Zachary and Jonathan

By Kevin Cox

Published on Nov 22, 1999


Zachary and Jonathan Part Seven

Jon woke up feeling great for the first time since his break up with Zach. Jason was still sound asleep besides him, looking so cute Jon couldn't help but kiss him. Jason moved a bit when Jon's lips touched his but he didn't wake up. Jon looked at his watch and realized it was 10h30, which was way past the usual wakeup call, Jon panicked thinking that Jason's parents saw them together, even though he knew they would never do anything to harm him, it just felt weird.

Robert was walking around in circles for about ten minutes now, waiting for the boys to get up.

  • "That's enough", he said heading for the tent, "We loosing out on a beautiful day because of them, I'm going to wake them up."

-"Fine" said Ally, "but maybe they're not asleep, maybe they're doing something else."

Robert stopped walking, he knew what his wife was implying and even though he understood his son's homosexuality, he didn't want to walk on him having sex with his boyfriend so he turned back and sat down at the picnic table with his wife.

Jon heard Jason's parents arguing and decided it was time to get up, he got out of the sleeping bag, trying not to wake Jason up. He got to his things and got out a pair of boxers, which he quickly got over his semi-hard cock. Jason who had been woken up when Jon left their sleeping bag opened his eyes just in time to see Jon's cock disappear under his boxers.

-"What are you doing", he asked.

-"It's past 10h30 and your parents are getting impatient for us to get up." Jon answered.

Jason got out of the sleeping bag, he was still naked and had a big hard on which didn't leave Jon indifferent, he walked to Jon, wrapped his arms around him, pulled him so close to him that Jon could feel his hard cock resting on his abs and he kissed him passionately while his hand slowly went down Jon's back. When they stopped kissing, Jason's hand was pulling Jon's boxers down.

-"Jason...what are you thinking...your parents..." began Jon.

-"They waited this long, they can wait a little more" Jason replied looking straight into Jon's eyes.

Jon couldn't say no to those eyes and he was so horny that if he didn't have sex now, he would have a huge hard on all day. So he kissed Jason and started caressing him to show he agreed with the plan. Jason then got rid of Jon's underwear and began lowering himself until he was face to face with Jon's hard cock, he began licking the head all around tasting the precum and making Jon moan. His new boyfriend's moans stimulated Jason a lot, he loved the taste of Jon's cock and hearing him having so much pleasure made him love sucking him even more. After a while, Jason started licking Jon's whole cock, from his big balls, to his hard shaft, ending on his tip. Jason did that until Jon's cock was completely covered with his saliva then he got the head in his mouth and started going up and down on Jon's manhood. Jason a terrific cock sucker from what Jon could feel, he was in so much intense pleasure that he forgot all about Jason's parents waiting for them, at this moment there was only one thing that mattered to him and it was the incredibly hot young man doing a damn good job at sucking his cock. He was doing so great that Jon could feel he was going to cum really soon.

  • "'re so hot...I'm so close..." as Jon said those words, his cock shooting cum into Jason's mouth, who was happy to taste Jon's cum one more time. After unloading, Jon got to his knees and kissed his hot lover to thank him for his great blowjob.

-"You're the best" Jon said.

-"Thanks, you're not bad yourself" Jason replied.

-"Not bad! Just that!"

-"I was kidding, you're hottest guy I've ever met and you know that."

-"Thanks, now I think we should get out, it's ten past eleven"


The two young men got to their bags and began dressing up.

-"Hey Jase, I know your parents are ok with us, but how ok are they?"

-"What do you mean?"

-"Well, can we kiss in front of them?"

-"Not really, they don't like it but they don't care about what we do in private."

-"OK, cool."

When they got out of their tent, the couple heard Jason's dad shout: "Well it's about time you guys got up! It's almost time to eat lunch."

-"Come on Bob! Cut them a little slack, you know how it is when you start in a new relationship..."

