."

With sort of a push-up move, I lowered myself until I could collect his clear nectar with the tip of my tongue. It was fresh and sweet. My tongue went under then around his cockhead collecting all I could. His muscles tightened making his cock swing with every contact. What a nice game. Finally, I caught the tip with my lips and slowly, slowly lowered my mouth onto him. For a couple of seconds I sucked his cockhead like a puppy nursing, drawing his precum straight into my mouth. Then I started stroking his head with my tongue. Using one hand I held his shaft and took in as much of his cock as I could, then lifted up, just leaving my lips closed over the tip, then back down as far as I could go. I repeated this a few times, then let my mouth and tongue focus on his head while my hand pumped the shaft. Soon he whispered. "You've got to stop." I rose up and smiled. I leaned forward and kissed his belly just below his navel. His wet cock pressing at the base of my throat. I moved up in the bed and laid flat on top of him, my cock rubbing next to his in a double mat of hair. The sensation of his skin against mine was like a dream. I lowered my head down over his shoulder into the pillow. Cheek to cheek I breathed deeply taking in his smell and relishing every sensation I could find. After a few moments,I rolled off laying flat on my back with our hips and arms together.

"I want to try that too." he whispered as he lifted up and started to migrate down the bed. I spread my legs so he would climb between them. Kneeling between my legs, he stopped to lick and suck on both sides of my chest. I used the time to explore his back with my hands; I also ran my ankle along the back of his tight thigh as he balanced over me. This pleasantly brought the edge of my foot to wedge in the cleft of his ass, where by rotating my foot, I could massage his rose. A bit awkward but I wanted to touch every part of him all at once. Soon, he continued on toward is goal, pausing only to kiss my navel.

The moment came, he paused for a second looking at my swollen, throbbing cock, then he looked up into my eyes. Here was the scene I had held in my mind's eye so often, my impossible fantasy. This beautiful face, soft eyes, and friendliest smile looking up at me from between my legs. Slowly, dragging his fingers through my bush, he encircled the base of my cock with his thumb and finger, holding it still he looked at it for a moment more. I was not sure whether he was still deciding if this was what he wanted to do, or taking in every bit of our adventure. He opened his mouth, lowered his head, and I felt the warmth of his tongue and lips surround me. His tongue worked the under side of my head and shaft as his lips caressed my soft, sensitive crown. He was moving up and down taking in about half the length of my cock. After a bit he came off me, and started licking my shaft further down to its base and started licking my balls, under them, around the sides, then I felt his tongue probe the crease between my thighs and pubes, then along the other side. The sensations from all this attention was incredible. He held the my cock against the side of this nose and against his forehead. He started sliding up and flicking the shaft with his tongue as he drew up its length, then the same on the other side. He wanted to be doing this as much as I did! Again he drew my cock into his mouth, working it with his tongue, pumping my shaft with his hand. His other hand was on my hip, then across my abs, finally reaching up massaging my chest and nip. I was rapidly reaching a point of no return. I hugged him with my knees and whispered in a very throaty voice, "Unless you want to take it all, you better back off." Gently he rose, letting me slide slowly from his lips.

I put my hands on his sides, high under his arm pits, and urged, "Lay on top of me, put your cock between my legs, high up just under my balls. Fuck me there." He moved up laying on me as our legs exchanged position. I loved being crushed into the bed by him. With his full weight on my chest while we moved around, I could hardly breathe, I loved every second, even a moment of discomfort as my friend and I shared this intimacy. We adjusted my cock between us and his settled under my balls. I squeezed my thighs tight around him. His cock, hard and pulsing, between my legs felt so good, so much better than my own hand when I had imagined, beyond hope, that this could happen.

I wrapped my arms around him, and he started flexing his hips. Everything was so wet with precum and saliva sliding was easy. With the movement, I could feel every point of our contact. My chest rubbing against his, his chin against the top of my shoulder, his hot breath against my neck, and the smell his hair which was now damp with sweat from our dance and the excitement of the forbidden things which we were doing. Most especially, as he flexed his his hips, I felt his hard abs grinding against my excited, sensitized cock. Flexing my butt, I could stroke against his belly without loosening the clenched grip of my thighs on his pistoning cock. Quickly I was coming to a climax. This time, almost without warning, my throat let out a groan that might have been heard in the next room, my cock exploded between us. A river of hot jism spread between us. I squeezed him tighter with my arms and legs as wave after wave went through me. Robert paused his action for a bit as my hips bucked with the urgency of my pleasure. I could feel cum running down my sides and following his body down my pubes and between my legs. Gradually, my wild gyrations slowed. I then realized I had been breathing in gasps between each spasm. As I relaxed, Robert renewed his action. This time with hard, long strokes. Lubed with my cum, he was sliding quickly and easily. Suddenly he pitch forward harder. He drove his hands and arms under my back and grabbed at the top of my shoulders. With a series of hip drives that shook our bed, he found his mark. Without a sound I, I felt his cum flow under me, wetting the crevice of my ass, spreading between my thighs. My friend's cum enveloping me as he hugged, squeezed, and possessed me.

All too soon, he relaxed and collapsed, spent on top of me. Gently I stroked my hand along his back. I held him tightly with one arm, so there was no thought of moving while I reached out with the other and turned off the light. Wrapping both arms around him, we laid there, welded together, as I thought, "This is my roommate for next year".


This completes Junior Year. I hope you have enjoyed it. I love e-mail and welcome suggestions. For a while, I was in touch with a story editor that really helped tighten things up. - Thanks Dan, if you ever see this, I'd love to hear from you again.

I've not written anything more about Zach and Robert, but I have played with the idea of Zach meeting a new friend at "The Bookstore"

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