Zachs Junior Year

By Zach Davis

Published on Oct 17, 1999


Reader: If you're under 18, you are supposed to go away and wait until you can handle this. If you don't approve of male-male sexuality and explicit description of gay sex, you have stumbled into the wrong place; stop reading and close the file. For everyone else, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did putting it together. Feel free to e-mail your thoughts.

Zach's Junior Year - Pt III - Robert's Birthday

Around mid March, just before Robert's birthday we had a bit of a warm snap. Not surprising but maybe there is something to the theory that hormones rage a bit more in the Spring. Robert's birthday was going to land on Monday this year, so a few friends arranged a small party the Saturday before. Some friends that had an apartment made a lasagna and got some decent red wine. After dinner, we settled in to watch "Sneakers" an under-acknowledged Robert Redford move. We are both Redford fans; he makes great films. Besides I think he's a hunk; of course, that's an opinion I keep to myself. When we headed back to the dorm, we weren't exactly intoxicated, just comfortable and happy. Robert had a few presents. I told him I was keeping his till the actual day and would give it to him then.

Between the warm evening and the red wine, I guess Robert didn't need the usual blankets. He crawled into bed in just his cotton briefs and a sheet on top. The moon was almost full making the dorm pretty well lit. I was still laying there thinking about Redford and watching my roomie sleep. About one in the morning, Robert thrashed around until he had the sheet off and was just lying there in his white briefs. What ever was on his mind must have been nice since his briefs were tenting fast and his hand was wondering over his chest. I was hornier than I had been in months and I guess the wine might have lowered my inhibitions a bit. I raised up on one elbow and just watched Robert. His chest was just about perfect. Square pecs and just a bit of definition to his belly; not muscled up, just solid and inviting. His chest was smooth, but his legs were covered with light hair that picked up the moon light. I watched his face as his mouth moved and worked; I wondered what he was licking or sucking in his dream. His eyebrows frowned and then relaxed. I thought for perhaps the hundredth time that he should get some work as a model. As he wiggled around with his dream, his cock came to a full, roaring erection. The briefs were pulled so tight I knew if I got closer I could see his nuts and shaft through the leg hole that was being stretched and pulled off his thigh. I don't think I had anything in mind at the time as I slid off my bed to sit on the floor next to him. I just wanted to smell him and watch his incredible body.

The room isn't that big; with a step and a half, I was at his side. There I was, in just my own briefs, kneeling on the floor at my roommates crotch. His hand moved down and squeezed his cock and then went back to his chest. I leaned towards him, I could smell that warm male scent that had driven me to distractions months before. My heart was pounding out of my chest. An impulse more than a plan, I knew what I was going to do. I had a cover story in my head in case he woke up, but my dick was running the show far more than my brain.

I put two fingers I through the stretched leg of those white briefs and felt the underside of his hard cock. It jumped at my touch. I could feel the hard ridge underneath. His breathing caught a bit as I touched him. I thought ,"Gawd, I hope he doesn't hate me if he wakes up." I could feel his muscles tighten as I rubbed the under side of his shaft, but he didn't seem to wake. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and slowly pulled up. He had enough skin so that my hand stroked easily to the top and my index finger and thumb slid over his cockhead. His briefs were a little damp, and his slit was oozing precum. Using that natural lube, I eased my finger back down over the crest, held the base of his throbbing shaft and stroked back up again. As my thumb went over that soft, sensitive head, he let out a small groan. With one finger I circled the tip and collected that clear juice. With that, I wet the edge of his crown and worked back and forth smoothly over the edge using my thumb to keep pressure on the underside. He gasped and I felt his cock twitch and then explode. My hand was covered with hot cum and his briefs were soaked. Evidently still deep in his dream, his hips rocked gently, I let his movements pump his shaft in my hand until he stopped pulsing, then I eased my hand out. He had not softened yet and in the moonlight I could see globs of white clinging to hair at the base of his cock. I looked back up toward his face. It was a relaxed smile and the light glistened off the sweat on his beautiful, chiseled chest.

I whispered so very softly, "Happy birthday Robert." I stood, then grabbed a towel as I headed for the dorm shower room. I didn't expect to meet anyone and the hall was barely lit that time of night, but I had to have something to cover my wet shorts and raging pole. It would have been nice to lie in my own bed to release the flood I was holding, but I dared not push my luck further. A warm shower in one of the private stalls would have to do tonight. With his scent still in my head and his cum all over my hand, it would be fine.

By the time I got back to the room, Robert was covered with his sheet and had his back to me. I dropped the towel and crawled into my bed; two minutes later, I too was in a deep and peaceful sleep.

The next day, every thing was normal. No hint from my roomie about any dream or anything else. I sure wasn't going to ask.

As usual, Monday morning (Robert's official birthday) he was dressed and headed to breakfast ahead of me. I put his present, a Big Dog T-shirt, in my book bag and headed to the dinning hall. After we finished what passes for breakfast, as he was about to leave, I pulled out his package and handed it to him. He got a quizzical look on his face and asked. "What's this?"

I smiled. I always prefer giving presents on the proper day. "It's your birthday present, remember."

He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "But you already gave me a present. It was great!"

He walked away and I sat there in a panic. We wasn't asleep! He heard me wish him a happy birthday when I left. He said it was great, but what does he think of me for doing it.

Next: Chapter 4

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