-"Well I don't think I remember honey, it was so long ago... Well let's forget about that, you guys are up for a game of volleyball?"

-"Ok dad, but prepare to lose." Answered Jason.

They got in position, Jason and Jon in a team and Robert and Ally in the other. It was a hot day and after a couple of plays, Jason was so hot and sweaty that he had to get his shirt off which Jon appreciated a lot because he could admire Jason's beautiful firm body. Actually, all Jon had on his mind was how handsome Jason was, he kept thinking of him naked and how much he wanted his hard cock. They played three games before lunchtime all won by Jon and Jason.

-"It's time to eat now, but I want a rematch after lunch, Jase! You won't beat your old man that easily this time."

-"No problem , dad but you and mom are no match for me and Jon" answered Jason.

-"We'll have a score of 4 and 0, it will look even better than 3 and 0" added Jon.

-"Don't be so confident, we'll see who is gonna laugh after the you boys go get some water at the spring while we start cooking."

-"You mean while MOM starts cooking and I wouldn't call grilling hot-dogs cooking ."

-"Yeah, yeah whatever, just go get the water."

Robert waited for the boys to be out of sight and turned to Ally.

-"Honey, make sure they eat a lot... I want to win that game and if they have too much to eat then..." he began.

-"Ain't that call cheating honey?" replied Ally.

-"No, that's called putting all the chances on our side and do you want to loose again?"

-"You're right you can thrust me they'll have plenty to eat." Ally said with a smile.

-"I love you."

Jason and Jon arrived at the spring and since Ally and Robert weren't around, Jon seized the opportunity and wrapped his arms around Jason and started kissing him passionately, he quickly slid his hand in Jason shorts feeling what he had been fantasizing about all morning. Jason pulled back from his boyfriend who, he thought, was going to far.

-"Jon what are you thinking, we can't do that here." -"Come on Jase! Nobody's around and you can't imagine how bad I want you, since this morning all I'm thinking about his your naked body." -"I want you as badly as you want me believe me Jon but if we don't come back with those plastic bottles full of water soon, my parents will come to see what's going on..." -"I guess, you're right but another kiss wouldn't slow us down too much." Replied Jon getting his arms back around Jason , the couple kissed intensely knowing they wouldn't be able to do so for some time. -"When we get back, I'll have my parents drop me off at your house and there we'll do whatever you want." -"Ok, deal, so now let's fill those bottles with water and get back."

When they came back with the water, Jason's parents got their plan in action and got the new couple to eat hot-dog after hot-dog until there was no more. When they all finished eating, the four campers got to the volleyball net and since the boys had so much to eat, Robert and Ally easily defeated them. Since it was such a beautiful and hot day, they spent the rest of the afternoon swimming in the lake and left the camping site just after dinner.

When they got back to civilization, as promised Jason got off at Jon's home. The second they got inside the house , the two young men jumped in each other's arms and began kissing letting their hands explore each other's body. Jon broke the kiss and whispered to Jason:

-"Let's go to my room."

Jason followed Jon who ran into his bedroom, when they were both in Jon sat on his bed and told Jason to close to door, the young actor kept looking avidly at Jason's crotch , he had been wanting his big cock since this morning after he gave him such a great blow job but he had to wait all day for them to be alone and now that they were Jason was in for some really hot action. Jason knew what Jon wanted so he took off his shirt and got himself closer to his boyfriend, Jon was now face to face with Jason's bulged shorts, Jon got the zipper down and then got his hands inside Jason's shorts were he immediately felt his erect cock stretching his underwear. Reaching in his lover's briefs, Jon got Jason's hard cock out and slowly wrapped his lips around the head, which shook Jason all over. The young man had been waiting all day for this moment just like Jon and the feeling of his lips on his manhood was so good after so much anticipation. Before long, Jason's cock was soaked with Jon's saliva as the hot actor kept going up and down on it. Jon loved the taste of Jason's cock, all the precum it was producing made Jon extremely horny, he was going up and down on the big hard dick at a great speed to get the most precum possible. Jason couldn't stop moaning because of how much pleasure he was having, he looked down at Jon and couldn't believe it was him , Jonathan Taylor Thomas, who was sliding his lips up and down his cock giving him such a great time. Jason felt he was going to cum, he closed his eyes and let out a deep moan while his cock began shooting cum in Jon's mouth. Jon savored every drop of his boyfriend's hot cum and then let his softening cock out of his mouth.

Instead of getting his cock back in his shorts, Jason got them down followed by his briefs and then sat on the bed with Jon. The couple kissed passionately, Jon was caressing Jason's naked butt cheeks and Jason was feeling Jon's hard cock through his shorts. They stopped kissing so Jon could get undressed, while Jason was undoing his pants, Jon removed his shirt. Once Jon was fully naked, they kissed one more time and then Jason laid down on the bed spreading his legs apart to let Jon know he wanted to be fucked. Jon had been waiting for this moment, all day he kept thinking what it would feel like to fuck Jason's tight hole. As he slowly inserted his cock in Jason's ass, Jon realized that his lover's cock was quickly getting back to full erection, which made him even more excited. Soon, Jon was sliding his pole inside Jason's hot hole as fast as he could watching Jason jack off and moan. Jon's bed was shaking tremendously from the couple's intense intercourse, both young men were covered with sweat, which only stimulated them more. Jason was clutching the bed sheets, yelling out his boyfriend's name, overwhelmed by the feeling of Jon's hard dick ramming his hole. Jason was having so much pleasure that his cock began shooting loads after loads of white creamy cum in the air that fell back on his muscular chest. Jon while fucking Jason's hole , watched his lover unload, looking forward to cleaning up the hot young man. Jon's cock kept sliding in and out of Jason's tight hole for two more minutes before it began shooting hot cum over and over. Jon slid his cock out of his lover's ass and then laid himself onto Jason and gave him a long kiss on the lips before slowly getting down his body to lick the cum off his pectorals and abs, Jon was enjoying the sweet taste of his boyfriend's cum. When he was finished cleaning up, Jon got back up and he and Jason kissed and caressed each other for some time before the couple got dressed up and left the bedroom.

The couple decided to go see a movie, Jon got a cap and sunglasses on the keep him from being noticed, which didn't really work because people were pointing at him asking themselves why he was wearing sunglasses at night but nobody figured out who he was. Once the lights went down Jon removed his disguise. In the middle of the movie, Jon felt Jason's hand slowly sliding up his thigh to his crotch. At first, Jon was very uncomfortable, he kept looking around if anyone was looking and wanted to get Jason's hand off but it felt so good Jon decided not to.

After the movie ended, Jon and Jason got up and slowly walk away in the crowd talking about what they liked and disliked about the movie, that's when they bumped into Steve and some other guy Jon had never seen before. Jason didn't like this at all, Steve and his boyfriend, they would surely figure out what was going on between him and Jon. The first thing Steve said confirmed Jason's fear:

-"Wow Jason! , you were always a lucky guy!"

-"Wha...what do you mean Steve?"

-"Don't play dumb Jase, you're going out with Jonathan Taylor Thomas, if that's not luck I don't know what is, although you should watch him closely if you want to keep him all to yourself."

Jon couldn't believe what he was hearing, Steve knew too much to be simple deduction.

-"Jon is just a friend, Steve! Don't go and start stupid rumors!"

-"Come on, Jase, I saw you guys look at each other in the theater and you seem to be forgetting that I'm one of Zach's best friends, I know all about Jon, so stop trying to cover for him."

-"Ok...ok... you're right...happy now?" said Jason in a failed attempt to hide his anger.

-"Why do you get so worked up about it, I think you guys look cute together." Replied Steve grinning while the couple was walking away from him.

-"Oh, my God! Sorry about that Jon, Steve just gets on my nerves."

-"I didn't know Steve was so close to Zach, I guess I didn't know him all that know we saw each other at work but aside from we didn't really see each other very often before we got together...ah never mind that...Jase how did Steve know you were gay exactly?"

-"We...We used to date..."

-"What? Didn't you just say he was getting on your nerves?"

-"I figured that out after two months with him" answered Jason with a smile.

-"...if Steve knows about us, it means Zach is gonna know very soon."

-"Yeah, do you have a problem with that?"

-"I guess not, no... no I'm ok with it."

That last sentence did all but comfort Jason who felt Jon had some problem with it but didn't know why. He decided to let it go and went back to Jon's house where the couple kissed goodnight. As he walked back home, Jason had the strange feeling that with Steve knowing about him and Jon, things would never be the same. If anything was going to happen he would know tomorrow at the soccer game.

"So Zach will know that I have a new boyfriend soon", Jon thought to his self, "why do I care that much about it, Zach hates me anyway… and what if he didn't?" he asked his self. He didn't want to think about that, the fact was that, Zach didn't want to see him anymore, so he didn't have to answer this question Jon convinced his self.

Steve picked up the phone and dialed Zach's number, it rang five times before the young man answered. Steve didn't feel comfortable with this situation but he felt he had to tell him what he had learned earlier this evening.

-"Hello", Zach answered with a sleepy voice.

-"Hey, Zach it's me Steve…I have some news for you…" ,began Steve.

-"Couldn't that wait for tomorrow, I was sleeping, you know!"

-"Well, it's kind of important news…um…well…Jon has a new boyfriend…"

There was a short moment were nobody talked, Zach had been stunned by what his friend just revealed to him but then he got his composure back and said:

-"Why should I care about that?"

-"Come on Zach! You can't fool me, I know even though he hurt you, somehow you're still into the guy."

-"What are you talking about Steve, you couldn't be more wrong, I'm so over Jon…so…so…do I know him?"

-"It's…it's Jason…"

-"JASON…Jason from the soccer team!?"

-"Yeah…Zach…listen we'll talk about it more tomorrow, I just felt I had to tell you."

-"Don't worry about me Steve, I'll be fine", said Zach sarcastically.

-"Well…talk to you at the game tomorrow, good night"

-"Yeah, good night.", Zach said hanging up the phone. He went back to bed thinking about what Steve said: he believed he still had feelings for Jon. That was ridiculous, Zach thought as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Zach woke up early to get ready for the game, he had completely forgotten about what Steve told him the night before but it quickly came back to him when he saw Jason on the soccer field. Zach didn't want to but he felt jealous of him, like Jason had stolen Jon from him. "Maybe Steve was right", Zach thought, "maybe I still have feelings for Jon…"

The game started and Zach let all this thinking aside to concentrate on the game, when he played soccer he just wanted to have fun and too much thinking could spoil his fun. The other team was pretty good and although everyone in Zach's team gave his maximum they lost. As soon as the game was over Zach's thoughts came back right away, he had to do something to get over Jon, he thought he hated Jon since he had sex with Taran, but it wasn't the case. Zach came to realize that if he could become friends with Jon, that it would be the best way to get over him without having to leave him out of his life. So before everybody left Zach got up and said:

-"Even if we lost, we played a great game and we should be proud of ourselves. Next time we'll get them…", all the players cheered, " and in two days I'm organizing a party at my place before my folks come back from their trip and you're all invited.", once again the players cheered as they got out.

-"Jason…can I talk to you for a second?" Zach asked.

-"Sure" Jason answered not too sure what to expect. Zach waited for the others to be out and began:

-"I just wanted you to know that I'm fine with you and Jon and that you can bring him to the party Wednesday and that if he wants he can come back to play with us because…well…'cause Dany really sucks."

Jason smiled at Zach's remark. The young man was relieved. For a second, he thought that Zach was going to punch him in the face or something ,but it went really well, better than he had hoped for.

-"I'll tell Jon." Said Jason leaving the room.

When Jason was gone Zach heard one of the bathroom stalls door opening and saw Steve coming out of it clapping his hands.

-"Wow man! You're making progress, you decided to stop hating Jon?"

-"I guess…what are you doing…spying on me like that?"

-"I just wanted to make sure you didn't beat Jason to death."

-"You know me better than that Steve! I would never do that!"

-"Yeah well, I just wanted to hear what you had to say and I needed to talk to you…I have something to ask you…"

-"Go ahead"

-"Tomorrow, is my boyfriend's birthday and…well…one of his fantasies…is to have a threesome…I thought I would make this fantasy come true as his gift…and I thought you could be the third guy…", Steve saw Zach's expression change suddenly from the surprise, his friend wasn't answering so Steve added: "What do you think?"

Zach wasn't expecting this at all, Steve had been his friend for as long as he could remember and even though they were both gay, nothing ever happened between them. They were best friends, confidents and Zach was happy with that, but the Steve's proposal just complicated things.

-"Are you sure that's what you want?" Zach finally answered.

-"Don't worry Zach, I decided that long ago if you don't want to come, I'll pay some guy or something"

-"It's just that it'll feel weird, you and I together, I never thought of that, you know…"

-"I promise you, it won't change our friendship…Come on! I'm sure you too once fantasized about doing it with two guys."

-"Of course, I did", replied Zach blushing.

-"So…will you do it? I'm sure Mike would be thrilled too!"

-"OK, I'll do it and I could use the sex." Zach said smiling.

-"Cool man! Come at my place around 8pm tomorrow."

The next day, Zach got to Steve's home at 7h56, he rang the doorbell and heard someone getting up and walking to the door. Steve opened the door, Zach looked around, Mike was nowhere to be found. For a second, the thought that Steve had set him up crossed Zach's mind, but it quickly flew by, Steve wasn't the kind of guy to joke around with stuff like that.

-"Where's Mike?" Zach asked.

-"He's at his place with his parents, but he'll be there soon. On a totally different subject…WOW! I didn't know you could be that sexy."

Zach was wearing a white T-shirt which was letting his strong arms show, he had some gel in his hair that gave him a really hot look and his firm butt was very well outlined by the tight jeans shorts he had on which also outlined his big cock perfectly. Steve told Zach to go hide in the bedroom while he waited for Mike to come back. For five minutes, he walked around in circles asking himself if he had made the right choice to agree with this, he was very nervous of what was going to happen tonight, it could be totally amazing or it could turn out to be a complete disaster. Finally, the door opened and Mike came in, Zach heard Steve talk to his boyfriend about his special "gift" and he was very relieved when he heard Mike say:

-"Wow, Steve! You're the greatest, I'm so excited, is he here?"

-"Yes, he is…he's in my room."

-"Cool, is he cute? Where did you find him? Oh! Is he blonde? I love blondes!" asked Mike visibly very excited.

-"Yes, not far and yes" answered Steve opening the door to the bedroom. Mike's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw Zach standing there, looking hot as hell, in middle of the room. He couldn't believe it : not only was he going to realize one of his wildest fantasies, he was going to do it with one of the hottest guy he knew. Steve was smiling, he was happy that Mike approved his choice for the third guy. No one was saying a word, every guy looking at the other two with lust and anticipation in their eyes. Finally, Steve broke the silence by saying:

-"Mike, you can go to Zach, I want to see you guys together going at it."

Mike didn't wait for more, he was excited just looking at Zach with his clothes on, he was really looking forward to undressing to hot young actor. As he walked towards Zach, Mike took off his shirt revealing a smooth muscular chest. Zach's doubts about this evening quickly vanished when Mike wrapped his arms around him and laid his lips on top of his, he began caressing Mike's naked chest feeling every firm muscle while the young man was busy undoing his belt. Seconds later, Zach felt his jeans shorts fall to the floor and Mike's hands running underneath his t-shirt, he got his arms in the air so Mike could remove his shirt. When he got his arms back down, he quickly got one hand to Mike's waist to undo his belt while the other was sliding on the bulge in Mike pants. On his side, Mike was enjoying the feel of Zach's huge boner through the fabric of his briefs.

Steve had one fear about the threesome, he was worried he'd get jealous seeing Zach with Mike but judging by the hardness of his cock, Steve could easily say he was a lot more excited than jealous. The sight of his boyfriend and Zach undressing each other was like watching very very hot gay porn. Steve was so aroused that he got his pants and boxers to his knees and began jerking his already fully hard cock as he watched Mike sliding Zach's briefs off. Now the young man's 9 inch dick was standing straight up with some precum leaking from it, Mike slowly licked the sweet juice off the cock head. Steve watched eyes wide open, his hand was running faster and faster on his boner soon covering it with precum.

Mike got one hand on Zach's manhood, the other on his smooth ass and got his lips around the large cock head, tasting the precum that Zach was leaking in large quantity. Zach began moving his hips fucking Mike's mouth just as he was starting to slide his lips up and down his cock. Mike reached down and got his cock out of his boxers, so he could jack himself off while he was sucking Zach's dick. Steve couldn't just watch anymore, he wanted to be part of the action so he got naked, got up on the edge of his bed, so his hard, precum soaked cock would at about the same height than Zach's face. Steve didn't have to ask anything, Zach understood what he had to do right away, he stuck his tongue out and licked Steve's dick from the base to the swollen head, spending some time on the sensitive skin under the head then going back down. He licked the young man's hairy balls, stimulated by the long moans he was releasing and also by the feel of Mike's lips running up and down his cock. As he licked his way back up Steve's cock, Zach took care of getting all the precum that Steve had oozed. Once he got to the cock head, Zach got all of Steve's hard dick in his mouth and began sliding up and down the slick shaft, making Steve shout out his pleasure. Steve keep running his hands through Zach's blonde hair as he watched him working on his manhood. Suddenly, Zach stopped sucking Steve's hard prick, he was shaken all over as he began shooting loads after loads of hot cum in Mike's mouth. Mike got every drop of the white creamy liquid Zach shot at him and then licked his cock clean. After he recovered from his orgasm, Zach got back to sucking Steve's dick, he slid his lips on the hard rod a couple of time. He was savoring the taste of his friend's cock when he felt Mike's arms wrapping around him from behind followed by the incredibly feeling of his hot cock pressed against his butt, then he felt Mike's cock slowly sliding up and down between his butt cheeks to tease him. Steve watched the scene aroused like he never was before, then his cock swelled up and he closed his eyes to enjoy his orgasm to the fullest, his hard cock filling Zach's mouth with hot creamy cum.

When Steve got his dick out of Zach's mouth, the young actor got on his hands and knees and closed his eyes in wait of Mike's hard prick. Zach felt it sliding between his butt cheeks a couple of times before he sensed the hot swollen cock head slowly entering his hole, he moaned loudly as Mike slid his cock deeper and deeper into his ass. Steve, who was already back to full erection got behind Mike and began caressing his smooth ass. He then leaned over pressing his hard cock on his back and whispered to his boyfriend's ear:

-"How do you like your gift so far?" -"It's awesome, you're the best Steve, I love you... Stop teasing me with your big tool on my back, I want it deep in my ass." Mike answered.

Steve kissed Mike before doing what he was asked to, he slid his cock gradually in his boyfriend's hot hole stopping when his balls touched Mike's butt. Mike began moving his hips, sliding his cock in and out of Zach's tight hot hole. Steve mimicked his lover and began thrusting his hard pole inside the hole it was resting in. Mike was overwhelmed with pleasure, never before had he felt the pleasure of fucking and being fucked at the same time, Steve's cock ramming his ass somehow increased the pleasure of his own cock going in and out of Zach's tight hole and the deep moans Zach was releasing just made it even more exciting. The three young men were breathing heavily, sometimes shouting out their ecstasy , sometimes letting out intense groans or just whispering words of encouragements to each other. After some time, Mike felt Steve was close to orgasm so he whispered: "Mmmm, Steve, you're such a great fucker! Cum in my hole." Seconds later, Steve felt his balls moving and he began shooting loads after loads of cum in his lover's hole. Mike who was close to orgasm before Steve filled his hole with hot creamy cum didn't last after he did. He got his cock out of Zach's ass and began shooting cum on Zach's smooth butt and on his back. When he was done cumming, Mike began licking his own sperm off Zach's ass , he was quickly joined by Steve.

-"This is so hot, I can't believe it!" Mike said. -"Yeah, and it looks like it's not finished yet." Replied Steve looking at Zach's crotch where his 9 inch cock was standing straight up with a long string of precum sliding from it. Zach smiled and said: -"I bet you would love to have it up your tight little hole." -"Man, I thought you would never ask, I've always wondered what it would be like to have a dick as big as yours ramming my hole."

After saying that, Steve laid down on the bed and spread his legs apart in wait for Zach's big cock. The young actor got his friend's legs up on his shoulders and then placed his swollen cock head at the edge of his ass hole before slowly inserting all of his 9 inches in the tight hot hole. Steve thought he was going to pass out from pleasure as the massive cock began sliding in and out of his ass faster and faster. He could hear Zach's balls slapping on his butt with each thrust of his hips. Mike ,who thought it would be a while before he could get back in action because of the so intense orgasm he had before, was very surprised to find his cock hard as rock so soon. So he got on the bed and placed his self over Steve's face. Mike didn't have to tell his lover what to do, he knew instantly what he wanted him to do. Steve stuck his tongue out and licked all around Mike's hole, Steve had just started his rimming that Mike was already moaning and grunting loudly. To add to his boyfriend's pleasure, Steve grabbed his cock and started to jerk it and began licking inside his lover's hole, getting his tongue in as far as he could making Mike yell his pleasure. Zach got one arm around Mike's waist and brought him close so he could kiss him. They kissed ardently, Zach still sliding his cock in Steve's hole. Mike lost it, he was overwhelmed with pleasure and his cock began spurting cum on Zach's chest making the young man even hornier which showed in his kiss which got even more passionate. Steve noticed Zach was getting more excited when he felt the young actor's cock slide even faster than before. Not long after, Zach filled Steve's hole with a great amount white creamy cum.

Zach got out of Steve's ass and the three young man dropped on the bed, all more than satisfied by their evening. For a couple of minutes, they all laid side by side without a word being said.

-"Happy birthday Mike!" Said Steve. -"Happy birthday man!" Zach added. -"Wow! That was by far the best birthday ever, thanks guys!" -"No problem, Mike. I think I'm going to leave now, you guys have fun!" Said Zach getting up, the collect his scattered clothes. -"You were great Zach, I really had a blast." Mike stated as he watched Zach put his briefs on. -"Yeah, you're so cool, it's not everybody who would have accepted this kind of thing." Steve followed. -"Well, thanks guys, you know I had a wonderful time too, I needed that."

Zach was now fully dressed, he said goodbye to the couple, got to his car and headed for his house. As he was driving, Zach got to think about his situation: what he had done tonight, he had done it to prove his self that he was over Jon, but it did the opposite. Zach realized that since he and Jon had broken up, he had sex with guys that he knew he would never have a serious relationship with because even though he got his self to think differently, he was still attached to Jon emotionally. Now that he was alone with his thoughts Zach had to admit the fact that Jon was with somebody else really bothered him, he couldn't help but think he had lost the man of his life forever.

Part Seven is finally over after a very very long time I know but it's better late than never right? I worked a long time on this part so I would really appreciate some feedback. I'm going to get on Part Eight right away, but I don't know when I'll be done. My e-mail is still , I want to know what you think!

Next: Chapter 7

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